blob: faa4c1f1878a2e34a0f0197cffd57840632e6011 [file] [log] [blame]
* __________ __ ___.
* Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
* Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
* Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
* Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
* \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
* $Id$
* Copyright (C) 2004 by Jens Arnold
* All files in this archive are subject to the GNU General Public License.
* See the file COPYING in the source tree root for full license agreement.
* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
* KIND, either express or implied.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "ata.h"
#include "ata_mmc.h"
#include "kernel.h"
#include "thread.h"
#include "led.h"
#include "sh7034.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "panic.h"
#include "usb.h"
#include "power.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "hwcompat.h"
#include "adc.h"
#include "bitswap.h"
#define SECTOR_SIZE 512
/* Command definitions */
#define CMD_GO_IDLE_STATE 0x40 /* R1 */
#define CMD_SEND_OP_COND 0x41 /* R1 */
#define CMD_SEND_CSD 0x49 /* R1 */
#define CMD_SEND_CID 0x4a /* R1 */
#define CMD_STOP_TRANSMISSION 0x4c /* R1 */
#define CMD_SEND_STATUS 0x4d /* R2 */
#define CMD_READ_SINGLE_BLOCK 0x51 /* R1 */
#define CMD_READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK 0x52 /* R1 */
#define CMD_WRITE_BLOCK 0x58 /* R1b */
#define CMD_WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCK 0x59 /* R1b */
#define CMD_READ_OCR 0x7a /* R3 */
/* Response formats:
R1 = single byte, msb=0, various error flags
R1b = R1 + busy token(s)
R2 = 2 bytes (1st byte identical to R1), additional flags
R3 = 5 bytes (R1 + OCR register)
#define R1_PARAMETER_ERR 0x40
#define R1_ADDRESS_ERR 0x20
#define R1_ERASE_SEQ_ERR 0x10
#define R1_COM_CRC_ERR 0x08
#define R1_ILLEGAL_CMD 0x04
#define R1_ERASE_RESET 0x02
#define R1_IN_IDLE_STATE 0x01
#define R2_OUT_OF_RANGE 0x80
#define R2_ERASE_PARAM 0x40
#define R2_WP_VIOLATION 0x20
#define R2_CARD_ECC_FAIL 0x10
#define R2_CC_ERROR 0x08
#define R2_ERROR 0x04
#define R2_ERASE_SKIP 0x02
#define R2_CARD_LOCKED 0x01
/* Data start tokens */
#define DT_START_BLOCK 0xfe
#define DT_STOP_TRAN 0xfd
/* for compatibility */
bool old_recorder = false; /* FIXME: get rid of this cross-dependency */
int ata_spinup_time = 0;
char ata_device = 0; /* device 0 (master) or 1 (slave) */
int ata_io_address = 0; /* 0x300 or 0x200, only valid on recorder */
long last_disk_activity = -1;
/* private variables */
static struct mutex mmc_mutex;
static bool initialized = false;
static bool delayed_write = false;
static unsigned char delayed_sector[SECTOR_SIZE];
static int delayed_sector_num;
static enum {
} serial_mode;
static const unsigned char dummy[] = {
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
/* 2 buffers for writing, include start token and dummy crc and an extra
* byte to keep word alignment */
static unsigned char sector_buffer[2][(SECTOR_SIZE+4)];
static int current_buffer = 0;
static tCardInfo card_info[2];
static int current_card = 0;
static bool last_mmc_status = false;
static int countdown; /* for mmc switch debouncing */
/* private function declarations */
static int select_card(int card_no);
static void deselect_card(void);
static void setup_sci1(int bitrate_register);
static void set_sci1_poll_read(void);
static void write_transfer(const unsigned char *buf, int len)
__attribute__ ((section(".icode")));
static void read_transfer(unsigned char *buf, int len)
__attribute__ ((section(".icode")));
static unsigned char poll_byte(int timeout);
static unsigned char poll_busy(int timeout);
static int send_cmd(int cmd, unsigned long parameter, unsigned char *response);
static int receive_cxd(unsigned char *buf);
static int initialize_card(int card_no);
static int receive_sector(unsigned char *inbuf, unsigned char *swapbuf,
int timeout);
static void swapcopy_sector(const unsigned char *buf);
static int send_sector(const unsigned char *nextbuf, int timeout);
static int send_single_sector(const unsigned char *buf, int timeout);
static void mmc_tick(void);
/* implementation */
void mmc_select_clock(int card_no)
if (card_no == 0) /* internal */
or_b(0x10, &PADRH); /* set clock gate PA12 CHECKME: mask? */
else /* external */
and_b(~0x10, &PADRH); /* clear clock gate PA12 CHECKME: mask?*/
static int select_card(int card_no)
last_disk_activity = current_tick;
if (!card_info[card_no].initialized)
