| % $Id$ % |
| \chapter{The Main Menu} |
| \section{\label{ref:main_menu}Introducing the Main Menu} |
| \screenshot{main_menu/images/ss-main-menu}{The main menu}{} |
| The \setting{Main Menu} is the screen from which all of the Rockbox functions |
| can be accessed. This is the first screen you will see when starting Rockbox. |
| To return to the \setting{Main Menu}, |
| \nopt{ONDIO_PAD}{press the \ActionStdMenu{} button.}% |
| \opt{ONDIO_PAD}{hold the \ButtonMenu{} button.}% |
| |
| All settings are stored on the unit. However, Rockbox does not access |
| the \disk{} solely for the purpose of saving settings. Instead, Rockbox will |
| save settings when it accesses the \disk{} the next time, for example when |
| refilling the music buffer or navigating through the \setting{File Browser}. |
| Changes to settings may therefore not be saved unless the \dap{} is shut down |
| safely (see \reference{ref:Safeshutdown}). |
| |
| \section{Navigating the Main Menu} |
| \begin{btnmap} |
| \ActionStdNext |
| & |
| \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{\ActionRCStdNext |
| &} |
| Select the next option in the menu.\newline |
| Inside a setting, increase the value or choose next option. |
| \\ |
| % |
| \ActionStdPrev |
| & |
| \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{\ActionRCStdPrev |
| &} |
| Select the previous option in the menu.\newline |
| Inside a setting,decrease the value or choose previous option. |
| \\ |
| % |
| \ActionStdOk |
| & |
| &} |
| Select option. |
| \\ |
| % |
| \ActionStdCancel |
| & |
| \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{\ActionRCStdCancel |
| &} |
| Exit menu or setting, or move to parent menu. |
| \\ |
| \end{btnmap} |
| |
| \section {Recent Bookmarks} |
| \screenshot{main_menu/images/ss-list-bookmarks}% |
| {The list bookmarks screen}{} |
| If the \setting{Save a list of recently created bookmarks} option is enabled |
| then you can view a list of several recent bookmarks here and select one to |
| jump straight to that track.\\* |
| |
| \note{Bookmarking only works when tracks are launched from the file browser, |
| and does not currently work for tracks launched via the |
| database. In addition, they do not currently work with dynamic |
| playlists.\\*} |
| |
| \begin{btnmap} |
| \ActionStdNext |
| \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCStdNext} |
| & Select the next bookmark.\\ |
| % |
| \ActionStdPrev |
| \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCStdPrev} |
| & Select the previous bookmark.\\ |
| % |
| \ActionStdOk |
| \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCStdOk} |
| & Resume from the selected bookmark.\\ |
| % |
| \ActionStdCancel |
| \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCStdCancel} |
| & Exit Recent Bookmark menu.\\ |
| % |
| \nopt{GIGABEAT_S_PAD}{\ActionBmDelete |
| \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCBmDelete} |
| & Delete the currently selected bookmark.\\} |
| % |
| \ActionStdContext |
| \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCStdContext} |
| & Enter the context menu for the selected bookmark.\\ |
| \end{btnmap} |
| |
| There are two options in the context menu:\\* |
| |
| \setting{Resume} will commence playback of the currently selected bookmark entry. |
| |
| \setting{Delete} will remove the currently selected bookmark entry from the list.\\* |
| |
| This entry is not shown in the \setting{Main Menu} when the option is off |
| (the default setting). See \reference{ref:Bookmarkconfigactual} |
| for more details on configuring bookmarking in Rockbox. |
| |
| \section{Files} |
| Browse the files on your \dap{} (see \reference{ref:file_browser}). |
| |
| \section{Database} |
| Browse by the meta-data in your audio files (see \reference{ref:database}). |
| |
| \section{Now Playing/Resume Playback} |
| Go to the \setting{While Playing Screen} and resume if music playback is |
| stopped or paused and there is something to resume (see \reference{ref:WPS}). |
| |
| \section{Settings} |
| |
| The \setting{Settings} menu allows you to set or adjust many parameters that |
| affect the way your \dap{} works. There are many submenus for different |
| parameter areas. Every time you are setting a value of a parameter, and that |
| value is selected from a list of some predefined available values, you can press |
