blob: c6e2cd6e9e53c1104df644fe6a141baf90291763 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (C) 1994-1995 Apogee Software, Ltd.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
module: TASK_MAN.C
author: James R. Dose
date: July 25, 1994
Low level timer task scheduler.
(c) Copyright 1994 James R. Dose. All Rights Reserved.
#define TRUE ( 1 == 1 )
#define FALSE ( !TRUE )
//#define USESTACK
#define NOINTS
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "interrup.h"
#include "linklist.h"
#include "task_man.h"
#include "dpmi.h"
#include "dpmi.h"
#include "usrhooks.h"
#define FreeMem( ptr ) USRHOOKS_FreeMem( ( ptr ) )
#define FreeMem( ptr ) free( ( ptr ) )
typedef struct
task *start;
task *end;
} tasklist;
Global variables
// adequate stack size
#define kStackSize 2048
static unsigned short StackSelector = NULL;
static unsigned long StackPointer;
static unsigned short oldStackSelector;
static unsigned long oldStackPointer;
static task HeadTask;
static task *TaskList = &HeadTask;
static void ( __interrupt __far *OldInt8 )( void );
static volatile long TaskServiceRate = 0x10000L;
static volatile long TaskServiceCount = 0;
#ifndef NOINTS
static volatile int TS_TimesInInterrupt;
static char TS_Installed = FALSE;
volatile int TS_InInterrupt = FALSE;
Function prototypes
static void TS_FreeTaskList( void );
static void TS_SetClockSpeed( long speed );
static long TS_SetTimer( long TickBase );
static void TS_SetTimerToMaxTaskRate( void );
static void __interrupt __far TS_ServiceSchedule( void );
static void __interrupt __far TS_ServiceScheduleIntEnabled( void );
static void TS_AddTask( task *ptr );
static int TS_Startup( void );
static void RestoreRealTimeClock( void );
// These declarations are necessary to use the inline assembly pragmas.
extern void GetStack(unsigned short *selptr,unsigned long *stackptr);
extern void SetStack(unsigned short selector,unsigned long stackptr);
// This function will get the current stack selector and pointer and save
// them off.
#pragma aux GetStack = \
"mov [edi],esp" \
"mov ax,ss" \
"mov [esi],ax" \
parm [esi] [edi] \
modify [eax esi edi];
// This function will set the stack selector and pointer to the specified
// values.
#pragma aux SetStack = \
"mov ss,ax" \
"mov esp,edx" \
parm [ax] [edx] \
modify [eax edx];
Memory locked functions:
#define TS_LockStart TS_FreeTaskList
Function: TS_FreeTaskList
Terminates all tasks and releases any memory used for control
static void TS_FreeTaskList
task *node;
task *next;
unsigned flags;
flags = DisableInterrupts();
node = TaskList->next;
while( node != TaskList )
next = node->next;
FreeMem( node );
node = next;
TaskList->next = TaskList;
TaskList->prev = TaskList;
RestoreInterrupts( flags );
Function: TS_SetClockSpeed
Sets the rate of the 8253 timer.
static void TS_SetClockSpeed
long speed
unsigned flags;
flags = DisableInterrupts();
if ( ( speed > 0 ) && ( speed < 0x10000L ) )
TaskServiceRate = speed;
TaskServiceRate = 0x10000L;
outp( 0x43, 0x36 );
outp( 0x40, TaskServiceRate );
outp( 0x40, TaskServiceRate >> 8 );
RestoreInterrupts( flags );
Function: TS_SetTimer
Calculates the rate at which a task will occur and sets the clock
speed if necessary.
static long TS_SetTimer
long TickBase
long speed;
speed = 1192030L / TickBase;
if ( speed < TaskServiceRate )
TS_SetClockSpeed( speed );
return( speed );
Function: TS_SetTimerToMaxTaskRate
Finds the fastest running task and sets the clock to operate at
that speed.
