blob: dbb17e35bce15ec755a3273e7482836e1bc405cf [file] [log] [blame]
* __________ __ ___.
* Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
* Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
* Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
* Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
* \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
* $Id$
* Copyright (C) 2005 by Christian Gmeiner
* All files in this archive are subject to the GNU General Public License.
* See the file COPYING in the source tree root for full license agreement.
* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
* KIND, either express or implied.
#ifndef _TLV320_H_
#define _TLV320_H_
/*** definitions ***/
extern void audiohw_init(void);
extern void audiohw_reset(void);
* Sets internal sample rate for DAC and ADC relative to MCLK
* Selection for frequency:
* Fs: tlv: with:
* 11025: 0 = MCLK/2 MCLK/2 SCLK, LRCK: Audio Clk / 16
* 22050: 0 = MCLK/2 MCLK SCLK, LRCK: Audio Clk / 8
* 44100: 1 = MCLK MCLK SCLK, LRCK: Audio Clk / 4 (default)
* 88200: 2 = MCLK*2 MCLK SCLK, LRCK: Audio Clk / 2
extern void audiohw_set_frequency(unsigned fsel);
extern void audiohw_enable_output(bool enable);
extern void audiohw_set_headphone_vol(int vol_l, int vol_r);
extern void audiohw_set_recvol(int left, int right, int type);
extern void audiohw_mute(bool mute);
extern void audiohw_close(void);
extern void audiohw_enable_recording(bool source_mic);
extern void audiohw_disable_recording(void);
extern void audiohw_set_monitor(bool enable);
#define HEADPHONE_MUTE 0x30 /* 0110000 = -73db */
/* ToDo: samplerates */
/* registers */
/* REG_LLIV: Left line input channel volume control */
#define REG_LLIV 0x0
#define LLIV_LRS (1 << 8) /* simultaneous volume/mute update */
#define LLIV_LIM (1 << 7) /* Left line input mute */
#define LLIV_LIV(x) ((x) & 0x1f)/* Left line input volume control */
/* REG_RLIV: Right line input channel volume control */
#define REG_RLIV 0x1
#define RLIV_RLS (1 << 8) /* simultaneous volume/mute update */
#define RLIV_RIM (1 << 7) /* Right line input mute */
#define RLIV_RIV(x) ((x) & 0x1f)/* Right line input volume control */
/* REG_LHV: Left Channel Headphone Volume Control */
#define REG_LHV 0x2
#define LHV_LRS (1 << 8) /* simultaneous volume/mute update */
#define LHV_LZC (1 << 7) /* Left-channel zero-cross detect */
#define LHV_LHV(x) ((x) & 0x7f)/* Left headphone volume control */
/* REG_RHV: Right Channel Headphone Volume Control */
#define REG_RHV 0x3
#define RHV_LRS (1 << 8) /* simultaneous volume/mute update */
#define RHV_RZC (1 << 7) /* Right-channel zero-cross detect */
#define RHV_RHV(x) ((x) & 0x7f)/* Right headphone volume control */
/* REG_AAP: Analog Audio Path Control */
#define REG_AAP 0x4
#define AAP_DAC (1 << 4) /* DAC select */
#define AAP_BYPASS (1 << 3) /* bypass */
#define AAP_INSEL (1 << 2) /* Input select for ADC */
#define AAP_MICM (1 << 1) /* Microphone mute */
#define AAP_MICB (1 << 0) /* Microphone boost */
/* REG_DAP: Digital Audio Path Control */
#define REG_DAP 0x5
#define DAP_DACM (1 << 3) /* DAC soft mute */
#define DAP_DEEMP_32 (1 << 1) /* De-emphasis control: 32 kHz */
#define DAP_DEEMP_44 (2 << 1) /* De-emphasis control: 44.1 kHz */
#define DAP_DEEMP_48 (3 << 1) /* De-emphasis control: 48 kHz */
#define DAP_ADCHP (1 << 0) /* ADC high-pass filter */
/* REG_PC: Power Down Control */
#define REG_PC 0x6
#define PC_OFF (1 << 7) /* Device power */
#define PC_CLK (1 << 6) /* Clock */
#define PC_OSC (1 << 5) /* Oscillator */
#define PC_OUT (1 << 4) /* Outputs */
#define PC_DAC (1 << 3) /* DAC */
#define PC_ADC (1 << 2) /* ADC */
#define PC_MIC (1 << 1) /* Microphone input */
#define PC_LINE (1 << 0) /* Line input */
/* REG_DAIF: Digital Audio Interface Format */
#define REG_DAIF 0x7
#define DAIF_MS (1 << 6) /* Master/slave mode */
#define DAIF_LRSWAP (1 << 5) /* DAC left/right swap */
#define DAIF_LRP (1 << 4) /* DAC left/right phase */
#define DAIF_IWL_16 (0 << 2) /* Input bit length: 16 bit */
#define DAIF_IWL_20 (1 << 2) /* Input bit length: 20 bit */
#define DAIF_IWL_24 (2 << 2) /* Input bit length: 24 bit */
#define DAIF_IWL_32 (3 << 2) /* Input bit length: 32 bit */
#define DAIF_FOR_DSP (3 << 0) /* Data format: DSP */
#define DAIF_FOR_I2S (2 << 0) /* Data format: I2S */
#define DAIF_FOR_MSBL (1 << 0) /* Data format: MSB first, left aligned */
#define DAIF_FOR_MSBR (0 << 0) /* Data format: MSB first, right aligned */
/* REG_SRC: Sample Rate Control */
#define REG_SRC 0x8
#define SRC_CLKIN (1 << 6) /* Clock input divider */
#define SRC_CLKOUT (1 << 7) /* Clock output divider */
/*#define SRC_SR ()*/
#define SRC_BOSR (1 << 1) /* Base oversampling rate, depends on SRC_USB */
#define SRC_USB (1 << 0) /* Clock mode select */
/* REG_DIA: Digital Interface Activation */
#define REG_DIA 0x9
#define DIA_ACT (1 << 0) /* Activate interface */
/* REG_RR: Reset Register */
#define REG_RR 0xf
#define RR_RESET 0 /* Reset */
#endif /*_TLV320_H_*/