Bulk convert all DOS line endings to UNIX.

For the git migration we want a nice clean repository with UNIX line
endings. git does not use svn:eol-style, we just need the file contents to be

Sorry everybody. I know this messes up blame.

Scumbag *NIX developer says migrating to git will make line ending issues go
away; commits giant change to svn which changes line endings anyway. :)

git-svn-id: svn://svn.rockbox.org/rockbox/trunk@30924 a1c6a512-1295-4272-9138-f99709370657
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/2413tone.h b/apps/codecs/libgme/2413tone.h
index e4366ab..c0922c1 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/2413tone.h
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/2413tone.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-/* YM2413 tone by okazaki@angel.ne.jp */




















+/* YM2413 tone by okazaki@angel.ne.jp */
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/281btone.h b/apps/codecs/libgme/281btone.h
index 1300523..83f63bf 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/281btone.h
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/281btone.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-/* YMF281B tone by Chabin */




















+/* YMF281B tone by Chabin */
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/ay_emu.c b/apps/codecs/libgme/ay_emu.c
index 42e739f..92faba4 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/ay_emu.c
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/ay_emu.c
@@ -1,599 +1,599 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6-pre. http://www.slack.net/~ant/


-#include "ay_emu.h"


-#include "blargg_endian.h"


-/* Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Shay Green. This module is free software; you

-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser

-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either

-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This

-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY

-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS

-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more

-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public

-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,

-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */


-#include "blargg_source.h"


-const char* const gme_wrong_file_type = "Wrong file type for this emulator";


-// TODO: probably don't need detailed errors as to why file is corrupt


-int const spectrum_clock = 3546900; // 128K Spectrum

-int const spectrum_period = 70908;


-//int const spectrum_clock = 3500000; // 48K Spectrum

-//int const spectrum_period = 69888;


-int const cpc_clock = 2000000;


-static void clear_track_vars( struct Ay_Emu *this )


-	this->current_track    = -1;

-	track_stop( &this->track_filter );



-void Ay_init( struct Ay_Emu *this )


-	this->sample_rate  = 0;

-	this->mute_mask_   = 0;

-	this->tempo        = (int)FP_ONE_TEMPO;

-	this->gain         = (int)FP_ONE_GAIN;

-	this->track_count  = 0;


-	// defaults

-	this->tfilter = *track_get_setup( &this->track_filter );

-	this->tfilter.max_initial = 2;

-	this->tfilter.lookahead   = 6;

-	this->track_filter.silence_ignored_ = false;


-	this->beeper_output = NULL;

-	disable_beeper( this );


-	Ay_apu_init( &this->apu );

-	Z80_init( &this->cpu );


-	// clears fields

-	this->voice_count = 0;

-	this->voice_types = 0;

-	clear_track_vars( this );



-// Track info


-// Given pointer to 2-byte offset of data, returns pointer to data, or NULL if

-// offset is 0 or there is less than min_size bytes of data available.

-static byte const* get_data( struct file_t const* file, byte const ptr [], int min_size )


-	int offset = (int16_t) get_be16( ptr );

-	int pos  = ptr - (byte const*) file->header;

-	int size = file->end - (byte const*) file->header;

-	assert( (unsigned) pos <= (unsigned) size - 2 );

-	int limit = size - min_size;

-	if ( limit < 0 || !offset || (unsigned) (pos + offset) > (unsigned) limit )

-		return NULL;

-	return ptr + offset;



-static blargg_err_t parse_header( byte const in [], int size, struct file_t* out )


-	if ( size < header_size )

-		return gme_wrong_file_type;


-	out->header = (struct header_t const*) in;

-	out->end    = in + size;

-	struct header_t const* h = (struct header_t const*) in;

-	if ( memcmp( h->tag, "ZXAYEMUL", 8 ) )

-		return gme_wrong_file_type;


-	out->tracks = get_data( out, h->track_info, (h->max_track + 1) * 4 );

-	if ( !out->tracks )

-		return "missing track data";


-	return 0;



-// Setup


-static void change_clock_rate( struct Ay_Emu *this, int rate )


-	this->clock_rate_ = rate;

-	Buffer_clock_rate( &this->stereo_buf, rate );



-blargg_err_t Ay_load_mem( struct Ay_Emu *this, byte const in [], long size )


-	// Unload

-	this->voice_count = 0;

-	this->track_count = 0;

-	this->m3u.size = 0;

-	clear_track_vars( this );


-	assert( offsetof (struct header_t,track_info [2]) == header_size );


-	RETURN_ERR( parse_header( in, size, &this->file ) );


-	/* if ( file.header->vers > 2 )

-		warning( "Unknown file version" ); */


-	this->voice_count = ay_osc_count + 1; // +1 for beeper

-	static int const types [ay_osc_count + 1] = {

-		wave_type+0, wave_type+1, wave_type+2, mixed_type+1

-	};

-	this->voice_types = types;


-	Ay_apu_volume( &this->apu, this->gain);


-	// Setup buffer

-	change_clock_rate( this, spectrum_clock );

-	RETURN_ERR( Buffer_set_channel_count( &this->stereo_buf, this->voice_count, this->voice_types ) );

-	this->buf_changed_count = Buffer_channels_changed_count( &this->stereo_buf );


-	Sound_set_tempo( this, this->tempo );

-	Sound_mute_voices( this, this->mute_mask_ );


-	this->track_count = this->file.header->max_track + 1;

-	return 0;



-static void set_beeper_output( struct Ay_Emu *this, struct Blip_Buffer* b )


-	this->beeper_output = b;

-	if ( b && !this->cpc_mode )

-		this->beeper_mask = 0x10;

-	else

-		disable_beeper( this );



-static void set_voice( struct Ay_Emu *this, int i, struct Blip_Buffer* center )


-	if ( i >= ay_osc_count )

-		set_beeper_output( this, center );

-	else

-		Ay_apu_set_output( &this->apu, i, center );



-static blargg_err_t run_clocks( struct Ay_Emu *this, blip_time_t* duration, int msec )


-#if defined(ROCKBOX)

-	(void) msec;



-	cpu_time_t *end = duration;	

-	struct Z80_Cpu* cpu = &this->cpu;

-	Z80_set_time( cpu, 0 );


-	// Since detection of CPC mode will halve clock rate during the frame

-	// and thus generate up to twice as much sound, we must generate half

-	// as much until mode is known.

-	if ( !(this->spectrum_mode | this->cpc_mode) )

-		*end /= 2;


-	while ( Z80_time( cpu ) < *end )

-	{

-		run_cpu( this, min( *end, this->next_play ) );


-		if ( Z80_time( cpu ) >= this->next_play )

-		{

-			// next frame

-			this->next_play += this->play_period;


-			if ( cpu->r.iff1 )

-			{

-				// interrupt enabled


-				if ( this->mem.ram [cpu->r.pc] == 0x76 )

-					cpu->r.pc++; // advance past HALT instruction


-				cpu->r.iff1 = 0;

-				cpu->r.iff2 = 0;


-				this->mem.ram [--cpu->r.sp] = (byte) (cpu->r.pc >> 8);

-				this->mem.ram [--cpu->r.sp] = (byte) (cpu->r.pc);


-				// fixed interrupt

-				cpu->r.pc = 0x38;

-				Z80_adjust_time( cpu, 12 );


-				if ( cpu->r.im == 2 )

-				{

-					// vectored interrupt

-					addr_t addr = cpu->r.i * 0x100 + 0xFF;

-					cpu->r.pc = this->mem.ram [(addr + 1) & 0xFFFF] * 0x100 + this->mem.ram [addr];

-					Z80_adjust_time( cpu, 6 );

-				}

-			}

-		}

-	}


-	// End time frame

-	*end = Z80_time( cpu );

-	this->next_play -= *end;

-	check( this->next_play >= 0 );

-	Z80_adjust_time( cpu, -*end );

-	Ay_apu_end_frame( &this->apu, *end );

-	return 0;



-// Emulation


-void cpu_out_( struct Ay_Emu *this, cpu_time_t time, addr_t addr, int data )


-	// Spectrum

-	if ( !this->cpc_mode )

-	{

-		switch ( addr & 0xFEFF )

-		{

-		case 0xFEFD:

-			this->spectrum_mode = true;

-			Ay_apu_write_addr( &this->apu, data );

-			return;


-		case 0xBEFD:

-			this->spectrum_mode = true;

-			Ay_apu_write_data( &this->apu, time, data );

-			return;

-		}

-	}


-	// CPC

-	if ( !this->spectrum_mode )

-	{

-		switch ( addr >> 8 )

-		{

-		case 0xF6:

-			switch ( data & 0xC0 )

-			{

-			case 0xC0:

-				Ay_apu_write_addr( &this->apu, this->cpc_latch );

-				goto enable_cpc;


-			case 0x80:

-				Ay_apu_write_data( &this->apu, time, this->cpc_latch );

-				goto enable_cpc;

-			}

-			break;


-		case 0xF4:

-			this->cpc_latch = data;

-			goto enable_cpc;

-		}

-	}


-	/* dprintf( "Unmapped OUT: $%04X <- $%02X\n", addr, data ); */

-	return;



-	if ( !this->cpc_mode )

-	{

-		this->cpc_mode = true;

-		disable_beeper( this );


-		change_clock_rate( this, cpc_clock );

-		Sound_set_tempo( this, this->tempo );

-	}



-blargg_err_t Ay_set_sample_rate( struct Ay_Emu *this, int rate )


-	require( !this->sample_rate ); // sample rate can't be changed once set

-	Buffer_init( &this->stereo_buf );

-	RETURN_ERR( Buffer_set_sample_rate( &this->stereo_buf, rate, 1000 / 20 ) );


-	// Set buffer bass

-	Buffer_bass_freq( &this->stereo_buf, 160 );


-	this->sample_rate = rate;

-	RETURN_ERR( track_init( &this->track_filter, this ) );

-	this->tfilter.max_silence = 6 * stereo * this->sample_rate;

-	return 0;



-void Sound_mute_voice( struct Ay_Emu *this, int index, bool mute )


-	require( (unsigned) index < (unsigned) this->voice_count );

-	int bit = 1 << index;

-	int mask = this->mute_mask_ | bit;

-	if ( !mute )

-		mask ^= bit;

-	Sound_mute_voices( this, mask );



-void Sound_mute_voices( struct Ay_Emu *this, int mask )


-	require( this->sample_rate ); // sample rate must be set first

-	this->mute_mask_ = mask;


-	int i;

-	for ( i = this->voice_count; i--; )

-	{

-		if ( mask & (1 << i) )

-		{

-			set_voice( this, i, 0 );

-		}

-		else

-		{

-			struct channel_t ch = Buffer_channel( &this->stereo_buf, i );

-			assert( (ch.center && ch.left && ch.right) ||

-					(!ch.center && !ch.left && !ch.right) ); // all or nothing

-			set_voice( this, i, ch.center );

-		}

-	}



-void Sound_set_tempo( struct Ay_Emu *this, int t )


-	require( this->sample_rate ); // sample rate must be set first

-	int const min = (int)(FP_ONE_TEMPO*0.02);

-	int const max = (int)(FP_ONE_TEMPO*4.00);

-	if ( t < min ) t = min;

-	if ( t > max ) t = max;

-	this->tempo = t;


-	int p = spectrum_period;

-	if ( this->clock_rate_ != spectrum_clock )

-		p = this->clock_rate_ / 50;


-	this->play_period = (blip_time_t) ((p * FP_ONE_TEMPO) / t);



-blargg_err_t Ay_start_track( struct Ay_Emu *this, int track )


-	clear_track_vars( this );


-	// Remap track if playlist available

-	if ( this->m3u.size > 0 ) {

-		struct entry_t* e = &this->m3u.entries[track];

-		track = e->track;

-	}


-	this->current_track = track;

-	Buffer_clear( &this->stereo_buf );


-	byte* const mem = this->mem.ram;


-	memset( mem + 0x0000, 0xC9, 0x100 ); // fill RST vectors with RET

-	memset( mem + 0x0100, 0xFF, 0x4000 - 0x100 );

-	memset( mem + ram_addr, 0x00, mem_size - ram_addr );


-	// locate data blocks

-	byte const* const data = get_data( &this->file, this->file.tracks + track * 4 + 2, 14 );

-	if ( !data )

-		return "file data missing";


-	byte const* const more_data = get_data( &this->file, data + 10, 6 );

-	if ( !more_data )

-		return "file data missing";


-	byte const* blocks = get_data( &this->file, data + 12, 8 );

-	if ( !blocks )

-		return "file data missing";


-	// initial addresses

-	unsigned addr = get_be16( blocks );

-	if ( !addr )

-		return "file data missing";


-	unsigned init = get_be16( more_data + 2 );

-	if ( !init )

-		init = addr;


-	// copy blocks into memory

-	do

-	{

-		blocks += 2;

-		unsigned len = get_be16( blocks ); blocks += 2;

-		if ( addr + len > mem_size )

-		{

-			/* warning( "Bad data block size" ); */

-			len = mem_size - addr;

-		}

-		check( len );

-		byte const* in = get_data( &this->file, blocks, 0 ); blocks += 2;

-		if ( len > (unsigned) (this->file.end - in) )

-		{

-			/* warning( "File data missing" ); */

-			len = this->file.end - in;

-		}


-		memcpy( mem + addr, in, len );


-		if ( this->file.end - blocks < 8 )

-		{

-			/* warning( "File data missing" ); */

-			break;

-		}

-	}

-	while ( (addr = get_be16( blocks )) != 0 );


-	// copy and configure driver

-	static byte const passive [] = {

-		0xF3,       // DI

-		0xCD, 0, 0, // CALL init

-		0xED, 0x5E, // LOOP: IM 2

-		0xFB,       // EI

-		0x76,       // HALT

-		0x18, 0xFA  // JR LOOP

-	};

-	static byte const active [] = {

-		0xF3,       // DI

-		0xCD, 0, 0, // CALL init

-		0xED, 0x56, // LOOP: IM 1

-		0xFB,       // EI

-		0x76,       // HALT

-		0xCD, 0, 0, // CALL play

-		0x18, 0xF7  // JR LOOP

-	};

-	memcpy( mem, passive, sizeof passive );

-	int const play_addr = get_be16( more_data + 4 );

-	if ( play_addr )

-	{

-		memcpy( mem, active, sizeof active );

-		mem [ 9] = play_addr;

-		mem [10] = play_addr >> 8;

-	}

-	mem [2] = init;

-	mem [3] = init >> 8;


-	mem [0x38] = 0xFB; // Put EI at interrupt vector (followed by RET)


-	// start at spectrum speed

-	change_clock_rate( this, spectrum_clock );

-	Sound_set_tempo( this, this->tempo );


-	struct registers_t r;

-	memset( &r, 0, sizeof(struct registers_t) );


-	r.sp = get_be16( more_data );

-	r.b.a     = r.b.b = r.b.d = r.b.h = data [8];

-	r.b.flags = r.b.c = r.b.e = r.b.l = data [9];

-	r.alt.w = r.w;

-	r.ix = r.iy = r.w.hl;


-	memset( this->mem.padding1, 0xFF, sizeof this->mem.padding1 );


-	int const mirrored = 0x80; // this much is mirrored after end of memory

-	memset( this->mem.ram + mem_size + mirrored, 0xFF, sizeof this->mem.ram - mem_size - mirrored );

-	memcpy( this->mem.ram + mem_size, this->mem.ram, mirrored ); // some code wraps around (ugh)


-	Z80_reset( &this->cpu, this->mem.padding1, this->mem.padding1 );

-	Z80_map_mem( &this->cpu, 0, mem_size, this->mem.ram, this->mem.ram );

-	this->cpu.r = r;


-	this->beeper_delta   = (int) ((ay_amp_range*4)/5);

-	this->last_beeper    = 0;

-	this->next_play      = this->play_period;

-	this->spectrum_mode  = false;

-	this->cpc_mode       = false;

-	this->cpc_latch      = 0;

-	set_beeper_output( this, this->beeper_output );

-	Ay_apu_reset( &this->apu );


-	// a few tunes rely on channels having tone enabled at the beginning

-	Ay_apu_write_addr( &this->apu, 7 );

-	Ay_apu_write_data( &this->apu, 0, 0x38 );


-	// convert filter times to samples

-	struct setup_t s = this->tfilter;

-	s.max_initial *= this->sample_rate * stereo;


-		s.lookahead = 1;

-	#endif

-	track_setup( &this->track_filter, &s );


-	return track_start( &this->track_filter );



-// Tell/Seek


-static int msec_to_samples( int msec, int sample_rate )


-	int sec = msec / 1000;

-	msec -= sec * 1000;

-	return (sec * sample_rate + msec * sample_rate / 1000) * stereo;



-int Track_tell( struct Ay_Emu *this )


-	int rate = this->sample_rate * stereo;

-	int sec = track_sample_count( &this->track_filter ) / rate;

-	return sec * 1000 + (track_sample_count( &this->track_filter ) - sec * rate) * 1000 / rate;



-blargg_err_t Track_seek( struct Ay_Emu *this, int msec )


-	int time = msec_to_samples( msec, this->sample_rate );

-	if ( time < track_sample_count( &this->track_filter ) )

-	RETURN_ERR( Ay_start_track( this, this->current_track ) );

-	return Track_skip( this, time - track_sample_count( &this->track_filter ) );



-blargg_err_t skip_( void *emu, int count )


-	struct Ay_Emu* this = (struct Ay_Emu*) emu;


-	// for long skip, mute sound

-	const int threshold = 32768;

-	if ( count > threshold )

-	{

-		int saved_mute = this->mute_mask_;

-		Sound_mute_voices( this, ~0 );


-		int n = count - threshold/2;

-		n &= ~(2048-1); // round to multiple of 2048

-		count -= n;

-		RETURN_ERR( skippy_( &this->track_filter, n ) );


-		Sound_mute_voices( this, saved_mute );

-	}


-	return skippy_( &this->track_filter, count );



-blargg_err_t Track_skip( struct Ay_Emu *this, int count )


-	require( this->current_track >= 0 ); // start_track() must have been called already

-	return track_skip( &this->track_filter, count );



-int Track_get_length( struct Ay_Emu* this, int n )


-	int length = 0;


-	byte const* track_info = get_data( &this->file, this->file.tracks + n * 4 + 2, 6 );

-	if ( track_info )

-		length = get_be16( track_info + 4 ) * (1000 / 50); // frames to msec 


-	if ( (this->m3u.size > 0) && (n < this->m3u.size) ) {

-		struct entry_t* entry = &this->m3u.entries [n];

-		length = entry->length;

-	} 


-	if ( length <= 0 )

-		length = 120 * 1000;  /* 2 minutes */ 


-	return length;



-void Track_set_fade( struct Ay_Emu *this, int start_msec, int length_msec )


-	track_set_fade( &this->track_filter, msec_to_samples( start_msec, this->sample_rate ),

-		length_msec * this->sample_rate / (1000 / stereo) );



-blargg_err_t Ay_play( struct Ay_Emu *this, int out_count, sample_t* out )


-	require( this->current_track >= 0 );

-	require( out_count % stereo == 0 );

-	return track_play( &this->track_filter, out_count, out );



-blargg_err_t play_( void *emu, int count, sample_t* out )


-	struct Ay_Emu* this = (struct Ay_Emu*) emu;


-	int remain = count;

-	while ( remain )

-	{

-		Buffer_disable_immediate_removal( &this->stereo_buf );

-		remain -= Buffer_read_samples( &this->stereo_buf, &out [count - remain], remain );

-		if ( remain )

-		{

-			if ( this->buf_changed_count != Buffer_channels_changed_count( &this->stereo_buf ) )

-			{

-				this->buf_changed_count = Buffer_channels_changed_count( &this->stereo_buf );


-				// Remute voices

-				Sound_mute_voices( this, this->mute_mask_ );

-			}

-			int msec = Buffer_length( &this->stereo_buf );

-			blip_time_t clocks_emulated = msec * this->clock_rate_ / 1000 - 100;

-			RETURN_ERR( run_clocks( this, &clocks_emulated, msec ) );

-			assert( clocks_emulated );

-			Buffer_end_frame( &this->stereo_buf, clocks_emulated );

-		}

-	}

-	return 0;


+// Game_Music_Emu 0.6-pre. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
+#include "ay_emu.h"
+#include "blargg_endian.h"
+/* Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
+can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
+module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
+details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
+#include "blargg_source.h"
+const char* const gme_wrong_file_type = "Wrong file type for this emulator";
+// TODO: probably don't need detailed errors as to why file is corrupt
+int const spectrum_clock = 3546900; // 128K Spectrum
+int const spectrum_period = 70908;
+//int const spectrum_clock = 3500000; // 48K Spectrum
+//int const spectrum_period = 69888;
+int const cpc_clock = 2000000;
+static void clear_track_vars( struct Ay_Emu *this )
+	this->current_track    = -1;
+	track_stop( &this->track_filter );
+void Ay_init( struct Ay_Emu *this )
+	this->sample_rate  = 0;
+	this->mute_mask_   = 0;
+	this->tempo        = (int)FP_ONE_TEMPO;
+	this->gain         = (int)FP_ONE_GAIN;
+	this->track_count  = 0;
+	// defaults
+	this->tfilter = *track_get_setup( &this->track_filter );
+	this->tfilter.max_initial = 2;
+	this->tfilter.lookahead   = 6;
+	this->track_filter.silence_ignored_ = false;
+	this->beeper_output = NULL;
+	disable_beeper( this );
+	Ay_apu_init( &this->apu );
+	Z80_init( &this->cpu );
+	// clears fields
+	this->voice_count = 0;
+	this->voice_types = 0;
+	clear_track_vars( this );
+// Track info
+// Given pointer to 2-byte offset of data, returns pointer to data, or NULL if
+// offset is 0 or there is less than min_size bytes of data available.
+static byte const* get_data( struct file_t const* file, byte const ptr [], int min_size )
+	int offset = (int16_t) get_be16( ptr );
+	int pos  = ptr - (byte const*) file->header;
+	int size = file->end - (byte const*) file->header;
+	assert( (unsigned) pos <= (unsigned) size - 2 );
+	int limit = size - min_size;
+	if ( limit < 0 || !offset || (unsigned) (pos + offset) > (unsigned) limit )
+		return NULL;
+	return ptr + offset;
+static blargg_err_t parse_header( byte const in [], int size, struct file_t* out )
+	if ( size < header_size )
+		return gme_wrong_file_type;
+	out->header = (struct header_t const*) in;
+	out->end    = in + size;
+	struct header_t const* h = (struct header_t const*) in;
+	if ( memcmp( h->tag, "ZXAYEMUL", 8 ) )
+		return gme_wrong_file_type;
+	out->tracks = get_data( out, h->track_info, (h->max_track + 1) * 4 );
+	if ( !out->tracks )
+		return "missing track data";
+	return 0;
+// Setup
+static void change_clock_rate( struct Ay_Emu *this, int rate )
+	this->clock_rate_ = rate;
+	Buffer_clock_rate( &this->stereo_buf, rate );
+blargg_err_t Ay_load_mem( struct Ay_Emu *this, byte const in [], long size )
+	// Unload
+	this->voice_count = 0;
+	this->track_count = 0;
+	this->m3u.size = 0;
+	clear_track_vars( this );
+	assert( offsetof (struct header_t,track_info [2]) == header_size );
+	RETURN_ERR( parse_header( in, size, &this->file ) );
+	/* if ( file.header->vers > 2 )
+		warning( "Unknown file version" ); */
+	this->voice_count = ay_osc_count + 1; // +1 for beeper
+	static int const types [ay_osc_count + 1] = {
+		wave_type+0, wave_type+1, wave_type+2, mixed_type+1
+	};
+	this->voice_types = types;
+	Ay_apu_volume( &this->apu, this->gain);
+	// Setup buffer
+	change_clock_rate( this, spectrum_clock );
+	RETURN_ERR( Buffer_set_channel_count( &this->stereo_buf, this->voice_count, this->voice_types ) );
+	this->buf_changed_count = Buffer_channels_changed_count( &this->stereo_buf );
+	Sound_set_tempo( this, this->tempo );
+	Sound_mute_voices( this, this->mute_mask_ );
+	this->track_count = this->file.header->max_track + 1;
+	return 0;
+static void set_beeper_output( struct Ay_Emu *this, struct Blip_Buffer* b )
+	this->beeper_output = b;
+	if ( b && !this->cpc_mode )
+		this->beeper_mask = 0x10;
+	else
+		disable_beeper( this );
+static void set_voice( struct Ay_Emu *this, int i, struct Blip_Buffer* center )
+	if ( i >= ay_osc_count )
+		set_beeper_output( this, center );
+	else
+		Ay_apu_set_output( &this->apu, i, center );
+static blargg_err_t run_clocks( struct Ay_Emu *this, blip_time_t* duration, int msec )
+#if defined(ROCKBOX)
+	(void) msec;
+	cpu_time_t *end = duration;	
+	struct Z80_Cpu* cpu = &this->cpu;
+	Z80_set_time( cpu, 0 );
+	// Since detection of CPC mode will halve clock rate during the frame
+	// and thus generate up to twice as much sound, we must generate half
+	// as much until mode is known.
+	if ( !(this->spectrum_mode | this->cpc_mode) )
+		*end /= 2;
+	while ( Z80_time( cpu ) < *end )
+	{
+		run_cpu( this, min( *end, this->next_play ) );
+		if ( Z80_time( cpu ) >= this->next_play )
+		{
+			// next frame
+			this->next_play += this->play_period;
+			if ( cpu->r.iff1 )
+			{
+				// interrupt enabled
+				if ( this->mem.ram [cpu->r.pc] == 0x76 )
+					cpu->r.pc++; // advance past HALT instruction
+				cpu->r.iff1 = 0;
+				cpu->r.iff2 = 0;
+				this->mem.ram [--cpu->r.sp] = (byte) (cpu->r.pc >> 8);
+				this->mem.ram [--cpu->r.sp] = (byte) (cpu->r.pc);
+				// fixed interrupt
+				cpu->r.pc = 0x38;
+				Z80_adjust_time( cpu, 12 );
+				if ( cpu->r.im == 2 )
+				{
+					// vectored interrupt
+					addr_t addr = cpu->r.i * 0x100 + 0xFF;
+					cpu->r.pc = this->mem.ram [(addr + 1) & 0xFFFF] * 0x100 + this->mem.ram [addr];
+					Z80_adjust_time( cpu, 6 );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// End time frame
+	*end = Z80_time( cpu );
+	this->next_play -= *end;
+	check( this->next_play >= 0 );
+	Z80_adjust_time( cpu, -*end );
+	Ay_apu_end_frame( &this->apu, *end );
+	return 0;
+// Emulation
+void cpu_out_( struct Ay_Emu *this, cpu_time_t time, addr_t addr, int data )
+	// Spectrum
+	if ( !this->cpc_mode )
+	{
+		switch ( addr & 0xFEFF )
+		{
+		case 0xFEFD:
+			this->spectrum_mode = true;
+			Ay_apu_write_addr( &this->apu, data );
+			return;
+		case 0xBEFD:
+			this->spectrum_mode = true;
+			Ay_apu_write_data( &this->apu, time, data );
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	// CPC
+	if ( !this->spectrum_mode )
+	{
+		switch ( addr >> 8 )
+		{
+		case 0xF6:
+			switch ( data & 0xC0 )
+			{
+			case 0xC0:
+				Ay_apu_write_addr( &this->apu, this->cpc_latch );
+				goto enable_cpc;
+			case 0x80:
+				Ay_apu_write_data( &this->apu, time, this->cpc_latch );
+				goto enable_cpc;
+			}
+			break;
+		case 0xF4:
+			this->cpc_latch = data;
+			goto enable_cpc;
+		}
+	}
+	/* dprintf( "Unmapped OUT: $%04X <- $%02X\n", addr, data ); */
+	return;
+	if ( !this->cpc_mode )
+	{
+		this->cpc_mode = true;
+		disable_beeper( this );
+		change_clock_rate( this, cpc_clock );
+		Sound_set_tempo( this, this->tempo );
+	}
+blargg_err_t Ay_set_sample_rate( struct Ay_Emu *this, int rate )
+	require( !this->sample_rate ); // sample rate can't be changed once set
+	Buffer_init( &this->stereo_buf );
+	RETURN_ERR( Buffer_set_sample_rate( &this->stereo_buf, rate, 1000 / 20 ) );
+	// Set buffer bass
+	Buffer_bass_freq( &this->stereo_buf, 160 );
+	this->sample_rate = rate;
+	RETURN_ERR( track_init( &this->track_filter, this ) );
+	this->tfilter.max_silence = 6 * stereo * this->sample_rate;
+	return 0;
+void Sound_mute_voice( struct Ay_Emu *this, int index, bool mute )
+	require( (unsigned) index < (unsigned) this->voice_count );
+	int bit = 1 << index;
+	int mask = this->mute_mask_ | bit;
+	if ( !mute )
+		mask ^= bit;
+	Sound_mute_voices( this, mask );
+void Sound_mute_voices( struct Ay_Emu *this, int mask )
+	require( this->sample_rate ); // sample rate must be set first
+	this->mute_mask_ = mask;
+	int i;
+	for ( i = this->voice_count; i--; )
+	{
+		if ( mask & (1 << i) )
+		{
+			set_voice( this, i, 0 );
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			struct channel_t ch = Buffer_channel( &this->stereo_buf, i );
+			assert( (ch.center && ch.left && ch.right) ||
+					(!ch.center && !ch.left && !ch.right) ); // all or nothing
+			set_voice( this, i, ch.center );
+		}
+	}
+void Sound_set_tempo( struct Ay_Emu *this, int t )
+	require( this->sample_rate ); // sample rate must be set first
+	int const min = (int)(FP_ONE_TEMPO*0.02);
+	int const max = (int)(FP_ONE_TEMPO*4.00);
+	if ( t < min ) t = min;
+	if ( t > max ) t = max;
+	this->tempo = t;
+	int p = spectrum_period;
+	if ( this->clock_rate_ != spectrum_clock )
+		p = this->clock_rate_ / 50;
+	this->play_period = (blip_time_t) ((p * FP_ONE_TEMPO) / t);
+blargg_err_t Ay_start_track( struct Ay_Emu *this, int track )
+	clear_track_vars( this );
+	// Remap track if playlist available
+	if ( this->m3u.size > 0 ) {
+		struct entry_t* e = &this->m3u.entries[track];
+		track = e->track;
+	}
+	this->current_track = track;
+	Buffer_clear( &this->stereo_buf );
+	byte* const mem = this->mem.ram;
+	memset( mem + 0x0000, 0xC9, 0x100 ); // fill RST vectors with RET
+	memset( mem + 0x0100, 0xFF, 0x4000 - 0x100 );
+	memset( mem + ram_addr, 0x00, mem_size - ram_addr );
+	// locate data blocks
+	byte const* const data = get_data( &this->file, this->file.tracks + track * 4 + 2, 14 );
+	if ( !data )
+		return "file data missing";
+	byte const* const more_data = get_data( &this->file, data + 10, 6 );
+	if ( !more_data )
+		return "file data missing";
+	byte const* blocks = get_data( &this->file, data + 12, 8 );
+	if ( !blocks )
+		return "file data missing";
+	// initial addresses
+	unsigned addr = get_be16( blocks );
+	if ( !addr )
+		return "file data missing";
+	unsigned init = get_be16( more_data + 2 );
+	if ( !init )
+		init = addr;
+	// copy blocks into memory
+	do
+	{
+		blocks += 2;
+		unsigned len = get_be16( blocks ); blocks += 2;
+		if ( addr + len > mem_size )
+		{
+			/* warning( "Bad data block size" ); */
+			len = mem_size - addr;
+		}
+		check( len );
+		byte const* in = get_data( &this->file, blocks, 0 ); blocks += 2;
+		if ( len > (unsigned) (this->file.end - in) )
+		{
+			/* warning( "File data missing" ); */
+			len = this->file.end - in;
+		}
+		memcpy( mem + addr, in, len );
+		if ( this->file.end - blocks < 8 )
+		{
+			/* warning( "File data missing" ); */
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	while ( (addr = get_be16( blocks )) != 0 );
+	// copy and configure driver
+	static byte const passive [] = {
+		0xF3,       // DI
+		0xCD, 0, 0, // CALL init
+		0xED, 0x5E, // LOOP: IM 2
+		0xFB,       // EI
+		0x76,       // HALT
+		0x18, 0xFA  // JR LOOP
+	};
+	static byte const active [] = {
+		0xF3,       // DI
+		0xCD, 0, 0, // CALL init
+		0xED, 0x56, // LOOP: IM 1
+		0xFB,       // EI
+		0x76,       // HALT
+		0xCD, 0, 0, // CALL play
+		0x18, 0xF7  // JR LOOP
+	};
+	memcpy( mem, passive, sizeof passive );
+	int const play_addr = get_be16( more_data + 4 );
+	if ( play_addr )
+	{
+		memcpy( mem, active, sizeof active );
+		mem [ 9] = play_addr;
+		mem [10] = play_addr >> 8;
+	}
+	mem [2] = init;
+	mem [3] = init >> 8;
+	mem [0x38] = 0xFB; // Put EI at interrupt vector (followed by RET)
+	// start at spectrum speed
+	change_clock_rate( this, spectrum_clock );
+	Sound_set_tempo( this, this->tempo );
+	struct registers_t r;
+	memset( &r, 0, sizeof(struct registers_t) );
+	r.sp = get_be16( more_data );
+	r.b.a     = r.b.b = r.b.d = r.b.h = data [8];
+	r.b.flags = r.b.c = r.b.e = r.b.l = data [9];
+	r.alt.w = r.w;
+	r.ix = r.iy = r.w.hl;
+	memset( this->mem.padding1, 0xFF, sizeof this->mem.padding1 );
+	int const mirrored = 0x80; // this much is mirrored after end of memory
+	memset( this->mem.ram + mem_size + mirrored, 0xFF, sizeof this->mem.ram - mem_size - mirrored );
+	memcpy( this->mem.ram + mem_size, this->mem.ram, mirrored ); // some code wraps around (ugh)
+	Z80_reset( &this->cpu, this->mem.padding1, this->mem.padding1 );
+	Z80_map_mem( &this->cpu, 0, mem_size, this->mem.ram, this->mem.ram );
+	this->cpu.r = r;
+	this->beeper_delta   = (int) ((ay_amp_range*4)/5);
+	this->last_beeper    = 0;
+	this->next_play      = this->play_period;
+	this->spectrum_mode  = false;
+	this->cpc_mode       = false;
+	this->cpc_latch      = 0;
+	set_beeper_output( this, this->beeper_output );
+	Ay_apu_reset( &this->apu );
+	// a few tunes rely on channels having tone enabled at the beginning
+	Ay_apu_write_addr( &this->apu, 7 );
+	Ay_apu_write_data( &this->apu, 0, 0x38 );
+	// convert filter times to samples
+	struct setup_t s = this->tfilter;
+	s.max_initial *= this->sample_rate * stereo;
+		s.lookahead = 1;
+	#endif
+	track_setup( &this->track_filter, &s );
+	return track_start( &this->track_filter );
+// Tell/Seek
+static int msec_to_samples( int msec, int sample_rate )
+	int sec = msec / 1000;
+	msec -= sec * 1000;
+	return (sec * sample_rate + msec * sample_rate / 1000) * stereo;
+int Track_tell( struct Ay_Emu *this )
+	int rate = this->sample_rate * stereo;
+	int sec = track_sample_count( &this->track_filter ) / rate;
+	return sec * 1000 + (track_sample_count( &this->track_filter ) - sec * rate) * 1000 / rate;
+blargg_err_t Track_seek( struct Ay_Emu *this, int msec )
+	int time = msec_to_samples( msec, this->sample_rate );
+	if ( time < track_sample_count( &this->track_filter ) )
+	RETURN_ERR( Ay_start_track( this, this->current_track ) );
+	return Track_skip( this, time - track_sample_count( &this->track_filter ) );
+blargg_err_t skip_( void *emu, int count )
+	struct Ay_Emu* this = (struct Ay_Emu*) emu;
+	// for long skip, mute sound
+	const int threshold = 32768;
+	if ( count > threshold )
+	{
+		int saved_mute = this->mute_mask_;
+		Sound_mute_voices( this, ~0 );
+		int n = count - threshold/2;
+		n &= ~(2048-1); // round to multiple of 2048
+		count -= n;
+		RETURN_ERR( skippy_( &this->track_filter, n ) );
+		Sound_mute_voices( this, saved_mute );
+	}
+	return skippy_( &this->track_filter, count );
+blargg_err_t Track_skip( struct Ay_Emu *this, int count )
+	require( this->current_track >= 0 ); // start_track() must have been called already
+	return track_skip( &this->track_filter, count );
+int Track_get_length( struct Ay_Emu* this, int n )
+	int length = 0;
+	byte const* track_info = get_data( &this->file, this->file.tracks + n * 4 + 2, 6 );
+	if ( track_info )
+		length = get_be16( track_info + 4 ) * (1000 / 50); // frames to msec 
+	if ( (this->m3u.size > 0) && (n < this->m3u.size) ) {
+		struct entry_t* entry = &this->m3u.entries [n];
+		length = entry->length;
+	} 
+	if ( length <= 0 )
+		length = 120 * 1000;  /* 2 minutes */ 
+	return length;
+void Track_set_fade( struct Ay_Emu *this, int start_msec, int length_msec )
+	track_set_fade( &this->track_filter, msec_to_samples( start_msec, this->sample_rate ),
+		length_msec * this->sample_rate / (1000 / stereo) );
+blargg_err_t Ay_play( struct Ay_Emu *this, int out_count, sample_t* out )
+	require( this->current_track >= 0 );
+	require( out_count % stereo == 0 );
+	return track_play( &this->track_filter, out_count, out );
+blargg_err_t play_( void *emu, int count, sample_t* out )
+	struct Ay_Emu* this = (struct Ay_Emu*) emu;
+	int remain = count;
+	while ( remain )
+	{
+		Buffer_disable_immediate_removal( &this->stereo_buf );
+		remain -= Buffer_read_samples( &this->stereo_buf, &out [count - remain], remain );
+		if ( remain )
+		{
+			if ( this->buf_changed_count != Buffer_channels_changed_count( &this->stereo_buf ) )
+			{
+				this->buf_changed_count = Buffer_channels_changed_count( &this->stereo_buf );
+				// Remute voices
+				Sound_mute_voices( this, this->mute_mask_ );
+			}
+			int msec = Buffer_length( &this->stereo_buf );
+			blip_time_t clocks_emulated = msec * this->clock_rate_ / 1000 - 100;
+			RETURN_ERR( run_clocks( this, &clocks_emulated, msec ) );
+			assert( clocks_emulated );
+			Buffer_end_frame( &this->stereo_buf, clocks_emulated );
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/blargg_config.h b/apps/codecs/libgme/blargg_config.h
index 6490c15..398913d 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/blargg_config.h
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/blargg_config.h
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
-// Library configuration. Modify this file as necessary.





-// Uncomment to enable platform-specific optimizations



-// Uncomment if automatic byte-order determination doesn't work





-// Uncomment if you get errors in the bool section of blargg_common.h



-// Uncomment to use fast gb apu implementation

-// #define GB_APU_FAST 1


-// Uncomment to remove agb emulation support

-// #define GB_APU_NO_AGB 1


-// Uncomment to emulate only nes apu

-// #define NSF_EMU_APU_ONLY 1


-// Uncomment to remove vrc7 apu support

-// #define NSF_EMU_NO_VRC7 1


-// Uncomment to remove fmopl apu support

-// #define KSS_EMU_NO_FMOPL 1


-// To handle undefined reference to assert

-#define NDEBUG 1


-// Use standard config.h if present

-#define HAVE_CONFIG_H 1



-	#include "config.h"




+// Library configuration. Modify this file as necessary.
+// Uncomment to enable platform-specific optimizations
+// Uncomment if automatic byte-order determination doesn't work
+// Uncomment if you get errors in the bool section of blargg_common.h
+// Uncomment to use fast gb apu implementation
+// #define GB_APU_FAST 1
+// Uncomment to remove agb emulation support
+// #define GB_APU_NO_AGB 1
+// Uncomment to emulate only nes apu
+// #define NSF_EMU_APU_ONLY 1
+// Uncomment to remove vrc7 apu support
+// #define NSF_EMU_NO_VRC7 1
+// Uncomment to remove fmopl apu support
+// #define KSS_EMU_NO_FMOPL 1
+// To handle undefined reference to assert
+#define NDEBUG 1
+// Use standard config.h if present
+#define HAVE_CONFIG_H 1
+	#include "config.h"
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/emu2413.c b/apps/codecs/libgme/emu2413.c
index a4637ce..0107582 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/emu2413.c
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/emu2413.c
@@ -1,1981 +1,1981 @@


-  emu2413.c -- YM2413 emulator written by Mitsutaka Okazaki 2001


-  2001 01-08 : Version 0.10 -- 1st version.

-  2001 01-15 : Version 0.20 -- semi-public version.

-  2001 01-16 : Version 0.30 -- 1st public version.

-  2001 01-17 : Version 0.31 -- Fixed bassdrum problem.

-             : Version 0.32 -- LPF implemented.

-  2001 01-18 : Version 0.33 -- Fixed the drum problem, refine the mix-down method.

-                            -- Fixed the LFO bug.

-  2001 01-24 : Version 0.35 -- Fixed the drum problem, 

-                               support undocumented EG behavior.

-  2001 02-02 : Version 0.38 -- Improved the performance.

-                               Fixed the hi-hat and cymbal model.

-                               Fixed the default percussive datas.

-                               Noise reduction.

-                               Fixed the feedback problem.

-  2001 03-03 : Version 0.39 -- Fixed some drum bugs.

-                               Improved the performance.

-  2001 03-04 : Version 0.40 -- Improved the feedback.

-                               Change the default table size.

-                               Clock and Rate can be changed during play.

-  2001 06-24 : Version 0.50 -- Improved the hi-hat and the cymbal tone.

-                               Added VRC7 patch (OPLL_reset_patch is changed).

-                               Fixed OPLL_reset() bug.

-                               Added OPLL_setMask, OPLL_getMask and OPLL_toggleMask.

-                               Added OPLL_writeIO.

-  2001 09-28 : Version 0.51 -- Removed the noise table.

-  2002 01-28 : Version 0.52 -- Added Stereo mode.

-  2002 02-07 : Version 0.53 -- Fixed some drum bugs.

-  2002 02-20 : Version 0.54 -- Added the best quality mode.

-  2002 03-02 : Version 0.55 -- Removed OPLL_init & OPLL_close.

-  2002 05-30 : Version 0.60 -- Fixed HH&CYM generator and all voice datas.

-  2004 04-10 : Version 0.61 -- Added YMF281B tone (defined by Chabin).


-  2011 03-22 : --------------- Modified by gama to use precalculated tables.


-  References: 

-    fmopl.c        -- 1999,2000 written by Tatsuyuki Satoh (MAME development).

-    fmopl.c(fixed) -- (C) 2002 Jarek Burczynski.

-    s_opl.c        -- 2001 written by Mamiya (NEZplug development).

-    fmgen.cpp      -- 1999,2000 written by cisc.

-    fmpac.ill      -- 2000 created by NARUTO.

-    MSX-Datapack

-    YMU757 data sheet

-    YM2143 data sheet



-#include <stdio.h>

-#include <stdlib.h>

-#include <string.h>

-#include <math.h>

-#include "emu2413.h"


-#include "emutables.h"

-#if !defined(ROCKBOX)

-	#define EMU2413_CALCUL_TABLES


-	#define EMU2413_COMPACTION

-	#include "emutables.h"



-#if defined(EMU2413_COMPACTION) && !defined(ROCKBOX)

-#define OPLL_TONE_NUM 1

-static unsigned char default_inst[OPLL_TONE_NUM][(16 + 3) * 16] = {

-  {

-#include "2413tone.h"

-   }



-#define OPLL_TONE_NUM 3

-static unsigned char default_inst[OPLL_TONE_NUM][(16 + 3) * 16] = {

-  { 

-#include "2413tone.h" 

-  },

-  {

-#include "vrc7tone.h"

-   },

-  {

-#include "281btone.h"

-  }




-/* Size of Sintable ( 8 -- 18 can be used. 9 recommended.) */

-#define PG_BITS 9

-#define PG_WIDTH (1<<PG_BITS)


-/* Phase increment counter */

-#define DP_BITS 18

-#define DP_WIDTH (1<<DP_BITS)



-/* Dynamic range (Accuracy of sin table) */

-#define DB_PREC 48

-#define DB_BITS 8

-#define DB_STEP ((double)DB_PREC/(1<<DB_BITS))

-#define DB_MUTE (1<<DB_BITS)


-/* Dynamic range of envelope */

-#define EG_STEP 0.375

-#define EG_BITS 7

-#define EG_MUTE (1<<EG_BITS)


-/* Dynamic range of total level */

-#define TL_STEP 0.75

-#define TL_BITS 6

-#define TL_MUTE (1<<TL_BITS)


-/* Dynamic range of sustine level */

-#define SL_STEP 3.0

-#define SL_BITS 4

-#define SL_MUTE (1<<SL_BITS)


-#define EG2DB(d) ((d)*(e_int32)(EG_STEP/DB_STEP))

-#define TL2EG(d) ((d)*(e_int32)(TL_STEP/EG_STEP))

-#define SL2EG(d) ((d)*(e_int32)(SL_STEP/EG_STEP))


-#define DB_POS(x) (x*DB_MUTE/DB_PREC)



-/* Bits for liner value */

-#define DB2LIN_AMP_BITS 8



-/* Bits for envelope phase incremental counter */

-#define EG_DP_BITS 22

-#define EG_DP_WIDTH (1<<EG_DP_BITS)


-/* Bits for Pitch and Amp modulator */

-#define PM_PG_BITS 8

-#define PM_PG_WIDTH (1<<PM_PG_BITS)

-#define PM_DP_BITS 16

-#define PM_DP_WIDTH (1<<PM_DP_BITS)

-#define AM_PG_BITS 8

-#define AM_PG_WIDTH (1<<AM_PG_BITS)

-#define AM_DP_BITS 16

-#define AM_DP_WIDTH (1<<AM_DP_BITS)


-/* PM table is calcurated by PM_AMP * pow(2,PM_DEPTH*sin(x)/1200) */

-#define PM_AMP_BITS 8

-#define PM_AMP (1<<PM_AMP_BITS)


-/* PM speed(Hz) and depth(cent) */

-#define PM_SPEED 6.4

-#define PM_DEPTH 13.75


-/* AM speed(Hz) and depth(dB) */

-#define AM_SPEED 3.6413

-#define AM_DEPTH 4.875


-/* Cut the lower b bit(s) off. */

-#define HIGHBITS(c,b) ((c)>>(b))


-/* Leave the lower b bit(s). */

-#define LOWBITS(c,b) ((c)&((1<<(b))-1))


-/* Expand x which is s bits to d bits. */

-#define EXPAND_BITS(x,s,d) ((x)<<((d)-(s)))


-/* Expand x which is s bits to d bits and fill expanded bits '1' */

-#define EXPAND_BITS_X(x,s,d) (((x)<<((d)-(s)))|((1<<((d)-(s)))-1))


-/* Adjust envelope speed which depends on sampling rate. */

-#define RATE_ADJUST(x) (rate==49716?(e_uint32)x:(e_uint32)(((long long)(x)*clk/rate+36)/72))


-#define MOD(o,x) (&(o)->slot[(x)<<1])

-#define CAR(o,x) (&(o)->slot[((x)<<1)|1])


-#define BIT(s,b) (((s)>>(b))&1)


-/* Input clock */

-static e_uint32 clk = 844451141;

-/* Sampling rate */

-static e_uint32 rate = 3354932;


-/* WaveTable for each envelope amp */

-static e_uint16 fullsintable[PG_WIDTH];

-static e_uint16 halfsintable[PG_WIDTH];


-static e_uint16 *waveform[2] = { fullsintable, halfsintable };


-/* LFO Table */


-    static e_int32 pmtable[PM_PG_WIDTH];

-    static e_int32 amtable[AM_PG_WIDTH];

-    #define PMTABLE(x) pmtable[x]

-    #define AMTABLE(x) amtable[x]


-    #define PMTABLE(x) (e_int32)pm_coeff[x]

-    #if (PM_PG_WIDTH != 256)

-        #error PM_PG_WIDTH must be set to 256 if EMU2413_CALCUL_TABLES is not defined

-    #endif

-    #define AMTABLE(x) (e_int32)am_coeff[x]

-    #if (AM_PG_WIDTH != 256)

-        #error AM_PG_WIDTH must be set to 256 if EMU2413_CALCUL_TABLES is not defined

-    #endif



-/* Phase delta for LFO */

-static e_uint32 pm_dphase;

-static e_uint32 am_dphase;


-/* dB to Liner table */

-static e_int16 DB2LIN_TABLE[(DB_MUTE + DB_MUTE) * 2];


-/* Liner to Log curve conversion table (for Attack rate). */


-    static e_uint16 ar_adjust_table[1 << EG_BITS];

-    #define AR_ADJUST_TABLE(x) ar_adjust_table[x]


-    #define AR_ADJUST_TABLE(x) ar_adjust_coeff[x]

-    #if (EG_BITS != 7)

-        #error EG_BITS must be set to 7 if EMU2413_CALCUL_TABLES is not defined

-    #endif



-/* Empty voice data */

-static OPLL_PATCH null_patch = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };


-/* Basic voice Data */

-static OPLL_PATCH default_patch[OPLL_TONE_NUM][(16 + 3) * 2];


-/* Definition of envelope mode */




-/* Phase incr table for Attack */

-static e_uint32 dphaseARTable[16][16];

-/* Phase incr table for Decay and Release */

-static e_uint32 dphaseDRTable[16][16];


-/* KSL + TL Table */

-e_uint8 tllTable[16][8][1 << TL_BITS][4];

-static e_int32 rksTable[2][8][2];


-/* We may not have too much SRAM in rockbox */

-#if !defined(ROCKBOX)

-/* Phase incr table for PG */

-static e_uint32 dphaseTable[512][8][16];





-                  Create tables




-INLINE static e_int32

-Min (e_int32 i, e_int32 j)


-  if (i < j)

-    return i;

-  else

-    return j;



-/* Table for AR to LogCurve. */

-static void

-makeAdjustTable (void)


-  e_int32 i;


-  ar_adjust_table[0] = (1 << EG_BITS) - 1;

-  for (i = 1; i < (1<<EG_BITS); i++)

-    ar_adjust_table[i] = (e_uint16) ((double) (1<<EG_BITS)-1 - ((1<<EG_BITS)-1)*log(i)/log(127));




-/* Table for dB(0 -- (1<<DB_BITS)-1) to Liner(0 -- DB2LIN_AMP_WIDTH) */

-static void

-makeDB2LinTable (void)


-  e_int32 i;

-  for (i = 0; i < DB_MUTE + DB_MUTE; i++)

-  {

-  #ifdef EMU2413_CALCUL_TABLES

-    DB2LIN_TABLE[i] = (e_int16) ((double) ((1 << DB2LIN_AMP_BITS) - 1) * pow (10, -(double) i * DB_STEP / 20));

-  #else

-    DB2LIN_TABLE[i] = db2lin_coeff[i];

-  #endif

-    if (i >= DB_MUTE) DB2LIN_TABLE[i] = 0;

-    DB2LIN_TABLE[i + DB_MUTE + DB_MUTE] = (e_int16) (-DB2LIN_TABLE[i]);

-  }




-/* Liner(+0.0 - +1.0) to dB((1<<DB_BITS) - 1 -- 0) */

-static e_int32

-lin2db (double d)


-  if (d == 0)

-    return (DB_MUTE - 1);

-  else

-    return Min (-(e_int32) (20.0 * log10 (d) / DB_STEP), DB_MUTE-1);  /* 0 -- 127 */




-/* Sin Table */

-static void

-makeSinTable (void)


-  e_int32 i;


-  for (i = 0; i < PG_WIDTH / 4; i++)

-  #ifdef EMU2413_CALCUL_TABLES

-    fullsintable[i] = (e_uint32) lin2db (sin (2.0 * PI * i / PG_WIDTH) );

-  #else

-    fullsintable[i] = sin_coeff[i];

-  #endif


-  for (i = 0; i < PG_WIDTH / 4; i++)

-  {

-    fullsintable[PG_WIDTH / 2 - 1 - i] = fullsintable[i];

-  }


-  for (i = 0; i < PG_WIDTH / 2; i++)

-  {

-    fullsintable[PG_WIDTH / 2 + i] = (e_uint32) (DB_MUTE + DB_MUTE + fullsintable[i]);

-  }


-  for (i = 0; i < PG_WIDTH / 2; i++)

-    halfsintable[i] = fullsintable[i];

-  for (i = PG_WIDTH / 2; i < PG_WIDTH; i++)

-    halfsintable[i] = fullsintable[0];




-static double saw(double phase)


-  if(phase <= PI/2)

-    return phase * 2 / PI ;

-  else if(phase <= PI*3/2)

-    return 2.0 - ( phase * 2 / PI );

-  else

-    return -4.0 + phase * 2 / PI;



-/* Table for Pitch Modulator */

-static void

-makePmTable (void)


-  e_int32 i;


-  for (i = 0; i < PM_PG_WIDTH; i++)

-    /* pmtable[i] = (e_int32) ((double) PM_AMP * pow (2, (double) PM_DEPTH * sin (2.0 * PI * i / PM_PG_WIDTH) / 1200)); */

-    pmtable[i] = (e_int32) ((double) PM_AMP * pow (2, (double) PM_DEPTH * saw (2.0 * PI * i / PM_PG_WIDTH) / 1200));    



-/* Table for Amp Modulator */

-static void

-makeAmTable (void)


-  e_int32 i;


-  for (i = 0; i < AM_PG_WIDTH; i++)

-    /* amtable[i] = (e_int32) ((double) AM_DEPTH / 2 / DB_STEP * (1.0 + sin (2.0 * PI * i / PM_PG_WIDTH))); */

-    amtable[i] = (e_int32) ((double) AM_DEPTH / 2 / DB_STEP * (1.0 + saw (2.0 * PI * i / PM_PG_WIDTH)));




-#if !defined(ROCKBOX)

-/* Phase increment counter table */

-static void

-makeDphaseTable (void)


-  e_uint32 fnum, block, ML;

-  e_uint32 mltable[16] =

-    { 1, 1 * 2, 2 * 2, 3 * 2, 4 * 2, 5 * 2, 6 * 2, 7 * 2, 8 * 2, 9 * 2, 10 * 2, 10 * 2, 12 * 2, 12 * 2, 15 * 2, 15 * 2 };


-  for (fnum = 0; fnum < 512; fnum++)

-    for (block = 0; block < 8; block++)

-      for (ML = 0; ML < 16; ML++)

-        dphaseTable[fnum][block][ML] = RATE_ADJUST (((fnum * mltable[ML]) << block) >> (20 - DP_BITS));




-static void

-makeTllTable (void)


-/* Multiplication owith 8 to have an integer result. This allows to remove floating point operation. */

-#define dB2(x) (int)((x)*2*8)


-  static int kltable[16] = {

-    dB2 ( 0.000), dB2 ( 9.000), dB2 (12.000), dB2 (13.875), dB2 (15.000), dB2 (16.125), dB2 (16.875), dB2 (17.625),

-    dB2 (18.000), dB2 (18.750), dB2 (19.125), dB2 (19.500), dB2 (19.875), dB2 (20.250), dB2 (20.625), dB2 (21.000)

-  };


-  e_int32 tmp;

-  e_int32 fnum, block, TL, KL;


-  for (fnum = 0; fnum < 16; fnum++)

-    for (block = 0; block < 8; block++)

-      for (TL = 0; TL < 64; TL++)

-        for (KL = 0; KL < 4; KL++)

-        {

-          if (KL == 0)

-          {

-            tllTable[fnum][block][TL][KL] = TL2EG (TL);

-          }

-          else

-          {

-            tmp = (e_int32) ((kltable[fnum] - dB2 (3.000) * (7 - block))/8);

-            if (tmp <= 0)

-              tllTable[fnum][block][TL][KL] = TL2EG (TL);

-            else

-              /* tllTable[fnum][block][TL][KL] = (e_uint32) ((tmp >> (3 - KL)) / EG_STEP) + TL2EG (TL); */

-              tllTable[fnum][block][TL][KL] = (e_uint32) ((tmp << KL) / (int)(EG_STEP*8)) + TL2EG (TL);

-          }

-        }




-static double attacktime[16][4] = {

-  {0, 0, 0, 0},

-  {1730.15, 1400.60, 1153.43, 988.66},

-  {865.08, 700.30, 576.72, 494.33},

-  {432.54, 350.15, 288.36, 247.16},

-  {216.27, 175.07, 144.18, 123.58},

-  {108.13, 87.54, 72.09, 61.79},

-  {54.07, 43.77, 36.04, 30.90},

-  {27.03, 21.88, 18.02, 15.45},

-  {13.52, 10.94, 9.01, 7.72},

-  {6.76, 5.47, 4.51, 3.86},

-  {3.38, 2.74, 2.25, 1.93},

-  {1.69, 1.37, 1.13, 0.97},

-  {0.84, 0.70, 0.60, 0.54},

-  {0.50, 0.42, 0.34, 0.30},

-  {0.28, 0.22, 0.18, 0.14},

-  {0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00}



-static double decaytime[16][4] = {

-  {0, 0, 0, 0},

-  {20926.60, 16807.20, 14006.00, 12028.60},

-  {10463.30, 8403.58, 7002.98, 6014.32},

-  {5231.64, 4201.79, 3501.49, 3007.16},

-  {2615.82, 2100.89, 1750.75, 1503.58},

-  {1307.91, 1050.45, 875.37, 751.79},

-  {653.95, 525.22, 437.69, 375.90},

-  {326.98, 262.61, 218.84, 187.95},

-  {163.49, 131.31, 109.42, 93.97},

-  {81.74, 65.65, 54.71, 46.99},

-  {40.87, 32.83, 27.36, 23.49},

-  {20.44, 16.41, 13.68, 11.75},

-  {10.22, 8.21, 6.84, 5.87},

-  {5.11, 4.10, 3.42, 2.94},

-  {2.55, 2.05, 1.71, 1.47},

-  {1.27, 1.27, 1.27, 1.27}




-/* Rate Table for Attack */

-static void

-makeDphaseARTable (void)


-  e_int32 AR, Rks, RM, RL;



-  e_uint32 attacktable[16][4];


-  for (RM = 0; RM < 16; RM++)

-    for (RL = 0; RL < 4; RL++)

-    {

-      if (RM == 0)

-        attacktable[RM][RL] = 0;

-      else if (RM == 15)

-        attacktable[RM][RL] = EG_DP_WIDTH;

-      else

-        attacktable[RM][RL] = (e_uint32) ((double) (1 << EG_DP_BITS) / (attacktime[RM][RL] * 3579545 / 72000));


-    }



-  for (AR = 0; AR < 16; AR++)

-    for (Rks = 0; Rks < 16; Rks++)

-    {

-      RM = AR + (Rks >> 2);

-      RL = Rks & 3;

-      if (RM > 15)

-        RM = 15;

-      switch (AR)

-      {

-      case 0:

-        dphaseARTable[AR][Rks] = 0;

-        break;

-      case 15:

-        dphaseARTable[AR][Rks] = 0;/*EG_DP_WIDTH;*/ 

-        break;

-      default:


-        dphaseARTable[AR][Rks] = RATE_ADJUST (attacktable[RM][RL]);


-        dphaseARTable[AR][Rks] = RATE_ADJUST ((3 * (RL + 4) << (RM + 1)));


-        break;

-      }

-    }



-/* Rate Table for Decay and Release */

-static void

-makeDphaseDRTable (void)


-  e_int32 DR, Rks, RM, RL;



-  e_uint32 decaytable[16][4];


-  for (RM = 0; RM < 16; RM++)

-    for (RL = 0; RL < 4; RL++)

-      if (RM == 0)

-        decaytable[RM][RL] = 0;

-      else

-        decaytable[RM][RL] = (e_uint32) ((double) (1 << EG_DP_BITS) / (decaytime[RM][RL] * 3579545 / 72000));



-  for (DR = 0; DR < 16; DR++)

-    for (Rks = 0; Rks < 16; Rks++)

-    {

-      RM = DR + (Rks >> 2);

-      RL = Rks & 3;

-      if (RM > 15)

-        RM = 15;

-      switch (DR)

-      {

-      case 0:

-        dphaseDRTable[DR][Rks] = 0;

-        break;

-      default:


-        dphaseDRTable[DR][Rks] = RATE_ADJUST (decaytable[RM][RL]);


-        dphaseDRTable[DR][Rks] = RATE_ADJUST ((RL + 4) << (RM - 1));


-        break;

-      }

-    }



-static void

-makeRksTable (void)



-  e_int32 fnum8, block, KR;


-  for (fnum8 = 0; fnum8 < 2; fnum8++)

-    for (block = 0; block < 8; block++)

-      for (KR = 0; KR < 2; KR++)

-      {

-        if (KR != 0)

-          rksTable[fnum8][block][KR] = (block << 1) + fnum8;

-        else

-          rksTable[fnum8][block][KR] = block >> 1;

-      }




-OPLL_dump2patch (const e_uint8 * dump, OPLL_PATCH * patch)


-  patch[0].AM = (dump[0] >> 7) & 1;

-  patch[1].AM = (dump[1] >> 7) & 1;

-  patch[0].PM = (dump[0] >> 6) & 1;

-  patch[1].PM = (dump[1] >> 6) & 1;

-  patch[0].EG = (dump[0] >> 5) & 1;

-  patch[1].EG = (dump[1] >> 5) & 1;

-  patch[0].KR = (dump[0] >> 4) & 1;

-  patch[1].KR = (dump[1] >> 4) & 1;

-  patch[0].ML = (dump[0]) & 15;

-  patch[1].ML = (dump[1]) & 15;

-  patch[0].KL = (dump[2] >> 6) & 3;

-  patch[1].KL = (dump[3] >> 6) & 3;

-  patch[0].TL = (dump[2]) & 63;

-  patch[0].FB = (dump[3]) & 7;

-  patch[0].WF = (dump[3] >> 3) & 1;

-  patch[1].WF = (dump[3] >> 4) & 1;

-  patch[0].AR = (dump[4] >> 4) & 15;

-  patch[1].AR = (dump[5] >> 4) & 15;

-  patch[0].DR = (dump[4]) & 15;

-  patch[1].DR = (dump[5]) & 15;

-  patch[0].SL = (dump[6] >> 4) & 15;

-  patch[1].SL = (dump[7] >> 4) & 15;

-  patch[0].RR = (dump[6]) & 15;

-  patch[1].RR = (dump[7]) & 15;




-OPLL_getDefaultPatch (e_int32 type, e_int32 num, OPLL_PATCH * patch)


-  OPLL_dump2patch (default_inst[type] + num * 16, patch);



-static void

-makeDefaultPatch ( void )


-  e_int32 i, j;


-  for (i = 0; i < OPLL_TONE_NUM; i++)

-    for (j = 0; j < 19; j++)

-      OPLL_getDefaultPatch (i, j, &default_patch[i][j * 2]);





-OPLL_setPatch (OPLL * opll, const e_uint8 * dump)


-  OPLL_PATCH patch[2];

-  int i;


-  for (i = 0; i < 19; i++)

-  {

-    OPLL_dump2patch (dump + i * 16, patch);

-    memcpy (&opll->patch[i*2+0], &patch[0], sizeof (OPLL_PATCH));

-    memcpy (&opll->patch[i*2+1], &patch[1], sizeof (OPLL_PATCH));

-  }




-OPLL_patch2dump (const OPLL_PATCH * patch, e_uint8 * dump)


-  dump[0] = (e_uint8) ((patch[0].AM << 7) + (patch[0].PM << 6) + (patch[0].EG << 5) + (patch[0].KR << 4) + patch[0].ML);

-  dump[1] = (e_uint8) ((patch[1].AM << 7) + (patch[1].PM << 6) + (patch[1].EG << 5) + (patch[1].KR << 4) + patch[1].ML);

-  dump[2] = (e_uint8) ((patch[0].KL << 6) + patch[0].TL);

-  dump[3] = (e_uint8) ((patch[1].KL << 6) + (patch[1].WF << 4) + (patch[0].WF << 3) + patch[0].FB);

-  dump[4] = (e_uint8) ((patch[0].AR << 4) + patch[0].DR);

-  dump[5] = (e_uint8) ((patch[1].AR << 4) + patch[1].DR);

-  dump[6] = (e_uint8) ((patch[0].SL << 4) + patch[0].RR);

-  dump[7] = (e_uint8) ((patch[1].SL << 4) + patch[1].RR);

-  dump[8] = 0;

-  dump[9] = 0;

-  dump[10] = 0;

-  dump[11] = 0;

-  dump[12] = 0;

-  dump[13] = 0;

-  dump[14] = 0;

-  dump[15] = 0;





-                      Calc Parameters




-INLINE static e_uint32

-calc_eg_dphase (OPLL_SLOT * slot)



-  switch (slot->eg_mode)

-  {

-  case ATTACK:

-    return dphaseARTable[slot->patch->AR][slot->rks];


-  case DECAY:

-    return dphaseDRTable[slot->patch->DR][slot->rks];


-  case SUSHOLD:

-    return 0;


-  case SUSTINE:

-    return dphaseDRTable[slot->patch->RR][slot->rks];


-  case RELEASE:

-    if (slot->sustine)

-      return dphaseDRTable[5][slot->rks];

-    else if (slot->patch->EG)

-      return dphaseDRTable[slot->patch->RR][slot->rks];

-    else

-      return dphaseDRTable[7][slot->rks];


-  case SETTLE:

-    return dphaseDRTable[15][0];


-  case FINISH:

-    return 0;


-  default:

-    return 0;

-  }





-                    OPLL internal interfaces



-#define SLOT_BD1 12

-#define SLOT_BD2 13

-#define SLOT_HH 14

-#define SLOT_SD 15

-#define SLOT_TOM 16

-#define SLOT_CYM 17


-/* We will set this dinamically, but not sure if this affects playback */

-#if defined(ROCKBOX)

-INLINE static void



-  static const e_uint32 mltable[16] =

-    { 1, 1 * 2, 2 * 2, 3 * 2, 4 * 2, 5 * 2, 6 * 2, 7 * 2, 8 * 2, 9 * 2, 10 * 2, 10 * 2, 12 * 2, 12 * 2, 15 * 2, 15 * 2 };


-  slot->dphase = RATE_ADJUST (((slot->fnum * mltable[slot->patch->ML]) << slot->block) >> (20 - DP_BITS));



-#define UPDATE_PG(S)  (S)->dphase = dphaseTable[(S)->fnum][(S)->block][(S)->patch->ML]



-#define UPDATE_TLL(S)\


-((S)->tll = tllTable[((S)->fnum)>>5][(S)->block][(S)->patch->TL][(S)->patch->KL]):\

-((S)->tll = tllTable[((S)->fnum)>>5][(S)->block][(S)->volume][(S)->patch->KL]))

-#define UPDATE_RKS(S) (S)->rks = rksTable[((S)->fnum)>>8][(S)->block][(S)->patch->KR]

-#define UPDATE_WF(S)  (S)->sintbl = waveform[(S)->patch->WF]

-#define UPDATE_EG(S)  (S)->eg_dphase = calc_eg_dphase(S)

-#define UPDATE_ALL(S)\




-  UPDATE_WF(S); \

-  UPDATE_EG(S)                  /* EG should be updated last. */



-/* Slot key on  */

-INLINE static void

-slotOn (OPLL_SLOT * slot)


-  slot->eg_mode = ATTACK;

-  slot->eg_phase = 0;

-  slot->phase = 0;

-  UPDATE_EG(slot);



-/* Slot key on without reseting the phase */

-INLINE static void

-slotOn2 (OPLL_SLOT * slot)


-  slot->eg_mode = ATTACK;

-  slot->eg_phase = 0;

-  UPDATE_EG(slot);



-/* Slot key off */

-INLINE static void

-slotOff (OPLL_SLOT * slot)


-  if (slot->eg_mode == ATTACK)

-    slot->eg_phase = EXPAND_BITS (AR_ADJUST_TABLE(HIGHBITS (slot->eg_phase, EG_DP_BITS - EG_BITS)), EG_BITS, EG_DP_BITS);

-  slot->eg_mode = RELEASE;

-  UPDATE_EG(slot);



-/* Channel key on */

-INLINE static void

-keyOn (OPLL * opll, e_int32 i)


-  if (!opll->slot_on_flag[i * 2])

-    slotOn (MOD(opll,i));

-  if (!opll->slot_on_flag[i * 2 + 1])

-    slotOn (CAR(opll,i));

-  opll->key_status[i] = 1;



-/* Channel key off */

-INLINE static void

-keyOff (OPLL * opll, e_int32 i)


-  if (opll->slot_on_flag[i * 2 + 1])

-    slotOff (CAR(opll,i));

-  opll->key_status[i] = 0;



-INLINE static void

-keyOn_BD (OPLL * opll)


-  keyOn (opll, 6);


-INLINE static void

-keyOn_SD (OPLL * opll)


-  if (!opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_SD])

-    slotOn (CAR(opll,7));


-INLINE static void

-keyOn_TOM (OPLL * opll)


-  if (!opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_TOM])

-    slotOn (MOD(opll,8));


-INLINE static void

-keyOn_HH (OPLL * opll)


-  if (!opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_HH])

-    slotOn2 (MOD(opll,7));


-INLINE static void

-keyOn_CYM (OPLL * opll)


-  if (!opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_CYM])

-    slotOn2 (CAR(opll,8));



-/* Drum key off */

-INLINE static void

-keyOff_BD (OPLL * opll)


-  keyOff (opll, 6);


-INLINE static void

-keyOff_SD (OPLL * opll)


-  if (opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_SD])

-    slotOff (CAR(opll,7));


-INLINE static void

-keyOff_TOM (OPLL * opll)


-  if (opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_TOM])

-    slotOff (MOD(opll,8));


-INLINE static void

-keyOff_HH (OPLL * opll)


-  if (opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_HH])

-    slotOff (MOD(opll,7));


-INLINE static void

-keyOff_CYM (OPLL * opll)


-  if (opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_CYM])

-    slotOff (CAR(opll,8));



-/* Change a voice */

-INLINE static void

-setPatch (OPLL * opll, e_int32 i, e_int32 num)


-  opll->patch_number[i] = num;