setup_sci1(7); /* Initial rate: 375 kbps (need <= 400 per mmc specs) */
write_transfer(dummy, 10); /* allow the card to synchronize */
while (!(SSR1 & SCI_TEND));
if (card_no == 0) /* internal */
and_b(~0x04, &PADRH); /* assert CS */
else /* external */
and_b(~0x02, &PADRH); /* assert CS */
if (card_info[card_no].initialized)
return 0;
return initialize_card(card_no);
static void deselect_card(void)
while (!(SSR1 & SCI_TEND)); /* wait for end of transfer */
or_b(0x06, &PADRH); /* deassert CS (both cards) */
last_disk_activity = current_tick;
static void setup_sci1(int bitrate_register)
while (!(SSR1 & SCI_TEND)); /* wait for end of transfer */
SCR1 = 0; /* disable serial port */
SMR1 = SYNC_MODE; /* no prescale */
BRR1 = bitrate_register;
SSR1 = 0;
SCR1 = SCI_TE; /* enable transmitter */
serial_mode = SER_POLL_WRITE;
static void set_sci1_poll_read(void)
while(!(SSR1 & SCI_TEND)); /* wait for end of transfer */
SCR1 = 0; /* disable transmitter (& receiver) */
SCR1 = (SCI_TE|SCI_RE); /* re-enable transmitter & receiver */
while(!(SSR1 & SCI_TEND)); /* wait for SCI init completion (!) */
serial_mode = SER_POLL_READ;
TDR1 = 0xFF; /* send do-nothing while reading */
static void write_transfer(const unsigned char *buf, int len)
const unsigned char *buf_end = buf + len;
register unsigned char data;
if (serial_mode != SER_POLL_WRITE)
while(!(SSR1 & SCI_TEND)); /* wait for end of transfer */
SCR1 = 0; /* disable transmitter & receiver */
SSR1 = 0; /* clear all flags */
SCR1 = SCI_TE; /* enable transmitter only */
serial_mode = SER_POLL_WRITE;
while (buf < buf_end)
data = fliptable[(signed char)(*buf++)]; /* bitswap */
while (!(SSR1 & SCI_TDRE)); /* wait for end of transfer */
TDR1 = data; /* write byte */
SSR1 = 0; /* start transmitting */
/* don't call this with len == 0 */
static void read_transfer(unsigned char *buf, int len)
unsigned char *buf_end = buf + len - 1;
register signed char data;
if (serial_mode != SER_POLL_READ)
SSR1 = 0; /* start receiving first byte */
while (buf < buf_end)
while (!(SSR1 & SCI_RDRF)); /* wait for data */
data = RDR1; /* read byte */
SSR1 = 0; /* start receiving */
*buf++ = fliptable[data]; /* bitswap */
while (!(SSR1 & SCI_RDRF)); /* wait for last byte */
*buf = fliptable[(signed char)(RDR1)]; /* read & bitswap */
/* returns 0xFF on timeout, timeout is in bytes */
static unsigned char poll_byte(int timeout)
int i;
unsigned char data = 0; /* stop the compiler complaining */
if (serial_mode != SER_POLL_READ)
i = 0;
do {
SSR1 = 0; /* start receiving */
while (!(SSR1 & SCI_RDRF)); /* wait for data */
data = RDR1; /* read byte */
} while ((data == 0xFF) && (++i < timeout));
return fliptable[(signed char)data];
/* returns 0 on timeout, timeout is in bytes */
static unsigned char poll_busy(int timeout)
int i;
unsigned char data, dummy;
if (serial_mode != SER_POLL_READ)
/* get data response */
SSR1 = 0; /* start receiving */
while (!(SSR1 & SCI_RDRF)); /* wait for data */
data = fliptable[(signed char)(RDR1)]; /* read byte */
/* wait until the card is ready again */
i = 0;
do {
SSR1 = 0; /* start receiving */
while (!(SSR1 & SCI_RDRF)); /* wait for data */
dummy = RDR1; /* read byte */
} while ((dummy != 0xFF) && (++i < timeout));
return (dummy == 0xFF) ? data : 0;
/* Send MMC command and get response */
static int send_cmd(int cmd, unsigned long parameter, unsigned char *response)
unsigned char command[] = {0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x95, 0xFF};
command[0] = cmd;
if (parameter != 0)
command[1] = (parameter >> 24) & 0xFF;
command[2] = (parameter >> 16) & 0xFF;
command[3] = (parameter >> 8) & 0xFF;
command[4] = parameter & 0xFF;
write_transfer(command, 7);
response[0] = poll_byte(20);
if (response[0] != 0x00)
write_transfer(dummy, 1);
return -1;
switch (cmd)
case CMD_SEND_CSD: /* R1 response, leave open */
case CMD_SEND_STATUS: /* R2 response, close with dummy */
read_transfer(response + 1, 1);
write_transfer(dummy, 1);
case CMD_READ_OCR: /* R3 response, close with dummy */
read_transfer(response + 1, 4);
write_transfer(dummy, 1);
default: /* R1 response, close with dummy */
write_transfer(dummy, 1);
break; /* also catches block writes */
return 0;
/* Receive CID/ CSD data (16 bytes) */
static int receive_cxd(unsigned char *buf)
if (poll_byte(20) != DT_START_BLOCK)
write_transfer(dummy, 1);
return -1; /* not start of data */
read_transfer(buf, 16);
write_transfer(dummy, 3); /* 2 bytes dontcare crc + 1 byte trailer */
return 0;
/* helper function to extract n (<=32) bits from an arbitrary position.
