blob: 3ab993c1d0e7e9f0929d952a9ed95d2eb1ac4bb6 [file] [log] [blame]
* __________ __ ___.
* Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
* Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
* Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
* Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
* \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
* $Id$
* Copyright (C) 2004 by Jens Arnold
* Based on the work of Alan Korr and Jörg Hohensohn
* All files in this archive are subject to the GNU General Public License.
* See the file COPYING in the source tree root for full license agreement.
* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
* KIND, either express or implied.
#include "config.h"
#include "sh7034.h"
#define LCDR (PBDR_ADDR+1)
#define LCD_DS 1 /* PB0 = 1 --- 0001 --- LCD-DS */
#define LCD_CS 2 /* PB1 = 1 --- 0010 --- /LCD-CS */
#define LCD_SD 4 /* PB2 = 1 --- 0100 --- LCD-SD */
#define LCD_SC 8 /* PB3 = 1 --- 1000 --- LCD-SC */
#define LCD_SD 1 /* PB0 = 1 --- 0001 */
#define LCD_SC 2 /* PB1 = 1 --- 0010 */
#define LCD_RS 4 /* PB2 = 1 --- 0100 */
#define LCD_CS 8 /* PB3 = 1 --- 1000 */
#define LCD_DS LCD_RS
* About /CS,DS,SC,SD
* ------------------
* LCD on JBP and JBR uses a SPI protocol to receive orders (SDA and SCK lines)
* - /CS -> Chip Selection line :
* 0 : LCD chipset is activated.
* - DS -> Data Selection line, latched at the rising edge
* of the 8th serial clock (*) :
* 0 : instruction register,
* 1 : data register;
* - SC -> Serial Clock line (SDA).
* - SD -> Serial Data line (SCK), latched at the rising edge
* of each serial clock (*).
* _ _
* /CS \ /
* \______________________________________________________/
* _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____
* SD \/ D7 \/ D6 \/ D5 \/ D4 \/ D3 \/ D2 \/ D1 \/ D0 \/
* _____/\____/\____/\____/\____/\____/\____/\____/\____/\_____
* _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________
* SC \ * \ * \ * \ * \ * \ * \ * \ *
* \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/
* _ _________________________________________________________
* DS \/
* _/\_________________________________________________________
.section .icode,"ax",@progbits
.align 2
.global _lcd_write_command
.type _lcd_write_command,@function
/* Write a command byte to the lcd controller
* Arguments:
* r4 - data byte (int)
* Register usage:
* r0 - scratch
* r1 - data byte (copied)
* r2 - precalculated port value (CS, DS and SC low, SD high),
* negated (neg)!
* r3 - lcd port address
* r5 - 1 (byte count for reuse of the loop in _lcd_write_data)
mov.l .lcdr,r3 /* put lcd data port address in r3 */
mov r4,r1 /* copy data byte to r1 */
mov #1,r5 /* set byte count to 1 (!) */
/* This code will fail if an interrupt changes the contents of PBDRL.
* If so, we must disable the interrupt here. */
mov.b @r3,r0 /* r0 = PBDRL */
or #(LCD_SD),r0 /* r0 |= LCD_SD */
and #(~(LCD_CS|LCD_DS|LCD_SC)),r0 /* r0 &= ~(LCD_CS|LCD_DS|LCD_SC) */
bra .single_transfer /* jump into the transfer loop */
neg r0,r2 /* r2 = 0 - r0 */
.align 2
.global _lcd_write_data
.type _lcd_write_data,@function
/* A high performance function to write data to the display,
* one or multiple bytes.
* Arguments:
* r4 - data address
* r5 - byte count
* Register usage:
* r0 - scratch
* r1 - current data byte
* r2 - precalculated port value (CS and SC low, DS and SD high),
* negated (neg)!
* r3 - lcd port address
mov.l .lcdr,r3 /* put lcd data port address in r3 */
nop /* align here */
/* This code will fail if an interrupt changes the contents of PBDRL.