-  MOD(opll,i)->patch = &opll->patch[num * 2 + 0];

-  CAR(opll,i)->patch = &opll->patch[num * 2 + 1];



-/* Change a rhythm voice */

-INLINE static void

-setSlotPatch (OPLL_SLOT * slot, OPLL_PATCH * patch)


-  slot->patch = patch;



-/* Set sustine parameter */

-INLINE static void

-setSustine (OPLL * opll, e_int32 c, e_int32 sustine)


-  CAR(opll,c)->sustine = sustine;

-  if (MOD(opll,c)->type)

-    MOD(opll,c)->sustine = sustine;



-/* Volume : 6bit ( Volume register << 2 ) */

-INLINE static void

-setVolume (OPLL * opll, e_int32 c, e_int32 volume)


-  CAR(opll,c)->volume = volume;



-INLINE static void

-setSlotVolume (OPLL_SLOT * slot, e_int32 volume)


-  slot->volume = volume;



-/* Set F-Number ( fnum : 9bit ) */

-INLINE static void

-setFnumber (OPLL * opll, e_int32 c, e_int32 fnum)


-  CAR(opll,c)->fnum = fnum;

-  MOD(opll,c)->fnum = fnum;



-/* Set Block data (block : 3bit ) */

-INLINE static void

-setBlock (OPLL * opll, e_int32 c, e_int32 block)


-  CAR(opll,c)->block = block;

-  MOD(opll,c)->block = block;



-/* Change Rhythm Mode */

-INLINE static void

-update_rhythm_mode (OPLL * opll)


-  if (opll->patch_number[6] & 0x10)

-  {

-    if (!(opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_BD2] | (opll->reg[0x0e] & 32)))

-    {

-      opll->slot[SLOT_BD1].eg_mode = FINISH;

-      opll->slot[SLOT_BD2].eg_mode = FINISH;

-      setPatch (opll, 6, opll->reg[0x36] >> 4);

-    }

-  }

-  else if (opll->reg[0x0e] & 32)

-  {

-    opll->patch_number[6] = 16;

-    opll->slot[SLOT_BD1].eg_mode = FINISH;

-    opll->slot[SLOT_BD2].eg_mode = FINISH;

-    setSlotPatch (&opll->slot[SLOT_BD1], &opll->patch[16 * 2 + 0]);

-    setSlotPatch (&opll->slot[SLOT_BD2], &opll->patch[16 * 2 + 1]);

-  }


-  if (opll->patch_number[7] & 0x10)

-  {

-    if (!((opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_HH] && opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_SD]) | (opll->reg[0x0e] & 32)))

-    {

-      opll->slot[SLOT_HH].type = 0;

-      opll->slot[SLOT_HH].eg_mode = FINISH;

-      opll->slot[SLOT_SD].eg_mode = FINISH;

-      setPatch (opll, 7, opll->reg[0x37] >> 4);

-    }

-  }

-  else if (opll->reg[0x0e] & 32)

-  {

-    opll->patch_number[7] = 17;

-    opll->slot[SLOT_HH].type = 1;

-    opll->slot[SLOT_HH].eg_mode = FINISH;

-    opll->slot[SLOT_SD].eg_mode = FINISH;

-    setSlotPatch (&opll->slot[SLOT_HH], &opll->patch[17 * 2 + 0]);

-    setSlotPatch (&opll->slot[SLOT_SD], &opll->patch[17 * 2 + 1]);

-  }


-  if (opll->patch_number[8] & 0x10)

-  {

-    if (!((opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_CYM] && opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_TOM]) | (opll->reg[0x0e] & 32)))

-    {

-      opll->slot[SLOT_TOM].type = 0;

-      opll->slot[SLOT_TOM].eg_mode = FINISH;

-      opll->slot[SLOT_CYM].eg_mode = FINISH;

-      setPatch (opll, 8, opll->reg[0x38] >> 4);

-    }

-  }

-  else if (opll->reg[0x0e] & 32)

-  {

-    opll->patch_number[8] = 18;

-    opll->slot[SLOT_TOM].type = 1;

-    opll->slot[SLOT_TOM].eg_mode = FINISH;

-    opll->slot[SLOT_CYM].eg_mode = FINISH;

-    setSlotPatch (&opll->slot[SLOT_TOM], &opll->patch[18 * 2 + 0]);

-    setSlotPatch (&opll->slot[SLOT_CYM], &opll->patch[18 * 2 + 1]);

-  }



-INLINE static void

-update_key_status (OPLL * opll)


-  int ch;


-  for (ch = 0; ch < 9; ch++)

-    opll->slot_on_flag[ch * 2] = opll->slot_on_flag[ch * 2 + 1] = (opll->reg[0x20 + ch]) & 0x10;


-  if (opll->reg[0x0e] & 32)

-  {

-    opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_BD1] |= (opll->reg[0x0e] & 0x10);

-    opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_BD2] |= (opll->reg[0x0e] & 0x10);

-    opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_SD] |= (opll->reg[0x0e] & 0x08);

-    opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_HH] |= (opll->reg[0x0e] & 0x01);

-    opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_TOM] |= (opll->reg[0x0e] & 0x04);

-    opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_CYM] |= (opll->reg[0x0e] & 0x02);

-  }




-OPLL_copyPatch (OPLL * opll, e_int32 num, OPLL_PATCH * patch)


-  memcpy (&opll->patch[num], patch, sizeof (OPLL_PATCH));





-                      Initializing




-static void

-OPLL_SLOT_reset (OPLL_SLOT * slot, int type)


-  slot->type = type;

-  slot->sintbl = waveform[0];

-  slot->phase = 0;

-  slot->dphase = 0;

-  slot->output[0] = 0;

-  slot->output[1] = 0;

-  slot->feedback = 0;

-  slot->eg_mode = FINISH;

-  slot->eg_phase = EG_DP_WIDTH;

-  slot->eg_dphase = 0;

-  slot->rks = 0;

-  slot->tll = 0;

-  slot->sustine = 0;

-  slot->fnum = 0;

-  slot->block = 0;

-  slot->volume = 0;

-  slot->pgout = 0;

-  slot->egout = 0;

-  slot->patch = &null_patch;



-static void

-internal_refresh (void)


-#if !defined(ROCKBOX)

-  makeDphaseTable ();


-  makeDphaseARTable ();

-  makeDphaseDRTable ();

-  pm_dphase = (e_uint32) RATE_ADJUST ((int)(PM_SPEED * PM_DP_WIDTH) / (clk / 72));

-  am_dphase = (e_uint32) RATE_ADJUST ((int)(AM_SPEED * AM_DP_WIDTH) / (clk / 72));



-static void

-maketables (e_uint32 c, e_uint32 r)


-  if (c != clk)

-  {

-    clk = c;


-    makePmTable ();

-    makeAmTable ();

-    makeAdjustTable ();


-    makeDB2LinTable ();

-    makeTllTable ();

-    makeRksTable ();

-    makeSinTable ();

-    makeDefaultPatch ();

-  }


-  if (r != rate)

-  {

-    rate = r;

-    internal_refresh ();

-  }




-OPLL_new (OPLL *opll, e_uint32 clk, e_uint32 rate)


-  e_int32 i;


-  maketables (clk, rate);


-  memset(opll, 0, sizeof (OPLL));

-  for (i = 0; i < 19 * 2; i++)

-    memcpy(&opll->patch[i],&null_patch,sizeof(OPLL_PATCH));


-  opll->mask = 0;


-  OPLL_reset (opll);

-  OPLL_reset_patch (opll, 0);





-OPLL_delete (OPLL * opll)


-  (void) opll;




-/* Reset patch datas by system default. */


-OPLL_reset_patch (OPLL * opll, e_int32 type)


-  e_int32 i;


-  for (i = 0; i < 19 * 2; i++)

-    OPLL_copyPatch (opll, i, &default_patch[type % OPLL_TONE_NUM][i]);



-/* Reset whole of OPLL except patch datas. */


-OPLL_reset (OPLL * opll)


-  e_int32 i;


-  if (!opll)

-    return;


-  opll->adr = 0;

-  opll->out = 0;


-  opll->pm_phase = 0;

-  opll->am_phase = 0;


-  opll->noise_seed = 0xffff;

-  opll->mask = 0;


-  for (i = 0; i <18; i++)

-    OPLL_SLOT_reset(&opll->slot[i], i%2);


-  for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)

-  {

-    opll->key_status[i] = 0;

-    setPatch (opll, i, 0);

-  }


-  for (i = 0; i < 0x40; i++)

-    OPLL_writeReg (opll, i, 0);


-#ifndef EMU2413_COMPACTION

-  opll->realstep = (e_uint32) ((1 << 31) / rate);

-  opll->opllstep = (e_uint32) ((1 << 31) / (clk / 72));

-  opll->oplltime = 0;

-  for (i = 0; i < 14; i++)

-    opll->pan[i] = 2;

-  opll->sprev[0] = opll->sprev[1] = 0;

-  opll->snext[0] = opll->snext[1] = 0;




-/* Force Refresh (When external program changes some parameters). */


-OPLL_forceRefresh (OPLL * opll)


-  e_int32 i;


-  if (opll == NULL)

-    return;


-  for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)

-    setPatch(opll,i,opll->patch_number[i]);


-  for (i = 0; i < 18; i++)

-  {

-    UPDATE_PG (&opll->slot[i]);

-    UPDATE_RKS (&opll->slot[i]);

-    UPDATE_TLL (&opll->slot[i]);

-    UPDATE_WF (&opll->slot[i]);

-    UPDATE_EG (&opll->slot[i]);

-  }




-OPLL_set_rate (OPLL * opll, e_uint32 r)


-  if (rate == r) return;

-  if (opll->quality)

-    rate = 49716;

-  else

-    rate = r;

-  internal_refresh ();

-  rate = r;




-OPLL_set_quality (OPLL * opll, e_uint32 q)


-  opll->quality = q;

-  OPLL_set_rate (opll, rate);





-                 Generate wave data



-/* Convert Amp(0 to EG_HEIGHT) to Phase(0 to 2PI). */

-#if ( SLOT_AMP_BITS - PG_BITS ) > 0

-#define wave2_2pi(e)  ( (e) >> ( SLOT_AMP_BITS - PG_BITS ))


-#define wave2_2pi(e)  ( (e) << ( PG_BITS - SLOT_AMP_BITS ))



-/* Convert Amp(0 to EG_HEIGHT) to Phase(0 to 4PI). */

-#if ( SLOT_AMP_BITS - PG_BITS - 1 ) == 0

-#define wave2_4pi(e)  (e)

-#elif ( SLOT_AMP_BITS - PG_BITS - 1 ) > 0

-#define wave2_4pi(e)  ( (e) >> ( SLOT_AMP_BITS - PG_BITS - 1 ))


-#define wave2_4pi(e)  ( (e) << ( 1 + PG_BITS - SLOT_AMP_BITS ))



-/* Convert Amp(0 to EG_HEIGHT) to Phase(0 to 8PI). */

-#if ( SLOT_AMP_BITS - PG_BITS - 2 ) == 0

-#define wave2_8pi(e)  (e)

-#elif ( SLOT_AMP_BITS - PG_BITS - 2 ) > 0

-#define wave2_8pi(e)  ( (e) >> ( SLOT_AMP_BITS - PG_BITS - 2 ))


-#define wave2_8pi(e)  ( (e) << ( 2 + PG_BITS - SLOT_AMP_BITS ))



-/* Update AM, PM unit */

-INLINE static void

-update_ampm (OPLL * opll)


-  opll->pm_phase = (opll->pm_phase + pm_dphase) & (PM_DP_WIDTH - 1);

-  opll->am_phase = (opll->am_phase + am_dphase) & (AM_DP_WIDTH - 1);

-  opll->lfo_am = AMTABLE(HIGHBITS (opll->am_phase, AM_DP_BITS - AM_PG_BITS));

-  opll->lfo_pm = PMTABLE(HIGHBITS (opll->pm_phase, PM_DP_BITS - PM_PG_BITS));



-/* PG */

-INLINE static void

-calc_phase (OPLL_SLOT * slot, e_int32 lfo)


-  if (slot->patch->PM)

-    slot->phase += (slot->dphase * lfo) >> PM_AMP_BITS;

-  else

-    slot->phase += slot->dphase;


-  slot->phase &= (DP_WIDTH - 1);


-  slot->pgout = HIGHBITS (slot->phase, DP_BASE_BITS);



-/* Update Noise unit */

-INLINE static void

-update_noise (OPLL * opll)


-   if(opll->noise_seed&1) opll->noise_seed ^= 0x8003020;

-   opll->noise_seed >>= 1;



-/* EG */

-INLINE static void

-calc_envelope (OPLL_SLOT * slot, e_int32 lfo)


-#define S2E(x) (SL2EG((e_int32)(x/SL_STEP))<<(EG_DP_BITS-EG_BITS))


-  static e_uint32 SL[16] = {

-    S2E (0.0), S2E (3.0), S2E (6.0), S2E (9.0), S2E (12.0), S2E (15.0), S2E (18.0), S2E (21.0),

-    S2E (24.0), S2E (27.0), S2E (30.0), S2E (33.0), S2E (36.0), S2E (39.0), S2E (42.0), S2E (48.0)

-  };


-  e_uint32 egout;


-  switch (slot->eg_mode)

-  {

-  case ATTACK:

-    egout = AR_ADJUST_TABLE(HIGHBITS (slot->eg_phase, EG_DP_BITS - EG_BITS));

-    slot->eg_phase += slot->eg_dphase;

-    if((EG_DP_WIDTH & slot->eg_phase)||(slot->patch->AR==15))

-    {

-      egout = 0;

-      slot->eg_phase = 0;

-      slot->eg_mode = DECAY;

-      UPDATE_EG (slot);

-    }

-    break;


-  case DECAY:

-    egout = HIGHBITS (slot->eg_phase, EG_DP_BITS - EG_BITS);

-    slot->eg_phase += slot->eg_dphase;

-    if (slot->eg_phase >= SL[slot->patch->SL])

-    {

-      if (slot->patch->EG)

-      {

-        slot->eg_phase = SL[slot->patch->SL];

-        slot->eg_mode = SUSHOLD;

-        UPDATE_EG (slot);

-      }

-      else

-      {

-        slot->eg_phase = SL[slot->patch->SL];

-        slot->eg_mode = SUSTINE;

-        UPDATE_EG (slot);

-      }

-    }

-    break;


-  case SUSHOLD:

-    egout = HIGHBITS (slot->eg_phase, EG_DP_BITS - EG_BITS);

-    if (slot->patch->EG == 0)

-    {

-      slot->eg_mode = SUSTINE;

-      UPDATE_EG (slot);

-    }

-    break;


-  case SUSTINE:

-  case RELEASE:

-    egout = HIGHBITS (slot->eg_phase, EG_DP_BITS - EG_BITS);

-    slot->eg_phase += slot->eg_dphase;

-    if (egout >= (1 << EG_BITS))

-    {

-      slot->eg_mode = FINISH;

-      egout = (1 << EG_BITS) - 1;

-    }

-    break;


-  case SETTLE:

-    egout = HIGHBITS (slot->eg_phase, EG_DP_BITS - EG_BITS);

-    slot->eg_phase += slot->eg_dphase;

-    if (egout >= (1 << EG_BITS))

-    {

-      slot->eg_mode = ATTACK;

-      egout = (1 << EG_BITS) - 1;

-      UPDATE_EG(slot);

-    }

-    break;


-  case FINISH:

-    egout = (1 << EG_BITS) - 1;

-    break;


-  default:

-    egout = (1 << EG_BITS) - 1;

-    break;

-  }


-  if (slot->patch->AM)

-    egout = EG2DB (egout + slot->tll) + lfo;

-  else

-    egout = EG2DB (egout + slot->tll);


-  if (egout >= DB_MUTE)

-    egout = DB_MUTE - 1;


-  slot->egout = egout | 3;



-/* CARRIOR */

-INLINE static e_int32

-calc_slot_car (OPLL_SLOT * slot, e_int32 fm)


-  if (slot->egout >= (DB_MUTE - 1))

-  {

-    slot->output[0] = 0;

-  }

-  else

-  {

-    slot->output[0] = DB2LIN_TABLE[slot->sintbl[(slot->pgout+wave2_8pi(fm))&(PG_WIDTH-1)] + slot->egout];

-  }


-  slot->output[1] = (slot->output[1] + slot->output[0]) >> 1;

-  return slot->output[1];




-INLINE static e_int32

-calc_slot_mod (OPLL_SLOT * slot)


-  e_int32 fm;


-  slot->output[1] = slot->output[0];


-  if (slot->egout >= (DB_MUTE - 1))

-  {

-    slot->output[0] = 0;

-  }

-  else if (slot->patch->FB != 0)

-  {

-    fm = wave2_4pi (slot->feedback) >> (7 - slot->patch->FB);

-    slot->output[0] = DB2LIN_TABLE[slot->sintbl[(slot->pgout+fm)&(PG_WIDTH-1)] + slot->egout];

-  }

-  else

-  {

-    slot->output[0] = DB2LIN_TABLE[slot->sintbl[slot->pgout] + slot->egout];

-  }


-  slot->feedback = (slot->output[1] + slot->output[0]) >> 1;


-  return slot->feedback;




-/* TOM */

-INLINE static e_int32

-calc_slot_tom (OPLL_SLOT * slot)


-  if (slot->egout >= (DB_MUTE - 1))

-    return 0;


-  return DB2LIN_TABLE[slot->sintbl[slot->pgout] + slot->egout];




-/* SNARE */

-INLINE static e_int32

-calc_slot_snare (OPLL_SLOT * slot, e_uint32 noise)


-  if(slot->egout>=(DB_MUTE-1))

-    return 0;


-  if(BIT(slot->pgout,7))

-    return DB2LIN_TABLE[(noise?DB_POS(0):DB_POS(15))+slot->egout];

-  else

-    return DB2LIN_TABLE[(noise?DB_NEG(0):DB_NEG(15))+slot->egout];





- */

-INLINE static e_int32

-calc_slot_cym (OPLL_SLOT * slot, e_uint32 pgout_hh)


-  e_uint32 dbout;


-  if (slot->egout >= (DB_MUTE - 1)) 

-    return 0;

-  else if( 

-      /* the same as fmopl.c */

-      ((BIT(pgout_hh,PG_BITS-8)^BIT(pgout_hh,PG_BITS-1))|BIT(pgout_hh,PG_BITS-7)) ^

-      /* different from fmopl.c */

-     (BIT(slot->pgout,PG_BITS-7)&!BIT(slot->pgout,PG_BITS-5))

-    )

-    dbout = DB_NEG(3);

-  else

-    dbout = DB_POS(3);


-  return DB2LIN_TABLE[dbout + slot->egout];




-  HI-HAT 


-INLINE static e_int32

-calc_slot_hat (OPLL_SLOT *slot, e_int32 pgout_cym, e_uint32 noise)


-  e_uint32 dbout;


-  if (slot->egout >= (DB_MUTE - 1)) 

-    return 0;

-  else if( 

-      /* the same as fmopl.c */

-      ((BIT(slot->pgout,PG_BITS-8)^BIT(slot->pgout,PG_BITS-1))|BIT(slot->pgout,PG_BITS-7)) ^

-      /* different from fmopl.c */

-      (BIT(pgout_cym,PG_BITS-7)&!BIT(pgout_cym,PG_BITS-5))

-    )

-  {

-    if(noise)

-      dbout = DB_NEG(12);

-    else

-      dbout = DB_NEG(24);

-  }

-  else

-  {

-    if(noise)

-      dbout = DB_POS(12);

-    else

-      dbout = DB_POS(24);

-  }


-  return DB2LIN_TABLE[dbout + slot->egout];



-static e_int16

-calc (OPLL * opll) EMU2413_CALC_ICODE;

-static e_int16

-calc (OPLL * opll)


-  e_int32 i;


-  update_ampm (opll);

-  update_noise (opll);


-  for (i = 0; i < 18; i++)

-  {

-    calc_phase(&opll->slot[i],opll->lfo_pm);

-    calc_envelope(&opll->slot[i],opll->lfo_am);

-  }


-  e_uint32 channel_mask = opll->mask;

-  for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {

-    if (CAR(opll,i)->eg_mode != FINISH)

-      channel_mask |= (1 << i);

-  }


-  e_int32 mix = 0;


-  /* CH6 */

-  if (opll->patch_number[6] & 0x10) {

-    if (channel_mask & OPLL_MASK_CH (6)) {

-      mix += calc_slot_car (CAR(opll,6), calc_slot_mod(MOD(opll,6)));

-      channel_mask &= ~(1 << 6);

-	}

-  }


-  /* CH7 */

-  if (opll->patch_number[7] & 0x10) {

-    if (MOD(opll,7)->eg_mode != FINISH)

-      mix += calc_slot_hat (MOD(opll,7), CAR(opll,8)->pgout, opll->noise_seed&1);

-    if (channel_mask & OPLL_MASK_SD) {

-      mix -= calc_slot_snare (CAR(opll,7), opll->noise_seed&1);

-      channel_mask &= ~OPLL_MASK_SD;

-	}

-  }


-  /* CH8 */

-  if (opll->patch_number[8] & 0x10) {

-    if (MOD(opll,8)->eg_mode != FINISH)

-      mix += calc_slot_tom (MOD(opll,8));

-    if (channel_mask & OPLL_MASK_CYM) {

-      mix -= calc_slot_cym (CAR(opll,8), MOD(opll,7)->pgout);

-      channel_mask &= ~OPLL_MASK_CYM;

-    }

-  }


-  mix <<= 1;


-  opll->current_mask = channel_mask;

-  for (i = 0; channel_mask; channel_mask >>= 1, ++i) {

-    if (channel_mask & 1) {

-      mix += calc_slot_car (CAR(opll,i), calc_slot_mod(MOD(opll,i)));

-    }

-  }


-  return (e_int16) mix << 3;




-OPLL_set_internal_mute(OPLL * opll, e_uint32 mute)


-  opll->internal_mute = mute;




-OPLL_is_internal_muted(OPLL * opll)


-  return opll->internal_mute; 



-static e_uint32

-check_mute_helper(OPLL * opll)


-  for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {

-    /* if (ch[i].car.eg_mode != FINISH) return 0; */

-    if (!(opll->current_mask & OPLL_MASK_CH (i)) && (CAR(opll,i)->eg_mode != FINISH)) return 0;

-  }


-  if (!(opll->reg[0x0e] & 0x20)) {

-    for(int i = 6; i < 9; i++) {

-      /* if (ch[i].car.eg_mode != FINISH) return 0; */

-      if (!(opll->current_mask & OPLL_MASK_CH (i)) && (CAR(opll,i)->eg_mode != FINISH)) return 0;

-    }

-  } else {

-    /* if (ch[6].car.eg_mode != FINISH) return false;

-    if (ch[7].mod.eg_mode != FINISH) return false;

-    if (ch[7].car.eg_mode != FINISH) return false;

-    if (ch[8].mod.eg_mode != FINISH) return false;

-    if (ch[8].car.eg_mode != FINISH) return false; */

-    if (!(opll->current_mask & OPLL_MASK_CH (6)) && (CAR(opll,6)->eg_mode != FINISH)) return 0;

-    if (!(opll->current_mask & OPLL_MASK_CH (7)) && (MOD(opll,7)->eg_mode != FINISH)) return 0;

-    if (!(opll->current_mask & OPLL_MASK_CH (7)) && (CAR(opll,7)->eg_mode != FINISH)) return 0;

-    if (!(opll->current_mask & OPLL_MASK_CH (8)) && (MOD(opll,8)->eg_mode != FINISH)) return 0;

-    if (!(opll->current_mask & OPLL_MASK_CH (8)) && (CAR(opll,8)->eg_mode != FINISH)) return 0;

-  }


-  return 1;    /* nothing is playing, then mute */



-static void

-check_mute(OPLL * opll)


-  OPLL_set_internal_mute (opll, check_mute_helper (opll));



-EMU2413_API e_int16 *OPLL_update_buffer(OPLL * opll, e_uint32 length)


-  e_int16* buf = opll->buffer;

-  while (length--) {

-    *(buf++) = calc (opll);

-  }

-  check_mute (opll);


-  return opll->buffer;



-#ifdef EMU2413_COMPACTION


-OPLL_calc (OPLL * opll)


-  return calc (opll);




-OPLL_calc (OPLL * opll)


-  if (!opll->quality)

-    return calc (opll);


-  while (opll->realstep > opll->oplltime)

-  {

-    opll->oplltime += opll->opllstep;

-    opll->prev = opll->next;

-    opll->next = calc (opll);

-  }


-  opll->oplltime -= opll->realstep;

-  opll->out = (e_int16) (((double) opll->next * (opll->opllstep - opll->oplltime)

-                          + (double) opll->prev * opll->oplltime) / opll->opllstep);


-  return (e_int16) opll->out;





-OPLL_setMask (OPLL * opll, e_uint32 mask)


-  e_uint32 ret;


-  if (opll)

-  {

-    ret = opll->mask;

-    opll->mask = mask;

-    return ret;

-  }

-  else

-    return 0;




-OPLL_toggleMask (OPLL * opll, e_uint32 mask)


-  e_uint32 ret;


-  if (opll)

-  {

-    ret = opll->mask;

-    opll->mask ^= mask;

-    return ret;

-  }

-  else

-    return 0;





-                       I/O Ctrl





-OPLL_writeReg (OPLL * opll, e_uint32 reg, e_uint32 data)


-  e_int32 i, v, ch;


-  data = data & 0xff;

-  reg = reg & 0x3f;

-  opll->reg[reg] = (e_uint8) data;


-  switch (reg)

-  {

-  case 0x00:

-    opll->patch[0].AM = (data >> 7) & 1;

-    opll->patch[0].PM = (data >> 6) & 1;

-    opll->patch[0].EG = (data >> 5) & 1;

-    opll->patch[0].KR = (data >> 4) & 1;

-    opll->patch[0].ML = (data) & 15;

-    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)

-    {

-      if (opll->patch_number[i] == 0)

-      {

-        UPDATE_PG (MOD(opll,i));

-        UPDATE_RKS (MOD(opll,i));

-        UPDATE_EG (MOD(opll,i));

-      }

-    }

-    break;


-  case 0x01:

-    opll->patch[1].AM = (data >> 7) & 1;

-    opll->patch[1].PM = (data >> 6) & 1;

-    opll->patch[1].EG = (data >> 5) & 1;

-    opll->patch[1].KR = (data >> 4) & 1;

-    opll->patch[1].ML = (data) & 15;

-    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)

-    {

-      if (opll->patch_number[i] == 0)

-      {

-        UPDATE_PG (CAR(opll,i));

-        UPDATE_RKS (CAR(opll,i));

-        UPDATE_EG (CAR(opll,i));

-      }

-    }

-    break;


-  case 0x02:

-    opll->patch[0].KL = (data >> 6) & 3;

-    opll->patch[0].TL = (data) & 63;

-    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)

-    {

-      if (opll->patch_number[i] == 0)

-      {

-        UPDATE_TLL(MOD(opll,i));

-      }

-    }

-    break;


-  case 0x03:

-    opll->patch[1].KL = (data >> 6) & 3;

-    opll->patch[1].WF = (data >> 4) & 1;

-    opll->patch[0].WF = (data >> 3) & 1;

-    opll->patch[0].FB = (data) & 7;

-    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)

-    {

-      if (opll->patch_number[i] == 0)

-      {

-        UPDATE_WF(MOD(opll,i));

-        UPDATE_WF(CAR(opll,i));

-      }

-    }

-    break;


-  case 0x04:

-    opll->patch[0].AR = (data >> 4) & 15;

-    opll->patch[0].DR = (data) & 15;

-    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)

-    {

-      if (opll->patch_number[i] == 0)

-      {

-        UPDATE_EG (MOD(opll,i));

-      }

-    }

-    break;


-  case 0x05:

-    opll->patch[1].AR = (data >> 4) & 15;

-    opll->patch[1].DR = (data) & 15;

-    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)

-    {

-      if (opll->patch_number[i] == 0)

-      {

-        UPDATE_EG(CAR(opll,i));

-      }

-    }

-    break;


-  case 0x06:

-    opll->patch[0].SL = (data >> 4) & 15;

-    opll->patch[0].RR = (data) & 15;

-    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)

-    {

-      if (opll->patch_number[i] == 0)

-      {

-        UPDATE_EG (MOD(opll,i));

-      }

-    }

-    break;


-  case 0x07:

-    opll->patch[1].SL = (data >> 4) & 15;

-    opll->patch[1].RR = (data) & 15;

-    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)

-    {

-      if (opll->patch_number[i] == 0)

-      {

-        UPDATE_EG (CAR(opll,i));

-      }

-    }

-    break;


-  case 0x0e:

-    update_rhythm_mode (opll);

-    if (data & 32)

-    {

-      if (data & 0x10)

-        keyOn_BD (opll);

-      else

-        keyOff_BD (opll);

-      if (data & 0x8)

-        keyOn_SD (opll);

-      else

-        keyOff_SD (opll);

-      if (data & 0x4)

-        keyOn_TOM (opll);

-      else

-        keyOff_TOM (opll);

-      if (data & 0x2)

-        keyOn_CYM (opll);

-      else

-        keyOff_CYM (opll);

-      if (data & 0x1)

-        keyOn_HH (opll);

-      else

-        keyOff_HH (opll);

-    }

-    update_key_status (opll);


-    UPDATE_ALL (MOD(opll,6));

-    UPDATE_ALL (CAR(opll,6));

-    UPDATE_ALL (MOD(opll,7));

-    UPDATE_ALL (CAR(opll,7));

-    UPDATE_ALL (MOD(opll,8));

-    UPDATE_ALL (CAR(opll,8));


-    break;


-  case 0x0f:

-    break;


-  case 0x10:

-  case 0x11:

-  case 0x12:

-  case 0x13:

-  case 0x14:

-  case 0x15:

-  case 0x16:

-  case 0x17:

-  case 0x18:

-    ch = reg - 0x10;

-    setFnumber (opll, ch, data + ((opll->reg[0x20 + ch] & 1) << 8));

-    UPDATE_ALL (MOD(opll,ch));

-    UPDATE_ALL (CAR(opll,ch));

-    break;


-  case 0x20:

-  case 0x21:

-  case 0x22:

-  case 0x23:

-  case 0x24:

-  case 0x25:

-  case 0x26:

-  case 0x27:

-  case 0x28:

-    ch = reg - 0x20;

-    setFnumber (opll, ch, ((data & 1) << 8) + opll->reg[0x10 + ch]);

-    setBlock (opll, ch, (data >> 1) & 7);

-    setSustine (opll, ch, (data >> 5) & 1);

-    if (data & 0x10)

-      keyOn (opll, ch);

-    else

-      keyOff (opll, ch);

-    UPDATE_ALL (MOD(opll,ch));

-    UPDATE_ALL (CAR(opll,ch));

-    update_key_status (opll);

-    update_rhythm_mode (opll);

-    break;


-  case 0x30:

-  case 0x31:

-  case 0x32:

-  case 0x33:

-  case 0x34:

-  case 0x35:

-  case 0x36:

-  case 0x37:

-  case 0x38:

-    i = (data >> 4) & 15;

-    v = data & 15;

-    if ((opll->reg[0x0e] & 32) && (reg >= 0x36))

-    {

-      switch (reg)

-      {

-      case 0x37:

-        setSlotVolume (MOD(opll,7), i << 2);

-        break;

-      case 0x38:

-        setSlotVolume (MOD(opll,8), i << 2);

-        break;

-      default:

-        break;

-      }

-    }

-    else

-    {

-      setPatch (opll, reg - 0x30, i);

-    }

-    setVolume (opll, reg - 0x30, v << 2);

-    UPDATE_ALL (MOD(opll,reg - 0x30));

-    UPDATE_ALL (CAR(opll,reg - 0x30));

-    break;


-  default:

-    break;


-  }




-OPLL_writeIO (OPLL * opll, e_uint32 adr, e_uint32 val)


-  if (adr & 1)

-    OPLL_writeReg (opll, opll->adr, val);

-  else

-    opll->adr = val;




-OPLL_read(OPLL * opll, e_uint32 a)


-  if( !(a&1) )

-    {

-	/* status port */

-	return opll->status;

-  }

-  return 0xff;



-#ifndef EMU2413_COMPACTION



-OPLL_set_pan (OPLL * opll, e_uint32 ch, e_uint32 pan)


-  opll->pan[ch & 15] = pan & 3;



-static void

-calc_stereo (OPLL * opll, e_int32 out[2])


-  e_int32 b[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };        /* Ignore, Right, Left, Center */

-  e_int32 r[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };        /* Ignore, Right, Left, Center */

-  e_int32 i;


-  update_ampm (opll);

-  update_noise (opll);


-  for(i=0;i<18;i++)

-  {

-    calc_phase(&opll->slot[i],opll->lfo_pm);

-    calc_envelope(&opll->slot[i],opll->lfo_am);

-  }


-  for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)

-    if (!(opll->mask & OPLL_MASK_CH (i)) && (CAR(opll,i)->eg_mode != FINISH))

-      b[opll->pan[i]] += calc_slot_car (CAR(opll,i), calc_slot_mod (MOD(opll,i)));



-  if (opll->patch_number[6] <= 15)

-  {

-    if (!(opll->mask & OPLL_MASK_CH (6)) && (CAR(opll,6)->eg_mode != FINISH))

-      b[opll->pan[6]] += calc_slot_car (CAR(opll,6), calc_slot_mod (MOD(opll,6)));

-  }

-  else

-  {

-    if (!(opll->mask & OPLL_MASK_BD) && (CAR(opll,6)->eg_mode != FINISH))

-      r[opll->pan[9]] += calc_slot_car (CAR(opll,6), calc_slot_mod (MOD(opll,6)));

-  }


-  if (opll->patch_number[7] <= 15)

-  {

-    if (!(opll->mask & OPLL_MASK_CH (7)) && (CAR (opll,7)->eg_mode != FINISH))

-      b[opll->pan[7]] += calc_slot_car (CAR (opll,7), calc_slot_mod (MOD (opll,7)));

-  }

-  else

-  {

-    if (!(opll->mask & OPLL_MASK_HH) && (MOD (opll,7)->eg_mode != FINISH))

-      r[opll->pan[10]] += calc_slot_hat (MOD (opll,7), CAR(opll,8)->pgout, opll->noise_seed&1);

-    if (!(opll->mask & OPLL_MASK_SD) && (CAR (opll,7)->eg_mode != FINISH))

-      r[opll->pan[11]] -= calc_slot_snare (CAR (opll,7), opll->noise_seed&1);

-  }


-  if (opll->patch_number[8] <= 15)

-  {

-    if (!(opll->mask & OPLL_MASK_CH (8)) && (CAR (opll,8)->eg_mode != FINISH))

-      b[opll->pan[8]] += calc_slot_car (CAR (opll,8), calc_slot_mod (MOD (opll,8)));

-  }

-  else

-  {

-    if (!(opll->mask & OPLL_MASK_TOM) && (MOD (opll,8)->eg_mode != FINISH))

-      r[opll->pan[12]] += calc_slot_tom (MOD (opll,8));

-    if (!(opll->mask & OPLL_MASK_CYM) && (CAR (opll,8)->eg_mode != FINISH))

-      r[opll->pan[13]] -= calc_slot_cym (CAR (opll,8), MOD(opll,7)->pgout);

-  }


-  out[1] = (b[1] + b[3] + ((r[1] + r[3]) << 1)) <<3;

-  out[0] = (b[2] + b[3] + ((r[2] + r[3]) << 1)) <<3;




-OPLL_calc_stereo (OPLL * opll, e_int32 out[2])


-  if (!opll->quality)

-  {

-    calc_stereo (opll, out);

-    return;

-  }


-  while (opll->realstep > opll->oplltime)

-  {

-    opll->oplltime += opll->opllstep;

-    opll->sprev[0] = opll->snext[0];

-    opll->sprev[1] = opll->snext[1];

-    calc_stereo (opll, opll->snext);

-  }


-  opll->oplltime -= opll->realstep;

-  out[0] = (e_int16) (((double) opll->snext[0] * (opll->opllstep - opll->oplltime)

-                       + (double) opll->sprev[0] * opll->oplltime) / opll->opllstep);

-  out[1] = (e_int16) (((double) opll->snext[1] * (opll->opllstep - opll->oplltime)

-                       + (double) opll->sprev[1] * opll->oplltime) / opll->opllstep);


-#endif /* EMU2413_COMPACTION */

+  emu2413.c -- YM2413 emulator written by Mitsutaka Okazaki 2001
+  2001 01-08 : Version 0.10 -- 1st version.
+  2001 01-15 : Version 0.20 -- semi-public version.
+  2001 01-16 : Version 0.30 -- 1st public version.
+  2001 01-17 : Version 0.31 -- Fixed bassdrum problem.
+             : Version 0.32 -- LPF implemented.
+  2001 01-18 : Version 0.33 -- Fixed the drum problem, refine the mix-down method.
+                            -- Fixed the LFO bug.
+  2001 01-24 : Version 0.35 -- Fixed the drum problem, 
+                               support undocumented EG behavior.
+  2001 02-02 : Version 0.38 -- Improved the performance.
+                               Fixed the hi-hat and cymbal model.
+                               Fixed the default percussive datas.
+                               Noise reduction.
+                               Fixed the feedback problem.
+  2001 03-03 : Version 0.39 -- Fixed some drum bugs.
+                               Improved the performance.
+  2001 03-04 : Version 0.40 -- Improved the feedback.
+                               Change the default table size.
+                               Clock and Rate can be changed during play.
+  2001 06-24 : Version 0.50 -- Improved the hi-hat and the cymbal tone.
+                               Added VRC7 patch (OPLL_reset_patch is changed).
+                               Fixed OPLL_reset() bug.
+                               Added OPLL_setMask, OPLL_getMask and OPLL_toggleMask.
+                               Added OPLL_writeIO.
+  2001 09-28 : Version 0.51 -- Removed the noise table.
+  2002 01-28 : Version 0.52 -- Added Stereo mode.
+  2002 02-07 : Version 0.53 -- Fixed some drum bugs.
+  2002 02-20 : Version 0.54 -- Added the best quality mode.
+  2002 03-02 : Version 0.55 -- Removed OPLL_init & OPLL_close.
+  2002 05-30 : Version 0.60 -- Fixed HH&CYM generator and all voice datas.
+  2004 04-10 : Version 0.61 -- Added YMF281B tone (defined by Chabin).
+  2011 03-22 : --------------- Modified by gama to use precalculated tables.
+  References: 
+    fmopl.c        -- 1999,2000 written by Tatsuyuki Satoh (MAME development).
+    fmopl.c(fixed) -- (C) 2002 Jarek Burczynski.
+    s_opl.c        -- 2001 written by Mamiya (NEZplug development).
+    fmgen.cpp      -- 1999,2000 written by cisc.
+    fmpac.ill      -- 2000 created by NARUTO.
+    MSX-Datapack
+    YMU757 data sheet
+    YM2143 data sheet
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "emu2413.h"
+#include "emutables.h"
+#if !defined(ROCKBOX)
+	#define EMU2413_CALCUL_TABLES
+	#define EMU2413_COMPACTION
+	#include "emutables.h"
+#if defined(EMU2413_COMPACTION) && !defined(ROCKBOX)
+#define OPLL_TONE_NUM 1
+static unsigned char default_inst[OPLL_TONE_NUM][(16 + 3) * 16] = {
+  {
+#include "2413tone.h"
+   }
+#define OPLL_TONE_NUM 3
+static unsigned char default_inst[OPLL_TONE_NUM][(16 + 3) * 16] = {
+  { 
+#include "2413tone.h" 
+  },
+  {
+#include "vrc7tone.h"
+   },
+  {
+#include "281btone.h"
+  }
+/* Size of Sintable ( 8 -- 18 can be used. 9 recommended.) */
+#define PG_BITS 9
+#define PG_WIDTH (1<<PG_BITS)
+/* Phase increment counter */
+#define DP_BITS 18
+#define DP_WIDTH (1<<DP_BITS)
+/* Dynamic range (Accuracy of sin table) */
+#define DB_PREC 48
+#define DB_BITS 8
+#define DB_STEP ((double)DB_PREC/(1<<DB_BITS))
+#define DB_MUTE (1<<DB_BITS)
+/* Dynamic range of envelope */
+#define EG_STEP 0.375
+#define EG_BITS 7
+#define EG_MUTE (1<<EG_BITS)
+/* Dynamic range of total level */
+#define TL_STEP 0.75
+#define TL_BITS 6
+#define TL_MUTE (1<<TL_BITS)
+/* Dynamic range of sustine level */
+#define SL_STEP 3.0
+#define SL_BITS 4
+#define SL_MUTE (1<<SL_BITS)
+#define EG2DB(d) ((d)*(e_int32)(EG_STEP/DB_STEP))
+#define TL2EG(d) ((d)*(e_int32)(TL_STEP/EG_STEP))
+#define SL2EG(d) ((d)*(e_int32)(SL_STEP/EG_STEP))
+#define DB_POS(x) (x*DB_MUTE/DB_PREC)
+/* Bits for liner value */
+#define DB2LIN_AMP_BITS 8
+/* Bits for envelope phase incremental counter */
+#define EG_DP_BITS 22
+#define EG_DP_WIDTH (1<<EG_DP_BITS)
+/* Bits for Pitch and Amp modulator */
+#define PM_PG_BITS 8
+#define PM_PG_WIDTH (1<<PM_PG_BITS)
+#define PM_DP_BITS 16
+#define PM_DP_WIDTH (1<<PM_DP_BITS)
+#define AM_PG_BITS 8
+#define AM_PG_WIDTH (1<<AM_PG_BITS)
+#define AM_DP_BITS 16
+#define AM_DP_WIDTH (1<<AM_DP_BITS)
+/* PM table is calcurated by PM_AMP * pow(2,PM_DEPTH*sin(x)/1200) */
+#define PM_AMP_BITS 8
+#define PM_AMP (1<<PM_AMP_BITS)
+/* PM speed(Hz) and depth(cent) */
+#define PM_SPEED 6.4
+#define PM_DEPTH 13.75
+/* AM speed(Hz) and depth(dB) */
+#define AM_SPEED 3.6413
+#define AM_DEPTH 4.875
+/* Cut the lower b bit(s) off. */
+#define HIGHBITS(c,b) ((c)>>(b))
+/* Leave the lower b bit(s). */
+#define LOWBITS(c,b) ((c)&((1<<(b))-1))
+/* Expand x which is s bits to d bits. */
+#define EXPAND_BITS(x,s,d) ((x)<<((d)-(s)))
+/* Expand x which is s bits to d bits and fill expanded bits '1' */
+#define EXPAND_BITS_X(x,s,d) (((x)<<((d)-(s)))|((1<<((d)-(s)))-1))
+/* Adjust envelope speed which depends on sampling rate. */
+#define RATE_ADJUST(x) (rate==49716?(e_uint32)x:(e_uint32)(((long long)(x)*clk/rate+36)/72))
+#define MOD(o,x) (&(o)->slot[(x)<<1])
+#define CAR(o,x) (&(o)->slot[((x)<<1)|1])
+#define BIT(s,b) (((s)>>(b))&1)
+/* Input clock */
+static e_uint32 clk = 844451141;
+/* Sampling rate */
+static e_uint32 rate = 3354932;
+/* WaveTable for each envelope amp */
+static e_uint16 fullsintable[PG_WIDTH];
+static e_uint16 halfsintable[PG_WIDTH];
+static e_uint16 *waveform[2] = { fullsintable, halfsintable };
+/* LFO Table */
+    static e_int32 pmtable[PM_PG_WIDTH];
+    static e_int32 amtable[AM_PG_WIDTH];
+    #define PMTABLE(x) pmtable[x]
+    #define AMTABLE(x) amtable[x]
+    #define PMTABLE(x) (e_int32)pm_coeff[x]
+    #if (PM_PG_WIDTH != 256)
+        #error PM_PG_WIDTH must be set to 256 if EMU2413_CALCUL_TABLES is not defined
+    #endif
+    #define AMTABLE(x) (e_int32)am_coeff[x]
+    #if (AM_PG_WIDTH != 256)
+        #error AM_PG_WIDTH must be set to 256 if EMU2413_CALCUL_TABLES is not defined
+    #endif
+/* Phase delta for LFO */
+static e_uint32 pm_dphase;
+static e_uint32 am_dphase;
+/* dB to Liner table */
+static e_int16 DB2LIN_TABLE[(DB_MUTE + DB_MUTE) * 2];
+/* Liner to Log curve conversion table (for Attack rate). */
+    static e_uint16 ar_adjust_table[1 << EG_BITS];
+    #define AR_ADJUST_TABLE(x) ar_adjust_table[x]
+    #define AR_ADJUST_TABLE(x) ar_adjust_coeff[x]
+    #if (EG_BITS != 7)
+        #error EG_BITS must be set to 7 if EMU2413_CALCUL_TABLES is not defined
+    #endif
+/* Empty voice data */
+static OPLL_PATCH null_patch = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+/* Basic voice Data */
+static OPLL_PATCH default_patch[OPLL_TONE_NUM][(16 + 3) * 2];
+/* Definition of envelope mode */
+/* Phase incr table for Attack */
+static e_uint32 dphaseARTable[16][16];
+/* Phase incr table for Decay and Release */
+static e_uint32 dphaseDRTable[16][16];
+/* KSL + TL Table */
+e_uint8 tllTable[16][8][1 << TL_BITS][4];
+static e_int32 rksTable[2][8][2];
+/* We may not have too much SRAM in rockbox */
+#if !defined(ROCKBOX)
+/* Phase incr table for PG */
+static e_uint32 dphaseTable[512][8][16];
+                  Create tables
+INLINE static e_int32
+Min (e_int32 i, e_int32 j)
+  if (i < j)
+    return i;
+  else
+    return j;
+/* Table for AR to LogCurve. */
+static void
+makeAdjustTable (void)
+  e_int32 i;
+  ar_adjust_table[0] = (1 << EG_BITS) - 1;
+  for (i = 1; i < (1<<EG_BITS); i++)
+    ar_adjust_table[i] = (e_uint16) ((double) (1<<EG_BITS)-1 - ((1<<EG_BITS)-1)*log(i)/log(127));
+/* Table for dB(0 -- (1<<DB_BITS)-1) to Liner(0 -- DB2LIN_AMP_WIDTH) */
+static void
+makeDB2LinTable (void)
+  e_int32 i;
+  for (i = 0; i < DB_MUTE + DB_MUTE; i++)
+  {
+  #ifdef EMU2413_CALCUL_TABLES
+    DB2LIN_TABLE[i] = (e_int16) ((double) ((1 << DB2LIN_AMP_BITS) - 1) * pow (10, -(double) i * DB_STEP / 20));
+  #else
+    DB2LIN_TABLE[i] = db2lin_coeff[i];
+  #endif
+    if (i >= DB_MUTE) DB2LIN_TABLE[i] = 0;
+    DB2LIN_TABLE[i + DB_MUTE + DB_MUTE] = (e_int16) (-DB2LIN_TABLE[i]);
+  }
+/* Liner(+0.0 - +1.0) to dB((1<<DB_BITS) - 1 -- 0) */
+static e_int32
+lin2db (double d)
+  if (d == 0)
+    return (DB_MUTE - 1);
+  else
+    return Min (-(e_int32) (20.0 * log10 (d) / DB_STEP), DB_MUTE-1);  /* 0 -- 127 */
+/* Sin Table */
+static void
+makeSinTable (void)
+  e_int32 i;
+  for (i = 0; i < PG_WIDTH / 4; i++)
+  #ifdef EMU2413_CALCUL_TABLES
+    fullsintable[i] = (e_uint32) lin2db (sin (2.0 * PI * i / PG_WIDTH) );
+  #else
+    fullsintable[i] = sin_coeff[i];
+  #endif
+  for (i = 0; i < PG_WIDTH / 4; i++)
+  {
+    fullsintable[PG_WIDTH / 2 - 1 - i] = fullsintable[i];
+  }
+  for (i = 0; i < PG_WIDTH / 2; i++)
+  {
+    fullsintable[PG_WIDTH / 2 + i] = (e_uint32) (DB_MUTE + DB_MUTE + fullsintable[i]);
+  }
+  for (i = 0; i < PG_WIDTH / 2; i++)
+    halfsintable[i] = fullsintable[i];
+  for (i = PG_WIDTH / 2; i < PG_WIDTH; i++)
+    halfsintable[i] = fullsintable[0];
+static double saw(double phase)
+  if(phase <= PI/2)
+    return phase * 2 / PI ;
+  else if(phase <= PI*3/2)
+    return 2.0 - ( phase * 2 / PI );
+  else
+    return -4.0 + phase * 2 / PI;
+/* Table for Pitch Modulator */
+static void
+makePmTable (void)
+  e_int32 i;
+  for (i = 0; i < PM_PG_WIDTH; i++)
+    /* pmtable[i] = (e_int32) ((double) PM_AMP * pow (2, (double) PM_DEPTH * sin (2.0 * PI * i / PM_PG_WIDTH) / 1200)); */
+    pmtable[i] = (e_int32) ((double) PM_AMP * pow (2, (double) PM_DEPTH * saw (2.0 * PI * i / PM_PG_WIDTH) / 1200));    
+/* Table for Amp Modulator */
+static void
+makeAmTable (void)
+  e_int32 i;
+  for (i = 0; i < AM_PG_WIDTH; i++)
+    /* amtable[i] = (e_int32) ((double) AM_DEPTH / 2 / DB_STEP * (1.0 + sin (2.0 * PI * i / PM_PG_WIDTH))); */
+    amtable[i] = (e_int32) ((double) AM_DEPTH / 2 / DB_STEP * (1.0 + saw (2.0 * PI * i / PM_PG_WIDTH)));
+#if !defined(ROCKBOX)
+/* Phase increment counter table */
+static void
+makeDphaseTable (void)
+  e_uint32 fnum, block, ML;
+  e_uint32 mltable[16] =
+    { 1, 1 * 2, 2 * 2, 3 * 2, 4 * 2, 5 * 2, 6 * 2, 7 * 2, 8 * 2, 9 * 2, 10 * 2, 10 * 2, 12 * 2, 12 * 2, 15 * 2, 15 * 2 };
+  for (fnum = 0; fnum < 512; fnum++)
+    for (block = 0; block < 8; block++)
+      for (ML = 0; ML < 16; ML++)
+        dphaseTable[fnum][block][ML] = RATE_ADJUST (((fnum * mltable[ML]) << block) >> (20 - DP_BITS));
+static void
+makeTllTable (void)
+/* Multiplication owith 8 to have an integer result. This allows to remove floating point operation. */
+#define dB2(x) (int)((x)*2*8)
+  static int kltable[16] = {
+    dB2 ( 0.000), dB2 ( 9.000), dB2 (12.000), dB2 (13.875), dB2 (15.000), dB2 (16.125), dB2 (16.875), dB2 (17.625),
+    dB2 (18.000), dB2 (18.750), dB2 (19.125), dB2 (19.500), dB2 (19.875), dB2 (20.250), dB2 (20.625), dB2 (21.000)
+  };
+  e_int32 tmp;
+  e_int32 fnum, block, TL, KL;
+  for (fnum = 0; fnum < 16; fnum++)
+    for (block = 0; block < 8; block++)
+      for (TL = 0; TL < 64; TL++)
+        for (KL = 0; KL < 4; KL++)
+        {
+          if (KL == 0)
+          {
+            tllTable[fnum][block][TL][KL] = TL2EG (TL);
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            tmp = (e_int32) ((kltable[fnum] - dB2 (3.000) * (7 - block))/8);
+            if (tmp <= 0)
+              tllTable[fnum][block][TL][KL] = TL2EG (TL);
+            else
+              /* tllTable[fnum][block][TL][KL] = (e_uint32) ((tmp >> (3 - KL)) / EG_STEP) + TL2EG (TL); */
+              tllTable[fnum][block][TL][KL] = (e_uint32) ((tmp << KL) / (int)(EG_STEP*8)) + TL2EG (TL);
+          }
+        }
+static double attacktime[16][4] = {
+  {0, 0, 0, 0},
+  {1730.15, 1400.60, 1153.43, 988.66},
+  {865.08, 700.30, 576.72, 494.33},
+  {432.54, 350.15, 288.36, 247.16},
+  {216.27, 175.07, 144.18, 123.58},
+  {108.13, 87.54, 72.09, 61.79},
+  {54.07, 43.77, 36.04, 30.90},
+  {27.03, 21.88, 18.02, 15.45},
+  {13.52, 10.94, 9.01, 7.72},
+  {6.76, 5.47, 4.51, 3.86},
+  {3.38, 2.74, 2.25, 1.93},
+  {1.69, 1.37, 1.13, 0.97},
+  {0.84, 0.70, 0.60, 0.54},
+  {0.50, 0.42, 0.34, 0.30},
+  {0.28, 0.22, 0.18, 0.14},
+  {0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00}
+static double decaytime[16][4] = {
+  {0, 0, 0, 0},
+  {20926.60, 16807.20, 14006.00, 12028.60},
+  {10463.30, 8403.58, 7002.98, 6014.32},
+  {5231.64, 4201.79, 3501.49, 3007.16},
+  {2615.82, 2100.89, 1750.75, 1503.58},
+  {1307.91, 1050.45, 875.37, 751.79},
+  {653.95, 525.22, 437.69, 375.90},
+  {326.98, 262.61, 218.84, 187.95},
+  {163.49, 131.31, 109.42, 93.97},
+  {81.74, 65.65, 54.71, 46.99},
+  {40.87, 32.83, 27.36, 23.49},
+  {20.44, 16.41, 13.68, 11.75},
+  {10.22, 8.21, 6.84, 5.87},
+  {5.11, 4.10, 3.42, 2.94},
+  {2.55, 2.05, 1.71, 1.47},
+  {1.27, 1.27, 1.27, 1.27}
+/* Rate Table for Attack */
+static void
+makeDphaseARTable (void)
+  e_int32 AR, Rks, RM, RL;
+  e_uint32 attacktable[16][4];
+  for (RM = 0; RM < 16; RM++)
+    for (RL = 0; RL < 4; RL++)
+    {
+      if (RM == 0)
+        attacktable[RM][RL] = 0;
+      else if (RM == 15)
+        attacktable[RM][RL] = EG_DP_WIDTH;
+      else
+        attacktable[RM][RL] = (e_uint32) ((double) (1 << EG_DP_BITS) / (attacktime[RM][RL] * 3579545 / 72000));
+    }
+  for (AR = 0; AR < 16; AR++)
+    for (Rks = 0; Rks < 16; Rks++)
+    {
+      RM = AR + (Rks >> 2);
+      RL = Rks & 3;
+      if (RM > 15)
+        RM = 15;
+      switch (AR)
+      {
+      case 0:
+        dphaseARTable[AR][Rks] = 0;
+        break;
+      case 15:
+        dphaseARTable[AR][Rks] = 0;/*EG_DP_WIDTH;*/ 
+        break;
+      default:
+        dphaseARTable[AR][Rks] = RATE_ADJUST (attacktable[RM][RL]);
+        dphaseARTable[AR][Rks] = RATE_ADJUST ((3 * (RL + 4) << (RM + 1)));
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+/* Rate Table for Decay and Release */
+static void
+makeDphaseDRTable (void)
+  e_int32 DR, Rks, RM, RL;
+  e_uint32 decaytable[16][4];
+  for (RM = 0; RM < 16; RM++)
+    for (RL = 0; RL < 4; RL++)
+      if (RM == 0)
+        decaytable[RM][RL] = 0;
+      else
+        decaytable[RM][RL] = (e_uint32) ((double) (1 << EG_DP_BITS) / (decaytime[RM][RL] * 3579545 / 72000));
+  for (DR = 0; DR < 16; DR++)
+    for (Rks = 0; Rks < 16; Rks++)
+    {
+      RM = DR + (Rks >> 2);
+      RL = Rks & 3;
+      if (RM > 15)
+        RM = 15;
+      switch (DR)
+      {
+      case 0:
+        dphaseDRTable[DR][Rks] = 0;
+        break;
+      default:
+        dphaseDRTable[DR][Rks] = RATE_ADJUST (decaytable[RM][RL]);
+        dphaseDRTable[DR][Rks] = RATE_ADJUST ((RL + 4) << (RM - 1));
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+static void
+makeRksTable (void)
+  e_int32 fnum8, block, KR;
+  for (fnum8 = 0; fnum8 < 2; fnum8++)
+    for (block = 0; block < 8; block++)
+      for (KR = 0; KR < 2; KR++)
+      {
+        if (KR != 0)
+          rksTable[fnum8][block][KR] = (block << 1) + fnum8;
+        else
+          rksTable[fnum8][block][KR] = block >> 1;
+      }
+OPLL_dump2patch (const e_uint8 * dump, OPLL_PATCH * patch)
+  patch[0].AM = (dump[0] >> 7) & 1;
+  patch[1].AM = (dump[1] >> 7) & 1;
+  patch[0].PM = (dump[0] >> 6) & 1;
+  patch[1].PM = (dump[1] >> 6) & 1;
+  patch[0].EG = (dump[0] >> 5) & 1;
+  patch[1].EG = (dump[1] >> 5) & 1;
+  patch[0].KR = (dump[0] >> 4) & 1;
+  patch[1].KR = (dump[1] >> 4) & 1;
+  patch[0].ML = (dump[0]) & 15;
+  patch[1].ML = (dump[1]) & 15;
+  patch[0].KL = (dump[2] >> 6) & 3;
+  patch[1].KL = (dump[3] >> 6) & 3;
+  patch[0].TL = (dump[2]) & 63;
+  patch[0].FB = (dump[3]) & 7;
+  patch[0].WF = (dump[3] >> 3) & 1;
+  patch[1].WF = (dump[3] >> 4) & 1;
+  patch[0].AR = (dump[4] >> 4) & 15;
+  patch[1].AR = (dump[5] >> 4) & 15;
+  patch[0].DR = (dump[4]) & 15;
+  patch[1].DR = (dump[5]) & 15;
+  patch[0].SL = (dump[6] >> 4) & 15;
+  patch[1].SL = (dump[7] >> 4) & 15;
+  patch[0].RR = (dump[6]) & 15;
+  patch[1].RR = (dump[7]) & 15;
+OPLL_getDefaultPatch (e_int32 type, e_int32 num, OPLL_PATCH * patch)
+  OPLL_dump2patch (default_inst[type] + num * 16, patch);
+static void
+makeDefaultPatch ( void )
+  e_int32 i, j;
+  for (i = 0; i < OPLL_TONE_NUM; i++)
+    for (j = 0; j < 19; j++)
+      OPLL_getDefaultPatch (i, j, &default_patch[i][j * 2]);
+OPLL_setPatch (OPLL * opll, const e_uint8 * dump)
+  OPLL_PATCH patch[2];
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i < 19; i++)
+  {
+    OPLL_dump2patch (dump + i * 16, patch);
+    memcpy (&opll->patch[i*2+0], &patch[0], sizeof (OPLL_PATCH));
+    memcpy (&opll->patch[i*2+1], &patch[1], sizeof (OPLL_PATCH));
+  }
+OPLL_patch2dump (const OPLL_PATCH * patch, e_uint8 * dump)
+  dump[0] = (e_uint8) ((patch[0].AM << 7) + (patch[0].PM << 6) + (patch[0].EG << 5) + (patch[0].KR << 4) + patch[0].ML);
+  dump[1] = (e_uint8) ((patch[1].AM << 7) + (patch[1].PM << 6) + (patch[1].EG << 5) + (patch[1].KR << 4) + patch[1].ML);
+  dump[2] = (e_uint8) ((patch[0].KL << 6) + patch[0].TL);
+  dump[3] = (e_uint8) ((patch[1].KL << 6) + (patch[1].WF << 4) + (patch[0].WF << 3) + patch[0].FB);
+  dump[4] = (e_uint8) ((patch[0].AR << 4) + patch[0].DR);
+  dump[5] = (e_uint8) ((patch[1].AR << 4) + patch[1].DR);
+  dump[6] = (e_uint8) ((patch[0].SL << 4) + patch[0].RR);
+  dump[7] = (e_uint8) ((patch[1].SL << 4) + patch[1].RR);
+  dump[8] = 0;
+  dump[9] = 0;
+  dump[10] = 0;
+  dump[11] = 0;
+  dump[12] = 0;
+  dump[13] = 0;
+  dump[14] = 0;
+  dump[15] = 0;
+                      Calc Parameters
+INLINE static e_uint32
+calc_eg_dphase (OPLL_SLOT * slot)
+  switch (slot->eg_mode)
+  {
+  case ATTACK:
+    return dphaseARTable[slot->patch->AR][slot->rks];
+  case DECAY:
+    return dphaseDRTable[slot->patch->DR][slot->rks];
+  case SUSHOLD:
+    return 0;
+  case SUSTINE:
+    return dphaseDRTable[slot->patch->RR][slot->rks];
+  case RELEASE:
+    if (slot->sustine)
+      return dphaseDRTable[5][slot->rks];
+    else if (slot->patch->EG)
+      return dphaseDRTable[slot->patch->RR][slot->rks];
+    else
+      return dphaseDRTable[7][slot->rks];
+  case SETTLE:
+    return dphaseDRTable[15][0];
+  case FINISH:
+    return 0;
+  default:
+    return 0;
+  }
+                    OPLL internal interfaces
+#define SLOT_BD1 12
+#define SLOT_BD2 13
+#define SLOT_HH 14
+#define SLOT_SD 15
+#define SLOT_TOM 16
+#define SLOT_CYM 17
+/* We will set this dinamically, but not sure if this affects playback */
+#if defined(ROCKBOX)
+INLINE static void
+  static const e_uint32 mltable[16] =
+    { 1, 1 * 2, 2 * 2, 3 * 2, 4 * 2, 5 * 2, 6 * 2, 7 * 2, 8 * 2, 9 * 2, 10 * 2, 10 * 2, 12 * 2, 12 * 2, 15 * 2, 15 * 2 };
+  slot->dphase = RATE_ADJUST (((slot->fnum * mltable[slot->patch->ML]) << slot->block) >> (20 - DP_BITS));
+#define UPDATE_PG(S)  (S)->dphase = dphaseTable[(S)->fnum][(S)->block][(S)->patch->ML]
+#define UPDATE_TLL(S)\
+((S)->tll = tllTable[((S)->fnum)>>5][(S)->block][(S)->patch->TL][(S)->patch->KL]):\
+((S)->tll = tllTable[((S)->fnum)>>5][(S)->block][(S)->volume][(S)->patch->KL]))
+#define UPDATE_RKS(S) (S)->rks = rksTable[((S)->fnum)>>8][(S)->block][(S)->patch->KR]
+#define UPDATE_WF(S)  (S)->sintbl = waveform[(S)->patch->WF]
+#define UPDATE_EG(S)  (S)->eg_dphase = calc_eg_dphase(S)
+#define UPDATE_ALL(S)\
+  UPDATE_WF(S); \
+  UPDATE_EG(S)                  /* EG should be updated last. */
+/* Slot key on  */
+INLINE static void
+slotOn (OPLL_SLOT * slot)
+  slot->eg_mode = ATTACK;
+  slot->eg_phase = 0;
+  slot->phase = 0;
+  UPDATE_EG(slot);
+/* Slot key on without reseting the phase */
+INLINE static void
+slotOn2 (OPLL_SLOT * slot)
+  slot->eg_mode = ATTACK;
+  slot->eg_phase = 0;
+  UPDATE_EG(slot);
+/* Slot key off */
+INLINE static void
+slotOff (OPLL_SLOT * slot)
+  if (slot->eg_mode == ATTACK)
+    slot->eg_phase = EXPAND_BITS (AR_ADJUST_TABLE(HIGHBITS (slot->eg_phase, EG_DP_BITS - EG_BITS)), EG_BITS, EG_DP_BITS);
+  slot->eg_mode = RELEASE;
+  UPDATE_EG(slot);
+/* Channel key on */
+INLINE static void
+keyOn (OPLL * opll, e_int32 i)
+  if (!opll->slot_on_flag[i * 2])
+    slotOn (MOD(opll,i));
+  if (!opll->slot_on_flag[i * 2 + 1])
+    slotOn (CAR(opll,i));
+  opll->key_status[i] = 1;
+/* Channel key off */
+INLINE static void
+keyOff (OPLL * opll, e_int32 i)
+  if (opll->slot_on_flag[i * 2 + 1])
+    slotOff (CAR(opll,i));
+  opll->key_status[i] = 0;
+INLINE static void
+keyOn_BD (OPLL * opll)
+  keyOn (opll, 6);
+INLINE static void
+keyOn_SD (OPLL * opll)
+  if (!opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_SD])
+    slotOn (CAR(opll,7));
+INLINE static void
+keyOn_TOM (OPLL * opll)
+  if (!opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_TOM])
+    slotOn (MOD(opll,8));
+INLINE static void
+keyOn_HH (OPLL * opll)
+  if (!opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_HH])
+    slotOn2 (MOD(opll,7));
+INLINE static void
+keyOn_CYM (OPLL * opll)
+  if (!opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_CYM])
+    slotOn2 (CAR(opll,8));
+/* Drum key off */
+INLINE static void
+keyOff_BD (OPLL * opll)
+  keyOff (opll, 6);
+INLINE static void
+keyOff_SD (OPLL * opll)
+  if (opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_SD])
+    slotOff (CAR(opll,7));
+INLINE static void
+keyOff_TOM (OPLL * opll)
+  if (opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_TOM])
+    slotOff (MOD(opll,8));
+INLINE static void
+keyOff_HH (OPLL * opll)
+  if (opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_HH])
+    slotOff (MOD(opll,7));
+INLINE static void
+keyOff_CYM (OPLL * opll)
+  if (opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_CYM])
+    slotOff (CAR(opll,8));
+/* Change a voice */
+INLINE static void
+setPatch (OPLL * opll, e_int32 i, e_int32 num)
+  opll->patch_number[i] = num;
+  MOD(opll,i)->patch = &opll->patch[num * 2 + 0];
+  CAR(opll,i)->patch = &opll->patch[num * 2 + 1];
+/* Change a rhythm voice */
+INLINE static void
+setSlotPatch (OPLL_SLOT * slot, OPLL_PATCH * patch)
+  slot->patch = patch;
+/* Set sustine parameter */
+INLINE static void
+setSustine (OPLL * opll, e_int32 c, e_int32 sustine)
+  CAR(opll,c)->sustine = sustine;
+  if (MOD(opll,c)->type)
+    MOD(opll,c)->sustine = sustine;
+/* Volume : 6bit ( Volume register << 2 ) */
+INLINE static void
+setVolume (OPLL * opll, e_int32 c, e_int32 volume)
+  CAR(opll,c)->volume = volume;
+INLINE static void
+setSlotVolume (OPLL_SLOT * slot, e_int32 volume)
+  slot->volume = volume;
+/* Set F-Number ( fnum : 9bit ) */
+INLINE static void
+setFnumber (OPLL * opll, e_int32 c, e_int32 fnum)
+  CAR(opll,c)->fnum = fnum;
+  MOD(opll,c)->fnum = fnum;
+/* Set Block data (block : 3bit ) */
+INLINE static void
+setBlock (OPLL * opll, e_int32 c, e_int32 block)
+  CAR(opll,c)->block = block;
+  MOD(opll,c)->block = block;
+/* Change Rhythm Mode */
+INLINE static void
+update_rhythm_mode (OPLL * opll)
+  if (opll->patch_number[6] & 0x10)
+  {
+    if (!(opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_BD2] | (opll->reg[0x0e] & 32)))
+    {
+      opll->slot[SLOT_BD1].eg_mode = FINISH;
+      opll->slot[SLOT_BD2].eg_mode = FINISH;
+      setPatch (opll, 6, opll->reg[0x36] >> 4);
+    }
+  }
+  else if (opll->reg[0x0e] & 32)
+  {
+    opll->patch_number[6] = 16;
+    opll->slot[SLOT_BD1].eg_mode = FINISH;
+    opll->slot[SLOT_BD2].eg_mode = FINISH;
+    setSlotPatch (&opll->slot[SLOT_BD1], &opll->patch[16 * 2 + 0]);
+    setSlotPatch (&opll->slot[SLOT_BD2], &opll->patch[16 * 2 + 1]);
+  }
+  if (opll->patch_number[7] & 0x10)
+  {
+    if (!((opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_HH] && opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_SD]) | (opll->reg[0x0e] & 32)))
+    {
+      opll->slot[SLOT_HH].type = 0;
+      opll->slot[SLOT_HH].eg_mode = FINISH;
+      opll->slot[SLOT_SD].eg_mode = FINISH;
+      setPatch (opll, 7, opll->reg[0x37] >> 4);
+    }
+  }
+  else if (opll->reg[0x0e] & 32)
+  {
+    opll->patch_number[7] = 17;
+    opll->slot[SLOT_HH].type = 1;
+    opll->slot[SLOT_HH].eg_mode = FINISH;
+    opll->slot[SLOT_SD].eg_mode = FINISH;
+    setSlotPatch (&opll->slot[SLOT_HH], &opll->patch[17 * 2 + 0]);
+    setSlotPatch (&opll->slot[SLOT_SD], &opll->patch[17 * 2 + 1]);
+  }
+  if (opll->patch_number[8] & 0x10)
+  {
+    if (!((opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_CYM] && opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_TOM]) | (opll->reg[0x0e] & 32)))
+    {
+      opll->slot[SLOT_TOM].type = 0;
+      opll->slot[SLOT_TOM].eg_mode = FINISH;
+      opll->slot[SLOT_CYM].eg_mode = FINISH;
+      setPatch (opll, 8, opll->reg[0x38] >> 4);
+    }
+  }
+  else if (opll->reg[0x0e] & 32)
+  {
+    opll->patch_number[8] = 18;
+    opll->slot[SLOT_TOM].type = 1;
+    opll->slot[SLOT_TOM].eg_mode = FINISH;
+    opll->slot[SLOT_CYM].eg_mode = FINISH;
+    setSlotPatch (&opll->slot[SLOT_TOM], &opll->patch[18 * 2 + 0]);
+    setSlotPatch (&opll->slot[SLOT_CYM], &opll->patch[18 * 2 + 1]);
+  }
+INLINE static void
+update_key_status (OPLL * opll)
+  int ch;
+  for (ch = 0; ch < 9; ch++)
+    opll->slot_on_flag[ch * 2] = opll->slot_on_flag[ch * 2 + 1] = (opll->reg[0x20 + ch]) & 0x10;
+  if (opll->reg[0x0e] & 32)
+  {
+    opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_BD1] |= (opll->reg[0x0e] & 0x10);
+    opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_BD2] |= (opll->reg[0x0e] & 0x10);
+    opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_SD] |= (opll->reg[0x0e] & 0x08);
+    opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_HH] |= (opll->reg[0x0e] & 0x01);
+    opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_TOM] |= (opll->reg[0x0e] & 0x04);
+    opll->slot_on_flag[SLOT_CYM] |= (opll->reg[0x0e] & 0x02);
+  }
+OPLL_copyPatch (OPLL * opll, e_int32 num, OPLL_PATCH * patch)
+  memcpy (&opll->patch[num], patch, sizeof (OPLL_PATCH));
+                      Initializing
+static void
+OPLL_SLOT_reset (OPLL_SLOT * slot, int type)
+  slot->type = type;
+  slot->sintbl = waveform[0];
+  slot->phase = 0;
+  slot->dphase = 0;
+  slot->output[0] = 0;
+  slot->output[1] = 0;
+  slot->feedback = 0;
+  slot->eg_mode = FINISH;
+  slot->eg_phase = EG_DP_WIDTH;
+  slot->eg_dphase = 0;
+  slot->rks = 0;
+  slot->tll = 0;
+  slot->sustine = 0;
+  slot->fnum = 0;
+  slot->block = 0;
+  slot->volume = 0;
+  slot->pgout = 0;
+  slot->egout = 0;
+  slot->patch = &null_patch;
+static void
+internal_refresh (void)
+#if !defined(ROCKBOX)
+  makeDphaseTable ();
+  makeDphaseARTable ();
+  makeDphaseDRTable ();
+  pm_dphase = (e_uint32) RATE_ADJUST ((int)(PM_SPEED * PM_DP_WIDTH) / (clk / 72));
+  am_dphase = (e_uint32) RATE_ADJUST ((int)(AM_SPEED * AM_DP_WIDTH) / (clk / 72));
+static void
+maketables (e_uint32 c, e_uint32 r)
+  if (c != clk)
+  {
+    clk = c;
+    makePmTable ();
+    makeAmTable ();
+    makeAdjustTable ();
+    makeDB2LinTable ();
+    makeTllTable ();
+    makeRksTable ();
+    makeSinTable ();
+    makeDefaultPatch ();
+  }
+  if (r != rate)
+  {
+    rate = r;
+    internal_refresh ();
+  }
+OPLL_new (OPLL *opll, e_uint32 clk, e_uint32 rate)
+  e_int32 i;
+  maketables (clk, rate);
+  memset(opll, 0, sizeof (OPLL));
+  for (i = 0; i < 19 * 2; i++)
+    memcpy(&opll->patch[i],&null_patch,sizeof(OPLL_PATCH));
+  opll->mask = 0;
+  OPLL_reset (opll);
+  OPLL_reset_patch (opll, 0);
+OPLL_delete (OPLL * opll)
+  (void) opll;
+/* Reset patch datas by system default. */
+OPLL_reset_patch (OPLL * opll, e_int32 type)
+  e_int32 i;
+  for (i = 0; i < 19 * 2; i++)
+    OPLL_copyPatch (opll, i, &default_patch[type % OPLL_TONE_NUM][i]);
+/* Reset whole of OPLL except patch datas. */
+OPLL_reset (OPLL * opll)
+  e_int32 i;
+  if (!opll)
+    return;
+  opll->adr = 0;
+  opll->out = 0;
+  opll->pm_phase = 0;
+  opll->am_phase = 0;
+  opll->noise_seed = 0xffff;
+  opll->mask = 0;
+  for (i = 0; i <18; i++)
+    OPLL_SLOT_reset(&opll->slot[i], i%2);
+  for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
+  {
+    opll->key_status[i] = 0;
+    setPatch (opll, i, 0);
+  }
+  for (i = 0; i < 0x40; i++)
+    OPLL_writeReg (opll, i, 0);
+#ifndef EMU2413_COMPACTION
+  opll->realstep = (e_uint32) ((1 << 31) / rate);
+  opll->opllstep = (e_uint32) ((1 << 31) / (clk / 72));
+  opll->oplltime = 0;
+  for (i = 0; i < 14; i++)
+    opll->pan[i] = 2;
+  opll->sprev[0] = opll->sprev[1] = 0;
+  opll->snext[0] = opll->snext[1] = 0;
+/* Force Refresh (When external program changes some parameters). */
+OPLL_forceRefresh (OPLL * opll)
+  e_int32 i;
+  if (opll == NULL)
+    return;
+  for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
+    setPatch(opll,i,opll->patch_number[i]);
+  for (i = 0; i < 18; i++)
+  {
+    UPDATE_PG (&opll->slot[i]);
+    UPDATE_RKS (&opll->slot[i]);
+    UPDATE_TLL (&opll->slot[i]);
+    UPDATE_WF (&opll->slot[i]);
+    UPDATE_EG (&opll->slot[i]);
+  }
+OPLL_set_rate (OPLL * opll, e_uint32 r)
+  if (rate == r) return;
+  if (opll->quality)
+    rate = 49716;
+  else
+    rate = r;
+  internal_refresh ();
+  rate = r;
+OPLL_set_quality (OPLL * opll, e_uint32 q)
+  opll->quality = q;
+  OPLL_set_rate (opll, rate);
+                 Generate wave data
+/* Convert Amp(0 to EG_HEIGHT) to Phase(0 to 2PI). */
+#if ( SLOT_AMP_BITS - PG_BITS ) > 0
+#define wave2_2pi(e)  ( (e) >> ( SLOT_AMP_BITS - PG_BITS ))
+#define wave2_2pi(e)  ( (e) << ( PG_BITS - SLOT_AMP_BITS ))
+/* Convert Amp(0 to EG_HEIGHT) to Phase(0 to 4PI). */
+#if ( SLOT_AMP_BITS - PG_BITS - 1 ) == 0
+#define wave2_4pi(e)  (e)
+#elif ( SLOT_AMP_BITS - PG_BITS - 1 ) > 0
+#define wave2_4pi(e)  ( (e) >> ( SLOT_AMP_BITS - PG_BITS - 1 ))
+#define wave2_4pi(e)  ( (e) << ( 1 + PG_BITS - SLOT_AMP_BITS ))
+/* Convert Amp(0 to EG_HEIGHT) to Phase(0 to 8PI). */
+#if ( SLOT_AMP_BITS - PG_BITS - 2 ) == 0
+#define wave2_8pi(e)  (e)
+#elif ( SLOT_AMP_BITS - PG_BITS - 2 ) > 0
+#define wave2_8pi(e)  ( (e) >> ( SLOT_AMP_BITS - PG_BITS - 2 ))
+#define wave2_8pi(e)  ( (e) << ( 2 + PG_BITS - SLOT_AMP_BITS ))
+/* Update AM, PM unit */
+INLINE static void
+update_ampm (OPLL * opll)
+  opll->pm_phase = (opll->pm_phase + pm_dphase) & (PM_DP_WIDTH - 1);
+  opll->am_phase = (opll->am_phase + am_dphase) & (AM_DP_WIDTH - 1);
+  opll->lfo_am = AMTABLE(HIGHBITS (opll->am_phase, AM_DP_BITS - AM_PG_BITS));
+  opll->lfo_pm = PMTABLE(HIGHBITS (opll->pm_phase, PM_DP_BITS - PM_PG_BITS));
+/* PG */
+INLINE static void
+calc_phase (OPLL_SLOT * slot, e_int32 lfo)
+  if (slot->patch->PM)
+    slot->phase += (slot->dphase * lfo) >> PM_AMP_BITS;
+  else
+    slot->phase += slot->dphase;
+  slot->phase &= (DP_WIDTH - 1);
+  slot->pgout = HIGHBITS (slot->phase, DP_BASE_BITS);
+/* Update Noise unit */
+INLINE static void
+update_noise (OPLL * opll)
+   if(opll->noise_seed&1) opll->noise_seed ^= 0x8003020;
+   opll->noise_seed >>= 1;
+/* EG */
+INLINE static void
+calc_envelope (OPLL_SLOT * slot, e_int32 lfo)
+#define S2E(x) (SL2EG((e_int32)(x/SL_STEP))<<(EG_DP_BITS-EG_BITS))
+  static e_uint32 SL[16] = {
+    S2E (0.0), S2E (3.0), S2E (6.0), S2E (9.0), S2E (12.0), S2E (15.0), S2E (18.0), S2E (21.0),
+    S2E (24.0), S2E (27.0), S2E (30.0), S2E (33.0), S2E (36.0), S2E (39.0), S2E (42.0), S2E (48.0)
+  };
+  e_uint32 egout;
+  switch (slot->eg_mode)
+  {
+  case ATTACK:
+    egout = AR_ADJUST_TABLE(HIGHBITS (slot->eg_phase, EG_DP_BITS - EG_BITS));
+    slot->eg_phase += slot->eg_dphase;
+    if((EG_DP_WIDTH & slot->eg_phase)||(slot->patch->AR==15))
+    {
+      egout = 0;
+      slot->eg_phase = 0;
+      slot->eg_mode = DECAY;
+      UPDATE_EG (slot);
+    }
+    break;
+  case DECAY:
+    egout = HIGHBITS (slot->eg_phase, EG_DP_BITS - EG_BITS);
+    slot->eg_phase += slot->eg_dphase;
+    if (slot->eg_phase >= SL[slot->patch->SL])
+    {
+      if (slot->patch->EG)
+      {
+        slot->eg_phase = SL[slot->patch->SL];
+        slot->eg_mode = SUSHOLD;
+        UPDATE_EG (slot);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        slot->eg_phase = SL[slot->patch->SL];
+        slot->eg_mode = SUSTINE;
+        UPDATE_EG (slot);
+      }
+    }
+    break;
+  case SUSHOLD:
+    egout = HIGHBITS (slot->eg_phase, EG_DP_BITS - EG_BITS);
+    if (slot->patch->EG == 0)
+    {
+      slot->eg_mode = SUSTINE;
+      UPDATE_EG (slot);
+    }
+    break;
+  case SUSTINE:
+  case RELEASE:
+    egout = HIGHBITS (slot->eg_phase, EG_DP_BITS - EG_BITS);
+    slot->eg_phase += slot->eg_dphase;
+    if (egout >= (1 << EG_BITS))
+    {
+      slot->eg_mode = FINISH;
+      egout = (1 << EG_BITS) - 1;
+    }
+    break;
+  case SETTLE:
+    egout = HIGHBITS (slot->eg_phase, EG_DP_BITS - EG_BITS);
+    slot->eg_phase += slot->eg_dphase;
+    if (egout >= (1 << EG_BITS))
+    {
+      slot->eg_mode = ATTACK;
+      egout = (1 << EG_BITS) - 1;
+      UPDATE_EG(slot);
+    }
+    break;
+  case FINISH:
+    egout = (1 << EG_BITS) - 1;
+    break;
+  default:
+    egout = (1 << EG_BITS) - 1;
+    break;
+  }
+  if (slot->patch->AM)
+    egout = EG2DB (egout + slot->tll) + lfo;
+  else
+    egout = EG2DB (egout + slot->tll);
+  if (egout >= DB_MUTE)
+    egout = DB_MUTE - 1;
+  slot->egout = egout | 3;
+/* CARRIOR */
+INLINE static e_int32
+calc_slot_car (OPLL_SLOT * slot, e_int32 fm)
+  if (slot->egout >= (DB_MUTE - 1))
+  {
+    slot->output[0] = 0;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    slot->output[0] = DB2LIN_TABLE[slot->sintbl[(slot->pgout+wave2_8pi(fm))&(PG_WIDTH-1)] + slot->egout];
+  }
+  slot->output[1] = (slot->output[1] + slot->output[0]) >> 1;
+  return slot->output[1];
+INLINE static e_int32
+calc_slot_mod (OPLL_SLOT * slot)
+  e_int32 fm;
+  slot->output[1] = slot->output[0];
+  if (slot->egout >= (DB_MUTE - 1))
+  {
+    slot->output[0] = 0;
+  }
+  else if (slot->patch->FB != 0)
+  {
+    fm = wave2_4pi (slot->feedback) >> (7 - slot->patch->FB);
+    slot->output[0] = DB2LIN_TABLE[slot->sintbl[(slot->pgout+fm)&(PG_WIDTH-1)] + slot->egout];
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    slot->output[0] = DB2LIN_TABLE[slot->sintbl[slot->pgout] + slot->egout];
+  }
+  slot->feedback = (slot->output[1] + slot->output[0]) >> 1;
+  return slot->feedback;
+/* TOM */
+INLINE static e_int32
+calc_slot_tom (OPLL_SLOT * slot)
+  if (slot->egout >= (DB_MUTE - 1))
+    return 0;
+  return DB2LIN_TABLE[slot->sintbl[slot->pgout] + slot->egout];
+/* SNARE */
+INLINE static e_int32
+calc_slot_snare (OPLL_SLOT * slot, e_uint32 noise)
+  if(slot->egout>=(DB_MUTE-1))
+    return 0;
+  if(BIT(slot->pgout,7))
+    return DB2LIN_TABLE[(noise?DB_POS(0):DB_POS(15))+slot->egout];
+  else
+    return DB2LIN_TABLE[(noise?DB_NEG(0):DB_NEG(15))+slot->egout];
+ */
+INLINE static e_int32
+calc_slot_cym (OPLL_SLOT * slot, e_uint32 pgout_hh)
+  e_uint32 dbout;
+  if (slot->egout >= (DB_MUTE - 1)) 
+    return 0;
+  else if( 
+      /* the same as fmopl.c */
+      ((BIT(pgout_hh,PG_BITS-8)^BIT(pgout_hh,PG_BITS-1))|BIT(pgout_hh,PG_BITS-7)) ^
+      /* different from fmopl.c */
+     (BIT(slot->pgout,PG_BITS-7)&!BIT(slot->pgout,PG_BITS-5))
+    )
+    dbout = DB_NEG(3);
+  else
+    dbout = DB_POS(3);
+  return DB2LIN_TABLE[dbout + slot->egout];
+  HI-HAT 
+INLINE static e_int32
+calc_slot_hat (OPLL_SLOT *slot, e_int32 pgout_cym, e_uint32 noise)
+  e_uint32 dbout;
+  if (slot->egout >= (DB_MUTE - 1)) 
+    return 0;
+  else if( 
+      /* the same as fmopl.c */
+      ((BIT(slot->pgout,PG_BITS-8)^BIT(slot->pgout,PG_BITS-1))|BIT(slot->pgout,PG_BITS-7)) ^
+      /* different from fmopl.c */
+      (BIT(pgout_cym,PG_BITS-7)&!BIT(pgout_cym,PG_BITS-5))
+    )
+  {
+    if(noise)
+      dbout = DB_NEG(12);
+    else
+      dbout = DB_NEG(24);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    if(noise)
+      dbout = DB_POS(12);
+    else
+      dbout = DB_POS(24);
+  }
+  return DB2LIN_TABLE[dbout + slot->egout];
+static e_int16
+calc (OPLL * opll) EMU2413_CALC_ICODE;
+static e_int16
+calc (OPLL * opll)
+  e_int32 i;
+  update_ampm (opll);
+  update_noise (opll);
+  for (i = 0; i < 18; i++)
+  {
+    calc_phase(&opll->slot[i],opll->lfo_pm);
+    calc_envelope(&opll->slot[i],opll->lfo_am);
+  }
+  e_uint32 channel_mask = opll->mask;
+  for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
+    if (CAR(opll,i)->eg_mode != FINISH)
+      channel_mask |= (1 << i);
+  }
+  e_int32 mix = 0;
+  /* CH6 */
+  if (opll->patch_number[6] & 0x10) {
+    if (channel_mask & OPLL_MASK_CH (6)) {
+      mix += calc_slot_car (CAR(opll,6), calc_slot_mod(MOD(opll,6)));
+      channel_mask &= ~(1 << 6);
+	}
+  }
+  /* CH7 */
+  if (opll->patch_number[7] & 0x10) {
+    if (MOD(opll,7)->eg_mode != FINISH)
+      mix += calc_slot_hat (MOD(opll,7), CAR(opll,8)->pgout, opll->noise_seed&1);
+    if (channel_mask & OPLL_MASK_SD) {
+      mix -= calc_slot_snare (CAR(opll,7), opll->noise_seed&1);
+      channel_mask &= ~OPLL_MASK_SD;
+	}
+  }
+  /* CH8 */
+  if (opll->patch_number[8] & 0x10) {
+    if (MOD(opll,8)->eg_mode != FINISH)
+      mix += calc_slot_tom (MOD(opll,8));
+    if (channel_mask & OPLL_MASK_CYM) {
+      mix -= calc_slot_cym (CAR(opll,8), MOD(opll,7)->pgout);
+      channel_mask &= ~OPLL_MASK_CYM;
+    }
+  }
+  mix <<= 1;
+  opll->current_mask = channel_mask;
+  for (i = 0; channel_mask; channel_mask >>= 1, ++i) {
+    if (channel_mask & 1) {
+      mix += calc_slot_car (CAR(opll,i), calc_slot_mod(MOD(opll,i)));
+    }
+  }
+  return (e_int16) mix << 3;
+OPLL_set_internal_mute(OPLL * opll, e_uint32 mute)
+  opll->internal_mute = mute;
+OPLL_is_internal_muted(OPLL * opll)
+  return opll->internal_mute; 
+static e_uint32
+check_mute_helper(OPLL * opll)
+  for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+    /* if (ch[i].car.eg_mode != FINISH) return 0; */
+    if (!(opll->current_mask & OPLL_MASK_CH (i)) && (CAR(opll,i)->eg_mode != FINISH)) return 0;
+  }
+  if (!(opll->reg[0x0e] & 0x20)) {
+    for(int i = 6; i < 9; i++) {
+      /* if (ch[i].car.eg_mode != FINISH) return 0; */
+      if (!(opll->current_mask & OPLL_MASK_CH (i)) && (CAR(opll,i)->eg_mode != FINISH)) return 0;
+    }
+  } else {
+    /* if (ch[6].car.eg_mode != FINISH) return false;
+    if (ch[7].mod.eg_mode != FINISH) return false;
+    if (ch[7].car.eg_mode != FINISH) return false;
+    if (ch[8].mod.eg_mode != FINISH) return false;
+    if (ch[8].car.eg_mode != FINISH) return false; */
+    if (!(opll->current_mask & OPLL_MASK_CH (6)) && (CAR(opll,6)->eg_mode != FINISH)) return 0;
+    if (!(opll->current_mask & OPLL_MASK_CH (7)) && (MOD(opll,7)->eg_mode != FINISH)) return 0;
+    if (!(opll->current_mask & OPLL_MASK_CH (7)) && (CAR(opll,7)->eg_mode != FINISH)) return 0;
+    if (!(opll->current_mask & OPLL_MASK_CH (8)) && (MOD(opll,8)->eg_mode != FINISH)) return 0;
+    if (!(opll->current_mask & OPLL_MASK_CH (8)) && (CAR(opll,8)->eg_mode != FINISH)) return 0;
+  }
+  return 1;    /* nothing is playing, then mute */
+static void
+check_mute(OPLL * opll)
+  OPLL_set_internal_mute (opll, check_mute_helper (opll));
+EMU2413_API e_int16 *OPLL_update_buffer(OPLL * opll, e_uint32 length)
+  e_int16* buf = opll->buffer;
+  while (length--) {
+    *(buf++) = calc (opll);
+  }
+  check_mute (opll);
+  return opll->buffer;
+#ifdef EMU2413_COMPACTION
+OPLL_calc (OPLL * opll)
+  return calc (opll);
+OPLL_calc (OPLL * opll)
+  if (!opll->quality)
+    return calc (opll);
+  while (opll->realstep > opll->oplltime)
+  {
+    opll->oplltime += opll->opllstep;
+    opll->prev = opll->next;
+    opll->next = calc (opll);
+  }
+  opll->oplltime -= opll->realstep;
+  opll->out = (e_int16) (((double) opll->next * (opll->opllstep - opll->oplltime)
+                          + (double) opll->prev * opll->oplltime) / opll->opllstep);
+  return (e_int16) opll->out;
+OPLL_setMask (OPLL * opll, e_uint32 mask)
+  e_uint32 ret;
+  if (opll)
+  {
+    ret = opll->mask;
+    opll->mask = mask;
+    return ret;
+  }
+  else
+    return 0;
+OPLL_toggleMask (OPLL * opll, e_uint32 mask)
+  e_uint32 ret;
+  if (opll)
+  {
+    ret = opll->mask;
+    opll->mask ^= mask;
+    return ret;
+  }
+  else
+    return 0;
+                       I/O Ctrl
+OPLL_writeReg (OPLL * opll, e_uint32 reg, e_uint32 data)
+  e_int32 i, v, ch;
+  data = data & 0xff;
+  reg = reg & 0x3f;
+  opll->reg[reg] = (e_uint8) data;
+  switch (reg)
+  {
+  case 0x00:
+    opll->patch[0].AM = (data >> 7) & 1;
+    opll->patch[0].PM = (data >> 6) & 1;
+    opll->patch[0].EG = (data >> 5) & 1;
+    opll->patch[0].KR = (data >> 4) & 1;
+    opll->patch[0].ML = (data) & 15;
+    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
+    {
+      if (opll->patch_number[i] == 0)
+      {
+        UPDATE_PG (MOD(opll,i));
+        UPDATE_RKS (MOD(opll,i));
+        UPDATE_EG (MOD(opll,i));
+      }
+    }
+    break;
+  case 0x01:
+    opll->patch[1].AM = (data >> 7) & 1;
+    opll->patch[1].PM = (data >> 6) & 1;
+    opll->patch[1].EG = (data >> 5) & 1;
+    opll->patch[1].KR = (data >> 4) & 1;
+    opll->patch[1].ML = (data) & 15;
+    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
+    {
+      if (opll->patch_number[i] == 0)
+      {
+        UPDATE_PG (CAR(opll,i));
+        UPDATE_RKS (CAR(opll,i));
+        UPDATE_EG (CAR(opll,i));
+      }
+    }
+    break;
+  case 0x02:
+    opll->patch[0].KL = (data >> 6) & 3;
+    opll->patch[0].TL = (data) & 63;
+    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
+    {
+      if (opll->patch_number[i] == 0)
+      {
+        UPDATE_TLL(MOD(opll,i));
+      }
+    }
+    break;
+  case 0x03:
+    opll->patch[1].KL = (data >> 6) & 3;
+    opll->patch[1].WF = (data >> 4) & 1;
+    opll->patch[0].WF = (data >> 3) & 1;
+    opll->patch[0].FB = (data) & 7;
+    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
+    {
+      if (opll->patch_number[i] == 0)
+      {
+        UPDATE_WF(MOD(opll,i));
+        UPDATE_WF(CAR(opll,i));
+      }
+    }
+    break;
+  case 0x04:
+    opll->patch[0].AR = (data >> 4) & 15;
+    opll->patch[0].DR = (data) & 15;
+    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
+    {
+      if (opll->patch_number[i] == 0)
+      {
+        UPDATE_EG (MOD(opll,i));
+      }
+    }
+    break;
+  case 0x05:
+    opll->patch[1].AR = (data >> 4) & 15;
+    opll->patch[1].DR = (data) & 15;
+    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
+    {
+      if (opll->patch_number[i] == 0)
+      {
+        UPDATE_EG(CAR(opll,i));
+      }
+    }
+    break;
+  case 0x06:
+    opll->patch[0].SL = (data >> 4) & 15;
+    opll->patch[0].RR = (data) & 15;
+    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
+    {
+      if (opll->patch_number[i] == 0)
+      {
+        UPDATE_EG (MOD(opll,i));
+      }
+    }
+    break;
+  case 0x07:
+    opll->patch[1].SL = (data >> 4) & 15;
+    opll->patch[1].RR = (data) & 15;
+    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
+    {
+      if (opll->patch_number[i] == 0)
+      {
+        UPDATE_EG (CAR(opll,i));
+      }
+    }
+    break;
+  case 0x0e:
+    update_rhythm_mode (opll);
+    if (data & 32)
+    {
+      if (data & 0x10)
+        keyOn_BD (opll);
+      else
+        keyOff_BD (opll);
+      if (data & 0x8)
+        keyOn_SD (opll);
+      else
+        keyOff_SD (opll);
+      if (data & 0x4)
+        keyOn_TOM (opll);
+      else
+        keyOff_TOM (opll);
+      if (data & 0x2)
+        keyOn_CYM (opll);
+      else
+        keyOff_CYM (opll);
+      if (data & 0x1)
+        keyOn_HH (opll);
+      else
+        keyOff_HH (opll);
+    }
+    update_key_status (opll);
+    UPDATE_ALL (MOD(opll,6));
+    UPDATE_ALL (CAR(opll,6));
+    UPDATE_ALL (MOD(opll,7));
+    UPDATE_ALL (CAR(opll,7));
+    UPDATE_ALL (MOD(opll,8));
+    UPDATE_ALL (CAR(opll,8));
+    break;
+  case 0x0f:
+    break;
+  case 0x10:
+  case 0x11:
+  case 0x12:
+  case 0x13:
+  case 0x14:
+  case 0x15:
+  case 0x16:
+  case 0x17:
+  case 0x18:
+    ch = reg - 0x10;
+    setFnumber (opll, ch, data + ((opll->reg[0x20 + ch] & 1) << 8));
+    UPDATE_ALL (MOD(opll,ch));
+    UPDATE_ALL (CAR(opll,ch));
+    break;
+  case 0x20:
+  case 0x21:
+  case 0x22:
+  case 0x23:
+  case 0x24:
+  case 0x25:
+  case 0x26:
+  case 0x27:
+  case 0x28:
+    ch = reg - 0x20;
+    setFnumber (opll, ch, ((data & 1) << 8) + opll->reg[0x10 + ch]);
+    setBlock (opll, ch, (data >> 1) & 7);
+    setSustine (opll, ch, (data >> 5) & 1);
+    if (data & 0x10)
+      keyOn (opll, ch);
+    else
+      keyOff (opll, ch);
+    UPDATE_ALL (MOD(opll,ch));
+    UPDATE_ALL (CAR(opll,ch));
+    update_key_status (opll);
+    update_rhythm_mode (opll);
+    break;
+  case 0x30:
+  case 0x31:
+  case 0x32:
+  case 0x33:
+  case 0x34:
+  case 0x35:
+  case 0x36:
+  case 0x37:
+  case 0x38:
+    i = (data >> 4) & 15;
+    v = data & 15;
+    if ((opll->reg[0x0e] & 32) && (reg >= 0x36))
+    {
+      switch (reg)
+      {
+      case 0x37:
+        setSlotVolume (MOD(opll,7), i << 2);
+        break;
+      case 0x38:
+        setSlotVolume (MOD(opll,8), i << 2);
+        break;
+      default:
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      setPatch (opll, reg - 0x30, i);
+    }
+    setVolume (opll, reg - 0x30, v << 2);
+    UPDATE_ALL (MOD(opll,reg - 0x30));
+    UPDATE_ALL (CAR(opll,reg - 0x30));
+    break;
+  default:
+    break;
+  }
+OPLL_writeIO (OPLL * opll, e_uint32 adr, e_uint32 val)
+  if (adr & 1)
+    OPLL_writeReg (opll, opll->adr, val);
+  else
+    opll->adr = val;
+OPLL_read(OPLL * opll, e_uint32 a)
+  if( !(a&1) )
+    {
+	/* status port */
+	return opll->status;
+  }
+  return 0xff;
+#ifndef EMU2413_COMPACTION
+OPLL_set_pan (OPLL * opll, e_uint32 ch, e_uint32 pan)
+  opll->pan[ch & 15] = pan & 3;
+static void
+calc_stereo (OPLL * opll, e_int32 out[2])
+  e_int32 b[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };        /* Ignore, Right, Left, Center */
+  e_int32 r[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };        /* Ignore, Right, Left, Center */
+  e_int32 i;
+  update_ampm (opll);
+  update_noise (opll);
+  for(i=0;i<18;i++)
+  {
+    calc_phase(&opll->slot[i],opll->lfo_pm);
+    calc_envelope(&opll->slot[i],opll->lfo_am);
+  }
+  for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+    if (!(opll->mask & OPLL_MASK_CH (i)) && (CAR(opll,i)->eg_mode != FINISH))
+      b[opll->pan[i]] += calc_slot_car (CAR(opll,i), calc_slot_mod (MOD(opll,i)));
+  if (opll->patch_number[6] <= 15)
+  {
+    if (!(opll->mask & OPLL_MASK_CH (6)) && (CAR(opll,6)->eg_mode != FINISH))
+      b[opll->pan[6]] += calc_slot_car (CAR(opll,6), calc_slot_mod (MOD(opll,6)));
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    if (!(opll->mask & OPLL_MASK_BD) && (CAR(opll,6)->eg_mode != FINISH))
+      r[opll->pan[9]] += calc_slot_car (CAR(opll,6), calc_slot_mod (MOD(opll,6)));
+  }
+  if (opll->patch_number[7] <= 15)
+  {
+    if (!(opll->mask & OPLL_MASK_CH (7)) && (CAR (opll,7)->eg_mode != FINISH))
+      b[opll->pan[7]] += calc_slot_car (CAR (opll,7), calc_slot_mod (MOD (opll,7)));
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    if (!(opll->mask & OPLL_MASK_HH) && (MOD (opll,7)->eg_mode != FINISH))
+      r[opll->pan[10]] += calc_slot_hat (MOD (opll,7), CAR(opll,8)->pgout, opll->noise_seed&1);
+    if (!(opll->mask & OPLL_MASK_SD) && (CAR (opll,7)->eg_mode != FINISH))
+      r[opll->pan[11]] -= calc_slot_snare (CAR (opll,7), opll->noise_seed&1);
+  }
+  if (opll->patch_number[8] <= 15)
+  {
+    if (!(opll->mask & OPLL_MASK_CH (8)) && (CAR (opll,8)->eg_mode != FINISH))
+      b[opll->pan[8]] += calc_slot_car (CAR (opll,8), calc_slot_mod (MOD (opll,8)));
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    if (!(opll->mask & OPLL_MASK_TOM) && (MOD (opll,8)->eg_mode != FINISH))
+      r[opll->pan[12]] += calc_slot_tom (MOD (opll,8));
+    if (!(opll->mask & OPLL_MASK_CYM) && (CAR (opll,8)->eg_mode != FINISH))
+      r[opll->pan[13]] -= calc_slot_cym (CAR (opll,8), MOD(opll,7)->pgout);
+  }
+  out[1] = (b[1] + b[3] + ((r[1] + r[3]) << 1)) <<3;
+  out[0] = (b[2] + b[3] + ((r[2] + r[3]) << 1)) <<3;
+OPLL_calc_stereo (OPLL * opll, e_int32 out[2])
+  if (!opll->quality)
+  {
+    calc_stereo (opll, out);
+    return;
+  }
+  while (opll->realstep > opll->oplltime)
+  {
+    opll->oplltime += opll->opllstep;
+    opll->sprev[0] = opll->snext[0];
+    opll->sprev[1] = opll->snext[1];
+    calc_stereo (opll, opll->snext);
+  }
+  opll->oplltime -= opll->realstep;
+  out[0] = (e_int16) (((double) opll->snext[0] * (opll->opllstep - opll->oplltime)
+                       + (double) opll->sprev[0] * opll->oplltime) / opll->opllstep);
+  out[1] = (e_int16) (((double) opll->snext[1] * (opll->opllstep - opll->oplltime)
+                       + (double) opll->sprev[1] * opll->oplltime) / opll->opllstep);
+#endif /* EMU2413_COMPACTION */
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/emu2413.h b/apps/codecs/libgme/emu2413.h
index 6a19b10..254f042 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/emu2413.h
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/emu2413.h
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
-#ifndef _EMU2413_H_