| \ActionStdContext, and the selection cursor will jump to the default value for |
| the parameter. You can then confirm or cancel the value. This is useful if you |
| have changed the value of the parameter from the default to some other value and |
| would like to restore the default value. |
| |
| \subsection{Sound Settings} |
| The \setting{Sound Settings} menu offers a selection of sound properties you may |
| change to customise your listening experience. The details of this menu are covered |
| in \reference{ref:configure_rockbox_sound}. |
| |
| \subsection{Playback Settings} |
| The \setting{Playback Settings} menu allows you to configure settings related |
| to audio playback. The details of this menu are covered |
| in \reference{ref:configure_rockbox_playback}. |
| |
| \subsection{General Settings} |
| The \setting{General Settings} menu allows you to customise the way Rockbox looks |
| and the way it plays music. The details of this menu are covered in |
| \reference{ref:configure_rockbox_general}. |
| |
| \subsection{Theme Settings} |
| The \setting{Theme Settings} menu contains options that control the visual |
| apperance of Rockbox. The details of this menu are covered in |
| \reference{ref:configure_rockbox_themes}. |
| |
| \opt{recording}{ |
| \subsection{Recording Settings} |
| The \setting{Recording Settings} menu allows you to configure settings related |
| to recording. The details of this menu are covered in detail in |
| \reference{ref:Recordingsettings}. |
| } |
| |
| \subsection{Manage Settings} |
| The \setting{Manage Settings} option allows the saving and re-loading of user |
| configuration settings, browsing the hard drive for alternate firmwares, and finally |
| resetting your \dap{} back to initial configuration. |
| % |
| The details of this menu are covered in |
| \reference{ref:manage_settings}. |
| |
| \opt{recording}{\input{main_menu/recording_screen.tex}} |
| |
| \opt{radio}{\input{main_menu/fmradio.tex}} |
| |
| \section{\label{ref:playlistoptions}Playlists} |
| This menu allows you to work with playlists. Playlists can be created in |
| three ways. Playing a file in a directory causes all the files in it |
| to be placed in a playlist. Playlists can be created manually by |
| either using the \setting{Context Menu} (see \reference{ref:Contextmenu}) or using |
| the \setting{Playlist} menu. Both automatically and manually created |
| playlists can be edited using this menu. |
| |
| \begin{description} |
| \item[Create Playlist:] |
| Rockbox will create a playlist with all tracks in the current directory |
| and all sub-directories. The playlist will be created one directory level ``up'' |
| from where you currently are. |
| |
| \item[View Current Playlist:] |
| Displays the contents of the playlist currently stored in memory. |
| |
| \item[Save Current Playlist:] |
| Saves the current dynamic playlist, excluding queued tracks, to the |
| specified file. If no path is provided then playlist is saved to the current |
| directory. |
| |
| \item[View Catalog:] |
| Provides a simple interface to maintain |
| several playlists (see \reference{ref:working_with_playlists}). |
| \end{description} |
| |
| \section{Plugins} |
| With this option you can load and run various plugins that have been |
| written for Rockbox. There are a wide variety of these supplied with |
| Rockbox, including several games, some impressive demos and a number of |
| utilities. A detailed description of the different plugins is to be found in |
| \reference{ref:plugins}. |
| |
| \section{\label{ref:Info}System} |
| \opt{player}{Use the MINUS and PLUS keys to step through several |
| pages of information.} |
| |
| \begin{description} |
| \opt{rtc}{ |
| \item[Time and Date:] |
| Time related menu options. Pressing \ActionStdContext{} will voice the current time if voice support is enabled |
| \begin{description} |
| \item[Set Time/Date:] Set current time and date. |
| \item[Sleep Timer:] |
| The \setting{Sleep Timer} powers off your \dap{} after playing for a given |
| time. It can be set from \setting{Off} to 5 hours in 5 minute steps. |
| The \setting{Sleep Timer} is reset on boot. |
| \opt{alarm}{ |
| \item[Wake-Up Alarm:] |
| This option will make the \dap{} start up at the specified time. |
