blob: 7c5df3eb50437534160389f58a215c02904eaac7 [file] [log] [blame]
* __________ __ ___.
* Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
* Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
* Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
* Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
* \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
* Copyright (C) 2007 Thom Johansen
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
* KIND, either express or implied.
#include <speex/speex.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "string.h"
#include "rbspeex.h"
#define USAGE_TEXT \
"Usage: rbspeexdec infile outfile\n"\
"rbspeexdec outputs mono 16 bit 16 kHz WAV files.\n"\
"WARNING: This tool will only decode files made with rbspeexenc!\n"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
FILE *fin, *fout;
char *indata;
short out[640]; /* max frame size (UWB) */
unsigned char wavhdr[44];
int numbytes;
void *st; /* decoder state */
SpeexBits bits;
int i, tmp, lookahead, frame_size;
unsigned int samples = 0;
long insize;
if (argc < 3) {
return 1;
/* Rockbox speex streams are always assumed to be WB */
st = speex_decoder_init(&speex_wb_mode);
/* Set the perceptual enhancement on (is default, but doesn't hurt) */
tmp = 1;
speex_decoder_ctl(st, SPEEX_SET_ENH, &tmp);
speex_decoder_ctl(st, SPEEX_GET_LOOKAHEAD, &lookahead);
speex_decoder_ctl(st, SPEEX_GET_FRAME_SIZE, &frame_size);
if ((fin = fopen(argv[1], "rb")) == NULL) {
printf("Error: could not open input file\n");
return 1;
if ((fout = fopen(argv[2], "wb")) == NULL) {
printf("Error: could not open output file\n");
return 1;
/* slurp infile */
fseek(fin, 0, SEEK_END);
insize = ftell(fin);
fseek(fin, 0, SEEK_SET);
indata = malloc(insize);
fread(indata, 1, insize, fin);
/* fill in wav header */
strcpy(wavhdr, "RIFF");
strcpy(wavhdr + 8, "WAVEfmt ");
put_uint_le(16, wavhdr + 16);
put_ushort_le(1, wavhdr + 20); /* PCM data */
put_ushort_le(1, wavhdr + 22); /* mono */
put_uint_le(16000, wavhdr + 24); /* 16000 Hz */
put_uint_le(16000*2, wavhdr + 28); /* chan*sr*bbs/8 */
put_ushort_le(2, wavhdr + 32); /* chan*bps/8 */
put_ushort_le(16, wavhdr + 34); /* bits per sample */
strcpy(wavhdr + 36, "data");
fwrite(wavhdr, 1, 44, fout); /* write header */
/* make bit buffer use our own buffer */
speex_bits_set_bit_buffer(&bits, indata, insize);
while (speex_decode_int(st, &bits, out) == 0) {
/* if no error, write decoded audio */
fwrite(out + lookahead, sizeof(short), frame_size - lookahead, fout);
samples += frame_size - lookahead;
lookahead = 0; /* only skip samples at the start */
/* now fill in the values in the wav header we didn't have at the start */
fseek(fout, 4, SEEK_SET);
put_uint_le(36 + samples*2, wavhdr); /* header size + data size */
fwrite(wavhdr, 1, 4, fout);
fseek(fout, 40, SEEK_SET);
put_uint_le(samples*2, wavhdr); /* data size */
fwrite(wavhdr, 1, 4, fout);
return 0;