-#define _EMU2413_H_


-#include "blargg_common.h"

-#include "emutypes.h"


-#ifdef EMU2413_DLL_EXPORTS

-  #define EMU2413_API __declspec(dllexport)

-#elif defined(EMU2413_DLL_IMPORTS)

-  #define EMU2413_API __declspec(dllimport)


-  #define EMU2413_API



-#ifdef __cplusplus

-extern "C" {



-#define AUDIO_MONO_BUFFER_SIZE    1024


-#define PI 3.14159265358979323846




-/* voice data */

-typedef struct __OPLL_PATCH {

-  e_uint32 TL,FB,EG,ML,AR,DR,SL,RR,KR,KL,AM,PM,WF ;



-/* slot */

-typedef struct __OPLL_SLOT {


-  OPLL_PATCH *patch;  


-  e_int32 type ;          /* 0 : modulator 1 : carrier */


-  /* OUTPUT */

-  e_int32 feedback ;

-  e_int32 output[2] ;   /* Output value of slot */


-  /* for Phase Generator (PG) */

-  e_uint16 *sintbl ;    /* Wavetable */

-  e_uint32 phase ;      /* Phase */

-  e_uint32 dphase ;     /* Phase increment amount */

-  e_uint32 pgout ;      /* output */


-  /* for Envelope Generator (EG) */

-  e_int32 fnum ;          /* F-Number */

-  e_int32 block ;         /* Block */

-  e_int32 volume ;        /* Current volume */

-  e_int32 sustine ;       /* Sustine 1 = ON, 0 = OFF */

-  e_uint32 tll ;	      /* Total Level + Key scale level*/

-  e_uint32 rks ;        /* Key scale offset (Rks) */

-  e_int32 eg_mode ;       /* Current state */

-  e_uint32 eg_phase ;   /* Phase */

-  e_uint32 eg_dphase ;  /* Phase increment amount */

-  e_uint32 egout ;      /* output */




-/* Mask */

-#define OPLL_MASK_CH(x) (1<<(x))

-#define OPLL_MASK_HH (1<<(9))

-#define OPLL_MASK_CYM (1<<(10))

-#define OPLL_MASK_TOM (1<<(11))

-#define OPLL_MASK_SD (1<<(12))

-#define OPLL_MASK_BD (1<<(13))



-/* opll */

-typedef struct __OPLL {


-  e_uint32 adr ;

-  e_int32 out ;


-#ifndef EMU2413_COMPACTION

-  e_uint32 realstep ;

-  e_uint32 oplltime ;

-  e_uint32 opllstep ;

-  e_int32 prev, next ;

-  e_int32 sprev[2],snext[2];

-  e_uint32 pan[16];



-  /* Register */

-  e_uint8 reg[0x40] ; 

-  e_int32 slot_on_flag[18] ;


-  /* Pitch Modulator */

-  e_uint32 pm_phase ;

-  e_int32 lfo_pm ;


-  /* Amp Modulator */

-  e_int32 am_phase ;

-  e_int32 lfo_am ;


-  e_uint32 quality;


-  /* Noise Generator */

-  e_uint32 noise_seed ;


-  /* Channel Data */

-  e_int32 patch_number[9];

-  e_int32 key_status[9] ;


-  /* Slot */

-  OPLL_SLOT slot[18] ;


-  /* Voice Data */

-  OPLL_PATCH patch[19*2] ;

-  e_int32 patch_update[2] ; /* flag for check patch update */


-  e_uint32 mask ;

-  e_uint32 current_mask;

-  e_uint32 status;


-  e_uint32 internal_mute;

-  e_int16 buffer[AUDIO_MONO_BUFFER_SIZE];

-} OPLL ;


-/* Create Object */

-EMU2413_API void OPLL_new(OPLL *, e_uint32 clk, e_uint32 rate) ;

-EMU2413_API void OPLL_delete(OPLL *) ;


-/* Setup */

-EMU2413_API void OPLL_reset(OPLL *) ;

-EMU2413_API void OPLL_reset_patch(OPLL *, e_int32) ;

-EMU2413_API void OPLL_set_rate(OPLL *opll, e_uint32 r) ;

-EMU2413_API void OPLL_set_quality(OPLL *opll, e_uint32 q) ;

-EMU2413_API void OPLL_set_pan(OPLL *, e_uint32 ch, e_uint32 pan);

-EMU2413_API void OPLL_set_internal_mute(OPLL *, e_uint32 mute);

-EMU2413_API e_uint32 OPLL_is_internal_muted(OPLL *);


-/* Port/Register access */

-EMU2413_API void OPLL_writeIO(OPLL *, e_uint32 reg, e_uint32 val);

-EMU2413_API void OPLL_writeReg(OPLL *, e_uint32 reg, e_uint32 val);

-EMU2413_API e_uint32 OPLL_read(OPLL *, e_uint32 port);


-/* Synthsize */

-EMU2413_API e_int16 OPLL_calc(OPLL *) EMU2413_CALC_ICODE;

-EMU2413_API void OPLL_calc_stereo(OPLL *, e_int32 out[2]) ;

-EMU2413_API e_int16 *OPLL_update_buffer(OPLL *, e_uint32 length) ;


-/* Misc */

-EMU2413_API void OPLL_setPatch(OPLL *, const e_uint8 *dump) ;

-EMU2413_API void OPLL_copyPatch(OPLL *, e_int32, OPLL_PATCH *) ;

-EMU2413_API void OPLL_forceRefresh(OPLL *) ;

-/* Utility */

-EMU2413_API void OPLL_dump2patch(const e_uint8 *dump, OPLL_PATCH *patch) ;

-EMU2413_API void OPLL_patch2dump(const OPLL_PATCH *patch, e_uint8 *dump) ;

-EMU2413_API void OPLL_getDefaultPatch(e_int32 type, e_int32 num, OPLL_PATCH *) ;


-/* Channel Mask */

-EMU2413_API e_uint32 OPLL_setMask(OPLL *, e_uint32 mask) ;

-EMU2413_API e_uint32 OPLL_toggleMask(OPLL *, e_uint32 mask) ;


-#define dump2patch OPLL_dump2patch


-#ifdef __cplusplus






+#ifndef _EMU2413_H_
+#define _EMU2413_H_
+#include "blargg_common.h"
+#include "emutypes.h"
+#ifdef EMU2413_DLL_EXPORTS
+  #define EMU2413_API __declspec(dllexport)
+#elif defined(EMU2413_DLL_IMPORTS)
+  #define EMU2413_API __declspec(dllimport)
+  #define EMU2413_API
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#define AUDIO_MONO_BUFFER_SIZE    1024
+#define PI 3.14159265358979323846
+/* voice data */
+typedef struct __OPLL_PATCH {
+  e_uint32 TL,FB,EG,ML,AR,DR,SL,RR,KR,KL,AM,PM,WF ;
+/* slot */
+typedef struct __OPLL_SLOT {
+  OPLL_PATCH *patch;  
+  e_int32 type ;          /* 0 : modulator 1 : carrier */
+  /* OUTPUT */
+  e_int32 feedback ;
+  e_int32 output[2] ;   /* Output value of slot */
+  /* for Phase Generator (PG) */
+  e_uint16 *sintbl ;    /* Wavetable */
+  e_uint32 phase ;      /* Phase */
+  e_uint32 dphase ;     /* Phase increment amount */
+  e_uint32 pgout ;      /* output */
+  /* for Envelope Generator (EG) */
+  e_int32 fnum ;          /* F-Number */
+  e_int32 block ;         /* Block */
+  e_int32 volume ;        /* Current volume */
+  e_int32 sustine ;       /* Sustine 1 = ON, 0 = OFF */
+  e_uint32 tll ;	      /* Total Level + Key scale level*/
+  e_uint32 rks ;        /* Key scale offset (Rks) */
+  e_int32 eg_mode ;       /* Current state */
+  e_uint32 eg_phase ;   /* Phase */
+  e_uint32 eg_dphase ;  /* Phase increment amount */
+  e_uint32 egout ;      /* output */
+/* Mask */
+#define OPLL_MASK_CH(x) (1<<(x))
+#define OPLL_MASK_HH (1<<(9))
+#define OPLL_MASK_CYM (1<<(10))
+#define OPLL_MASK_TOM (1<<(11))
+#define OPLL_MASK_SD (1<<(12))
+#define OPLL_MASK_BD (1<<(13))
+/* opll */
+typedef struct __OPLL {
+  e_uint32 adr ;
+  e_int32 out ;
+#ifndef EMU2413_COMPACTION
+  e_uint32 realstep ;
+  e_uint32 oplltime ;
+  e_uint32 opllstep ;
+  e_int32 prev, next ;
+  e_int32 sprev[2],snext[2];
+  e_uint32 pan[16];
+  /* Register */
+  e_uint8 reg[0x40] ; 
+  e_int32 slot_on_flag[18] ;
+  /* Pitch Modulator */
+  e_uint32 pm_phase ;
+  e_int32 lfo_pm ;
+  /* Amp Modulator */
+  e_int32 am_phase ;
+  e_int32 lfo_am ;
+  e_uint32 quality;
+  /* Noise Generator */
+  e_uint32 noise_seed ;
+  /* Channel Data */
+  e_int32 patch_number[9];
+  e_int32 key_status[9] ;
+  /* Slot */
+  OPLL_SLOT slot[18] ;
+  /* Voice Data */
+  OPLL_PATCH patch[19*2] ;
+  e_int32 patch_update[2] ; /* flag for check patch update */
+  e_uint32 mask ;
+  e_uint32 current_mask;
+  e_uint32 status;
+  e_uint32 internal_mute;
+  e_int16 buffer[AUDIO_MONO_BUFFER_SIZE];
+} OPLL ;
+/* Create Object */
+EMU2413_API void OPLL_new(OPLL *, e_uint32 clk, e_uint32 rate) ;
+EMU2413_API void OPLL_delete(OPLL *) ;
+/* Setup */
+EMU2413_API void OPLL_reset(OPLL *) ;
+EMU2413_API void OPLL_reset_patch(OPLL *, e_int32) ;
+EMU2413_API void OPLL_set_rate(OPLL *opll, e_uint32 r) ;
+EMU2413_API void OPLL_set_quality(OPLL *opll, e_uint32 q) ;
+EMU2413_API void OPLL_set_pan(OPLL *, e_uint32 ch, e_uint32 pan);
+EMU2413_API void OPLL_set_internal_mute(OPLL *, e_uint32 mute);
+EMU2413_API e_uint32 OPLL_is_internal_muted(OPLL *);
+/* Port/Register access */
+EMU2413_API void OPLL_writeIO(OPLL *, e_uint32 reg, e_uint32 val);
+EMU2413_API void OPLL_writeReg(OPLL *, e_uint32 reg, e_uint32 val);
+EMU2413_API e_uint32 OPLL_read(OPLL *, e_uint32 port);
+/* Synthsize */
+EMU2413_API e_int16 OPLL_calc(OPLL *) EMU2413_CALC_ICODE;
+EMU2413_API void OPLL_calc_stereo(OPLL *, e_int32 out[2]) ;
+EMU2413_API e_int16 *OPLL_update_buffer(OPLL *, e_uint32 length) ;
+/* Misc */
+EMU2413_API void OPLL_setPatch(OPLL *, const e_uint8 *dump) ;
+EMU2413_API void OPLL_copyPatch(OPLL *, e_int32, OPLL_PATCH *) ;
+EMU2413_API void OPLL_forceRefresh(OPLL *) ;
+/* Utility */
+EMU2413_API void OPLL_dump2patch(const e_uint8 *dump, OPLL_PATCH *patch) ;
+EMU2413_API void OPLL_patch2dump(const OPLL_PATCH *patch, e_uint8 *dump) ;
+EMU2413_API void OPLL_getDefaultPatch(e_int32 type, e_int32 num, OPLL_PATCH *) ;
+/* Channel Mask */
+EMU2413_API e_uint32 OPLL_setMask(OPLL *, e_uint32 mask) ;
+EMU2413_API e_uint32 OPLL_toggleMask(OPLL *, e_uint32 mask) ;
+#define dump2patch OPLL_dump2patch
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/emutables.h b/apps/codecs/libgme/emutables.h
index e34f100..739c8c3 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/emutables.h
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/emutables.h
@@ -1,210 +1,210 @@
-#ifndef _EMUTABLES_H_

-#define _EMUTABLES_H_


-/* Precalculated emu2413 tables for use in Rockbox, 

-   Calculated for 44Khz sampling rate */


-#include "emutypes.h"


-static const e_uint16 sin_coeff[] = {

-	255,   203,   171,   152,   139,   129,   120, 

-	113,   107,   102,    97,    92,    88,    85, 

-	 81,    78,    75,    72,    70,    67,    65, 

-	 63,    61,    59,    57,    55,    53,    52, 

-	 50,    48,    47,    45,    44,    43,    41, 

-	 40,    39,    38,    37,    35,    34,    33, 

-	 32,    31,    30,    29,    28,    28,    27, 

-	 26,    25,    24,    23,    23,    22,    21, 

-	 21,    20,    19,    19,    18,    17,    17, 

-	 16,    16,    15,    14,    14,    13,    13, 

-	 12,    12,    11,    11,    11,    10,    10, 

-	  9,     9,     8,     8,     8,     7,     7, 

-	  7,     6,     6,     6,     5,     5,     5, 

-	  4,     4,     4,     4,     3,     3,     3, 

-	  3,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2, 

-	  1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0, 



-static const e_int16 pm_coeff[] = {

-	256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256, 

-	256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256, 

-	256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256, 

-	256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256, 

-	256,   256,   256,   256,   257,   257,   257, 

-	257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257, 

-	257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257, 

-	257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257, 

-	257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257, 

-	258,   258,   258,   257,   257,   257,   257, 

-	257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257, 

-	257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257, 

-	257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257, 

-	257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   256, 

-	256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256, 

-	256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256, 

-	256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256, 

-	256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256, 

-	256,   256,   256,   255,   255,   255,   255, 

-	255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255, 

-	255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255, 

-	255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255, 

-	255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   254, 

-	254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254, 

-	254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254, 

-	254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254, 

-	254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254, 

-	254,   254,   254,   253,   254,   254,   254, 

-	254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254, 

-	254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254, 

-	254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254, 

-	254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254, 

-	254,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255, 

-	255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255, 

-	255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255, 

-	255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255, 

-	255,   255,   255,   255, 



-static const e_int8 am_coeff[] = {

-     13,    13,    13,    13,    13,    14,    14, 

-     14,    14,    14,    15,    15,    15,    15, 

-     15,    16,    16,    16,    16,    16,    17, 

-     17,    17,    17,    17,    18,    18,    18, 

-     18,    18,    19,    19,    19,    19,    19, 

-     20,    20,    20,    20,    20,    21,    21, 

-     21,    21,    21,    22,    22,    22,    22, 

-     22,    23,    23,    23,    23,    23,    24, 

-     24,    24,    24,    24,    25,    25,    25, 

-     25,    26,    25,    25,    25,    25,    24, 

-     24,    24,    24,    24,    23,    23,    23, 

-     23,    23,    22,    22,    22,    22,    22, 

-     21,    21,    21,    21,    21,    20,    20, 

-     20,    20,    20,    19,    19,    19,    19, 

-     19,    18,    18,    18,    18,    18,    17, 

-     17,    17,    17,    17,    16,    16,    16, 

-     16,    16,    15,    15,    15,    15,    15, 

-     14,    14,    14,    14,    14,    13,    13, 

-     13,    13,    13,    12,    12,    12,    12, 

-     11,    11,    11,    11,    11,    10,    10, 

-     10,    10,    10,     9,     9,     9,     9, 

-      9,     8,     8,     8,     8,     8,     7, 

-      7,     7,     7,     7,     6,     6,     6, 

-      6,     6,     5,     5,     5,     5,     5, 

-      4,     4,     4,     4,     4,     3,     3, 

-      3,     3,     3,     2,     2,     2,     2, 

-      2,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     0, 

-      0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-      0,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     2, 

-      2,     2,     2,     2,     3,     3,     3, 

-      3,     3,     4,     4,     4,     4,     4, 

-      5,     5,     5,     5,     5,     6,     6, 

-      6,     6,     6,     7,     7,     7,     7, 

-      7,     8,     8,     8,     8,     8,     9, 

-      9,     9,     9,     9,    10,    10,    10, 

-     10,    10,    11,    11,    11,    11,    11, 

-     12,    12,    12,    12,



-static const e_int16 db2lin_coeff[]  = {

-	255,   249,   244,   239,   233,   228,   224, 

-	219,   214,   209,   205,   201,   196,   192, 

-	188,   184,   180,   176,   172,   169,   165, 

-	162,   158,   155,   151,   148,   145,   142, 

-	139,   136,   133,   130,   127,   125,   122, 

-	119,   117,   114,   112,   109,   107,   105, 

-	102,   100,    98,    96,    94,    92,    90, 

-	 88,    86,    84,    82,    81,    79,    77, 

-	 76,    74,    72,    71,    69,    68,    66, 

-	 65,    64,    62,    61,    60,    58,    57, 

-	 56,    55,    53,    52,    51,    50,    49, 

-	 48,    47,    46,    45,    44,    43,    42, 

-	 41,    40,    39,    38,    38,    37,    36, 

-	 35,    34,    34,    33,    32,    32,    31, 

-	 30,    30,    29,    28,    28,    27,    27, 

-	 26,    25,    25,    24,    24,    23,    23, 

-	 22,    22,    21,    21,    20,    20,    19, 

-	 19,    19,    18,    18,    17,    17,    17, 

-	 16,    16,    16,    15,    15,    15,    14, 

-	 14,    14,    13,    13,    13,    12,    12, 

-	 12,    12,    11,    11,    11,    11,    10, 

-	 10,    10,    10,    10,     9,     9,     9, 

-	  9,     8,     8,     8,     8,     8,     8, 

-	  7,     7,     7,     7,     7,     7,     6, 

-	  6,     6,     6,     6,     6,     6,     5, 

-	  5,     5,     5,     5,     5,     5,     5, 

-	  5,     4,     4,     4,     4,     4,     4, 

-	  4,     4,     4,     4,     3,     3,     3, 

-	  3,     3,     3,     3,     3,     3,     3, 

-	  3,     3,     3,     2,     2,     2,     2, 

-	  2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2, 

-	  2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2, 

-	  2,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1, 

-	  1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1, 

-	  1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1, 

-	  1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1, 

-	  1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 

-	  0, 



-static const e_uint16 ar_adjust_coeff[] = {

-	127,  108,   98,   90,   84,   80,   75, 

-	 72,   69,   66,   64,   61,   59,   57, 

-	 56,   54,   52,   51,   49,   48,   47, 

-	 45,   44,   43,   42,   41,   40,   39, 

-	 38,   37,   36,   36,   35,   34,   33, 

-	 33,   32,   31,   30,   30,   29,   29, 

-	 28,   27,   27,   26,   26,   25,   24, 

-	 24,   23,   23,   22,   22,   21,   21, 

-	 21,   20,   20,   19,   19,   18,   18, 

-	 17,   17,   17,   16,   16,   15,   15, 

-	 15,   14,   14,   14,   13,   13,   13, 

-	 12,   12,   12,   11,   11,   11,   10, 

-	 10,   10,    9,    9,    9,    9,    8, 

-	  8,    8,    7,    7,    7,    7,    6, 

-	  6,    6,    6,    5,    5,    5,    4, 

-	  4,    4,    4,    4,    3,    3,    3, 

-	  3,    2,    2,    2,    2,    1,    1, 

-	  1,    1,    1,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-	  0, 




+#ifndef _EMUTABLES_H_
+#define _EMUTABLES_H_
+/* Precalculated emu2413 tables for use in Rockbox, 
+   Calculated for 44Khz sampling rate */
+#include "emutypes.h"
+static const e_uint16 sin_coeff[] = {
+	255,   203,   171,   152,   139,   129,   120, 
+	113,   107,   102,    97,    92,    88,    85, 
+	 81,    78,    75,    72,    70,    67,    65, 
+	 63,    61,    59,    57,    55,    53,    52, 
+	 50,    48,    47,    45,    44,    43,    41, 
+	 40,    39,    38,    37,    35,    34,    33, 
+	 32,    31,    30,    29,    28,    28,    27, 
+	 26,    25,    24,    23,    23,    22,    21, 
+	 21,    20,    19,    19,    18,    17,    17, 
+	 16,    16,    15,    14,    14,    13,    13, 
+	 12,    12,    11,    11,    11,    10,    10, 
+	  9,     9,     8,     8,     8,     7,     7, 
+	  7,     6,     6,     6,     5,     5,     5, 
+	  4,     4,     4,     4,     3,     3,     3, 
+	  3,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2, 
+	  1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0, 
+static const e_int16 pm_coeff[] = {
+	256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256, 
+	256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256, 
+	256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256, 
+	256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256, 
+	256,   256,   256,   256,   257,   257,   257, 
+	257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257, 
+	257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257, 
+	257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257, 
+	257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257, 
+	258,   258,   258,   257,   257,   257,   257, 
+	257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257, 
+	257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257, 
+	257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257, 
+	257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   257,   256, 
+	256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256, 
+	256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256, 
+	256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256, 
+	256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256,   256, 
+	256,   256,   256,   255,   255,   255,   255, 
+	255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255, 
+	255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255, 
+	255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255, 
+	255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   254, 
+	254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254, 
+	254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254, 
+	254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254, 
+	254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254, 
+	254,   254,   254,   253,   254,   254,   254, 
+	254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254, 
+	254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254, 
+	254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254, 
+	254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254,   254, 
+	254,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255, 
+	255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255, 
+	255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255, 
+	255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255,   255, 
+	255,   255,   255,   255, 
+static const e_int8 am_coeff[] = {
+     13,    13,    13,    13,    13,    14,    14, 
+     14,    14,    14,    15,    15,    15,    15, 
+     15,    16,    16,    16,    16,    16,    17, 
+     17,    17,    17,    17,    18,    18,    18, 
+     18,    18,    19,    19,    19,    19,    19, 
+     20,    20,    20,    20,    20,    21,    21, 
+     21,    21,    21,    22,    22,    22,    22, 
+     22,    23,    23,    23,    23,    23,    24, 
+     24,    24,    24,    24,    25,    25,    25, 
+     25,    26,    25,    25,    25,    25,    24, 
+     24,    24,    24,    24,    23,    23,    23, 
+     23,    23,    22,    22,    22,    22,    22, 
+     21,    21,    21,    21,    21,    20,    20, 
+     20,    20,    20,    19,    19,    19,    19, 
+     19,    18,    18,    18,    18,    18,    17, 
+     17,    17,    17,    17,    16,    16,    16, 
+     16,    16,    15,    15,    15,    15,    15, 
+     14,    14,    14,    14,    14,    13,    13, 
+     13,    13,    13,    12,    12,    12,    12, 
+     11,    11,    11,    11,    11,    10,    10, 
+     10,    10,    10,     9,     9,     9,     9, 
+      9,     8,     8,     8,     8,     8,     7, 
+      7,     7,     7,     7,     6,     6,     6, 
+      6,     6,     5,     5,     5,     5,     5, 
+      4,     4,     4,     4,     4,     3,     3, 
+      3,     3,     3,     2,     2,     2,     2, 
+      2,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     0, 
+      0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+      0,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     2, 
+      2,     2,     2,     2,     3,     3,     3, 
+      3,     3,     4,     4,     4,     4,     4, 
+      5,     5,     5,     5,     5,     6,     6, 
+      6,     6,     6,     7,     7,     7,     7, 
+      7,     8,     8,     8,     8,     8,     9, 
+      9,     9,     9,     9,    10,    10,    10, 
+     10,    10,    11,    11,    11,    11,    11, 
+     12,    12,    12,    12,
+static const e_int16 db2lin_coeff[]  = {
+	255,   249,   244,   239,   233,   228,   224, 
+	219,   214,   209,   205,   201,   196,   192, 
+	188,   184,   180,   176,   172,   169,   165, 
+	162,   158,   155,   151,   148,   145,   142, 
+	139,   136,   133,   130,   127,   125,   122, 
+	119,   117,   114,   112,   109,   107,   105, 
+	102,   100,    98,    96,    94,    92,    90, 
+	 88,    86,    84,    82,    81,    79,    77, 
+	 76,    74,    72,    71,    69,    68,    66, 
+	 65,    64,    62,    61,    60,    58,    57, 
+	 56,    55,    53,    52,    51,    50,    49, 
+	 48,    47,    46,    45,    44,    43,    42, 
+	 41,    40,    39,    38,    38,    37,    36, 
+	 35,    34,    34,    33,    32,    32,    31, 
+	 30,    30,    29,    28,    28,    27,    27, 
+	 26,    25,    25,    24,    24,    23,    23, 
+	 22,    22,    21,    21,    20,    20,    19, 
+	 19,    19,    18,    18,    17,    17,    17, 
+	 16,    16,    16,    15,    15,    15,    14, 
+	 14,    14,    13,    13,    13,    12,    12, 
+	 12,    12,    11,    11,    11,    11,    10, 
+	 10,    10,    10,    10,     9,     9,     9, 
+	  9,     8,     8,     8,     8,     8,     8, 
+	  7,     7,     7,     7,     7,     7,     6, 
+	  6,     6,     6,     6,     6,     6,     5, 
+	  5,     5,     5,     5,     5,     5,     5, 
+	  5,     4,     4,     4,     4,     4,     4, 
+	  4,     4,     4,     4,     3,     3,     3, 
+	  3,     3,     3,     3,     3,     3,     3, 
+	  3,     3,     3,     2,     2,     2,     2, 
+	  2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2, 
+	  2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2, 
+	  2,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1, 
+	  1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1, 
+	  1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1, 
+	  1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1, 
+	  1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0, 
+	  0, 
+static const e_uint16 ar_adjust_coeff[] = {
+	127,  108,   98,   90,   84,   80,   75, 
+	 72,   69,   66,   64,   61,   59,   57, 
+	 56,   54,   52,   51,   49,   48,   47, 
+	 45,   44,   43,   42,   41,   40,   39, 
+	 38,   37,   36,   36,   35,   34,   33, 
+	 33,   32,   31,   30,   30,   29,   29, 
+	 28,   27,   27,   26,   26,   25,   24, 
+	 24,   23,   23,   22,   22,   21,   21, 
+	 21,   20,   20,   19,   19,   18,   18, 
+	 17,   17,   17,   16,   16,   15,   15, 
+	 15,   14,   14,   14,   13,   13,   13, 
+	 12,   12,   12,   11,   11,   11,   10, 
+	 10,   10,    9,    9,    9,    9,    8, 
+	  8,    8,    7,    7,    7,    7,    6, 
+	  6,    6,    6,    5,    5,    5,    4, 
+	  4,    4,    4,    4,    3,    3,    3, 
+	  3,    2,    2,    2,    2,    1,    1, 
+	  1,    1,    1,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+	  0, 
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/emutypes.h b/apps/codecs/libgme/emutypes.h
index bf5d7e1..bc523db 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/emutypes.h
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/emutypes.h
@@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
-#ifndef _EMUTYPES_H_

-#define _EMUTYPES_H_


-#if defined(_MSC_VER)

-#define INLINE __forceinline

-#elif defined(__GNUC__)

-#define INLINE __inline__

-#elif defined(_MWERKS_)

-#define INLINE inline


-#define INLINE



-#if defined(EMU_DLL_IMPORTS)

-#define EMU2149_DLL_IMPORTS

-#define EMU2212_DLL_IMPORTS

-#define EMU2413_DLL_IMPORTS

-#define EMU8950_DLL_IMPORTS

-#define EMU76489_DLL_IMPORTS



-#ifdef __cplusplus

-extern "C" {



-typedef unsigned int e_uint;

-typedef signed int e_int;


-typedef unsigned char e_uint8 ;

-typedef signed char e_int8 ;


-typedef unsigned short e_uint16 ;

-typedef signed short e_int16 ;


-typedef unsigned int e_uint32 ;

-typedef signed int e_int32 ;


-#ifdef __cplusplus




+#ifndef _EMUTYPES_H_
+#define _EMUTYPES_H_
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#define INLINE __forceinline
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)
+#define INLINE __inline__
+#elif defined(_MWERKS_)
+#define INLINE inline
+#define INLINE
+#if defined(EMU_DLL_IMPORTS)
+#define EMU2149_DLL_IMPORTS
+#define EMU2212_DLL_IMPORTS
+#define EMU2413_DLL_IMPORTS
+#define EMU8950_DLL_IMPORTS
+#define EMU76489_DLL_IMPORTS
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+typedef unsigned int e_uint;
+typedef signed int e_int;
+typedef unsigned char e_uint8 ;
+typedef signed char e_int8 ;
+typedef unsigned short e_uint16 ;
+typedef signed short e_int16 ;
+typedef unsigned int e_uint32 ;
+typedef signed int e_int32 ;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/hes_apu_adpcm.c b/apps/codecs/libgme/hes_apu_adpcm.c
index 69ac712..de9b894 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/hes_apu_adpcm.c
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/hes_apu_adpcm.c
@@ -1,297 +1,297 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6-pre. http://www.slack.net/~ant/


-#include "hes_apu_adpcm.h"


-/* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Shay Green. This module is free software; you

-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser

-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either

-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This

-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY

-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS

-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more

-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public

-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,

-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */



-void Adpcm_init( struct Hes_Apu_Adpcm* this )


-	this->output = NULL;

-	memset( &this->state, 0, sizeof( this->state ) );

-	Adpcm_reset( this );



-void Adpcm_reset( struct Hes_Apu_Adpcm* this )


-	this->last_time = 0;

-	this->next_timer = 0;

-	this->last_amp = 0;


-	memset( &this->state.pcmbuf, 0, sizeof(this->state.pcmbuf) );

-	memset( &this->state.port, 0, sizeof(this->state.port) );


-	this->state.ad_sample = 0;

-	this->state.ad_ref_index = 0;


-	this->state.addr = 0;

-	this->state.freq = 0;

-	this->state.writeptr = 0;

-	this->state.readptr = 0;

-	this->state.playflag = 0;

-	this->state.repeatflag = 0;

-	this->state.length = 0;

-	this->state.volume = 0xFF;

-	this->state.fadetimer = 0;

-	this->state.fadecount = 0;



-static short stepsize[49] = {

-  16,  17,  19,  21,  23,  25,  28,

-  31,  34,  37,  41,  45,  50,  55,

-  60,  66,  73,  80,  88,  97, 107,

- 118, 130, 143, 157, 173, 190, 209,

- 230, 253, 279, 307, 337, 371, 408,

- 449, 494, 544, 598, 658, 724, 796,

- 876, 963,1060,1166,1282,1411,1552



-static int Adpcm_decode( struct Hes_Apu_Adpcm* this,int code );

-static int Adpcm_decode( struct Hes_Apu_Adpcm* this,int code )


-	struct State* state = &this->state;

-	int step = stepsize[state->ad_ref_index];

-	int delta;

-	int c = code & 7;

-#if 1

-	delta = 0;

-	if ( c & 4 ) delta += step;

-	step >>= 1;

-	if ( c & 2 ) delta += step;

-	step >>= 1;

-	if ( c & 1 ) delta += step;

-	step >>= 1;

-	delta += step;


-	delta = ( ( c + c + 1 ) * step ) / 8; // maybe faster, but introduces rounding


-	if ( c != code )

-	{

-		state->ad_sample -= delta;

-		if ( state->ad_sample < -2048 )

-			state->ad_sample = -2048;

-	}

-	else

-	{

-		state->ad_sample += delta;

-		if ( state->ad_sample > 2047 )

-			state->ad_sample = 2047;

-	}


-	static int const steps [8] = {

-		-1, -1, -1, -1, 2, 4, 6, 8

-	};

-	state->ad_ref_index += steps [c];

-	if ( state->ad_ref_index < 0 )

-		state->ad_ref_index = 0;

-	else if ( state->ad_ref_index > 48 )

-		state->ad_ref_index = 48;


-	return state->ad_sample;



-static void Adpcm_run_until( struct Hes_Apu_Adpcm* this, blip_time_t end_time );

-static void Adpcm_run_until( struct Hes_Apu_Adpcm* this, blip_time_t end_time )


-	struct State* state = &this->state;

-	int volume = state->volume;

-	int fadetimer = state->fadetimer;

-	int fadecount = state->fadecount;

-	int last_time = this->last_time;

-	int next_timer = this->next_timer;

-	int last_amp = this->last_amp;


-	struct Blip_Buffer* output = this->output; // cache often-used values


-	while ( state->playflag && last_time < end_time )

-	{

-		while ( last_time >= next_timer )

-		{

-			if ( fadetimer )

-			{

-				if ( fadecount > 0 )

-				{

-					fadecount--;

-					volume = 0xFF * fadecount / fadetimer;

-				}

-				else if ( fadecount < 0 )

-				{

-					fadecount++;

-					volume = 0xFF - ( 0xFF * fadecount / fadetimer );

-				}

-			}

-			next_timer += 7159; // 7159091/1000;

-		}

-		int amp;

-		if ( state->ad_low_nibble )

-		{

-			amp = Adpcm_decode( this, state->pcmbuf[ state->playptr ] & 0x0F );

-			state->ad_low_nibble = false;

-			state->playptr++;

-			state->playedsamplecount++;

-			if ( state->playedsamplecount == state->playlength )

-			{

-				state->playflag = 0;

-			}

-		}

-		else

-		{

-			amp = Adpcm_decode( this, state->pcmbuf[ state->playptr ] >> 4 );

-			state->ad_low_nibble = true;

-		}

-		amp = amp * volume / 0xFF;

-		int delta = amp - last_amp;

-		if ( output && delta )

-		{

-			last_amp = amp;

-			Synth_offset_inline( &this->synth, last_time, delta, output );

-		}

-		last_time += state->freq;

-	}


-	if ( !state->playflag )

-	{

-		while ( next_timer <= end_time ) next_timer += 7159; // 7159091/1000

-		last_time = end_time;

-	}


-	this->last_time  = last_time;

-	this->next_timer = next_timer;

-	this->last_amp   = last_amp;

-	state->volume = volume;

-	state->fadetimer = fadetimer;

-	state->fadecount = fadecount;



-void Adpcm_write_data( struct Hes_Apu_Adpcm* this, blip_time_t time, int addr, int data )


-	if ( time > this->last_time ) Adpcm_run_until( this, time );

-	struct State* state = &this->state;


-	data &= 0xFF;

-	state->port[ addr & 15 ] = data;

-	switch ( addr & 15 )

-	{

-	case 8:

-		state->addr &= 0xFF00;

-		state->addr |= data;

-		break;

-	case 9:

-		state->addr &= 0xFF;

-		state->addr |= data << 8;

-		break;

-	case 10:

-		state->pcmbuf[ state->writeptr++ ] = data;

-		state->playlength ++;

-		break;

-	case 11:

-		dprintf("ADPCM DMA 0x%02X", data);

-		break;

-	case 13:

-		if ( data & 0x80 )

-		{

-			state->addr = 0;

-			state->freq = 0;

-			state->writeptr = 0;

-			state->readptr = 0;

-			state->playflag = 0;

-			state->repeatflag = 0;

-			state->length = 0;

-			state->volume = 0xFF;

-		}

-		if ( ( data & 3 ) == 3 )

-		{

-			state->writeptr = state->addr;

-		}

-		if ( data & 8 )

-		{

-			state->readptr = state->addr ? state->addr - 1 : state->addr;

-		}

-		if ( data & 0x10 )

-		{

-			state->length = state->addr;

-		}

-		state->repeatflag = data & 0x20;

-		state->playflag = data & 0x40;

-		if ( state->playflag )

-		{

-			state->playptr = state->readptr;

-			state->playlength = state->length + 1;

-			state->playedsamplecount = 0;

-			state->ad_sample = 0;

-			state->ad_low_nibble = false;

-		}

-		break;

-	case 14:

-		state->freq = 7159091 / ( 32000 / ( 16 - ( data & 15 ) ) );

-		break;

-	case 15:

-		switch ( data & 15 )

-		{

-		case 0:

-		case 8:

-		case 12:

-			state->fadetimer = -100;

-			state->fadecount = state->fadetimer;

-			break;

-		case 10:

-			state->fadetimer = 5000;

-			state->fadecount = state->fadetimer;

-			break;

-		case 14:

-			state->fadetimer = 1500;

-			state->fadecount = state->fadetimer;

-			break;

-		}

-		break;

-	}



-int Adpcm_read_data( struct Hes_Apu_Adpcm* this, blip_time_t time, int addr )


-	if ( time > this->last_time ) Adpcm_run_until( this, time );


-	struct State* state = &this->state;

-	switch ( addr & 15 )

-	{

-	case 10:

-		return state->pcmbuf [state->readptr++];

-	case 11:

-		return state->port [11] & ~1;

-	case 12:

-		if (!state->playflag)

-		{

-			state->port [12] |= 1;

-			state->port [12] &= ~8;

-		}

-		else

-		{

-			state->port [12] &= ~1;

-			state->port [12] |= 8;

-		}

-		return state->port [12];

-	case 13:

-		return state->port [13];

-	}


-	return 0xFF;



-void Adpcm_end_frame( struct Hes_Apu_Adpcm* this, blip_time_t end_time )


-	Adpcm_run_until( this, end_time );

-	this->last_time -= end_time;

-	this->next_timer -= end_time;

-	check( last_time >= 0 );

-	if ( this->output )

-		Blip_set_modified( this->output );


+// Game_Music_Emu 0.6-pre. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
+#include "hes_apu_adpcm.h"
+/* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
+can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
+module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
+details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
+void Adpcm_init( struct Hes_Apu_Adpcm* this )
+	this->output = NULL;
+	memset( &this->state, 0, sizeof( this->state ) );
+	Adpcm_reset( this );
+void Adpcm_reset( struct Hes_Apu_Adpcm* this )
+	this->last_time = 0;
+	this->next_timer = 0;
+	this->last_amp = 0;
+	memset( &this->state.pcmbuf, 0, sizeof(this->state.pcmbuf) );
+	memset( &this->state.port, 0, sizeof(this->state.port) );
+	this->state.ad_sample = 0;
+	this->state.ad_ref_index = 0;
+	this->state.addr = 0;
+	this->state.freq = 0;
+	this->state.writeptr = 0;
+	this->state.readptr = 0;
+	this->state.playflag = 0;
+	this->state.repeatflag = 0;
+	this->state.length = 0;
+	this->state.volume = 0xFF;
+	this->state.fadetimer = 0;
+	this->state.fadecount = 0;
+static short stepsize[49] = {
+  16,  17,  19,  21,  23,  25,  28,
+  31,  34,  37,  41,  45,  50,  55,
+  60,  66,  73,  80,  88,  97, 107,
+ 118, 130, 143, 157, 173, 190, 209,
+ 230, 253, 279, 307, 337, 371, 408,
+ 449, 494, 544, 598, 658, 724, 796,
+ 876, 963,1060,1166,1282,1411,1552
+static int Adpcm_decode( struct Hes_Apu_Adpcm* this,int code );
+static int Adpcm_decode( struct Hes_Apu_Adpcm* this,int code )
+	struct State* state = &this->state;
+	int step = stepsize[state->ad_ref_index];
+	int delta;
+	int c = code & 7;
+#if 1
+	delta = 0;
+	if ( c & 4 ) delta += step;
+	step >>= 1;
+	if ( c & 2 ) delta += step;
+	step >>= 1;
+	if ( c & 1 ) delta += step;
+	step >>= 1;
+	delta += step;
+	delta = ( ( c + c + 1 ) * step ) / 8; // maybe faster, but introduces rounding
+	if ( c != code )
+	{
+		state->ad_sample -= delta;
+		if ( state->ad_sample < -2048 )
+			state->ad_sample = -2048;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		state->ad_sample += delta;
+		if ( state->ad_sample > 2047 )
+			state->ad_sample = 2047;
+	}
+	static int const steps [8] = {
+		-1, -1, -1, -1, 2, 4, 6, 8
+	};
+	state->ad_ref_index += steps [c];
+	if ( state->ad_ref_index < 0 )
+		state->ad_ref_index = 0;
+	else if ( state->ad_ref_index > 48 )
+		state->ad_ref_index = 48;
+	return state->ad_sample;
+static void Adpcm_run_until( struct Hes_Apu_Adpcm* this, blip_time_t end_time );
+static void Adpcm_run_until( struct Hes_Apu_Adpcm* this, blip_time_t end_time )
+	struct State* state = &this->state;
+	int volume = state->volume;
+	int fadetimer = state->fadetimer;
+	int fadecount = state->fadecount;
+	int last_time = this->last_time;
+	int next_timer = this->next_timer;
+	int last_amp = this->last_amp;
+	struct Blip_Buffer* output = this->output; // cache often-used values
+	while ( state->playflag && last_time < end_time )
+	{
+		while ( last_time >= next_timer )
+		{
+			if ( fadetimer )
+			{
+				if ( fadecount > 0 )
+				{
+					fadecount--;
+					volume = 0xFF * fadecount / fadetimer;
+				}
+				else if ( fadecount < 0 )
+				{
+					fadecount++;
+					volume = 0xFF - ( 0xFF * fadecount / fadetimer );
+				}
+			}
+			next_timer += 7159; // 7159091/1000;
+		}
+		int amp;
+		if ( state->ad_low_nibble )
+		{
+			amp = Adpcm_decode( this, state->pcmbuf[ state->playptr ] & 0x0F );
+			state->ad_low_nibble = false;
+			state->playptr++;
+			state->playedsamplecount++;
+			if ( state->playedsamplecount == state->playlength )
+			{
+				state->playflag = 0;
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			amp = Adpcm_decode( this, state->pcmbuf[ state->playptr ] >> 4 );
+			state->ad_low_nibble = true;
+		}
+		amp = amp * volume / 0xFF;
+		int delta = amp - last_amp;
+		if ( output && delta )
+		{
+			last_amp = amp;
+			Synth_offset_inline( &this->synth, last_time, delta, output );
+		}
+		last_time += state->freq;
+	}
+	if ( !state->playflag )
+	{
+		while ( next_timer <= end_time ) next_timer += 7159; // 7159091/1000
+		last_time = end_time;
+	}
+	this->last_time  = last_time;
+	this->next_timer = next_timer;
+	this->last_amp   = last_amp;
+	state->volume = volume;
+	state->fadetimer = fadetimer;
+	state->fadecount = fadecount;
+void Adpcm_write_data( struct Hes_Apu_Adpcm* this, blip_time_t time, int addr, int data )
+	if ( time > this->last_time ) Adpcm_run_until( this, time );
+	struct State* state = &this->state;
+	data &= 0xFF;
+	state->port[ addr & 15 ] = data;
+	switch ( addr & 15 )
+	{
+	case 8:
+		state->addr &= 0xFF00;
+		state->addr |= data;
+		break;
+	case 9:
+		state->addr &= 0xFF;
+		state->addr |= data << 8;
+		break;
+	case 10:
+		state->pcmbuf[ state->writeptr++ ] = data;
+		state->playlength ++;
+		break;
+	case 11:
+		dprintf("ADPCM DMA 0x%02X", data);
+		break;
+	case 13:
+		if ( data & 0x80 )
+		{
+			state->addr = 0;
+			state->freq = 0;
+			state->writeptr = 0;
+			state->readptr = 0;
+			state->playflag = 0;
+			state->repeatflag = 0;
+			state->length = 0;
+			state->volume = 0xFF;
+		}
+		if ( ( data & 3 ) == 3 )
+		{
+			state->writeptr = state->addr;
+		}
+		if ( data & 8 )
+		{
+			state->readptr = state->addr ? state->addr - 1 : state->addr;
+		}
+		if ( data & 0x10 )
+		{
+			state->length = state->addr;
+		}
+		state->repeatflag = data & 0x20;
+		state->playflag = data & 0x40;
+		if ( state->playflag )
+		{
+			state->playptr = state->readptr;
+			state->playlength = state->length + 1;
+			state->playedsamplecount = 0;
+			state->ad_sample = 0;
+			state->ad_low_nibble = false;
+		}
+		break;
+	case 14:
+		state->freq = 7159091 / ( 32000 / ( 16 - ( data & 15 ) ) );
+		break;
+	case 15:
+		switch ( data & 15 )
+		{
+		case 0:
+		case 8:
+		case 12:
+			state->fadetimer = -100;
+			state->fadecount = state->fadetimer;
+			break;
+		case 10:
+			state->fadetimer = 5000;
+			state->fadecount = state->fadetimer;
+			break;
+		case 14:
+			state->fadetimer = 1500;
+			state->fadecount = state->fadetimer;
+			break;
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+int Adpcm_read_data( struct Hes_Apu_Adpcm* this, blip_time_t time, int addr )
+	if ( time > this->last_time ) Adpcm_run_until( this, time );
+	struct State* state = &this->state;
+	switch ( addr & 15 )
+	{
+	case 10:
+		return state->pcmbuf [state->readptr++];
+	case 11:
+		return state->port [11] & ~1;
+	case 12:
+		if (!state->playflag)
+		{
+			state->port [12] |= 1;
+			state->port [12] &= ~8;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			state->port [12] &= ~1;
+			state->port [12] |= 8;
+		}
+		return state->port [12];
+	case 13:
+		return state->port [13];
+	}
+	return 0xFF;
+void Adpcm_end_frame( struct Hes_Apu_Adpcm* this, blip_time_t end_time )
+	Adpcm_run_until( this, end_time );
+	this->last_time -= end_time;
+	this->next_timer -= end_time;
+	check( last_time >= 0 );
+	if ( this->output )
+		Blip_set_modified( this->output );
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/inflate/mbreader.c b/apps/codecs/libgme/inflate/mbreader.c
index 96e45cd..8257879 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/inflate/mbreader.c
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/inflate/mbreader.c
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@

-/* Memory buffer reader, simulates file read 

-   @ gama 



-#include "mbreader.h"


-int mbread(struct mbreader_t *md, void *buf, size_t n)


-	if (!md) return -1;

-	size_t read_bytes = (md->offset+n) > md->size ? 

