lua add demo scripts, atexit handler, gui_scrollbar_draw

Change-Id: Ie8794e8a487f73952dae43e036787b6972fdbbee
diff --git a/apps/plugins/CATEGORIES b/apps/plugins/CATEGORIES
index ad99f39..bb86883 100644
--- a/apps/plugins/CATEGORIES
+++ b/apps/plugins/CATEGORIES
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
diff --git a/apps/plugins/SOURCES b/apps/plugins/SOURCES
index c3e56af..6551df7 100644
--- a/apps/plugins/SOURCES
+++ b/apps/plugins/SOURCES
@@ -154,6 +154,7 @@
 /* Lua needs at least 160 KB to work in */
 #if PLUGIN_BUFFER_SIZE >= 0x80000
 #endif /* HAVE_LCD_COLOR */
diff --git a/apps/plugins/SUBDIRS b/apps/plugins/SUBDIRS
index 93cf829..cf2ccff 100644
--- a/apps/plugins/SUBDIRS
+++ b/apps/plugins/SUBDIRS
@@ -101,4 +101,5 @@
 /* Lua needs at least 160 KB to work in */
 #if PLUGIN_BUFFER_SIZE >= 0x80000
diff --git a/apps/plugins/SUBDIRS.app_build b/apps/plugins/SUBDIRS.app_build
index 9540441..48a2d36 100644
--- a/apps/plugins/SUBDIRS.app_build
+++ b/apps/plugins/SUBDIRS.app_build
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
  * In fact, most of the plugins aren't supposed to be used on a touch(mouse) device
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/printtable.lua b/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/printtable.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24c4f73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua/include_lua/printtable.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+ *             __________               __   ___.
+ *   Open      \______   \ ____   ____ |  | _\_ |__   _______  ___
+ *   Source     |       _//  _ \_/ ___\|  |/ /| __ \ /  _ \  \/  /
+ *   Jukebox    |    |   (  <_> )  \___|    < | \_\ (  <_> > <  <
+ *   Firmware   |____|_  /\____/ \___  >__|_ \|___  /\____/__/\_ \
+ *                     \/            \/     \/    \/            \/
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 William Wilgus
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
+ * KIND, either express or implied.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+if not rb.lcd_framebuffer then rb.splash(rb.HZ, "No Support!") return nil end
+require("actions")   -- Contains rb.actions & rb.contexts
+local _clr   = require("color")
+local _print = require("print")
+local _timer = require("timer")
+-- Button definitions --
+local CANCEL_BUTTON = rb.actions.PLA_CANCEL
+local DOWN_BUTTON = rb.actions.PLA_DOWN
+local DOWNR_BUTTON = rb.actions.PLA_DOWN_REPEAT
+local EXIT_BUTTON = rb.actions.PLA_EXIT
+local LEFT_BUTTON = rb.actions.PLA_LEFT
+local LEFTR_BUTTON = rb.actions.PLA_LEFT_REPEAT
+local RIGHT_BUTTON = rb.actions.PLA_RIGHT
+local SEL_BUTTON = rb.actions.PLA_SELECT
+local SELREL_BUTTON = rb.actions.PLA_SELECT_REL
+local UP_BUTTON = rb.actions.PLA_UP
+local UPR_BUTTON = rb.actions.PLA_UP_REPEAT
+-- clamps value to >= min and <= max
+local function clamp(iVal, iMin, iMax)
+    if iMin > iMax then
+        local swap = iMin
+        iMin, iMax = iMax, swap
+    end
+    if iVal < iMin then
+        return iMin
+    elseif iVal < iMax then
+        return iVal
+    end
+    return iMax
+--[[ cursor style button routine
+-- left / right are x, xi is increment xir is increment when repeat
+-- up / down are y, yi is increment yir is increment when repeat
+-- cancel is returned as 0,1
+-- select as 0, 1, 2, 3 (none, pressed, repeat, relesed)
+-- x_chg and y_chg are the amount x or y changed
+-- timeout == nil or -1 loop waits indefinitely till button is pressed
+-- time since last button press is returned in ticks..