static void TS_SetTimerToMaxTaskRate
task *ptr;
long MaxServiceRate;
unsigned flags;
flags = DisableInterrupts();
MaxServiceRate = 0x10000L;
ptr = TaskList->next;
while( ptr != TaskList )
if ( ptr->rate < MaxServiceRate )
MaxServiceRate = ptr->rate;
ptr = ptr->next;
if ( TaskServiceRate != MaxServiceRate )
TS_SetClockSpeed( MaxServiceRate );
RestoreInterrupts( flags );
#ifdef NOINTS
Function: TS_ServiceSchedule
Interrupt service routine
static void __interrupt __far TS_ServiceSchedule
task *ptr;
task *next;
TS_InInterrupt = TRUE;
// save stack
GetStack( &oldStackSelector, &oldStackPointer );
// set our stack
SetStack( StackSelector, StackPointer );
ptr = TaskList->next;
while( ptr != TaskList )
next = ptr->next;
if ( ptr->active )
ptr->count += TaskServiceRate;
// if ( ptr->count >= ptr->rate )
while( ptr->count >= ptr->rate )
ptr->count -= ptr->rate;
ptr->TaskService( ptr );
ptr = next;
// restore stack
SetStack( oldStackSelector, oldStackPointer );
TaskServiceCount += TaskServiceRate;
if ( TaskServiceCount > 0xffffL )
TaskServiceCount &= 0xffff;
_chain_intr( OldInt8 );
outp( 0x20,0x20 );
TS_InInterrupt = FALSE;
Function: TS_ServiceScheduleIntEnabled
Interrupt service routine with interrupts enabled.
static void __interrupt __far TS_ServiceScheduleIntEnabled
task *ptr;
task *next;
TaskServiceCount += TaskServiceRate;
if ( TaskServiceCount > 0xffffL )
TaskServiceCount &= 0xffff;
_chain_intr( OldInt8 );
outp( 0x20,0x20 );
if ( TS_InInterrupt )
TS_InInterrupt = TRUE;
// save stack
GetStack( &oldStackSelector, &oldStackPointer );
// set our stack
SetStack( StackSelector, StackPointer );
while( TS_TimesInInterrupt )
ptr = TaskList->next ;
while( ptr != TaskList )
next = ptr->next;
if ( ptr->active )
ptr->count += TaskServiceRate;
if ( ptr->count >= ptr->rate )
ptr->count -= ptr->rate;
ptr->TaskService( ptr );
ptr = next;
// restore stack
SetStack( oldStackSelector, oldStackPointer );
TS_InInterrupt = FALSE;
Function: allocateTimerStack
Allocate a block of memory from conventional (low) memory and return
the selector (which can go directly into a segment register) of the
memory block or 0 if an error occured.
static unsigned short allocateTimerStack
unsigned short size
union REGS regs;
// clear all registers
memset( &regs, 0, sizeof( regs ) );
// DPMI allocate conventional memory = 0x100;
// size in paragraphs
regs.w.bx = ( size + 15 ) / 16;
int386( 0x31, &regs, &regs );
if (!regs.w.cflag)
// DPMI call returns selector in dx
// (ax contains real mode segment
// which is ignored here)
return( regs.w.dx );
// Couldn't allocate memory.
return( NULL );
Function: deallocateTimerStack
Deallocate a block of conventional (low) memory given a selector to
it. Assumes the block was allocated with DPMI function 0x100.
static void deallocateTimerStack
unsigned short selector
union REGS regs;
if ( selector != NULL )
// clear all registers
memset( &regs, 0, sizeof( regs ) ); = 0x101;
regs.w.dx = selector;
int386( 0x31, &regs, &regs );
Function: TS_Startup
Sets up the task service routine.
static int TS_Startup
if ( !TS_Installed )
int status;
status = TS_LockMemory();
if ( status != TASK_Ok )
return( status );
StackSelector = allocateTimerStack( kStackSize );
if ( StackSelector == NULL )
return( TASK_Error );
// Leave a little room at top of stack just for the hell of it...
