blob: 8f8e9f93322ac8b9c2cf15a1056f6cfd5dd81a48 [file] [log] [blame]
* __________ __ ___.
* Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
* Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
* Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
* Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
* \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
* $Id$
* Copyright (C) 2002 by Alan Korr
* All files in this archive are subject to the GNU General Public License.
* See the file COPYING in the source tree root for full license agreement.
* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
* KIND, either express or implied.
#include "config.h"
#include "lcd.h"
#include "kernel.h"
#include "thread.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "file.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "font.h"
#include "hwcompat.h"
/*** definitions ***/
#define LCD_SET_LOWER_COLUMN_ADDRESS ((char)0x00)
#define LCD_SET_HIGHER_COLUMN_ADDRESS ((char)0x10)
#define LCD_SET_DISPLAY_START_LINE ((char)0x40)
#define LCD_SET_SEGMENT_REMAP ((char)0xA0)
#define LCD_SET_LCD_BIAS ((char)0xA2)
#define LCD_SET_ENTIRE_DISPLAY_OFF ((char)0xA4)
#define LCD_SET_ENTIRE_DISPLAY_ON ((char)0xA5)
#define LCD_SET_NORMAL_DISPLAY ((char)0xA6)
#define LCD_SET_REVERSE_DISPLAY ((char)0xA7)
#define LCD_SET_MULTIPLEX_RATIO ((char)0xA8)
#define LCD_SET_BIAS_TC_OSC ((char)0xA9)
#define LCD_SET_1OVER4_BIAS_RATIO ((char)0xAA)
#define LCD_SET_INDICATOR_OFF ((char)0xAC)
#define LCD_SET_INDICATOR_ON ((char)0xAD)
#define LCD_SET_DISPLAY_OFF ((char)0xAE)
#define LCD_SET_DISPLAY_ON ((char)0xAF)
#define LCD_SET_PAGE_ADDRESS ((char)0xB0)
#define LCD_SET_TOTAL_FRAME_PHASES ((char)0xD2)
#define LCD_SET_DISPLAY_OFFSET ((char)0xD3)
#define LCD_SOFTWARE_RESET ((char)0xE2)
#define LCD_NOP ((char)0xE3)
/* LCD command codes */
#define LCD_CNTL_RESET 0xe2 /* Software reset */
#define LCD_CNTL_POWER 0x2f /* Power control */
#define LCD_CNTL_CONTRAST 0x81 /* Contrast */
#define LCD_CNTL_OUTSCAN 0xc8 /* Output scan direction */
#define LCD_CNTL_SEGREMAP 0xa1 /* Segment remap */
#define LCD_CNTL_DISPON 0xaf /* Display on */
#define LCD_CNTL_PAGE 0xb0 /* Page address */
#define LCD_CNTL_HIGHCOL 0x10 /* Upper column address */
#define LCD_CNTL_LOWCOL 0x00 /* Lower column address */
struct scrollinfo {
int len; /* length of line in chars */
int width; /* length of line in pixels */
int offset;
int startx;
bool backward; /* scroll presently forward or backward? */
bool bidir;
bool invert; /* invert the scrolled text */
long start_tick;
static volatile int scrolling_lines=0; /* Bitpattern of which lines are scrolling */
static void scroll_thread(void);
static char scroll_stack[DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE];
static const char scroll_name[] = "scroll";
static char scroll_ticks = 12; /* # of ticks between updates*/
static int scroll_delay = HZ/2; /* ticks delay before start */
static char scroll_step = 6; /* pixels per scroll step */
static int bidir_limit = 50; /* percent */
static struct scrollinfo scroll[SCROLLABLE_LINES];
static int xmargin = 0;
static int ymargin = 0;
static int curfont = FONT_SYSFIXED;
static int xoffset; /* needed for flip */
unsigned char lcd_framebuffer[LCD_HEIGHT/8][LCD_WIDTH];