-		md->size-md->offset : n;

-	memcpy(buf,md->ptr + md->offset,read_bytes);

-	md->offset += read_bytes;

-	return read_bytes;


+/* Memory buffer reader, simulates file read 
+   @ gama 
+#include "mbreader.h"
+int mbread(struct mbreader_t *md, void *buf, size_t n)
+	if (!md) return -1;
+	size_t read_bytes = (md->offset+n) > md->size ? 
+		md->size-md->offset : n;
+	memcpy(buf,md->ptr + md->offset,read_bytes);
+	md->offset += read_bytes;
+	return read_bytes;
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/inflate/mbreader.h b/apps/codecs/libgme/inflate/mbreader.h
index 6427f18..d345c0c 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/inflate/mbreader.h
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/inflate/mbreader.h
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@

-#ifndef MBREADER_H

-#define MBREADER_H


-#include "codeclib.h"


-struct mbreader_t {

-	const char *ptr;

-	size_t size;

-	size_t offset;



-int mbread(struct mbreader_t *md, void *buf, size_t n);



+#ifndef MBREADER_H
+#define MBREADER_H
+#include "codeclib.h"
+struct mbreader_t {
+	const char *ptr;
+	size_t size;
+	size_t offset;
+int mbread(struct mbreader_t *md, void *buf, size_t n);
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/kss_cpu.c b/apps/codecs/libgme/kss_cpu.c
index 891a7df..20601e6 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/kss_cpu.c
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/kss_cpu.c
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6-pre. http://www.slack.net/~ant/


-#include "kss_emu.h"


-#include "blargg_endian.h"

-//#include "z80_cpu_log.h"


-/* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Shay Green. This module is free software; you

-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser

-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either

-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This

-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY

-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS

-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more

-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public

-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,

-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */


-#include "blargg_source.h"


-#define OUT_PORT(  addr, data ) cpu_out( this, TIME(), addr, data )

-#define IN_PORT(   addr       ) cpu_in( this, TIME(), addr )

-#define WRITE_MEM( addr, data ) {FLUSH_TIME(); cpu_write( this, addr, data );}

-#define IDLE_ADDR               idle_addr


-#define CPU_BEGIN \

-bool run_cpu( struct Kss_Emu* this, kss_time_t end_time )\


-	struct Z80_Cpu *cpu = &this->cpu; \

-	Z80_set_end_time( cpu, end_time );


-	#include "z80_cpu_run.h"


-	return warning;


+// Game_Music_Emu 0.6-pre. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
+#include "kss_emu.h"
+#include "blargg_endian.h"
+//#include "z80_cpu_log.h"
+/* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
+can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
+module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
+details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
+#include "blargg_source.h"
+#define OUT_PORT(  addr, data ) cpu_out( this, TIME(), addr, data )
+#define IN_PORT(   addr       ) cpu_in( this, TIME(), addr )
+#define WRITE_MEM( addr, data ) {FLUSH_TIME(); cpu_write( this, addr, data );}
+#define IDLE_ADDR               idle_addr
+#define CPU_BEGIN \
+bool run_cpu( struct Kss_Emu* this, kss_time_t end_time )\
+	struct Z80_Cpu *cpu = &this->cpu; \
+	Z80_set_end_time( cpu, end_time );
+	#include "z80_cpu_run.h"
+	return warning;
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/nes_cpu_run.h b/apps/codecs/libgme/nes_cpu_run.h
index 5b964d5..fd1fea9 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/nes_cpu_run.h
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/nes_cpu_run.h
@@ -1,1122 +1,1122 @@
-// NES 6502 cpu emulator run function


-#if 0

-/* Define these macros in the source file before #including this file.

-- Parameters might be expressions, so they are best evaluated only once,

-though they NEVER have side-effects, so multiple evaluation is OK.

-- Output parameters might be a multiple-assignment expression like "a=x",

-so they must NOT be parenthesized.

-- Except where noted, time() and related functions will NOT work

-correctly inside a macro. TIME() is always correct, and FLUSH_TIME() and

-CACHE_TIME() allow the time changing functions to work.

-- Macros "returning" void may use a {} statement block. */


-	// 0 <= addr <= 0xFFFF + page_size

-	// time functions can be used

-	int  READ_MEM(  addr_t );

-	void WRITE_MEM( addr_t, int data );

-	// 0 <= READ_MEM() <= 0xFF


-	// 0 <= addr <= 0x1FF

-	int  READ_LOW(  addr_t );

-	void WRITE_LOW( addr_t, int data );

-	// 0 <= READ_LOW() <= 0xFF


-	// Often-used instructions attempt these before using a normal memory access.

-	// Optional; defaults to READ_MEM() and WRITE_MEM()

-	bool CAN_READ_FAST( addr_t ); // if true, uses result of READ_FAST

-	void READ_FAST( addr_t, int& out ); // ALWAYS called BEFORE CAN_READ_FAST

-	bool CAN_WRITE_FAST( addr_t ); // if true, uses WRITE_FAST instead of WRITE_MEM

-	void WRITE_FAST( addr_t, int data );


-	// Used by instructions most often used to access the NES PPU (LDA abs and BIT abs).

-	// Optional; defaults to READ_MEM.

-	void READ_PPU(  addr_t, int& out );

-	// 0 <= out <= 0xFF


-// The following can be used within macros:


-	// Current time

-	time_t TIME();


-	// Allows use of time functions

-	void FLUSH_TIME();


-	// Must be used before end of macro if FLUSH_TIME() was used earlier

-	void CACHE_TIME();


-// Configuration (optional; commented behavior if defined)


-	// Emulates dummy reads for indexed instructions



-	// Optimizes as if map_code( 0, 0x10000 + cpu_padding, FLAT_MEM ) is always in effect

-	#define FLAT_MEM my_mem_array


-	// Expanded just before beginning of code, to help debugger

-	#define CPU_BEGIN void my_run_cpu() {




-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Shay Green. This module is free software; you

-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser

-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either

-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This

-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY

-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS

-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more

-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public

-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,

-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */


-// Allows MWCW debugger to step through code properly

-#ifdef CPU_BEGIN




-// Time

-#define TIME()          (s_time + s.base)

-#define FLUSH_TIME()    {s.time = s_time - time_offset;}

-#define CACHE_TIME()    {s_time = s.time + time_offset;}


-// Defaults


-	#define CAN_WRITE_FAST( addr )      0

-	#define WRITE_FAST( addr, data )



-#ifndef CAN_READ_FAST

-	#define CAN_READ_FAST( addr )       0

-	#define READ_FAST( addr, out )



-#ifndef READ_PPU

-	#define READ_PPU( addr, out )\

-	{\


-		out = READ_MEM( addr );\


-	}






-// Dummy reads


-	// TODO: optimize time handling

-	#define DUMMY_READ( addr, idx ) \

-		if ( (addr & 0xFF) < idx )\

-		{\

-			int const time_offset = 1;\

-			FLUSH_TIME();\

-			READ_MEM( (addr - 0x100) );\

-			CACHE_TIME();\

-		}


-	#define DUMMY_READ( addr, idx )



-// Code

-#ifdef FLAT_MEM

-	#define CODE_PAGE(   addr ) (FLAT_MEM)

-	#define CODE_OFFSET( addr ) (addr)


-	#define CODE_PAGE( addr )   (s.code_map [NES_CPU_PAGE( addr )])

-	#define CODE_OFFSET( addr ) NES_CPU_OFFSET( addr )


-#define READ_CODE( addr )   (CODE_PAGE( addr ) [CODE_OFFSET( addr )])


-// Stack

-#define SET_SP( v ) (sp = ((v) + 1) | 0x100)

-#define GET_SP()    ((sp - 1) & 0xFF)

-#define SP( o )     ((sp + (o - (o>0)*0x100)) | 0x100)


-// Truncation

-#define BYTE(  n ) ((uint8_t ) (n)) /* (unsigned) n & 0xFF */

-#define SBYTE( n ) ((int8_t  ) (n)) /* (BYTE( n ) ^ 0x80) - 0x80 */

-#define WORD(  n ) ((uint16_t) (n)) /* (unsigned) n & 0xFFFF */


-// Flags with hex value for clarity when used as mask.

-// Stored in indicated variable during emulation.

-int const n80 = 0x80; // nz

-int const v40 = 0x40; // flags

-int const r20 = 0x20;

-int const b10 = 0x10;

-int const d08 = 0x08; // flags

-int const i04 = 0x04; // flags

-int const z02 = 0x02; // nz

-int const c01 = 0x01; // c


-#define IS_NEG (nz & 0x8080)


-#define GET_FLAGS( out ) \


-	out = flags & (v40 | d08 | i04);\

-	out += ((nz >> 8) | nz) & n80;\

-	out += c >> 8 & c01;\

-	if ( !BYTE( nz ) )\

-		out += z02;\



-#define SET_FLAGS( in ) \


-	flags = in & (v40 | d08 | i04);\

-	c = nz = in << 8;\

-	nz += ~in & z02;\




-	int const time_offset = 0;


-	// Local state

-	struct cpu_state_t s;

-	#ifdef FLAT_MEM

-		s.base = cpu->cpu_state_.base;

-	#else

-		s = cpu->cpu_state_;

-	#endif

-	cpu->cpu_state = &s;

-	int s_time = cpu->cpu_state_.time; // helps even on x86


-	// Registers

-	int pc = cpu->r.pc;

-	int a  = cpu->r.a;

-	int x  = cpu->r.x;

-	int y  = cpu->r.y;

-	int sp;

-	SET_SP( cpu->r.sp );


-	// Flags

-	int flags;

-	int c;  // carry set if (c & 0x100) != 0

-	int nz; // Z set if (nz & 0xFF) == 0, N set if (nz & 0x8080) != 0

-	{

-		int temp = cpu->r.flags;

-		SET_FLAGS( temp );

-	}




-	// Check all values

-	check( (unsigned) sp - 0x100 < 0x100 );

-	check( (unsigned) pc < 0x10000 );

-	check( (unsigned) a < 0x100 );

-	check( (unsigned) x < 0x100 );

-	check( (unsigned) y < 0x100 );


-	// Read instruction

-	byte const* instr = CODE_PAGE( pc );

-	int opcode;


-	if ( CODE_OFFSET(~0) == ~0 )

-	{

-		opcode = instr [pc];

-		pc++;

-		instr += pc;

-	}

-	else

-	{

-		instr += CODE_OFFSET( pc );

-		opcode = *instr++;

-		pc++;

-	}


-	// local to function in case it helps optimizer

-	static byte const clock_table [256] =

-	{// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

-		0,6,2,8,3,3,5,5,3,2,2,2,4,4,6,6,// 0

-		2,5,2,8,4,4,6,6,2,4,2,7,4,4,7,7,// 1

-		6,6,0,8,3,3,5,5,4,2,2,2,4,4,6,6,// 2

-		2,5,2,8,4,4,6,6,2,4,2,7,4,4,7,7,// 3

-		6,6,2,8,3,3,5,5,3,2,2,2,3,4,6,6,// 4

-		2,5,2,8,4,4,6,6,2,4,2,7,4,4,7,7,// 5

-		6,6,2,8,3,3,5,5,4,2,2,2,5,4,6,6,// 6

-		2,5,2,8,4,4,6,6,2,4,2,7,4,4,7,7,// 7

-		2,6,2,6,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,4,4,4,4,// 8

-		2,6,2,6,4,4,4,4,2,5,2,5,5,5,5,5,// 9

-		2,6,2,6,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,4,4,4,4,// A

-		2,5,2,5,4,4,4,4,2,4,2,4,4,4,4,4,// B

-		2,6,2,8,3,3,5,5,2,2,2,2,4,4,6,6,// C

-		2,5,2,8,4,4,6,6,2,4,2,7,4,4,7,7,// D

-		2,6,2,8,3,3,5,5,2,2,2,2,4,4,6,6,// E

-		2,5,2,8,4,4,6,6,2,4,2,7,4,4,7,7 // F

-	}; // 0x00 was 7 and 0x22 was 2


-	// Update time

-	if ( s_time >= 0 )

-		goto out_of_time;



-	{ CPU_INSTR_HOOK( (pc-1), (&instr [-1]), a, x, y, GET_SP(), TIME() ); }

-	#endif


-	s_time += clock_table [opcode];


-	int data;

-	data = *instr;


-	switch ( opcode )

-	{


-// Macros


-#define GET_MSB()       (instr [1])

-#define ADD_PAGE( out ) (pc++, out = data + 0x100 * GET_MSB())

-#define GET_ADDR()      GET_LE16( instr )


-#define PAGE_PENALTY( lsb ) s_time += (lsb) >> 8;


-#define INC_DEC( reg, n ) reg = BYTE( nz = reg + n ); goto loop;


-#define IND_Y( cross, out ) {\

-		int temp = READ_LOW( data ) + y;\

-		out = temp + 0x100 * READ_LOW( BYTE( data + 1 ) );\

-		cross( temp );\

-	}


-#define IND_X( out ) {\

-		int temp = data + x;\

-		out = 0x100 * READ_LOW( BYTE( temp + 1 ) ) + READ_LOW( BYTE( temp ) );\

-	}


-#define ARITH_ADDR_MODES( op )\

-case op - 0x04: /* (ind,x) */\

-	IND_X( data )\

-	goto ptr##op;\

-case op + 0x0C: /* (ind),y */\

-	IND_Y( PAGE_PENALTY, data )\

-	goto ptr##op;\

-case op + 0x10: /* zp,X */\

-	data = BYTE( data + x );\

-case op + 0x00: /* zp */\

-	data = READ_LOW( data );\

-	goto imm##op;\

-case op + 0x14: /* abs,Y */\

-	data += y;\

-	goto ind##op;\

-case op + 0x18: /* abs,X */\

-	data += x;\


-	PAGE_PENALTY( data );\

-case op + 0x08: /* abs */\

-	ADD_PAGE( data );\



-	data = READ_MEM( data );\


-case op + 0x04: /* imm */\



-// TODO: more efficient way to handle negative branch that wraps PC around

-#define BRANCH( cond )\


-	++pc;\

-	if ( !(cond) ) goto loop;\

-	s_time++;\

-	int offset = SBYTE( data );\

-	s_time += (BYTE(pc) + offset) >> 8 & 1;\

-	pc = WORD( pc + offset );\

-	goto loop;\



-// Often-Used


-	case 0xB5: // LDA zp,x

-		a = nz = READ_LOW( BYTE( data + x ) );

-		pc++;

-		goto loop;


-	case 0xA5: // LDA zp

-		a = nz = READ_LOW( data );

-		pc++;

-		goto loop;


-	case 0xD0: // BNE

-		BRANCH( BYTE( nz ) );


-	case 0x20: { // JSR

-		int temp = pc + 1;

-		pc = GET_ADDR();

-		WRITE_STACK( SP( -1 ), temp >> 8 );

-		sp = SP( -2 );

-		WRITE_STACK( sp, temp );

-		goto loop;

-	}


-	case 0x4C: // JMP abs

-		pc = GET_ADDR();

-		goto loop;


-	case 0xE8: // INX

-		INC_DEC( x, 1 )


-	case 0x10: // BPL




-		nz = a - data;

-		pc++;

-		c = ~nz;

-		nz &= 0xFF;

-		goto loop;


-	case 0x30: // BMI



-	case 0xF0: // BEQ

-		BRANCH( !BYTE( nz ) );


-	case 0x95: // STA zp,x

-		data = BYTE( data + x );

-	case 0x85: // STA zp

-		pc++;

-		WRITE_LOW( data, a );

-		goto loop;


-	case 0xC8: // INY

-		INC_DEC( y, 1 )


-	case 0xA8: // TAY

-		y  = a;

-		nz = a;

-		goto loop;


-	case 0x98: // TYA

-		a  = y;

-		nz = y;

-		goto loop;


-	case 0xAD:{// LDA abs

-		int addr = GET_ADDR();

-		pc += 2;

-		READ_PPU( addr, a = nz );

-		goto loop;

-	}


-	case 0x60: // RTS

-		pc = 1 + READ_STACK( sp );

-		pc += 0x100 * READ_STACK( SP( 1 ) );

-		sp = SP( 2 );

-		goto loop;


-	{

-		int addr;


-	case 0x8D: // STA abs

-		addr = GET_ADDR();

-		pc += 2;

-		if ( CAN_WRITE_FAST( addr ) )

-		{

-			WRITE_FAST( addr, a );

-			goto loop;

-		}

-	sta_ptr:


-		WRITE_MEM( addr, a );


-		goto loop;


-	case 0x99: // STA abs,Y

-		addr = y + GET_ADDR();

-		pc += 2;

-		if ( CAN_WRITE_FAST( addr ) )

-		{

-			WRITE_FAST( addr, a );

-			goto loop;

-		}

-		goto sta_abs_x;


-	case 0x9D: // STA abs,X (slightly more common than STA abs)

-		addr = x + GET_ADDR();

-		pc += 2;

-		if ( CAN_WRITE_FAST( addr ) )

-		{

-			WRITE_FAST( addr, a );

-			goto loop;

-		}

-		DUMMY_READ( addr, x );

-	sta_abs_x:


-		WRITE_MEM( addr, a );


-		goto loop;


-	case 0x91: // STA (ind),Y

-		#define NO_PAGE_PENALTY( lsb )


-		pc++;

-		DUMMY_READ( addr, y );

-		goto sta_ptr;


-	case 0x81: // STA (ind,X)

-		IND_X( addr )

-		pc++;

-		goto sta_ptr;


-	}


-	case 0xA9: // LDA #imm

-		pc++;

-		a  = data;

-		nz = data;

-		goto loop;


-	// common read instructions

-	{

-		int addr;


-	case 0xA1: // LDA (ind,X)

-		IND_X( addr )

-		pc++;

-		goto a_nz_read_addr;


-	case 0xB1:// LDA (ind),Y

-		addr = READ_LOW( data ) + y;

-		PAGE_PENALTY( addr );

-		addr += 0x100 * READ_LOW( BYTE( data + 1 ) );

-		pc++;

-		READ_FAST( addr, a = nz );

-		if ( CAN_READ_FAST( addr ) )

-			goto loop;

-		DUMMY_READ( addr, y );

-		goto a_nz_read_addr;


-	case 0xB9: // LDA abs,Y

-		PAGE_PENALTY( data + y );

-		addr = GET_ADDR() + y;

-		pc += 2;

-		READ_FAST( addr, a = nz );

-		if ( CAN_READ_FAST( addr ) )

-			goto loop;

-		goto a_nz_read_addr;


-	case 0xBD: // LDA abs,X

-		PAGE_PENALTY( data + x );

-		addr = GET_ADDR() + x;

-		pc += 2;

-		READ_FAST( addr, a = nz );

-		if ( CAN_READ_FAST( addr ) )

-			goto loop;

-		DUMMY_READ( addr, x );

-	a_nz_read_addr:


-		a = nz = READ_MEM( addr );


-		goto loop;


-	}


-// Branch


-	case 0x50: // BVC

-		BRANCH( !(flags & v40) )


-	case 0x70: // BVS

-		BRANCH( flags & v40 )


-	case 0xB0: // BCS

-		BRANCH( c & 0x100 )


-	case 0x90: // BCC

-		BRANCH( !(c & 0x100) )


-// Load/store


-	case 0x94: // STY zp,x

-		data = BYTE( data + x );

-	case 0x84: // STY zp

-		pc++;

-		WRITE_LOW( data, y );

-		goto loop;


-	case 0x96: // STX zp,y

-		data = BYTE( data + y );

-	case 0x86: // STX zp

-		pc++;

-		WRITE_LOW( data, x );

-		goto loop;


-	case 0xB6: // LDX zp,y

-		data = BYTE( data + y );

-	case 0xA6: // LDX zp

-		data = READ_LOW( data );

-	case 0xA2: // LDX #imm

-		pc++;

-		x = data;

-		nz = data;

-		goto loop;


-	case 0xB4: // LDY zp,x

-		data = BYTE( data + x );

-	case 0xA4: // LDY zp

-		data = READ_LOW( data );

-	case 0xA0: // LDY #imm

-		pc++;

-		y = data;

-		nz = data;

-		goto loop;


-	case 0xBC: // LDY abs,X

-		data += x;

-		PAGE_PENALTY( data );

-	case 0xAC:{// LDY abs

-		int addr = data + 0x100 * GET_MSB();

-		pc += 2;


-		y = nz = READ_MEM( addr );


-		goto loop;

-	}


-	case 0xBE: // LDX abs,y

-		data += y;

-		PAGE_PENALTY( data );

-	case 0xAE:{// LDX abs

-		int addr = data + 0x100 * GET_MSB();

-		pc += 2;


-		x = nz = READ_MEM( addr );


-		goto loop;

-	}


-	{

-		int temp;

-	case 0x8C: // STY abs

-		temp = y;

-		goto store_abs;


-	case 0x8E: // STX abs

-		temp = x;

-	store_abs:

-		{

-			int addr = GET_ADDR();

-			pc += 2;

-			if ( CAN_WRITE_FAST( addr ) )

-			{

-				WRITE_FAST( addr, temp );

-				goto loop;

-			}


-			WRITE_MEM( addr, temp );


-			goto loop;

-		}

-	}


-// Compare


-	case 0xEC: {// CPX abs

-		int addr = GET_ADDR();

-		pc++;


-		data = READ_MEM( addr );


-		goto cpx_data;

-	}


-	case 0xE4: // CPX zp

-		data = READ_LOW( data );

-	case 0xE0: // CPX #imm

-	cpx_data:

-		nz = x - data;

-		pc++;

-		c = ~nz;

-		nz &= 0xFF;

-		goto loop;


-	case 0xCC:{// CPY abs

-		int addr = GET_ADDR();

-		pc++;


-		data = READ_MEM( addr );


-		goto cpy_data;

-	}


-	case 0xC4: // CPY zp

-		data = READ_LOW( data );

-	case 0xC0: // CPY #imm

-	cpy_data:

-		nz = y - data;

-		pc++;

-		c = ~nz;

-		nz &= 0xFF;

-		goto loop;


-// Logical



-		nz = (a &= data);

-		pc++;

-		goto loop;



-		nz = (a ^= data);

-		pc++;

-		goto loop;



-		nz = (a |= data);

-		pc++;

-		goto loop;


-	case 0x2C:{// BIT abs

-		int addr = GET_ADDR();

-		pc += 2;

-		READ_PPU( addr, nz );

-		flags = (flags & ~v40) + (nz & v40);

-		if ( a & nz )

-			goto loop;

-		nz <<= 8; // result must be zero, even if N bit is set

-		goto loop;

-	}


-	case 0x24: // BIT zp

-		nz = READ_LOW( data );

-		pc++;

-		flags = (flags & ~v40) + (nz & v40);

-		if ( a & nz )

-			goto loop; // Z should be clear, and nz must be non-zero if nz & a is

-		nz <<= 8; // set Z flag without affecting N flag

-		goto loop;


-// Add/subtract



-	case 0xEB: // unofficial equivalent

-		data ^= 0xFF;

-		goto adc_imm;



-	adc_imm: {

-		int carry = c >> 8 & 1;

-		int ov = (a ^ 0x80) + carry + SBYTE( data );

-		flags = (flags & ~v40) + (ov >> 2 & v40);

-		c = nz = a + data + carry;

-		pc++;

-		a = BYTE( nz );

-		goto loop;

-	}


-// Shift/rotate


-	case 0x4A: // LSR A

-		c = 0;

-	case 0x6A: // ROR A

-		nz = c >> 1 & 0x80;

-		c = a << 8;

-		nz += a >> 1;

-		a = nz;

-		goto loop;


-	case 0x0A: // ASL A

-		nz = a << 1;

-		c = nz;

-		a = BYTE( nz );

-		goto loop;


-	case 0x2A: { // ROL A

-		nz = a << 1;

-		int temp = c >> 8 & 1;

-		c = nz;

-		nz += temp;

-		a = BYTE( nz );

-		goto loop;

-	}


-	case 0x5E: // LSR abs,X

-		data += x;

-	case 0x4E: // LSR abs

-		c = 0;

-	case 0x6E: // ROR abs

-	ror_abs: {

-		ADD_PAGE( data );


-		int temp = READ_MEM( data );

-		nz = (c >> 1 & 0x80) + (temp >> 1);

-		c = temp << 8;

-		goto rotate_common;

-	}


-	case 0x3E: // ROL abs,X

-		data += x;

-		goto rol_abs;


-	case 0x1E: // ASL abs,X

-		data += x;

-	case 0x0E: // ASL abs

-		c = 0;

-	case 0x2E: // ROL abs

-	rol_abs:

-		ADD_PAGE( data );

-		nz = c >> 8 & 1;


-		nz += (c = READ_MEM( data ) << 1);

-	rotate_common:

-		pc++;

-		WRITE_MEM( data, BYTE( nz ) );


-		goto loop;


-	case 0x7E: // ROR abs,X

-		data += x;

-		goto ror_abs;


-	case 0x76: // ROR zp,x

-		data = BYTE( data + x );

-		goto ror_zp;


-	case 0x56: // LSR zp,x

-		data = BYTE( data + x );

-	case 0x46: // LSR zp

-		c = 0;

-	case 0x66: // ROR zp

-	ror_zp: {

-		int temp = READ_LOW( data );

-		nz = (c >> 1 & 0x80) + (temp >> 1);

-		c = temp << 8;

-		goto write_nz_zp;

-	}


-	case 0x36: // ROL zp,x

-		data = BYTE( data + x );

-		goto rol_zp;


-	case 0x16: // ASL zp,x

-		data = BYTE( data + x );

-	case 0x06: // ASL zp

-		c = 0;

-	case 0x26: // ROL zp

-	rol_zp:

-		nz = c >> 8 & 1;

-		nz += (c = READ_LOW( data ) << 1);

-		goto write_nz_zp;


-// Increment/decrement


-	case 0xCA: // DEX

-		INC_DEC( x, -1 )


-	case 0x88: // DEY

-		INC_DEC( y, -1 )


-	case 0xF6: // INC zp,x

-		data = BYTE( data + x );

-	case 0xE6: // INC zp

-		nz = 1;

-		goto add_nz_zp;


-	case 0xD6: // DEC zp,x

-		data = BYTE( data + x );

-	case 0xC6: // DEC zp

-		nz = -1;

-	add_nz_zp:

-		nz += READ_LOW( data );

-	write_nz_zp:

-		pc++;

-		WRITE_LOW( data, nz );

-		goto loop;


-	case 0xFE: // INC abs,x

-		data = x + GET_ADDR();

-		goto inc_ptr;


-	case 0xEE: // INC abs

-		data = GET_ADDR();

-	inc_ptr:

-		nz = 1;

-		goto inc_common;


-	case 0xDE: // DEC abs,x

-		data = x + GET_ADDR();

-		goto dec_ptr;


-	case 0xCE: // DEC abs

-		data = GET_ADDR();

-	dec_ptr:

-		nz = -1;

-	inc_common:


-		pc += 2;

-		nz += READ_MEM( data );

-		WRITE_MEM( data, BYTE( nz ) );


-		goto loop;


-// Transfer


-	case 0xAA: // TAX

-		x = nz = a;

-		goto loop;


-	case 0x8A: // TXA

-		a = nz = x;

-		goto loop;


-	case 0x9A: // TXS

-		SET_SP( x ); // verified (no flag change)

-		goto loop;


-	case 0xBA: // TSX

-		x = nz = GET_SP();

-		goto loop;


-// Stack


-	case 0x48: // PHA

-		sp = SP( -1 );

-		WRITE_STACK( sp, a );

-		goto loop;


-	case 0x68: // PLA

-		a = nz = READ_STACK( sp );

-		sp = SP( 1 );

-		goto loop;


-	case 0x40:{// RTI

-		pc  = READ_STACK( SP( 1 ) );

-		pc += READ_STACK( SP( 2 ) ) * 0x100;

-		int temp = READ_STACK( sp );

-		sp = SP( 3 );

-		data = flags;

-		SET_FLAGS( temp );

-		cpu->r.flags = flags; // update externally-visible I flag

-		int delta = s.base - cpu->irq_time;

-		if ( delta <= 0 ) goto loop; // end_time < irq_time

-		if ( flags & i04 ) goto loop;

-		s_time += delta;

-		s.base = cpu->irq_time;

-		goto loop;

-	}


-	case 0x28:{// PLP

-		int temp = READ_STACK( sp );

-		sp = SP( 1 );

-		int changed = flags ^ temp;

-		SET_FLAGS( temp );

-		if ( !(changed & i04) )

-			goto loop; // I flag didn't change

-		if ( flags & i04 )

-			goto handle_sei;

-		goto handle_cli;

-	}


-	case 0x08:{// PHP

-		int temp;

-		GET_FLAGS( temp );

-		sp = SP( -1 );

-		WRITE_STACK( sp, temp | (b10 | r20) );

-		goto loop;

-	}


-	case 0x6C:{// JMP (ind)

-		data = GET_ADDR();

-		byte const* page = CODE_PAGE( data );

-		pc = page [CODE_OFFSET( data )];

-		data = (data & 0xFF00) + ((data + 1) & 0xFF);

-		pc += page [CODE_OFFSET( data )] * 0x100;

-		goto loop;

-	}


-	case 0x00: // BRK

-		goto handle_brk;


-// Flags


-	case 0x38: // SEC

-		c = 0x100;

-		goto loop;


-	case 0x18: // CLC

-		c = 0;

-		goto loop;


-	case 0xB8: // CLV

-		flags &= ~v40;

-		goto loop;


-	case 0xD8: // CLD

-		flags &= ~d08;

-		goto loop;


-	case 0xF8: // SED

-		flags |= d08;

-		goto loop;


-	case 0x58: // CLI

-		if ( !(flags & i04) )

-			goto loop;

-		flags &= ~i04;

-	handle_cli: {

-		//dprintf( "CLI at %d\n", TIME );

-		cpu->r.flags = flags; // update externally-visible I flag

-		int delta = s.base - cpu->irq_time;

-		if ( delta <= 0 )

-		{

-			if ( TIME() < cpu->irq_time )

-				goto loop;

-			goto delayed_cli;

-		}

-		s.base = cpu->irq_time;

-		s_time += delta;

-		if ( s_time < 0 )

-			goto loop;


-		if ( delta >= s_time + 1 )

-		{

-			// delayed irq until after next instruction

-			s.base += s_time + 1;

-			s_time = -1;

-			goto loop;

-		}


-		// TODO: implement

-	delayed_cli:

-		dprintf( "Delayed CLI not emulated\n" );

-		goto loop;

-	}


-	case 0x78: // SEI

-		if ( flags & i04 )

-			goto loop;

-		flags |= i04;

-	handle_sei: {

-		cpu->r.flags = flags; // update externally-visible I flag

-		int delta = s.base - cpu->end_time;

-		s.base = cpu->end_time;

-		s_time += delta;

-		if ( s_time < 0 )

-			goto loop;


-		dprintf( "Delayed SEI not emulated\n" );

-		goto loop;

-	}


-// Unofficial


-	// SKW - skip word

-	case 0x1C: case 0x3C: case 0x5C: case 0x7C: case 0xDC: case 0xFC:

-		PAGE_PENALTY( data + x );

-	case 0x0C:

-		pc++;

-	// SKB - skip byte

-	case 0x74: case 0x04: case 0x14: case 0x34: case 0x44: case 0x54: case 0x64:

-	case 0x80: case 0x82: case 0x89: case 0xC2: case 0xD4: case 0xE2: case 0xF4:

-		pc++;

-		goto loop;


-	// NOP

-	case 0xEA: case 0x1A: case 0x3A: case 0x5A: case 0x7A: case 0xDA: case 0xFA:

-		goto loop;


-	case halt_opcode: // HLT - halt processor

-		if ( pc-- > 0x10000 )

-		{

-			// handle wrap-around (assumes caller has put page of HLT at 0x10000)

-			pc = WORD( pc );

-			goto loop;

-		}

-	case 0x02: case 0x12:            case 0x32: case 0x42: case 0x52:

-	case 0x62: case 0x72: case 0x92: case 0xB2: case 0xD2: case 0xF2:

-		goto stop;


-// Unimplemented


-	case 0xFF:  // force 256-entry jump table for optimization purposes

-		c |= 1; // compiler doesn't know that this won't affect anything

-	default:

-		check( (unsigned) opcode < 0x100 );


-		#ifdef UNIMPL_INSTR


-		#endif


-		// At least skip over proper number of bytes instruction uses

-		static unsigned char const illop_lens [8] = {

-			0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x80, 0x40, 0x40, 0x80, 0xA0

-		};

-		int opcode = instr [-1];

-		int len = illop_lens [opcode >> 2 & 7] >> (opcode << 1 & 6) & 3;

-		if ( opcode == 0x9C )

-			len = 2;

-		pc += len;


-		// Account for extra clock

-		if ( (opcode >> 4) == 0x0B )

-		{

-			if ( opcode == 0xB3 )

-				data = READ_LOW( data );

-			if ( opcode != 0xB7 )

-				PAGE_PENALTY( data + y );

-		}

-		goto loop;

-	}

-	assert( false ); // catch missing 'goto loop' or accidental 'break'


-	int result_;


-	pc++;

-	result_ = b10 | 4;


-#ifdef CPU_DONE



-	{

-		s_time += 7;


-		// Save PC and read vector

-		WRITE_STACK( SP( -1 ), pc >> 8 );

-		WRITE_STACK( SP( -2 ), pc );

-		pc = GET_LE16( &READ_CODE( 0xFFFA ) + (result_ & 4) );


-		// Save flags

-		int temp;

-		GET_FLAGS( temp );

-		temp |= r20 + (result_ & b10); // B flag set for BRK

-		sp = SP( -3 );

-		WRITE_STACK( sp, temp );


-		// Update I flag in externally-visible flags

-		cpu->r.flags = (flags |= i04);


-		// Update time

-		int delta = s.base - cpu->end_time;

-		if ( delta >= 0 )

-			goto loop;

-		s_time += delta;

-		s.base = cpu->end_time;

-		goto loop;

-	}



-	pc--;


-	// Optional action that triggers interrupt or changes irq/end time

-	#ifdef CPU_DONE

-	{

-		CPU_DONE( result_ );

-		if ( result_ >= 0 )

-			goto interrupt;

-		if ( s_time < 0 )

-			goto loop;

-	}

-	#endif



-	// Flush cached state

-	cpu->r.pc = pc;

-	cpu->r.sp = GET_SP();

-	cpu->r.a  = a;

-	cpu->r.x  = x;

-	cpu->r.y  = y;


-	int temp;

-	GET_FLAGS( temp );

-	cpu->r.flags = temp;


-	cpu->cpu_state_.base = s.base;

-	cpu->cpu_state_.time = s_time;

-	cpu->cpu_state = &cpu->cpu_state_;


+// NES 6502 cpu emulator run function
+#if 0
+/* Define these macros in the source file before #including this file.
+- Parameters might be expressions, so they are best evaluated only once,
+though they NEVER have side-effects, so multiple evaluation is OK.
+- Output parameters might be a multiple-assignment expression like "a=x",
+so they must NOT be parenthesized.
+- Except where noted, time() and related functions will NOT work
+correctly inside a macro. TIME() is always correct, and FLUSH_TIME() and
+CACHE_TIME() allow the time changing functions to work.
+- Macros "returning" void may use a {} statement block. */
+	// 0 <= addr <= 0xFFFF + page_size
+	// time functions can be used
+	int  READ_MEM(  addr_t );
+	void WRITE_MEM( addr_t, int data );
+	// 0 <= READ_MEM() <= 0xFF
+	// 0 <= addr <= 0x1FF
+	int  READ_LOW(  addr_t );
+	void WRITE_LOW( addr_t, int data );
+	// 0 <= READ_LOW() <= 0xFF
+	// Often-used instructions attempt these before using a normal memory access.
+	// Optional; defaults to READ_MEM() and WRITE_MEM()
+	bool CAN_READ_FAST( addr_t ); // if true, uses result of READ_FAST
+	void READ_FAST( addr_t, int& out ); // ALWAYS called BEFORE CAN_READ_FAST
+	bool CAN_WRITE_FAST( addr_t ); // if true, uses WRITE_FAST instead of WRITE_MEM
+	void WRITE_FAST( addr_t, int data );
+	// Used by instructions most often used to access the NES PPU (LDA abs and BIT abs).
+	// Optional; defaults to READ_MEM.
+	void READ_PPU(  addr_t, int& out );
+	// 0 <= out <= 0xFF
+// The following can be used within macros:
+	// Current time
+	time_t TIME();
+	// Allows use of time functions
+	void FLUSH_TIME();
+	// Must be used before end of macro if FLUSH_TIME() was used earlier
+	void CACHE_TIME();
+// Configuration (optional; commented behavior if defined)
+	// Emulates dummy reads for indexed instructions
+	// Optimizes as if map_code( 0, 0x10000 + cpu_padding, FLAT_MEM ) is always in effect
+	#define FLAT_MEM my_mem_array
+	// Expanded just before beginning of code, to help debugger
+	#define CPU_BEGIN void my_run_cpu() {
+/* Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
+can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
+module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
+details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
+// Allows MWCW debugger to step through code properly
+#ifdef CPU_BEGIN
+// Time
+#define TIME()          (s_time + s.base)
+#define FLUSH_TIME()    {s.time = s_time - time_offset;}
+#define CACHE_TIME()    {s_time = s.time + time_offset;}
+// Defaults
+	#define CAN_WRITE_FAST( addr )      0
+	#define WRITE_FAST( addr, data )
+#ifndef CAN_READ_FAST
+	#define CAN_READ_FAST( addr )       0
+	#define READ_FAST( addr, out )
+#ifndef READ_PPU
+	#define READ_PPU( addr, out )\
+	{\
+		out = READ_MEM( addr );\
+	}
+// Dummy reads
+	// TODO: optimize time handling
+	#define DUMMY_READ( addr, idx ) \
+		if ( (addr & 0xFF) < idx )\
+		{\
+			int const time_offset = 1;\
+			FLUSH_TIME();\
+			READ_MEM( (addr - 0x100) );\
+			CACHE_TIME();\
+		}
+	#define DUMMY_READ( addr, idx )
+// Code
+#ifdef FLAT_MEM
+	#define CODE_PAGE(   addr ) (FLAT_MEM)
+	#define CODE_OFFSET( addr ) (addr)
+	#define CODE_PAGE( addr )   (s.code_map [NES_CPU_PAGE( addr )])
+	#define CODE_OFFSET( addr ) NES_CPU_OFFSET( addr )
+#define READ_CODE( addr )   (CODE_PAGE( addr ) [CODE_OFFSET( addr )])
+// Stack
+#define SET_SP( v ) (sp = ((v) + 1) | 0x100)
+#define GET_SP()    ((sp - 1) & 0xFF)
+#define SP( o )     ((sp + (o - (o>0)*0x100)) | 0x100)
+// Truncation
+#define BYTE(  n ) ((uint8_t ) (n)) /* (unsigned) n & 0xFF */
+#define SBYTE( n ) ((int8_t  ) (n)) /* (BYTE( n ) ^ 0x80) - 0x80 */
+#define WORD(  n ) ((uint16_t) (n)) /* (unsigned) n & 0xFFFF */
+// Flags with hex value for clarity when used as mask.
+// Stored in indicated variable during emulation.
+int const n80 = 0x80; // nz
+int const v40 = 0x40; // flags
+int const r20 = 0x20;
+int const b10 = 0x10;
+int const d08 = 0x08; // flags
+int const i04 = 0x04; // flags
+int const z02 = 0x02; // nz
+int const c01 = 0x01; // c
+#define IS_NEG (nz & 0x8080)
+#define GET_FLAGS( out ) \
+	out = flags & (v40 | d08 | i04);\
+	out += ((nz >> 8) | nz) & n80;\
+	out += c >> 8 & c01;\
+	if ( !BYTE( nz ) )\
+		out += z02;\
+#define SET_FLAGS( in ) \
+	flags = in & (v40 | d08 | i04);\
+	c = nz = in << 8;\
+	nz += ~in & z02;\
+	int const time_offset = 0;
+	// Local state
+	struct cpu_state_t s;
+	#ifdef FLAT_MEM
+		s.base = cpu->cpu_state_.base;
+	#else
+		s = cpu->cpu_state_;
+	#endif
+	cpu->cpu_state = &s;
+	int s_time = cpu->cpu_state_.time; // helps even on x86
+	// Registers
+	int pc = cpu->r.pc;
+	int a  = cpu->r.a;
+	int x  = cpu->r.x;
+	int y  = cpu->r.y;
+	int sp;
+	SET_SP( cpu->r.sp );
+	// Flags
+	int flags;
+	int c;  // carry set if (c & 0x100) != 0
+	int nz; // Z set if (nz & 0xFF) == 0, N set if (nz & 0x8080) != 0
+	{
+		int temp = cpu->r.flags;
+		SET_FLAGS( temp );
+	}
+	// Check all values
+	check( (unsigned) sp - 0x100 < 0x100 );
+	check( (unsigned) pc < 0x10000 );
+	check( (unsigned) a < 0x100 );
+	check( (unsigned) x < 0x100 );
+	check( (unsigned) y < 0x100 );
+	// Read instruction
+	byte const* instr = CODE_PAGE( pc );
+	int opcode;
+	if ( CODE_OFFSET(~0) == ~0 )
+	{
+		opcode = instr [pc];
+		pc++;
+		instr += pc;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		instr += CODE_OFFSET( pc );
+		opcode = *instr++;
+		pc++;
+	}
+	// local to function in case it helps optimizer
+	static byte const clock_table [256] =
+	{// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
+		0,6,2,8,3,3,5,5,3,2,2,2,4,4,6,6,// 0
+		2,5,2,8,4,4,6,6,2,4,2,7,4,4,7,7,// 1
+		6,6,0,8,3,3,5,5,4,2,2,2,4,4,6,6,// 2
+		2,5,2,8,4,4,6,6,2,4,2,7,4,4,7,7,// 3
+		6,6,2,8,3,3,5,5,3,2,2,2,3,4,6,6,// 4
+		2,5,2,8,4,4,6,6,2,4,2,7,4,4,7,7,// 5
+		6,6,2,8,3,3,5,5,4,2,2,2,5,4,6,6,// 6
+		2,5,2,8,4,4,6,6,2,4,2,7,4,4,7,7,// 7
+		2,6,2,6,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,4,4,4,4,// 8
+		2,6,2,6,4,4,4,4,2,5,2,5,5,5,5,5,// 9
+		2,6,2,6,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,4,4,4,4,// A
+		2,5,2,5,4,4,4,4,2,4,2,4,4,4,4,4,// B
+		2,6,2,8,3,3,5,5,2,2,2,2,4,4,6,6,// C
+		2,5,2,8,4,4,6,6,2,4,2,7,4,4,7,7,// D
+		2,6,2,8,3,3,5,5,2,2,2,2,4,4,6,6,// E
+		2,5,2,8,4,4,6,6,2,4,2,7,4,4,7,7 // F
+	}; // 0x00 was 7 and 0x22 was 2
+	// Update time
+	if ( s_time >= 0 )
+		goto out_of_time;
+	{ CPU_INSTR_HOOK( (pc-1), (&instr [-1]), a, x, y, GET_SP(), TIME() ); }
+	#endif
+	s_time += clock_table [opcode];
+	int data;
+	data = *instr;
+	switch ( opcode )
+	{
+// Macros
+#define GET_MSB()       (instr [1])
+#define ADD_PAGE( out ) (pc++, out = data + 0x100 * GET_MSB())
+#define GET_ADDR()      GET_LE16( instr )
+#define PAGE_PENALTY( lsb ) s_time += (lsb) >> 8;
+#define INC_DEC( reg, n ) reg = BYTE( nz = reg + n ); goto loop;
+#define IND_Y( cross, out ) {\
+		int temp = READ_LOW( data ) + y;\
+		out = temp + 0x100 * READ_LOW( BYTE( data + 1 ) );\
+		cross( temp );\
+	}
+#define IND_X( out ) {\
+		int temp = data + x;\
+		out = 0x100 * READ_LOW( BYTE( temp + 1 ) ) + READ_LOW( BYTE( temp ) );\
+	}
+#define ARITH_ADDR_MODES( op )\
+case op - 0x04: /* (ind,x) */\
+	IND_X( data )\
+	goto ptr##op;\
+case op + 0x0C: /* (ind),y */\
+	IND_Y( PAGE_PENALTY, data )\
+	goto ptr##op;\
+case op + 0x10: /* zp,X */\
+	data = BYTE( data + x );\
+case op + 0x00: /* zp */\
+	data = READ_LOW( data );\
+	goto imm##op;\
+case op + 0x14: /* abs,Y */\
+	data += y;\
+	goto ind##op;\
+case op + 0x18: /* abs,X */\
+	data += x;\
+	PAGE_PENALTY( data );\
+case op + 0x08: /* abs */\
+	ADD_PAGE( data );\
+	data = READ_MEM( data );\
+case op + 0x04: /* imm */\
+// TODO: more efficient way to handle negative branch that wraps PC around
+#define BRANCH( cond )\
+	++pc;\
+	if ( !(cond) ) goto loop;\
+	s_time++;\
+	int offset = SBYTE( data );\
+	s_time += (BYTE(pc) + offset) >> 8 & 1;\
+	pc = WORD( pc + offset );\
+	goto loop;\
+// Often-Used
+	case 0xB5: // LDA zp,x
+		a = nz = READ_LOW( BYTE( data + x ) );
+		pc++;
+		goto loop;
+	case 0xA5: // LDA zp
+		a = nz = READ_LOW( data );
+		pc++;
+		goto loop;
+	case 0xD0: // BNE
+		BRANCH( BYTE( nz ) );
+	case 0x20: { // JSR
+		int temp = pc + 1;
+		pc = GET_ADDR();
+		WRITE_STACK( SP( -1 ), temp >> 8 );
+		sp = SP( -2 );
+		WRITE_STACK( sp, temp );
+		goto loop;
+	}
+	case 0x4C: // JMP abs
+		pc = GET_ADDR();
+		goto loop;
+	case 0xE8: // INX
+		INC_DEC( x, 1 )
+	case 0x10: // BPL
+		nz = a - data;
+		pc++;
+		c = ~nz;
+		nz &= 0xFF;
+		goto loop;
+	case 0x30: // BMI
+	case 0xF0: // BEQ
+		BRANCH( !BYTE( nz ) );
+	case 0x95: // STA zp,x
+		data = BYTE( data + x );
+	case 0x85: // STA zp
+		pc++;
+		WRITE_LOW( data, a );
+		goto loop;
+	case 0xC8: // INY
+		INC_DEC( y, 1 )
+	case 0xA8: // TAY
+		y  = a;
+		nz = a;
+		goto loop;
+	case 0x98: // TYA
+		a  = y;
+		nz = y;
+		goto loop;
+	case 0xAD:{// LDA abs
+		int addr = GET_ADDR();
+		pc += 2;
+		READ_PPU( addr, a = nz );
+		goto loop;
+	}
+	case 0x60: // RTS
+		pc = 1 + READ_STACK( sp );
+		pc += 0x100 * READ_STACK( SP( 1 ) );
+		sp = SP( 2 );
+		goto loop;
+	{
+		int addr;
+	case 0x8D: // STA abs
+		addr = GET_ADDR();
+		pc += 2;
+		if ( CAN_WRITE_FAST( addr ) )
+		{
+			WRITE_FAST( addr, a );
+			goto loop;
+		}
+	sta_ptr:
+		WRITE_MEM( addr, a );
+		goto loop;
+	case 0x99: // STA abs,Y
+		addr = y + GET_ADDR();
+		pc += 2;
+		if ( CAN_WRITE_FAST( addr ) )
+		{
+			WRITE_FAST( addr, a );
+			goto loop;
+		}
+		goto sta_abs_x;
+	case 0x9D: // STA abs,X (slightly more common than STA abs)
+		addr = x + GET_ADDR();
+		pc += 2;
+		if ( CAN_WRITE_FAST( addr ) )
+		{
+			WRITE_FAST( addr, a );
+			goto loop;
+		}
+		DUMMY_READ( addr, x );
+	sta_abs_x:
+		WRITE_MEM( addr, a );
+		goto loop;
+	case 0x91: // STA (ind),Y
+		#define NO_PAGE_PENALTY( lsb )
+		pc++;
+		DUMMY_READ( addr, y );
+		goto sta_ptr;
+	case 0x81: // STA (ind,X)
+		IND_X( addr )
+		pc++;
+		goto sta_ptr;
+	}
+	case 0xA9: // LDA #imm
+		pc++;
+		a  = data;
+		nz = data;
+		goto loop;
+	// common read instructions
+	{
+		int addr;
+	case 0xA1: // LDA (ind,X)
+		IND_X( addr )
+		pc++;
+		goto a_nz_read_addr;
+	case 0xB1:// LDA (ind),Y
+		addr = READ_LOW( data ) + y;
+		PAGE_PENALTY( addr );
+		addr += 0x100 * READ_LOW( BYTE( data + 1 ) );
+		pc++;
+		READ_FAST( addr, a = nz );
+		if ( CAN_READ_FAST( addr ) )
+			goto loop;
+		DUMMY_READ( addr, y );
+		goto a_nz_read_addr;
+	case 0xB9: // LDA abs,Y
+		PAGE_PENALTY( data + y );
+		addr = GET_ADDR() + y;
+		pc += 2;
+		READ_FAST( addr, a = nz );
+		if ( CAN_READ_FAST( addr ) )
+			goto loop;
+		goto a_nz_read_addr;
+	case 0xBD: // LDA abs,X
+		PAGE_PENALTY( data + x );
+		addr = GET_ADDR() + x;
+		pc += 2;
+		READ_FAST( addr, a = nz );
+		if ( CAN_READ_FAST( addr ) )
+			goto loop;
+		DUMMY_READ( addr, x );
+	a_nz_read_addr:
+		a = nz = READ_MEM( addr );
+		goto loop;
+	}
+// Branch
+	case 0x50: // BVC
+		BRANCH( !(flags & v40) )
+	case 0x70: // BVS
+		BRANCH( flags & v40 )
+	case 0xB0: // BCS
+		BRANCH( c & 0x100 )
+	case 0x90: // BCC
+		BRANCH( !(c & 0x100) )
+// Load/store
+	case 0x94: // STY zp,x
+		data = BYTE( data + x );
+	case 0x84: // STY zp
+		pc++;
+		WRITE_LOW( data, y );
+		goto loop;
+	case 0x96: // STX zp,y
+		data = BYTE( data + y );
+	case 0x86: // STX zp
+		pc++;
+		WRITE_LOW( data, x );
+		goto loop;
+	case 0xB6: // LDX zp,y
+		data = BYTE( data + y );
+	case 0xA6: // LDX zp
+		data = READ_LOW( data );
+	case 0xA2: // LDX #imm
+		pc++;
+		x = data;
+		nz = data;
+		goto loop;
+	case 0xB4: // LDY zp,x
+		data = BYTE( data + x );
+	case 0xA4: // LDY zp
+		data = READ_LOW( data );
+	case 0xA0: // LDY #imm
+		pc++;
+		y = data;
+		nz = data;
+		goto loop;
+	case 0xBC: // LDY abs,X
+		data += x;
+		PAGE_PENALTY( data );
+	case 0xAC:{// LDY abs
+		int addr = data + 0x100 * GET_MSB();
+		pc += 2;
+		y = nz = READ_MEM( addr );
+		goto loop;
+	}
+	case 0xBE: // LDX abs,y
+		data += y;
+		PAGE_PENALTY( data );
+	case 0xAE:{// LDX abs
+		int addr = data + 0x100 * GET_MSB();
+		pc += 2;
+		x = nz = READ_MEM( addr );
+		goto loop;
+	}
+	{
+		int temp;
+	case 0x8C: // STY abs
+		temp = y;
+		goto store_abs;
+	case 0x8E: // STX abs
+		temp = x;
+	store_abs:
+		{
+			int addr = GET_ADDR();
+			pc += 2;
+			if ( CAN_WRITE_FAST( addr ) )
+			{
+				WRITE_FAST( addr, temp );
+				goto loop;
+			}
+			WRITE_MEM( addr, temp );
+			goto loop;
+		}
+	}
+// Compare
+	case 0xEC: {// CPX abs
+		int addr = GET_ADDR();
+		pc++;
+		data = READ_MEM( addr );
+		goto cpx_data;
+	}
+	case 0xE4: // CPX zp
+		data = READ_LOW( data );
+	case 0xE0: // CPX #imm
+	cpx_data:
+		nz = x - data;
+		pc++;
+		c = ~nz;
+		nz &= 0xFF;
+		goto loop;
+	case 0xCC:{// CPY abs
+		int addr = GET_ADDR();
+		pc++;
+		data = READ_MEM( addr );
+		goto cpy_data;
+	}
+	case 0xC4: // CPY zp
+		data = READ_LOW( data );
+	case 0xC0: // CPY #imm
+	cpy_data:
+		nz = y - data;
+		pc++;
+		c = ~nz;
+		nz &= 0xFF;
+		goto loop;
+// Logical
+		nz = (a &= data);
+		pc++;
+		goto loop;
+		nz = (a ^= data);
+		pc++;
+		goto loop;
+		nz = (a |= data);
+		pc++;
+		goto loop;
+	case 0x2C:{// BIT abs
+		int addr = GET_ADDR();
+		pc += 2;
+		READ_PPU( addr, nz );
+		flags = (flags & ~v40) + (nz & v40);
+		if ( a & nz )
+			goto loop;
+		nz <<= 8; // result must be zero, even if N bit is set
+		goto loop;
+	}
+	case 0x24: // BIT zp
+		nz = READ_LOW( data );
+		pc++;
+		flags = (flags & ~v40) + (nz & v40);
+		if ( a & nz )
+			goto loop; // Z should be clear, and nz must be non-zero if nz & a is
+		nz <<= 8; // set Z flag without affecting N flag
+		goto loop;
+// Add/subtract
+	case 0xEB: // unofficial equivalent
+		data ^= 0xFF;
+		goto adc_imm;
+	adc_imm: {
+		int carry = c >> 8 & 1;
+		int ov = (a ^ 0x80) + carry + SBYTE( data );
+		flags = (flags & ~v40) + (ov >> 2 & v40);
+		c = nz = a + data + carry;
+		pc++;
+		a = BYTE( nz );
+		goto loop;
+	}
+// Shift/rotate
+	case 0x4A: // LSR A
+		c = 0;
+	case 0x6A: // ROR A
+		nz = c >> 1 & 0x80;
+		c = a << 8;
+		nz += a >> 1;
+		a = nz;
+		goto loop;
+	case 0x0A: // ASL A
+		nz = a << 1;
+		c = nz;
+		a = BYTE( nz );
+		goto loop;
+	case 0x2A: { // ROL A
+		nz = a << 1;
+		int temp = c >> 8 & 1;
+		c = nz;
+		nz += temp;
+		a = BYTE( nz );
+		goto loop;
+	}
+	case 0x5E: // LSR abs,X
+		data += x;
+	case 0x4E: // LSR abs
+		c = 0;
+	case 0x6E: // ROR abs
+	ror_abs: {
+		ADD_PAGE( data );
+		int temp = READ_MEM( data );
+		nz = (c >> 1 & 0x80) + (temp >> 1);
+		c = temp << 8;
+		goto rotate_common;
+	}
+	case 0x3E: // ROL abs,X
+		data += x;
+		goto rol_abs;
+	case 0x1E: // ASL abs,X
+		data += x;
+	case 0x0E: // ASL abs
+		c = 0;
+	case 0x2E: // ROL abs
+	rol_abs:
+		ADD_PAGE( data );
+		nz = c >> 8 & 1;
+		nz += (c = READ_MEM( data ) << 1);
+	rotate_common:
+		pc++;
+		WRITE_MEM( data, BYTE( nz ) );
+		goto loop;
+	case 0x7E: // ROR abs,X
+		data += x;
+		goto ror_abs;
+	case 0x76: // ROR zp,x
+		data = BYTE( data + x );
+		goto ror_zp;
+	case 0x56: // LSR zp,x
+		data = BYTE( data + x );
+	case 0x46: // LSR zp
+		c = 0;
+	case 0x66: // ROR zp
+	ror_zp: {
+		int temp = READ_LOW( data );
+		nz = (c >> 1 & 0x80) + (temp >> 1);
+		c = temp << 8;
+		goto write_nz_zp;
+	}
+	case 0x36: // ROL zp,x
+		data = BYTE( data + x );
+		goto rol_zp;
+	case 0x16: // ASL zp,x
+		data = BYTE( data + x );
+	case 0x06: // ASL zp
+		c = 0;
+	case 0x26: // ROL zp
+	rol_zp:
+		nz = c >> 8 & 1;
+		nz += (c = READ_LOW( data ) << 1);
+		goto write_nz_zp;
+// Increment/decrement
+	case 0xCA: // DEX
+		INC_DEC( x, -1 )
+	case 0x88: // DEY
+		INC_DEC( y, -1 )
+	case 0xF6: // INC zp,x
+		data = BYTE( data + x );
+	case 0xE6: // INC zp
+		nz = 1;
+		goto add_nz_zp;
+	case 0xD6: // DEC zp,x
+		data = BYTE( data + x );
+	case 0xC6: // DEC zp
+		nz = -1;
+	add_nz_zp:
+		nz += READ_LOW( data );
+	write_nz_zp:
+		pc++;
+		WRITE_LOW( data, nz );
+		goto loop;
+	case 0xFE: // INC abs,x
+		data = x + GET_ADDR();
+		goto inc_ptr;
+	case 0xEE: // INC abs
+		data = GET_ADDR();
+	inc_ptr:
+		nz = 1;
+		goto inc_common;
+	case 0xDE: // DEC abs,x
+		data = x + GET_ADDR();
+		goto dec_ptr;
+	case 0xCE: // DEC abs
+		data = GET_ADDR();
+	dec_ptr:
+		nz = -1;
+	inc_common:
+		pc += 2;
+		nz += READ_MEM( data );
+		WRITE_MEM( data, BYTE( nz ) );
+		goto loop;
+// Transfer
+	case 0xAA: // TAX
+		x = nz = a;
+		goto loop;
+	case 0x8A: // TXA
+		a = nz = x;
+		goto loop;
+	case 0x9A: // TXS
+		SET_SP( x ); // verified (no flag change)
+		goto loop;
+	case 0xBA: // TSX
+		x = nz = GET_SP();
+		goto loop;
+// Stack
+	case 0x48: // PHA
+		sp = SP( -1 );
+		WRITE_STACK( sp, a );
+		goto loop;
+	case 0x68: // PLA
+		a = nz = READ_STACK( sp );
+		sp = SP( 1 );
+		goto loop;
+	case 0x40:{// RTI
+		pc  = READ_STACK( SP( 1 ) );
+		pc += READ_STACK( SP( 2 ) ) * 0x100;
+		int temp = READ_STACK( sp );
+		sp = SP( 3 );
+		data = flags;
+		SET_FLAGS( temp );
+		cpu->r.flags = flags; // update externally-visible I flag
+		int delta = s.base - cpu->irq_time;
+		if ( delta <= 0 ) goto loop; // end_time < irq_time
+		if ( flags & i04 ) goto loop;
+		s_time += delta;
+		s.base = cpu->irq_time;
+		goto loop;
+	}
+	case 0x28:{// PLP
+		int temp = READ_STACK( sp );
+		sp = SP( 1 );
+		int changed = flags ^ temp;
+		SET_FLAGS( temp );
+		if ( !(changed & i04) )
+			goto loop; // I flag didn't change
+		if ( flags & i04 )
+			goto handle_sei;
+		goto handle_cli;
+	}
+	case 0x08:{// PHP
+		int temp;
+		GET_FLAGS( temp );
+		sp = SP( -1 );
+		WRITE_STACK( sp, temp | (b10 | r20) );
+		goto loop;
+	}
+	case 0x6C:{// JMP (ind)
+		data = GET_ADDR();
+		byte const* page = CODE_PAGE( data );
+		pc = page [CODE_OFFSET( data )];
+		data = (data & 0xFF00) + ((data + 1) & 0xFF);
+		pc += page [CODE_OFFSET( data )] * 0x100;
+		goto loop;
+	}
+	case 0x00: // BRK
+		goto handle_brk;
+// Flags
+	case 0x38: // SEC
+		c = 0x100;
+		goto loop;
+	case 0x18: // CLC
+		c = 0;
+		goto loop;
+	case 0xB8: // CLV
+		flags &= ~v40;
+		goto loop;
+	case 0xD8: // CLD
+		flags &= ~d08;
+		goto loop;
+	case 0xF8: // SED
+		flags |= d08;
+		goto loop;
+	case 0x58: // CLI
+		if ( !(flags & i04) )
+			goto loop;
+		flags &= ~i04;
+	handle_cli: {
+		//dprintf( "CLI at %d\n", TIME );
+		cpu->r.flags = flags; // update externally-visible I flag
+		int delta = s.base - cpu->irq_time;
+		if ( delta <= 0 )
+		{
+			if ( TIME() < cpu->irq_time )
+				goto loop;
+			goto delayed_cli;
+		}
+		s.base = cpu->irq_time;
+		s_time += delta;
+		if ( s_time < 0 )
+			goto loop;
+		if ( delta >= s_time + 1 )
+		{
+			// delayed irq until after next instruction
+			s.base += s_time + 1;
+			s_time = -1;
+			goto loop;
+		}
+		// TODO: implement
+	delayed_cli:
+		dprintf( "Delayed CLI not emulated\n" );
+		goto loop;
+	}
+	case 0x78: // SEI
+		if ( flags & i04 )
+			goto loop;
+		flags |= i04;
+	handle_sei: {
+		cpu->r.flags = flags; // update externally-visible I flag
+		int delta = s.base - cpu->end_time;
+		s.base = cpu->end_time;
+		s_time += delta;
+		if ( s_time < 0 )
+			goto loop;
+		dprintf( "Delayed SEI not emulated\n" );
+		goto loop;
+	}
+// Unofficial
+	// SKW - skip word
+	case 0x1C: case 0x3C: case 0x5C: case 0x7C: case 0xDC: case 0xFC:
+		PAGE_PENALTY( data + x );
+	case 0x0C:
+		pc++;
+	// SKB - skip byte
+	case 0x74: case 0x04: case 0x14: case 0x34: case 0x44: case 0x54: case 0x64:
+	case 0x80: case 0x82: case 0x89: case 0xC2: case 0xD4: case 0xE2: case 0xF4:
+		pc++;
+		goto loop;
+	// NOP
+	case 0xEA: case 0x1A: case 0x3A: case 0x5A: case 0x7A: case 0xDA: case 0xFA:
+		goto loop;
+	case halt_opcode: // HLT - halt processor
+		if ( pc-- > 0x10000 )
+		{
+			// handle wrap-around (assumes caller has put page of HLT at 0x10000)
+			pc = WORD( pc );
+			goto loop;
+		}
+	case 0x02: case 0x12:            case 0x32: case 0x42: case 0x52:
+	case 0x62: case 0x72: case 0x92: case 0xB2: case 0xD2: case 0xF2:
+		goto stop;
+// Unimplemented
+	case 0xFF:  // force 256-entry jump table for optimization purposes
+		c |= 1; // compiler doesn't know that this won't affect anything
+	default:
+		check( (unsigned) opcode < 0x100 );
+		#ifdef UNIMPL_INSTR
+		#endif
+		// At least skip over proper number of bytes instruction uses
+		static unsigned char const illop_lens [8] = {
+			0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x80, 0x40, 0x40, 0x80, 0xA0
+		};
+		int opcode = instr [-1];
+		int len = illop_lens [opcode >> 2 & 7] >> (opcode << 1 & 6) & 3;
+		if ( opcode == 0x9C )
+			len = 2;
+		pc += len;
+		// Account for extra clock
+		if ( (opcode >> 4) == 0x0B )
+		{
+			if ( opcode == 0xB3 )
+				data = READ_LOW( data );
+			if ( opcode != 0xB7 )
+				PAGE_PENALTY( data + y );
+		}
+		goto loop;
+	}
+	assert( false ); // catch missing 'goto loop' or accidental 'break'
+	int result_;
+	pc++;
+	result_ = b10 | 4;
+#ifdef CPU_DONE
+	{
+		s_time += 7;
+		// Save PC and read vector
+		WRITE_STACK( SP( -1 ), pc >> 8 );
+		WRITE_STACK( SP( -2 ), pc );
+		pc = GET_LE16( &READ_CODE( 0xFFFA ) + (result_ & 4) );
+		// Save flags
+		int temp;
+		GET_FLAGS( temp );
+		temp |= r20 + (result_ & b10); // B flag set for BRK
+		sp = SP( -3 );
+		WRITE_STACK( sp, temp );
+		// Update I flag in externally-visible flags
+		cpu->r.flags = (flags |= i04);
+		// Update time
+		int delta = s.base - cpu->end_time;
+		if ( delta >= 0 )
+			goto loop;
+		s_time += delta;
+		s.base = cpu->end_time;
+		goto loop;
+	}
+	pc--;
+	// Optional action that triggers interrupt or changes irq/end time
+	#ifdef CPU_DONE
+	{
+		CPU_DONE( result_ );
+		if ( result_ >= 0 )
+			goto interrupt;
+		if ( s_time < 0 )
+			goto loop;
+	}
+	#endif
+	// Flush cached state
+	cpu->r.pc = pc;
+	cpu->r.sp = GET_SP();
+	cpu->r.a  = a;
+	cpu->r.x  = x;
+	cpu->r.y  = y;
+	int temp;
+	GET_FLAGS( temp );
+	cpu->r.flags = temp;
+	cpu->cpu_state_.base = s.base;
+	cpu->cpu_state_.time = s_time;
+	cpu->cpu_state = &cpu->cpu_state_;
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/nes_vrc7_apu.c b/apps/codecs/libgme/nes_vrc7_apu.c
index 95bc676..8d3c2e8 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/nes_vrc7_apu.c
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/nes_vrc7_apu.c
@@ -1,88 +1,88 @@

