blob: 9d80f9e37450f29a402d5670a07c903dbc007368 [file] [log] [blame]
* __________ __ ___.
* Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
* Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
* Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
* Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
* \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
* $Id$
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
* KIND, either express or implied.
#include "logf.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "audio.h"
#include "wmcodec.h"
#include "audiohw.h"
#include "i2s.h"
/* Register addresses as per datasheet Rev.4.4 */
#define RESET 0x00
#define PWRMGMT1 0x01
#define PWRMGMT2 0x02
#define PWRMGMT3 0x03
#define AINTFCE 0x04
#define COMPAND 0x05
#define CLKGEN 0x06
#define SRATECTRL 0x07
#define GPIOCTL 0x08
#define JACKDETECT0 0x09
#define DACCTRL 0x0a
#define LDACVOL 0x0b
#define RDACVOL 0x0c
#define JACKDETECT1 0x0d
#define ADCCTL 0x0e
#define LADCVOL 0x0f
#define RADCVOL 0x10
#define EQ1 0x12
#define EQ2 0x13
#define EQ3 0x14
#define EQ4 0x15
#define EQ5 0x16
#define EQ_GAIN_MASK 0x001f
#define EQ_CUTOFF_MASK 0x0060
#define EQ_GAIN_VALUE(x) (((-x) + 12) & 0x1f)
#define EQ_CUTOFF_VALUE(x) ((((x) - 1) & 0x03) << 5)
#define CLASSDCTL 0x17
#define DACLIMIT1 0x18
#define DACLIMIT2 0x19
#define NOTCH1 0x1b
#define NOTCH2 0x1c
#define NOTCH3 0x1d
#define NOTCH4 0x1e
#define ALCCTL1 0x20
#define ALCCTL2 0x21
#define ALCCTL3 0x22
#define NOISEGATE 0x23
#define PLLN 0x24
#define PLLK1 0x25
#define PLLK2 0x26
#define PLLK3 0x27
#define THREEDCTL 0x29
#define OUT4ADC 0x2a
#define BEEPCTRL 0x2b
#define INCTRL 0x2c
#define LINPGAGAIN 0x2d
#define RINPGAGAIN 0x2e
#define LADCBOOST 0x2f
#define RADCBOOST 0x30
#define OUTCTRL 0x31
#define LOUTMIX 0x32
#define ROUTMIX 0x33
#define LOUT1VOL 0x34
#define ROUT1VOL 0x35
#define LOUT2VOL 0x36
#define ROUT2VOL 0x37
#define OUT3MIX 0x38
#define OUT4MIX 0x39
#define BIASCTL 0x3d
const struct sound_settings_info audiohw_settings[] = {
[SOUND_VOLUME] = {"dB", 0, 1, -58, 6, -25},
[SOUND_BASS] = {"dB", 0, 1, -12, 12, 0},
[SOUND_TREBLE] = {"dB", 0, 1, -12, 12, 0},
[SOUND_BALANCE] = {"%", 0, 1,-100, 100, 0},
[SOUND_CHANNELS] = {"", 0, 1, 0, 5, 0},
[SOUND_STEREO_WIDTH] = {"%", 0, 5, 0, 250, 100},
[SOUND_LEFT_GAIN] = {"dB", 1, 1,-128, 96, 0},
[SOUND_RIGHT_GAIN] = {"dB", 1, 1,-128, 96, 0},
[SOUND_MIC_GAIN] = {"dB", 1, 1,-128, 108, 16},
[SOUND_BASS_CUTOFF] = {"", 0, 1, 1, 4, 1},
[SOUND_TREBLE_CUTOFF] = {"", 0, 1, 1, 4, 1},
/* shadow registers */
unsigned int eq1_reg;
unsigned int eq5_reg;
/* convert tenth of dB volume (-57..6) to master volume register value */
int tenthdb2master(int db)
/* +6 to -57dB in 1dB steps == 64 levels = 6 bits */
/* 0111111 == +6dB (0x3f) = 63) */
/* 0111001 == 0dB (0x39) = 57) */
/* 0000001 == -56dB (0x01) = */
/* 0000000 == -57dB (0x00) */
/* 1000000 == Mute (0x40) */
if (db < VOLUME_MIN) {
return 0x40;
} else {
/* Silently enable / disable audio output */
void audiohw_enable_output(bool enable)
if (enable)
/* TODO: reset the I2S controller into known state */
wmcodec_write(RESET, 0x1ff); /* Reset */
wmcodec_write(BIASCTL, 0x100); /* BIASCUT = 1 */
wmcodec_write(OUTCTRL, 0x6); /* Thermal shutdown */
wmcodec_write(PWRMGMT1, 0x8); /* BIASEN = 1 */
/* Volume zero, mute all outputs */
wmcodec_write(LOUT1VOL, 0x140);
wmcodec_write(ROUT1VOL, 0x140);
wmcodec_write(LOUT2VOL, 0x140);