/* All zeros and ones bitmaps for area filling */
static const unsigned char zeros[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
static const unsigned char ones[8] = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
int lcd_default_contrast(void)
return 30;
return (read_hw_mask() & LCD_CONTRAST_BIAS) ? 31 : 49;
void lcd_init(void)
create_thread(scroll_thread, scroll_stack,
sizeof(scroll_stack), scroll_name);
* Initialize LCD
void lcd_init (void)
/* Initialize PB0-3 as output pins */
PBCR2 &= 0xff00; /* MD = 00 */
PBIOR |= 0x000f; /* IOR = 1 */
/* inits like the original firmware */
lcd_write_command(LCD_SET_1OVER4_BIAS_RATIO + 0); /* force 1/4 bias: 0 */
lcd_write_command(LCD_SET_POWER_CONTROL_REGISTER + 7); /* power control register: op-amp=1, regulator=1, booster=1 */
lcd_write_command(LCD_SET_DISPLAY_START_LINE + 0);
lcd_write_command(LCD_SET_LOWER_COLUMN_ADDRESS + 0);
lcd_write_command(LCD_SET_HIGHER_COLUMN_ADDRESS + 0);
create_thread(scroll_thread, scroll_stack,
sizeof(scroll_stack), scroll_name);
/* Performance function that works with an external buffer
note that y and height are in 8-pixel units! */
void lcd_blit (const unsigned char* p_data, int x, int y, int width,
int height, int stride)
/* Copy display bitmap to hardware */
while (height--)
lcd_write_command (LCD_CNTL_PAGE | (y++ & 0xf));
lcd_write_command (LCD_CNTL_HIGHCOL | (((x+xoffset)>>4) & 0xf));
lcd_write_command (LCD_CNTL_LOWCOL | ((x+xoffset) & 0xf));
lcd_write_data(p_data, width);
p_data += stride;
* Update the display.
* This must be called after all other LCD functions that change the display.
void lcd_update (void) __attribute__ ((section (".icode")));
void lcd_update (void)
int y;
/* Copy display bitmap to hardware */
for (y = 0; y < LCD_HEIGHT/8; y++)
lcd_write_command (LCD_CNTL_PAGE | (y & 0xf));
lcd_write_command (LCD_CNTL_HIGHCOL | ((xoffset>>4) & 0xf));
lcd_write_command (LCD_CNTL_LOWCOL | (xoffset & 0xf));
lcd_write_data (lcd_framebuffer[y], LCD_WIDTH);
* Update a fraction of the display.
void lcd_update_rect (int, int, int, int) __attribute__ ((section (".icode")));
void lcd_update_rect (int x_start, int y,
int width, int height)
int ymax;
/* The Y coordinates have to work on even 8 pixel rows */
ymax = (y + height-1)/8;
y /= 8;
if(x_start + width > LCD_WIDTH)
width = LCD_WIDTH - x_start;
if (width <= 0)
return; /* nothing left to do, 0 is harmful to lcd_write_data() */
if(ymax >= LCD_HEIGHT/8)
ymax = LCD_HEIGHT/8-1;
/* Copy specified rectange bitmap to hardware */
for (; y <= ymax; y++)
lcd_write_command (LCD_CNTL_PAGE | (y & 0xf));
lcd_write_command (LCD_CNTL_HIGHCOL | (((x_start+xoffset)>>4) & 0xf));
lcd_write_command (LCD_CNTL_LOWCOL | ((x_start+xoffset) & 0xf));
lcd_write_data (&lcd_framebuffer[y][x_start], width);
void lcd_set_contrast(int val)
void lcd_set_invert_display(bool yesno)
if (yesno)
/* turn the display upside down (call lcd_update() afterwards) */
void lcd_set_flip(bool yesno)
if (!yesno)
if (yesno)
xoffset = 132 - LCD_WIDTH; /* 132 colums minus the 112 we have */
lcd_write_command(LCD_SET_SEGMENT_REMAP | 0x01);
lcd_write_command(LCD_SET_COM_OUTPUT_SCAN_DIRECTION | 0x08);
xoffset = 0;
* Rolls up the lcd display by the specified amount of lines.
