blob: 03333a596358478145e345103cd03dc9eeae2439 [file] [log] [blame]
require "tools/";
my $verbose;
if($ARGV[0] eq "-v") {
$verbose =1;
shift @ARGV;
my $update;
if($ARGV[0] eq "-u") {
$update =1;
shift @ARGV;
my $doonly;
if($ARGV[0]) {
$doonly = $ARGV[0];
print "only build $doonly\n" if($verbose);
if($update) {
# svn update!
system("svn -q up");
$rev = `svnversion`;
chomp $rev;
print "rev $rev\n" if($verbose);
# made once for all targets
sub runone {
my ($dir, $confnum, $extra)=@_;
my $a;
if($doonly && ($doonly ne $dir)) {
mkdir "build-$dir";
chdir "build-$dir";
print "Build in build-$dir\n" if($verbose);
# build the manual(s)
$a = buildit($dir, $confnum, $extra);
chdir "..";
my $o="build-$dir/";
my $map="build-$dir/";
my $elf="build-$dir/";
if (-f $o) {
my $newo="output/rockbox-$dir-$";
my $newmap="output/rockbox-$dir-$";
my $newelf="output/rockbox-$dir-$";
system("mkdir -p output");
system("mv $o $newo");
print "moved $o to $newo\n" if($verbose);
system("mv $map $newmap");
print "moved $map to $newmap\n" if($verbose);
system("mv $elf $newelf");
print "moved $elf to $newelf\n" if($verbose);
print "remove all contents in build-$dir\n" if($verbose);
system("rm -rf build-$dir");
return $a;
sub fonts {
my ($dir, $confnum, $newl)=@_;
my $a;
if($doonly && ($doonly ne $dir)) {
mkdir "build-$dir";
chdir "build-$dir";
print "Build fonts in build-$dir\n" if($verbose);
# build the fonts
$a = buildfonts($dir, $confnum, $newl);
chdir "..";
my $o="build-$dir/";
if (-f $o) {
my $newo="output/rockbox-fonts-$";
system("mv $o $newo");
print "moved $o to $newo\n" if($verbose);
print "remove all contents in build-$dir\n" if($verbose);
system("rm -rf build-$dir");
return $a;
sub buildit {
my ($target, $confnum, $extra)=@_;
`rm -rf * >/dev/null 2>&1`;
my $ram = $extra ? $extra : -1;
my $c = "../tools/configure --type=n --target=$confnum --ram=$ram";
print "C: $c\n" if($verbose);
print "Run 'make'\n" if($verbose);
`make VERSION=$version`;
print "Run 'make zip'\n" if($verbose);
`make zip VERSION=$version`;
print "Run 'make mapzip'\n" if($verbose);
`make mapzip VERSION=$version`;
print "Run 'make elfzip'\n" if($verbose);
`make elfzip VERSION=$version`;
sub buildfonts {
my ($target, $confnum, $newl)=@_;
`rm -rf * >/dev/null 2>&1`;
my $ram = $extra ? $extra : -1;
my $c = "../tools/configure --type=n --target=$confnum --ram=$ram";
print "C: $c\n" if($verbose);
print "Run 'make fontzip'\n" if($verbose);
`make fontzip`;
# run make in tools first to make sure they're up-to-date
print "cd tools && make\n" if($verbose);
`(cd tools && make ) >/dev/null`;
for my $b (&stablebuilds) {
my $configname = $builds{$b}{configname} ? $builds{$b}{configname} : $b;
runone($b, $configname, $builds{$b}{ram});
fonts("fonts", "iaudiox5");