blob: 304c7b3e07dae45901f0fc7125ab7296e04322cc [file] [log] [blame]
% $Id$ %
\note{Rockbox presently runs only on the original Ipod Video 30GB and 60GB,
and on the newer 30GB Ipod Video (sometimes referred to as the ``5.5G'').
Rockbox does \emph{not} run on the 80GB Ipod Video) (sometimes known as the
``5.5G''). For information on identifying which Ipod you own, see this page
on Apple's web site: \url{}
\note{Rockbox presently runs only on the original Ipod Nano. Rockbox does
\emph{not} run on the newer, second generation Ipod Nano (the all alumminum
verion). For information on identifying which Ipod you own, see this page on
Apple's web site: \url{}
Before installing Rockbox you should make sure you meet the prerequisites.
Also you may need some tools for installation. In most cases these will be
already available on your computer but if not you need to get some additional
\item[ZIP utility.]\index{zip}
Rockbox is distributed as an archive using the
\fname{.zip} format. Thus you need a tool to handle that compressed
format. Usually your computer should have a tool installed that can
handle the \fname{.zip} file format. Windows XP has built-in support for
\fname{.zip} files and presents them to you as folders unless you have
installed a third party program that handles compressed files. For
other operating systems this may vary. If the \fname{.zip} file format
is not recognised on your computer you can find a program to handle them
at \url{} or \url{} which
can be downloaded and used free of charge.
\item[USB connection.] To transfer Rockbox to your \dap{} you need to
connect it to your computer. To proceed you need to know where to access the
\dap{}. On Windows this means you need to figure out the drive letter
associated with the device. On Linux you need to know the mount point of
your \dap{}.
Your \dap{} should enter disk mode automatically when connected to a
computer via USB. If your computer does not recognise your \dap{}, you may
need to enter the disk mode manually. Disconnect your \dap{} from the
computer. Reset the \dap{} by pressing and holding the \ButtonMenu{} and
\ButtonSelect{} buttons simultaneously. As soon as the \dap{} resets, press
and hold the \ButtonSelect{} and \ButtonPlay{} buttons simultaneously. Your
\dap{} should enter disk mode, and you can try reconnecting to the computer.
\note{\index{Firewire}Firewire detection is not supported in Rockbox at
the moment. Please use USB only.}
\item[Text editor.] As you will see in the following chapters, Rockbox is
highly configurable. In addition to saving configurations within Rockbox,
Rockbox also allows you to create customised configuration files. If you
would like to edit custom configuration files on your computer, you will
need a text editor like Windows' ``Wordpad''.
\note{In addition to the requirements described above, Rockbox only works on
Ipods formatted with the FAT32 filesystem (i.e., Ipods initialized by iTunes
for Windows). It does not work with the HFS+ filesystem (i.e. Ipods
initialized by iTunes for the Mac). More information and instructions for
converting an Ipod to FAT32 can be found on the
\url{} wiki
page on the Rockbox web site. Note that after conversion, you can still use
a FAT32 Ipod on a Mac.
\section{Installing Rockbox}\label{sec:installing_rockbox}
\subsection{Using the windows installer}
Using the Windows self installing executable to install Rockbox is the
easiest method of installing the software on your \dap{}. Simply follow the
on-screen instructions and select the appropriate drive letter and
\dap{}-model when prompted. You can use ``Add / Remove Programs'' to
uninstall the software at a later date.
\subsection{Manual installation}
For non{}-Windows users and those wishing to install manually from the
archive the procedure is still fairly simple.
\opt{HAVE_RB_BL_ON_DISK}{There are three separate components of Rockbox,
two of which need to be installed in order to run Rockbox.}
\opt{HAVE_RB_BL_IN_FLASH}{There are two separate components of Rockbox
that need to be installed in order to run Rockbox.}
\item[The \playerman{} boot loader.]
The \playerman{} boot loader is the program that tells your \dap{} how to boot
and load the remaining firmware from disk. It is also responsible for the
disk mode on your \dap{}.
This boot loader is stored in special flash memory in your \playerman{}.