counting from MSB to LSB */
unsigned long mmc_extract_bits(
const unsigned long *p, /* the start of the bitfield array */
unsigned int start, /* bit no. to start reading */
unsigned int size) /* how many bits to read */
unsigned int bit_index;
unsigned int bits_to_use;
unsigned long mask;
unsigned long result;
if (size == 1)
{ /* short cut */
return ((p[start/32] >> (31 - (start % 32))) & 1);
result = 0;
while (size)
bit_index = start % 32;
bits_to_use = MIN(32 - bit_index, size);
mask = 0xFFFFFFFF >> (32 - bits_to_use);
result <<= bits_to_use; /* start last round */
result |= (p[start/32] >> (32 - bits_to_use - bit_index)) & mask;
start += bits_to_use;
size -= bits_to_use;
return result;
static int initialize_card(int card_no)
int i, temp;
unsigned char response[5];
tCardInfo *card = &card_info[card_no];
static const char mantissa[] = { /* *10 */
0, 10, 12, 13, 15, 20, 25, 30,
35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 70, 80
static const int exponent[] = { /* use varies */
1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000,
10000000, 100000000, 1000000000
/* switch to SPI mode */
send_cmd(CMD_GO_IDLE_STATE, 0, response);
if (response[0] != 0x01)
return -1; /* error response */
/* initialize card */
i = 0;
while (send_cmd(CMD_SEND_OP_COND, 0, response) && (++i < 200));
if (response[0] != 0x00)
return -2; /* not ready */
/* get OCR register */
if (send_cmd(CMD_READ_OCR, 0, response))
return -3;
card->ocr = (response[1] << 24) + (response[2] << 16)
+ (response[3] << 8) + response[4];
/* check voltage */
if (!(card->ocr & 0x00100000)) /* 3.2 .. 3.3 V */
return -4;
/* get CSD register */
if (send_cmd(CMD_SEND_CSD, 0, response))
return -5;
if (receive_cxd((unsigned char*)card->csd))
return -6;
/* check block size */
if ((1 << mmc_extract_bits(card->csd, 44, 4)) != SECTOR_SIZE)
return -7;
/* max transmission speed, clock divider */
temp = mmc_extract_bits(card->csd, 29, 3);
temp = (temp > 3) ? 3 : temp;
card->speed = mantissa[mmc_extract_bits(card->csd, 25, 4)]
* exponent[temp + 4];
card->bitrate_register = (FREQ/4-1) / card->speed;
/* NSAC, TSAC, read timeout */
card->nsac = 100 * mmc_extract_bits(card->csd, 16, 8);
card->tsac = mantissa[mmc_extract_bits(card->csd, 9, 4)];
temp = mmc_extract_bits(card->csd, 13, 3);
card->read_timeout = ((FREQ/4) / (card->bitrate_register + 1)
* card->tsac / exponent[9 - temp]
+ (10 * card->nsac));
card->read_timeout /= 8; /* clocks -> bytes */
card->tsac *= exponent[temp];
/* r2w_factor, write timeout */
temp = mmc_extract_bits(card->csd, 99, 3);
temp = (temp > 5) ? 5 : temp;
card->r2w_factor = 1 << temp;
card->write_timeout = card->read_timeout * card->r2w_factor;
/* switch to full speed */
/* get CID register */
if (send_cmd(CMD_SEND_CID, 0, response))
return -8;
if (receive_cxd((unsigned char*)card->cid))
return -9;
card->initialized = true;
return 0;
tCardInfo *mmc_card_info(int card_no)
tCardInfo *card = &card_info[card_no];
if (!card->initialized && ((card_no == 0) || mmc_detect()))
return card;
/* Receive one sector with dma, possibly swapping the previously received
* sector in the background */
static int receive_sector(unsigned char *inbuf, unsigned char *swapbuf,
int timeout)
if (poll_byte(timeout) != DT_START_BLOCK)
write_transfer(dummy, 1);
return -1; /* not start of data */
while (!(SSR1 & SCI_TEND)); /* wait for end of transfer */
SCR1 = 0; /* disable serial */