-#include "nes_vrc7_apu.h"

-#include "blargg_source.h"


-int const period = 36; // NES CPU clocks per FM clock


-void Vrc7_init( struct Nes_Vrc7_Apu* this )


-	Synth_init( &this->synth );


-	OPLL_new ( &this->opll, 3579545, 3579545 / 72 );

-    OPLL_reset_patch( &this->opll, OPLL_VRC7_TONE );


-	this->osc.output = 0;

-	this->osc.last_amp = 0;

-	this->mask = 0;


-	Vrc7_volume( this, (int)FP_ONE_VOLUME );

-	Vrc7_reset( this );



-void Vrc7_reset( struct Nes_Vrc7_Apu* this )


-	this->addr      = 0;

-	this->next_time = 0;

-	this->osc.last_amp = 0;


-	OPLL_reset (&this->opll);	

-	OPLL_setMask(&this->opll, this->mask);



-void Vrc7_set_rate( struct Nes_Vrc7_Apu* this, int r )


-	OPLL_set_quality( &this->opll, r < 44100 ? 0 : 1 );



-void Vrc7_write_reg( struct Nes_Vrc7_Apu* this, int data )


-	this->addr = data;



-void Vrc7_run_until( struct Nes_Vrc7_Apu* this, blip_time_t end_time );

-void Vrc7_write_data( struct Nes_Vrc7_Apu* this, blip_time_t time, int data )


-	if ( time > this->next_time )

-		Vrc7_run_until( this, time );


-	OPLL_writeIO( &this->opll, 0, this->addr );

-	OPLL_writeIO( &this->opll, 1, data );



-void Vrc7_end_frame( struct Nes_Vrc7_Apu* this, blip_time_t time )


-	if ( time > this->next_time )

-		Vrc7_run_until( this, time );


-	this->next_time -= time;

-	assert( this->next_time >= 0 );


-	if ( this->osc.output )

-		Blip_set_modified( this->osc.output );



-void Vrc7_run_until( struct Nes_Vrc7_Apu* this, blip_time_t end_time )


-	require( end_time > this->next_time );


-	blip_time_t time = this->next_time;

-	OPLL* opll = &this->opll; // cache

-	struct Blip_Buffer* const output = this-> osc.output;

-	if ( output )

-	{

-		do

-		{

-			int amp = OPLL_calc( opll ) << 1;

-			int delta = amp - this->osc.last_amp;

-			if ( delta )

-			{

-				this->osc.last_amp = amp;

-				Synth_offset_inline( &this->synth, time, delta, output );

-			}

-			time += period;

-		}

-		while ( time < end_time );

-	}


-	this->next_time = time;


+#include "nes_vrc7_apu.h"
+#include "blargg_source.h"
+int const period = 36; // NES CPU clocks per FM clock
+void Vrc7_init( struct Nes_Vrc7_Apu* this )
+	Synth_init( &this->synth );
+	OPLL_new ( &this->opll, 3579545, 3579545 / 72 );
+    OPLL_reset_patch( &this->opll, OPLL_VRC7_TONE );
+	this->osc.output = 0;
+	this->osc.last_amp = 0;
+	this->mask = 0;
+	Vrc7_volume( this, (int)FP_ONE_VOLUME );
+	Vrc7_reset( this );
+void Vrc7_reset( struct Nes_Vrc7_Apu* this )
+	this->addr      = 0;
+	this->next_time = 0;
+	this->osc.last_amp = 0;
+	OPLL_reset (&this->opll);	
+	OPLL_setMask(&this->opll, this->mask);
+void Vrc7_set_rate( struct Nes_Vrc7_Apu* this, int r )
+	OPLL_set_quality( &this->opll, r < 44100 ? 0 : 1 );
+void Vrc7_write_reg( struct Nes_Vrc7_Apu* this, int data )
+	this->addr = data;
+void Vrc7_run_until( struct Nes_Vrc7_Apu* this, blip_time_t end_time );
+void Vrc7_write_data( struct Nes_Vrc7_Apu* this, blip_time_t time, int data )
+	if ( time > this->next_time )
+		Vrc7_run_until( this, time );
+	OPLL_writeIO( &this->opll, 0, this->addr );
+	OPLL_writeIO( &this->opll, 1, data );
+void Vrc7_end_frame( struct Nes_Vrc7_Apu* this, blip_time_t time )
+	if ( time > this->next_time )
+		Vrc7_run_until( this, time );
+	this->next_time -= time;
+	assert( this->next_time >= 0 );
+	if ( this->osc.output )
+		Blip_set_modified( this->osc.output );
+void Vrc7_run_until( struct Nes_Vrc7_Apu* this, blip_time_t end_time )
+	require( end_time > this->next_time );
+	blip_time_t time = this->next_time;
+	OPLL* opll = &this->opll; // cache
+	struct Blip_Buffer* const output = this-> osc.output;
+	if ( output )
+	{
+		do
+		{
+			int amp = OPLL_calc( opll ) << 1;
+			int delta = amp - this->osc.last_amp;
+			if ( delta )
+			{
+				this->osc.last_amp = amp;
+				Synth_offset_inline( &this->synth, time, delta, output );
+			}
+			time += period;
+		}
+		while ( time < end_time );
+	}
+	this->next_time = time;
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/opl_apu.c b/apps/codecs/libgme/opl_apu.c
index 64b2714..b573bae 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/opl_apu.c
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/opl_apu.c
@@ -1,198 +1,198 @@
-#include "opl_apu.h"


-#include "blargg_source.h"


-/* NOTE: Removed unused chips ~ gama */


-blargg_err_t Opl_init( struct Opl_Apu* this, long clock, long rate, blip_time_t period, enum opl_type_t type )


-	Synth_init( &this->synth );


-	this->type_ = type;

-	this->clock_ = clock;

-	this->rate_ = rate;

-	this->period_ = period;

-	Opl_set_output( this, 0 );

-	Opl_volume( this, (int)FP_ONE_VOLUME );


-	switch (type)

-	{

-	case type_opll:

-	case type_msxmusic:

-	case type_smsfmunit:

-		OPLL_new ( &this->opll, clock, rate );

-    	OPLL_reset_patch( &this->opll, OPLL_2413_TONE );

-		break;

-	case type_vrc7:

-		OPLL_new ( &this->opll, clock, rate );

-		OPLL_reset_patch( &this->opll, OPLL_VRC7_TONE );

-		break;

-	case type_msxaudio:

-		OPL_init( &this->opl, this->opl_memory, sizeof this->opl_memory );

-		OPL_setSampleRate( &this->opl, rate, clock );

-		OPL_setInternalVolume(&this->opl, 1 << 13);

-		break;

-	}


-	Opl_reset( this );

-	return 0;



-void Opl_shutdown( struct Opl_Apu* this )


-	switch (this->type_)

-	{

-	case type_opll:

-	case type_msxmusic:

-	case type_smsfmunit:

-	case type_vrc7:

-		OPLL_delete( &this->opll );

-		break;

-	case type_msxaudio: break;

-	}



-void Opl_reset( struct Opl_Apu* this )


-	this->addr = 0;

-	this->next_time = 0;

-	this->last_amp = 0;


-	switch (this->type_)

-	{

-	case type_opll:

-	case type_msxmusic:

-	case type_smsfmunit:

-	case type_vrc7:

-		OPLL_reset( &this->opll );

-		OPLL_setMask( &this->opll, 0 );

-		break;

-	case type_msxaudio:

-		OPL_reset( &this->opl );

-		break;

-	}



-static void run_until( struct Opl_Apu* this, blip_time_t end_time );

-void Opl_write_data( struct Opl_Apu* this, blip_time_t time, int data )


-	run_until( this, time );

-	switch (this->type_)

-	{

-	case type_opll:

-	case type_msxmusic:

-	case type_smsfmunit:

-	case type_vrc7:

-		OPLL_writeIO( &this->opll, 0, this->addr );

-		OPLL_writeIO( &this->opll, 1, data );

-		break;

-	case type_msxaudio:

-		OPL_writeReg( &this->opl, this->addr, data );

-		break;

-	}



-int Opl_read( struct Opl_Apu* this, blip_time_t time, int port )


-	run_until( this, time );

-	switch (this->type_)

-	{

-	case type_opll:

-	case type_msxmusic:

-	case type_smsfmunit:

-	case type_vrc7:

-		return OPLL_read( &this->opll, port );

-	case type_msxaudio:

-		return OPL_readStatus( &this->opl );

-	}


-	return 0;



-void Opl_end_frame( struct Opl_Apu* this, blip_time_t time )


-	run_until( this, time );

-	this->next_time -= time;


-	if ( this->output_ )

-		Blip_set_modified( this->output_ );



-static void run_until( struct Opl_Apu* this, blip_time_t end_time )


-	if ( end_time > this->next_time )

-	{

-		blip_time_t time_delta = end_time - this->next_time;

-		blip_time_t time = this->next_time;

-		unsigned count = time_delta / this->period_ + 1;

-		switch (this->type_)

-		{

-		case type_opll:

-		case type_msxmusic:

-		case type_smsfmunit:

-		case type_vrc7:

-			{

-				OPLL* opll = &this->opll; // cache

-				struct Blip_Buffer* const output = this->output_;

-				while ( count > 0 )

-				{

-					unsigned todo = count;

-					if ( todo > 1024 ) todo = 1024;

-					short *buffer = OPLL_update_buffer(opll, todo);


-					if ( output && buffer )

-					{

-						int last_amp = this->last_amp;

-						unsigned i;

-						for ( i = 0; i < todo; i++ )

-						{

-							int amp = buffer [i];

-							int delta = amp - last_amp;

-							if ( delta )

-							{

-								last_amp = amp;

-								Synth_offset_inline( &this->synth, time, delta, output );

-							}

-							time += this->period_;

-						}

-						this->last_amp = last_amp;

-					}

-					count -= todo;

-				}

-			}

-			break;

-		case type_msxaudio:

-			{

-				struct Y8950* opl = &this->opl;

-				struct Blip_Buffer* const output = this->output_;

-				while ( count > 0 )

-				{

-					unsigned todo = count;

-					if ( todo > 1024 ) todo = 1024;

-					int *buffer = OPL_updateBuffer(opl, todo);


-					if ( output && buffer )

-					{

-						int last_amp = this->last_amp;

-						unsigned i;

-						for ( i = 0; i < todo; i++ )

-						{

-							int amp = buffer [i];

-							int delta = amp - last_amp;

-							if ( delta )

-							{

-								last_amp = amp;

-								Synth_offset_inline( &this->synth, time, delta, output );

-							}

-							time += this->period_;

-						}

-						this->last_amp = last_amp;

-					}

-					count -= todo;

-				}

-			}

-			break;

-		}

-		this->next_time = time;

-	}


+#include "opl_apu.h"
+#include "blargg_source.h"
+/* NOTE: Removed unused chips ~ gama */
+blargg_err_t Opl_init( struct Opl_Apu* this, long clock, long rate, blip_time_t period, enum opl_type_t type )
+	Synth_init( &this->synth );
+	this->type_ = type;
+	this->clock_ = clock;
+	this->rate_ = rate;
+	this->period_ = period;
+	Opl_set_output( this, 0 );
+	Opl_volume( this, (int)FP_ONE_VOLUME );
+	switch (type)
+	{
+	case type_opll:
+	case type_msxmusic:
+	case type_smsfmunit:
+		OPLL_new ( &this->opll, clock, rate );
+    	OPLL_reset_patch( &this->opll, OPLL_2413_TONE );
+		break;
+	case type_vrc7:
+		OPLL_new ( &this->opll, clock, rate );
+		OPLL_reset_patch( &this->opll, OPLL_VRC7_TONE );
+		break;
+	case type_msxaudio:
+		OPL_init( &this->opl, this->opl_memory, sizeof this->opl_memory );
+		OPL_setSampleRate( &this->opl, rate, clock );
+		OPL_setInternalVolume(&this->opl, 1 << 13);
+		break;
+	}
+	Opl_reset( this );
+	return 0;
+void Opl_shutdown( struct Opl_Apu* this )
+	switch (this->type_)
+	{
+	case type_opll:
+	case type_msxmusic:
+	case type_smsfmunit:
+	case type_vrc7:
+		OPLL_delete( &this->opll );
+		break;
+	case type_msxaudio: break;
+	}
+void Opl_reset( struct Opl_Apu* this )
+	this->addr = 0;
+	this->next_time = 0;
+	this->last_amp = 0;
+	switch (this->type_)
+	{
+	case type_opll:
+	case type_msxmusic:
+	case type_smsfmunit:
+	case type_vrc7:
+		OPLL_reset( &this->opll );
+		OPLL_setMask( &this->opll, 0 );
+		break;
+	case type_msxaudio:
+		OPL_reset( &this->opl );
+		break;
+	}
+static void run_until( struct Opl_Apu* this, blip_time_t end_time );
+void Opl_write_data( struct Opl_Apu* this, blip_time_t time, int data )
+	run_until( this, time );
+	switch (this->type_)
+	{
+	case type_opll:
+	case type_msxmusic:
+	case type_smsfmunit:
+	case type_vrc7:
+		OPLL_writeIO( &this->opll, 0, this->addr );
+		OPLL_writeIO( &this->opll, 1, data );
+		break;
+	case type_msxaudio:
+		OPL_writeReg( &this->opl, this->addr, data );
+		break;
+	}
+int Opl_read( struct Opl_Apu* this, blip_time_t time, int port )
+	run_until( this, time );
+	switch (this->type_)
+	{
+	case type_opll:
+	case type_msxmusic:
+	case type_smsfmunit:
+	case type_vrc7:
+		return OPLL_read( &this->opll, port );
+	case type_msxaudio:
+		return OPL_readStatus( &this->opl );
+	}
+	return 0;
+void Opl_end_frame( struct Opl_Apu* this, blip_time_t time )
+	run_until( this, time );
+	this->next_time -= time;
+	if ( this->output_ )
+		Blip_set_modified( this->output_ );
+static void run_until( struct Opl_Apu* this, blip_time_t end_time )
+	if ( end_time > this->next_time )
+	{
+		blip_time_t time_delta = end_time - this->next_time;
+		blip_time_t time = this->next_time;
+		unsigned count = time_delta / this->period_ + 1;
+		switch (this->type_)
+		{
+		case type_opll:
+		case type_msxmusic:
+		case type_smsfmunit:
+		case type_vrc7:
+			{
+				OPLL* opll = &this->opll; // cache
+				struct Blip_Buffer* const output = this->output_;
+				while ( count > 0 )
+				{
+					unsigned todo = count;
+					if ( todo > 1024 ) todo = 1024;
+					short *buffer = OPLL_update_buffer(opll, todo);
+					if ( output && buffer )
+					{
+						int last_amp = this->last_amp;
+						unsigned i;
+						for ( i = 0; i < todo; i++ )
+						{
+							int amp = buffer [i];
+							int delta = amp - last_amp;
+							if ( delta )
+							{
+								last_amp = amp;
+								Synth_offset_inline( &this->synth, time, delta, output );
+							}
+							time += this->period_;
+						}
+						this->last_amp = last_amp;
+					}
+					count -= todo;
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+		case type_msxaudio:
+			{
+				struct Y8950* opl = &this->opl;
+				struct Blip_Buffer* const output = this->output_;
+				while ( count > 0 )
+				{
+					unsigned todo = count;
+					if ( todo > 1024 ) todo = 1024;
+					int *buffer = OPL_updateBuffer(opl, todo);
+					if ( output && buffer )
+					{
+						int last_amp = this->last_amp;
+						unsigned i;
+						for ( i = 0; i < todo; i++ )
+						{
+							int amp = buffer [i];
+							int delta = amp - last_amp;
+							if ( delta )
+							{
+								last_amp = amp;
+								Synth_offset_inline( &this->synth, time, delta, output );
+							}
+							time += this->period_;
+						}
+						this->last_amp = last_amp;
+					}
+					count -= todo;
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		this->next_time = time;
+	}
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/opl_apu.h b/apps/codecs/libgme/opl_apu.h
index f24a8d6..76fa766 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/opl_apu.h
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/opl_apu.h
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-#ifndef OPL_APU_H

-#define OPL_APU_H


-#include "blargg_common.h"

-#include "blargg_source.h"

-#include "blip_buffer.h"


-#include "emu8950.h"

-#include "emu2413.h"


-enum opl_type_t { type_opll = 0x10, type_msxmusic = 0x11, type_smsfmunit = 0x12,

-			type_vrc7 = 0x13, type_msxaudio = 0x21 };


-enum { opl_osc_count = 1 };


-struct Opl_Apu {

-	struct Blip_Buffer* output_;

-	enum opl_type_t type_;


-	blip_time_t next_time;

-	int last_amp;

-	int addr;


-	long clock_;

-	long rate_;

-	blip_time_t period_;


-	struct Blip_Synth synth;


-	// OPL chips

-	struct Y8950 opl;

-	OPLL opll;


-	unsigned char regs[ 0x100 ];

-	unsigned char opl_memory[ 32768 ];



-blargg_err_t Opl_init( struct Opl_Apu* this, long clock, long rate, blip_time_t period, enum opl_type_t type );

-void Opl_shutdown( struct Opl_Apu* this );


-void Opl_reset( struct Opl_Apu* this );

-static inline void Opl_volume( struct Opl_Apu* this, int v ) { Synth_volume( &this->synth, v / (4096 * 6) ); }


-static inline void Opl_osc_output( struct Opl_Apu* this, int i, struct Blip_Buffer* buf )


-#if defined(ROCKBOX)

-	(void) i;


-	assert( (unsigned) i < opl_osc_count );

-	this->output_ = buf;



-static inline void Opl_set_output( struct Opl_Apu* this, struct Blip_Buffer* buf ) { Opl_osc_output( this, 0, buf ); }

-void Opl_end_frame( struct Opl_Apu* this, blip_time_t );


-static inline void Opl_write_addr( struct Opl_Apu* this, int data ) { this->addr = data; }

-void Opl_write_data( struct Opl_Apu* this, blip_time_t, int data );


-int Opl_read( struct Opl_Apu* this, blip_time_t, int port );


-static inline bool Opl_supported( void ) { return true; }



+#ifndef OPL_APU_H
+#define OPL_APU_H
+#include "blargg_common.h"
+#include "blargg_source.h"
+#include "blip_buffer.h"
+#include "emu8950.h"
+#include "emu2413.h"
+enum opl_type_t { type_opll = 0x10, type_msxmusic = 0x11, type_smsfmunit = 0x12,
+			type_vrc7 = 0x13, type_msxaudio = 0x21 };
+enum { opl_osc_count = 1 };
+struct Opl_Apu {
+	struct Blip_Buffer* output_;
+	enum opl_type_t type_;
+	blip_time_t next_time;
+	int last_amp;
+	int addr;
+	long clock_;
+	long rate_;
+	blip_time_t period_;
+	struct Blip_Synth synth;
+	// OPL chips
+	struct Y8950 opl;
+	OPLL opll;
+	unsigned char regs[ 0x100 ];
+	unsigned char opl_memory[ 32768 ];
+blargg_err_t Opl_init( struct Opl_Apu* this, long clock, long rate, blip_time_t period, enum opl_type_t type );
+void Opl_shutdown( struct Opl_Apu* this );
+void Opl_reset( struct Opl_Apu* this );
+static inline void Opl_volume( struct Opl_Apu* this, int v ) { Synth_volume( &this->synth, v / (4096 * 6) ); }
+static inline void Opl_osc_output( struct Opl_Apu* this, int i, struct Blip_Buffer* buf )
+#if defined(ROCKBOX)
+	(void) i;
+	assert( (unsigned) i < opl_osc_count );
+	this->output_ = buf;
+static inline void Opl_set_output( struct Opl_Apu* this, struct Blip_Buffer* buf ) { Opl_osc_output( this, 0, buf ); }
+void Opl_end_frame( struct Opl_Apu* this, blip_time_t );
+static inline void Opl_write_addr( struct Opl_Apu* this, int data ) { this->addr = data; }
+void Opl_write_data( struct Opl_Apu* this, blip_time_t, int data );
+int Opl_read( struct Opl_Apu* this, blip_time_t, int port );
+static inline bool Opl_supported( void ) { return true; }
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/opltables.h b/apps/codecs/libgme/opltables.h
index 6ec10ea..50fc0a8 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/opltables.h
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/opltables.h
@@ -1,242 +1,242 @@
-#ifndef _OPLTABLES_H_

-#define _OPLTABLES_H_


-/* Precalculated emu8950 tables for use in Rockbox, 

-   Calculated for 44Khz sampling rate */


-static const short ar_adjust_coeff[] = {

- 	 255,  227,  210,  198,  189,  181,  175,  170,  165,  161,  157, 

-	 153,  150,  147,  144,  141,  139,  136,  134,  132,  130,  128, 

-	 126,  125,  123,  121,  120,  118,  117,  115,  114,  113,  112, 

-	 110,  109,  108,  107,  106,  105,  104,  103,  102,  101,  100, 

-	  99,   98,   97,   96,   95,   94,   94,   93,   92,   91,   91, 

-	  90,   89,   88,   88,   87,   86,   86,   85,   84,   84,   83, 

-	  82,   82,   81,   81,   80,   79,   79,   78,   78,   77,   77, 

-	  76,   76,   75,   75,   74,   74,   73,   73,   72,   72,   71, 

-	  71,   70,   70,   69,   69,   69,   68,   68,   67,   67,   66, 

-	  66,   66,   65,   65,   64,   64,   64,   63,   63,   62,   62, 

-	  62,   61,   61,   61,   60,   60,   60,   59,   59,   59,   58, 

-	  58,   58,   57,   57,   57,   56,   56,   56,   55,   55,   55, 

-	  54,   54,   54,   53,   53,   53,   53,   52,   52,   52,   51, 

-	  51,   51,   50,   50,   50,   50,   49,   49,   49,   49,   48, 

-	  48,   48,   48,   47,   47,   47,   46,   46,   46,   46,   45, 

-	  45,   45,   45,   44,   44,   44,   44,   44,   43,   43,   43, 

-	  43,   42,   42,   42,   42,   41,   41,   41,   41,   41,   40, 

-	  40,   40,   40,   39,   39,   39,   39,   39,   38,   38,   38, 

-	  38,   38,   37,   37,   37,   37,   37,   36,   36,   36,   36, 

-	  36,   35,   35,   35,   35,   35,   34,   34,   34,   34,   34, 

-	  33,   33,   33,   33,   33,   33,   32,   32,   32,   32,   32, 

-	  31,   31,   31,   31,   31,   31,   30,   30,   30,   30,   30, 

-	  30,   29,   29,   29,   29,   29,   29,   28,   28,   28,   28, 

-	  28,   28,   27,   27,   27,   27,   27,   27,   26,   26,   26, 

-	  26,   26,   26,   26,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25, 

-	  24,   24,   24,   24,   24,   24,   23,   23,   23,   23,   23, 

-	  23,   23,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   21,   21, 

-	  21,   21,   21,   21,   21,   21,   20,   20,   20,   20,   20, 

-	  20,   20,   19,   19,   19,   19,   19,   19,   19,   19,   18, 

-	  18,   18,   18,   18,   18,   18,   18,   17,   17,   17,   17, 

-	  17,   17,   17,   17,   16,   16,   16,   16,   16,   16,   16, 

-	  16,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   14,   14, 

-	  14,   14,   14,   14,   14,   14,   14,   13,   13,   13,   13, 

-	  13,   13,   13,   13,   13,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12, 

-	  12,   12,   12,   11,   11,   11,   11,   11,   11,   11,   11, 

-	  11,   10,   10,   10,   10,   10,   10,   10,   10,   10,   10, 

-	   9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    8, 

-	   8,    8,    8,    8,    8,    8,    8,    8,    8,    7,    7, 

-	   7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    6,    6,    6, 

-	   6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    5,    5,    5,    5, 

-	   5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    4,    4,    4,    4, 

-	   4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    3,    3,    3,    3, 

-	   3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    2,    2,    2, 

-	   2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    1,    1,    1, 

-	   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    0,    0, 

-	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0



-static const short db2lin_coeff[] = {

-	2047, 2003, 1960, 1918, 1877, 1837, 1798, 1759, 1722, 1685, 1649, 

-	1614, 1579, 1546, 1513, 1480, 1449, 1418, 1387, 1358, 1329, 1300, 

-	1273, 1245, 1219, 1193, 1167, 1142, 1118, 1094, 1071, 1048, 1025, 

-	1004,  982,  961,  941,  920,  901,  882,  863,  844,  826,  809, 

-	 791,  774,  758,  742,  726,  710,  695,  680,  666,  651,  638, 

-	 624,  611,  598,  585,  572,  560,  548,  536,  525,  514,  503, 

-	 492,  481,  471,  461,  451,  442,  432,  423,  414,  405,  396, 

-	 388,  380,  371,  364,  356,  348,  341,  333,  326,  319,  312, 

-	 306,  299,  293,  287,  280,  274,  269,  263,  257,  252,  246, 

-	 241,  236,  231,  226,  221,  216,  212,  207,  203,  198,  194, 

-	 190,  186,  182,  178,  174,  170,  167,  163,  160,  156,  153, 

-	 150,  147,  143,  140,  137,  134,  131,  129,  126,  123,  121, 

-	 118,  115,  113,  111,  108,  106,  104,  101,   99,   97,   95, 

-	  93,   91,   89,   87,   85,   83,   82,   80,   78,   76,   75, 

-	  73,   72,   70,   69,   67,   66,   64,   63,   61,   60,   59, 

-	  58,   56,   55,   54,   53,   52,   51,   49,   48,   47,   46, 

-	  45,   44,   43,   42,   42,   41,   40,   39,   38,   37,   36, 

-	  36,   35,   34,   33,   33,   32,   31,   31,   30,   29,   29, 

-	  28,   27,   27,   26,   26,   25,   25,   24,   23,   23,   22, 

-	  22,   21,   21,   21,   20,   20,   19,   19,   18,   18,   18, 

-	  17,   17,   16,   16,   16,   15,   15,   15,   14,   14,   14, 

-	  13,   13,   13,   13,   12,   12,   12,   12,   11,   11,   11, 

-	  11,   10,   10,   10,   10,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    8, 

-	   8,    8,    8,    8,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7, 

-	   6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    5,    5,    5,    5, 

-	   5,    5,    5,    5,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4, 

-	   4,    4,    4,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3, 

-	   3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2, 

-	   2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2, 

-	   2,    2,    2,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1, 

-	   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1, 

-	   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1, 

-	   1,    1,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-   	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-   	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-   	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-   	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,

-	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-   	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-   	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-  	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0



-static const short sin_coeff[] = {

-	 511,  235,  203,  185,  171,  161,  152,  145,  139,  134,  129, 

- 	 124,  120,  117,  113,  110,  107,  104,  102,   99,   97,   95, 

-	  92,   90,   88,   87,   85,   83,   81,   80,   78,   77,   75, 

-	  74,   72,   71,   70,   69,   67,   66,   65,   64,   63,   62, 

-	  61,   60,   59,   58,   57,   56,   55,   54,   53,   52,   52, 

-	  51,   50,   49,   48,   48,   47,   46,   45,   45,   44,   43, 

-	  43,   42,   41,   41,   40,   39,   39,   38,   38,   37,   37, 

-	  36,   35,   35,   34,   34,   33,   33,   32,   32,   31,   31, 

-	  30,   30,   29,   29,   28,   28,   28,   27,   27,   26,   26, 

-	  25,   25,   25,   24,   24,   23,   23,   23,   22,   22,   22, 

-	  21,   21,   21,   20,   20,   20,   19,   19,   19,   18,   18, 

-	  18,   17,   17,   17,   16,   16,   16,   16,   15,   15,   15, 

-	  14,   14,   14,   14,   13,   13,   13,   13,   12,   12,   12, 

-	  12,   11,   11,   11,   11,   11,   10,   10,   10,   10,    9, 

-	   9,    9,    9,    9,    8,    8,    8,    8,    8,    7,    7, 

-	   7,    7,    7,    7,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    5, 

-	   5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4, 

-	   4,    4,    4,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3, 

-	   2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2, 

-	   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1, 

-	   1,    1,    1,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-	   0,    0,    0, 



-static const short pm0_coeff[] = {

-	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256, 

- 	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256, 

-	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256, 

-	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256, 

-	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256, 

-	 256,  256,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257, 

-	 257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256, 

-	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256, 

-	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256, 

-	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256, 

-	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256, 

-	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  255,  255,  255, 

-	 255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255, 

-	 255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255, 

-	 255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255, 

-	 255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255, 

-	 255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  254, 

-	 254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254, 

-	 254,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255, 

-	 255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255, 

-	 255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255, 

-	 255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255, 

-	 255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255, 

-	 255,  255,  255, 



-static const short pm1_coeff[] = {

-	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256, 

- 	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  257, 

-	 257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257, 

-	 257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257, 

-	 257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257, 

-	 257,  258,  258,  258,  258,  258,  258,  258,  258,  258,  258, 

-	 258,  258,  258,  258,  258,  258,  258,  257,  257,  257,  257, 

-	 257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257, 

-	 257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257, 

-	 257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  256,  256, 

-	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256, 

-	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  255,  255,  255, 

-	 255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255, 

-	 255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254, 

-	 254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254, 

-	 254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254, 

-	 254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  253, 

-	 253,  253,  253,  253,  253,  253,  253,  253,  253,  253,  253, 

-	 253,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254, 

-	 254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254, 

-	 254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254, 

-	 254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255, 

-	 255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255, 

-	 255,  255,  255, 



-static const short am0_coeff[] = {

-	   2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3, 

-	   3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3, 

-	   4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4, 

-	   4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4, 

-	   5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5, 

-	   5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5, 

-	   5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5, 

-	   5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    4,    4,    4, 

-	   4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4, 

-	   4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    3,    3,    3, 

-	   3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3, 

-	   3,    3,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2, 

-	   2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    1,    1,    1,    1, 

-	   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1, 

-	   1,    1,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    1,    1, 

-	   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1, 

-	   1,    1,    1,    1,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2, 

-	   2,    2,    2, 



-static const short am1_coeff[] = {

-	  12,   13,   13,   13,   14,   14,   14,   14,   15,   15,   15, 

-	  16,   16,   16,   17,   17,   17,   17,   18,   18,   18,   19, 

-	  19,   19,   19,   20,   20,   20,   20,   21,   21,   21,   21, 

-	  22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   23,   23,   23,   23,   23,   23, 

-	  24,   24,   24,   24,   24,   24,   24,   24,   25,   25,   25, 

-	  25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25, 

-	  25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25, 

-	  24,   24,   24,   24,   24,   24,   24,   24,   23,   23,   23, 

-	  23,   23,   23,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   21,   21,   21, 

-	  21,   20,   20,   20,   20,   19,   19,   19,   19,   18,   18, 

-	  18,   17,   17,   17,   17,   16,   16,   16,   15,   15,   15, 

-	  14,   14,   14,   14,   13,   13,   13,   12,   12,   12,   11, 

-	  11,   11,   10,   10,   10,    9,    9,    9,    9,    8,    8, 

-	   8,    7,    7,    7,    7,    6,    6,    6,    5,    5,    5, 

-	   5,    4,    4,    4,    4,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    2, 

-	   2,    2,    2,    2,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1, 

-	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-	   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    2,    2,    2,    2, 

-	   2,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    4,    4,    4,    4,    5, 

-	   5,    5,    5,    6,    6,    6,    7,    7,    7,    7,    8, 

-	   8,    8,    9,    9,    9,    9,   10,   10,   10,   11,   11, 

-	  11,   12,   12, 




+#ifndef _OPLTABLES_H_
+#define _OPLTABLES_H_
+/* Precalculated emu8950 tables for use in Rockbox, 
+   Calculated for 44Khz sampling rate */
+static const short ar_adjust_coeff[] = {
+ 	 255,  227,  210,  198,  189,  181,  175,  170,  165,  161,  157, 
+	 153,  150,  147,  144,  141,  139,  136,  134,  132,  130,  128, 
+	 126,  125,  123,  121,  120,  118,  117,  115,  114,  113,  112, 
+	 110,  109,  108,  107,  106,  105,  104,  103,  102,  101,  100, 
+	  99,   98,   97,   96,   95,   94,   94,   93,   92,   91,   91, 
+	  90,   89,   88,   88,   87,   86,   86,   85,   84,   84,   83, 
+	  82,   82,   81,   81,   80,   79,   79,   78,   78,   77,   77, 
+	  76,   76,   75,   75,   74,   74,   73,   73,   72,   72,   71, 
+	  71,   70,   70,   69,   69,   69,   68,   68,   67,   67,   66, 
+	  66,   66,   65,   65,   64,   64,   64,   63,   63,   62,   62, 
+	  62,   61,   61,   61,   60,   60,   60,   59,   59,   59,   58, 
+	  58,   58,   57,   57,   57,   56,   56,   56,   55,   55,   55, 
+	  54,   54,   54,   53,   53,   53,   53,   52,   52,   52,   51, 
+	  51,   51,   50,   50,   50,   50,   49,   49,   49,   49,   48, 
+	  48,   48,   48,   47,   47,   47,   46,   46,   46,   46,   45, 
+	  45,   45,   45,   44,   44,   44,   44,   44,   43,   43,   43, 
+	  43,   42,   42,   42,   42,   41,   41,   41,   41,   41,   40, 
+	  40,   40,   40,   39,   39,   39,   39,   39,   38,   38,   38, 
+	  38,   38,   37,   37,   37,   37,   37,   36,   36,   36,   36, 
+	  36,   35,   35,   35,   35,   35,   34,   34,   34,   34,   34, 
+	  33,   33,   33,   33,   33,   33,   32,   32,   32,   32,   32, 
+	  31,   31,   31,   31,   31,   31,   30,   30,   30,   30,   30, 
+	  30,   29,   29,   29,   29,   29,   29,   28,   28,   28,   28, 
+	  28,   28,   27,   27,   27,   27,   27,   27,   26,   26,   26, 
+	  26,   26,   26,   26,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25, 
+	  24,   24,   24,   24,   24,   24,   23,   23,   23,   23,   23, 
+	  23,   23,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   21,   21, 
+	  21,   21,   21,   21,   21,   21,   20,   20,   20,   20,   20, 
+	  20,   20,   19,   19,   19,   19,   19,   19,   19,   19,   18, 
+	  18,   18,   18,   18,   18,   18,   18,   17,   17,   17,   17, 
+	  17,   17,   17,   17,   16,   16,   16,   16,   16,   16,   16, 
+	  16,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   14,   14, 
+	  14,   14,   14,   14,   14,   14,   14,   13,   13,   13,   13, 
+	  13,   13,   13,   13,   13,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12, 
+	  12,   12,   12,   11,   11,   11,   11,   11,   11,   11,   11, 
+	  11,   10,   10,   10,   10,   10,   10,   10,   10,   10,   10, 
+	   9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    8, 
+	   8,    8,    8,    8,    8,    8,    8,    8,    8,    7,    7, 
+	   7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    6,    6,    6, 
+	   6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    5,    5,    5,    5, 
+	   5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    4,    4,    4,    4, 
+	   4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    3,    3,    3,    3, 
+	   3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    2,    2,    2, 
+	   2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    1,    1,    1, 
+	   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    0,    0, 
+	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0
+static const short db2lin_coeff[] = {
+	2047, 2003, 1960, 1918, 1877, 1837, 1798, 1759, 1722, 1685, 1649, 
+	1614, 1579, 1546, 1513, 1480, 1449, 1418, 1387, 1358, 1329, 1300, 
+	1273, 1245, 1219, 1193, 1167, 1142, 1118, 1094, 1071, 1048, 1025, 
+	1004,  982,  961,  941,  920,  901,  882,  863,  844,  826,  809, 
+	 791,  774,  758,  742,  726,  710,  695,  680,  666,  651,  638, 
+	 624,  611,  598,  585,  572,  560,  548,  536,  525,  514,  503, 
+	 492,  481,  471,  461,  451,  442,  432,  423,  414,  405,  396, 
+	 388,  380,  371,  364,  356,  348,  341,  333,  326,  319,  312, 
+	 306,  299,  293,  287,  280,  274,  269,  263,  257,  252,  246, 
+	 241,  236,  231,  226,  221,  216,  212,  207,  203,  198,  194, 
+	 190,  186,  182,  178,  174,  170,  167,  163,  160,  156,  153, 
+	 150,  147,  143,  140,  137,  134,  131,  129,  126,  123,  121, 
+	 118,  115,  113,  111,  108,  106,  104,  101,   99,   97,   95, 
+	  93,   91,   89,   87,   85,   83,   82,   80,   78,   76,   75, 
+	  73,   72,   70,   69,   67,   66,   64,   63,   61,   60,   59, 
+	  58,   56,   55,   54,   53,   52,   51,   49,   48,   47,   46, 
+	  45,   44,   43,   42,   42,   41,   40,   39,   38,   37,   36, 
+	  36,   35,   34,   33,   33,   32,   31,   31,   30,   29,   29, 
+	  28,   27,   27,   26,   26,   25,   25,   24,   23,   23,   22, 
+	  22,   21,   21,   21,   20,   20,   19,   19,   18,   18,   18, 
+	  17,   17,   16,   16,   16,   15,   15,   15,   14,   14,   14, 
+	  13,   13,   13,   13,   12,   12,   12,   12,   11,   11,   11, 
+	  11,   10,   10,   10,   10,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    8, 
+	   8,    8,    8,    8,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7, 
+	   6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    5,    5,    5,    5, 
+	   5,    5,    5,    5,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4, 
+	   4,    4,    4,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3, 
+	   3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2, 
+	   2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2, 
+	   2,    2,    2,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1, 
+	   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1, 
+	   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1, 
+	   1,    1,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+   	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+   	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+   	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+   	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
+	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+   	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+   	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+  	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0
+static const short sin_coeff[] = {
+	 511,  235,  203,  185,  171,  161,  152,  145,  139,  134,  129, 
+ 	 124,  120,  117,  113,  110,  107,  104,  102,   99,   97,   95, 
+	  92,   90,   88,   87,   85,   83,   81,   80,   78,   77,   75, 
+	  74,   72,   71,   70,   69,   67,   66,   65,   64,   63,   62, 
+	  61,   60,   59,   58,   57,   56,   55,   54,   53,   52,   52, 
+	  51,   50,   49,   48,   48,   47,   46,   45,   45,   44,   43, 
+	  43,   42,   41,   41,   40,   39,   39,   38,   38,   37,   37, 
+	  36,   35,   35,   34,   34,   33,   33,   32,   32,   31,   31, 
+	  30,   30,   29,   29,   28,   28,   28,   27,   27,   26,   26, 
+	  25,   25,   25,   24,   24,   23,   23,   23,   22,   22,   22, 
+	  21,   21,   21,   20,   20,   20,   19,   19,   19,   18,   18, 
+	  18,   17,   17,   17,   16,   16,   16,   16,   15,   15,   15, 
+	  14,   14,   14,   14,   13,   13,   13,   13,   12,   12,   12, 
+	  12,   11,   11,   11,   11,   11,   10,   10,   10,   10,    9, 
+	   9,    9,    9,    9,    8,    8,    8,    8,    8,    7,    7, 
+	   7,    7,    7,    7,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    5, 
+	   5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4, 
+	   4,    4,    4,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3, 
+	   2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2, 
+	   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1, 
+	   1,    1,    1,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+	   0,    0,    0, 
+static const short pm0_coeff[] = {
+	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256, 
+ 	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256, 
+	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256, 
+	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256, 
+	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256, 
+	 256,  256,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257, 
+	 257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256, 
+	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256, 
+	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256, 
+	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256, 
+	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256, 
+	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  255,  255,  255, 
+	 255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255, 
+	 255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255, 
+	 255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255, 
+	 255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255, 
+	 255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  254, 
+	 254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254, 
+	 254,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255, 
+	 255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255, 
+	 255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255, 
+	 255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255, 
+	 255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255, 
+	 255,  255,  255, 
+static const short pm1_coeff[] = {
+	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256, 
+ 	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  257, 
+	 257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257, 
+	 257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257, 
+	 257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257, 
+	 257,  258,  258,  258,  258,  258,  258,  258,  258,  258,  258, 
+	 258,  258,  258,  258,  258,  258,  258,  257,  257,  257,  257, 
+	 257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257, 
+	 257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257, 
+	 257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  257,  256,  256, 
+	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256, 
+	 256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  256,  255,  255,  255, 
+	 255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255, 
+	 255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254, 
+	 254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254, 
+	 254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254, 
+	 254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  253, 
+	 253,  253,  253,  253,  253,  253,  253,  253,  253,  253,  253, 
+	 253,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254, 
+	 254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254, 
+	 254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  254, 
+	 254,  254,  254,  254,  254,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255, 
+	 255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255,  255, 
+	 255,  255,  255, 
+static const short am0_coeff[] = {
+	   2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3, 
+	   3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3, 
+	   4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4, 
+	   4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4, 
+	   5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5, 
+	   5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5, 
+	   5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5, 
+	   5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    4,    4,    4, 
+	   4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4, 
+	   4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    3,    3,    3, 
+	   3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3, 
+	   3,    3,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2, 
+	   2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    1,    1,    1,    1, 
+	   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1, 
+	   1,    1,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    1,    1, 
+	   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1, 
+	   1,    1,    1,    1,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2, 
+	   2,    2,    2, 
+static const short am1_coeff[] = {
+	  12,   13,   13,   13,   14,   14,   14,   14,   15,   15,   15, 
+	  16,   16,   16,   17,   17,   17,   17,   18,   18,   18,   19, 
+	  19,   19,   19,   20,   20,   20,   20,   21,   21,   21,   21, 
+	  22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   23,   23,   23,   23,   23,   23, 
+	  24,   24,   24,   24,   24,   24,   24,   24,   25,   25,   25, 
+	  25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25, 
+	  25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25, 
+	  24,   24,   24,   24,   24,   24,   24,   24,   23,   23,   23, 
+	  23,   23,   23,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   21,   21,   21, 
+	  21,   20,   20,   20,   20,   19,   19,   19,   19,   18,   18, 
+	  18,   17,   17,   17,   17,   16,   16,   16,   15,   15,   15, 
+	  14,   14,   14,   14,   13,   13,   13,   12,   12,   12,   11, 
+	  11,   11,   10,   10,   10,    9,    9,    9,    9,    8,    8, 
+	   8,    7,    7,    7,    7,    6,    6,    6,    5,    5,    5, 
+	   5,    4,    4,    4,    4,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    2, 
+	   2,    2,    2,    2,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1, 
+	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+	   0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+	   1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    2,    2,    2,    2, 
+	   2,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    4,    4,    4,    4,    5, 
+	   5,    5,    5,    6,    6,    6,    7,    7,    7,    7,    8, 
+	   8,    8,    9,    9,    9,    9,   10,   10,   10,   11,   11, 
+	  11,   12,   12, 
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/sgc_cpu.c b/apps/codecs/libgme/sgc_cpu.c
index 3bd2d15..d23c014 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/sgc_cpu.c
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/sgc_cpu.c
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6-pre. http://www.slack.net/~ant/


-#include "sgc_emu.h"


-#include "blargg_endian.h"

-//#include "z80_cpu_log.h"


-/* Copyright (C) 2009 Shay Green. This module is free software; you

-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser

-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either

-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This

-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY

-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS

-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more

-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public

-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,

-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */


-#include "blargg_source.h"


-#define OUT_PORT( addr, data ) cpu_out( this, TIME(), addr, data )

-#define IN_PORT( addr ) 0 // cpu in

-#define WRITE_MEM( addr, data ) cpu_write( this, addr, data )

-#define IDLE_ADDR               this->idle_addr

-#define RST_BASE                this->vectors_addr


-#define CPU_BEGIN \

-bool run_cpu( struct Sgc_Emu* this, cpu_time_t end_time )\


-	Sgc_Cpu* cpu = &this->cpu; \

-	Z80_set_end_time( cpu, end_time );


-	#include "z80_cpu_run.h"


-	return warning;


+// Game_Music_Emu 0.6-pre. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
+#include "sgc_emu.h"
+#include "blargg_endian.h"
+//#include "z80_cpu_log.h"
+/* Copyright (C) 2009 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
+can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
+module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
+details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
+#include "blargg_source.h"
+#define OUT_PORT( addr, data ) cpu_out( this, TIME(), addr, data )
+#define IN_PORT( addr ) 0 // cpu in
+#define WRITE_MEM( addr, data ) cpu_write( this, addr, data )
+#define IDLE_ADDR               this->idle_addr
+#define RST_BASE                this->vectors_addr
+#define CPU_BEGIN \
+bool run_cpu( struct Sgc_Emu* this, cpu_time_t end_time )\
+	Sgc_Cpu* cpu = &this->cpu; \
+	Z80_set_end_time( cpu, end_time );
+	#include "z80_cpu_run.h"
+	return warning;
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/sgc_emu.c b/apps/codecs/libgme/sgc_emu.c
index e7253a8..267f2c9 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/sgc_emu.c
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/sgc_emu.c
@@ -1,480 +1,480 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6-pre. http://www.slack.net/~ant/


-#include "sgc_emu.h"


-/* Copyright (C) 2009 Shay Green. This module is free software; you

-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser

-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either

-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This

-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY

-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS

-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more

-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public

-License aint with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,

-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */


-#include "blargg_source.h"


-int const osc_count = sms_osc_count + fm_apu_osc_count;


-const char gme_wrong_file_type [] = "Wrong file type for this emulator";


-static void clear_track_vars( struct Sgc_Emu* this )


-	this->current_track    = -1;

-	track_stop( &this->track_filter );



-void Sgc_init( struct Sgc_Emu* this )


-	assert( offsetof (struct header_t,copyright [32]) == header_size );


-	this->sample_rate = 0;

-	this->mute_mask_  = 0;

-	this->tempo       = (int)FP_ONE_TEMPO;

-	this->gain        = (int)FP_ONE_GAIN;


-	// defaults

-	this->tfilter = *track_get_setup( &this->track_filter );

-	this->tfilter.max_initial = 2;

-	this->tfilter.lookahead   = 6;

-	this->track_filter.silence_ignored_ = false;


-	Sms_apu_init( &this->apu );

-	Fm_apu_create( &this->fm_apu );


-	Rom_init( &this->rom, 0x4000 );

-	Z80_init( &this->cpu );


-	Sound_set_gain( this, (int)(FP_ONE_GAIN*1.2) );


-	// Unload

-	this->voice_count = 0;

-	this->voice_types = 0;

-	clear_track_vars( this );



-// Setup


-blargg_err_t Sgc_load_mem( struct Sgc_Emu* this, const void* data, long size )


-	RETURN_ERR( Rom_load( &this->rom, data, size, header_size, &this->header, 0 ) );


-	if ( !valid_tag( &this->header ) )

-		return gme_wrong_file_type;


-	/* if ( header.vers != 1 )

-		warning( "Unknown file version" ); */


-	/* if ( header.system > 2 )

-		warning( "Unknown system" ); */


-	addr_t load_addr = get_le16( this->header.load_addr );

-	/* if ( load_addr < 0x400 )

-		set_warning( "Invalid load address" ); */


-	Rom_set_addr( &this->rom, load_addr );

-	this->play_period = clock_rate( this ) / 60;


-	if ( sega_mapping( this ) && Fm_apu_supported() )

-		RETURN_ERR( Fm_apu_init( &this->fm_apu, clock_rate( this ), clock_rate( this ) / 72 ) );


-	this->m3u.size = 0;

-	this->track_count = this->header.song_count;

-	this->voice_count =  sega_mapping( this ) ? osc_count : sms_osc_count;

-	static int const types [sms_osc_count + fm_apu_osc_count] = {

-		wave_type+1, wave_type+2, wave_type+3, mixed_type+1, mixed_type+2

-	};

-	this->voice_types = types;


-	Sms_apu_volume( &this->apu, this->gain );

-	Fm_apu_volume( &this->fm_apu, this->gain );


-	// Setup buffer

-	this->clock_rate_ = clock_rate( this );

-	Buffer_clock_rate( &this->stereo_buf, clock_rate( this ) );

-	RETURN_ERR( Buffer_set_channel_count( &this->stereo_buf, this->voice_count, this->voice_types ) );

-	this->buf_changed_count = Buffer_channels_changed_count( &this->stereo_buf );


-	Sound_set_tempo( this, this->tempo );

-	Sound_mute_voices( this, this->mute_mask_ );

-	return 0;



-static void Sound_set_voice( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int i, struct Blip_Buffer* c, struct Blip_Buffer* l, struct Blip_Buffer* r )


-	if ( i < sms_osc_count )

-		Sms_apu_set_output( &this->apu, i, c, l, r );

-	else

-		Fm_apu_set_output( &this->fm_apu, c );



-static blargg_err_t run_clocks( struct Sgc_Emu* this, blip_time_t* duration, int msec )


-#if defined(ROCKBOX)

-	(void) msec;



-	cpu_time_t t = *duration;

-	while ( Z80_time( &this->cpu ) < t )

-	{

-		cpu_time_t next = min( t, this->next_play );

-		if ( run_cpu( this, next ) )

-		{

-			/* warning( "Unsupported CPU instruction" ); */

-			Z80_set_time( &this->cpu, next );

-		}


-		if ( this->cpu.r.pc == this->idle_addr )

-			Z80_set_time( &this->cpu, next );


-		if ( Z80_time( &this->cpu ) >= this->next_play )

-		{

-			this->next_play += this->play_period;

-			if ( this->cpu.r.pc == this->idle_addr )

-				jsr( this, this->header.play_addr );

-		}

-	}


-	this->next_play -= t;

-	check( this->next_play >= 0 );

-	Z80_adjust_time( &this->cpu, -t );


-	Sms_apu_end_frame( &this->apu, t );

-	if ( sega_mapping( this ) && this->fm_accessed )

-	{

-		if ( Fm_apu_supported() )

-			Fm_apu_end_frame( &this->fm_apu, t );

-		/* else

-			warning( "FM sound not supported" ); */

-	}


-	return 0;



-// Emulation


-void cpu_out( struct Sgc_Emu* this, cpu_time_t time, addr_t addr, int data )


-	int port = addr & 0xFF;


-	if ( sega_mapping( this ) )

-	{

-		switch ( port )

-		{

-		case 0x06:

-			Sms_apu_write_ggstereo( &this->apu, time, data );

-			return;


-		case 0x7E:

-		case 0x7F:

-			Sms_apu_write_data( &this->apu, time, data ); /* dprintf( "$7E<-%02X\n", data ); */

-			return;


-		case 0xF0:

-			this->fm_accessed = true;

-			if ( Fm_apu_supported() )

-				Fm_apu_write_addr( &this->fm_apu, data );//, dprintf( "$F0<-%02X\n", data );

-			return;


-		case 0xF1:

-			this->fm_accessed = true;

-			if ( Fm_apu_supported() )

-				Fm_apu_write_data( &this->fm_apu, time, data );//, dprintf( "$F1<-%02X\n", data );

-			return;

-		}

-	}

-	else if ( port >= 0xE0 )

-	{

-		Sms_apu_write_data( &this->apu, time, data );

-		return;

-	}



-void jsr( struct Sgc_Emu* this, byte addr [2] )


-	*Z80_write( &this->cpu, --this->cpu.r.sp ) = this->idle_addr >> 8;

-	*Z80_write( &this->cpu, --this->cpu.r.sp ) = this->idle_addr & 0xFF;

-	this->cpu.r.pc = get_le16( addr );



-static void set_bank( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int bank, void const* data )


-	//dprintf( "map bank %d to %p\n", bank, (byte*) data - rom.at_addr( 0 ) );

-	Z80_map_mem( &this->cpu, bank * this->rom.bank_size, this->rom.bank_size, this->unmapped_write, data );



-void cpu_write( struct Sgc_Emu* this, addr_t addr, int data )


-	if ( (addr ^ 0xFFFC) > 3 || !sega_mapping( this ) )

-	{

-		*Z80_write( &this->cpu, addr ) = data;

-		return;

-	}


-	switch ( addr )

-	{

-	case 0xFFFC:

-		Z80_map_mem_rw( &this->cpu, 2 * this->rom.bank_size, this->rom.bank_size, this->ram2 );

-		if ( data & 0x08 )

-			break;


-		this->bank2 = this->ram2;



-	case 0xFFFF: {

-		bool rom_mapped = (Z80_read( &this->cpu, 2 * this->rom.bank_size ) == this->bank2);

-		this->bank2 = Rom_at_addr( &this->rom, data * this->rom.bank_size );

-		if ( rom_mapped )

-			set_bank( this, 2, this->bank2 );

-		break;

-	}


-	case 0xFFFD:

-		set_bank( this, 0, Rom_at_addr( &this->rom, data * this->rom.bank_size ) );

-		break;


-	case 0xFFFE:

-		set_bank( this, 1, Rom_at_addr( &this->rom, data * this->rom.bank_size ) );

-		break;

-	}



-blargg_err_t Sgc_set_sample_rate( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int rate )


-	require( !this->sample_rate ); // sample rate can't be changed once set

-	Buffer_init( &this->stereo_buf );

-	Buffer_set_sample_rate( &this->stereo_buf, rate, 1000 / 20 );


-	// Set buffer bass

-	Buffer_bass_freq( &this->stereo_buf, 80 );


-	this->sample_rate = rate;

-	RETURN_ERR( track_init( &this->track_filter, this ) );

-	this->tfilter.max_silence = 6 * stereo * this->sample_rate;

-	return 0;



-void Sound_mute_voice( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int index, bool mute )


-	require( (unsigned) index < (unsigned) this->voice_count );

-	int bit = 1 << index;

-	int mask = this->mute_mask_ | bit;

-	if ( !mute )

-		mask ^= bit;

-	Sound_mute_voices( this, mask );



-void Sound_mute_voices( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int mask )


-	require( this->sample_rate ); // sample rate must be set first

-	this->mute_mask_ = mask;


-	int i;

-	for ( i = this->voice_count; i--; )

-	{

-		if ( mask & (1 << i) )

-		{

-			Sound_set_voice( this, i, 0, 0, 0 );

-		}

-		else

-		{

-			struct channel_t ch = Buffer_channel( &this->stereo_buf, i );

-			assert( (ch.center && ch.left && ch.right) ||

-					(!ch.center && !ch.left && !ch.right) ); // all or nothing

-			Sound_set_voice( this, i, ch.center, ch.left, ch.right );

-		}

-	}



-void Sound_set_tempo( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int t )


-	require( this->sample_rate ); // sample rate must be set first

-	int const min = (int)(FP_ONE_TEMPO*0.02);

-	int const max = (int)(FP_ONE_TEMPO*4.00);

-	if ( t < min ) t = min;

-	if ( t > max ) t = max;

-	this->tempo = t;


-	this->play_period = (int) ((clock_rate( this ) * FP_ONE_TEMPO) / (this->header.rate ? 50 : 60) / t);



-blargg_err_t Sgc_start_track( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int track )


-	clear_track_vars( this );


-	// Remap track if playlist available

-	if ( this->m3u.size > 0 ) {

-		struct entry_t* e = &this->m3u.entries[track];

-		track = e->track;

-	}


-	this->current_track = track;


-	if ( sega_mapping( this ) )

-	{

-		Sms_apu_reset( &this->apu, 0, 0 );

-		Fm_apu_reset( &this->fm_apu );

-		this->fm_accessed = false;

-	}

-	else

-	{

-		Sms_apu_reset( &this->apu, 0x0003, 15 );

-	}


-	memset( this->ram , 0, sizeof this->ram );

-	memset( this->ram2, 0, sizeof this->ram2 );

-	memset( this->vectors, 0xFF, sizeof this->vectors );

-	Z80_reset( &this->cpu, this->unmapped_write, this->rom.unmapped );


-	if ( sega_mapping( this ) )

-	{

-		this->vectors_addr = 0x10000 - page_size;

-		this->idle_addr = this->vectors_addr;

-		int i;

-		for ( i = 1; i < 8; ++i )

-		{

-			this->vectors [i*8 + 0] = 0xC3; // JP addr

-			this->vectors [i*8 + 1] = this->header.rst_addrs [i - 1] & 0xff;

-			this->vectors [i*8 + 2] = this->header.rst_addrs [i - 1] >> 8;

-		}


-		Z80_map_mem_rw( &this->cpu, 0xC000, 0x2000, this->ram );

-		Z80_map_mem( &this->cpu, this->vectors_addr, page_size, this->unmapped_write, this->vectors );


-		this->bank2 = NULL;

-		for ( i = 0; i < 4; ++i )

-			cpu_write( this, 0xFFFC + i, this->header.mapping [i] );

-	}

-	else

-	{

-		if ( !this->coleco_bios )

-			return "Coleco BIOS not set"; /* BLARGG_ERR( BLARGG_ERR_CALLER, "Coleco BIOS not set" ); */


-		this->vectors_addr = 0;

-		Z80_map_mem( &this->cpu, 0, 0x2000, this->unmapped_write, this->coleco_bios );

-		int i;

-		for ( i = 0; i < 8; ++i )

-			Z80_map_mem_rw( &this->cpu, 0x6000 + i*0x400, 0x400, this->ram );


-		this->idle_addr = 0x2000;

-		Z80_map_mem( &this->cpu, 0x2000, page_size, this->unmapped_write, this->vectors );


-		for ( i = 0; i < 0x8000 / this->rom.bank_size; ++i )

-		{

-			int addr = 0x8000 + i*this->rom.bank_size;

-			Z80_map_mem( &this->cpu, addr, this->rom.bank_size, this->unmapped_write, Rom_at_addr( &this->rom, addr ) );

-		}

-	}


-	this->cpu.r.sp  = get_le16( this->header.stack_ptr );

-	this->cpu.r.b.a = track;

-	this->next_play = this->play_period;


-	jsr( this, this->header.init_addr );


-	Buffer_clear( &this->stereo_buf );


-	// convert filter times to samples

-	struct setup_t s = this->tfilter;

-	s.max_initial *= this->sample_rate * stereo;


-		s.lookahead = 1;

-	#endif

-	track_setup( &this->track_filter, &s );


-	return track_start( &this->track_filter );



-// Tell/Seek


-static int msec_to_samples( int msec, int sample_rate )


-	int sec = msec / 1000;

-	msec -= sec * 1000;

-	return (sec * sample_rate + msec * sample_rate / 1000) * stereo;



-int Track_tell( struct Sgc_Emu* this )


-	int rate = this->sample_rate * stereo;

-	int sec = track_sample_count( &this->track_filter ) / rate;

-	return sec * 1000 + (track_sample_count( &this->track_filter ) - sec * rate) * 1000 / rate;



-blargg_err_t Track_seek( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int msec )


-	int time = msec_to_samples( msec, this->sample_rate );

-	if ( time < track_sample_count( &this->track_filter ) )

-	RETURN_ERR( Sgc_start_track( this, this->current_track ) );

-	return Track_skip( this, time - track_sample_count( &this->track_filter ) );



-blargg_err_t Track_skip( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int count )


-	require( this->current_track >= 0 ); // start_track() must have been called already

-	return track_skip( &this->track_filter, count );



-blargg_err_t skip_( void* emu, int count )


-	struct Sgc_Emu* this = (struct Sgc_Emu*) emu;


-	// for long skip, mute sound

-	const int threshold = 32768;

-	if ( count > threshold )

-	{

-		int saved_mute = this->mute_mask_;

-		Sound_mute_voices( this, ~0 );


-		int n = count - threshold/2;

-		n &= ~(2048-1); // round to multiple of 2048

-		count -= n;

-		RETURN_ERR( skippy_( &this->track_filter, n ) );


-		Sound_mute_voices( this, saved_mute );

-	}


-	return skippy_( &this->track_filter, count );



-void Track_set_fade( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int start_msec, int length_msec )


-	track_set_fade( &this->track_filter, msec_to_samples( start_msec, this->sample_rate ),

-		length_msec * this->sample_rate / (1000 / stereo) );



-blargg_err_t Sgc_play( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int out_count, sample_t* out )


-	require( this->current_track >= 0 );

-	require( out_count % stereo == 0 );

-	return track_play( &this->track_filter, out_count, out );



-blargg_err_t play_( void* emu, int count, sample_t out [] )


-	struct Sgc_Emu* this = (struct Sgc_Emu*) emu;


-	int remain = count;

-	while ( remain )

-	{

-		Buffer_disable_immediate_removal( &this->stereo_buf );

-		remain -= Buffer_read_samples( &this->stereo_buf, &out [count - remain], remain );

-		if ( remain )

-		{

-			if ( this->buf_changed_count != Buffer_channels_changed_count( &this->stereo_buf ) )

-			{

-				this->buf_changed_count = Buffer_channels_changed_count( &this->stereo_buf );


-				// Remute voices

-				Sound_mute_voices( this, this->mute_mask_ );

-			}

-			int msec = Buffer_length( &this->stereo_buf );

-			blip_time_t clocks_emulated = msec * this->clock_rate_ / 1000 - 100;

-			RETURN_ERR( run_clocks( this, &clocks_emulated, msec ) );

-			assert( clocks_emulated );

-			Buffer_end_frame( &this->stereo_buf, clocks_emulated );

-		}

-	}

-	return 0;