It is already installed on your \dap{}, so it is never necessary to modify
this in order to install Rockbox.}
\item[The Rockbox boot loader.] \index{Boot loader}
\opt{HAVE_RB_BL_ON_DISK}{The Rockbox boot loader is loaded from disk by
the \playerman{} boot loader. It is responsible for loading the Rockbox
firmware and for providing the dual boot function. It directly replaces the
\playerman{} firmware on the \daps{} disk.}
\opt{gigabeat}{\note{Dual boot does not currently work on the gigabeat.}}}
The boot loader is the program that tells your
\dap{} how to boot and load other components of Rockbox. This is the
component of Rockbox that is installed to the flash memory of your
\item[The Rockbox firmware.]
\opt{HAVE_RB_BL_IN_FLASH}{Unlike the \playerman{} firmware, which runs
entirely from flash memory, }
\opt{HAVE_RB_BL_ON_DISK}{Similar to the \playerman{} firmware, }
most of the Rockbox code is contained in a
``build'' that resides on your \daps{} drive. This makes it easy to
update Rockbox. The build consists of a directory called
\fname{.rockbox} containg all of Rockbox' files, which is located in the
root of your \daps{} drive.
\subsection{Installing the firmware}\label{sec:installing_firmware}
There are three different types of firmware binaries from Rockbox website:
Release version, current build and daily build. You need to decide which one
you want to install and get the version for your \dap{}.
\opt{archos}{The release version is the latest stable release, free
of known critical bugs. The current stable release of Rockbox, version
2.5, is available at \url{}.
There has not yet been a stable release for the \playername{}. Until
there is a stable release for \playername{}, use a current build.
\item[Current Build.] The current build is built at each source code change to
the Rockbox SVN repository, and represent the current state of Rockbox
development. This means that the build could contain bugs, but is most of
the time safe to use. You can download the current build from
\item[Archived Build.] In addition to the release version and the current build,
there is also an archive of daily builds available for download. These are
built once a day from the latest source code in the SVN repository. You can
download archived builds from \url{}.
Rockbox has a fonts package that is available at
\url{} or from the \emph{extras} link in
the menu on the Rockbox website. While the current builds and
daily builds change frequently, the fonts package rarely changes. Thus,
the fonts package is not included in these builds. (The release version, on
the other hand, does not change, so fonts are included when you download a
release.) When installing Rockbox for the first time, you should install
the fonts package.
Because current builds and daily builds are development versions which change
frequently, they may behave differently than described in this manual, or
they may introduce new (and maybe annoying) bugs. If you do not want to get
undefined behaviour from your \dap{} you should really stick to the current
stable release, if there is one for your \dap{}. If you want to help the
project development, you can try development builds and help by reporting
bugs. Just be aware that these are development builds that are highly
functional, but not perfect!
\opt{sansa}{\warn{The following steps require you to change the setting in
\setting{Settings $\rightarrow$ USB Mode} to \setting{MSC} from within the
original firmware. Never extract files to your \dap{} while it is in
recovery mode.}}
\opt{h10,h10_5gb}{\warn{The following steps require you to use UMS mode and so
may require use of the UMS trick as described in the bootloader installation
After downloading the Rockbox package connect your \dap{} to the computer via
USB as described in the manual that came with your \dap{}. Take the file that
you downloaded above, and extract its contents to your \daps{} drive.
Use the ``Extract all'' command of your unzip program to extract the files in
the \fname{.zip} file onto your \dap{}. Note that the entire contents of the
\fname{.zip} file should be extracted directly to the root of your \daps{}
drive. Do not try to create a separate directory or folder on your \dap{} for
the Rockbox files! The \fname{.zip} file already contains the internal
directory structure that Rockbox needs.
If the contents of the \fname{.zip} file are extracted correctly, you will
have a file called \fname{\firmwarefilename} in the main folder of your
\daps{} drive, and also a folder called \fname{/.rockbox}, which contains a
number of other folders and system files needed by Rockbox. If you receive a
``-1'' error when you start Rockbox, you have not extracted the contents of
the \fname{.zip} file to the proper location.
% This has nothing to do with swcodec, just that these players need our own
% bootloader so we can decide where we want the main binary.
If the contents of the \fname{.zip} file are extracted correctly, you will
have a folder called \fname{/.rockbox}, which contains all the files needed
by Rockbox, in the main folder of your \daps{} drive. If you receive a
``-1'' error when you start Rockbox, you have not extracted the contents of
the \fname{.zip} file to the proper location.