* Lines that are rolled out over the top of the screen are
* rolled in from the bottom again. This is a hardware
* remapping only and all operations on the lcd are affected.
* ->
* @param int lines - The number of lines that are rolled.
* The value must be 0 <= pixels < LCD_HEIGHT.
void lcd_roll(int lines)
lcd_write_command(LCD_SET_DISPLAY_START_LINE | (lines & (LCD_HEIGHT-1)));
#endif /* SIMULATOR */
void lcd_clear_display (void)
memset (lcd_framebuffer, 0, sizeof lcd_framebuffer);
scrolling_lines = 0;
void lcd_setmargins(int x, int y)
xmargin = x;
ymargin = y;
int lcd_getxmargin(void)
return xmargin;
int lcd_getymargin(void)
return ymargin;
void lcd_setfont(int newfont)
curfont = newfont;
int lcd_getstringsize(const unsigned char *str, int *w, int *h)
struct font* pf = font_get(curfont);
int ch;
int width = 0;
while((ch = *str++)) {
/* check input range*/
if (ch < pf->firstchar || ch >= pf->firstchar+pf->size)
ch = pf->defaultchar;
ch -= pf->firstchar;
/* get proportional width and glyph bits*/
width += pf->width? pf->width[ch]: pf->maxwidth;
if ( w )
*w = width;
if ( h )
*h = pf->height;
return width;
/* put a string at a given char position */
void lcd_puts(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str)
lcd_puts_style(x, y, str, STYLE_DEFAULT);
void lcd_puts_style(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str, int style)
int xpos,ypos,w,h;
#if defined(SIMULATOR) && defined(HAVE_LCD_CHARCELLS)
/* We make the simulator truncate the string if it reaches the right edge,
as otherwise it'll wrap. The real target doesn't wrap. */
char buffer[12];
if(strlen(str)+x > 11 ) {
strncpy(buffer, str, sizeof buffer);
str = buffer;
xmargin = 0;
ymargin = 8;
/* make sure scrolling is turned off on the line we are updating */
scrolling_lines &= ~(1 << y);
if(!str || !str[0])
lcd_getstringsize(str, &w, &h);
xpos = xmargin + x*w / strlen(str);
ypos = ymargin + y*h;
lcd_putsxy(xpos, ypos, str);
lcd_clearrect(xpos + w, ypos, LCD_WIDTH - (xpos + w), h);
if (style & STYLE_INVERT)
lcd_invertrect(xpos, ypos, LCD_WIDTH - xpos, h);
#if defined(SIMULATOR) && defined(HAVE_LCD_CHARCELLS)
/* put a string at a given pixel position, skipping first ofs pixel columns */
static void lcd_putsxyofs(int x, int y, int ofs, const unsigned char *str)
int ch;
struct font* pf = font_get(curfont);
while ((ch = *str++) != '\0' && x < LCD_WIDTH)
int gwidth, width;
/* check input range */
if (ch < pf->firstchar || ch >= pf->firstchar+pf->size)
ch = pf->defaultchar;
ch -= pf->firstchar;
/* no partial-height drawing for now... */
if (y + pf->height > LCD_HEIGHT)
/* get proportional width and glyph bits */
gwidth = pf->width ? pf->width[ch] : pf->maxwidth;
width = MIN (gwidth, LCD_WIDTH - x);
if (ofs != 0)
if (ofs > width)
ofs -= width;
width -= ofs;
if (width > 0)
unsigned int i;
const unsigned char* bits = pf->bits +
(pf->offset ? pf->offset[ch]
: ((pf->height + 7) / 8 * pf->maxwidth * ch));
if (ofs != 0)
for (i = 0; i < pf->height; i += 8)
lcd_bitmap (bits + ofs, x, y + i, width,
MIN(8, pf->height - i), true);
bits += gwidth;
lcd_bitmap ((unsigned char*) bits, x, y, gwidth,
pf->height, true);
x += width;
ofs = 0;
/* put a string at a given pixel position */
void lcd_putsxy(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str)
lcd_putsxyofs(x, y, 0, str);
* About Rockbox' internal bitmap format:
* A bitmap contains one bit for every pixel that defines if that pixel is
* black (1) or white (0). Bits within a byte are arranged vertically, LSB
* at top.
