blob: c248527c201e0c9bd55eb88805797c0d4ba6d189 [file] [log] [blame]
% $Id$
\item Download the Rockbox bootloader from
\item Starting at the root directory of your player browse into the directory
\fname{GBSYSTEM} and from that into the subdirectory \fname{FWIMG}.
These directories are hidden. Make sure that you have configured your browser
to show hidden files or you may be unable to see \fname{FWIMG}.
\item In that directory you'll find a file called \fname{FWIMG01.DAT}. This too
may be hidden. Rename the file to \fname{FWIMG01.DAT.ORIG}. Make sure you
spelled that name correctly as it is needed for booting the \playerman{} firmware.
\warn{If you do not complete this step then you will be unable to uninstall Rockbox
without a copy of the original firmware from the original install CD.}
\item Now copy the file \fname{FWIMG01.DAT} you downloaded to that directory.
Make sure the spelling is correct.