+-- make xi, xir, yi, yir negative to flip direction...
+local function dpad(x, xi, xir, y, yi, yir, timeout)
+    _timer("dpad") -- start a persistant timer; keeps time between button events
+    if timeout == nil then timeout = -1 end
+    local cancel, select = 0, 0
+    local x_chg, y_chg = 0, 0
+    local button
+    while true do
+        button = rb.get_plugin_action(timeout)
+        if button == CANCEL_BUTTON then
+            cancel = 1
+            break;
+        elseif button == EXIT_BUTTON then
+            cancel = 1
+            break;
+        elseif button == SEL_BUTTON then
+            select = 1
+            timeout = timeout + 1
+        elseif button == SELR_BUTTON then
+            select = 2
+            timeout = timeout + 1
+        elseif button == SELREL_BUTTON then
+            select = -1
+            timeout = timeout + 1
+        elseif button == LEFT_BUTTON then
+            x_chg = x_chg - xi
+        elseif button == LEFTR_BUTTON then
+            x_chg = x_chg - xir
+        elseif button == RIGHT_BUTTON then
+            x_chg = x_chg + xi
+        elseif button == RIGHTR_BUTTON then
+            x_chg = x_chg + xir
+        elseif button == UP_BUTTON then
+            y_chg = y_chg + yi
+        elseif button == UPR_BUTTON then
+            y_chg = y_chg + yir
+        elseif button == DOWN_BUTTON then
+            y_chg = y_chg - yi
+        elseif button == DOWNR_BUTTON then
+            y_chg = y_chg - yir
+        elseif timeout >= 0 then--and rb.button_queue_count() < 1 then
+            break;
+        end
+        if x_chg ~= 0 or y_chg ~= 0 then
+            timeout = timeout + 1
+        end
+    end
+    x = x + x_chg
+    y = y + y_chg
+    return cancel, select, x_chg, x, y_chg, y, _timer.check("dpad", true)
+end -- dpad
+--[[ prints a scrollable table to the screen;
+-- requires a contiguous table with only strings;
+-- 1st item in table is the title if hasheader == true
+-- returns select item indice if NOT m_sel..
+-- if m_sel == true a table of selected indices are returned ]]
+-- SECOND MODE OF OPERATION -- if co_routine is defined...
+-- prints values returned from a resumable factory in a coroutine this allows
+-- very large files etc to be displayed.. the downside is it takes time
+-- to load data when scrolling also NO multiple selection is allowed
+-- table is passed along with the final count t_count
+function print_table(t, t_count, settings)
+-- (table, t_count, {hasheader, wrap, m_sel, start, curpos, justify, co_routine})
+    if type(t) ~= "table" then
+        rb.splash(rb.HZ * 5, "table expected got ".. type(t))
+        return
+    end
+    local wrap, justify, start, curpos, co_routine, hasheader, m_sel
+    local header_fgc, header_bgc, item_fgc, item_bgc, item_selc
+    do
+        local s = settings or _print.get_settings()
+        wrap, justify = s.wrap, s.justify
+        start, curpos = s.start, s.curpos
+        co_routine    = s.co_routine
+        hasheader     = s.hasheader
+        m_sel          = false
+        if co_routine == nil then
+            --no multi select in incremental mode
+            m_sel = s.msel
+        end
+        header_fgc = s.hfgc  or _clr.set( 0, 000, 000, 000)
+        header_bgc = s.hbgc  or _clr.set(-1, 255, 255, 255)
+        item_fgc   = s.ifgc  or _clr.set(-1, 000, 255, 060)
+        item_bgc   = s.ibgc  or _clr.set( 0, 000, 000, 000)
+        item_selc  = s.iselc or _clr.set( 1, 000, 200, 100)
+    end
+    local table_p, line, maxline
+    local function set_vsb() end -- forward declaration; initialized below
+    local function init_position(acc_ticks, acc_steps)
+        if not acc_ticks then acc_ticks = 15 end-- accelerate scroll every this many ticks
+        if not acc_steps then acc_steps = 5 end -- default steps for an accelerated scroll
+        return {row = 1, row_scrl= acc_steps,