* The bytes are stored in row-major order, with byte 0 being top left,
* byte 1 2nd from left etc. The first row of bytes defines pixel rows
* 0..7, the second row defines pixel row 8..15 etc.
* This is the same as the internal lcd hw format.
* Draw a bitmap at (x, y), size (nx, ny)
* if 'clear' is true, clear destination area first
void lcd_bitmap (const unsigned char *src, int x, int y, int nx, int ny,
bool clear) __attribute__ ((section (".icode")));
void lcd_bitmap (const unsigned char *src, int x, int y, int nx, int ny,
bool clear)
const unsigned char *src_col;
unsigned char *dst, *dst_col;
unsigned int data, mask1, mask2, mask3, mask4;
int stride, shift;
if (((unsigned) x >= LCD_WIDTH) || ((unsigned) y >= LCD_HEIGHT))
stride = nx; /* otherwise right-clipping will destroy the image */
if (((unsigned) (x + nx)) >= LCD_WIDTH)
nx = LCD_WIDTH - x;
if (((unsigned) (y + ny)) >= LCD_HEIGHT)
ny = LCD_HEIGHT - y;
dst = &lcd_framebuffer[y >> 3][x];
shift = y & 7;
if (!shift && clear) /* shortcut for byte aligned match with clear */
while (ny >= 8) /* all full rows */
memcpy(dst, src, nx);
src += stride;
dst += LCD_WIDTH;
ny -= 8;
if (ny == 0) /* nothing left to do? */
/* last partial row to do by default routine */
ny += shift;
/* Calculate bit masks */
mask4 = ~(0xfe << ((ny-1) & 7)); /* data mask for last partial row */
if (clear)
mask1 = ~(0xff << shift); /* clearing of first partial row */
mask2 = 0; /* clearing of intermediate (full) rows */
mask3 = ~mask4; /* clearing of last partial row */
if (ny <= 8)
mask3 |= mask1;
mask1 = mask2 = mask3 = 0xff;
/* Loop for each column */
for (x = 0; x < nx; x++)
src_col = src++;
dst_col = dst++;
data = 0;
y = 0;
if (ny > 8)
/* First partial row */
data = *src_col << shift;
*dst_col = (*dst_col & mask1) | data;
src_col += stride;
dst_col += LCD_WIDTH;
data >>= 8;
/* Intermediate rows */
for (y = 8; y < ny-8; y += 8)
data |= *src_col << shift;
*dst_col = (*dst_col & mask2) | data;
src_col += stride;
dst_col += LCD_WIDTH;
data >>= 8;
/* Last partial row */
if (y + shift < ny)
data |= *src_col << shift;
*dst_col = (*dst_col & mask3) | (data & mask4);
* Draw a rectangle with upper left corner at (x, y)
* and size (nx, ny)
void lcd_drawrect (int x, int y, int nx, int ny)
int i;
if (x > LCD_WIDTH)
if (y > LCD_HEIGHT)
if (x + nx > LCD_WIDTH)
nx = LCD_WIDTH - x;
if (y + ny > LCD_HEIGHT)
ny = LCD_HEIGHT - y;
/* vertical lines */
for (i = 0; i < ny; i++) {
DRAW_PIXEL(x, (y + i));
DRAW_PIXEL((x + nx - 1), (y + i));
/* horizontal lines */
for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
DRAW_PIXEL((x + i),y);
DRAW_PIXEL((x + i),(y + ny - 1));
* Clear a rectangular area at (x, y), size (nx, ny)
void lcd_clearrect (int x, int y, int nx, int ny)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < nx; i++)