+// Game_Music_Emu 0.6-pre. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
+#include "sgc_emu.h"
+/* Copyright (C) 2009 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
+can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
+module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
+details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License aint with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
+#include "blargg_source.h"
+int const osc_count = sms_osc_count + fm_apu_osc_count;
+const char gme_wrong_file_type [] = "Wrong file type for this emulator";
+static void clear_track_vars( struct Sgc_Emu* this )
+	this->current_track    = -1;
+	track_stop( &this->track_filter );
+void Sgc_init( struct Sgc_Emu* this )
+	assert( offsetof (struct header_t,copyright [32]) == header_size );
+	this->sample_rate = 0;
+	this->mute_mask_  = 0;
+	this->tempo       = (int)FP_ONE_TEMPO;
+	this->gain        = (int)FP_ONE_GAIN;
+	// defaults
+	this->tfilter = *track_get_setup( &this->track_filter );
+	this->tfilter.max_initial = 2;
+	this->tfilter.lookahead   = 6;
+	this->track_filter.silence_ignored_ = false;
+	Sms_apu_init( &this->apu );
+	Fm_apu_create( &this->fm_apu );
+	Rom_init( &this->rom, 0x4000 );
+	Z80_init( &this->cpu );
+	Sound_set_gain( this, (int)(FP_ONE_GAIN*1.2) );
+	// Unload
+	this->voice_count = 0;
+	this->voice_types = 0;
+	clear_track_vars( this );
+// Setup
+blargg_err_t Sgc_load_mem( struct Sgc_Emu* this, const void* data, long size )
+	RETURN_ERR( Rom_load( &this->rom, data, size, header_size, &this->header, 0 ) );
+	if ( !valid_tag( &this->header ) )
+		return gme_wrong_file_type;
+	/* if ( header.vers != 1 )
+		warning( "Unknown file version" ); */
+	/* if ( header.system > 2 )
+		warning( "Unknown system" ); */
+	addr_t load_addr = get_le16( this->header.load_addr );
+	/* if ( load_addr < 0x400 )
+		set_warning( "Invalid load address" ); */
+	Rom_set_addr( &this->rom, load_addr );
+	this->play_period = clock_rate( this ) / 60;
+	if ( sega_mapping( this ) && Fm_apu_supported() )
+		RETURN_ERR( Fm_apu_init( &this->fm_apu, clock_rate( this ), clock_rate( this ) / 72 ) );
+	this->m3u.size = 0;
+	this->track_count = this->header.song_count;
+	this->voice_count =  sega_mapping( this ) ? osc_count : sms_osc_count;
+	static int const types [sms_osc_count + fm_apu_osc_count] = {
+		wave_type+1, wave_type+2, wave_type+3, mixed_type+1, mixed_type+2
+	};
+	this->voice_types = types;
+	Sms_apu_volume( &this->apu, this->gain );
+	Fm_apu_volume( &this->fm_apu, this->gain );
+	// Setup buffer
+	this->clock_rate_ = clock_rate( this );
+	Buffer_clock_rate( &this->stereo_buf, clock_rate( this ) );
+	RETURN_ERR( Buffer_set_channel_count( &this->stereo_buf, this->voice_count, this->voice_types ) );
+	this->buf_changed_count = Buffer_channels_changed_count( &this->stereo_buf );
+	Sound_set_tempo( this, this->tempo );
+	Sound_mute_voices( this, this->mute_mask_ );
+	return 0;
+static void Sound_set_voice( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int i, struct Blip_Buffer* c, struct Blip_Buffer* l, struct Blip_Buffer* r )
+	if ( i < sms_osc_count )
+		Sms_apu_set_output( &this->apu, i, c, l, r );
+	else
+		Fm_apu_set_output( &this->fm_apu, c );
+static blargg_err_t run_clocks( struct Sgc_Emu* this, blip_time_t* duration, int msec )
+#if defined(ROCKBOX)
+	(void) msec;
+	cpu_time_t t = *duration;
+	while ( Z80_time( &this->cpu ) < t )
+	{
+		cpu_time_t next = min( t, this->next_play );
+		if ( run_cpu( this, next ) )
+		{
+			/* warning( "Unsupported CPU instruction" ); */
+			Z80_set_time( &this->cpu, next );
+		}
+		if ( this->cpu.r.pc == this->idle_addr )
+			Z80_set_time( &this->cpu, next );
+		if ( Z80_time( &this->cpu ) >= this->next_play )
+		{
+			this->next_play += this->play_period;
+			if ( this->cpu.r.pc == this->idle_addr )
+				jsr( this, this->header.play_addr );
+		}
+	}
+	this->next_play -= t;
+	check( this->next_play >= 0 );
+	Z80_adjust_time( &this->cpu, -t );
+	Sms_apu_end_frame( &this->apu, t );
+	if ( sega_mapping( this ) && this->fm_accessed )
+	{
+		if ( Fm_apu_supported() )
+			Fm_apu_end_frame( &this->fm_apu, t );
+		/* else
+			warning( "FM sound not supported" ); */
+	}
+	return 0;
+// Emulation
+void cpu_out( struct Sgc_Emu* this, cpu_time_t time, addr_t addr, int data )
+	int port = addr & 0xFF;
+	if ( sega_mapping( this ) )
+	{
+		switch ( port )
+		{
+		case 0x06:
+			Sms_apu_write_ggstereo( &this->apu, time, data );
+			return;
+		case 0x7E:
+		case 0x7F:
+			Sms_apu_write_data( &this->apu, time, data ); /* dprintf( "$7E<-%02X\n", data ); */
+			return;
+		case 0xF0:
+			this->fm_accessed = true;
+			if ( Fm_apu_supported() )
+				Fm_apu_write_addr( &this->fm_apu, data );//, dprintf( "$F0<-%02X\n", data );
+			return;
+		case 0xF1:
+			this->fm_accessed = true;
+			if ( Fm_apu_supported() )
+				Fm_apu_write_data( &this->fm_apu, time, data );//, dprintf( "$F1<-%02X\n", data );
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	else if ( port >= 0xE0 )
+	{
+		Sms_apu_write_data( &this->apu, time, data );
+		return;
+	}
+void jsr( struct Sgc_Emu* this, byte addr [2] )
+	*Z80_write( &this->cpu, --this->cpu.r.sp ) = this->idle_addr >> 8;
+	*Z80_write( &this->cpu, --this->cpu.r.sp ) = this->idle_addr & 0xFF;
+	this->cpu.r.pc = get_le16( addr );
+static void set_bank( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int bank, void const* data )
+	//dprintf( "map bank %d to %p\n", bank, (byte*) data - rom.at_addr( 0 ) );
+	Z80_map_mem( &this->cpu, bank * this->rom.bank_size, this->rom.bank_size, this->unmapped_write, data );
+void cpu_write( struct Sgc_Emu* this, addr_t addr, int data )
+	if ( (addr ^ 0xFFFC) > 3 || !sega_mapping( this ) )
+	{
+		*Z80_write( &this->cpu, addr ) = data;
+		return;
+	}
+	switch ( addr )
+	{
+	case 0xFFFC:
+		Z80_map_mem_rw( &this->cpu, 2 * this->rom.bank_size, this->rom.bank_size, this->ram2 );
+		if ( data & 0x08 )
+			break;
+		this->bank2 = this->ram2;
+	case 0xFFFF: {
+		bool rom_mapped = (Z80_read( &this->cpu, 2 * this->rom.bank_size ) == this->bank2);
+		this->bank2 = Rom_at_addr( &this->rom, data * this->rom.bank_size );
+		if ( rom_mapped )
+			set_bank( this, 2, this->bank2 );
+		break;
+	}
+	case 0xFFFD:
+		set_bank( this, 0, Rom_at_addr( &this->rom, data * this->rom.bank_size ) );
+		break;
+	case 0xFFFE:
+		set_bank( this, 1, Rom_at_addr( &this->rom, data * this->rom.bank_size ) );
+		break;
+	}
+blargg_err_t Sgc_set_sample_rate( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int rate )
+	require( !this->sample_rate ); // sample rate can't be changed once set
+	Buffer_init( &this->stereo_buf );
+	Buffer_set_sample_rate( &this->stereo_buf, rate, 1000 / 20 );
+	// Set buffer bass
+	Buffer_bass_freq( &this->stereo_buf, 80 );
+	this->sample_rate = rate;
+	RETURN_ERR( track_init( &this->track_filter, this ) );
+	this->tfilter.max_silence = 6 * stereo * this->sample_rate;
+	return 0;
+void Sound_mute_voice( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int index, bool mute )
+	require( (unsigned) index < (unsigned) this->voice_count );
+	int bit = 1 << index;
+	int mask = this->mute_mask_ | bit;
+	if ( !mute )
+		mask ^= bit;
+	Sound_mute_voices( this, mask );
+void Sound_mute_voices( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int mask )
+	require( this->sample_rate ); // sample rate must be set first
+	this->mute_mask_ = mask;
+	int i;
+	for ( i = this->voice_count; i--; )
+	{
+		if ( mask & (1 << i) )
+		{
+			Sound_set_voice( this, i, 0, 0, 0 );
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			struct channel_t ch = Buffer_channel( &this->stereo_buf, i );
+			assert( (ch.center && ch.left && ch.right) ||
+					(!ch.center && !ch.left && !ch.right) ); // all or nothing
+			Sound_set_voice( this, i, ch.center, ch.left, ch.right );
+		}
+	}
+void Sound_set_tempo( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int t )
+	require( this->sample_rate ); // sample rate must be set first
+	int const min = (int)(FP_ONE_TEMPO*0.02);
+	int const max = (int)(FP_ONE_TEMPO*4.00);
+	if ( t < min ) t = min;
+	if ( t > max ) t = max;
+	this->tempo = t;
+	this->play_period = (int) ((clock_rate( this ) * FP_ONE_TEMPO) / (this->header.rate ? 50 : 60) / t);
+blargg_err_t Sgc_start_track( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int track )
+	clear_track_vars( this );
+	// Remap track if playlist available
+	if ( this->m3u.size > 0 ) {
+		struct entry_t* e = &this->m3u.entries[track];
+		track = e->track;
+	}
+	this->current_track = track;
+	if ( sega_mapping( this ) )
+	{
+		Sms_apu_reset( &this->apu, 0, 0 );
+		Fm_apu_reset( &this->fm_apu );
+		this->fm_accessed = false;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		Sms_apu_reset( &this->apu, 0x0003, 15 );
+	}
+	memset( this->ram , 0, sizeof this->ram );
+	memset( this->ram2, 0, sizeof this->ram2 );
+	memset( this->vectors, 0xFF, sizeof this->vectors );
+	Z80_reset( &this->cpu, this->unmapped_write, this->rom.unmapped );
+	if ( sega_mapping( this ) )
+	{
+		this->vectors_addr = 0x10000 - page_size;
+		this->idle_addr = this->vectors_addr;
+		int i;
+		for ( i = 1; i < 8; ++i )
+		{
+			this->vectors [i*8 + 0] = 0xC3; // JP addr
+			this->vectors [i*8 + 1] = this->header.rst_addrs [i - 1] & 0xff;
+			this->vectors [i*8 + 2] = this->header.rst_addrs [i - 1] >> 8;
+		}
+		Z80_map_mem_rw( &this->cpu, 0xC000, 0x2000, this->ram );
+		Z80_map_mem( &this->cpu, this->vectors_addr, page_size, this->unmapped_write, this->vectors );
+		this->bank2 = NULL;
+		for ( i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
+			cpu_write( this, 0xFFFC + i, this->header.mapping [i] );
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if ( !this->coleco_bios )
+			return "Coleco BIOS not set"; /* BLARGG_ERR( BLARGG_ERR_CALLER, "Coleco BIOS not set" ); */
+		this->vectors_addr = 0;
+		Z80_map_mem( &this->cpu, 0, 0x2000, this->unmapped_write, this->coleco_bios );
+		int i;
+		for ( i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
+			Z80_map_mem_rw( &this->cpu, 0x6000 + i*0x400, 0x400, this->ram );
+		this->idle_addr = 0x2000;
+		Z80_map_mem( &this->cpu, 0x2000, page_size, this->unmapped_write, this->vectors );
+		for ( i = 0; i < 0x8000 / this->rom.bank_size; ++i )
+		{
+			int addr = 0x8000 + i*this->rom.bank_size;
+			Z80_map_mem( &this->cpu, addr, this->rom.bank_size, this->unmapped_write, Rom_at_addr( &this->rom, addr ) );
+		}
+	}
+	this->cpu.r.sp  = get_le16( this->header.stack_ptr );
+	this->cpu.r.b.a = track;
+	this->next_play = this->play_period;
+	jsr( this, this->header.init_addr );
+	Buffer_clear( &this->stereo_buf );
+	// convert filter times to samples
+	struct setup_t s = this->tfilter;
+	s.max_initial *= this->sample_rate * stereo;
+		s.lookahead = 1;
+	#endif
+	track_setup( &this->track_filter, &s );
+	return track_start( &this->track_filter );
+// Tell/Seek
+static int msec_to_samples( int msec, int sample_rate )
+	int sec = msec / 1000;
+	msec -= sec * 1000;
+	return (sec * sample_rate + msec * sample_rate / 1000) * stereo;
+int Track_tell( struct Sgc_Emu* this )
+	int rate = this->sample_rate * stereo;
+	int sec = track_sample_count( &this->track_filter ) / rate;
+	return sec * 1000 + (track_sample_count( &this->track_filter ) - sec * rate) * 1000 / rate;
+blargg_err_t Track_seek( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int msec )
+	int time = msec_to_samples( msec, this->sample_rate );
+	if ( time < track_sample_count( &this->track_filter ) )
+	RETURN_ERR( Sgc_start_track( this, this->current_track ) );
+	return Track_skip( this, time - track_sample_count( &this->track_filter ) );
+blargg_err_t Track_skip( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int count )
+	require( this->current_track >= 0 ); // start_track() must have been called already
+	return track_skip( &this->track_filter, count );
+blargg_err_t skip_( void* emu, int count )
+	struct Sgc_Emu* this = (struct Sgc_Emu*) emu;
+	// for long skip, mute sound
+	const int threshold = 32768;
+	if ( count > threshold )
+	{
+		int saved_mute = this->mute_mask_;
+		Sound_mute_voices( this, ~0 );
+		int n = count - threshold/2;
+		n &= ~(2048-1); // round to multiple of 2048
+		count -= n;
+		RETURN_ERR( skippy_( &this->track_filter, n ) );
+		Sound_mute_voices( this, saved_mute );
+	}
+	return skippy_( &this->track_filter, count );
+void Track_set_fade( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int start_msec, int length_msec )
+	track_set_fade( &this->track_filter, msec_to_samples( start_msec, this->sample_rate ),
+		length_msec * this->sample_rate / (1000 / stereo) );
+blargg_err_t Sgc_play( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int out_count, sample_t* out )
+	require( this->current_track >= 0 );
+	require( out_count % stereo == 0 );
+	return track_play( &this->track_filter, out_count, out );
+blargg_err_t play_( void* emu, int count, sample_t out [] )
+	struct Sgc_Emu* this = (struct Sgc_Emu*) emu;
+	int remain = count;
+	while ( remain )
+	{
+		Buffer_disable_immediate_removal( &this->stereo_buf );
+		remain -= Buffer_read_samples( &this->stereo_buf, &out [count - remain], remain );
+		if ( remain )
+		{
+			if ( this->buf_changed_count != Buffer_channels_changed_count( &this->stereo_buf ) )
+			{
+				this->buf_changed_count = Buffer_channels_changed_count( &this->stereo_buf );
+				// Remute voices
+				Sound_mute_voices( this, this->mute_mask_ );
+			}
+			int msec = Buffer_length( &this->stereo_buf );
+			blip_time_t clocks_emulated = msec * this->clock_rate_ / 1000 - 100;
+			RETURN_ERR( run_clocks( this, &clocks_emulated, msec ) );
+			assert( clocks_emulated );
+			Buffer_end_frame( &this->stereo_buf, clocks_emulated );
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/sgc_emu.h b/apps/codecs/libgme/sgc_emu.h
index 6595c02..83cde1e 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/sgc_emu.h
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/sgc_emu.h
@@ -1,195 +1,195 @@
-// Sega/Game Gear/Coleco SGC music file emulator


-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6-pre

-#ifndef SGC_EMU_H

-#define SGC_EMU_H


-#include "blargg_common.h"

-#include "multi_buffer.h"


-#include "rom_data.h"

-#include "z80_cpu.h"

-#include "sms_fm_apu.h"

-#include "sms_apu.h"

-#include "m3u_playlist.h"

-#include "track_filter.h"


-typedef struct Z80_Cpu Sgc_Cpu;


-// SGC file header

-enum { header_size = 0xA0 };

-struct header_t


-	char tag       [4]; // "SGC\x1A"

-	byte vers;          // 0x01

-	byte rate;          // 0=NTSC 1=PAL

-	byte reserved1 [2];

-	byte load_addr [2];

-	byte init_addr [2];

-	byte play_addr [2];

-	byte stack_ptr [2];

-	byte reserved2 [2];

-	byte rst_addrs [7*2];

-	byte mapping   [4]; // Used by Sega only

-	byte first_song;    // Song to start playing first

-	byte song_count;

-	byte first_effect;

-	byte last_effect;

-	byte system;        // 0=Master System 1=Game Gear 2=Colecovision

-	byte reserved3 [23];

-	char game      [32]; // strings can be 32 chars, NOT terminated

-	char author    [32];

-	char copyright [32];



-// True if header has valid file signature

-static inline bool valid_tag( struct header_t* h )


-	return 0 == memcmp( h->tag, "SGC\x1A", 4 );	



-static inline int effect_count( struct header_t* h ) { return h->last_effect ? h->last_effect - h->first_effect + 1 : 0; }


-struct Sgc_Emu {

-	bool fm_accessed;


-	cpu_time_t play_period;

-	cpu_time_t next_play;

-	void const* bank2;      // ROM selected for bank 2, in case RAM is currently hiding it

-	addr_t vectors_addr;    // RST vectors start here

-	addr_t idle_addr;       // return address for init/play routines

-	void* coleco_bios;


-	// general

-	int voice_count;

-	int const* voice_types;

-	int mute_mask_;

-	int tempo;

-	int gain;


-	int sample_rate;


-	// track-specific

-	int current_track;

-	int track_count;


-	int clock_rate_;

-	unsigned buf_changed_count;


-	// M3u Playlist

-	struct M3u_Playlist m3u;

-	struct header_t header;


-	struct setup_t tfilter;

-	struct Track_Filter track_filter;


-	struct Multi_Buffer stereo_buf;


-	struct Sms_Apu apu;

-	struct Sms_Fm_Apu fm_apu;


-	Sgc_Cpu cpu;


-	// large items

-	struct Rom_Data rom;

-	byte vectors [page_size + page_padding];

-	byte unmapped_write [0x4000];

-	byte ram [0x2000 + page_padding];

-	byte ram2 [0x4000 + page_padding];



-// Basic functionality (see Gme_File.h for file loading/track info functions)


-void Sgc_init( struct Sgc_Emu* this );


-blargg_err_t Sgc_load_mem( struct Sgc_Emu* this, const void* data, long size );


-static inline int clock_rate( struct Sgc_Emu* this ) { return this->header.rate ? 3546893 : 3579545; }


-// 0x2000 bytes

-static inline void set_coleco_bios( struct Sgc_Emu* this, void* p ) { this->coleco_bios = p; }


-// Set output sample rate. Must be called only once before loading file.

-blargg_err_t Sgc_set_sample_rate( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int sample_rate );


-// Start a track, where 0 is the first track. Also clears warning string.

-blargg_err_t Sgc_start_track( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int track );


-// Generate 'count' samples info 'buf'. Output is in stereo. Any emulation

-// errors set warning string, and major errors also end track.

-blargg_err_t Sgc_play( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int count, sample_t* buf );


-// Track status/control


-// Number of milliseconds (1000 msec = 1 second) played since beginning of track

-int Track_tell( struct Sgc_Emu* this );


-// Seek to new time in track. Seeking backwards or far forward can take a while.

-blargg_err_t Track_seek( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int msec );


-// Skip n samples

-blargg_err_t Track_skip( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int n );


-// Set start time and length of track fade out. Once fade ends track_ended() returns

-// true. Fade time can be changed while track is playing.

-void Track_set_fade( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int start_msec, int length_msec );


-// True if a track has reached its end

-static inline bool Track_ended( struct Sgc_Emu* this )


-	return track_ended( &this->track_filter );



-// Disables automatic end-of-track detection and skipping of silence at beginning

-static inline void Track_ignore_silence( struct Sgc_Emu* this, bool disable )


-	this->track_filter.silence_ignored_ = disable;



-// Get track length in milliseconds

-static inline int Track_get_length( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int n )


-	int length = 120 * 1000;  /* 2 minutes */ 

-	if ( (this->m3u.size > 0) && (n < this->m3u.size) ) {

-		struct entry_t* entry = &this->m3u.entries [n];

-		length = entry->length;

-	} 


-	return length;



-// Sound customization


-// Adjust song tempo, where 1.0 = normal, 0.5 = half speed, 2.0 = double speed.

-// Track length as returned by track_info() assumes a tempo of 1.0.

-void Sound_set_tempo( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int t );


-// Mute/unmute voice i, where voice 0 is first voice

-void Sound_mute_voice( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int index, bool mute );


-// Set muting state of all voices at once using a bit mask, where -1 mutes them all,

-// 0 unmutes them all, 0x01 mutes just the first voice, etc.

-void Sound_mute_voices( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int mask );


-// Change overall output amplitude, where 1.0 results in minimal clamping.

-// Must be called before set_sample_rate().

-static inline void Sound_set_gain( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int g )


-	assert( !this->sample_rate ); // you must set gain before setting sample rate

-	this->gain = g;



-// True if Master System or Game Gear

-static inline bool sega_mapping( struct Sgc_Emu* this )


-	return this->header.system <= 1;



-// Emulation (You shouldn't touch these)


-bool run_cpu( struct Sgc_Emu* this, cpu_time_t end_time );

-void cpu_out( struct Sgc_Emu* this, cpu_time_t time, addr_t addr, int data );

-void cpu_write( struct Sgc_Emu* this, addr_t addr, int data );

-void jsr( struct Sgc_Emu* this, byte addr [2] );



+// Sega/Game Gear/Coleco SGC music file emulator
+// Game_Music_Emu 0.6-pre
+#ifndef SGC_EMU_H
+#define SGC_EMU_H
+#include "blargg_common.h"
+#include "multi_buffer.h"
+#include "rom_data.h"
+#include "z80_cpu.h"
+#include "sms_fm_apu.h"
+#include "sms_apu.h"
+#include "m3u_playlist.h"
+#include "track_filter.h"
+typedef struct Z80_Cpu Sgc_Cpu;
+// SGC file header
+enum { header_size = 0xA0 };
+struct header_t
+	char tag       [4]; // "SGC\x1A"
+	byte vers;          // 0x01
+	byte rate;          // 0=NTSC 1=PAL
+	byte reserved1 [2];
+	byte load_addr [2];
+	byte init_addr [2];
+	byte play_addr [2];
+	byte stack_ptr [2];
+	byte reserved2 [2];
+	byte rst_addrs [7*2];
+	byte mapping   [4]; // Used by Sega only
+	byte first_song;    // Song to start playing first
+	byte song_count;
+	byte first_effect;
+	byte last_effect;
+	byte system;        // 0=Master System 1=Game Gear 2=Colecovision
+	byte reserved3 [23];
+	char game      [32]; // strings can be 32 chars, NOT terminated
+	char author    [32];
+	char copyright [32];
+// True if header has valid file signature
+static inline bool valid_tag( struct header_t* h )
+	return 0 == memcmp( h->tag, "SGC\x1A", 4 );	
+static inline int effect_count( struct header_t* h ) { return h->last_effect ? h->last_effect - h->first_effect + 1 : 0; }
+struct Sgc_Emu {
+	bool fm_accessed;
+	cpu_time_t play_period;
+	cpu_time_t next_play;
+	void const* bank2;      // ROM selected for bank 2, in case RAM is currently hiding it
+	addr_t vectors_addr;    // RST vectors start here
+	addr_t idle_addr;       // return address for init/play routines
+	void* coleco_bios;
+	// general
+	int voice_count;
+	int const* voice_types;
+	int mute_mask_;
+	int tempo;
+	int gain;
+	int sample_rate;
+	// track-specific
+	int current_track;
+	int track_count;
+	int clock_rate_;
+	unsigned buf_changed_count;
+	// M3u Playlist
+	struct M3u_Playlist m3u;
+	struct header_t header;
+	struct setup_t tfilter;
+	struct Track_Filter track_filter;
+	struct Multi_Buffer stereo_buf;
+	struct Sms_Apu apu;
+	struct Sms_Fm_Apu fm_apu;
+	Sgc_Cpu cpu;
+	// large items
+	struct Rom_Data rom;
+	byte vectors [page_size + page_padding];
+	byte unmapped_write [0x4000];
+	byte ram [0x2000 + page_padding];
+	byte ram2 [0x4000 + page_padding];
+// Basic functionality (see Gme_File.h for file loading/track info functions)
+void Sgc_init( struct Sgc_Emu* this );
+blargg_err_t Sgc_load_mem( struct Sgc_Emu* this, const void* data, long size );
+static inline int clock_rate( struct Sgc_Emu* this ) { return this->header.rate ? 3546893 : 3579545; }
+// 0x2000 bytes
+static inline void set_coleco_bios( struct Sgc_Emu* this, void* p ) { this->coleco_bios = p; }
+// Set output sample rate. Must be called only once before loading file.
+blargg_err_t Sgc_set_sample_rate( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int sample_rate );
+// Start a track, where 0 is the first track. Also clears warning string.
+blargg_err_t Sgc_start_track( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int track );
+// Generate 'count' samples info 'buf'. Output is in stereo. Any emulation
+// errors set warning string, and major errors also end track.
+blargg_err_t Sgc_play( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int count, sample_t* buf );
+// Track status/control
+// Number of milliseconds (1000 msec = 1 second) played since beginning of track
+int Track_tell( struct Sgc_Emu* this );
+// Seek to new time in track. Seeking backwards or far forward can take a while.
+blargg_err_t Track_seek( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int msec );
+// Skip n samples
+blargg_err_t Track_skip( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int n );
+// Set start time and length of track fade out. Once fade ends track_ended() returns
+// true. Fade time can be changed while track is playing.
+void Track_set_fade( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int start_msec, int length_msec );
+// True if a track has reached its end
+static inline bool Track_ended( struct Sgc_Emu* this )
+	return track_ended( &this->track_filter );
+// Disables automatic end-of-track detection and skipping of silence at beginning
+static inline void Track_ignore_silence( struct Sgc_Emu* this, bool disable )
+	this->track_filter.silence_ignored_ = disable;
+// Get track length in milliseconds
+static inline int Track_get_length( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int n )
+	int length = 120 * 1000;  /* 2 minutes */ 
+	if ( (this->m3u.size > 0) && (n < this->m3u.size) ) {
+		struct entry_t* entry = &this->m3u.entries [n];
+		length = entry->length;
+	} 
+	return length;
+// Sound customization
+// Adjust song tempo, where 1.0 = normal, 0.5 = half speed, 2.0 = double speed.
+// Track length as returned by track_info() assumes a tempo of 1.0.
+void Sound_set_tempo( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int t );
+// Mute/unmute voice i, where voice 0 is first voice
+void Sound_mute_voice( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int index, bool mute );
+// Set muting state of all voices at once using a bit mask, where -1 mutes them all,
+// 0 unmutes them all, 0x01 mutes just the first voice, etc.
+void Sound_mute_voices( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int mask );
+// Change overall output amplitude, where 1.0 results in minimal clamping.
+// Must be called before set_sample_rate().
+static inline void Sound_set_gain( struct Sgc_Emu* this, int g )
+	assert( !this->sample_rate ); // you must set gain before setting sample rate
+	this->gain = g;
+// True if Master System or Game Gear
+static inline bool sega_mapping( struct Sgc_Emu* this )
+	return this->header.system <= 1;
+// Emulation (You shouldn't touch these)
+bool run_cpu( struct Sgc_Emu* this, cpu_time_t end_time );
+void cpu_out( struct Sgc_Emu* this, cpu_time_t time, addr_t addr, int data );
+void cpu_write( struct Sgc_Emu* this, addr_t addr, int data );
+void jsr( struct Sgc_Emu* this, byte addr [2] );
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/sms_fm_apu.c b/apps/codecs/libgme/sms_fm_apu.c
index 6fd0054..ee5ce48 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/sms_fm_apu.c
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/sms_fm_apu.c
@@ -1,82 +1,82 @@
-#include "sms_fm_apu.h"


-#include "blargg_source.h"


-void Fm_apu_create( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this )


-	Synth_init( &this->synth );

-	Ym2413_init( &this->apu );



-blargg_err_t Fm_apu_init( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this, int clock_rate, int sample_rate )


-	this->period_ = (blip_time_t) (clock_rate / sample_rate);

-	CHECK_ALLOC( !Ym2413_set_rate( &this->apu, sample_rate, clock_rate ) );


-	Fm_apu_set_output( this, 0 );

-	Fm_apu_volume( this, (int)FP_ONE_VOLUME );

-	Fm_apu_reset( this );

-	return 0;



-void Fm_apu_reset( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this )


-	this->addr      = 0;

-	this->next_time = 0;

-	this->last_amp  = 0;


-	Ym2413_reset( &this->apu );



-void fm_run_until( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this, blip_time_t end_time );

-void Fm_apu_write_data( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this, blip_time_t time, int data )


-	if ( time > this->next_time )

-		fm_run_until( this, time );


-	Ym2413_write( &this->apu, this->addr, data );



-void fm_run_until( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this, blip_time_t end_time )


-	assert( end_time > this->next_time );


-	struct Blip_Buffer* const output = this->output_;

-	if ( !output )

-	{

-		this->next_time = end_time;

-		return;

-	}


-	blip_time_t time = this->next_time;

-	struct Ym2413_Emu* emu = &this->apu;

-	do

-	{

-		short samples [2];

-		Ym2413_run( emu, 1, samples );

-		int amp = (samples [0] + samples [1]) >> 1;


-		int delta = amp - this->last_amp;

-		if ( delta )

-		{

-			this->last_amp = amp;

-			Synth_offset_inline( &this->synth, time, delta, output );

-		}

-		time += this->period_;

-	}

-	while ( time < end_time );


-	this->next_time = time;



-void Fm_apu_end_frame( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this, blip_time_t time )


-	if ( time > this->next_time )

-		fm_run_until( this, time );


-	this->next_time -= time;

-	assert( this->next_time >= 0 );


-	if ( this->output_ )

-		Blip_set_modified( this->output_ );


+#include "sms_fm_apu.h"
+#include "blargg_source.h"
+void Fm_apu_create( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this )
+	Synth_init( &this->synth );
+	Ym2413_init( &this->apu );
+blargg_err_t Fm_apu_init( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this, int clock_rate, int sample_rate )
+	this->period_ = (blip_time_t) (clock_rate / sample_rate);
+	CHECK_ALLOC( !Ym2413_set_rate( &this->apu, sample_rate, clock_rate ) );
+	Fm_apu_set_output( this, 0 );
+	Fm_apu_volume( this, (int)FP_ONE_VOLUME );
+	Fm_apu_reset( this );
+	return 0;
+void Fm_apu_reset( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this )
+	this->addr      = 0;
+	this->next_time = 0;
+	this->last_amp  = 0;
+	Ym2413_reset( &this->apu );
+void fm_run_until( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this, blip_time_t end_time );
+void Fm_apu_write_data( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this, blip_time_t time, int data )
+	if ( time > this->next_time )
+		fm_run_until( this, time );
+	Ym2413_write( &this->apu, this->addr, data );
+void fm_run_until( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this, blip_time_t end_time )
+	assert( end_time > this->next_time );
+	struct Blip_Buffer* const output = this->output_;
+	if ( !output )
+	{
+		this->next_time = end_time;
+		return;
+	}
+	blip_time_t time = this->next_time;
+	struct Ym2413_Emu* emu = &this->apu;
+	do
+	{
+		short samples [2];
+		Ym2413_run( emu, 1, samples );
+		int amp = (samples [0] + samples [1]) >> 1;
+		int delta = amp - this->last_amp;
+		if ( delta )
+		{
+			this->last_amp = amp;
+			Synth_offset_inline( &this->synth, time, delta, output );
+		}
+		time += this->period_;
+	}
+	while ( time < end_time );
+	this->next_time = time;
+void Fm_apu_end_frame( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this, blip_time_t time )
+	if ( time > this->next_time )
+		fm_run_until( this, time );
+	this->next_time -= time;
+	assert( this->next_time >= 0 );
+	if ( this->output_ )
+		Blip_set_modified( this->output_ );
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/sms_fm_apu.h b/apps/codecs/libgme/sms_fm_apu.h
index 00bc2b4..921db6c 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/sms_fm_apu.h
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/sms_fm_apu.h
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
-#ifndef SMS_FM_APU_H

-#define SMS_FM_APU_H


-#include "blargg_common.h"

-#include "blip_buffer.h"

-#include "ym2413_emu.h"


-enum { fm_apu_osc_count = 1 };


-struct Sms_Fm_Apu {

-	struct Blip_Buffer* output_;

-	blip_time_t next_time;

-	int last_amp;

-	int addr;


-	int clock_;

-	int rate_;

-	blip_time_t period_;


-	struct Blip_Synth synth;

-	struct Ym2413_Emu apu;



-void Fm_apu_create( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this );


-static inline bool Fm_apu_supported( void ) { return Ym2413_supported(); }

-blargg_err_t Fm_apu_init( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this, int clock_rate, int sample_rate );


-static inline void Fm_apu_set_output( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this, struct Blip_Buffer* b )


-	this->output_ = b;



-static inline void Fm_apu_volume( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this, int v ) { Synth_volume( &this->synth, (v*2) / 5 / 4096 ); }


-void Fm_apu_reset( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this );


-static inline void Fm_apu_write_addr( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this, int data )                 { this->addr = data; }

-void Fm_apu_write_data( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this, blip_time_t, int data );


-void Fm_apu_end_frame( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this, blip_time_t t );



+#ifndef SMS_FM_APU_H
+#define SMS_FM_APU_H
+#include "blargg_common.h"
+#include "blip_buffer.h"
+#include "ym2413_emu.h"
+enum { fm_apu_osc_count = 1 };
+struct Sms_Fm_Apu {
+	struct Blip_Buffer* output_;
+	blip_time_t next_time;
+	int last_amp;
+	int addr;
+	int clock_;
+	int rate_;
+	blip_time_t period_;
+	struct Blip_Synth synth;
+	struct Ym2413_Emu apu;
+void Fm_apu_create( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this );
+static inline bool Fm_apu_supported( void ) { return Ym2413_supported(); }
+blargg_err_t Fm_apu_init( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this, int clock_rate, int sample_rate );
+static inline void Fm_apu_set_output( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this, struct Blip_Buffer* b )
+	this->output_ = b;
+static inline void Fm_apu_volume( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this, int v ) { Synth_volume( &this->synth, (v*2) / 5 / 4096 ); }
+void Fm_apu_reset( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this );
+static inline void Fm_apu_write_addr( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this, int data )                 { this->addr = data; }
+void Fm_apu_write_data( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this, blip_time_t, int data );
+void Fm_apu_end_frame( struct Sms_Fm_Apu* this, blip_time_t t );
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/track_filter.c b/apps/codecs/libgme/track_filter.c
index 4776dcc..d0d75f2 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/track_filter.c
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/track_filter.c
@@ -1,294 +1,294 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6-pre. http://www.slack.net/~ant/


-#include "track_filter.h"


-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Shay Green. This module is free software; you

-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser

-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either

-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This

-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY

-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS

-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more

-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public

-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,

-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */


-#include "blargg_source.h"


-int const fade_block_size = 512;

-int const fade_shift = 8; // fade ends with gain at 1.0 / (1 << fade_shift)

-int const silence_threshold = 8;


-void track_create( struct Track_Filter* this )


-	this->emu_               = NULL;

-	this->setup_.max_initial = 0;

-	this->setup_.lookahead   = 0;

-	this->setup_.max_silence = indefinite_count;

-	this->silence_ignored_   = false;

-	track_stop( this );



-blargg_err_t track_init( struct Track_Filter* this, void* emu )


-	this->emu_ = emu;

-	return 0;



-static void clear_time_vars( struct Track_Filter* this )


-	this->emu_time      = this->buf_remain;

-	this->out_time      = 0;

-	this->silence_time  = 0;

-	this->silence_count = 0;



-void track_stop( struct Track_Filter* this )


-	this->emu_track_ended_ = true;

-	this->track_ended_     = true;

-	this->fade_start       = indefinite_count;

-	this->fade_step        = 1;

-	this->buf_remain       = 0;

-	this->emu_error        = NULL;

-	clear_time_vars( this );



-blargg_err_t track_start( struct Track_Filter* this )


-	this->emu_error = NULL;

-	track_stop( this );


-	this->emu_track_ended_ = false;

-	this->track_ended_     = false;


-	if ( !this->silence_ignored_ )

-	{

-		// play until non-silence or end of track

-		while ( this->emu_time < this->setup_.max_initial )

-		{

-			fill_buf( this );

-			if ( this->buf_remain | this->emu_track_ended_ )

-				break;

-		}

-	}


-	clear_time_vars( this );

-	return this->emu_error;



-static void end_track_if_error( struct Track_Filter* this, blargg_err_t err )


-	if ( err )

-	{

-		this->emu_error        = err;

-		this->emu_track_ended_ = true;

-	}



-blargg_err_t track_skip( struct Track_Filter* this, int count )


-	this->emu_error = NULL;

-	this->out_time += count;


-	// remove from silence and buf first

-	{

-		int n = min( count, this->silence_count );

-		this->silence_count -= n;

-		count         -= n;


-		n = min( count, this->buf_remain );

-		this->buf_remain -= n;

-		count      -= n;

-	}


-	if ( count && !this->emu_track_ended_ )

-	{

-		this->emu_time += count;

-		this->silence_time = this->emu_time; // would otherwise be invalid

-		end_track_if_error( this, skip_( this->emu_, count ) );

-	}


-	if ( !(this->silence_count | this->buf_remain) ) // caught up to emulator, so update track ended

-		this->track_ended_ |= this->emu_track_ended_;


-	return this->emu_error;



-blargg_err_t skippy_( struct Track_Filter* this, int count )


-	while ( count && !this->emu_track_ended_ )

-	{

-		int n = buf_size;

-		if ( n > count )

-			n = count;

-		count -= n;

-		RETURN_ERR( play_( this->emu_, n, this->buf ) );

-	}

-	return 0;



-// Fading


-void track_set_fade( struct Track_Filter* this, int start, int length )


-	this->fade_start = start;

-	this->fade_step  = length / (fade_block_size * fade_shift);

-	if ( this->fade_step < 1 )

-		this->fade_step = 1;



-static bool is_fading( struct Track_Filter* this )


-	return this->out_time >= this->fade_start && this->fade_start != indefinite_count;



-// unit / pow( 2.0, (double) x / step )

-static int int_log( int x, int step, int unit )


-	int shift = x / step;

-	int fraction = (x - shift * step) * unit / step;

-	return ((unit - fraction) + (fraction >> 1)) >> shift;



-static void handle_fade( struct Track_Filter* this, sample_t out [], int out_count )


-	int i;

-	for ( i = 0; i < out_count; i += fade_block_size )

-	{

-		int const shift = 14;

-		int const unit = 1 << shift;

-		int gain = int_log( (this->out_time + i - this->fade_start) / fade_block_size,

-				this->fade_step, unit );

-		if ( gain < (unit >> fade_shift) )

-			this->track_ended_ = this->emu_track_ended_ = true;


-		sample_t* io = &out [i];

-		for ( int count = min( fade_block_size, out_count - i ); count; --count )

-		{

-			*io = (sample_t) ((*io * gain) >> shift);

-			++io;

-		}

-	}



-// Silence detection


-static void emu_play( struct Track_Filter* this, sample_t out [], int count )


-	this->emu_time += count;

-	if ( !this->emu_track_ended_ )

-		end_track_if_error( this, play_( this->emu_, count, out ) );

-	else

-		memset( out, 0, count * sizeof *out );



-// number of consecutive silent samples at end

-static int count_silence( sample_t begin [], int size )


-	sample_t first = *begin;

-	*begin = silence_threshold * 2; // sentinel

-	sample_t* p = begin + size;

-	while ( (unsigned) (*--p + silence_threshold) <= (unsigned) silence_threshold * 2 ) { }

-	*begin = first;

-	return size - (p - begin);



-// fill internal buffer and check it for silence

-void fill_buf( struct Track_Filter* this )


-	assert( !this->buf_remain );

-	if ( !this->emu_track_ended_ )

-	{

-		emu_play( this, this->buf, buf_size );

-		int silence = count_silence( this->buf, buf_size );

-		if ( silence < buf_size )

-		{

-			this->silence_time = this->emu_time - silence;

-			this->buf_remain   = buf_size;

-			return;

-		}

-	}

-	this->silence_count += buf_size;



-blargg_err_t track_play( struct Track_Filter* this, int out_count, sample_t out [] )


-	this->emu_error = NULL;

-	if ( this->track_ended_ )

-	{

-		memset( out, 0, out_count * sizeof *out );

-	}

-	else

-	{

-		assert( this->emu_time >= this->out_time );


-		// prints nifty graph of how far ahead we are when searching for silence

-		//dprintf( "%*s \n", int ((emu_time - out_time) * 7 / 44100), "*" );


-		// use any remaining silence samples

-		int pos = 0;

-		if ( this->silence_count )

-		{

-			if ( !this->silence_ignored_ )

-			{

-				// during a run of silence, run emulator at >=2x speed so it gets ahead

-				int ahead_time = this->setup_.lookahead * (this->out_time + out_count - this->silence_time) +

-				this->silence_time;

-				while ( this->emu_time < ahead_time && !(this->buf_remain | this->emu_track_ended_) )

-					fill_buf( this );


-				// end track if sufficient silence has been found

-				if ( this->emu_time - this->silence_time > this->setup_.max_silence )

-				{

-					this->track_ended_  = this->emu_track_ended_ = true;

-					this->silence_count = out_count;

-					this->buf_remain    = 0;

-				}

-			}


-			// fill from remaining silence

-			pos = min( this->silence_count, out_count );

-			memset( out, 0, pos * sizeof *out );

-			this->silence_count -= pos;

-		}


-		// use any remaining samples from buffer

-		if ( this->buf_remain )

-		{

-			int n = min( this->buf_remain, (int) (out_count - pos) );

-			memcpy( out + pos, this->buf + (buf_size - this->buf_remain), n * sizeof *out );

-			this->buf_remain -= n;

-			pos += n;

-		}


-		// generate remaining samples normally

-		int remain = out_count - pos;

-		if ( remain )

-		{

-			emu_play( this, out + pos, remain );

-			this->track_ended_ |= this->emu_track_ended_;


-			if ( this->silence_ignored_ && !is_fading( this ) )

-			{

-				// if left unupdated, ahead_time could become too large

-				this->silence_time = this->emu_time;

-			}

-			else

-			{

-				// check end for a new run of silence

-				int silence = count_silence( out + pos, remain );

-				if ( silence < remain )

-					this->silence_time = this->emu_time - silence;


-				if ( this->emu_time - this->silence_time >= buf_size )

-					fill_buf( this ); // cause silence detection on next play()

-			}

-		}


-		if ( is_fading( this ) )

-			handle_fade( this, out, out_count );

-	}

-	this->out_time += out_count;

-	return this->emu_error;


+// Game_Music_Emu 0.6-pre. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
+#include "track_filter.h"
+/* Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
+can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
+module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
+details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
+#include "blargg_source.h"
+int const fade_block_size = 512;
+int const fade_shift = 8; // fade ends with gain at 1.0 / (1 << fade_shift)
+int const silence_threshold = 8;
+void track_create( struct Track_Filter* this )
+	this->emu_               = NULL;
+	this->setup_.max_initial = 0;
+	this->setup_.lookahead   = 0;
+	this->setup_.max_silence = indefinite_count;
+	this->silence_ignored_   = false;
+	track_stop( this );
+blargg_err_t track_init( struct Track_Filter* this, void* emu )
+	this->emu_ = emu;
+	return 0;
+static void clear_time_vars( struct Track_Filter* this )
+	this->emu_time      = this->buf_remain;
+	this->out_time      = 0;
+	this->silence_time  = 0;
+	this->silence_count = 0;
+void track_stop( struct Track_Filter* this )
+	this->emu_track_ended_ = true;
+	this->track_ended_     = true;
+	this->fade_start       = indefinite_count;
+	this->fade_step        = 1;
+	this->buf_remain       = 0;
+	this->emu_error        = NULL;
+	clear_time_vars( this );
+blargg_err_t track_start( struct Track_Filter* this )
+	this->emu_error = NULL;
+	track_stop( this );
+	this->emu_track_ended_ = false;
+	this->track_ended_     = false;
+	if ( !this->silence_ignored_ )
+	{
+		// play until non-silence or end of track
+		while ( this->emu_time < this->setup_.max_initial )
+		{
+			fill_buf( this );
+			if ( this->buf_remain | this->emu_track_ended_ )
+				break;
+		}
+	}
+	clear_time_vars( this );
+	return this->emu_error;
+static void end_track_if_error( struct Track_Filter* this, blargg_err_t err )
+	if ( err )
+	{
+		this->emu_error        = err;
+		this->emu_track_ended_ = true;
+	}
+blargg_err_t track_skip( struct Track_Filter* this, int count )
+	this->emu_error = NULL;
+	this->out_time += count;
+	// remove from silence and buf first
+	{
+		int n = min( count, this->silence_count );
+		this->silence_count -= n;
+		count         -= n;
+		n = min( count, this->buf_remain );
+		this->buf_remain -= n;
+		count      -= n;
+	}
+	if ( count && !this->emu_track_ended_ )
+	{
+		this->emu_time += count;
+		this->silence_time = this->emu_time; // would otherwise be invalid
+		end_track_if_error( this, skip_( this->emu_, count ) );
+	}
+	if ( !(this->silence_count | this->buf_remain) ) // caught up to emulator, so update track ended
+		this->track_ended_ |= this->emu_track_ended_;
+	return this->emu_error;
+blargg_err_t skippy_( struct Track_Filter* this, int count )
+	while ( count && !this->emu_track_ended_ )
+	{
+		int n = buf_size;
+		if ( n > count )
+			n = count;
+		count -= n;
+		RETURN_ERR( play_( this->emu_, n, this->buf ) );
+	}
+	return 0;
+// Fading
+void track_set_fade( struct Track_Filter* this, int start, int length )
+	this->fade_start = start;
+	this->fade_step  = length / (fade_block_size * fade_shift);
+	if ( this->fade_step < 1 )
+		this->fade_step = 1;
+static bool is_fading( struct Track_Filter* this )
+	return this->out_time >= this->fade_start && this->fade_start != indefinite_count;
+// unit / pow( 2.0, (double) x / step )
+static int int_log( int x, int step, int unit )
+	int shift = x / step;
+	int fraction = (x - shift * step) * unit / step;
+	return ((unit - fraction) + (fraction >> 1)) >> shift;
+static void handle_fade( struct Track_Filter* this, sample_t out [], int out_count )
+	int i;
+	for ( i = 0; i < out_count; i += fade_block_size )
+	{
+		int const shift = 14;
+		int const unit = 1 << shift;
+		int gain = int_log( (this->out_time + i - this->fade_start) / fade_block_size,
+				this->fade_step, unit );
+		if ( gain < (unit >> fade_shift) )
+			this->track_ended_ = this->emu_track_ended_ = true;
+		sample_t* io = &out [i];
+		for ( int count = min( fade_block_size, out_count - i ); count; --count )
+		{
+			*io = (sample_t) ((*io * gain) >> shift);
+			++io;
+		}
+	}
+// Silence detection
+static void emu_play( struct Track_Filter* this, sample_t out [], int count )
+	this->emu_time += count;
+	if ( !this->emu_track_ended_ )
+		end_track_if_error( this, play_( this->emu_, count, out ) );
+	else
+		memset( out, 0, count * sizeof *out );
+// number of consecutive silent samples at end
+static int count_silence( sample_t begin [], int size )
+	sample_t first = *begin;
+	*begin = silence_threshold * 2; // sentinel
+	sample_t* p = begin + size;
+	while ( (unsigned) (*--p + silence_threshold) <= (unsigned) silence_threshold * 2 ) { }
+	*begin = first;
+	return size - (p - begin);
+// fill internal buffer and check it for silence
+void fill_buf( struct Track_Filter* this )
+	assert( !this->buf_remain );
+	if ( !this->emu_track_ended_ )
+	{
+		emu_play( this, this->buf, buf_size );
+		int silence = count_silence( this->buf, buf_size );
+		if ( silence < buf_size )
+		{
+			this->silence_time = this->emu_time - silence;
+			this->buf_remain   = buf_size;
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	this->silence_count += buf_size;
+blargg_err_t track_play( struct Track_Filter* this, int out_count, sample_t out [] )
+	this->emu_error = NULL;
+	if ( this->track_ended_ )
+	{
+		memset( out, 0, out_count * sizeof *out );
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		assert( this->emu_time >= this->out_time );
+		// prints nifty graph of how far ahead we are when searching for silence
+		//dprintf( "%*s \n", int ((emu_time - out_time) * 7 / 44100), "*" );
+		// use any remaining silence samples
+		int pos = 0;
+		if ( this->silence_count )
+		{
+			if ( !this->silence_ignored_ )
+			{
+				// during a run of silence, run emulator at >=2x speed so it gets ahead
+				int ahead_time = this->setup_.lookahead * (this->out_time + out_count - this->silence_time) +
+				this->silence_time;
+				while ( this->emu_time < ahead_time && !(this->buf_remain | this->emu_track_ended_) )
+					fill_buf( this );
+				// end track if sufficient silence has been found
+				if ( this->emu_time - this->silence_time > this->setup_.max_silence )
+				{
+					this->track_ended_  = this->emu_track_ended_ = true;
+					this->silence_count = out_count;
+					this->buf_remain    = 0;
+				}
+			}
+			// fill from remaining silence
+			pos = min( this->silence_count, out_count );
+			memset( out, 0, pos * sizeof *out );
+			this->silence_count -= pos;
+		}
+		// use any remaining samples from buffer
+		if ( this->buf_remain )
+		{
+			int n = min( this->buf_remain, (int) (out_count - pos) );
+			memcpy( out + pos, this->buf + (buf_size - this->buf_remain), n * sizeof *out );
+			this->buf_remain -= n;
+			pos += n;
+		}
+		// generate remaining samples normally
+		int remain = out_count - pos;
+		if ( remain )
+		{
+			emu_play( this, out + pos, remain );
+			this->track_ended_ |= this->emu_track_ended_;
+			if ( this->silence_ignored_ && !is_fading( this ) )
+			{
+				// if left unupdated, ahead_time could become too large
+				this->silence_time = this->emu_time;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				// check end for a new run of silence
+				int silence = count_silence( out + pos, remain );
+				if ( silence < remain )
+					this->silence_time = this->emu_time - silence;
+				if ( this->emu_time - this->silence_time >= buf_size )
+					fill_buf( this ); // cause silence detection on next play()
+			}
+		}
+		if ( is_fading( this ) )
+			handle_fade( this, out, out_count );
+	}
+	this->out_time += out_count;
+	return this->emu_error;
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/track_filter.h b/apps/codecs/libgme/track_filter.h
index 35049b9..3689be9 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/track_filter.h
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/track_filter.h
@@ -1,90 +1,90 @@
-// Removes silence from beginning of track, fades end of track. Also looks ahead

-// for excessive silence, and if found, ends track.


-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6-pre




-#include "blargg_common.h"


-typedef short sample_t;

-typedef int sample_count_t;


-enum { indefinite_count = INT_MAX/2 + 1 };

-enum { buf_size = 2048 };


-struct setup_t {

-    sample_count_t max_initial; // maximum silence to strip from beginning of track

-    sample_count_t max_silence; // maximum silence in middle of track without it ending

-    int lookahead;   // internal speed when looking ahead for silence (2=200% etc.)



-struct Track_Filter {

-    void* emu_;

-    struct setup_t setup_;

-    const char* emu_error;

-    bool silence_ignored_;


-    // Timing

-    int out_time;  // number of samples played since start of track

-    int emu_time;  // number of samples emulator has generated since start of track

-    int emu_track_ended_; // emulator has reached end of track

-    volatile int track_ended_;


-    // Fading

-    int fade_start;

-    int fade_step;


-    // Silence detection

-    int silence_time;   // absolute number of samples where most recent silence began

-    int silence_count;  // number of samples of silence to play before using buf

-    int buf_remain;     // number of samples left in silence buffer

-    sample_t buf [buf_size];



-// Initializes filter. Must be done once before using object.

-blargg_err_t track_init( struct Track_Filter* this, void* );

-void track_create( struct Track_Filter* this );


-// Gets/sets setup

-static inline struct setup_t const* track_get_setup( struct Track_Filter* this ) { return &this->setup_; }

-static inline void track_setup( struct Track_Filter* this, struct setup_t const* s ) { this->setup_ = *s; }


-// Disables automatic end-of-track detection and skipping of silence at beginning

-static inline void track_ignore_silence( struct Track_Filter* this, bool disable ) { this->silence_ignored_ = disable; }


-// Clears state and skips initial silence in track

-blargg_err_t track_start( struct Track_Filter* this );


-// Sets time that fade starts, and how long until track ends.

-void track_set_fade( struct Track_Filter* this, sample_count_t start, sample_count_t length );


-// Generates n samples into buf

-blargg_err_t track_play( struct Track_Filter* this, int n, sample_t buf [] );


-// Skips n samples

-blargg_err_t track_skip( struct Track_Filter* this, int n );


-// Number of samples played/skipped since start_track()

-static inline int track_sample_count( struct Track_Filter* this ) { return this->out_time; }


-// True if track ended. Causes are end of source samples, end of fade,

-// or excessive silence.

-static inline bool track_ended( struct Track_Filter* this ) { return this->track_ended_; }


-// Clears state

-void track_stop( struct Track_Filter* this );


-// For use by callbacks


-// Sets internal "track ended" flag and stops generation of further source samples

-static inline void track_set_end( struct Track_Filter* this ) { this->emu_track_ended_ = true; }


-// For use by skip_() callback

-blargg_err_t skippy_( struct Track_Filter* this, int count );

-void fill_buf( struct Track_Filter* this );


-// Skip and play callbacks

-blargg_err_t skip_( void* emu, int count );

-blargg_err_t play_( void* emu, int count, sample_t out [] );


+// Removes silence from beginning of track, fades end of track. Also looks ahead
+// for excessive silence, and if found, ends track.
+// Game_Music_Emu 0.6-pre
+#include "blargg_common.h"
+typedef short sample_t;
+typedef int sample_count_t;
+enum { indefinite_count = INT_MAX/2 + 1 };
+enum { buf_size = 2048 };
+struct setup_t {
+    sample_count_t max_initial; // maximum silence to strip from beginning of track
+    sample_count_t max_silence; // maximum silence in middle of track without it ending
+    int lookahead;   // internal speed when looking ahead for silence (2=200% etc.)
+struct Track_Filter {
+    void* emu_;
+    struct setup_t setup_;
+    const char* emu_error;
+    bool silence_ignored_;
+    // Timing
+    int out_time;  // number of samples played since start of track
+    int emu_time;  // number of samples emulator has generated since start of track
+    int emu_track_ended_; // emulator has reached end of track
+    volatile int track_ended_;
+    // Fading
+    int fade_start;
+    int fade_step;
+    // Silence detection
+    int silence_time;   // absolute number of samples where most recent silence began
+    int silence_count;  // number of samples of silence to play before using buf
+    int buf_remain;     // number of samples left in silence buffer
+    sample_t buf [buf_size];
+// Initializes filter. Must be done once before using object.
+blargg_err_t track_init( struct Track_Filter* this, void* );
+void track_create( struct Track_Filter* this );
+// Gets/sets setup
+static inline struct setup_t const* track_get_setup( struct Track_Filter* this ) { return &this->setup_; }
+static inline void track_setup( struct Track_Filter* this, struct setup_t const* s ) { this->setup_ = *s; }
+// Disables automatic end-of-track detection and skipping of silence at beginning
+static inline void track_ignore_silence( struct Track_Filter* this, bool disable ) { this->silence_ignored_ = disable; }
+// Clears state and skips initial silence in track
+blargg_err_t track_start( struct Track_Filter* this );
+// Sets time that fade starts, and how long until track ends.
+void track_set_fade( struct Track_Filter* this, sample_count_t start, sample_count_t length );
+// Generates n samples into buf
+blargg_err_t track_play( struct Track_Filter* this, int n, sample_t buf [] );
+// Skips n samples
+blargg_err_t track_skip( struct Track_Filter* this, int n );
+// Number of samples played/skipped since start_track()
+static inline int track_sample_count( struct Track_Filter* this ) { return this->out_time; }
+// True if track ended. Causes are end of source samples, end of fade,
+// or excessive silence.
+static inline bool track_ended( struct Track_Filter* this ) { return this->track_ended_; }
+// Clears state
+void track_stop( struct Track_Filter* this );
+// For use by callbacks
+// Sets internal "track ended" flag and stops generation of further source samples
+static inline void track_set_end( struct Track_Filter* this ) { this->emu_track_ended_ = true; }
+// For use by skip_() callback
+blargg_err_t skippy_( struct Track_Filter* this, int count );
+void fill_buf( struct Track_Filter* this );
+// Skip and play callbacks
+blargg_err_t skip_( void* emu, int count );
+blargg_err_t play_( void* emu, int count, sample_t out [] );
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/vrc7tone.h b/apps/codecs/libgme/vrc7tone.h
index a256c80..c589335 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/vrc7tone.h
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/vrc7tone.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-/* VRC7 TONES by okazaki@angel.ne.jp */




















+/* VRC7 TONES by okazaki@angel.ne.jp */
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/ym2413_emu.c b/apps/codecs/libgme/ym2413_emu.c
index 9efd3dc..d9ada43 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/ym2413_emu.c
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/ym2413_emu.c
@@ -1,45 +1,45 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.5.5. http://www.slack.net/~ant/


-#include "ym2413_emu.h"


-void Ym2413_init( struct Ym2413_Emu* this )


-	this->last_time = disabled_time; this->out = 0; 



-int Ym2413_set_rate( struct Ym2413_Emu* this, int sample_rate, int clock_rate )


-	OPLL_new ( &this->opll, clock_rate, sample_rate );

-    OPLL_reset_patch( &this->opll, OPLL_2413_TONE );


-	Ym2413_reset( this );

-	return 0;



-void Ym2413_reset( struct Ym2413_Emu* this )


-	OPLL_reset( &this->opll );

-	OPLL_setMask( &this->opll, 0 );



-void Ym2413_write( struct Ym2413_Emu* this, int addr, int data )


-	OPLL_writeIO( &this->opll, 0, addr );

-	OPLL_writeIO( &this->opll, 1, data );



-void Ym2413_mute_voices( struct Ym2413_Emu* this, int mask )


-	OPLL_setMask( &this->opll, mask );



-void Ym2413_run( struct Ym2413_Emu* this, int pair_count, short* out )


-	while ( pair_count-- )

-	{

-		int s = OPLL_calc( &this->opll ) << 1;

-		out [0] = s;

-		out [1] = s;

-		out += 2;

-	}


+// Game_Music_Emu 0.5.5. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
+#include "ym2413_emu.h"
+void Ym2413_init( struct Ym2413_Emu* this )
+	this->last_time = disabled_time; this->out = 0; 
+int Ym2413_set_rate( struct Ym2413_Emu* this, int sample_rate, int clock_rate )
+	OPLL_new ( &this->opll, clock_rate, sample_rate );
+    OPLL_reset_patch( &this->opll, OPLL_2413_TONE );
+	Ym2413_reset( this );
+	return 0;
+void Ym2413_reset( struct Ym2413_Emu* this )
+	OPLL_reset( &this->opll );
+	OPLL_setMask( &this->opll, 0 );
+void Ym2413_write( struct Ym2413_Emu* this, int addr, int data )
+	OPLL_writeIO( &this->opll, 0, addr );
+	OPLL_writeIO( &this->opll, 1, data );
+void Ym2413_mute_voices( struct Ym2413_Emu* this, int mask )
+	OPLL_setMask( &this->opll, mask );
+void Ym2413_run( struct Ym2413_Emu* this, int pair_count, short* out )
+	while ( pair_count-- )
+	{
+		int s = OPLL_calc( &this->opll ) << 1;
+		out [0] = s;
+		out [1] = s;
+		out += 2;
+	}
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/ym2413_emu.h b/apps/codecs/libgme/ym2413_emu.h
index 68d8fe3..8f52b04 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/ym2413_emu.h
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/ym2413_emu.h
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-// YM2413 FM sound chip emulator interface


-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6-pre

-#ifndef YM2413_EMU_H

-#define YM2413_EMU_H


-#include "blargg_common.h"

-#include "emu2413.h"


-enum { out_chan_count = 2 }; // stereo

-enum { channel_count = 14 };

-enum { disabled_time = -1 };


-struct Ym2413_Emu  {

-	OPLL opll;


-	// Impl

-	int last_time;

-	short* out;



-void Ym2413_init( struct Ym2413_Emu* this );


-static inline bool Ym2413_supported( void ) { return true; }


-// Sets output sample rate and chip clock rates, in Hz. Returns non-zero

-// if error.

-int Ym2413_set_rate( struct Ym2413_Emu* this, int sample_rate, int clock_rate );


-// Resets to power-up state

-void Ym2413_reset( struct Ym2413_Emu* this );


-// Mutes voice n if bit n (1 << n) of mask is set

-void Ym2413_mute_voices( struct Ym2413_Emu* this, int mask );


-// Writes data to addr

-void Ym2413_write( struct Ym2413_Emu* this, int addr, int data );


-// Runs and writes pair_count*2 samples to output

-void Ym2413_run( struct Ym2413_Emu* this, int pair_count, short* out );


-static inline void Ym2413_enable( struct Ym2413_Emu* this, bool b ) { this->last_time = b ? 0 : disabled_time; }

-static inline bool Ym2413_enabled( struct Ym2413_Emu* this ) { return this->last_time != disabled_time; }

-static inline void Ym2413_begin_frame( struct Ym2413_Emu* this, short* buf ) { this->out = buf; this->last_time = 0; }


-static inline int Ym2413_run_until( struct Ym2413_Emu* this, int time )


-	int count = time - this->last_time;

-	if ( count > 0 )

-	{

-		if ( this->last_time < 0 )

-			return false;

-		this->last_time = time;

-		short* p = this->out;

-		this->out += count * out_chan_count;

-		Ym2413_run( this, count, p );

-	}

-	return true;




+// YM2413 FM sound chip emulator interface
+// Game_Music_Emu 0.6-pre
+#ifndef YM2413_EMU_H
+#define YM2413_EMU_H
+#include "blargg_common.h"
+#include "emu2413.h"
+enum { out_chan_count = 2 }; // stereo
+enum { channel_count = 14 };
+enum { disabled_time = -1 };
+struct Ym2413_Emu  {
+	OPLL opll;
+	// Impl
+	int last_time;
+	short* out;
+void Ym2413_init( struct Ym2413_Emu* this );
+static inline bool Ym2413_supported( void ) { return true; }
+// Sets output sample rate and chip clock rates, in Hz. Returns non-zero
+// if error.
+int Ym2413_set_rate( struct Ym2413_Emu* this, int sample_rate, int clock_rate );
+// Resets to power-up state
+void Ym2413_reset( struct Ym2413_Emu* this );
+// Mutes voice n if bit n (1 << n) of mask is set
+void Ym2413_mute_voices( struct Ym2413_Emu* this, int mask );
+// Writes data to addr
+void Ym2413_write( struct Ym2413_Emu* this, int addr, int data );
+// Runs and writes pair_count*2 samples to output
+void Ym2413_run( struct Ym2413_Emu* this, int pair_count, short* out );
+static inline void Ym2413_enable( struct Ym2413_Emu* this, bool b ) { this->last_time = b ? 0 : disabled_time; }
+static inline bool Ym2413_enabled( struct Ym2413_Emu* this ) { return this->last_time != disabled_time; }
+static inline void Ym2413_begin_frame( struct Ym2413_Emu* this, short* buf ) { this->out = buf; this->last_time = 0; }
+static inline int Ym2413_run_until( struct Ym2413_Emu* this, int time )
+	int count = time - this->last_time;
+	if ( count > 0 )
+	{
+		if ( this->last_time < 0 )
+			return false;
+		this->last_time = time;
+		short* p = this->out;
+		this->out += count * out_chan_count;
+		Ym2413_run( this, count, p );
+	}
+	return true;
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/ymtables.h b/apps/codecs/libgme/ymtables.h
index 51812c1..c161902 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/ymtables.h
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/ymtables.h
@@ -1,559 +1,559 @@
-#ifndef _EMUTABLES_H_

-#define _EMUTABLES_H_


-/* Precompiled ym2612 tables for use in Rockbox */


-static const int tl_coeff[] = {

-	 268435455,  267712100,  266990695,  266271234,  265553712,  264838123,  264124462,  263412725,  262702906,  261994999,  261289000, 

-     260584903,  259882704,  259182396,  258483976,  257787438,  257092777,  256399988,  255709066,  255020006,  254332802,  253647450, 

-     252963945,  252282282,  251602456,  250924462,  250248294,  249573949,  248901421,  248230705,  247561797,  246894691,  246229383, 

-     245565867,  244904140,  244244195,  243586029,  242929637,  242275013,  241622154,  240971053,  240321708,  239674112,  239028261, 

-     238384150,  237741775,  237101131,  236462214,  235825018,  235189539,  234555773,  233923714,  233293359,  232664702,  232037740, 

-     231412466,  230788878,  230166970,  229546738,  228928178,  228311284,  227696052,  227082479,  226470558,  225860287,  225251660, 

-     224644674,  224039323,  223435603,  222833510,  222233039,  221634187,  221036948,  220441319,  219847295,  219254871,  218664044, 

-     218074809,  217487162,  216901098,  216316614,  215733704,  215152366,  214572594,  213994384,  213417732,  212842635,  212269087, 

-     211697084,  211126623,  210557699,  209990308,  209424446,  208860109,  208297293,  207735993,  207176206,  206617927,  206061153, 

-     205505879,  204952102,  204399816,  203849019,  203299706,  202751873,  202205517,  201660633,  201117217,  200575266,  200034774, 

-     199495740,  198958158,  198422024,  197887335,  197354088,  196822277,  196291899,  195762950,  195235427,  194709325,  194184641, 

-     193661370,  193139510,  192619056,  192100005,  191582352,  191066094,  190551228,  190037748,  189525653,  189014937,  188505598, 

-     187997631,  187491033,  186985800,  186481928,  185979414,  185478255,  184978446,  184479983,  183982864,  183487085,  182992641, 

-     182499530,  182007748,  181517291,  181028155,  180540338,  180053835,  179568643,  179084759,  178602178,  178120898,  177640915, 

-     177162225,  176684825,  176208712,  175733881,  175260330,  174788055,  174317053,  173847320,  173378853,  172911648,  172445702, 

-     171981012,  171517574,  171055385,  170594441,  170134740,  169676277,  169219049,  168763054,  168308287,  167854746,  167402427, 

-     166951327,  166501443,  166052770,  165605307,  165159050,  164713995,  164270139,  163827480,  163386013,  162945736,  162506646, 

-     162068738,  161632011,  161196460,  160762083,  160328877,  159896838,  159465963,  159036250,  158607694,  158180293,  157754044, 

-     157328943,  156904988,  156482176,  156060502,  155639965,  155220562,  154802288,  154385142,  153969119,  153554218,  153140435, 

-     152727766,  152316210,  151905763,  151496422,  151088184,  150681046,  150275005,  149870058,  149466203,  149063435,  148661753, 

-     148261154,  147861634,  147463190,  147065821,  146669522,  146274291,  145880125,  145487021,  145094976,  144703988,  144314054, 

-     143925170,  143537334,  143150543,  142764795,  142380086,  141996414,  141613775,  141232168,  140851589,  140472035,  140093505, 

-     139715994,  139339501,  138964022,  138589555,  138216097,  137843646,  137472198,  137101751,  136732302,  136363849,  135996388, 

-     135629918,  135264436,  134899938,  134536423,  134173887,  133812328,  133451743,  133092130,  132733486,  132375808,  132019095, 

-     131663342,  131308548,  130954711,  130601826,  130249893,  129898908,  129548869,  129199773,  128851618,  128504401,  128158119, 

-     127812771,  127468353,  127124864,  126782300,  126440659,  126099939,  125760137,  125421250,  125083277,  124746214,  124410060, 

-     124074812,  123740467,  123407023,  123074477,  122742828,  122412072,  122082208,  121753232,  121425143,  121097939,  120771615, 

-     120446172,  120121605,  119797912,  119475092,  119153142,  118832060,  118511843,  118192488,  117873994,  117556359,  117239579, 

-     116923653,  116608578,  116294353,  115980974,  115668439,  115356747,  115045894,  114735880,  114426700,  114118354,  113810839, 

-     113504152,  113198292,  112893256,  112589042,  112285648,  111983071,  111681310,  111380362,  111080225,  110780896,  110482375, 

-     110184657,  109887742,  109591627,  109296310,  109001789,  108708061,  108415125,  108122978,  107831619,  107541044,  107251253, 

-     106962243,  106674011,  106386556,  106099876,  105813968,  105528830,  105244461,  104960859,  104678020,  104395944,  104114628, 

-     103834069,  103554267,  103275219,  102996923,  102719377,  102442578,  102166526,  101891217,  101616650,  101342823,  101069734, 

-     100797381,  100525762,  100254875,   99984718,   99715288,   99446585,   99178606,   98911349,   98644812,   98378993,   98113891, 

-      97849503,   97585828,   97322863,   97060606,   96799057,   96538212,   96278070,   96018629,   95759887,   95501842,   95244493, 

-      94987837,   94731873,   94476599,   94222012,   93968112,   93714895,   93462361,   93210508,   92959333,   92708835,   92459012, 

-      92209863,   91961384,   91713575,   91466434,   91219959,   90974149,   90729000,   90484512,   90240683,   89997511,   89754994, 

-      89513131,   89271920,   89031358,   88791445,   88552178,   88313556,   88075578,   87838240,   87601542,   87365481,   87130057, 

-      86895267,   86661110,   86427584,   86194687,   85962418,   85730775,   85499756,   85269359,   85039583,   84810427,   84581888, 

-      84353965,   84126656,   83899959,   83673874,   83448397,   83223528,   82999266,   82775607,   82552551,   82330096,   82108241, 

-      81886984,   81666322,   81446256,   81226782,   81007900,   80789608,   80571904,   80354786,   80138254,   79922305,   79706938, 

-      79492151,   79277943,   79064313,   78851258,   78638777,   78426868,   78215531,   78004763,   77794564,   77584930,   77375862, 

-      77167357,   76959413,   76752031,   76545207,   76338940,   76133229,   75928072,   75723469,   75519416,   75315914,   75112960, 

-      74910552,   74708690,   74507373,   74306597,   74106363,   73906668,   73707512,   73508892,   73310807,   73113256,   72916237, 

-      72719749,   72523791,   72328361,   72133457,   71939079,   71745225,   71551892,   71359081,   71166789,   70975016,   70783759, 

-      70593018,   70402791,   70213076,   70023872,   69835179,   69646994,   69459315,   69272143,   69085475,   68899310,   68713647, 

-      68528484,   68343820,   68159653,   67975983,   67792808,   67610127,   67427937,   67246239,   67065030,   66884310,   66704076, 

-      66524328,   66345065,   66166285,   65987986,   65810168,   65632829,   65455968,   65279583,   65103674,   64928239,   64753277, 

-      64578786,   64404765,   64231213,   64058129,   63885511,   63713359,   63541670,   63370444,   63199679,   63029375,   62859529, 

-      62690141,   62521210,   62352734,   62184711,   62017142,   61850024,   61683357,   61517138,   61351368,   61186044,   61021166, 

-      60856731,   60692741,   60529192,   60366083,   60203414,   60041184,   59879391,   59718034,   59557111,   59396622,   59236566, 

-      59076941,   58917746,   58758980,   58600642,   58442730,   58285245,   58128183,   57971545,   57815329,   57659533,   57504158, 

-      57349201,   57194662,   57040539,   56886832,   56733539,   56580659,   56428190,   56276133,   56124486,   55973247,   55822415, 

-      55671990,   55521971,   55372355,   55223143,   55074333,   54925924,   54777915,   54630305,   54483092,   54336276,   54189856, 

-      54043830,   53898198,   53752959,   53608110,   53463652,   53319583,   53175903,   53032610,   52889702,   52747180,   52605042, 

-      52463287,   52321914,   52180922,   52040310,   51900076,   51760221,   51620743,   51481640,   51342912,   51204558,   51066577, 

-      50928968,   50791729,   50654860,   50518360,   50382228,   50246463,   50111064,   49976029,   49841359,   49707051,   49573105, 

-      49439520,   49306295,   49173429,   49040922,   48908771,   48776976,   48645537,   48514451,   48383719,   48253339,   48123311, 

-      47993633,   47864304,   47735324,   47606691,   47478405,   47350465,   47222869,   47095618,   46968709,   46842142,   46715916, 

-      46590031,   46464484,   46339276,   46214406,   46089871,   45965673,   45841809,   45718279,   45595082,   45472216,   45349682, 

-      45227478,   45105603,   44984057,   44862838,   44741946,   44621380,   44501139,   44381221,   44261627,   44142355,   44023404, 

-      43904774,   43786464,   43668472,   43550798,   43433442,   43316402,   43199677,   43083266,   42967170,   42851386,   42735914, 

-      42620753,   42505903,   42391362,   42277130,   42163206,   42049588,   41936277,   41823271,   41710570,   41598172,   41486077, 

-      41374285,   41262793,   41151602,   41040711,   40930118,   40819823,   40709826,   40600125,   40490720,   40381609,   40272793, 

-      40164269,   40056039,   39948099,   39840451,   39733093,   39626024,   39519243,   39412751,   39306545,   39200625,   39094991, 

-      38989642,   38884576,   38779794,   38675294,   38571075,   38467138,   38363480,   38260102,   38157002,   38054180,   37951635, 

-      37849367,   37747374,   37645656,   37544212,   37443042,   37342144,   37241518,   37141163,   37041078,   36941264,   36841718, 

-      36742440,   36643430,   36544687,   36446210,   36347998,   36250051,   36152368,   36054948,   35957790,   35860895,   35764260, 

-      35667886,   35571772,   35475916,   35380319,   35284980,   35189897,   35095071,   35000500,   34906184,   34812122,   34718314, 

-      34624758,   34531454,   34438402,   34345601,   34253050,   34160748,   34068695,   33976890,   33885332,   33794021,   33702956, 

-      33612137,   33521562,   33431231,   33341144,   33251299,   33161697,   33072336,   32983216,   32894336,   32805695,   32717294, 

-      32629130,   32541204,   32453515,   32366063,   32278846,   32191864,   32105116,   32018602,   31932322,   31846273,   31760457, 

-      31674872,   31589518,   31504393,   31419498,   31334832,   31250394,   31166183,   31082200,   30998442,   30914911,   30831604, 

-      30748522,   30665664,   30583029,   30500617,   30418426,   30336458,   30254710,   30173183,   30091875,   30010786,   29929916, 

-      29849263,   29768829,   29688610,   29608608,   29528822,   29449250,   29369893,   29290750,   29211820,   29133103,   29054598, 

-      28976304,   28898222,   28820350,   28742687,   28665234,   28587990,   28510954,   28434125,   28357503,   28281088,   28204879, 

-      28128875,   28053076,   27977482,   27902091,   27826903,   27751917,   27677134,   27602552,   27528172,   27453991,   27380011, 

-      27306230,   27232648,   27159264,   27086078,   27013089,   26940296,   26867700,   26795300,   26723094,   26651083,   26579267, 

-      26507643,   26436213,   26364975,   26293929,   26223075,   26152412,   26081939,   26011656,   25941562,   25871657,   25801940, 

-      25732412,   25663071,   25593916,   25524948,   25456166,   25387569,   25319157,   25250929,   25182886,   25115025,   25047348, 

-      24979852,   24912539,   24845407,   24778456,   24711686,   24645095,   24578684,   24512451,   24446397,   24380522,   24314823, 

-      24249302,   24183957,   24118789,   24053796,   23988978,   23924335,   23859866,   23795570,   23731448,   23667499,   23603722, 

-      23540117,   23476683,   23413421,   23350328,   23287406,   23224653,   23162070,   23099655,   23037408,   22975329,   22913417, 

-      22851673,   22790094,   22728681,   22667434,   22606352,   22545435,   22484682,   22424092,   22363666,   22303402,   22243301, 

-      22183362,   22123584,   22063968,   22004512,   21945216,   21886080,   21827104,   21768286,   21709627,   21651126,   21592783, 

-      21534597,   21476567,   21418694,   21360977,   21303416,   21246009,   21188758,   21131660,   21074717,   21017926,   20961289, 