\subsection{Installing the boot loader}
\section{Enabling Speech Support (optional)}\label{sec:enabling_speech_support}
\index{Speech}\index{Installation!Optional Steps}
If you wish to use speech support you will also need a voice file, available
from \wikilink{VoiceFiles}. For the English language, the file is called
\fname{english.voice}. When it has been downloaded, unpack this file and copy
it into the \fname{lang} folder which is inside the \fname{/.rockbox} folder on
your \dap{}. Voice menus are turned on by default. See
\reference{ref:Voiceconfiguration} for details on voice settings.
\section{Running Rockbox}
Remove your \dap{} from the computer's USB port.%
\nopt{ipod,e200}{Unplug any connected power supply and turn the unit off. When
you next turn the unit on, Rockbox should load.}%
\opt{ipod}{Rebooting the Ipod by holding
for a couple of seconds until the \dap{} reboots. Now Rockbox should load.
\opt{e200}{Your e200 will automatically reboot and Rockbox should load}%
When you see the Rockbox splash screen, Rockbox is loaded and ready for
Rockbox starts in the \setting{File Browser}. If you have loaded music onto
your player using Itunes, you will not be able to see your music because
Itunes changes your files' names and hides them in directories in the
\fname{Ipod\_Control} folder. You can view files placed on your \dap{} by
Itunes by initializing and using Rockbox's database. See
\reference{ref:database} for more information.
\section{Updating Rockbox} Updating Rockbox is easy. Download a Rockbox build.
(The latest release of the Rockbox software will always be available from
\url{}). Unzip the build to the root directory
of your \dap{} like you did in the installation step before. If your unzip
program asks you whether to overwrite files, choose the ``Yes to all'' option.
The new build will be installed over your current build.
\section{Uninstalling Rockbox}\index{Installation!uninstall}
If you would like to go back to using the original \playerman{} software,
connect the \dap{} to your computer, and delete the
\fname{\firmwarefilename} file.
If you would like to go back to using the original \playerman{} software,
connect the \dap{} to your computer, and delete the
\fname{/.rockbox/\firmwarefilename} file.
Next, delete the
\opt{h10}{\fname{H10\_20GC.mi4}}\opt{h10_5gb}{\fname{H10.mi4}} file and rename
\fname{OF.mi4} to \opt{h10}{\fname{H10\_20GC.mi4}}\opt{h10_5gb}{\fname{H10.mi4}}
in the \fname{System} directory on your \playertype{}. As in the installation,
it may be necessary to first put your device into UMS mode.
You then need to follow the instructions to install the bootloader, but when
prompted by sansapatcher, enter 'u' for uninstall, instead of 'i' for install.
As in the installation, it may be necessary to first put your device into UMS
You then need to follow the instructions to install the bootloader, but when
prompted by ipodpatcher, enter 'u' for uninstall, instead of 'i' for install.
Download the original \playername{} firmware from the \playerman{} web site.
And copy it to the \fname{FIRMWARE} directory on your \playername{}. Turn off the
\dap{}, remove the USB cable and insert the charger. The original
firmware will automatically be flashed.
If you wish to clean up your disk, you may also wish to delete the
\fname{.rockbox} folder and its contents.
\nopt{m5,x5}{Turn the \playerman{} off.}
\opt{h300}{Press and hold the \ButtonRec{} button.}
\nopt{m5,x5}{Turn the \dap{} back on and the original \playerman{} software
will load.}
There's no need to remove the installed boot loader. If you want to remove
it, simply flash an unpatched \playerman{} firmware. Be aware that doing so
will also remove the boot loader USB mode. As that mode can come in quite
handy (especially when having disk errors) it is recommended to keep the
boot loader. It also gives you the possibility of trying Rockbox anytime
later by simply installing the distribution files.
There's no need to remove the installed boot loader, although if you
retain the Rockbox boot loader, you will need to hold the \ButtonRec{}
button each time you want to start the original firmware. If you want to
remove it simply flash an unpatched \playerman{} firmware. Be aware that
doing so will also remove the boot loader USB mode. As that mode can come in
quite handy (especially when having disk errors), you may wish to keep the
boot loader. It also gives you the possibility of trying Rockbox anytime
later by simply installing a new build.