source code for all my flash stuff, now finally in cvs

git-svn-id: svn:// a1c6a512-1295-4272-9138-f99709370657
diff --git a/flash/minimon/Makefile b/flash/minimon/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57ae13e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flash/minimon/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#             __________               __   ___.
+#   Open      \______   \ ____   ____ |  | _\_ |__   _______  ___
+#   Source     |       _//  _ \_/ ___\|  |/ /| __ \ /  _ \  \/  /
+#   Jukebox    |    |   (  <_> )  \___|    < | \_\ (  <_> > <  <
+#   Firmware   |____|_  /\____/ \___  >__|_ \|___  /\____/__/\_ \
+#                     \/            \/     \/    \/            \/
+# $Id$
+CC    = sh-elf-gcc 
+LD    = sh-elf-ld
+AR    = sh-elf-ar
+AS    = sh-elf-as
+OC    = sh-elf-objcopy
+FIRMWARE := ../../firmware
+TARGET = minimon
+LDS := $(TARGET).lds
+OBJDIR := .
+CFLAGS = -fpic -O -W -Wall -m1 -nostdlib -ffreestanding -Wstrict-prototypes -fomit-frame-pointer -fschedule-insns $(INCLUDES) $(DEFINES)
+AFLAGS += -small -relax
+ifdef DEBUG
+    CFLAGS += -g
+SRC := $(wildcard *.c)
+OBJS := $(SRC:%.c=$(OBJDIR)/%.o)
+$(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).bin : $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).elf
+	$(OC) -O binary $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).elf $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).bin
+	$(TOOLSDIR)/sh2d $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).bin -o 0900000 > $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).asm
+$(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).elf : $(OBJS) 
+	$(CC) -Os -nostdlib -o $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).elf -L$(OBJDIR) -T$(LINKFILE) -Wl,-Map,$(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).map
+	-rm -f $(OBJS) $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).asm \
+	$(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).bin \
+	$(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).elf \
+	$(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).map
diff --git a/flash/minimon/README b/flash/minimon/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b80edd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flash/minimon/README
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+(c) 2003 by Jörg Hohensohn
+MiniMon is the tiny but powerful-enough piece of code that can be loaded
+with the UART boot mod. 
+It allows to read and write memory, flash program, execute code.
+This is suitable to reflash the box, load Rockbox or the gdb stub, etc.
diff --git a/flash/minimon/minimon.c b/flash/minimon/minimon.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7981f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flash/minimon/minimon.c
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+// minimalistic monitor
+// to be loaded with the UART boot feature
+// capable of reading and writing bytes, commanded by UART
+#include "sh7034.h"
+#include "minimon.h"
+// scalar types
+typedef unsigned char  UINT8;
+typedef unsigned short UINT16;
+typedef unsigned long  UINT32;
+typedef void(*tpFunc)(void); // type for exec
+typedef int(*tpMain)(void); // type for start vector to main()
+// prototypes
+int main(void);
+// our binary has to start with a vector to the entry point
+tpMain start_vector[] __attribute__ ((section (".startvector"))) = {main};
+UINT8 uart_read(void)
+	UINT8 byte;
+	while (!(SSR1 & SCI_RDRF)); // wait for char to be available
+	byte = RDR1;
+	SSR1 &= ~SCI_RDRF;
+	return byte;
+void uart_write(UINT8 byte)
+	while (!(SSR1 & SCI_TDRE)); // wait for transmit buffer empty
+	TDR1 = byte;
+	SSR1 &= ~SCI_TDRE;
+int main(void)
+	UINT8 cmd;
+	UINT32 addr;
+	UINT32 size;
+	UINT32 content;
+	volatile UINT8* paddr = 0;
+	volatile UINT8* pflash; // flash base address
+	while (1)
+	{
+		cmd = uart_read();
+		switch (cmd)
+		{
+		case BAUDRATE:
+			content = uart_read();
+			uart_write(cmd); // acknowledge by returning the command value
+			while (!(SSR1 & SCI_TEND)); // wait for empty shift register, before changing baudrate
+			BRR1 = content;
+			break;
+		case ADDRESS:
+			addr = (uart_read() << 24) | (uart_read() << 16) | (uart_read() << 8) | uart_read();