-      20904805,   20848473,   20792292,   20736263,   20680385,   20624657,   20569080,   20513652,   20458374,   20403245,   20348264, 

-      20293432,   20238747,   20184209,   20129819,   20075575,   20021477,   19967525,   19913719,   19860057,   19806540,   19753167, 

-      19699938,   19646853,   19593910,   19541111,   19488453,   19435937,   19383563,   19331330,   19279238,   19227286,   19175474, 

-      19123802,   19072269,   19020875,   18969619,   18918502,   18867522,   18816680,   18765974,   18715405,   18664973,   18614676, 

-      18564515,   18514489,   18464598,   18414842,   18365219,   18315730,   18266375,   18217152,   18168062,   18119105,   18070279, 

-      18021585,   17973022,   17924590,   17876289,   17828118,   17780076,   17732164,   17684381,   17636727,   17589201,   17541803, 

-      17494533,   17447391,   17400375,   17353486,   17306724,   17260087,   17213577,   17167191,   17120930,   17074795,   17028783, 

-      16982896,   16937132,   16891491,   16845974,   16800579,   16755306,   16710155,   16665126,   16620219,   16575432,   16530766, 

-      16486221,   16441795,   16397490,   16353303,   16309236,   16265287,   16221457,   16177745,   16134151,   16090674,   16047314, 

-      16004072,   15960945,   15917935,   15875041,   15832263,   15789599,   15747051,   15704617,   15662298,   15620093,   15578001, 

-      15536023,   15494158,   15452406,   15410766,   15369239,   15327823,   15286519,   15245327,   15204245,   15163274,   15122414, 

-      15081663,   15041023,   15000491,   14960070,   14919757,   14879552,   14839456,   14799468,   14759588,   14719815,   14680150, 

-      14640591,   14601139,   14561793,   14522554,   14483420,   14444391,   14405468,   14366649,   14327935,   14289326,   14250820, 

-      14212418,   14174120,   14135925,   14097833,   14059843,   14021956,   13984171,   13946488,   13908906,   13871426,   13834047, 

-      13796768,   13759590,   13722512,   13685534,   13648655,   13611876,   13575196,   13538615,   13502132,   13465748,   13429462, 

-      13393273,   13357183,   13321189,   13285292,   13249492,   13213789,   13178182,   13142670,   13107255,   13071934,   13036709, 

-      13001579,   12966544,   12931603,   12896756,   12862003,   12827344,   12792778,   12758305,   12723925,   12689638,   12655443, 

-      12621341,   12587330,   12553411,   12519583,   12485846,   12452201,   12418646,   12385181,   12351807,   12318522,   12285327, 

-      12252222,   12219206,   12186279,   12153440,   12120690,   12088029,   12055455,   12022969,   11990571,   11958260,   11926036, 

-      11893899,   11861848,   11829884,   11798006,   11766214,   11734507,   11702886,   11671350,   11639900,   11608533,   11577252, 

-      11546055,   11514941,   11483912,   11452966,   11422104,   11391325,   11360628,   11330015,   11299484,   11269035,   11238668, 

-      11208384,   11178180,   11148058,   11118018,   11088058,   11058179,   11028380,   10998662,   10969024,   10939466,   10909987, 

-      10880588,   10851268,   10822027,   10792865,   10763781,   10734776,   10705849,   10677000,   10648228,   10619535,   10590918, 

-      10562379,   10533916,   10505530,   10477221,   10448988,   10420831,   10392750,   10364745,   10336815,   10308960,   10281180, 

-      10253476,   10225846,   10198290,   10170809,   10143401,   10116068,   10088808,   10061622,   10034509,   10007468,    9980501, 

-       9953607,    9926785,    9900035,    9873357,    9846752,    9820217,    9793755,    9767364,    9741043,    9714794,    9688616, 

-       9662508,    9636470,    9610503,    9584605,    9558778,    9533019,    9507331,    9481711,    9456161,    9430679,    9405266, 

-       9379922,    9354646,    9329438,    9304298,    9279225,    9254221,    9229283,    9204413,    9179610,    9154874,    9130204, 

-       9105601,    9081064,    9056593,    9032188,    9007849,    8983576,    8959368,    8935225,    8911147,    8887134,    8863186, 

-       8839302,    8815483,    8791728,    8768037,    8744409,    8720846,    8697346,    8673909,    8650535,    8627225,    8603977, 

-       8580792,    8557669,    8534608,    8511610,    8488674,    8465799,    8442987,    8420235,    8397545,    8374916,    8352348, 

-       8329841,    8307395,    8285009,    8262683,    8240418,    8218212,    8196067,    8173981,    8151954,    8129987,    8108079, 

-       8086230,    8064440,    8042709,    8021036,    7999422,    7977866,    7956368,    7934928,    7913545,    7892221,    7870954, 

-       7849744,    7828591,    7807495,    7786456,    7765474,    7744548,    7723679,    7702866,    7682109,    7661408,    7640763, 

-       7620173,    7599639,    7579160,    7558737,    7538368,    7518055,    7497796,    7477591,    7457441,    7437346,    7417304, 

-       7397317,    7377383,    7357503,    7337677,    7317904,    7298185,    7278518,    7258905,    7239344,    7219836,    7200381, 

-       7180978,    7161627,    7142329,    7123082,    7103888,    7084745,    7065654,    7046614,    7027625,    7008688,    6989802, 

-       6970966,    6952181,    6933447,    6914764,    6896130,    6877547,    6859014,    6840531,    6822098,    6803715,    6785381, 

-       6767096,    6748861,    6730675,    6712537,    6694449,    6676410,    6658419,    6640476,    6622582,    6604736,    6586938, 

-       6569188,    6551486,    6533832,    6516225,    6498666,    6481154,    6463689,    6446272,    6428901,    6411577,    6394299, 

-       6377069,    6359884,    6342746,    6325655,    6308609,    6291609,    6274655,    6257747,    6240884,    6224066,    6207294, 

-       6190568,    6173886,    6157249,    6140657,    6124110,    6107607,    6091149,    6074735,    6058365,    6042040,    6025758, 

-       6009521,    5993327,    5977177,    5961070,    5945007,    5928987,    5913010,    5897076,    5881185,    5865337,    5849532, 

-       5833769,    5818049,    5802371,    5786735,    5771141,    5755590,    5740080,    5724612,    5709186,    5693802,    5678459, 

-       5663157,    5647896,    5632677,    5617498,    5602361,    5587264,    5572208,    5557193,    5542218,    5527283,    5512389, 

-       5497534,    5482720,    5467946,    5453211,    5438517,    5423861,    5409246,    5394669,    5380132,    5365635,    5351176, 

-       5336756,    5322375,    5308033,    5293729,    5279464,    5265237,    5251049,    5236899,    5222787,    5208713,    5194677, 

-       5180679,    5166719,    5152796,    5138911,    5125063,    5111252,    5097479,    5083743,    5070044,    5056382,    5042756, 

-       5029167,    5015615,    5002100,    4988620,    4975178,    4961771,    4948400,    4935066,    4921767,    4908505,    4895278, 

-       4882086,    4868931,    4855810,    4842725,    4829676,    4816661,    4803682,    4790737,    4777827,    4764953,    4752112, 

-       4739307,    4726536,    4713799,    4701097,    4688429,    4675795,    4663195,    4650629,    4638097,    4625599,    4613134, 

-       4600703,    4588306,    4575941,    4563611,    4551313,    4539049,    4526817,    4514619,    4502453,    4490320,    4478220, 

-       4466153,    4454118,    4442115,    4430145,    4418207,    4406301,    4394428,    4382586,    4370776,    4358998,    4347252, 

-       4335538,    4323855,    4312203,    4300583,    4288994,    4277437,    4265910,    4254415,    4242950,    4231517,    4220114, 

-       4208742,    4197401,    4186090,    4174810,    4163560,    4152340,    4141151,    4129992,    4118863,    4107764,    4096694, 

-       4085655,    4074645,    4063665,    4052715,    4041794,    4030903,    4020041,    4009208,    3998404,    3987630,    3976884, 

-       3966168,    3955480,    3944821,    3934191,    3923590,    3913017,    3902472,    3891956,    3881469,    3871009,    3860578, 

-       3850175,    3839800,    3829453,    3819133,    3808842,    3798578,    3788342,    3778134,    3767953,    3757799,    3747673, 

-       3737574,    3727503,    3717458,    3707441,    3697450,    3687487,    3677550,    3667640,    3657757,    3647900,    3638070, 

-       3628267,    3618490,    3608739,    3599014,    3589316,    3579644,    3569998,    3560378,    3550783,    3541215,    3531673, 

-       3522156,    3512665,    3503199,    3493759,    3484344,    3474955,    3465591,    3456252,    3446939,    3437650,    3428387, 

-       3419148,    3409935,    3400746,    3391582,    3382443,    3373328,    3364238,    3355172,    3346131,    3337114,    3328122, 

-       3319153,    3310209,    3301289,    3292393,    3283521,    3274673,    3265849,    3257048,    3248271,    3239518,    3230789, 

-       3222083,    3213400,    3204741,    3196105,    3187493,    3178903,    3170337,    3161794,    3153274,    3144777,    3136302, 

-       3127851,    3119422,    3111016,    3102633,    3094272,    3085934,    3077619,    3069325,    3061054,    3052806,    3044579, 

-       3036375,    3028193,    3020033,    3011895,    3003779,    2995684,    2987612,    2979561,    2971532,    2963525,    2955539, 

-       2947575,    2939632,    2931710,    2923810,    2915931,    2908074,    2900237,    2892422,    2884628,    2876855,    2869102, 

-       2861371,    2853660,    2845971,    2838302,    2830653,    2823025,    2815418,    2807832,    2800265,    2792719,    2785194, 

-       2777689,    2770203,    2762739,    2755294,    2747869,    2740464,    2733080,    2725715,    2718370,    2711045,    2703739, 

-       2696453,    2689187,    2681941,    2674714,    2667506,    2660318,    2653149,    2646000,    2638870,    2631759,    2624667, 

-       2617594,    2610540,    2603506,    2596490,    2589493,    2582515,    2575556,    2568616,    2561694,    2554791,    2547907, 

-       2541041,    2534194,    2527365,    2520554,    2513762,    2506988,    2500233,    2493495,    2486776,    2480075,    2473392, 

-       2466727,    2460080,    2453450,    2446839,    2440246,    2433670,    2427112,    2420571,    2414049,    2407544,    2401056, 

-       2394586,    2388133,    2381698,    2375280,    2368879,    2362496,    2356130,    2349780,    2343448,    2337134,    2330836, 

-       2324555,    2318291,    2312044,    2305813,    2299600,    2293403,    2287223,    2281060,    2274913,    2268783,    2262669, 

-       2256572,    2250491,    2244427,    2238379,    2232347,    2226331,    2220332,    2214349,    2208382,    2202431,    2196496, 

-       2190577,    2184674,    2178787,    2172916,    2167060,    2161221,    2155397,    2149589,    2143796,    2138019,    2132258, 

-       2126512,    2120782,    2115067,    2109368,    2103683,    2098015,    2092361,    2086723,    2081100,    2075492,    2069899, 

-       2064321,    2058758,    2053211,    2047678,    2042160,    2036657,    2031169,    2025695,    2020237,    2014793,    2009364, 

-       2003949,    1998549,    1993163,    1987792,    1982436,    1977094,    1971766,    1966453,    1961154,    1955869,    1950599, 

-       1945342,    1940100,    1934872,    1929658,    1924458,    1919272,    1914101,    1908943,    1903799,    1898668,    1893552, 

-       1888450,    1883361,    1878286,    1873224,    1868176,    1863142,    1858122,    1853115,    1848121,    1843141,    1838174, 

-       1833221,    1828281,    1823354,    1818441,    1813540,    1808654,    1803780,    1798919,    1794072,    1789237,    1784416, 

-       1779607,    1774812,    1770029,    1765259,    1760502,    1755758,    1751027,    1746309,    1741603,    1736910,    1732229, 

-       1727561,    1722906,    1718263,    1713633,    1709015,    1704410,    1699817,    1695237,    1690669,    1686113,    1681569, 

-       1677038,    1672519,    1668012,    1663517,    1659034,    1654564,    1650105,    1645659,    1641224,    1636801,    1632391, 

-       1627992,    1623605,    1619230,    1614866,    1610515,    1606175,    1601847,    1597530,    1593225,    1588932,    1584650, 

-       1580380,    1576122,    1571874,    1567639,    1563414,    1559201,    1555000,    1550810,    1546631,    1542463,    1538306, 

-       1534161,    1530027,    1525904,    1521792,    1517691,    1513602,    1509523,    1505455,    1501399,    1497353,    1493318, 

-       1489294,    1485281,    1481278,    1477287,    1473306,    1469336,    1465376,    1461427,    1457489,    1453562,    1449645, 

-       1445738,    1441843,    1437957,    1434082,    1430218,    1426364,    1422520,    1418687,    1414864,    1411051,    1407249, 

-       1403457,    1399675,    1395903,    1392142,    1388390,    1384649,    1380918,    1377197,    1373486,    1369784,    1366093, 

-       1362412,    1358741,    1355079,    1351428,    1347786,    1344154,    1340532,    1336920,    1333317,    1329724,    1326141, 

-       1322567,    1319004,    1315449,    1311904,    1308369,    1304844,    1301327,    1297821,    1294323,    1290836,    1287357, 

-       1283888,    1280429,    1276978,    1273537,    1270105,    1266683,    1263269,    1259865,    1256470,    1253084,    1249708, 

-       1246340,    1242982,    1239632,    1236292,    1232960,    1229638,    1226324,    1223020,    1219724,    1216437,    1213159, 

-       1209890,    1206630,    1203378,    1200136,    1196902,    1193676,    1190460,    1187252,    1184052,    1180862,    1177680, 

-       1174506,    1171341,    1168185,    1165037,    1161897,    1158767,    1155644,    1152530,    1149424,    1146327,    1143238, 

-       1140157,    1137085,    1134021,    1130965,    1127917,    1124878,    1121846,    1118823,    1115809,    1112802,    1109803, 

-       1106813,    1103830,    1100855,    1097889,    1094931,    1091980,    1089037,    1086103,    1083176,    1080257,    1077346, 

-       1074443,    1071548,    1068660,    1065781,    1062909,    1060044,    1057188,    1054339,    1051498,    1048664,    1045839, 

-       1043020,    1040210,    1037407,    1034611,    1031823,    1029043,    1026270,    1023504,    1020746,    1017996,    1015252, 

-       1012517,    1009788,    1007067,    1004353,    1001647,     998948,     996256,     993571,     990894,     988224,     985561, 

-        982905,     980256,     977615,     974980,     972353,     969733,     967120,     964514,     961915,     959323,     956737, 

-        954159,     951588,     949024,     946467,     943916,     941373,     938836,     936306,     933783,     931267,     928757, 

-        926254,     923758,     921269,     918787,     916311,     913842,     911379,     908923,     906474,     904031,     901595, 

-        899166,     896743,     894326,     891916,     889513,     887116,     884725,     882341,     879963,     877592,     875227, 

-        872869,     870517,     868171,     865831,     863498,     861171,     858851,     856536,     854228,     851926,     849631, 

-        847341,     845058,     842781,     840510,     838245,     835986,     833733,     831487,     829246,     827011,     824783, 

-        822560,     820344,     818133,     815929,     813730,     811537,     809350,     807169,     804994,     802825,     800662, 

-        798504,     796352,     794206,     792066,     789932,     787803,     785680,     783563,     781452,     779346,     777246, 

-        775151,     773062,     770979,     768902,     766830,     764763,     762703,     760647,     758598,     756553,     754515, 

-        752482,     750454,     748432,     746415,     744403,     742397,     740397,     738402,     736412,     734428,     732448, 

-        730475,     728506,     726543,     724585,     722633,     720686,     718744,     716807,     714875,     712949,     711028, 

-        709112,     707201,     705295,     703394,     701499,     699609,     697723,     695843,     693968,     692098,     690233, 

-        688373,     686518,     684668,     682823,     680983,     679148,     677318,     675493,     673673,     671857,     670047, 

-        668241,     666441,     664645,     662854,     661067,     659286,     657510,     655738,     653971,     652208,     650451, 

-        648698,     646950,     645207,     643468,     641734,     640005,     638280,     636560,     634845,     633134,     631428, 

-        629727,     628030,     626337,     624650,     622966,     621288,     619613,     617944,     616279,     614618,     612962, 

-        611310,     609663,     608020,     606381,     604747,     603118,     601492,     599872,     598255,     596643,     595035, 

-        593432,     591833,     590238,     588647,     587061,     585479,     583901,     582328,     580759,     579194,     577633, 

-        576076,     574524,     572976,     571432,     569892,     568356,     566825,     565297,     563774,     562255,     560740, 

-        559229,     557722,     556219,     554720,     553225,     551734,     550248,     548765,     547286,     545811,     544341, 

-        542874,     541411,     539952,     538497,     537046,     535599,     534155,     532716,     531280,     529849,     528421, 

-        526997,     525577,     524161,     522748,     521340,     519935,     518534,     517136,     515743,     514353,     512967, 

-        511585,     510206,     508831,     507460,     506093,     504729,     503369,     502012,     500660,     499310,     497965, 

-        496623,     495285,     493950,     492619,     491292,     489968,     488648,     487331,     486018,     484708,     483402, 

-        482099,     480800,     479504,     478212,     476924,     475638,     474357,     473078,     471804,     470532,     469264, 

-        468000,     466739,     465481,     464227,     462976,     461728,     460484,     459243,     458005,     456771,     455540, 

-        454313,     453089,     451868,     450650,     449436,     448225,     447017,     445812,     444611,     443413,     442218, 

-        441026,     439838,     438653,     437470,     436292,     435116,     433943,     432774,     431608,     430445,     429285, 

-        428128,     426974,     425824,     424676,     423532,     422391,     421252,     420117,     418985,     417856,     416730, 

-        415607,     414487,     413370,     412256,     411146,     410038,     408933,     407831,     406732,     405636,     404543, 

-        403453,     402365,     401281,     400200,     399121,     398046,     396973,     395903,     394837,     393773,     392712, 

-        391653,     390598,     389545,     388496,     387449,     386405,     385363,     384325,     383289,     382257,     381226, 

-        380199,     379175,     378153,     377134,     376118,     375104,     374093,     373085,     372080,     371077,     370077, 

-        369080,     368085,     367094,     366104,     365118,     364134,     363153,     362174,     361198,     360225,     359254, 

-        358286,     357321,     356358,     355397,     354440,     353485,     352532,     351582,     350635,     349690,     348748, 

-        347808,     346871,     345936,     345004,     344074,     343147,     342222,     341300,     340380,     339463,     338548, 

-        337636,     336726,     335819,     334914,     334011,     333111,     332214,     331318,     330426,     329535,     328647, 

-        327762,     326878,     325997,     325119,     324243,     323369,     322498,     321629,     320762,     319898,     319036, 

-        318176,     317319,     316463,     315611,     314760,     313912,     313066,     312222,     311381,     310542,     309705, 

-        308871,     308038,     307208,     306380,     305555,     304731,     303910,     303091,     302275,     301460,     300648, 

-        299838,     299030,     298224,     297420,     296619,     295819,     295022,     294227,     293434,     292644,     291855, 

-        291069,     290284,     289502,     288722,     287944,     287168,     286394,     285622,     284853,     284085,     283320, 

-        282556,     281795,     281035,     280278,     279523,     278770,     278018,     277269,     276522,     275777,     275034, 

-        274293,     273553,     272816,     272081,     271348,     270617,     269888,     269160,     268435,     267712,     266990, 

-        266271,     265553,     264838,     264124,     263412,     262702,     261994,     261289,     260584,     259882,     259182, 

-        258483,     257787,     257092,     256399,     255709,     255020,     254332,     253647,     252963,     252282,     251602, 

-        250924,     250248,     249573,     248901,     248230,     247561,     246894,     246229,     245565,     244904,     244244, 

-        243586,     242929,     242275,     241622,     240971,     240321,     239674,     239028,     238384,     237741,     237101, 

-        236462,     235825,     235189,     234555,     233923,     233293,     232664,     232037,     231412,     230788,     230166, 

-        229546,     228928,     228311,     227696,     227082,     226470,     225860,     225251,     224644,     224039,     223435, 

-        222833,     222233,     221634,     221036,     220441,     219847,     219254,     218664,     218074,     217487,     216901, 

-        216316,     215733,     215152,     214572,     213994,     213417,     212842,     212269,     211697,     211126,     210557, 

-        209990,     209424,     208860,     208297,     207735,     207176,     206617,     206061,     205505,     204952,     204399, 

-        203849,     203299,     202751,     202205,     201660,     201117,     200575,     200034,     199495,     198958,     198422, 

-        197887,     197354,     196822,     196291,     195762,     195235,     194709,     194184,     193661,     193139,     192619, 

-        192100,     191582,     191066,     190551,     190037,     189525,     189014,     188505,     187997,     187491,     186985, 

-        186481,     185979,     185478,     184978,     184479,     183982,     183487,     182992,     182499,     182007,     181517, 

-        181028,     180540,     180053,     179568,     179084,     178602,     178120,     177640,     177162,     176684,     176208, 

-        175733,     175260,     174788,     174317,     173847,     173378,     172911,     172445,     171981,     171517,     171055, 

-        170594,     170134,     169676,     169219,     168763,     168308,     167854,     167402,     166951,     166501,     166052, 

-        165605,     165159,     164713,     164270,     163827,     163386,     162945,     162506,     162068,     161632,     161196, 

-        160762,     160328,     159896,     159465,     159036,     158607,     158180,     157754,     157328,     156904,     156482, 

-        156060,     155639,     155220,     154802,     154385,     153969,     153554,     153140,     152727,     152316,     151905, 

-        151496,     151088,     150681,     150275,     149870,     149466,     149063,     148661,     148261,     147861,     147463, 

-        147065,     146669,     146274,     145880,     145487,     145094,     144703,     144314,     143925,     143537,     143150, 

-        142764,     142380,     141996,     141613,     141232,     140851,     140472,     140093,     139715,     139339,     138964, 

-        138589,     138216,     137843,     137472,     137101,     136732,     136363,     135996,     135629,     135264,     134899, 

-        134536,     134173,     133812,     133451,     133092,     132733,     132375,     132019,     131663,     131308,     130954, 

-        130601,     130249,     129898,     129548,     129199,     128851,     128504,     128158,     127812,     127468,     127124, 

-        126782,     126440,     126099,     125760,     125421,     125083,     124746,     124410,     124074,     123740,     123407, 

-        123074,     122742,     122412,     122082,     121753,     121425,     121097,     120771,     120446,     120121,     119797, 

-        119475,     119153,     118832,     118511,     118192,     117873,     117556,     117239,     116923,     116608,     116294, 

-        115980,     115668,     115356,     115045,     114735,     114426,     114118,     113810,     113504,     113198,     112893, 

-        112589,     112285,     111983,     111681,     111380,     111080,     110780,     110482,     110184,     109887,     109591, 

-        109296,     109001,     108708,     108415,     108122,     107831,     107541,     107251,     106962,     106674,     106386, 

-        106099,     105813,     105528,     105244,     104960,     104678,     104395,     104114,     103834,     103554,     103275, 

-        102996,     102719,     102442,     102166,     101891,     101616,     101342,     101069,     100797,     100525,     100254, 

-         99984,      99715,      99446,      99178,      98911,      98644,      98378,      98113,      97849,      97585,      97322, 

-         97060,      96799,      96538,      96278,      96018,      95759,      95501,      95244,      94987,      94731,      94476, 

-         94222,      93968,      93714,      93462,      93210,      92959,      92708,      92459,      92209,      91961,      91713, 

-         91466,      91219,      90974,      90729,      90484,      90240,      89997,      89754,      89513,      89271,      89031, 

-         88791,      88552,      88313,      88075,      87838,      87601,      87365,      87130,      86895,      86661,      86427, 

-         86194,      85962,      85730,      85499,      85269,      85039,      84810,      84581,      84353,      84126,      83899, 

-         83673,      83448,      83223,      82999,      82775,      82552,      82330,      82108,      81886,      81666,      81446, 

-         81226,      81007,      80789,      80571,      80354,      80138,      79922,      79706,      79492,      79277,      79064, 

-         78851,      78638,      78426,      78215,      78004,      77794,      77584,      77375,      77167,      76959,      76752, 

-         76545,      76338,      76133,      75928,      75723,      75519,      75315,      75112,      74910,      74708,      74507, 

-         74306,      74106,      73906,      73707,      73508,      73310,      73113,      72916,      72719,      72523,      72328, 

-         72133,      71939,      71745,      71551,      71359,      71166,      70975,      70783,      70593,      70402,      70213, 

-         70023,      69835,      69646,      69459,      69272,      69085,      68899,      68713,      68528,      68343,      68159, 

-         67975,      67792,      67610,      67427,      67246,      67065,      66884,      66704,      66524,      66345,      66166, 

-         65987,      65810,      65632,      65455,      65279,      65103,      64928,      64753,      64578,      64404,      64231, 

-         64058,      63885,      63713,      63541,      63370,      63199,      63029,      62859,      62690,      62521,      62352, 

-         62184,      62017,      61850,      61683,      61517,      61351,      61186,      61021,      60856,      60692,      60529, 

-         60366,      60203,      60041,      59879,      59718,      59557,      59396,      59236,      59076,      58917,      58758, 

-         58600,      58442,      58285,      58128,      57971,      57815,      57659,      57504,      57349,      57194,      57040, 

-         56886,      56733,      56580,      56428,      56276,      56124,      55973,      55822,      55671,      55521,      55372, 

-         55223,      55074,      54925,      54777,      54630,      54483,      54336,      54189,      54043,      53898,      53752, 

-         53608,      53463,      53319,      53175,      53032,      52889,      52747,      52605,      52463,      52321,      52180, 

-         52040,      51900,      51760,      51620,      51481,      51342,      51204,      51066,      50928,      50791,      50654, 

-         50518,      50382,      50246,      50111,      49976,      49841,      49707,      49573,      49439,      49306,      49173, 

-         49040,      48908,      48776,      48645,      48514,      48383,      48253,      48123,      47993,      47864,      47735, 

-         47606,      47478,      47350,      47222,      47095,      46968,      46842,      46715,      46590,      46464,      46339, 

-         46214,      46089,      45965,      45841,      45718,      45595,      45472,      45349,      45227,      45105,      44984, 

-         44862,      44741,      44621,      44501,      44381,      44261,      44142,      44023,      43904,      43786,      43668, 

-         43550,      43433,      43316,      43199,      43083,      42967,      42851,      42735,      42620,      42505,      42391, 

-         42277,      42163,      42049,      41936,      41823,      41710,      41598,      41486,      41374,      41262,      41151, 

-         41040,      40930,      40819,      40709,      40600,      40490,      40381,      40272,      40164,      40056,      39948, 

-         39840,      39733,      39626,      39519,      39412,      39306,      39200,      39094,      38989,      38884,      38779, 

-         38675,      38571,      38467,      38363,      38260,      38157,      38054,      37951,      37849,      37747,      37645, 

-         37544,      37443,      37342,      37241,      37141,      37041,      36941,      36841,      36742,      36643,      36544, 

-         36446,      36347,      36250,      36152,      36054,      35957,      35860,      35764,      35667,      35571,      35475, 

-         35380,      35284,      35189,      35095,      35000,      34906,      34812,      34718,      34624,      34531,      34438, 

-         34345,      34253,      34160,      34068,      33976,      33885



-static const short sindb_coeff[] = {

-	2401, 2144, 1994, 1887, 1804, 1737, 1680, 1630, 1587, 1548, 1512, 1480, 1450, 

-    1423, 1397, 1373, 1351, 1330, 1310, 1291, 1273, 1255, 1239, 1223, 1208, 1194, 

-    1180, 1166, 1153, 1141, 1128, 1117, 1105, 1094, 1084, 1073, 1063, 1053, 1043, 

-    1034, 1025, 1016, 1007,  999,  990,  982,  974,  967,  959,  952,  944,  937, 

-     930,  923,  916,  910,  903,  897,  890,  884,  878,  872,  866,  860,  855, 

-     849,  843,  838,  832,  827,  822,  817,  812,  807,  802,  797,  792,  787, 

-     783,  778,  773,  769,  764,  760,  756,  751,  747,  743,  739,  734,  730, 

-     726,  722,  718,  715,  711,  707,  703,  699,  696,  692,  688,  685,  681, 

-     678,  674,  671,  667,  664,  661,  657,  654,  651,  648,  644,  641,  638, 

-     635,  632,  629,  626,  623,  620,  617,  614,  611,  608,  605,  602,  599, 

-     597,  594,  591,  588,  586,  583,  580,  578,  575,  572,  570,  567,  565, 

-     562,  560,  557,  555,  552,  550,  547,  545,  542,  540,  538,  535,  533, 

-     531,  528,  526,  524,  522,  519,  517,  515,  513,  510,  508,  506,  504, 

-     502,  500,  498,  495,  493,  491,  489,  487,  485,  483,  481,  479,  477, 

-     475,  473,  471,  469,  467,  465,  464,  462,  460,  458,  456,  454,  452, 

-     450,  449,  447,  445,  443,  441,  440,  438,  436,  434,  433,  431,  429, 

-     427,  426,  424,  422,  421,  419,  417,  416,  414,  412,  411,  409,  408, 

-     406,  404,  403,  401,  400,  398,  396,  395,  393,  392,  390,  389,  387, 

-     386,  384,  383,  381,  380,  378,  377,  375,  374,  372,  371,  370,  368, 

-     367,  365,  364,  362,  361,  360,  358,  357,  355,  354,  353,  351,  350, 

-     349,  347,  346,  345,  343,  342,  341,  339,  338,  337,  336,  334,  333, 

-     332,  330,  329,  328,  327,  325,  324,  323,  322,  320,  319,  318,  317, 

-     316,  314,  313,  312,  311,  310,  308,  307,  306,  305,  304,  303,  301, 

-     300,  299,  298,  297,  296,  295,  293,  292,  291,  290,  289,  288,  287, 

-     286,  285,  284,  282,  281,  280,  279,  278,  277,  276,  275,  274,  273, 

-     272,  271,  270,  269,  268,  267,  266,  265,  264,  263,  262,  261,  260, 

-     259,  258,  257,  256,  255,  254,  253,  252,  251,  250,  249,  248,  247, 

-     246,  245,  244,  243,  242,  241,  240,  240,  239,  238,  237,  236,  235, 

-     234,  233,  232,  231,  230,  230,  229,  228,  227,  226,  225,  224,  223, 

-     222,  222,  221,  220,  219,  218,  217,  216,  216,  215,  214,  213,  212, 

-     211,  211,  210,  209,  208,  207,  206,  206,  205,  204,  203,  202,  202, 

-     201,  200,  199,  198,  198,  197,  196,  195,  195,  194,  193,  192,  191, 

-     191,  190,  189,  188,  188,  187,  186,  185,  185,  184,  183,  182,  182, 

-     181,  180,  180,  179,  178,  177,  177,  176,  175,  174,  174,  173,  172, 

-     172,  171,  170,  170,  169,  168,  167,  167,  166,  165,  165,  164,  163, 

-     163,  162,  161,  161,  160,  159,  159,  158,  157,  157,  156,  155,  155, 

-     154,  153,  153,  152,  151,  151,  150,  150,  149,  148,  148,  147,  146, 

-     146,  145,  145,  144,  143,  143,  142,  141,  141,  140,  140,  139,  138, 

-     138,  137,  137,  136,  135,  135,  134,  134,  133,  133,  132,  131,  131, 

-     130,  130,  129,  129,  128,  127,  127,  126,  126,  125,  125,  124,  123, 

-     123,  122,  122,  121,  121,  120,  120,  119,  119,  118,  117,  117,  116, 

-     116,  115,  115,  114,  114,  113,  113,  112,  112,  111,  111,  110,  110, 

-     109,  109,  108,  108,  107,  107,  106,  106,  105,  105,  104,  104,  103, 

-     103,  102,  102,  101,  101,  100,  100,   99,   99,   98,   98,   97,   97, 

-      96,   96,   95,   95,   94,   94,   94,   93,   93,   92,   92,   91,   91, 

-      90,   90,   89,   89,   89,   88,   88,   87,   87,   86,   86,   85,   85, 

-      85,   84,   84,   83,   83,   82,   82,   82,   81,   81,   80,   80,   79, 

-      79,   79,   78,   78,   77,   77,   77,   76,   76,   75,   75,   75,   74, 

-      74,   73,   73,   73,   72,   72,   71,   71,   71,   70,   70,   69,   69, 

-      69,   68,   68,   68,   67,   67,   66,   66,   66,   65,   65,   65,   64, 

-      64,   63,   63,   63,   62,   62,   62,   61,   61,   61,   60,   60,   59, 

-      59,   59,   58,   58,   58,   57,   57,   57,   56,   56,   56,   55,   55, 

-      55,   54,   54,   54,   53,   53,   53,   52,   52,   52,   51,   51,   51, 

-      50,   50,   50,   49,   49,   49,   49,   48,   48,   48,   47,   47,   47, 

-      46,   46,   46,   45,   45,   45,   45,   44,   44,   44,   43,   43,   43, 

-      43,   42,   42,   42,   41,   41,   41,   40,   40,   40,   40,   39,   39, 

-      39,   39,   38,   38,   38,   37,   37,   37,   37,   36,   36,   36,   36, 

-      35,   35,   35,   35,   34,   34,   34,   34,   33,   33,   33,   32,   32, 

-      32,   32,   31,   31,   31,   31,   31,   30,   30,   30,   30,   29,   29, 

-      29,   29,   28,   28,   28,   28,   27,   27,   27,   27,   27,   26,   26, 

-      26,   26,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   24,   24,   24,   24,   23,   23, 

-      23,   23,   23,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   21,   21,   21,   21,   21, 

-      20,   20,   20,   20,   20,   19,   19,   19,   19,   19,   19,   18,   18, 

-      18,   18,   18,   17,   17,   17,   17,   17,   17,   16,   16,   16,   16, 

-      16,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   14,   14,   14,   14,   14,   14, 

-      13,   13,   13,   13,   13,   13,   13,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12, 

-      11,   11,   11,   11,   11,   11,   11,   10,   10,   10,   10,   10,   10, 

-      10,   10,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    8,    8,    8,    8, 

-       8,    8,    8,    8,    8,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7, 

-       6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    5,    5,    5, 

-       5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4, 

-       4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3, 

-       3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2, 

-       2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1, 

-       1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1, 

-       1,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-       0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-       0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

-       0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0




-static const short lfo_freq_coeff[] = {

-        0,    3,    6,    9,   12,   15,   18,   21,   25,   28,   31,   34,   37, 

-      40,   43,   46,   50,   53,   56,   59,   62,   65,   68,   71,   74,   78, 

-      81,   84,   87,   90,   93,   96,   99,  102,  105,  108,  111,  115,  118, 

-     121,  124,  127,  130,  133,  136,  139,  142,  145,  148,  151,  154,  157, 

-     160,  163,  166,  169,  172,  175,  178,  180,  183,  186,  189,  192,  195, 

-     198,  201,  204,  207,  209,  212,  215,  218,  221,  224,  226,  229,  232, 

-     235,  238,  240,  243,  246,  249,  251,  254,  257,  260,  262,  265,  268, 

-     270,  273,  276,  278,  281,  283,  286,  289,  291,  294,  296,  299,  301, 

-     304,  306,  309,  311,  314,  316,  319,  321,  324,  326,  328,  331,  333, 

-     336,  338,  340,  343,  345,  347,  350,  352,  354,  356,  359,  361,  363, 

-     365,  367,  370,  372,  374,  376,  378,  380,  382,  384,  386,  388,  391, 

-     393,  395,  396,  398,  400,  402,  404,  406,  408,  410,  412,  414,  415, 

-     417,  419,  421,  423,  424,  426,  428,  430,  431,  433,  435,  436,  438, 

-     439,  441,  443,  444,  446,  447,  449,  450,  452,  453,  455,  456,  457, 

-     459,  460,  461,  463,  464,  465,  467,  468,  469,  470,  472,  473,  474, 

-     475,  476,  477,  478,  480,  481,  482,  483,  484,  485,  486,  487,  488, 

-     488,  489,  490,  491,  492,  493,  494,  494,  495,  496,  497,  497,  498, 

-     499,  499,  500,  501,  501,  502,  502,  503,  504,  504,  504,  505,  505, 

-     506,  506,  507,  507,  507,  508,  508,  508,  509,  509,  509,  509,  510, 

-     510,  510,  510,  510,  510,  510,  510,  510,  510,  511,  510,  510,  510, 

-     510,  510,  510,  510,  510,  510,  510,  509,  509,  509,  509,  508,  508, 

-     508,  507,  507,  507,  506,  506,  505,  505,  504,  504,  504,  503,  502, 

-     502,  501,  501,  500,  499,  499,  498,  497,  497,  496,  495,  494,  494, 

-     493,  492,  491,  490,  489,  488,  488,  487,  486,  485,  484,  483,  482, 

-     481,  480,  478,  477,  476,  475,  474,  473,  472,  470,  469,  468,  467, 

-     465,  464,  463,  461,  460,  459,  457,  456,  455,  453,  452,  450,  449, 

-     447,  446,  444,  443,  441,  439,  438,  436,  435,  433,  431,  430,  428, 

-     426,  424,  423,  421,  419,  417,  415,  414,  412,  410,  408,  406,  404, 

-     402,  400,  398,  396,  395,  393,  391,  388,  386,  384,  382,  380,  378, 

-     376,  374,  372,  370,  367,  365,  363,  361,  359,  356,  354,  352,  350, 

-     347,  345,  343,  340,  338,  336,  333,  331,  328,  326,  324,  321,  319, 

-     316,  314,  311,  309,  306,  304,  301,  299,  296,  294,  291,  289,  286, 

-     283,  281,  278,  276,  273,  270,  268,  265,  262,  260,  257,  254,  251, 

-     249,  246,  243,  240,  238,  235,  232,  229,  226,  224,  221,  218,  215, 

-     212,  209,  207,  204,  201,  198,  195,  192,  189,  186,  183,  180,  178, 

-     175,  172,  169,  166,  163,  160,  157,  154,  151,  148,  145,  142,  139, 

-     136,  133,  130,  127,  124,  121,  118,  115,  111,  108,  105,  102,   99, 

-      96,   93,   90,   87,   84,   81,   78,   74,   71,   68,   65,   62,   59, 

-      56,   53,   50,   46,   43,   40,   37,   34,   31,   28,   25,   21,   18, 

-      15,   12,    9,    6,    3,    0,   -3,   -6,   -9,  -12,  -15,  -18,  -21, 

-     -25,  -28,  -31,  -34,  -37,  -40,  -43,  -46,  -50,  -53,  -56,  -59,  -62, 

-     -65,  -68,  -71,  -74,  -78,  -81,  -84,  -87,  -90,  -93,  -96,  -99, -102, 

-    -105, -108, -111, -115, -118, -121, -124, -127, -130, -133, -136, -139, -142, 

-    -145, -148, -151, -154, -157, -160, -163, -166, -169, -172, -175, -178, -180, 

-    -183, -186, -189, -192, -195, -198, -201, -204, -207, -209, -212, -215, -218, 

-    -221, -224, -226, -229, -232, -235, -238, -240, -243, -246, -249, -251, -254, 

-    -257, -260, -262, -265, -268, -270, -273, -276, -278, -281, -283, -286, -289, 

-    -291, -294, -296, -299, -301, -304, -306, -309, -311, -314, -316, -319, -321, 

-    -324, -326, -328, -331, -333, -336, -338, -340, -343, -345, -347, -350, -352, 

-    -354, -356, -359, -361, -363, -365, -367, -370, -372, -374, -376, -378, -380, 

-    -382, -384, -386, -388, -391, -393, -395, -396, -398, -400, -402, -404, -406, 

-    -408, -410, -412, -414, -415, -417, -419, -421, -423, -424, -426, -428, -430, 

-    -431, -433, -435, -436, -438, -439, -441, -443, -444, -446, -447, -449, -450, 

-    -452, -453, -455, -456, -457, -459, -460, -461, -463, -464, -465, -467, -468, 

-    -469, -470, -472, -473, -474, -475, -476, -477, -478, -480, -481, -482, -483, 

-    -484, -485, -486, -487, -488, -488, -489, -490, -491, -492, -493, -494, -494, 

-    -495, -496, -497, -497, -498, -499, -499, -500, -501, -501, -502, -502, -503, 

-    -504, -504, -504, -505, -505, -506, -506, -507, -507, -507, -508, -508, -508, 

-    -509, -509, -509, -509, -510, -510, -510, -510, -510, -510, -510, -510, -510, 

-    -510, -511, -510, -510, -510, -510, -510, -510, -510, -510, -510, -510, -509, 

-    -509, -509, -509, -508, -508, -508, -507, -507, -507, -506, -506, -505, -505, 

-    -504, -504, -504, -503, -502, -502, -501, -501, -500, -499, -499, -498, -497, 

-    -497, -496, -495, -494, -494, -493, -492, -491, -490, -489, -488, -488, -487, 

-    -486, -485, -484, -483, -482, -481, -480, -478, -477, -476, -475, -474, -473, 

-    -472, -470, -469, -468, -467, -465, -464, -463, -461, -460, -459, -457, -456, 

-    -455, -453, -452, -450, -449, -447, -446, -444, -443, -441, -439, -438, -436, 

-    -435, -433, -431, -430, -428, -426, -424, -423, -421, -419, -417, -415, -414, 

-    -412, -410, -408, -406, -404, -402, -400, -398, -396, -395, -393, -391, -388, 

-    -386, -384, -382, -380, -378, -376, -374, -372, -370, -367, -365, -363, -361, 

-    -359, -356, -354, -352, -350, -347, -345, -343, -340, -338, -336, -333, -331, 

-    -328, -326, -324, -321, -319, -316, -314, -311, -309, -306, -304, -301, -299, 

-    -296, -294, -291, -289, -286, -283, -281, -278, -276, -273, -270, -268, -265, 

-    -262, -260, -257, -254, -251, -249, -246, -243, -240, -238, -235, -232, -229, 

-    -226, -224, -221, -218, -215, -212, -209, -207, -204, -201, -198, -195, -192, 

-    -189, -186, -183, -180, -178, -175, -172, -169, -166, -163, -160, -157, -154, 

-    -151, -148, -145, -142, -139, -136, -133, -130, -127, -124, -121, -118, -115, 

-    -111, -108, -105, -102,  -99,  -96,  -93,  -90,  -87,  -84,  -81,  -78,  -74, 

-     -71,  -68,  -65,  -62,  -59,  -56,  -53,  -50,  -46,  -43,  -40,  -37,  -34, 

-     -31,  -28,  -25,  -21,  -18,  -15,  -12,   -9,   -6,   -3



-static const short lfo_env_coeff[] = {

-     251,  253,  254,  256,  257,  259,  260,  262,  264,  265,  267,  268,  270, 

-     271,  273,  274,  276,  277,  279,  281,  282,  284,  285,  287,  288,  290, 

-     291,  293,  294,  296,  297,  299,  300,  302,  303,  305,  306,  308,  309, 

-     311,  312,  314,  315,  317,  318,  320,  321,  323,  324,  326,  327,  329, 

-     330,  332,  333,  335,  336,  337,  339,  340,  342,  343,  345,  346,  348, 

-     349,  350,  352,  353,  355,  356,  357,  359,  360,  362,  363,  364,  366, 

-     367,  369,  370,  371,  373,  374,  375,  377,  378,  379,  381,  382,  383, 

-     385,  386,  387,  389,  390,  391,  392,  394,  395,  396,  397,  399,  400, 

-     401,  402,  404,  405,  406,  407,  409,  410,  411,  412,  413,  414,  416, 

-     417,  418,  419,  420,  421,  423,  424,  425,  426,  427,  428,  429,  430, 

-     431,  432,  434,  435,  436,  437,  438,  439,  440,  441,  442,  443,  444, 

-     445,  446,  447,  448,  449,  450,  451,  452,  453,  453,  454,  455,  456, 

-     457,  458,  459,  460,  461,  461,  462,  463,  464,  465,  466,  466,  467, 

-     468,  469,  469,  470,  471,  472,  473,  473,  474,  475,  475,  476,  477, 

-     477,  478,  479,  479,  480,  481,  481,  482,  483,  483,  484,  484,  485, 

-     486,  486,  487,  487,  488,  488,  489,  489,  490,  490,  491,  491,  492, 

-     492,  493,  493,  493,  494,  494,  495,  495,  495,  496,  496,  497,  497, 

-     497,  498,  498,  498,  498,  499,  499,  499,  500,  500,  500,  500,  500, 

-     501,  501,  501,  501,  501,  502,  502,  502,  502,  502,  502,  502,  502, 

-     503,  503,  503,  503,  503,  503,  503,  503,  503,  503,  503,  503,  503, 

-     503,  503,  503,  503,  503,  503,  502,  502,  502,  502,  502,  502,  502, 

-     502,  501,  501,  501,  501,  501,  500,  500,  500,  500,  500,  499,  499, 

-     499,  498,  498,  498,  498,  497,  497,  497,  496,  496,  495,  495,  495, 

-     494,  494,  493,  493,  493,  492,  492,  491,  491,  490,  490,  489,  489, 

-     488,  488,  487,  487,  486,  486,  485,  484,  484,  483,  483,  482,  481, 

-     481,  480,  479,  479,  478,  477,  477,  476,  475,  475,  474,  473,  473, 

-     472,  471,  470,  469,  469,  468,  467,  466,  466,  465,  464,  463,  462, 

-     461,  461,  460,  459,  458,  457,  456,  455,  454,  453,  453,  452,  451, 

-     450,  449,  448,  447,  446,  445,  444,  443,  442,  441,  440,  439,  438, 

-     437,  436,  435,  434,  432,  431,  430,  429,  428,  427,  426,  425,  424, 

-     423,  421,  420,  419,  418,  417,  416,  414,  413,  412,  411,  410,  409, 

-     407,  406,  405,  404,  402,  401,  400,  399,  397,  396,  395,  394,  392, 

-     391,  390,  389,  387,  386,  385,  383,  382,  381,  379,  378,  377,  375, 

-     374,  373,  371,  370,  369,  367,  366,  364,  363,  362,  360,  359,  357, 

-     356,  355,  353,  352,  350,  349,  348,  346,  345,  343,  342,  340,  339, 

-     337,  336,  335,  333,  332,  330,  329,  327,  326,  324,  323,  321,  320, 

-     318,  317,  315,  314,  312,  311,  309,  308,  306,  305,  303,  302,  300, 

-     299,  297,  296,  294,  293,  291,  290,  288,  287,  285,  284,  282,  281, 

-     279,  277,  276,  274,  273,  271,  270,  268,  267,  265,  264,  262,  260, 

-     259,  257,  256,  254,  253,  251,  250,  248,  247,  245,  244,  242,  240, 

-     239,  237,  236,  234,  233,  231,  230,  228,  227,  225,  223,  222,  220, 

-     219,  217,  216,  214,  213,  211,  210,  208,  207,  205,  204,  202,  201, 

-     199,  198,  196,  195,  193,  192,  190,  189,  187,  186,  184,  183,  181, 

-     180,  178,  177,  175,  174,  172,  171,  169,  168,  166,  165,  164,  162, 

-     161,  159,  158,  156,  155,  153,  152,  151,  149,  148,  146,  145,  144, 

-     142,  141,  139,  138,  137,  135,  134,  133,  131,  130,  129,  127,  126, 

-     124,  123,  122,  120,  119,  118,  117,  115,  114,  113,  111,  110,  109, 

-     108,  106,  105,  104,  103,  101,  100,   99,   98,   96,   95,   94,   93, 

-      92,   90,   89,   88,   87,   86,   84,   83,   82,   81,   80,   79,   78, 

-      77,   75,   74,   73,   72,   71,   70,   69,   68,   67,   66,   65,   64, 

-      63,   62,   61,   60,   59,   58,   57,   56,   55,   54,   53,   52,   51, 

-      50,   49,   48,   47,   46,   45,   45,   44,   43,   42,   41,   40,   39, 

-      39,   38,   37,   36,   35,   35,   34,   33,   32,   31,   31,   30,   29, 

-      29,   28,   27,   26,   26,   25,   24,   24,   23,   22,   22,   21,   20, 

-      20,   19,   19,   18,   17,   17,   16,   16,   15,   15,   14,   14,   13, 

-      13,   12,   12,   11,   11,   10,   10,    9,    9,    9,    8,    8,    7, 

-       7,    7,    6,    6,    6,    5,    5,    5,    4,    4,    4,    3,    3, 

-       3,    3,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1, 

-       0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 

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-       0,    0,    0,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    2,    2,    2,    2, 

-       2,    3,    3,    3,    3,    4,    4,    4,    5,    5,    5,    6,    6, 

-       6,    7,    7,    7,    8,    8,    9,    9,    9,   10,   10,   11,   11, 

-      12,   12,   13,   13,   14,   14,   15,   15,   16,   16,   17,   17,   18, 

-      19,   19,   20,   20,   21,   22,   22,   23,   24,   24,   25,   26,   26, 

-      27,   28,   29,   29,   30,   31,   31,   32,   33,   34,   35,   35,   36, 

-      37,   38,   39,   39,   40,   41,   42,   43,   44,   45,   45,   46,   47, 

-      48,   49,   50,   51,   52,   53,   54,   55,   56,   57,   58,   59,   60, 

-      61,   62,   63,   64,   65,   66,   67,   68,   69,   70,   71,   72,   73, 

-      74,   75,   77,   78,   79,   80,   81,   82,   83,   84,   86,   87,   88, 

-      89,   90,   92,   93,   94,   95,   96,   98,   99,  100,  101,  103,  104, 

-     105,  106,  108,  109,  110,  111,  113,  114,  115,  117,  118,  119,  120, 

-     122,  123,  124,  126,  127,  129,  130,  131,  133,  134,  135,  137,  138, 

-     139,  141,  142,  144,  145,  146,  148,  149,  151,  152,  153,  155,  156, 

-     158,  159,  161,  162,  164,  165,  166,  168,  169,  171,  172,  174,  175, 

-     177,  178,  180,  181,  183,  184,  186,  187,  189,  190,  192,  193,  195, 

-     196,  198,  199,  201,  202,  204,  205,  207,  208,  210,  211,  213,  214, 

-     216,  217,  219,  220,  222,  223,  225,  227,  228,  230,  231,  233,  234, 

