blob: 776135ba47addad695b877e2a0b25a33d0eeeabe [file] [log] [blame]
Custom WPS Display
wps.config File Format Specifications
Description / General Info
* The Custom WPS Display is used on both the Rockbox Player and Recorder,
as a means to customize the WPS to the user's likings.
* After editing the wps.config file, you may need to reboot your Rockbox.
* The file may be 2 lines long for the Player, and 6 lines for the Recorder.
* The line that has the time displayed on it MUST NOT be the line that
is scrolled, or the time will not be updated.
* All tags except for %%, %?, and %: contain 3 characters (%xx). Remember
to type the tags correctly, or you will get unexpected output, or even
possibly no output at all.
* All characters not preceded by % are displayed as typed.
File Location
The configuration file must be located in the root folder of the
device and must be named wps.config (lowercase)
ID3 Info Tags:
%it : ID3 Title
%ia : ID3 Artist
%in : ID3 Track Number
%id : ID3 Album
File Info Tags:
%fc : Conditional Title/Filename
Displays "Artist - Title" *or*
Displays Filename if no ID3 Artist/Title
%fd : Conditional Title/Filename
Displays "Title - Artist" *or*
Displays Filename if no ID3 Artist/Title
%fb : File Bitrate
%ff : File Frequency
%fp : File Path
%fn : File Name
%fs : File Size (In Kilobytes)
Playlist/Song Info Tags:
%pp : Playlist Position
%pe : Playlist Total Entries
%pc : Current Time In Song
%pt : Total Track Time
Other Tags:
%% : Displays a %
%s : Define the line to scroll
This MUST be the first tag in the line you want to scroll. It can
ONLY be used for one line. Currently, this feature only works in
Conditional ID3/File Tags (If/Else block):
The following two tags are completely optional, and meant only for those
that wish to go crazy with customization. It lets you specify what to
do when it finds an ID3 tag, and also when it doesn't find one. It can
be placed anywhere within the wps.config file.
The first condition of the If/Else block is what to do when it DOES find
valid ID3 tags. The second condition is what to do when there are no
valid ID3 tags available.
%? : Start/End an If/Else block
%: : Seperator between If and Else
To display "Title - Artist" if there is ID3 available, or "Filename"
if there is no ID3, the following string would be used:
%?%it - %ia%:%fn%?
Yes, you are not going crazy (although I may be)... This *IS* more
confusing then Perl :-)
Example wps.config File (Without If/Else)
%s%pp/%pe: %fc * %fsKB
Example Output
ID3 Title: None
ID3 Artist: None
Playlist Position: 5
Playlist Total Entries: 10
Filename: My Song.mp3
File Size: 3500
Elapsed Track Time: 2:23
Total Track Time: 3:01
The output of this on the player would be:
| 5/10: My Song.mp3 * 3500KB|
| 2:23/3:01 |
Of course, the whole first line wouldn't fit, so it scrolls it.