* If so, we must disable the interrupt here. If disabling interrupts
* for a long time (~9200 clks = ~830 µs for transferring 112 bytes on
* recorders)is undesirable, the loop has to be rewritten to
* disable/precalculate/transfer/enable for each iteration. However,
* this would significantly decrease performance. */
mov.b @r3,r0 /* r0 = PBDRL */
or #(LCD_DS|LCD_SD),r0 /* r0 |= LCD_DS|LCD_SD */
and #(~(LCD_CS|LCD_SC)),r0 /* r0 &= ~(LCD_CS|LCD_SC) */
neg r0,r2 /* r2 = 0 - r0 */
/* optimized player version, also works for recorders */
.align 2
mov.b @r4+,r1 /* load data byte from memory */
shll16 r1 /* shift data to most significant byte */
shll8 r1
shll r1 /* shift the msb into carry */
neg r2,r0 /* copy negated precalculated port value */
/* uses neg here for compatibility with recorder version */
bt 1f /* data bit = 1? */
and #(~LCD_SD),r0 /* no: r0 &= ~LCD_SD */
shll r1 /* next shift here for alignment */
mov.b r0,@r3 /* set data to port */
or #(LCD_SC),r0 /* rise SC (independent of SD level) */
mov.b r0,@r3 /* set to port */
neg r2,r0
bt 1f
and #(~LCD_SD),r0
mov.b r0,@r3
or #(LCD_SC),r0
mov.b r0,@r3
shll r1
neg r2,r0
bt 1f
and #(~LCD_SD),r0
shll r1
mov.b r0,@r3
or #(LCD_SC),r0
mov.b r0,@r3
neg r2,r0
bt 1f
and #(~LCD_SD),r0
mov.b r0,@r3
or #(LCD_SC),r0
mov.b r0,@r3
shll r1
neg r2,r0
bt 1f
and #(~LCD_SD),r0
shll r1
mov.b r0,@r3
or #(LCD_SC),r0
mov.b r0,@r3
neg r2,r0
bt 1f
and #(~LCD_SD),r0
mov.b r0,@r3
or #(LCD_SC),r0
mov.b r0,@r3
shll r1
neg r2,r0
bt 1f
and #(~LCD_SD),r0
shll r1
mov.b r0,@r3
or #(LCD_SC),r0
mov.b r0,@r3
neg r2,r0
bt 1f
and #(~LCD_SD),r0
mov.b r0,@r3
or #(LCD_SC),r0
mov.b r0,@r3
/* further optimized version, exploits that SD is on bit 0 for recorders */
.align 2
mov.b @r4+,r1 /* load data byte from memory */
shll16 r1 /* shift data to most significant byte */
shll8 r1
not r1,r1 /* and invert for use with negc */
shll r1 /* shift the MSB into carry */
negc r2,r0 /* carry to SD, SC low */
shll r1 /* next shift here for alignment */
mov.b r0,@r3 /* set data to port */
or #(LCD_SC),r0 /* rise SC (independent of SD level) */
mov.b r0,@r3 /* set to port */
negc r2,r0
mov.b r0,@r3
or #(LCD_SC),r0
mov.b r0,@r3
shll r1
negc r2,r0
shll r1
mov.b r0,@r3
or #(LCD_SC),r0
mov.b r0,@r3
negc r2,r0
mov.b r0,@r3
or #(LCD_SC),r0
mov.b r0,@r3
shll r1
negc r2,r0
shll r1
mov.b r0,@r3
or #(LCD_SC),r0
mov.b r0,@r3
negc r2,r0
mov.b r0,@r3
or #(LCD_SC),r0
mov.b r0,@r3
shll r1
negc r2,r0
shll r1
mov.b r0,@r3
or #(LCD_SC),r0
mov.b r0,@r3
negc r2,r0
mov.b r0,@r3
or #(LCD_SC),r0
mov.b r0,@r3
add #-1,r5 /* decrease byte count */
tst r5,r5 /* r5 == 0 ? */
bf .multi_transfer /* no: next iteration */
or #(LCD_CS|LCD_DS|LCD_SD|LCD_SC),r0 /* restore port */
mov.b r0,@r3
/* This is the place to reenable the interrupts, if we have disabled
* them. See above. */
.align 2
.long LCDR
.size _lcd_write_command,.end-_lcd_write_command