-     236,  237,  239,  240,  242,  244,  245,  247,  248,  250




+#ifndef _EMUTABLES_H_
+#define _EMUTABLES_H_
+/* Precompiled ym2612 tables for use in Rockbox */
+static const int tl_coeff[] = {
+	 268435455,  267712100,  266990695,  266271234,  265553712,  264838123,  264124462,  263412725,  262702906,  261994999,  261289000, 
+     260584903,  259882704,  259182396,  258483976,  257787438,  257092777,  256399988,  255709066,  255020006,  254332802,  253647450, 
+     252963945,  252282282,  251602456,  250924462,  250248294,  249573949,  248901421,  248230705,  247561797,  246894691,  246229383, 
+     245565867,  244904140,  244244195,  243586029,  242929637,  242275013,  241622154,  240971053,  240321708,  239674112,  239028261, 
+     238384150,  237741775,  237101131,  236462214,  235825018,  235189539,  234555773,  233923714,  233293359,  232664702,  232037740, 
+     231412466,  230788878,  230166970,  229546738,  228928178,  228311284,  227696052,  227082479,  226470558,  225860287,  225251660, 
+     224644674,  224039323,  223435603,  222833510,  222233039,  221634187,  221036948,  220441319,  219847295,  219254871,  218664044, 
+     218074809,  217487162,  216901098,  216316614,  215733704,  215152366,  214572594,  213994384,  213417732,  212842635,  212269087, 
+     211697084,  211126623,  210557699,  209990308,  209424446,  208860109,  208297293,  207735993,  207176206,  206617927,  206061153, 
+     205505879,  204952102,  204399816,  203849019,  203299706,  202751873,  202205517,  201660633,  201117217,  200575266,  200034774, 
+     199495740,  198958158,  198422024,  197887335,  197354088,  196822277,  196291899,  195762950,  195235427,  194709325,  194184641, 
+     193661370,  193139510,  192619056,  192100005,  191582352,  191066094,  190551228,  190037748,  189525653,  189014937,  188505598, 
+     187997631,  187491033,  186985800,  186481928,  185979414,  185478255,  184978446,  184479983,  183982864,  183487085,  182992641, 
+     182499530,  182007748,  181517291,  181028155,  180540338,  180053835,  179568643,  179084759,  178602178,  178120898,  177640915, 
+     177162225,  176684825,  176208712,  175733881,  175260330,  174788055,  174317053,  173847320,  173378853,  172911648,  172445702, 
+     171981012,  171517574,  171055385,  170594441,  170134740,  169676277,  169219049,  168763054,  168308287,  167854746,  167402427, 
+     166951327,  166501443,  166052770,  165605307,  165159050,  164713995,  164270139,  163827480,  163386013,  162945736,  162506646, 
+     162068738,  161632011,  161196460,  160762083,  160328877,  159896838,  159465963,  159036250,  158607694,  158180293,  157754044, 
+     157328943,  156904988,  156482176,  156060502,  155639965,  155220562,  154802288,  154385142,  153969119,  153554218,  153140435, 
+     152727766,  152316210,  151905763,  151496422,  151088184,  150681046,  150275005,  149870058,  149466203,  149063435,  148661753, 
+     148261154,  147861634,  147463190,  147065821,  146669522,  146274291,  145880125,  145487021,  145094976,  144703988,  144314054, 
+     143925170,  143537334,  143150543,  142764795,  142380086,  141996414,  141613775,  141232168,  140851589,  140472035,  140093505, 
+     139715994,  139339501,  138964022,  138589555,  138216097,  137843646,  137472198,  137101751,  136732302,  136363849,  135996388, 
+     135629918,  135264436,  134899938,  134536423,  134173887,  133812328,  133451743,  133092130,  132733486,  132375808,  132019095, 
+     131663342,  131308548,  130954711,  130601826,  130249893,  129898908,  129548869,  129199773,  128851618,  128504401,  128158119, 
+     127812771,  127468353,  127124864,  126782300,  126440659,  126099939,  125760137,  125421250,  125083277,  124746214,  124410060, 
+     124074812,  123740467,  123407023,  123074477,  122742828,  122412072,  122082208,  121753232,  121425143,  121097939,  120771615, 
+     120446172,  120121605,  119797912,  119475092,  119153142,  118832060,  118511843,  118192488,  117873994,  117556359,  117239579, 
+     116923653,  116608578,  116294353,  115980974,  115668439,  115356747,  115045894,  114735880,  114426700,  114118354,  113810839, 
+     113504152,  113198292,  112893256,  112589042,  112285648,  111983071,  111681310,  111380362,  111080225,  110780896,  110482375, 
+     110184657,  109887742,  109591627,  109296310,  109001789,  108708061,  108415125,  108122978,  107831619,  107541044,  107251253, 
+     106962243,  106674011,  106386556,  106099876,  105813968,  105528830,  105244461,  104960859,  104678020,  104395944,  104114628, 
+     103834069,  103554267,  103275219,  102996923,  102719377,  102442578,  102166526,  101891217,  101616650,  101342823,  101069734, 
+     100797381,  100525762,  100254875,   99984718,   99715288,   99446585,   99178606,   98911349,   98644812,   98378993,   98113891, 
+      97849503,   97585828,   97322863,   97060606,   96799057,   96538212,   96278070,   96018629,   95759887,   95501842,   95244493, 
+      94987837,   94731873,   94476599,   94222012,   93968112,   93714895,   93462361,   93210508,   92959333,   92708835,   92459012, 
+      92209863,   91961384,   91713575,   91466434,   91219959,   90974149,   90729000,   90484512,   90240683,   89997511,   89754994, 
+      89513131,   89271920,   89031358,   88791445,   88552178,   88313556,   88075578,   87838240,   87601542,   87365481,   87130057, 
+      86895267,   86661110,   86427584,   86194687,   85962418,   85730775,   85499756,   85269359,   85039583,   84810427,   84581888, 
+      84353965,   84126656,   83899959,   83673874,   83448397,   83223528,   82999266,   82775607,   82552551,   82330096,   82108241, 
+      81886984,   81666322,   81446256,   81226782,   81007900,   80789608,   80571904,   80354786,   80138254,   79922305,   79706938, 
+      79492151,   79277943,   79064313,   78851258,   78638777,   78426868,   78215531,   78004763,   77794564,   77584930,   77375862, 
+      77167357,   76959413,   76752031,   76545207,   76338940,   76133229,   75928072,   75723469,   75519416,   75315914,   75112960, 
+      74910552,   74708690,   74507373,   74306597,   74106363,   73906668,   73707512,   73508892,   73310807,   73113256,   72916237, 
+      72719749,   72523791,   72328361,   72133457,   71939079,   71745225,   71551892,   71359081,   71166789,   70975016,   70783759, 
+      70593018,   70402791,   70213076,   70023872,   69835179,   69646994,   69459315,   69272143,   69085475,   68899310,   68713647, 
+      68528484,   68343820,   68159653,   67975983,   67792808,   67610127,   67427937,   67246239,   67065030,   66884310,   66704076, 
+      66524328,   66345065,   66166285,   65987986,   65810168,   65632829,   65455968,   65279583,   65103674,   64928239,   64753277, 
+      64578786,   64404765,   64231213,   64058129,   63885511,   63713359,   63541670,   63370444,   63199679,   63029375,   62859529, 
+      62690141,   62521210,   62352734,   62184711,   62017142,   61850024,   61683357,   61517138,   61351368,   61186044,   61021166, 
+      60856731,   60692741,   60529192,   60366083,   60203414,   60041184,   59879391,   59718034,   59557111,   59396622,   59236566, 
+      59076941,   58917746,   58758980,   58600642,   58442730,   58285245,   58128183,   57971545,   57815329,   57659533,   57504158, 
+      57349201,   57194662,   57040539,   56886832,   56733539,   56580659,   56428190,   56276133,   56124486,   55973247,   55822415, 
+      55671990,   55521971,   55372355,   55223143,   55074333,   54925924,   54777915,   54630305,   54483092,   54336276,   54189856, 
+      54043830,   53898198,   53752959,   53608110,   53463652,   53319583,   53175903,   53032610,   52889702,   52747180,   52605042, 
+      52463287,   52321914,   52180922,   52040310,   51900076,   51760221,   51620743,   51481640,   51342912,   51204558,   51066577, 
+      50928968,   50791729,   50654860,   50518360,   50382228,   50246463,   50111064,   49976029,   49841359,   49707051,   49573105, 
+      49439520,   49306295,   49173429,   49040922,   48908771,   48776976,   48645537,   48514451,   48383719,   48253339,   48123311, 
+      47993633,   47864304,   47735324,   47606691,   47478405,   47350465,   47222869,   47095618,   46968709,   46842142,   46715916, 
+      46590031,   46464484,   46339276,   46214406,   46089871,   45965673,   45841809,   45718279,   45595082,   45472216,   45349682, 
+      45227478,   45105603,   44984057,   44862838,   44741946,   44621380,   44501139,   44381221,   44261627,   44142355,   44023404, 
+      43904774,   43786464,   43668472,   43550798,   43433442,   43316402,   43199677,   43083266,   42967170,   42851386,   42735914, 
+      42620753,   42505903,   42391362,   42277130,   42163206,   42049588,   41936277,   41823271,   41710570,   41598172,   41486077, 
+      41374285,   41262793,   41151602,   41040711,   40930118,   40819823,   40709826,   40600125,   40490720,   40381609,   40272793, 
+      40164269,   40056039,   39948099,   39840451,   39733093,   39626024,   39519243,   39412751,   39306545,   39200625,   39094991, 
+      38989642,   38884576,   38779794,   38675294,   38571075,   38467138,   38363480,   38260102,   38157002,   38054180,   37951635, 
+      37849367,   37747374,   37645656,   37544212,   37443042,   37342144,   37241518,   37141163,   37041078,   36941264,   36841718, 
+      36742440,   36643430,   36544687,   36446210,   36347998,   36250051,   36152368,   36054948,   35957790,   35860895,   35764260, 
+      35667886,   35571772,   35475916,   35380319,   35284980,   35189897,   35095071,   35000500,   34906184,   34812122,   34718314, 
+      34624758,   34531454,   34438402,   34345601,   34253050,   34160748,   34068695,   33976890,   33885332,   33794021,   33702956, 
+      33612137,   33521562,   33431231,   33341144,   33251299,   33161697,   33072336,   32983216,   32894336,   32805695,   32717294, 
+      32629130,   32541204,   32453515,   32366063,   32278846,   32191864,   32105116,   32018602,   31932322,   31846273,   31760457, 
+      31674872,   31589518,   31504393,   31419498,   31334832,   31250394,   31166183,   31082200,   30998442,   30914911,   30831604, 
+      30748522,   30665664,   30583029,   30500617,   30418426,   30336458,   30254710,   30173183,   30091875,   30010786,   29929916, 
+      29849263,   29768829,   29688610,   29608608,   29528822,   29449250,   29369893,   29290750,   29211820,   29133103,   29054598, 
+      28976304,   28898222,   28820350,   28742687,   28665234,   28587990,   28510954,   28434125,   28357503,   28281088,   28204879, 
+      28128875,   28053076,   27977482,   27902091,   27826903,   27751917,   27677134,   27602552,   27528172,   27453991,   27380011, 
+      27306230,   27232648,   27159264,   27086078,   27013089,   26940296,   26867700,   26795300,   26723094,   26651083,   26579267, 
+      26507643,   26436213,   26364975,   26293929,   26223075,   26152412,   26081939,   26011656,   25941562,   25871657,   25801940, 
+      25732412,   25663071,   25593916,   25524948,   25456166,   25387569,   25319157,   25250929,   25182886,   25115025,   25047348, 
+      24979852,   24912539,   24845407,   24778456,   24711686,   24645095,   24578684,   24512451,   24446397,   24380522,   24314823, 
+      24249302,   24183957,   24118789,   24053796,   23988978,   23924335,   23859866,   23795570,   23731448,   23667499,   23603722, 
+      23540117,   23476683,   23413421,   23350328,   23287406,   23224653,   23162070,   23099655,   23037408,   22975329,   22913417, 
+      22851673,   22790094,   22728681,   22667434,   22606352,   22545435,   22484682,   22424092,   22363666,   22303402,   22243301, 
+      22183362,   22123584,   22063968,   22004512,   21945216,   21886080,   21827104,   21768286,   21709627,   21651126,   21592783, 
+      21534597,   21476567,   21418694,   21360977,   21303416,   21246009,   21188758,   21131660,   21074717,   21017926,   20961289, 
+      20904805,   20848473,   20792292,   20736263,   20680385,   20624657,   20569080,   20513652,   20458374,   20403245,   20348264, 
+      20293432,   20238747,   20184209,   20129819,   20075575,   20021477,   19967525,   19913719,   19860057,   19806540,   19753167, 
+      19699938,   19646853,   19593910,   19541111,   19488453,   19435937,   19383563,   19331330,   19279238,   19227286,   19175474, 
+      19123802,   19072269,   19020875,   18969619,   18918502,   18867522,   18816680,   18765974,   18715405,   18664973,   18614676, 
+      18564515,   18514489,   18464598,   18414842,   18365219,   18315730,   18266375,   18217152,   18168062,   18119105,   18070279, 
+      18021585,   17973022,   17924590,   17876289,   17828118,   17780076,   17732164,   17684381,   17636727,   17589201,   17541803, 
+      17494533,   17447391,   17400375,   17353486,   17306724,   17260087,   17213577,   17167191,   17120930,   17074795,   17028783, 
+      16982896,   16937132,   16891491,   16845974,   16800579,   16755306,   16710155,   16665126,   16620219,   16575432,   16530766, 
+      16486221,   16441795,   16397490,   16353303,   16309236,   16265287,   16221457,   16177745,   16134151,   16090674,   16047314, 
+      16004072,   15960945,   15917935,   15875041,   15832263,   15789599,   15747051,   15704617,   15662298,   15620093,   15578001, 
+      15536023,   15494158,   15452406,   15410766,   15369239,   15327823,   15286519,   15245327,   15204245,   15163274,   15122414, 
+      15081663,   15041023,   15000491,   14960070,   14919757,   14879552,   14839456,   14799468,   14759588,   14719815,   14680150, 
+      14640591,   14601139,   14561793,   14522554,   14483420,   14444391,   14405468,   14366649,   14327935,   14289326,   14250820, 
+      14212418,   14174120,   14135925,   14097833,   14059843,   14021956,   13984171,   13946488,   13908906,   13871426,   13834047, 
+      13796768,   13759590,   13722512,   13685534,   13648655,   13611876,   13575196,   13538615,   13502132,   13465748,   13429462, 
+      13393273,   13357183,   13321189,   13285292,   13249492,   13213789,   13178182,   13142670,   13107255,   13071934,   13036709, 
+      13001579,   12966544,   12931603,   12896756,   12862003,   12827344,   12792778,   12758305,   12723925,   12689638,   12655443, 
+      12621341,   12587330,   12553411,   12519583,   12485846,   12452201,   12418646,   12385181,   12351807,   12318522,   12285327, 
+      12252222,   12219206,   12186279,   12153440,   12120690,   12088029,   12055455,   12022969,   11990571,   11958260,   11926036, 
+      11893899,   11861848,   11829884,   11798006,   11766214,   11734507,   11702886,   11671350,   11639900,   11608533,   11577252, 
+      11546055,   11514941,   11483912,   11452966,   11422104,   11391325,   11360628,   11330015,   11299484,   11269035,   11238668, 
+      11208384,   11178180,   11148058,   11118018,   11088058,   11058179,   11028380,   10998662,   10969024,   10939466,   10909987, 
+      10880588,   10851268,   10822027,   10792865,   10763781,   10734776,   10705849,   10677000,   10648228,   10619535,   10590918, 
+      10562379,   10533916,   10505530,   10477221,   10448988,   10420831,   10392750,   10364745,   10336815,   10308960,   10281180, 
+      10253476,   10225846,   10198290,   10170809,   10143401,   10116068,   10088808,   10061622,   10034509,   10007468,    9980501, 
+       9953607,    9926785,    9900035,    9873357,    9846752,    9820217,    9793755,    9767364,    9741043,    9714794,    9688616, 
+       9662508,    9636470,    9610503,    9584605,    9558778,    9533019,    9507331,    9481711,    9456161,    9430679,    9405266, 
+       9379922,    9354646,    9329438,    9304298,    9279225,    9254221,    9229283,    9204413,    9179610,    9154874,    9130204, 
+       9105601,    9081064,    9056593,    9032188,    9007849,    8983576,    8959368,    8935225,    8911147,    8887134,    8863186, 
+       8839302,    8815483,    8791728,    8768037,    8744409,    8720846,    8697346,    8673909,    8650535,    8627225,    8603977, 
+       8580792,    8557669,    8534608,    8511610,    8488674,    8465799,    8442987,    8420235,    8397545,    8374916,    8352348, 
+       8329841,    8307395,    8285009,    8262683,    8240418,    8218212,    8196067,    8173981,    8151954,    8129987,    8108079, 
+       8086230,    8064440,    8042709,    8021036,    7999422,    7977866,    7956368,    7934928,    7913545,    7892221,    7870954, 
+       7849744,    7828591,    7807495,    7786456,    7765474,    7744548,    7723679,    7702866,    7682109,    7661408,    7640763, 
+       7620173,    7599639,    7579160,    7558737,    7538368,    7518055,    7497796,    7477591,    7457441,    7437346,    7417304, 
+       7397317,    7377383,    7357503,    7337677,    7317904,    7298185,    7278518,    7258905,    7239344,    7219836,    7200381, 
+       7180978,    7161627,    7142329,    7123082,    7103888,    7084745,    7065654,    7046614,    7027625,    7008688,    6989802, 
+       6970966,    6952181,    6933447,    6914764,    6896130,    6877547,    6859014,    6840531,    6822098,    6803715,    6785381, 
+       6767096,    6748861,    6730675,    6712537,    6694449,    6676410,    6658419,    6640476,    6622582,    6604736,    6586938, 
+       6569188,    6551486,    6533832,    6516225,    6498666,    6481154,    6463689,    6446272,    6428901,    6411577,    6394299, 
+       6377069,    6359884,    6342746,    6325655,    6308609,    6291609,    6274655,    6257747,    6240884,    6224066,    6207294, 
+       6190568,    6173886,    6157249,    6140657,    6124110,    6107607,    6091149,    6074735,    6058365,    6042040,    6025758, 
+       6009521,    5993327,    5977177,    5961070,    5945007,    5928987,    5913010,    5897076,    5881185,    5865337,    5849532, 
+       5833769,    5818049,    5802371,    5786735,    5771141,    5755590,    5740080,    5724612,    5709186,    5693802,    5678459, 
+       5663157,    5647896,    5632677,    5617498,    5602361,    5587264,    5572208,    5557193,    5542218,    5527283,    5512389, 
+       5497534,    5482720,    5467946,    5453211,    5438517,    5423861,    5409246,    5394669,    5380132,    5365635,    5351176, 
+       5336756,    5322375,    5308033,    5293729,    5279464,    5265237,    5251049,    5236899,    5222787,    5208713,    5194677, 
+       5180679,    5166719,    5152796,    5138911,    5125063,    5111252,    5097479,    5083743,    5070044,    5056382,    5042756, 
+       5029167,    5015615,    5002100,    4988620,    4975178,    4961771,    4948400,    4935066,    4921767,    4908505,    4895278, 
+       4882086,    4868931,    4855810,    4842725,    4829676,    4816661,    4803682,    4790737,    4777827,    4764953,    4752112, 
+       4739307,    4726536,    4713799,    4701097,    4688429,    4675795,    4663195,    4650629,    4638097,    4625599,    4613134, 
+       4600703,    4588306,    4575941,    4563611,    4551313,    4539049,    4526817,    4514619,    4502453,    4490320,    4478220, 
+       4466153,    4454118,    4442115,    4430145,    4418207,    4406301,    4394428,    4382586,    4370776,    4358998,    4347252, 
+       4335538,    4323855,    4312203,    4300583,    4288994,    4277437,    4265910,    4254415,    4242950,    4231517,    4220114, 
+       4208742,    4197401,    4186090,    4174810,    4163560,    4152340,    4141151,    4129992,    4118863,    4107764,    4096694, 
+       4085655,    4074645,    4063665,    4052715,    4041794,    4030903,    4020041,    4009208,    3998404,    3987630,    3976884, 
+       3966168,    3955480,    3944821,    3934191,    3923590,    3913017,    3902472,    3891956,    3881469,    3871009,    3860578, 
+       3850175,    3839800,    3829453,    3819133,    3808842,    3798578,    3788342,    3778134,    3767953,    3757799,    3747673, 
+       3737574,    3727503,    3717458,    3707441,    3697450,    3687487,    3677550,    3667640,    3657757,    3647900,    3638070, 
+       3628267,    3618490,    3608739,    3599014,    3589316,    3579644,    3569998,    3560378,    3550783,    3541215,    3531673, 
+       3522156,    3512665,    3503199,    3493759,    3484344,    3474955,    3465591,    3456252,    3446939,    3437650,    3428387, 
+       3419148,    3409935,    3400746,    3391582,    3382443,    3373328,    3364238,    3355172,    3346131,    3337114,    3328122, 
+       3319153,    3310209,    3301289,    3292393,    3283521,    3274673,    3265849,    3257048,    3248271,    3239518,    3230789, 
+       3222083,    3213400,    3204741,    3196105,    3187493,    3178903,    3170337,    3161794,    3153274,    3144777,    3136302, 
+       3127851,    3119422,    3111016,    3102633,    3094272,    3085934,    3077619,    3069325,    3061054,    3052806,    3044579, 
+       3036375,    3028193,    3020033,    3011895,    3003779,    2995684,    2987612,    2979561,    2971532,    2963525,    2955539, 
+       2947575,    2939632,    2931710,    2923810,    2915931,    2908074,    2900237,    2892422,    2884628,    2876855,    2869102, 
+       2861371,    2853660,    2845971,    2838302,    2830653,    2823025,    2815418,    2807832,    2800265,    2792719,    2785194, 
+       2777689,    2770203,    2762739,    2755294,    2747869,    2740464,    2733080,    2725715,    2718370,    2711045,    2703739, 
+       2696453,    2689187,    2681941,    2674714,    2667506,    2660318,    2653149,    2646000,    2638870,    2631759,    2624667, 
+       2617594,    2610540,    2603506,    2596490,    2589493,    2582515,    2575556,    2568616,    2561694,    2554791,    2547907, 
+       2541041,    2534194,    2527365,    2520554,    2513762,    2506988,    2500233,    2493495,    2486776,    2480075,    2473392, 
+       2466727,    2460080,    2453450,    2446839,    2440246,    2433670,    2427112,    2420571,    2414049,    2407544,    2401056, 
+       2394586,    2388133,    2381698,    2375280,    2368879,    2362496,    2356130,    2349780,    2343448,    2337134,    2330836, 
+       2324555,    2318291,    2312044,    2305813,    2299600,    2293403,    2287223,    2281060,    2274913,    2268783,    2262669, 
+       2256572,    2250491,    2244427,    2238379,    2232347,    2226331,    2220332,    2214349,    2208382,    2202431,    2196496, 
+       2190577,    2184674,    2178787,    2172916,    2167060,    2161221,    2155397,    2149589,    2143796,    2138019,    2132258, 
+       2126512,    2120782,    2115067,    2109368,    2103683,    2098015,    2092361,    2086723,    2081100,    2075492,    2069899, 
+       2064321,    2058758,    2053211,    2047678,    2042160,    2036657,    2031169,    2025695,    2020237,    2014793,    2009364, 
+       2003949,    1998549,    1993163,    1987792,    1982436,    1977094,    1971766,    1966453,    1961154,    1955869,    1950599, 
+       1945342,    1940100,    1934872,    1929658,    1924458,    1919272,    1914101,    1908943,    1903799,    1898668,    1893552, 
+       1888450,    1883361,    1878286,    1873224,    1868176,    1863142,    1858122,    1853115,    1848121,    1843141,    1838174, 
+       1833221,    1828281,    1823354,    1818441,    1813540,    1808654,    1803780,    1798919,    1794072,    1789237,    1784416, 
+       1779607,    1774812,    1770029,    1765259,    1760502,    1755758,    1751027,    1746309,    1741603,    1736910,    1732229, 
+       1727561,    1722906,    1718263,    1713633,    1709015,    1704410,    1699817,    1695237,    1690669,    1686113,    1681569, 
+       1677038,    1672519,    1668012,    1663517,    1659034,    1654564,    1650105,    1645659,    1641224,    1636801,    1632391, 
+       1627992,    1623605,    1619230,    1614866,    1610515,    1606175,    1601847,    1597530,    1593225,    1588932,    1584650, 
+       1580380,    1576122,    1571874,    1567639,    1563414,    1559201,    1555000,    1550810,    1546631,    1542463,    1538306, 
+       1534161,    1530027,    1525904,    1521792,    1517691,    1513602,    1509523,    1505455,    1501399,    1497353,    1493318, 
+       1489294,    1485281,    1481278,    1477287,    1473306,    1469336,    1465376,    1461427,    1457489,    1453562,    1449645, 
+       1445738,    1441843,    1437957,    1434082,    1430218,    1426364,    1422520,    1418687,    1414864,    1411051,    1407249, 
+       1403457,    1399675,    1395903,    1392142,    1388390,    1384649,    1380918,    1377197,    1373486,    1369784,    1366093, 
+       1362412,    1358741,    1355079,    1351428,    1347786,    1344154,    1340532,    1336920,    1333317,    1329724,    1326141, 
+       1322567,    1319004,    1315449,    1311904,    1308369,    1304844,    1301327,    1297821,    1294323,    1290836,    1287357, 
+       1283888,    1280429,    1276978,    1273537,    1270105,    1266683,    1263269,    1259865,    1256470,    1253084,    1249708, 
+       1246340,    1242982,    1239632,    1236292,    1232960,    1229638,    1226324,    1223020,    1219724,    1216437,    1213159, 
+       1209890,    1206630,    1203378,    1200136,    1196902,    1193676,    1190460,    1187252,    1184052,    1180862,    1177680, 
+       1174506,    1171341,    1168185,    1165037,    1161897,    1158767,    1155644,    1152530,    1149424,    1146327,    1143238, 
+       1140157,    1137085,    1134021,    1130965,    1127917,    1124878,    1121846,    1118823,    1115809,    1112802,    1109803, 
+       1106813,    1103830,    1100855,    1097889,    1094931,    1091980,    1089037,    1086103,    1083176,    1080257,    1077346, 
+       1074443,    1071548,    1068660,    1065781,    1062909,    1060044,    1057188,    1054339,    1051498,    1048664,    1045839, 
+       1043020,    1040210,    1037407,    1034611,    1031823,    1029043,    1026270,    1023504,    1020746,    1017996,    1015252, 
+       1012517,    1009788,    1007067,    1004353,    1001647,     998948,     996256,     993571,     990894,     988224,     985561, 
+        982905,     980256,     977615,     974980,     972353,     969733,     967120,     964514,     961915,     959323,     956737, 
+        954159,     951588,     949024,     946467,     943916,     941373,     938836,     936306,     933783,     931267,     928757, 
+        926254,     923758,     921269,     918787,     916311,     913842,     911379,     908923,     906474,     904031,     901595, 
+        899166,     896743,     894326,     891916,     889513,     887116,     884725,     882341,     879963,     877592,     875227, 
+        872869,     870517,     868171,     865831,     863498,     861171,     858851,     856536,     854228,     851926,     849631, 
+        847341,     845058,     842781,     840510,     838245,     835986,     833733,     831487,     829246,     827011,     824783, 
+        822560,     820344,     818133,     815929,     813730,     811537,     809350,     807169,     804994,     802825,     800662, 
+        798504,     796352,     794206,     792066,     789932,     787803,     785680,     783563,     781452,     779346,     777246, 
+        775151,     773062,     770979,     768902,     766830,     764763,     762703,     760647,     758598,     756553,     754515, 
+        752482,     750454,     748432,     746415,     744403,     742397,     740397,     738402,     736412,     734428,     732448, 
+        730475,     728506,     726543,     724585,     722633,     720686,     718744,     716807,     714875,     712949,     711028, 
+        709112,     707201,     705295,     703394,     701499,     699609,     697723,     695843,     693968,     692098,     690233, 
+        688373,     686518,     684668,     682823,     680983,     679148,     677318,     675493,     673673,     671857,     670047, 
+        668241,     666441,     664645,     662854,     661067,     659286,     657510,     655738,     653971,     652208,     650451, 
+        648698,     646950,     645207,     643468,     641734,     640005,     638280,     636560,     634845,     633134,     631428, 
+        629727,     628030,     626337,     624650,     622966,     621288,     619613,     617944,     616279,     614618,     612962, 
+        611310,     609663,     608020,     606381,     604747,     603118,     601492,     599872,     598255,     596643,     595035, 
+        593432,     591833,     590238,     588647,     587061,     585479,     583901,     582328,     580759,     579194,     577633, 
+        576076,     574524,     572976,     571432,     569892,     568356,     566825,     565297,     563774,     562255,     560740, 
+        559229,     557722,     556219,     554720,     553225,     551734,     550248,     548765,     547286,     545811,     544341, 
+        542874,     541411,     539952,     538497,     537046,     535599,     534155,     532716,     531280,     529849,     528421, 
+        526997,     525577,     524161,     522748,     521340,     519935,     518534,     517136,     515743,     514353,     512967, 
+        511585,     510206,     508831,     507460,     506093,     504729,     503369,     502012,     500660,     499310,     497965, 
+        496623,     495285,     493950,     492619,     491292,     489968,     488648,     487331,     486018,     484708,     483402, 
+        482099,     480800,     479504,     478212,     476924,     475638,     474357,     473078,     471804,     470532,     469264, 
+        468000,     466739,     465481,     464227,     462976,     461728,     460484,     459243,     458005,     456771,     455540, 
+        454313,     453089,     451868,     450650,     449436,     448225,     447017,     445812,     444611,     443413,     442218, 
+        441026,     439838,     438653,     437470,     436292,     435116,     433943,     432774,     431608,     430445,     429285, 
+        428128,     426974,     425824,     424676,     423532,     422391,     421252,     420117,     418985,     417856,     416730, 
+        415607,     414487,     413370,     412256,     411146,     410038,     408933,     407831,     406732,     405636,     404543, 
+        403453,     402365,     401281,     400200,     399121,     398046,     396973,     395903,     394837,     393773,     392712, 
+        391653,     390598,     389545,     388496,     387449,     386405,     385363,     384325,     383289,     382257,     381226, 
+        380199,     379175,     378153,     377134,     376118,     375104,     374093,     373085,     372080,     371077,     370077, 
+        369080,     368085,     367094,     366104,     365118,     364134,     363153,     362174,     361198,     360225,     359254, 
+        358286,     357321,     356358,     355397,     354440,     353485,     352532,     351582,     350635,     349690,     348748, 
+        347808,     346871,     345936,     345004,     344074,     343147,     342222,     341300,     340380,     339463,     338548, 
+        337636,     336726,     335819,     334914,     334011,     333111,     332214,     331318,     330426,     329535,     328647, 
+        327762,     326878,     325997,     325119,     324243,     323369,     322498,     321629,     320762,     319898,     319036, 
+        318176,     317319,     316463,     315611,     314760,     313912,     313066,     312222,     311381,     310542,     309705, 
+        308871,     308038,     307208,     306380,     305555,     304731,     303910,     303091,     302275,     301460,     300648, 
+        299838,     299030,     298224,     297420,     296619,     295819,     295022,     294227,     293434,     292644,     291855, 
+        291069,     290284,     289502,     288722,     287944,     287168,     286394,     285622,     284853,     284085,     283320, 
+        282556,     281795,     281035,     280278,     279523,     278770,     278018,     277269,     276522,     275777,     275034, 
+        274293,     273553,     272816,     272081,     271348,     270617,     269888,     269160,     268435,     267712,     266990, 
+        266271,     265553,     264838,     264124,     263412,     262702,     261994,     261289,     260584,     259882,     259182, 
+        258483,     257787,     257092,     256399,     255709,     255020,     254332,     253647,     252963,     252282,     251602, 
+        250924,     250248,     249573,     248901,     248230,     247561,     246894,     246229,     245565,     244904,     244244, 
+        243586,     242929,     242275,     241622,     240971,     240321,     239674,     239028,     238384,     237741,     237101, 
+        236462,     235825,     235189,     234555,     233923,     233293,     232664,     232037,     231412,     230788,     230166, 
+        229546,     228928,     228311,     227696,     227082,     226470,     225860,     225251,     224644,     224039,     223435, 
+        222833,     222233,     221634,     221036,     220441,     219847,     219254,     218664,     218074,     217487,     216901, 
+        216316,     215733,     215152,     214572,     213994,     213417,     212842,     212269,     211697,     211126,     210557, 
+        209990,     209424,     208860,     208297,     207735,     207176,     206617,     206061,     205505,     204952,     204399, 
+        203849,     203299,     202751,     202205,     201660,     201117,     200575,     200034,     199495,     198958,     198422, 
+        197887,     197354,     196822,     196291,     195762,     195235,     194709,     194184,     193661,     193139,     192619, 
+        192100,     191582,     191066,     190551,     190037,     189525,     189014,     188505,     187997,     187491,     186985, 
+        186481,     185979,     185478,     184978,     184479,     183982,     183487,     182992,     182499,     182007,     181517, 
+        181028,     180540,     180053,     179568,     179084,     178602,     178120,     177640,     177162,     176684,     176208, 
+        175733,     175260,     174788,     174317,     173847,     173378,     172911,     172445,     171981,     171517,     171055, 
+        170594,     170134,     169676,     169219,     168763,     168308,     167854,     167402,     166951,     166501,     166052, 
+        165605,     165159,     164713,     164270,     163827,     163386,     162945,     162506,     162068,     161632,     161196, 
+        160762,     160328,     159896,     159465,     159036,     158607,     158180,     157754,     157328,     156904,     156482, 
+        156060,     155639,     155220,     154802,     154385,     153969,     153554,     153140,     152727,     152316,     151905, 
+        151496,     151088,     150681,     150275,     149870,     149466,     149063,     148661,     148261,     147861,     147463, 
+        147065,     146669,     146274,     145880,     145487,     145094,     144703,     144314,     143925,     143537,     143150, 
+        142764,     142380,     141996,     141613,     141232,     140851,     140472,     140093,     139715,     139339,     138964, 
+        138589,     138216,     137843,     137472,     137101,     136732,     136363,     135996,     135629,     135264,     134899, 
+        134536,     134173,     133812,     133451,     133092,     132733,     132375,     132019,     131663,     131308,     130954, 
+        130601,     130249,     129898,     129548,     129199,     128851,     128504,     128158,     127812,     127468,     127124, 
+        126782,     126440,     126099,     125760,     125421,     125083,     124746,     124410,     124074,     123740,     123407, 
+        123074,     122742,     122412,     122082,     121753,     121425,     121097,     120771,     120446,     120121,     119797, 
+        119475,     119153,     118832,     118511,     118192,     117873,     117556,     117239,     116923,     116608,     116294, 
+        115980,     115668,     115356,     115045,     114735,     114426,     114118,     113810,     113504,     113198,     112893, 
+        112589,     112285,     111983,     111681,     111380,     111080,     110780,     110482,     110184,     109887,     109591, 
+        109296,     109001,     108708,     108415,     108122,     107831,     107541,     107251,     106962,     106674,     106386, 
+        106099,     105813,     105528,     105244,     104960,     104678,     104395,     104114,     103834,     103554,     103275, 
+        102996,     102719,     102442,     102166,     101891,     101616,     101342,     101069,     100797,     100525,     100254, 
+         99984,      99715,      99446,      99178,      98911,      98644,      98378,      98113,      97849,      97585,      97322, 
+         97060,      96799,      96538,      96278,      96018,      95759,      95501,      95244,      94987,      94731,      94476, 
+         94222,      93968,      93714,      93462,      93210,      92959,      92708,      92459,      92209,      91961,      91713, 
+         91466,      91219,      90974,      90729,      90484,      90240,      89997,      89754,      89513,      89271,      89031, 
+         88791,      88552,      88313,      88075,      87838,      87601,      87365,      87130,      86895,      86661,      86427, 
+         86194,      85962,      85730,      85499,      85269,      85039,      84810,      84581,      84353,      84126,      83899, 
+         83673,      83448,      83223,      82999,      82775,      82552,      82330,      82108,      81886,      81666,      81446, 
+         81226,      81007,      80789,      80571,      80354,      80138,      79922,      79706,      79492,      79277,      79064, 
+         78851,      78638,      78426,      78215,      78004,      77794,      77584,      77375,      77167,      76959,      76752, 
+         76545,      76338,      76133,      75928,      75723,      75519,      75315,      75112,      74910,      74708,      74507, 
+         74306,      74106,      73906,      73707,      73508,      73310,      73113,      72916,      72719,      72523,      72328, 
+         72133,      71939,      71745,      71551,      71359,      71166,      70975,      70783,      70593,      70402,      70213, 
+         70023,      69835,      69646,      69459,      69272,      69085,      68899,      68713,      68528,      68343,      68159, 
+         67975,      67792,      67610,      67427,      67246,      67065,      66884,      66704,      66524,      66345,      66166, 
+         65987,      65810,      65632,      65455,      65279,      65103,      64928,      64753,      64578,      64404,      64231, 
+         64058,      63885,      63713,      63541,      63370,      63199,      63029,      62859,      62690,      62521,      62352, 
+         62184,      62017,      61850,      61683,      61517,      61351,      61186,      61021,      60856,      60692,      60529, 
+         60366,      60203,      60041,      59879,      59718,      59557,      59396,      59236,      59076,      58917,      58758, 
+         58600,      58442,      58285,      58128,      57971,      57815,      57659,      57504,      57349,      57194,      57040, 
+         56886,      56733,      56580,      56428,      56276,      56124,      55973,      55822,      55671,      55521,      55372, 
+         55223,      55074,      54925,      54777,      54630,      54483,      54336,      54189,      54043,      53898,      53752, 
+         53608,      53463,      53319,      53175,      53032,      52889,      52747,      52605,      52463,      52321,      52180, 
+         52040,      51900,      51760,      51620,      51481,      51342,      51204,      51066,      50928,      50791,      50654, 
+         50518,      50382,      50246,      50111,      49976,      49841,      49707,      49573,      49439,      49306,      49173, 
+         49040,      48908,      48776,      48645,      48514,      48383,      48253,      48123,      47993,      47864,      47735, 
+         47606,      47478,      47350,      47222,      47095,      46968,      46842,      46715,      46590,      46464,      46339, 
+         46214,      46089,      45965,      45841,      45718,      45595,      45472,      45349,      45227,      45105,      44984, 
+         44862,      44741,      44621,      44501,      44381,      44261,      44142,      44023,      43904,      43786,      43668, 
+         43550,      43433,      43316,      43199,      43083,      42967,      42851,      42735,      42620,      42505,      42391, 
+         42277,      42163,      42049,      41936,      41823,      41710,      41598,      41486,      41374,      41262,      41151, 
+         41040,      40930,      40819,      40709,      40600,      40490,      40381,      40272,      40164,      40056,      39948, 
+         39840,      39733,      39626,      39519,      39412,      39306,      39200,      39094,      38989,      38884,      38779, 
+         38675,      38571,      38467,      38363,      38260,      38157,      38054,      37951,      37849,      37747,      37645, 
+         37544,      37443,      37342,      37241,      37141,      37041,      36941,      36841,      36742,      36643,      36544, 
+         36446,      36347,      36250,      36152,      36054,      35957,      35860,      35764,      35667,      35571,      35475, 
+         35380,      35284,      35189,      35095,      35000,      34906,      34812,      34718,      34624,      34531,      34438, 
+         34345,      34253,      34160,      34068,      33976,      33885
+static const short sindb_coeff[] = {
+	2401, 2144, 1994, 1887, 1804, 1737, 1680, 1630, 1587, 1548, 1512, 1480, 1450, 
+    1423, 1397, 1373, 1351, 1330, 1310, 1291, 1273, 1255, 1239, 1223, 1208, 1194, 
+    1180, 1166, 1153, 1141, 1128, 1117, 1105, 1094, 1084, 1073, 1063, 1053, 1043, 
+    1034, 1025, 1016, 1007,  999,  990,  982,  974,  967,  959,  952,  944,  937, 
+     930,  923,  916,  910,  903,  897,  890,  884,  878,  872,  866,  860,  855, 
+     849,  843,  838,  832,  827,  822,  817,  812,  807,  802,  797,  792,  787, 
+     783,  778,  773,  769,  764,  760,  756,  751,  747,  743,  739,  734,  730, 
+     726,  722,  718,  715,  711,  707,  703,  699,  696,  692,  688,  685,  681, 
+     678,  674,  671,  667,  664,  661,  657,  654,  651,  648,  644,  641,  638, 
+     635,  632,  629,  626,  623,  620,  617,  614,  611,  608,  605,  602,  599, 
+     597,  594,  591,  588,  586,  583,  580,  578,  575,  572,  570,  567,  565, 
+     562,  560,  557,  555,  552,  550,  547,  545,  542,  540,  538,  535,  533, 
+     531,  528,  526,  524,  522,  519,  517,  515,  513,  510,  508,  506,  504, 
+     502,  500,  498,  495,  493,  491,  489,  487,  485,  483,  481,  479,  477, 
+     475,  473,  471,  469,  467,  465,  464,  462,  460,  458,  456,  454,  452, 
+     450,  449,  447,  445,  443,  441,  440,  438,  436,  434,  433,  431,  429, 
+     427,  426,  424,  422,  421,  419,  417,  416,  414,  412,  411,  409,  408, 
+     406,  404,  403,  401,  400,  398,  396,  395,  393,  392,  390,  389,  387, 
+     386,  384,  383,  381,  380,  378,  377,  375,  374,  372,  371,  370,  368, 
+     367,  365,  364,  362,  361,  360,  358,  357,  355,  354,  353,  351,  350, 
+     349,  347,  346,  345,  343,  342,  341,  339,  338,  337,  336,  334,  333, 
+     332,  330,  329,  328,  327,  325,  324,  323,  322,  320,  319,  318,  317, 
+     316,  314,  313,  312,  311,  310,  308,  307,  306,  305,  304,  303,  301, 
+     300,  299,  298,  297,  296,  295,  293,  292,  291,  290,  289,  288,  287, 
+     286,  285,  284,  282,  281,  280,  279,  278,  277,  276,  275,  274,  273, 
+     272,  271,  270,  269,  268,  267,  266,  265,  264,  263,  262,  261,  260, 
+     259,  258,  257,  256,  255,  254,  253,  252,  251,  250,  249,  248,  247, 
+     246,  245,  244,  243,  242,  241,  240,  240,  239,  238,  237,  236,  235, 
+     234,  233,  232,  231,  230,  230,  229,  228,  227,  226,  225,  224,  223, 
+     222,  222,  221,  220,  219,  218,  217,  216,  216,  215,  214,  213,  212, 
+     211,  211,  210,  209,  208,  207,  206,  206,  205,  204,  203,  202,  202, 
+     201,  200,  199,  198,  198,  197,  196,  195,  195,  194,  193,  192,  191, 
+     191,  190,  189,  188,  188,  187,  186,  185,  185,  184,  183,  182,  182, 
+     181,  180,  180,  179,  178,  177,  177,  176,  175,  174,  174,  173,  172, 
+     172,  171,  170,  170,  169,  168,  167,  167,  166,  165,  165,  164,  163, 
+     163,  162,  161,  161,  160,  159,  159,  158,  157,  157,  156,  155,  155, 
+     154,  153,  153,  152,  151,  151,  150,  150,  149,  148,  148,  147,  146, 
+     146,  145,  145,  144,  143,  143,  142,  141,  141,  140,  140,  139,  138, 
+     138,  137,  137,  136,  135,  135,  134,  134,  133,  133,  132,  131,  131, 
+     130,  130,  129,  129,  128,  127,  127,  126,  126,  125,  125,  124,  123, 
+     123,  122,  122,  121,  121,  120,  120,  119,  119,  118,  117,  117,  116, 
+     116,  115,  115,  114,  114,  113,  113,  112,  112,  111,  111,  110,  110, 
+     109,  109,  108,  108,  107,  107,  106,  106,  105,  105,  104,  104,  103, 
+     103,  102,  102,  101,  101,  100,  100,   99,   99,   98,   98,   97,   97, 
+      96,   96,   95,   95,   94,   94,   94,   93,   93,   92,   92,   91,   91, 
+      90,   90,   89,   89,   89,   88,   88,   87,   87,   86,   86,   85,   85, 
+      85,   84,   84,   83,   83,   82,   82,   82,   81,   81,   80,   80,   79, 
+      79,   79,   78,   78,   77,   77,   77,   76,   76,   75,   75,   75,   74, 
+      74,   73,   73,   73,   72,   72,   71,   71,   71,   70,   70,   69,   69, 
+      69,   68,   68,   68,   67,   67,   66,   66,   66,   65,   65,   65,   64, 
+      64,   63,   63,   63,   62,   62,   62,   61,   61,   61,   60,   60,   59, 
+      59,   59,   58,   58,   58,   57,   57,   57,   56,   56,   56,   55,   55, 
+      55,   54,   54,   54,   53,   53,   53,   52,   52,   52,   51,   51,   51, 
+      50,   50,   50,   49,   49,   49,   49,   48,   48,   48,   47,   47,   47, 
+      46,   46,   46,   45,   45,   45,   45,   44,   44,   44,   43,   43,   43, 
+      43,   42,   42,   42,   41,   41,   41,   40,   40,   40,   40,   39,   39, 
+      39,   39,   38,   38,   38,   37,   37,   37,   37,   36,   36,   36,   36, 
+      35,   35,   35,   35,   34,   34,   34,   34,   33,   33,   33,   32,   32, 
+      32,   32,   31,   31,   31,   31,   31,   30,   30,   30,   30,   29,   29, 
+      29,   29,   28,   28,   28,   28,   27,   27,   27,   27,   27,   26,   26, 
+      26,   26,   25,   25,   25,   25,   25,   24,   24,   24,   24,   23,   23, 
+      23,   23,   23,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   21,   21,   21,   21,   21, 
+      20,   20,   20,   20,   20,   19,   19,   19,   19,   19,   19,   18,   18, 
+      18,   18,   18,   17,   17,   17,   17,   17,   17,   16,   16,   16,   16, 
+      16,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   14,   14,   14,   14,   14,   14, 
+      13,   13,   13,   13,   13,   13,   13,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12,   12, 
+      11,   11,   11,   11,   11,   11,   11,   10,   10,   10,   10,   10,   10, 
+      10,   10,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    8,    8,    8,    8, 
+       8,    8,    8,    8,    8,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7, 
+       6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    5,    5,    5, 
+       5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    4, 
+       4,    4,    4,    4,    4,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3, 
+       3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2, 
+       2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1, 
+       1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1, 
+       1,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+       0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+       0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+       0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0
+static const short lfo_freq_coeff[] = {
+        0,    3,    6,    9,   12,   15,   18,   21,   25,   28,   31,   34,   37, 
+      40,   43,   46,   50,   53,   56,   59,   62,   65,   68,   71,   74,   78, 
+      81,   84,   87,   90,   93,   96,   99,  102,  105,  108,  111,  115,  118, 
+     121,  124,  127,  130,  133,  136,  139,  142,  145,  148,  151,  154,  157, 
+     160,  163,  166,  169,  172,  175,  178,  180,  183,  186,  189,  192,  195, 
+     198,  201,  204,  207,  209,  212,  215,  218,  221,  224,  226,  229,  232, 
+     235,  238,  240,  243,  246,  249,  251,  254,  257,  260,  262,  265,  268, 
+     270,  273,  276,  278,  281,  283,  286,  289,  291,  294,  296,  299,  301, 
+     304,  306,  309,  311,  314,  316,  319,  321,  324,  326,  328,  331,  333, 
+     336,  338,  340,  343,  345,  347,  350,  352,  354,  356,  359,  361,  363, 
+     365,  367,  370,  372,  374,  376,  378,  380,  382,  384,  386,  388,  391, 
+     393,  395,  396,  398,  400,  402,  404,  406,  408,  410,  412,  414,  415, 
+     417,  419,  421,  423,  424,  426,  428,  430,  431,  433,  435,  436,  438, 
+     439,  441,  443,  444,  446,  447,  449,  450,  452,  453,  455,  456,  457, 
+     459,  460,  461,  463,  464,  465,  467,  468,  469,  470,  472,  473,  474, 
+     475,  476,  477,  478,  480,  481,  482,  483,  484,  485,  486,  487,  488, 
+     488,  489,  490,  491,  492,  493,  494,  494,  495,  496,  497,  497,  498, 
+     499,  499,  500,  501,  501,  502,  502,  503,  504,  504,  504,  505,  505, 
+     506,  506,  507,  507,  507,  508,  508,  508,  509,  509,  509,  509,  510, 
+     510,  510,  510,  510,  510,  510,  510,  510,  510,  511,  510,  510,  510, 
+     510,  510,  510,  510,  510,  510,  510,  509,  509,  509,  509,  508,  508, 
+     508,  507,  507,  507,  506,  506,  505,  505,  504,  504,  504,  503,  502, 
+     502,  501,  501,  500,  499,  499,  498,  497,  497,  496,  495,  494,  494, 
+     493,  492,  491,  490,  489,  488,  488,  487,  486,  485,  484,  483,  482, 
+     481,  480,  478,  477,  476,  475,  474,  473,  472,  470,  469,  468,  467, 
+     465,  464,  463,  461,  460,  459,  457,  456,  455,  453,  452,  450,  449, 
+     447,  446,  444,  443,  441,  439,  438,  436,  435,  433,  431,  430,  428, 
+     426,  424,  423,  421,  419,  417,  415,  414,  412,  410,  408,  406,  404, 
+     402,  400,  398,  396,  395,  393,  391,  388,  386,  384,  382,  380,  378, 
+     376,  374,  372,  370,  367,  365,  363,  361,  359,  356,  354,  352,  350, 
+     347,  345,  343,  340,  338,  336,  333,  331,  328,  326,  324,  321,  319, 
+     316,  314,  311,  309,  306,  304,  301,  299,  296,  294,  291,  289,  286, 
+     283,  281,  278,  276,  273,  270,  268,  265,  262,  260,  257,  254,  251, 
+     249,  246,  243,  240,  238,  235,  232,  229,  226,  224,  221,  218,  215, 
+     212,  209,  207,  204,  201,  198,  195,  192,  189,  186,  183,  180,  178, 
+     175,  172,  169,  166,  163,  160,  157,  154,  151,  148,  145,  142,  139, 
+     136,  133,  130,  127,  124,  121,  118,  115,  111,  108,  105,  102,   99, 
+      96,   93,   90,   87,   84,   81,   78,   74,   71,   68,   65,   62,   59, 
+      56,   53,   50,   46,   43,   40,   37,   34,   31,   28,   25,   21,   18, 
+      15,   12,    9,    6,    3,    0,   -3,   -6,   -9,  -12,  -15,  -18,  -21, 
+     -25,  -28,  -31,  -34,  -37,  -40,  -43,  -46,  -50,  -53,  -56,  -59,  -62, 
+     -65,  -68,  -71,  -74,  -78,  -81,  -84,  -87,  -90,  -93,  -96,  -99, -102, 
+    -105, -108, -111, -115, -118, -121, -124, -127, -130, -133, -136, -139, -142, 
+    -145, -148, -151, -154, -157, -160, -163, -166, -169, -172, -175, -178, -180, 
+    -183, -186, -189, -192, -195, -198, -201, -204, -207, -209, -212, -215, -218, 
+    -221, -224, -226, -229, -232, -235, -238, -240, -243, -246, -249, -251, -254, 
+    -257, -260, -262, -265, -268, -270, -273, -276, -278, -281, -283, -286, -289, 
+    -291, -294, -296, -299, -301, -304, -306, -309, -311, -314, -316, -319, -321, 
+    -324, -326, -328, -331, -333, -336, -338, -340, -343, -345, -347, -350, -352, 
+    -354, -356, -359, -361, -363, -365, -367, -370, -372, -374, -376, -378, -380, 
+    -382, -384, -386, -388, -391, -393, -395, -396, -398, -400, -402, -404, -406, 
+    -408, -410, -412, -414, -415, -417, -419, -421, -423, -424, -426, -428, -430, 
+    -431, -433, -435, -436, -438, -439, -441, -443, -444, -446, -447, -449, -450, 
+    -452, -453, -455, -456, -457, -459, -460, -461, -463, -464, -465, -467, -468, 
+    -469, -470, -472, -473, -474, -475, -476, -477, -478, -480, -481, -482, -483, 
+    -484, -485, -486, -487, -488, -488, -489, -490, -491, -492, -493, -494, -494, 
+    -495, -496, -497, -497, -498, -499, -499, -500, -501, -501, -502, -502, -503, 
+    -504, -504, -504, -505, -505, -506, -506, -507, -507, -507, -508, -508, -508, 
+    -509, -509, -509, -509, -510, -510, -510, -510, -510, -510, -510, -510, -510, 
+    -510, -511, -510, -510, -510, -510, -510, -510, -510, -510, -510, -510, -509, 
+    -509, -509, -509, -508, -508, -508, -507, -507, -507, -506, -506, -505, -505, 
+    -504, -504, -504, -503, -502, -502, -501, -501, -500, -499, -499, -498, -497, 
+    -497, -496, -495, -494, -494, -493, -492, -491, -490, -489, -488, -488, -487, 
+    -486, -485, -484, -483, -482, -481, -480, -478, -477, -476, -475, -474, -473, 
+    -472, -470, -469, -468, -467, -465, -464, -463, -461, -460, -459, -457, -456, 
+    -455, -453, -452, -450, -449, -447, -446, -444, -443, -441, -439, -438, -436, 
+    -435, -433, -431, -430, -428, -426, -424, -423, -421, -419, -417, -415, -414, 
+    -412, -410, -408, -406, -404, -402, -400, -398, -396, -395, -393, -391, -388, 
+    -386, -384, -382, -380, -378, -376, -374, -372, -370, -367, -365, -363, -361, 
+    -359, -356, -354, -352, -350, -347, -345, -343, -340, -338, -336, -333, -331, 
+    -328, -326, -324, -321, -319, -316, -314, -311, -309, -306, -304, -301, -299, 
+    -296, -294, -291, -289, -286, -283, -281, -278, -276, -273, -270, -268, -265, 
+    -262, -260, -257, -254, -251, -249, -246, -243, -240, -238, -235, -232, -229, 
+    -226, -224, -221, -218, -215, -212, -209, -207, -204, -201, -198, -195, -192, 
+    -189, -186, -183, -180, -178, -175, -172, -169, -166, -163, -160, -157, -154, 
+    -151, -148, -145, -142, -139, -136, -133, -130, -127, -124, -121, -118, -115, 
+    -111, -108, -105, -102,  -99,  -96,  -93,  -90,  -87,  -84,  -81,  -78,  -74, 
+     -71,  -68,  -65,  -62,  -59,  -56,  -53,  -50,  -46,  -43,  -40,  -37,  -34, 
+     -31,  -28,  -25,  -21,  -18,  -15,  -12,   -9,   -6,   -3
+static const short lfo_env_coeff[] = {
+     251,  253,  254,  256,  257,  259,  260,  262,  264,  265,  267,  268,  270, 
+     271,  273,  274,  276,  277,  279,  281,  282,  284,  285,  287,  288,  290, 
+     291,  293,  294,  296,  297,  299,  300,  302,  303,  305,  306,  308,  309, 
+     311,  312,  314,  315,  317,  318,  320,  321,  323,  324,  326,  327,  329, 
+     330,  332,  333,  335,  336,  337,  339,  340,  342,  343,  345,  346,  348, 
+     349,  350,  352,  353,  355,  356,  357,  359,  360,  362,  363,  364,  366, 
+     367,  369,  370,  371,  373,  374,  375,  377,  378,  379,  381,  382,  383, 
+     385,  386,  387,  389,  390,  391,  392,  394,  395,  396,  397,  399,  400, 
+     401,  402,  404,  405,  406,  407,  409,  410,  411,  412,  413,  414,  416, 
+     417,  418,  419,  420,  421,  423,  424,  425,  426,  427,  428,  429,  430, 
+     431,  432,  434,  435,  436,  437,  438,  439,  440,  441,  442,  443,  444, 
+     445,  446,  447,  448,  449,  450,  451,  452,  453,  453,  454,  455,  456, 
+     457,  458,  459,  460,  461,  461,  462,  463,  464,  465,  466,  466,  467, 
+     468,  469,  469,  470,  471,  472,  473,  473,  474,  475,  475,  476,  477, 
+     477,  478,  479,  479,  480,  481,  481,  482,  483,  483,  484,  484,  485, 
+     486,  486,  487,  487,  488,  488,  489,  489,  490,  490,  491,  491,  492, 
+     492,  493,  493,  493,  494,  494,  495,  495,  495,  496,  496,  497,  497, 
+     497,  498,  498,  498,  498,  499,  499,  499,  500,  500,  500,  500,  500, 
+     501,  501,  501,  501,  501,  502,  502,  502,  502,  502,  502,  502,  502, 
+     503,  503,  503,  503,  503,  503,  503,  503,  503,  503,  503,  503,  503, 
+     503,  503,  503,  503,  503,  503,  502,  502,  502,  502,  502,  502,  502, 
+     502,  501,  501,  501,  501,  501,  500,  500,  500,  500,  500,  499,  499, 
+     499,  498,  498,  498,  498,  497,  497,  497,  496,  496,  495,  495,  495, 
+     494,  494,  493,  493,  493,  492,  492,  491,  491,  490,  490,  489,  489, 
+     488,  488,  487,  487,  486,  486,  485,  484,  484,  483,  483,  482,  481, 
+     481,  480,  479,  479,  478,  477,  477,  476,  475,  475,  474,  473,  473, 
+     472,  471,  470,  469,  469,  468,  467,  466,  466,  465,  464,  463,  462, 
+     461,  461,  460,  459,  458,  457,  456,  455,  454,  453,  453,  452,  451, 
+     450,  449,  448,  447,  446,  445,  444,  443,  442,  441,  440,  439,  438, 
+     437,  436,  435,  434,  432,  431,  430,  429,  428,  427,  426,  425,  424, 
+     423,  421,  420,  419,  418,  417,  416,  414,  413,  412,  411,  410,  409, 
+     407,  406,  405,  404,  402,  401,  400,  399,  397,  396,  395,  394,  392, 
+     391,  390,  389,  387,  386,  385,  383,  382,  381,  379,  378,  377,  375, 
+     374,  373,  371,  370,  369,  367,  366,  364,  363,  362,  360,  359,  357, 
+     356,  355,  353,  352,  350,  349,  348,  346,  345,  343,  342,  340,  339, 
+     337,  336,  335,  333,  332,  330,  329,  327,  326,  324,  323,  321,  320, 
+     318,  317,  315,  314,  312,  311,  309,  308,  306,  305,  303,  302,  300, 
+     299,  297,  296,  294,  293,  291,  290,  288,  287,  285,  284,  282,  281, 
+     279,  277,  276,  274,  273,  271,  270,  268,  267,  265,  264,  262,  260, 
+     259,  257,  256,  254,  253,  251,  250,  248,  247,  245,  244,  242,  240, 
+     239,  237,  236,  234,  233,  231,  230,  228,  227,  225,  223,  222,  220, 
+     219,  217,  216,  214,  213,  211,  210,  208,  207,  205,  204,  202,  201, 
+     199,  198,  196,  195,  193,  192,  190,  189,  187,  186,  184,  183,  181, 
+     180,  178,  177,  175,  174,  172,  171,  169,  168,  166,  165,  164,  162, 
+     161,  159,  158,  156,  155,  153,  152,  151,  149,  148,  146,  145,  144, 
+     142,  141,  139,  138,  137,  135,  134,  133,  131,  130,  129,  127,  126, 
+     124,  123,  122,  120,  119,  118,  117,  115,  114,  113,  111,  110,  109, 
+     108,  106,  105,  104,  103,  101,  100,   99,   98,   96,   95,   94,   93, 
+      92,   90,   89,   88,   87,   86,   84,   83,   82,   81,   80,   79,   78, 
+      77,   75,   74,   73,   72,   71,   70,   69,   68,   67,   66,   65,   64, 
+      63,   62,   61,   60,   59,   58,   57,   56,   55,   54,   53,   52,   51, 
+      50,   49,   48,   47,   46,   45,   45,   44,   43,   42,   41,   40,   39, 
+      39,   38,   37,   36,   35,   35,   34,   33,   32,   31,   31,   30,   29, 
+      29,   28,   27,   26,   26,   25,   24,   24,   23,   22,   22,   21,   20, 
+      20,   19,   19,   18,   17,   17,   16,   16,   15,   15,   14,   14,   13, 
+      13,   12,   12,   11,   11,   10,   10,    9,    9,    9,    8,    8,    7, 
+       7,    7,    6,    6,    6,    5,    5,    5,    4,    4,    4,    3,    3, 
+       3,    3,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1, 
+       0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+       0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, 
+       0,    0,    0,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    2,    2,    2,    2, 
+       2,    3,    3,    3,    3,    4,    4,    4,    5,    5,    5,    6,    6, 
+       6,    7,    7,    7,    8,    8,    9,    9,    9,   10,   10,   11,   11, 
+      12,   12,   13,   13,   14,   14,   15,   15,   16,   16,   17,   17,   18, 
+      19,   19,   20,   20,   21,   22,   22,   23,   24,   24,   25,   26,   26, 
+      27,   28,   29,   29,   30,   31,   31,   32,   33,   34,   35,   35,   36, 
+      37,   38,   39,   39,   40,   41,   42,   43,   44,   45,   45,   46,   47, 
+      48,   49,   50,   51,   52,   53,   54,   55,   56,   57,   58,   59,   60, 
+      61,   62,   63,   64,   65,   66,   67,   68,   69,   70,   71,   72,   73, 
+      74,   75,   77,   78,   79,   80,   81,   82,   83,   84,   86,   87,   88, 
+      89,   90,   92,   93,   94,   95,   96,   98,   99,  100,  101,  103,  104, 
+     105,  106,  108,  109,  110,  111,  113,  114,  115,  117,  118,  119,  120, 
+     122,  123,  124,  126,  127,  129,  130,  131,  133,  134,  135,  137,  138, 
+     139,  141,  142,  144,  145,  146,  148,  149,  151,  152,  153,  155,  156, 
+     158,  159,  161,  162,  164,  165,  166,  168,  169,  171,  172,  174,  175, 
+     177,  178,  180,  181,  183,  184,  186,  187,  189,  190,  192,  193,  195, 
+     196,  198,  199,  201,  202,  204,  205,  207,  208,  210,  211,  213,  214, 
+     216,  217,  219,  220,  222,  223,  225,  227,  228,  230,  231,  233,  234, 
+     236,  237,  239,  240,  242,  244,  245,  247,  248,  250
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/z80_cpu.h b/apps/codecs/libgme/z80_cpu.h
index 15115b7..341119b 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/z80_cpu.h
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/z80_cpu.h
@@ -1,116 +1,116 @@
-// Z80 CPU emulator


-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6-pre

-#ifndef Z80_CPU_H

-#define Z80_CPU_H


-#include "blargg_source.h"

-#include "blargg_endian.h"


-typedef int cpu_time_t;

-typedef int addr_t;


-enum { page_bits = 10 };

-enum { page_size = 1 << page_bits };

-enum { page_count = 0x10000 / page_size };


-// Can read this far past end of memory

-enum { cpu_padding = 0x100 };


-// Can read this many bytes past end of a page

-enum { page_padding = 4 };



-	struct regs_t { byte b,c, d,e, h,l, flags,a; };


-	struct regs_t { byte c,b, e,d, l,h, a,flags; };


-// BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof (regs_t) == 8 );


-struct pairs_t { uint16_t bc, de, hl, fa; };


-// Registers are not updated until run() returns

-struct registers_t {

-	uint16_t pc;

-	uint16_t sp;

-	uint16_t ix;

-	uint16_t iy;

-	union {

-		struct regs_t b; //  b.b, b.c, b.d, b.e, b.h, b.l, b.flags, b.a

-		struct pairs_t w; // w.bc, w.de, w.hl. w.fa

-	};

-	union {

-		struct regs_t b;

-		struct pairs_t w;

-	} alt;

-	byte iff1;

-	byte iff2;

-	byte r;

-	byte i;

-	byte im;



-struct cpu_state_t {

-	byte const* read  [page_count + 1];

-	byte      * write [page_count + 1];

-	cpu_time_t base;

-	cpu_time_t time;



-struct Z80_Cpu {

-	byte szpc [0x200];

-	cpu_time_t end_time_;


-	struct cpu_state_t* cpu_state; // points to cpu_state_ or a local copy within run()

-	struct cpu_state_t cpu_state_;


-	struct registers_t r;



-void Z80_init( struct Z80_Cpu* this );


-// Clears registers and maps all pages to unmapped

-void Z80_reset( struct Z80_Cpu* this, void* unmapped_write, void const* unmapped_read );


-// TODO: split mapping out of CPU


-// Maps memory. Start and size must be multiple of page_size.

-void Z80_map_mem( struct Z80_Cpu* this, addr_t addr, int size, void* write, void const* read );


-// Time of beginning of next instruction

-static inline cpu_time_t Z80_time( struct Z80_Cpu* this ) { return this->cpu_state->time + this->cpu_state->base; }


-// Alter current time

-static inline void Z80_set_time( struct Z80_Cpu* this, cpu_time_t t ) { this->cpu_state->time = t - this->cpu_state->base; }

-static inline void Z80_adjust_time( struct Z80_Cpu* this, int delta ) { this->cpu_state->time += delta; }



-	#define Z80_CPU_OFFSET( addr ) (addr)


-	#define Z80_CPU_OFFSET( addr ) ((addr) & (page_size - 1))



-// Maps address to pointer to that byte

-static inline byte* Z80_write( struct Z80_Cpu* this, addr_t addr )


-	return this->cpu_state->write [(unsigned) addr >> page_bits] + Z80_CPU_OFFSET( addr );



-static inline byte const* Z80_read( struct Z80_Cpu* this, addr_t addr )


-	return this->cpu_state->read [(unsigned) addr >> page_bits] + Z80_CPU_OFFSET( addr );



-static inline void Z80_map_mem_rw( struct Z80_Cpu* this, addr_t addr, int size, void* p )


-	Z80_map_mem( this, addr, size, p, p );



-static inline void Z80_set_end_time( struct Z80_Cpu* this, cpu_time_t t )


-	cpu_time_t delta = this->cpu_state->base - t;

-	this->cpu_state->base = t;

-	this->cpu_state->time += delta;




+// Z80 CPU emulator
+// Game_Music_Emu 0.6-pre
+#ifndef Z80_CPU_H
+#define Z80_CPU_H
+#include "blargg_source.h"
+#include "blargg_endian.h"
+typedef int cpu_time_t;
+typedef int addr_t;
+enum { page_bits = 10 };
+enum { page_size = 1 << page_bits };
+enum { page_count = 0x10000 / page_size };
+// Can read this far past end of memory
+enum { cpu_padding = 0x100 };
+// Can read this many bytes past end of a page
+enum { page_padding = 4 };
+	struct regs_t { byte b,c, d,e, h,l, flags,a; };
+	struct regs_t { byte c,b, e,d, l,h, a,flags; };
+// BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof (regs_t) == 8 );
+struct pairs_t { uint16_t bc, de, hl, fa; };
+// Registers are not updated until run() returns
+struct registers_t {
+	uint16_t pc;
+	uint16_t sp;
+	uint16_t ix;
+	uint16_t iy;
+	union {
+		struct regs_t b; //  b.b, b.c, b.d, b.e, b.h, b.l, b.flags, b.a
+		struct pairs_t w; // w.bc, w.de, w.hl. w.fa
+	};
+	union {
+		struct regs_t b;
+		struct pairs_t w;
+	} alt;
+	byte iff1;
+	byte iff2;
+	byte r;
+	byte i;
+	byte im;
+struct cpu_state_t {
+	byte const* read  [page_count + 1];
+	byte      * write [page_count + 1];
+	cpu_time_t base;
+	cpu_time_t time;
+struct Z80_Cpu {
+	byte szpc [0x200];
+	cpu_time_t end_time_;
+	struct cpu_state_t* cpu_state; // points to cpu_state_ or a local copy within run()
+	struct cpu_state_t cpu_state_;
+	struct registers_t r;
+void Z80_init( struct Z80_Cpu* this );
+// Clears registers and maps all pages to unmapped
+void Z80_reset( struct Z80_Cpu* this, void* unmapped_write, void const* unmapped_read );
+// TODO: split mapping out of CPU
+// Maps memory. Start and size must be multiple of page_size.
+void Z80_map_mem( struct Z80_Cpu* this, addr_t addr, int size, void* write, void const* read );
+// Time of beginning of next instruction
+static inline cpu_time_t Z80_time( struct Z80_Cpu* this ) { return this->cpu_state->time + this->cpu_state->base; }
+// Alter current time
+static inline void Z80_set_time( struct Z80_Cpu* this, cpu_time_t t ) { this->cpu_state->time = t - this->cpu_state->base; }
+static inline void Z80_adjust_time( struct Z80_Cpu* this, int delta ) { this->cpu_state->time += delta; }
+	#define Z80_CPU_OFFSET( addr ) (addr)
+	#define Z80_CPU_OFFSET( addr ) ((addr) & (page_size - 1))
+// Maps address to pointer to that byte
+static inline byte* Z80_write( struct Z80_Cpu* this, addr_t addr )
+	return this->cpu_state->write [(unsigned) addr >> page_bits] + Z80_CPU_OFFSET( addr );
+static inline byte const* Z80_read( struct Z80_Cpu* this, addr_t addr )
+	return this->cpu_state->read [(unsigned) addr >> page_bits] + Z80_CPU_OFFSET( addr );
+static inline void Z80_map_mem_rw( struct Z80_Cpu* this, addr_t addr, int size, void* p )
+	Z80_map_mem( this, addr, size, p, p );
+static inline void Z80_set_end_time( struct Z80_Cpu* this, cpu_time_t t )
+	cpu_time_t delta = this->cpu_state->base - t;
+	this->cpu_state->base = t;
+	this->cpu_state->time += delta;
diff --git a/apps/codecs/libgme/z80_cpu_run.h b/apps/codecs/libgme/z80_cpu_run.h
index 18195ac..a453487 100644
--- a/apps/codecs/libgme/z80_cpu_run.h
+++ b/apps/codecs/libgme/z80_cpu_run.h
@@ -1,1696 +1,1696 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6-pre. http://www.slack.net/~ant/


-// Last validated with zexall 2009.12.05.

-// Doesn't implement the R register or immediate interrupt after EI.

-// Address wrap-around isn't completely correct, but is prevented from crashing emulator.

-// 16-bit memory accesses are made directly to mapped memory, instead of using macro.


-#if 0

-/* Define these macros in the source file before #including this file.

-- Parameters might be expressions, so they are best evaluated only once,

-though they NEVER have side-effects, so multiple evaluation is OK.

-- Output parameters might be a multiple-assignment expression like "a=x",

-so they must NOT be parenthesized.

-- Except where noted, time() and related functions will NOT work

-correctly inside a macro. TIME() is always correct, and between FLUSH_TIME() and

-CACHE_TIME() the normal time changing functions can be used.

-- Macros "returning" void may use a {} statement block. */


-	// 0 <= addr <= 0xFFFF + 0x100

-	// Optional; default uses whatever was set with map_mem()

-	int  READ_MEM(  addr_t );

-	void WRITE_MEM( addr_t, int data );


-	// 0 <= port <= 0xFFFF (apparently upper 8 bits are output by hardware)

-	void OUT_PORT( int port, int data );

-	int  IN_PORT   int port );


-	// Reference to Z80_Cpu object used for emulation

-	#define CPU cpu


-// The following can be used within macros:


-	// Current time

-	time_t TIME();


-	// Allows use of time functions

-	void FLUSH_TIME();


-	// Must be used before end of macro if FLUSH_TIME() was used earlier

-	void CACHE_TIME();


-// Configuration (optional; commented behavior if defined)


-	// Optimizes as if map_mem( 0, 0x10000, FLAT_MEM, FLAT_MEM ) is always in effect

-	#define FLAT_MEM my_mem_array


-	// If RST 7 ($FF) is encountered and PC = IDLE_ADDR, stops execution

-	#define IDLE_ADDR 0x1234


-	// Expanded just before beginning of code, to help debugger

-	#define CPU_BEGIN void my_run_cpu() {




-/* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Shay Green. This module is free software; you

-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser

-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either

-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This

-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY

-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS

-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more

-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public

-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,

-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */


-#ifdef CPU_BEGIN




-#define R cpu->r


-// flags, named with hex value for clarity

-int const S80 = 0x80;

-int const Z40 = 0x40;

-int const F20 = 0x20;

-int const H10 = 0x10;

-int const F08 = 0x08;

-int const V04 = 0x04;

-int const P04 = 0x04;

-int const N02 = 0x02;

-int const C01 = 0x01;


-#define SZ28P( n )  cpu->szpc [n]

-#define SZ28PC( n ) cpu->szpc [n]

-#define SZ28C( n )  (cpu->szpc [n] & ~P04)

-#define SZ28( n )   SZ28C( n )


-#define SET_R( n )  (void) (R.r = n)

-#define GET_R()     (R.r)


-// Time

-#define TIME()          (s_time + s.base)

-#define FLUSH_TIME()    {s.time = s_time;}

-#define CACHE_TIME()    {s_time = s.time;}


-// Memory

-#define RW_MEM( addr, rw )          RW_PAGE( addr, rw ) [RW_OFFSET( addr )]

-#define READ_CODE( addr )           RW_MEM( addr, read )


-#ifdef FLAT_MEM

-	#define RW_PAGE( addr, rw )     FLAT_MEM

-	#define RW_OFFSET( addr )       (addr)

-	#define INSTR( off, addr )      READ_CODE( addr )


-	#define RW_PAGE( addr, rw )     s.rw [(unsigned) (addr) >> page_bits]

-	#define RW_OFFSET( addr )       Z80_CPU_OFFSET( addr )

-	#define INSTR( off, addr )      instr [off]



-#ifndef READ_MEM

-	#define READ_MEM( addr )        RW_MEM( addr, read )



-#ifndef WRITE_MEM

-	#define WRITE_MEM( addr, data ) (RW_MEM( addr, write ) = data)



-#define READ_WORD( addr )           GET_LE16( &RW_MEM( addr, read ) )

-#define WRITE_WORD( addr, data )    SET_LE16( &RW_MEM( addr, write ), data )


-// Truncation

-#define BYTE(  n ) ((uint8_t ) (n)) /* (unsigned) n & 0xFF */

-#define SBYTE( n ) ((int8_t  ) (n)) /* (BYTE( n ) ^ 0x80) - 0x80 */

-#define WORD(  n ) ((uint16_t) (n)) /* (unsigned) n & 0xFFFF */


-// Misc

-#define CASE5( a, b, c, d, e          ) case 0x##a:case 0x##b:case 0x##c:case 0x##d:case 0x##e

-#define CASE6( a, b, c, d, e, f       ) CASE5( a, b, c, d, e       ): case 0x##f

-#define CASE7( a, b, c, d, e, f, g    ) CASE6( a, b, c, d, e, f    ): case 0x##g

-#define CASE8( a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h ) CASE7( a, b, c, d, e, f, g ): case 0x##h



-	#define R8( n, offset ) ((r.r8_ - offset) [n]) 


-	#define R8( n, offset ) ((r.r8_ - offset) [(n) ^ 1]) 


-	#error "Byte order of CPU must be known"



-#define R16( n, shift, offset ) (r.r16_ [((unsigned) (n) >> shift) - (offset >> shift)])


-#define EX( x, y ) \

-	{\

-		int temp = x;\

-		x = y;\

-		y = temp;\

-	}


-#define EXX( name ) \

-	EX( R.alt.name, r.name )


-bool warning = false;


-	struct cpu_state_t s;

-	#ifdef FLAT_MEM

-		s.base = cpu->cpu_state_.base;

-	#else

-		s = cpu->cpu_state_;

-	#endif

-	cpu->cpu_state = &s;



-	union r_t {

-		struct regs_t b;

-		struct pairs_t w;

-		byte r8_ [8]; // indexed

-		uint16_t r16_ [4];

-	} r;

-	r.b = R.b;


-	cpu_time_t s_time = cpu->cpu_state_.time;

-	int pc = R.pc;

-	int sp = R.sp;

-	int ix = R.ix; // TODO: keep in memory for direct access?

-	int iy = R.iy;

-	int flags = R.b.flags;


-	//goto loop; // confuses optimizer

-	s_time += 7;

-	pc -= 2;



-	s_time -= 7; 


-	pc += 2;



-	check( (unsigned) pc < 0x10000 + 1 ); // +1 so emulator can catch wrap-around

-	check( (unsigned) sp < 0x10000 );

-	check( (unsigned) flags < 0x100 );

-	check( (unsigned) ix < 0x10000 );

-	check( (unsigned) iy < 0x10000 );


-	byte const* instr = RW_PAGE( pc, read );


-	int opcode;


-	if ( RW_OFFSET( ~0 ) == ~0 )

-	{

-		opcode = instr [RW_OFFSET( pc )];

-		pc++;

-		instr += RW_OFFSET( pc );

-	}

-	else

-	{

-		instr += RW_OFFSET( pc );

-		opcode = *instr++;

-		pc++;

-	}


-	static byte const clock_table [256 * 2] = {

-	//   0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F

-		 4,10, 7, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4,11, 7, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 0

-		 8,10, 7, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4,12,11, 7, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 1

-		 7,10,16, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4, 7,11,16, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 2

-		 7,10,13, 6,11,11,10, 4, 7,11,13, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 3

-		 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 4

-		 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 5

-		 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 6

-		 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 7

-		 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 8

-		 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 9

-		 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, // A

-		 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, // B

-		11,10,10,10,17,11, 7,11,11,10,10, 8,17,17, 7,11, // C

-		11,10,10,11,17,11, 7,11,11, 4,10,11,17, 8, 7,11, // D

-		11,10,10,19,17,11, 7,11,11, 4,10, 4,17, 8, 7,11, // E

-		11,10,10, 4,17,11, 7,11,11, 6,10, 4,17, 8, 7,11, // F


-		// high four bits are $ED time - 8, low four bits are $DD/$FD time - 8

-		//0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    A    B    C    D    E    F

-		0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x07,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,

-		0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x07,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,

-		0x00,0x06,0x0C,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x03,0x00,0x00,0x07,0x0C,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x03,0x00,

-		0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0F,0x0F,0x0B,0x00,0x00,0x07,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,

-		0x40,0x40,0x70,0xC0,0x00,0x60,0x0B,0x10,0x40,0x40,0x70,0xC0,0x00,0x60,0x0B,0x10,

-		0x40,0x40,0x70,0xC0,0x00,0x60,0x0B,0x10,0x40,0x40,0x70,0xC0,0x00,0x60,0x0B,0x10,

-		0x40,0x40,0x70,0xC0,0x00,0x60,0x0B,0xA0,0x40,0x40,0x70,0xC0,0x00,0x60,0x0B,0xA0,

-		0x4B,0x4B,0x7B,0xCB,0x0B,0x6B,0x00,0x0B,0x40,0x40,0x70,0xC0,0x00,0x60,0x0B,0x00,

-		0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0B,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0B,0x00,

-		0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0B,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0B,0x00,

-		0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x00,0x00,0x0B,0x00,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x00,0x00,0x0B,0x00,

-		0xD0,0xD0,0xD0,0xD0,0x00,0x00,0x0B,0x00,0xD0,0xD0,0xD0,0xD0,0x00,0x00,0x0B,0x00,

-		0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0F,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,

-		0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,

-		0x00,0x06,0x00,0x0F,0x00,0x07,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,

-		0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,

-	};


-	if ( s_time >= 0 )

-		goto out_of_time;

-	s_time += clock_table [opcode];


-	#ifdef Z80_CPU_LOG_H

-		//log_opcode( opcode, READ_CODE( pc ) );

-		z80_cpu_log( "log.txt", pc - 1, opcode, READ_CODE( pc ),

-				READ_CODE( pc + 1 ), READ_CODE( pc + 2 ) );

-		z80_log_regs( r.b.a, r.w.bc, r.w.de, r.w.hl, sp, ix, iy );

-	#endif


-#define GET_ADDR()  GET_LE16( &INSTR( 0, pc ) )


-	int data;

-	data = INSTR( 0, pc );


-	switch ( opcode )

-	{

-// Common


-	case 0x00: // NOP

-	CASE7( 40, 49, 52, 5B, 64, 6D, 7F ): // LD B,B etc.

-		goto loop;


-	case 0x08:{// EX AF,AF'

-		EXX( b.a );

-		EX( R.alt.b.flags, flags );

-		goto loop;

-	}


-	case 0xD3: // OUT (imm),A

-		pc++;

-		OUT_PORT( (data + r.b.a * 0x100), r.b.a );

-		goto loop;


-	case 0x2E: // LD L,imm

-		pc++;

-		r.b.l = data;

-		goto loop;


-	case 0x3E: // LD A,imm

-		pc++;

-		r.b.a = data;

-		goto loop;


-	case 0x3A:{// LD A,(addr)

-		int addr = GET_ADDR();

-		pc += 2;

-		r.b.a = READ_MEM( addr );

-		goto loop;

-	}


-// Conditional


-#define ZERO    (flags & Z40)

-#define CARRY   (flags & C01)

-#define EVEN    (flags & P04)

-#define MINUS   (flags & S80)


-// JR

-// TODO: more efficient way to handle negative branch that wraps PC around

-#define JR_( cond, clocks ) {\

-	pc++;\

-	if ( !(cond) )\

-		goto loop;\

-	int offset = SBYTE( data );\

-	pc = WORD( pc + offset );\

-	s_time += clocks;\

-	goto loop;\



-#define JR( cond ) JR_( cond, 5 )


-	case 0x20: JR( !ZERO  ) // JR NZ,disp

-	case 0x28: JR(  ZERO  ) // JR Z,disp

-	case 0x30: JR( !CARRY ) // JR NC,disp

-	case 0x38: JR(  CARRY ) // JR C,disp

-	case 0x18: JR_( true,0) // JR disp


-	case 0x10:{// DJNZ disp

-		int temp = r.b.b - 1;

-		r.b.b = temp;

-		JR( temp )

-	}


-// JP

-#define JP( cond ) \

-	if ( !(cond) )\

-		goto jp_not_taken;\

-	pc = GET_ADDR();\

-	goto loop;


-	case 0xC2: JP( !ZERO  ) // JP NZ,addr

-	case 0xCA: JP(  ZERO  ) // JP Z,addr

-	case 0xD2: JP( !CARRY ) // JP NC,addr

-	case 0xDA: JP(  CARRY ) // JP C,addr

-	case 0xE2: JP( !EVEN  ) // JP PO,addr

-	case 0xEA: JP(  EVEN  ) // JP PE,addr

-	case 0xF2: JP( !MINUS ) // JP P,addr

-	case 0xFA: JP(  MINUS ) // JP M,addr


-	case 0xC3: // JP addr

-		pc = GET_ADDR();

-		goto loop;


-	case 0xE9: // JP HL

-		pc = r.w.hl;

-		goto loop;


-// RET

-#define RET( cond ) \

-	if ( cond )\

-		goto ret_taken;\

-	s_time -= 6;\

-	goto loop;


-	case 0xC0: RET( !ZERO  ) // RET NZ

-	case 0xC8: RET(  ZERO  ) // RET Z

-	case 0xD0: RET( !CARRY ) // RET NC

-	case 0xD8: RET(  CARRY ) // RET C

-	case 0xE0: RET( !EVEN  ) // RET PO

-	case 0xE8: RET(  EVEN  ) // RET PE

-	case 0xF0: RET( !MINUS ) // RET P

-	case 0xF8: RET(  MINUS ) // RET M


-	case 0xC9: // RET

-	ret_taken:

-		pc = READ_WORD( sp );

-		sp = WORD( sp + 2 );

-		goto loop;


-// CALL

-#define CALL( cond ) \

-	if ( cond )\

-		goto call_taken;\

-	goto call_not_taken;


-	case 0xC4: CALL( !ZERO  ) // CALL NZ,addr

-	case 0xCC: CALL(  ZERO  ) // CALL Z,addr

-	case 0xD4: CALL( !CARRY ) // CALL NC,addr

-	case 0xDC: CALL(  CARRY ) // CALL C,addr

-	case 0xE4: CALL( !EVEN  ) // CALL PO,addr

-	case 0xEC: CALL(  EVEN  ) // CALL PE,addr

-	case 0xF4: CALL( !MINUS ) // CALL P,addr

-	case 0xFC: CALL(  MINUS ) // CALL M,addr


-	case 0xCD:{// CALL addr

-	call_taken: {

-			int addr = pc + 2;

-			pc = GET_ADDR();

-			sp = WORD( sp - 2 );

-			WRITE_WORD( sp, addr );

-			goto loop;

-		}

-	}


-	case 0xFF: // RST

-		#ifdef IDLE_ADDR

-			if ( pc == IDLE_ADDR + 1 )

-				goto hit_idle_addr;

-		#else

-			if ( pc > 0x10000 )

-			{

-				pc = WORD( pc - 1 );

-				s_time -= 11;

-				goto loop;

-			}

-		#endif

-	CASE7( C7, CF, D7, DF, E7, EF, F7 ):

-		data = pc;

-		pc = opcode & 0x38;

-		#ifdef RST_BASE

-			pc += RST_BASE;

-		#endif

-		goto push_data;



-	case 0xF5: // PUSH AF

-		data = r.b.a * 0x100u + flags;

-		goto push_data;


-	case 0xC5: // PUSH BC

-	case 0xD5: // PUSH DE

-	case 0xE5: // PUSH HL

-		data = R16( opcode, 4, 0xC5 );

-	push_data:

-		sp = WORD( sp - 2 );

-		WRITE_WORD( sp, data );

-		goto loop;


-	case 0xF1: // POP AF

-		flags = READ_MEM( sp );

-		r.b.a = READ_MEM( (sp + 1) );

-		sp = WORD( sp + 2 );

-		goto loop;


-	case 0xC1: // POP BC

-	case 0xD1: // POP DE

-	case 0xE1: // POP HL

-		R16( opcode, 4, 0xC1 ) = READ_WORD( sp );

-		sp = WORD( sp + 2 );

-		goto loop;



-	case 0x96: // SUB (HL)

-	case 0x86: // ADD (HL)

-		flags &= ~C01;

-	case 0x9E: // SBC (HL)

-	case 0x8E: // ADC (HL)

-		data = READ_MEM( r.w.hl );

-		goto adc_data;


-	case 0xD6: // SUB A,imm

-	case 0xC6: // ADD imm

-		flags &= ~C01;

-	case 0xDE: // SBC A,imm

-	case 0xCE: // ADC imm

-		pc++;

-		goto adc_data;


-	CASE7( 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97 ): // SUB r

-	CASE7( 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87 ): // ADD r

-		flags &= ~C01;

-	CASE7( 98, 99, 9A, 9B, 9C, 9D, 9F ): // SBC r

-	CASE7( 88, 89, 8A, 8B, 8C, 8D, 8F ): // ADC r

-		data = R8( opcode & 7, 0 );

-	adc_data: {

-		int result = data + (flags & C01);

-		data ^= r.b.a;

-		flags = opcode >> 3 & N02; // bit 4 is set in subtract opcodes

-		if ( flags )

-			result = -result;

-		result += r.b.a;

-		data ^= result;

-		flags +=(data & H10) +

-				((data + 0x80) >> 6 & V04) +

-				SZ28C( result & 0x1FF );

-		r.b.a = result;

-		goto loop;

-	}


-// CP

-	case 0xBE: // CP (HL)

-		data = READ_MEM( r.w.hl );

-		goto cp_data;


-	case 0xFE: // CP imm

-		pc++;

-		goto cp_data;


-	CASE7( B8, B9, BA, BB, BC, BD, BF ): // CP r

-		data = R8( opcode, 0xB8 );

-	cp_data: {

-		int result = r.b.a - data;

-		flags = N02 + (data & (F20 | F08)) + (result >> 8 & C01);

-		data ^= r.b.a;

-		flags +=(((result ^ r.b.a) & data) >> 5 & V04) +

-				(((data & H10) ^ result) & (S80 | H10));

-		if ( BYTE( result ) )

-			goto loop;

-		flags += Z40;

-		goto loop;

-	}


-// ADD HL,r.w


-	case 0x39: // ADD HL,SP

-		data = sp;

-		goto add_hl_data;


-	case 0x09: // ADD HL,BC

-	case 0x19: // ADD HL,DE

-	case 0x29: // ADD HL,HL

-		data = R16( opcode, 4, 0x09 );

-	add_hl_data: {

-		int sum = r.w.hl + data;

-		data ^= r.w.hl;

-		r.w.hl = sum;

-		flags = (flags & (S80 | Z40 | V04)) +

-				(sum >> 16) +

-				(sum >> 8 & (F20 | F08)) +

-				((data ^ sum) >> 8 & H10);

-		goto loop;

-	}


-	case 0x27:{// DAA

-		int a = r.b.a;

-		if ( a > 0x99 )

-			flags |= C01;


-		int adjust = 0x60 * (flags & C01);


-		if ( flags & H10 || (a & 0x0F) > 9 )

-			adjust += 0x06;


-		if ( flags & N02 )

-			adjust = -adjust;

-		a += adjust;


-		flags = (flags & (C01 | N02)) +

-				((r.b.a ^ a) & H10) +

-				SZ28P( BYTE( a ) );

-		r.b.a = a;

-		goto loop;

-	}



-	case 0x34: // INC (HL)

-		data = READ_MEM( r.w.hl ) + 1;

-		WRITE_MEM( r.w.hl, data );

-		goto inc_set_flags;


-	CASE7( 04, 0C, 14, 1C, 24, 2C, 3C ): // INC r

-		data = ++R8( opcode >> 3, 0 );

-	inc_set_flags:

-		flags = (flags & C01) +

-				(((data & 0x0F) - 1) & H10) +

-				SZ28( BYTE( data ) );

-		if ( data != 0x80 )

-			goto loop;

-		flags += V04;

-		goto loop;


-	case 0x35: // DEC (HL)

-		data =