+                col = 0, col_scrl = acc_steps,
+                vcursor = 1, vcursor_min = 1,
+                acc_ticks = acc_ticks, 
+                acc_steps = acc_steps}
+    end
+    local function set_accel(time, scrl, t_p)
+        if time < t_p.acc_ticks then -- accelerate scroll
+            scrl = scrl + 1
+        else
+            scrl = t_p.acc_steps
+        end
+        return scrl
+    end
+    --adds or removes \0 from end of table entry to mark selected items
+    local function select_item(item)
+        if item < 1 then item = 1 end
+        if not t[item] then return end
+        if t[item]:sub(-1) == "\0" then
+            t[item] = t[item]:sub(1, -2) -- de-select
+        else
+            t[item] = t[item] .. "\0" -- select
+        end
+    end
+    -- displays header text at top
+    local function disp_header(hstr)
+        local header = header or hstr
+        local opts = _print.opt.get()
+        _print.opt.overflow("none") -- don't scroll header; colors change
+        _print.opt.color(header_fgc, header_bgc)
+        _print.opt.line(1)
+        _print.f()
+        local line = _print.f(header)
+        _print.opt.set(opts)
+        _print.opt.line(2)
+        return 2
+    end
+    -- gets user input to select items, quit, scroll
+    local function get_input(t_p)
+        set_vsb(t_p.row + t_p.vcursor - 1)--t_p.row)
+        rb.lcd_update()
+        local quit, select, x_chg, xi, y_chg, yi, timeb =
+                          dpad(t_p.col, -1, -t_p.col_scrl, t_p.row, -1, -t_p.row_scrl)
+        t_p.vcursor = t_p.vcursor + y_chg
+        if t_p.vcursor > maxline or t_p.vcursor < t_p.vcursor_min then
+            t_p.row = yi
+        end
+        if wrap == true and (y_chg == 1 or y_chg == -1) then
+            -- wraps list, stops at end if accelerated
+            if t_p.row < t_p.vcursor_min - 1 then
+                t_p.row  = t_count - maxline + 1
+                t_p.vcursor = maxline
+            elseif t_p.row + maxline - 1 > t_count then
+                t_p.row, t_p.vcursor = t_p.vcursor_min - 1, t_p.vcursor_min - 1
+            end
+        end
+        t_p.row  = clamp(t_p.row, 1, math.max(t_count - maxline + 1, 1))
+        t_p.vcursor = clamp(t_p.vcursor, t_p.vcursor_min, maxline)
+        if x_chg ~= 0 then
+            if x_chg ~= 1 and x_chg ~= -1 then --stop at the center if accelerated
+                if (t_p.col <= 0 and xi > 0) or (t_p.col >= 0 and xi < 0) then
+                    xi = 0
+                end
+            end
+            t_p.col = xi
+            t_p.col_scrl = set_accel(timeb, t_p.col_scrl, t_p)
+        elseif y_chg ~= 0 then
+            --t_p.col = 0 -- reset column to the beginning
+            _print.clear()
+            _print.opt.sel_line(t_p.vcursor)
+            t_p.row_scrl = set_accel(timeb, t_p.row_scrl, t_p)
+        end
+        if select > 0 and timeb > 15 then --select may be sent multiple times
+            if m_sel == true then
+                select_item(t_p.row + t_p.vcursor - 1)
+            else
+                return -1, 0, 0, (t_p.row + t_p.vcursor - 1)
+            end
+        end
+        if quit > 0 then return -2, 0, 0, 0 end
+        return t_p.row, x_chg, y_chg, 0
+    end
+    -- displays the actual table
+    local function display_table(table_p, col_c, row_c, sel)
+        local i = table_p.row
+        while i >= 1 and i <= t_count do
+            -- only print if beginning or user scrolled up/down
+            if row_c ~= 0 then
+                if t[i] == nil and co_routine then
+                    --value has been garbage collected or not created yet
+                    coroutine.resume(co_routine, i)
+                end
+                if t[i] == nil then
+                    rb.splash(1, string.format("ERROR %d is nil", i))
+                    t[i] = "???"