lcd_bitmap (zeros, x+i, y, 1, ny, true);
* Fill a rectangular area at (x, y), size (nx, ny)
void lcd_fillrect (int x, int y, int nx, int ny)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < nx; i++)
lcd_bitmap (ones, x+i, y, 1, ny, true);
/* Invert a rectangular area at (x, y), size (nx, ny) */
void lcd_invertrect (int x, int y, int nx, int ny)
int i, j;
if (x > LCD_WIDTH)
if (y > LCD_HEIGHT)
if (x + nx > LCD_WIDTH)
nx = LCD_WIDTH - x;
if (y + ny > LCD_HEIGHT)
ny = LCD_HEIGHT - y;
for (i = 0; i < nx; i++)
for (j = 0; j < ny; j++)
INVERT_PIXEL((x + i), (y + j));
/* Reverse the invert setting of the scrolling line (if any) at given char
position. Setting will go into affect next time line scrolls. */
void lcd_invertscroll(int x, int y)
struct scrollinfo* s;
s = &scroll[y];
s->invert = !s->invert;
void lcd_drawline( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 )
int numpixels;
int i;
int deltax, deltay;
int d, dinc1, dinc2;
int x, xinc1, xinc2;
int y, yinc1, yinc2;
deltax = abs(x2 - x1);
deltay = abs(y2 - y1);
if(deltax >= deltay)
numpixels = deltax;
d = 2 * deltay - deltax;
dinc1 = deltay * 2;
dinc2 = (deltay - deltax) * 2;
xinc1 = 1;
xinc2 = 1;
yinc1 = 0;
yinc2 = 1;
numpixels = deltay;
d = 2 * deltax - deltay;
dinc1 = deltax * 2;
dinc2 = (deltax - deltay) * 2;
xinc1 = 0;
xinc2 = 1;
yinc1 = 1;
yinc2 = 1;
numpixels++; /* include endpoints */
if(x1 > x2)
xinc1 = -xinc1;
xinc2 = -xinc2;
if(y1 > y2)
yinc1 = -yinc1;
yinc2 = -yinc2;
x = x1;
y = y1;
for(i=0; i<numpixels; i++)
if(d < 0)
d += dinc1;
x += xinc1;
y += yinc1;
d += dinc2;
x += xinc2;
y += yinc2;
void lcd_clearline( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 )
int numpixels;
int i;
int deltax, deltay;
int d, dinc1, dinc2;
int x, xinc1, xinc2;
int y, yinc1, yinc2;
deltax = abs(x2 - x1);
deltay = abs(y2 - y1);
if(deltax >= deltay)
numpixels = deltax;
d = 2 * deltay - deltax;
dinc1 = deltay * 2;
dinc2 = (deltay - deltax) * 2;
xinc1 = 1;
xinc2 = 1;
yinc1 = 0;
yinc2 = 1;
numpixels = deltay;
d = 2 * deltax - deltay;
dinc1 = deltax * 2;
dinc2 = (deltax - deltay) * 2;
xinc1 = 0;
xinc2 = 1;
yinc1 = 1;
yinc2 = 1;
numpixels++; /* include endpoints */
if(x1 > x2)
xinc1 = -xinc1;
xinc2 = -xinc2;
if(y1 > y2)
yinc1 = -yinc1;
yinc2 = -yinc2;
x = x1;
y = y1;
for(i=0; i<numpixels; i++)
if(d < 0)
d += dinc1;
x += xinc1;
y += yinc1;
d += dinc2;
x += xinc2;
y += yinc2;
* Set a single pixel
void lcd_drawpixel(int x, int y)
* Clear a single pixel
void lcd_clearpixel(int x, int y)
* Invert a single pixel
void lcd_invertpixel(int x, int y)
void lcd_puts_scroll(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string)
lcd_puts_scroll_style(x, y, string, STYLE_DEFAULT);
void lcd_puts_scroll_style(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string, int style)