SSR1 = 0; /* clear all flags */
/* setup DMA channel 2 */
CHCR2 = 0; /* disable */
DAR2 = (unsigned long) inbuf;
CHCR2 = 0x4601; /* fixed source address, RXI1, enable */
DMAOR = 0x0001;
SCR1 = (SCI_RE|SCI_RIE); /* kick off DMA */
/* dma receives 2 bytes more than DTCR2, but the last 2 bytes are not
* stored. The first extra byte is available from RDR1 after the DMA ends,
* the second one is lost because of the SCI overrun. However, this
* behaviour conveniently discards the crc. */
if (swapbuf != NULL) /* bitswap previous sector */
bitswap(swapbuf, SECTOR_SIZE);
yield(); /* be nice */
while (!(CHCR2 & 0x0002)); /* wait for end of DMA */
while (!(SSR1 & SCI_ORER)); /* wait for the trailing bytes */
SCR1 = 0;
serial_mode = SER_DISABLED;
write_transfer(dummy, 1); /* send trailer */
return 0;
/* copies one sector into the next-current write buffer, then bitswaps */
static void swapcopy_sector(const unsigned char *buf)
unsigned char *curbuf;
current_buffer ^= 1; /* toggles between 0 and 1 */
curbuf = sector_buffer[current_buffer];
curbuf[(SECTOR_SIZE+2)] = curbuf[(SECTOR_SIZE+3)] = 0xFF; /* dummy crc */
memcpy(curbuf + 2, buf, SECTOR_SIZE);
bitswap(curbuf + 1, (SECTOR_SIZE+1));
/* Send one sector with dma from the current sector buffer, possibly preparing
* the next sector within the other sector buffer in the background. Use
* for multisector transfer only */
static int send_sector(const unsigned char *nextbuf, int timeout)
int ret = 0;
while (!(SSR1 & SCI_TEND)); /* wait for end of transfer */
SCR1 = 0; /* disable serial */
SSR1 = 0; /* clear all flags */
/* setup DMA channel 2 */
CHCR2 = 0; /* disable */
SAR2 = (unsigned long)(sector_buffer[current_buffer] + 1);
CHCR2 = 0x1701; /* fixed dest. address, TXI1, enable */
DMAOR = 0x0001;
SCR1 = (SCI_TE|SCI_TIE); /* kick off DMA */
if (nextbuf != NULL) /* prepare next sector */
yield(); /* be nice */
while (!(CHCR2 & 0x0002)); /* wait for end of DMA */
while (!(SSR1 & SCI_TEND)); /* wait for end of transfer */
SCR1 = 0;
serial_mode = SER_DISABLED;
if ((poll_busy(timeout) & 0x1F) != 0x05) /* something went wrong */
ret = -1;
write_transfer(dummy, 1);
return ret;
/* Send one sector with polled i/o. Use for single sector transfers only. */
static int send_single_sector(const unsigned char *buf, int timeout)
int ret = 0;
unsigned char start_token = DT_START_BLOCK;
write_transfer(&start_token, 1);
write_transfer(buf, SECTOR_SIZE);
write_transfer(dummy, 2); /* crc - dontcare */
if ((poll_busy(timeout) & 0x1F) != 0x05) /* something went wrong */
ret = -1;
write_transfer(dummy, 1);
return ret;
int ata_read_sectors(unsigned long start,
int incount,
void* inbuf)
int ret = 0;
int i;
unsigned long addr;
unsigned char response;
void *inbuf_prev = NULL;
tCardInfo *card = &card_info[current_card];
addr = start * SECTOR_SIZE;
ret = select_card(current_card);
if (ret == 0)
if (incount == 1)
ret = send_cmd(CMD_READ_SINGLE_BLOCK, addr, &response);
if (ret == 0)
ret = receive_sector(inbuf, inbuf_prev, card->read_timeout);
inbuf_prev = inbuf;
last_disk_activity = current_tick;
ret = send_cmd(CMD_READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK, addr, &response);
for (i = 0; (i < incount) && (ret == 0); i++)
ret = receive_sector(inbuf, inbuf_prev, card->read_timeout);
inbuf_prev = inbuf;
inbuf += SECTOR_SIZE;
last_disk_activity = current_tick;
if (ret == 0)
ret = send_cmd(CMD_STOP_TRANSMISSION, 0, &response);
if (ret == 0)