| Use \ActionSettingInc{} and \ActionSettingDec{} to adjust the minutes setting, |
| \ActionAlarmHoursDec{} and \ActionAlarmHoursInc{} to adjust the hours. |
| \ActionAlarmSet{} confirms the alarm, and \ActionAlarmCancel{} cancels setting |
| an alarm. If the \dap{} is turned on again before the alarm occurs, the alarm |
| will be cancelled. |
| |
| \opt{recording,radio}{ |
| \item[Alarm Wake Up Screen:] |
| This option controls what the \dap{} does when it is woken up by the alarm. |
| }%\opt{recording,radio} |
| }%\opt{alarm} |
| \item [Time Format:] Choose 12 or 24 hour clock. |
| \end{description} |
| }%\opt{rtc} |
| \item[Rockbox Info:] |
| Displays some basic system information. This is, from top to bottom, |
| the amount of memory Rockbox has available for storing music (the buffer). |
| The battery status. |
| \opt{multivolume}{% |
| Memory size and amount of free space on the two data volumes, this info is |
| given seperately for internal memory (\emph{Int}) and for a plugged in |
| memory card |
| \opt{ondio}{(\emph{MMC})} |
| \opt{sansa,e200v2,fuze,fuzev2,clipplus}{(\emph{MSD})}. |
| }% |
| \nopt{multivolume}{Hard disk size and the amount of free space on the disk.} |
| |
| \item[Credits:] |
| Display the list of contributors. |
| |
| \nopt{rtc}{ |
| \item[Sleep Timer:] |
| The \setting{Sleep Timer} powers off your \dap{} after playing for a given |
| time. It can be set from \setting{Off} to 5 hours in 5 minute steps. |
| The \setting{Sleep Timer} is reset on boot. |
| } |
| |
| \item[Running Time:] |
| Shows the runtime of your \dap{} in hours, minutes and seconds. |
| \begin{description} |
| \item[Running Time:] |
| This item shows the cumulative overall runtime of your \dap{} since you |
| either disconnected it from charging (in Rockbox) or manually |
| reset this item. A manual reset is done through pressing any button, |
| followed by pressing \ActionStdOk{}. |
| \item[Top Time:] |
| This item shows the cumulative overall runtime of your \dap{} since you |
| last manually reset this item. A manual reset is done through pressing |
| any button, followed by pressing \ActionStdOk{}. |
| \end{description} |
| |
| \item[Debug (Keep Out!):] |
| This sub menu is intended to be used \emph{only} by Rockbox developers. |
| It shows hardware, disk, battery status and other technical information. |
| \warn{It is not recommended that users access this menu unless instructed to |
| do so in the course of fixing a problem with Rockbox. If you think you have |
| messed up your settings by use of this menu please try to reset \emph{all} |
| settings before asking for help.} |
| \end{description} |
| |
| \opt{player}{ |
| \section{Shutdown} |
| This menu option saves the Rockbox configuration and turns off the hard |
| drive before shutting down the machine. For maximum safety this procedure |
| is recommended when turning off the \dap. (There is a very small risk |
| of hard disk corruption otherwise.) See \reference{ref:Safeshutdown} |
| for more details. |
| } |
| |
| \opt{quickscreen} |
| { |
| \section{\label{ref:QuickScreen}Quick Screen} |
| Although the \setting{Quick Screen} is accessible from nearly everywhere, |
| not just the \setting{Main Menu}, it is worth mentioning here. It allows |
| rapid access to your four favourite settings. The default settings are |
| \setting{Shuffle} (\reference{ref:PlaybackSettings}), |
| \setting{Repeat} (\reference{ref:PlaybackSettings}) and the |
| \setting{Show Files} (\reference{ref:ShowFiles}) options, but almost all |
| configurable options in Rockbox can be placed on this screen. To change the |
| options, navigate through the menus to the setting you want to add and press |
| \ActionStdContext. In the menu which appears you will be given options |
| to place the setting on the \setting{Quick Screen}. |
| |
| Press \ActionStdQuickScreen{} to access it and \ActionQuickScreenExit{} to exit. |
| The direction buttons will modify the individual setting values as indicated |
| by the arrow icons. Please note that the settings at opposite sides of the |
| screen cycle through the available options in opposite directions. |
| Therefore if you select the same setting at e.g. the top and bottom of the |
| quickscreen, then pressing up and down will cycle through this setting in |
| opposite directions. |
| } |