header added

git-svn-id: svn://svn.rockbox.org/rockbox/trunk@1850 a1c6a512-1295-4272-9138-f99709370657
diff --git a/docs/CONTRIBUTING b/docs/CONTRIBUTING
index 0108c8e..51058c8 100644
@@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
+               __________               __   ___.
+     Open      \______   \ ____   ____ |  | _\_ |__   _______  ___
+     Source     |       _//  _ \_/ ___\|  |/ /| __ \ /  _ \  \/  /
+     Jukebox    |    |   (  <_> )  \___|    < | \_\ (  <_> > <  <
+     Firmware   |____|_  /\____/ \___  >__|_ \|___  /\____/__/\_ \
+                       \/            \/     \/    \/            \/
+                                 Contribution Policies
 In order for the project to run as smoothly as possible, it's best if all
 contributors adhere to a few simple conventions:
diff --git a/docs/CREDITS b/docs/CREDITS
index 316f334..fe4f10a 100644
--- a/docs/CREDITS
+++ b/docs/CREDITS
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+               __________               __   ___.
+     Open      \______   \ ____   ____ |  | _\_ |__   _______  ___
+     Source     |       _//  _ \_/ ___\|  |/ /| __ \ /  _ \  \/  /
+     Jukebox    |    |   (  <_> )  \___|    < | \_\ (  <_> > <  <
+     Firmware   |____|_  /\____/ \___  >__|_ \|___  /\____/__/\_ \
+                       \/            \/     \/    \/            \/
+                                 Credits Listing
 People that have contributed to the project, one way or another. Friends!
 Björn Stenberg          Originator, project manager, code