blob: 929a59b64d9f7cd46067094ca5c8dde9e18f1f84 [file] [log] [blame]
/* zenutils - Utilities for working with creative firmwares.
* Copyright 2007 (c) Rasmus Ry <rasmus.ry{at}>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "cenc.h"
#include <firmware.h>
#include <stdexcept>
namespace {
const byte CODE_MASK = 0xC0;
const byte ARGS_MASK = 0x3F;
const byte REPEAT_CODE = 0x00;
const byte BLOCK_CODE = 0x40;
const byte LONG_RUN_CODE = 0x80;
const byte SHORT_RUN_CODE = 0xC0;
const byte BLOCK_ARGS = 0x1F;
const byte BLOCK_MODE = 0x20;
void decode_run(byte* dst, word len, byte val,
int& dstidx)
memset(dst + dstidx, val, len);
dstidx += len;
void decode_pattern(byte* src, byte* dst,
word len, int& srcidx, int& dstidx,
bool bdecode, int npasses)
for (int i = 0; i < npasses; i++)
if (bdecode)
for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
word c, d;
c = src[srcidx + j];
d = (c >> 5) & 7;
c = (c << 3) & 0xF8;
src[srcidx + j] = static_cast<byte>(c | d);
bdecode = false;
memcpy(dst + dstidx, src + srcidx, len);
dstidx += len;
srcidx += len;
}; //namespace
int zen::cenc_decode(byte* src, int srclen, byte* dst, int dstlen)
if (!src || !srclen || !dst || !dstlen)
throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid argument(s).");
int i = 0, j = 0;
word c, d, e;
c = src[i++];
switch (c & CODE_MASK)
case REPEAT_CODE: // 2 bytes
d = src[i++];
d = d + 2;
e = (c & ARGS_MASK) + 2;
decode_pattern(src, dst, e, i, j, false, d);
case BLOCK_CODE: // 1/2/3 bytes
d = c & BLOCK_ARGS;
if (!(c & BLOCK_MODE))
e = src[i++];
e = (d << 8) + (e + 0x21);
d = static_cast<word>(i ^ j);
e = d + 1;
d = static_cast<word>(i ^ j);
if (d & 1)
decode_pattern(src, dst, e, i, j, true, 1);
case LONG_RUN_CODE: // 3 bytes
d = src[i++];
e = ((c & ARGS_MASK) << 8) + (d + 0x42);
d = src[i++];
d = ((d & 7) << 5) | ((d >> 3) & 0x1F);
decode_run(dst, e, static_cast<byte>(d), j);
case SHORT_RUN_CODE: // 2 bytes
d = src[i++];
d = ((d & 3) << 6) | ((d >> 2) & 0x3F);
e = (c & ARGS_MASK) + 2;
decode_run(dst, e, static_cast<byte>(d), j);
} while (i < srclen && j < dstlen);
return j;
namespace {
int encode_run(byte* dst, int& dstidx, byte val, int len, int dstlen)
if (len < 2)
throw std::invalid_argument("Length is too small.");
int ret = 0;
if (len <= 0x41)
if ((dstidx + 2) > dstlen)
throw std::runtime_error("Not enough space to store run.");
dst[dstidx++] = SHORT_RUN_CODE | (((len - 2) & ARGS_MASK));
dst[dstidx++] = ((val >> 6) & 3) | ((val & 0x3F) << 2);
ret = 2;
else if (len <= 0x4041)
if ((dstidx + 3) > dstlen)
throw std::runtime_error("Not enough space to store run.");
byte b1 = (len - 0x42) >> 8;
byte b2 = (len - 0x42) & 0xFF;
dst[dstidx++] = LONG_RUN_CODE | ((b1 & ARGS_MASK));
dst[dstidx++] = b2;
dst[dstidx++] = ((val >> 5) & 7) | ((val & 0x1F) << 3);
ret = 3;
int long_count = len / 0x4041;
int short_len = len % 0x4041;
bool toosmall = short_len == 1;
int run_len = 0x4041;
for (int i = 0; i < long_count; i++)
if (toosmall && (i == (long_count-1)))
toosmall = false;
int tmp = encode_run(dst, dstidx, val, run_len, dstlen);
if (!tmp) return 0;
ret += tmp;
len -= run_len;
if (len)
int short_count = len / 0x41;
int short_rest = short_count ? (len % 0x41) : 0;
toosmall = short_rest == 1;
run_len = 0x41;
for (int i = 0; i < short_count; i++)
if (toosmall && (i == (short_count-1)))
toosmall = false;
int tmp = encode_run(dst, dstidx, val, run_len, dstlen);
if (!tmp) return 0;
ret += tmp;
len -= run_len;
int tmp = encode_run(dst, dstidx, val, len, dstlen);
if (!tmp) return 0;
ret += tmp;
len -= len;
return ret;
int encode_block(byte* dst, int& dstidx, byte* src, int& srcidx, int len,
int dstlen)
if (len < 1)
throw std::invalid_argument("Length is too small.");
int startidx = dstidx;
if (len < 0x21)
if ((dstidx + 2 + len) > dstlen)
throw std::runtime_error("Not enough space to store block.");
dst[dstidx++] = BLOCK_CODE | BLOCK_MODE | ((len - 1) & BLOCK_ARGS);
if ((dstidx ^ srcidx) & 1)
dst[dstidx++] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
byte c = src[srcidx++];
byte d = (c & 7) << 5;
c = (c & 0xF8) >> 3;
dst[dstidx++] = c | d;
else if (len < 0x2021)
if ((dstidx + 3 + len) > dstlen)
throw std::runtime_error("Not enough space to store block.");
dst[dstidx++] = BLOCK_CODE | (((len - 0x21) >> 8) & BLOCK_ARGS);
dst[dstidx++] = (len - 0x21) & 0xFF;
if ((dstidx ^ srcidx) & 1)
dst[dstidx++] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
byte c = src[srcidx++];
byte d = (c & 7) << 5;
c = (c & 0xF8) >> 3;
dst[dstidx++] = c | d;
int longblocks = len / 0x2020;
int rest = len % 0x2020;
for (int i = 0; i < longblocks; i++)
int tmp = encode_block(dst, dstidx, src, srcidx, 0x2020, dstlen);
if (!tmp) return 0;
if (rest)
int shortblocks = rest / 0x20;
for (int i = 0; i < shortblocks; i++)
int tmp = encode_block(dst, dstidx, src, srcidx, 0x20, dstlen);
if (!tmp) return 0;
rest = rest % 0x20;
int tmp = encode_block(dst, dstidx, src, srcidx, rest, dstlen);
if (!tmp) return 0;
return (dstidx - startidx);
}; //namespace
int zen::cenc_encode(byte* src, int srclen, byte* dst, int dstlen)
if (!src || !srclen || !dst || !dstlen)
throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid argument(s).");
int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
word c, d, e;
int runlen = 0;
while (i < srclen && j < dstlen)
k = i;
c = src[i++];
runlen = 1;
while (i < srclen && src[i] == c)
if (runlen >= 2)
if (!encode_run(dst, j, c, runlen, dstlen))
return 0;
runlen = 0;
i = k;
while (i < (srclen - 1) && (src[i] != src[i + 1]))
if (i == (srclen - 1))
if (!encode_block(dst, j, src, k, runlen, dstlen))
return 0;
return j;