bitswap(inbuf_prev, SECTOR_SIZE);
/* only flush if reading went ok */
if ( (ret == 0) && delayed_write )
return ret;
int ata_write_sectors(unsigned long start,
int count,
const void* buf)
int ret = 0;
int i;
unsigned long addr;
unsigned char response;
tCardInfo *card = &card_info[current_card];
if (start == 0)
panicf("Writing on sector 0\n");
addr = start * SECTOR_SIZE;
ret = select_card(current_card);
if (ret == 0)
if (count == 1)
ret = send_cmd(CMD_WRITE_BLOCK, addr, &response);
if (ret == 0)
ret = send_single_sector(buf, card->write_timeout);
last_disk_activity = current_tick;
swapcopy_sector(buf); /* prepare first sector */
ret = send_cmd(CMD_WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCK, addr, &response);
for (i = 1; (i < count) && (ret == 0); i++)
ret = send_sector(buf, card->write_timeout);
last_disk_activity = current_tick;
if (ret == 0)
ret = send_sector(NULL, card->write_timeout);
if (ret == 0)
response = DT_STOP_TRAN;
write_transfer(&response, 1);
last_disk_activity = current_tick;
/* only flush if writing went ok */
if ( (ret == 0) && delayed_write )
return ret;
/* While there is no spinup, the delayed write is still here to avoid
wearing the flash unnecessarily */
extern void ata_delayed_write(unsigned long sector, const void* buf)
memcpy(delayed_sector, buf, SECTOR_SIZE);
delayed_sector_num = sector;
delayed_write = true;
extern void ata_flush(void)
if ( delayed_write ) {
delayed_write = false;
ata_write_sectors(delayed_sector_num, 1, delayed_sector);
void ata_spindown(int seconds)
bool ata_disk_is_active(void)
/* this is correct unless early return from write gets implemented */
return mmc_mutex.locked;
int ata_standby(int time)
return 0;
int ata_sleep(void)
return 0;
void ata_spin(void)
bool mmc_detect(void)
return adc_read(ADC_MMC_SWITCH) < 0x200 ? true : false;
static void mmc_tick(void)
bool current_status;
current_status = mmc_detect();
/* Only report when the status has changed */
if (current_status != last_mmc_status)
last_mmc_status = current_status;
countdown = 30;
/* Count down until it gets negative */
if (countdown >= 0)
/* Report to the thread if we have had 3 identical status
readings in a row */
if (countdown == 0)
if (current_status)
queue_broadcast(SYS_MMC_INSERTED, NULL);
queue_broadcast(SYS_MMC_EXTRACTED, NULL);
card_info[1].initialized = false;
int ata_soft_reset(void)
return 0;
void ata_enable(bool on)
PBCR1 &= ~0x0CF0; /* PB13, PB11 and PB10 become GPIOs, if not modified below */
PACR2 &= ~0x4000; /* use PA7 (bridge reset) as GPIO */
if (on)
PBCR1 |= 0x08A0; /* as SCK1, TxD1, RxD1 */
IPRE &= 0x0FFF; /* disable SCI1 interrupts for the CPU */
and_b(~0x80, &PADRL); /* assert reset */
or_b(0x80, &PADRL); /* de-assert reset */
card_info[0].initialized = false;
card_info[1].initialized = false;
int ata_init(void)
int rc = 0;
/* Port setup */
PACR1 &= ~0x0F00; /* GPIO function for PA12, /IRQ1 for PA13 */
PACR1 |= 0x0400;
PADR |= 0x0680; /* set all the selects + reset high (=inactive) */
PAIOR |= 0x1680; /* make outputs for them and the PA12 clock gate */
PBDR |= 0x2C00; /* SCK1, TxD1 and RxD1 high when GPIO CHECKME: mask */
PBIOR |= 0x2000; /* SCK1 output */
PBIOR &= ~0x0C00; /* TxD1, RxD1 input */
last_mmc_status = mmc_detect();
if (last_mmc_status)
{ /* MMC inserted */
current_card = 1;
{ /* no MMC, use internal memory */
current_card = 0;
if ( !initialized )
initialized = true;
return rc;