blob: 89c100dababcf7b5de72a71bef955d98c222a09b [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef _WMADEC_H
#define _WMADEC_H
#include "asf.h"
#include "common.h" /* For GetBitContext */
//#include "dsputil.h" /* For MDCTContext */
//#define TRACE
/* size of blocks */
#define BLOCK_MIN_BITS 7
#define BLOCK_MAX_BITS 11
/* XXX: find exact max size */
#define NB_LSP_COEFS 10
/* XXX: is it a suitable value ? */
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
#define M_PI_F 0x3243f // in fixed 32 format
#define TWO_M_PI_F 0x6487f //in fixed 32
#define MAX_CHANNELS 2
#define NOISE_TAB_SIZE 8192
#define LSP_POW_BITS 7
#define VLC_TYPE int16_t
typedef struct VLC
int bits;
VLC_TYPE (*table)[2]; ///< code, bits
int table_size, table_allocated;
#define fixed32 int32_t
#define fixed64 int64_t
typedef fixed32 FFTSample;
typedef struct FFTComplex
fixed32 re, im;
typedef struct FFTContext
int nbits;
int inverse;
uint16_t *revtab;
FFTComplex *exptab;
FFTComplex *exptab1; /* only used by SSE code */
int (*fft_calc)(struct FFTContext *s, FFTComplex *z);
typedef struct MDCTContext
int n; /* size of MDCT (i.e. number of input data * 2) */
int nbits; /* n = 2^nbits */
/* pre/post rotation tables */
fixed32 *tcos;
fixed32 *tsin;
FFTContext fft;
typedef struct WMADecodeContext
GetBitContext gb;
int nb_block_sizes; /* number of block sizes */
int sample_rate;
int nb_channels;
int bit_rate;
int version; /* 1 = 0x160 (WMAV1), 2 = 0x161 (WMAV2) */
int block_align;
int use_bit_reservoir;
int use_variable_block_len;
int use_exp_vlc; /* exponent coding: 0 = lsp, 1 = vlc + delta */
int use_noise_coding; /* true if perceptual noise is added */
int byte_offset_bits;
VLC exp_vlc;
int exponent_sizes[BLOCK_NB_SIZES];
uint16_t exponent_bands[BLOCK_NB_SIZES][25];
int high_band_start[BLOCK_NB_SIZES]; /* index of first coef in high band */
int coefs_start; /* first coded coef */
int coefs_end[BLOCK_NB_SIZES]; /* max number of coded coefficients */
int exponent_high_sizes[BLOCK_NB_SIZES];
int exponent_high_bands[BLOCK_NB_SIZES][HIGH_BAND_MAX_SIZE];
VLC hgain_vlc;
/* coded values in high bands */
int high_band_coded[MAX_CHANNELS][HIGH_BAND_MAX_SIZE];
int high_band_values[MAX_CHANNELS][HIGH_BAND_MAX_SIZE];
/* there are two possible tables for spectral coefficients */
VLC coef_vlc[2];
uint16_t *run_table[2];
uint16_t *level_table[2];
/* frame info */
int frame_len; /* frame length in samples */
int frame_len_bits; /* frame_len = 1 << frame_len_bits */
/* block info */
int reset_block_lengths;
int block_len_bits; /* log2 of current block length */
int next_block_len_bits; /* log2 of next block length */
int prev_block_len_bits; /* log2 of prev block length */
int block_len; /* block length in samples */
int block_num; /* block number in current frame */
int block_pos; /* current position in frame */
uint8_t ms_stereo; /* true if mid/side stereo mode */
uint8_t channel_coded[MAX_CHANNELS]; /* true if channel is coded */
fixed32 exponents[MAX_CHANNELS][BLOCK_MAX_SIZE];
fixed32 max_exponent[MAX_CHANNELS];
MDCTContext mdct_ctx[BLOCK_NB_SIZES];
fixed32 *windows[BLOCK_NB_SIZES];
FFTComplex mdct_tmp[BLOCK_MAX_SIZE]; /* temporary storage for imdct */
/* output buffer for one frame and the last for IMDCT windowing */
fixed32 frame_out[MAX_CHANNELS][BLOCK_MAX_SIZE * 2];
/* last frame info */
uint8_t last_superframe[MAX_CODED_SUPERFRAME_SIZE + 4]; /* padding added */
int last_bitoffset;
int last_superframe_len;
fixed32 noise_table[NOISE_TAB_SIZE];
int noise_index;
fixed32 noise_mult; /* XXX: suppress that and integrate it in the noise array */
/* lsp_to_curve tables */
fixed32 lsp_cos_table[BLOCK_MAX_SIZE];
fixed64 lsp_pow_e_table[256];
fixed64 lsp_pow_m_table1[(1 << LSP_POW_BITS)];
fixed64 lsp_pow_m_table2[(1 << LSP_POW_BITS)];
#ifdef TRACE
int frame_count;
int wma_decode_init(WMADecodeContext* s, asf_waveformatex_t *wfx);
int wma_decode_superframe(WMADecodeContext* s,
void *data, int *data_size,
uint8_t *buf, int buf_size);
int wma_decode_end(WMADecodeContext *s);