wmcodec_write(ROUT2VOL, 0x140);
wmcodec_write(OUT3MIX, 0x40);
wmcodec_write(OUT4MIX, 0x40);
/* DAC softmute, automute, 128OSR */
wmcodec_write(DACCTRL, 0x4c);
wmcodec_write(OUT4ADC, 0x2); /* POBCTRL = 1 */
/* Enable output, DAC and mixer */
wmcodec_write(PWRMGMT3, 0x6f);
wmcodec_write(PWRMGMT2, 0x180);
wmcodec_write(PWRMGMT1, 0xd);
wmcodec_write(LOUTMIX, 0x1);
wmcodec_write(ROUTMIX, 0x1);
/* Disable clock since we're acting as slave to the SoC */
wmcodec_write(CLKGEN, 0x0);
wmcodec_write(AINTFCE, 0x10); /* 16-bit, I2S format */
wmcodec_write(LDACVOL, 0x1ff); /* Full DAC digital vol */
wmcodec_write(RDACVOL, 0x1ff);
wmcodec_write(OUT4ADC, 0x0); /* POBCTRL = 0 */
void audiohw_set_headphone_vol(int vol_l, int vol_r)
/* OUT1 */
wmcodec_write(LOUT1VOL, 0x080 | vol_l);
wmcodec_write(ROUT1VOL, 0x180 | vol_r);
void audiohw_set_lineout_vol(int vol_l, int vol_r)
/* OUT2 */
wmcodec_write(LOUT2VOL, vol_l);
wmcodec_write(ROUT2VOL, 0x100 | vol_r);
void audiohw_set_bass(int value)
eq1_reg = (eq1_reg & ~EQ_GAIN_MASK) | EQ_GAIN_VALUE(value);
wmcodec_write(EQ1, 0x100 | eq1_reg);
void audiohw_set_bass_cutoff(int value)
eq1_reg = (eq1_reg & ~EQ_CUTOFF_MASK) | EQ_CUTOFF_VALUE(value);
wmcodec_write(EQ1, 0x100 | eq1_reg);
void audiohw_set_treble(int value)
eq5_reg = (eq5_reg & ~EQ_GAIN_MASK) | EQ_GAIN_VALUE(value);
wmcodec_write(EQ5, eq5_reg);
void audiohw_set_treble_cutoff(int value)
eq5_reg = (eq5_reg & ~EQ_CUTOFF_MASK) | EQ_CUTOFF_VALUE(value);
wmcodec_write(EQ5, eq5_reg);
void audiohw_mute(bool mute)
if (mute)
/* Set DACMU = 1 to soft-mute the audio DACs. */
wmcodec_write(DACCTRL, 0x4c);
} else {
/* Set DACMU = 0 to soft-un-mute the audio DACs. */
wmcodec_write(DACCTRL, 0xc);
/* Nice shutdown of WM8985 codec */
void audiohw_close(void)
wmcodec_write(PWRMGMT3, 0x0);
wmcodec_write(PWRMGMT1, 0x0);
wmcodec_write(PWRMGMT2, 0x40);
/* Note: Disable output before calling this function */
void audiohw_set_sample_rate(int sampling_control)
/* Currently the WM8985 acts as slave to the SoC I2S controller, so no
setup is needed here. This seems to be in contrast to every other WM
driver in Rockbox, so this may need to change in the future. */
void audiohw_enable_recording(bool source_mic)
(void)source_mic; /* We only have a line-in (I think) */
/* TODO: reset the I2S controller into known state */
wmcodec_write(RESET, 0x1ff); /*Reset*/
wmcodec_write(PWRMGMT1, 0x2b);
wmcodec_write(PWRMGMT2, 0x18f); /* Enable ADC - 0x0c enables left/right PGA input, and 0x03 turns on power to the ADCs */
wmcodec_write(PWRMGMT3, 0x6f);
wmcodec_write(AINTFCE, 0x10);
wmcodec_write(CLKCTRL, 0x49);
wmcodec_write(OUTCTRL, 1);
/* The iPod can handle multiple frequencies, but fix at 44.1KHz
for now */
wmcodec_write(INCTRL,0x44); /* Connect L2 and R2 inputs */
/* Set L2/R2_2BOOSTVOL to 0db (bits 4-6) */
/* 000 = disabled
001 = -12dB
010 = -9dB
011 = -6dB
100 = -3dB
101 = 0dB
110 = 3dB
111 = 6dB
/* Set L/R input PGA Volume to 0db */
// wm8758_write(LINPGAVOL,0x3f);
// wm8758_write(RINPGAVOL,0x13f);
/* Enable monitoring */
wmcodec_write(LOUTMIX,0x17); /* Enable output mixer - BYPL2LMIX @ 0db*/
wmcodec_write(ROUTMIX,0x17); /* Enable output mixer - BYPR2RMIX @ 0db*/
void audiohw_disable_recording(void) {
wmcodec_write(PWRMGMT3, 0x0);
wmcodec_write(PWRMGMT1, 0x0);
wmcodec_write(PWRMGMT2, 0x40);
void audiohw_set_recvol(int left, int right, int type) {
void audiohw_set_monitor(bool enable) {
#endif /* HAVE_RECORDING */