StackPointer = kStackSize - sizeof( long );
//static const task *TaskList = &HeadTask;
TaskList->next = TaskList;
TaskList->prev = TaskList;
TaskServiceRate = 0x10000L;
TaskServiceCount = 0;
#ifndef NOINTS
TS_TimesInInterrupt = 0;
OldInt8 = _dos_getvect( 0x08 );
#ifdef NOINTS
_dos_setvect( 0x08, TS_ServiceSchedule );
_dos_setvect( 0x08, TS_ServiceScheduleIntEnabled );
TS_Installed = TRUE;
return( TASK_Ok );
Function: TS_Shutdown
Ends processing of all tasks.
void TS_Shutdown
if ( TS_Installed )
TS_SetClockSpeed( 0 );
_dos_setvect( 0x08, OldInt8 );
deallocateTimerStack( StackSelector );
StackSelector = NULL;
// Set Date and Time from CMOS
// RestoreRealTimeClock();
TS_Installed = FALSE;
Function: TS_ScheduleTask
Schedules a new task for processing.
task *TS_ScheduleTask
void ( *Function )( task * ),
int rate,
int priority,
void *data
task *ptr;
int status;
ptr = NULL;
status = USRHOOKS_GetMem( &ptr, sizeof( task ) );
if ( status == USRHOOKS_Ok )
ptr = malloc( sizeof( task ) );
if ( ptr != NULL )
if ( !TS_Installed )
status = TS_Startup();
if ( status != TASK_Ok )
FreeMem( ptr );
return( NULL );
ptr->TaskService = Function;
ptr->data = data;
ptr->rate = TS_SetTimer( rate );
ptr->count = 0;
ptr->priority = priority;
ptr->active = FALSE;
TS_AddTask( ptr );
return( ptr );
Function: TS_AddTask
Adds a new task to our list of tasks.
static void TS_AddTask
task *node
LL_SortedInsertion( TaskList, node, next, prev, task, priority );
Function: TS_Terminate
Ends processing of a specific task.
int TS_Terminate
task *NodeToRemove
task *ptr;
task *next;
unsigned flags;
flags = DisableInterrupts();
ptr = TaskList->next;
while( ptr != TaskList )
next = ptr->next;
if ( ptr == NodeToRemove )
LL_RemoveNode( NodeToRemove, next, prev );
NodeToRemove->next = NULL;
NodeToRemove->prev = NULL;
FreeMem( NodeToRemove );
RestoreInterrupts( flags );
return( TASK_Ok );
ptr = next;
RestoreInterrupts( flags );
return( TASK_Warning );
Function: TS_Dispatch
Begins processing of all inactive tasks.
void TS_Dispatch
task *ptr;
unsigned flags;
flags = DisableInterrupts();
ptr = TaskList->next;
while( ptr != TaskList )
ptr->active = TRUE;
ptr = ptr->next;
RestoreInterrupts( flags );
Function: TS_SetTaskRate
Sets the rate at which the specified task is serviced.
void TS_SetTaskRate
task *Task,
int rate
unsigned flags;
flags = DisableInterrupts();
Task->rate = TS_SetTimer( rate );
RestoreInterrupts( flags );
Function: TS_LockEnd
Used for determining the length of the functions to lock in memory.
static void TS_LockEnd
Function: TS_UnlockMemory
Unlocks all neccessary data.
void TS_UnlockMemory
DPMI_UnlockMemoryRegion( TS_LockStart, TS_LockEnd );
DPMI_Unlock( TaskList );
DPMI_Unlock( OldInt8 );
DPMI_Unlock( TaskServiceRate );
DPMI_Unlock( TaskServiceCount );
DPMI_Unlock( TS_Installed );
#ifndef NOINTS
DPMI_Unlock( TS_TimesInInterrupt );
DPMI_Unlock( StackSelector );
DPMI_Unlock( StackPointer );
DPMI_Unlock( oldStackSelector );
DPMI_Unlock( oldStackPointer );
Function: TS_LockMemory
Locks all neccessary data.
int TS_LockMemory
int status;
status = DPMI_LockMemoryRegion( TS_LockStart, TS_LockEnd );
status |= DPMI_Lock( TaskList );
status |= DPMI_Lock( OldInt8 );
status |= DPMI_Lock( TaskServiceRate );
status |= DPMI_Lock( TaskServiceCount );
status |= DPMI_Lock( TS_Installed );
#ifndef NOINTS
status |= DPMI_Lock( TS_TimesInInterrupt );
status |= DPMI_Lock( StackSelector );
status |= DPMI_Lock( StackPointer );
status |= DPMI_Lock( oldStackSelector );
status |= DPMI_Lock( oldStackPointer );
if ( status != DPMI_Ok )
return( TASK_Error );
return( TASK_Ok );