blob: 41378ad92be5051f31dc9f1ecffc24002867e421 [file] [log] [blame]
Custom WPS Display
File Format Specifications
Description / General Info
* The Custom WPS Display is used on both the Rockbox Player and Recorder,
as a means to customize the WPS to the user's likings.
* After editing the .wps file, "play" it to make it take effect.
* The file may be 2 lines long for the Player, and 10 lines for the Recorder.
* All characters not preceded by % are displayed as typed.
* A line beginning with # is a comment
File Location
Custom WPS files may be located anywhere on the drive. The only restriction is
that they must end in .wps. When you PLAY a .wps file, it'll be used for the
future WPS screens. If the "played" wps file is located in the /.rockbox
folder, it'll be remembered and used for subsequent restarts. Filenames in the
/.rockbox folder must be no more than 24 characters long.
ID3 Info Tags:
%ia : ID3 Artist
%ic : ID3 Composer
%id : ID3 Album Name
%ig : ID3 Genre Name
%in : ID3 Track Number
%it : ID3 Track Title
%iv : ID3 Version (1.0, 1.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 or empty if no id3 tag)
%iy : ID3 Year
Battery Info:
%bl : Show numeric battery level in percent
%bt : Show estimated battery time left
File Info Tags:
%fb : File Bitrate (in kbps)
%ff : File Frequency (in Hz)
%fm : File Name
%fn : File Name (without extension)
%fp : File Path
%fs : File Size (In Kilobytes)
%fv : "(vbr)" if variable bit rate or "" if constant bit rate
%d1 : First directory from end of file path.
%d2 : Second directory from end of file path.
%d3 : Third directory from end of file path.
Example for the the %dN commands: If the path is "/Rock/Kent/Isola/11 -
747.mp3", %d1 is "Isola", %d2 is "Kent"... You get the picture.
Playlist/Song Info Tags:
%pb : Progress Bar
Player: This will display a 1 character "cup" that empties as the
Recorder: This will replace the entire line with a progress bar.
%pf : Player: Full-line progress bar + time display
%pc : Current Time In Song
%pe : Total Number of Playlist Entries
%pm : Peak Meter (Recorder only)
The entire line is used as volume peak meter.
%pn : Playlist Name (Without path or extension)
%pp : Playlist Position
%pr : Remaining Time In Song
%ps : Shuffle. Shows 's' if shuffle mode is enabled.
%pt : Total Track Time
%pv : Current volume
Repeat mode tags:
%mf : repeat off, returns f
%ma : repeat all, returns a
%mo : repeat one, returns o
%ms : repeat shuffle, returns s
Playback mode tags:
%mp : play, returns p
%mu : pause, returns u
%mw : fastforward, returns w
%mb : fastbackward, returns b
Conditional Tags (If/Else block):
%?xx<|> : Conditional: if the tag specified by "xx" has a value, the
text between the "<" and the "|" is displayed, else the text
between the "|" and the ">" is displayed.
The else part is optional, so the "|" does not have to be
specified if no else part is desired. The conditionals nest,
so the text in the if and else part can contain all %
commands, including conditionals.
Alignment Tags:
%al : Text is left aligned
%ac : Text is center aligned
%ar : Text is right aligned
All alignment tags may be present in on line, but the need to be in the order
left - center - right. If the aligned texts overlap, they are merged.
Next Song Info
You can display information about the next song - the song that is about to
play after the one currently playing (unless you change the plan).
If you use the uppercase versions of the three tags: F, I and D, they will
instead refer to the next song instead of the current one. Example: %Ig is
the genre name used in the next song and %Ff is the mp3 frequency.
Take note that the next song information WILL NOT be available at all times,
but will most likely be available at the end of a song. We suggest you use the
conditional display tag a lot when displaying information about the next song!
Alternating Sublines
It is possible to group items on each line into 2 or more groups or "sublines".
Each subline will be displayed in succession on the line for a specified time,
alternating continuously through each defined subline.
Items on a line are broken into sublines with the semicolon ';' character. The
display time for each subline defaults to 2 seconds unless modified by using
the '%t' tag to specify an alternate time (in seconds and optional tenths of a
second) for the subline to be displayed.
Subline related special characters and tags:
; : Split items on a line into separate sublines
%t : Set the subline display time. The '%t' is followed by either integer
seconds (%t5), or seconds and tenths of a second (%t3.5).
Each alternating subline can still be optionally scrolled while it is being
displayed, and scrollable formats can be displayed on the same line with
non-scrollable formats (such as track elapsed time) as long as they are
separated into different sublines.
Example subline definition:
%s%t4%ia;%s%it;%t3%pc %pr : Display id3 artist for 4 seconds,
Display id3 title for 2 seconds,
Display current and remaining track time
for 3 seconds,
Conditionals can be used with sublines to display a different set and/or number
of sublines on the line depending on the evaluation of the conditional.
Example subline with conditionals:
The format above will do two different things depending if ID3
tags are present. If the ID3 artist and title are present :
Display id3 title for 8 seconds,
Display id3 artist for 3 seconds,
If the ID3 artist and title are not present :
Display the filename continuously.
Note that by using a subline display time of 0 in one branch of a conditional,
a subline can be skipped (not displayed) when that condition is met.
Other Tags:
%% : Display a '%'
%< : Display a '<'
%| : Display a '|'
%> : Display a '>'
%; : Display a ';'
%s : Indicate that the line should scroll. Can occur anywhere in
a line (given that the text is displayed; see conditionals
above). You can specify up to 10 scrolling lines.
Scrolling lines can not contain dynamic content such as timers,
peak meters or progress bars.
Example File
%s%?in<%in - >%?it<%it|%fn> %?ia<[%ia%?id<, %id>]>
That is, "tracknum - title [artist, album]", where most fields are only
displayed if available. Could also be rendered as "filename" or
"tracknum - title [artist]".
If you haven't selected a .wps file in the .rockbox directory, you get the
hardcoded wps layout. The default WPS screen is for player:
# Default WPS for Player
%s%pp/%pe: %?it<%it|%fn> - %?ia<%ia|%d2> - %?id<%id|%d1>
and for recorder:
# Default WPS for Recorder
%s%?it<%?in<%in. |>%it|%fn>
%s%?id<%id|%?d1<%d1|(root)>> %?iy<(%iy)|>
%pc/%pt [%pp:%pe]
%fbkBit %?fv<avg|> %?iv<(id3v%iv)|(no id3)>