+			paddr = (UINT8*)addr;
+			pflash = (UINT8*)(addr & 0xFFF80000); // round down to 512k align
+			uart_write(cmd); // acknowledge by returning the command value
+			break;
+		case BYTE_READ:
+			content = *paddr++;
+			uart_write(content); // the content is the ack	
+			break;
+		case BYTE_WRITE:
+			content = uart_read();
+			*paddr++ = content;						
+			uart_write(cmd); // acknowledge by returning the command value
+			break;
+		case BYTE_READ16:
+			size = 16;
+			while (size--)
+			{
+				content = *paddr++;
+				uart_write(content); // the content is the ack		
+			}
+			break;
+		case BYTE_WRITE16:
+			size = 16;
+			while (size--)
+			{
+				content = uart_read();
+				*paddr++ = content;						
+			}
+			uart_write(cmd); // acknowledge by returning the command value
+			break;
+		case BYTE_FLASH:
+			content = uart_read();
+			pflash[0x5555] = 0xAA; // set flash to command mode
+			pflash[0x2AAA] = 0x55;
+			pflash[0x5555] = 0xA0; // byte program command
+			*paddr++ = content;						
+			uart_write(cmd); // acknowledge by returning the command value
+			break;
+		case BYTE_FLASH16:
+			size = 16;
+			while (size--)
+			{
+				content = uart_read();
+				pflash[0x5555] = 0xAA; // set flash to command mode
+				pflash[0x2AAA] = 0x55;
+				pflash[0x5555] = 0xA0; // byte program command
+				*paddr++ = content;						
+			}
+			uart_write(cmd); // acknowledge by returning the command value
+			break;
+			content = *(UINT16*)paddr;
+			paddr += 2;
+			uart_write(content >> 8); // highbyte
+			uart_write(content & 0xFF); // lowbyte
+			break;
+			content = uart_read() << 8 | uart_read();
+			*(UINT16*)paddr = content;
+			paddr += 2;
+			uart_write(cmd); // acknowledge by returning the command value
+			break;
+		case EXECUTE:
+			{
+				tpFunc pFunc = (tpFunc)paddr;
+				pFunc();
+				uart_write(cmd); // acknowledge by returning the command value
+			}
+			break;
+		default:
+			{
+				volatile UINT16* pPortB = (UINT16*)0x05FFFFC2;
+				*pPortB |= 1 << 6; // bit 6 is red LED on
+				uart_write(~cmd); // error acknowledge
+			}
+		} // case
+	}
+	return 0;
diff --git a/flash/minimon/minimon.h b/flash/minimon/minimon.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6e9805
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flash/minimon/minimon.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#ifndef _MINIMON_H
+#define _MINIMON_H
+// Commands
+// all multibyte values (address, halfwords) are passed as big endian 
+//  (most significant of the bytes first)
+// set the address (all read/write commands will auto-increment it)
+#define BAUDRATE       0x00 // followed by BRR value; response: command byte
+#define ADDRESS        0x01 // followed by 4 bytes address; response: command byte
+#define BYTE_READ      0x02 // response: 1 byte content
+#define BYTE_WRITE     0x03 // followed by 1 byte content; response: command byte
+#define BYTE_READ16    0x04 // response: 16 bytes content
+#define BYTE_WRITE16   0x05 // followed by 16 bytes; response: command byte
+#define BYTE_FLASH     0x06 // followed by 1 byte content; response: command byte
+#define BYTE_FLASH16   0x07 // followed by 16 bytes; response: command byte
+#define HALFWORD_READ  0x08 // response: 2 byte content
+#define HALFWORD_WRITE 0x09 // followed by 2 byte content; response: command byte
+#define EXECUTE        0x0A // response: command byte if call returns
+#define VERSION        0x0B // response: version
+#endif // _MINIMON_H
diff --git a/flash/minimon/ b/flash/minimon/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbdbdc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flash/minimon/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+	DRAM : ORIGIN = 0x09000000, LENGTH = 0x200000
+	.startvector :
+	{
+		*(.startvector)    
+		. = ALIGN(0x4);
+	} > DRAM
+	.got :
+	{
+	   *(.got)
+	} > DRAM
+	.got.plt :
+	{
+	   *(.got.plt)
+	} > DRAM
+ :
+	{
+	   *(
+	} > DRAM
+	.text :    
+	{	 
+		. = ALIGN(0x200);
+		*(.entry)
+		*(.text)	
+		. = ALIGN(0x4);
+	} > DRAM
+	.data :
+	{
+		*(.data)
+	} > DRAM
+	.rodata :
+	{
+		*(.rodata)
+		. = ALIGN(0x4);
+	} > DRAM
+	.bss :
+	{
+	   *(.bss)
+	} > DRAM
+	.stack :
+	{
+	   *(.stack)
+	} > DRAM