struct scrollinfo* s;
int w, h;
s = &scroll[y];
s->start_tick = current_tick + scroll_delay;
s->invert = false;
if (style & STYLE_INVERT) {
s->invert = true;
lcd_getstringsize(string, &w, &h);
if (LCD_WIDTH - x * 8 - xmargin < w) {
/* prepare scroll line */
char *end;
memset(s->line, 0, sizeof s->line);
strcpy(s->line, string);
/* get width */
s->width = lcd_getstringsize(s->line, &w, &h);
/* scroll bidirectional or forward only depending on the string
width */
if ( bidir_limit ) {
s->bidir = s->width < (LCD_WIDTH - xmargin) *
(100 + bidir_limit) / 100;
s->bidir = false;
if (!s->bidir) { /* add spaces if scrolling in the round */
strcat(s->line, " ");
/* get new width incl. spaces */
s->width = lcd_getstringsize(s->line, &w, &h);
end = strchr(s->line, '\0');
strncpy(end, string, LCD_WIDTH/2);
s->len = strlen(string);
s->offset = 0;
s->startx = x;
s->backward = false;
scrolling_lines |= (1<<y);
/* force a bit switch-off since it doesn't scroll */
scrolling_lines &= ~(1<<y);
void lcd_stop_scroll(void)
static const char scroll_tick_table[16] = {
/* Hz values:
1, 1.25, 1.55, 2, 2.5, 3.12, 4, 5, 6.25, 8.33, 10, 12.5, 16.7, 20, 25, 33 */
100, 80, 64, 50, 40, 32, 25, 20, 16, 12, 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3
void lcd_scroll_speed(int speed)
scroll_ticks = scroll_tick_table[speed];
void lcd_scroll_step(int step)
scroll_step = step;
void lcd_scroll_delay(int ms)
scroll_delay = ms / (HZ / 10);
void lcd_bidir_scroll(int percent)
bidir_limit = percent;
static void scroll_thread(void)
struct font* pf;
struct scrollinfo* s;
int index;
int xpos, ypos;
/* initialize scroll struct array */
scrolling_lines = 0;
while ( 1 ) {
for ( index = 0; index < SCROLLABLE_LINES; index++ ) {
/* really scroll? */
if ( !(scrolling_lines&(1<<index)) )
s = &scroll[index];
/* check pause */
if (TIME_BEFORE(current_tick, s->start_tick))
if (s->backward)
s->offset -= scroll_step;
s->offset += scroll_step;
pf = font_get(curfont);
xpos = xmargin + s->startx * s->width / s->len;
ypos = ymargin + index * pf->height;
if (s->bidir) { /* scroll bidirectional */
if (s->offset <= 0) {
/* at beginning of line */
s->offset = 0;
s->backward = false;
s->start_tick = current_tick + scroll_delay * 2;
if (s->offset >= s->width - (LCD_WIDTH - xpos)) {
/* at end of line */
s->offset = s->width - (LCD_WIDTH - xpos);
s->backward = true;
s->start_tick = current_tick + scroll_delay * 2;
else {
/* scroll forward the whole time */
if (s->offset >= s->width)
s->offset %= s->width;
lcd_clearrect(xpos, ypos, LCD_WIDTH - xpos, pf->height);
lcd_putsxyofs(xpos, ypos, s->offset, s->line);
if (s->invert)
lcd_invertrect(xpos, ypos, LCD_WIDTH - xpos, pf->height);
lcd_update_rect(xpos, ypos, LCD_WIDTH - xpos, pf->height);