blob: 87bc18162a3f97b248f8ed02a91bea589a35c994 [file] [log] [blame]
Custom CFG
File Format Specifications
Description / General Info
* The .cfg file is used on both the Rockbox Player and Recorder, in order to
load custom settings.
* Currently, only sound settings are supported but this will change in the
File Location
The files may reside anywhere on the hard disk. The only restriction is that
the filename must end in .cfg
Format Rules
* Each setting must have it's own line.
* Lines starting with # are ignored.
* If a value is out of the acceptable range for the device, which can vary
depending on the model, the value will be set to its default value.
Example File
volume: 70
bass: 11
treble: 12
balance: 0
channels: 0
loudness: 5
bass boost: 30
auto volume: 0
This sets each line to the respective values after it.
Value ranges
volume: 0 to 100
bass: player: -15 to 15, recorder: -12 to 12
treble: player: -15 to 15, recorder: -12 to 12
balance: -100 to 100
channels: 0=Stereo, 1=Mono, 2=Mono Left, 3=Mono Right
loudness: 0 to 17 (recorder only)
bass boost: 0 to 100 (recorder only)
auto volume: 0=off, 1=2s, 2=4s, 3=8s (recorder only)