+                    if rb.get_plugin_action(10) == CANCEL_BUTTON then return 0 end
+                end
+                if m_sel == true and t[i]:sub(-1) == "\0" then
+                    _print.opt.sel_line(line)
+                end
+                if i == 1 and hasheader == true then
+                    line = disp_header(t[1])
+                else
+                    line = _print.f("%s", tostring(t[i]))
+                end
+            end
+            i = i + 1 -- important!
+            if line == 1 or i > t_count or col_c ~= 0 then
+                _print.opt.column(table_p.col)
+                i, col_c, row_c, sel = get_input(table_p)
+            end
+            rb.button_clear_queue() -- keep the button queue from overflowing
+        end
+        return sel
+    end -- display_table
+    _print.opt.defaults()
+    _print.opt.autoupdate(false)
+    _print.opt.color(item_fgc, item_bgc, item_selc)
+    table_p = init_position(15, 5)
+    line, maxline = _print.opt.area(5, 1, rb.LCD_WIDTH - 10, rb.LCD_HEIGHT - 2)
+    maxline = math.min(maxline, t_count)
+    -- allow user to start at a position other than the beginning
+    if start ~= nil then table_p.row = clamp(start, 1, t_count + 1) end
+    if hasheader == true then
+        table_p.vcursor_min = 2  -- lowest selectable item
+        table_p.vcursor     = 2
+    end
+    table_p.vcursor = curpos or table_p.vcursor_min
+    if table_p.vcursor < 1 or table_p.vcursor > maxline then
+        table_p.vcursor = table_p.vcursor_min
+    end
+    _print.opt.sel_line(table_p.vcursor)
+    _print.opt.overflow("manual")
+    _print.opt.justify(justify)
+    -- initialize vertical scrollbar
+    set_vsb(); do
+        local vsb =_print.opt.get()
+        if rb.LCD_DEPTH  == 2 then -- invert 2-bit screens
+            vsb.fg_pattern = 3 - vsb.fg_pattern
+            vsb.bg_pattern = 3 - vsb.bg_pattern
+        end
+        set_vsb = function (item)        
+            if t_count > (maxline or t_count) then
+                rb.set_viewport(vsb)
+                item = item or 0
+                local m = maxline / 2 + 1
+                rb.gui_scrollbar_draw(vsb.width - 5, vsb.y, 5, vsb.height,
+                                      t_count, math.max(0, item - m), 
+                                      math.min(item + m, t_count), 0)
+            end
+        end
+    end -- set_vsb
+    local selected = display_table(table_p, 0, 1, 0)
+    _print.opt.defaults()
+    if m_sel == true then -- walk the table to get selected items
+        selected = {}
+        for i = 1, t_count do
+            if t[i]:sub(-1) == "\0" then table.insert(selected, i) end
+        end
+    end
+    --rb.splash(100, string.format("#1 %d, %d, %d", row, vcursor_pos, sel))
+   return selected, table_p.row, table_p.vcursor
+end --print_table
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua/loslib.c b/apps/plugins/lua/loslib.c
index dce8811..a0ea8e8 100644
--- a/apps/plugins/lua/loslib.c
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua/loslib.c
@@ -172,8 +172,11 @@
 static int os_exit (lua_State *L) {
+  lua_settop(L, 2);
   int status = luaL_optint(L, 1, EXIT_SUCCESS);
-  lua_close(L);
+  if (status != EXIT_SUCCESS &&  lua_type (L, 2) != LUA_TSTRING)
+    lua_pushfstring(L, "exit (%d)", status);
+  lua_pushvalue(L, 1); /* put exit status on top of stack */
   return EXIT_SUCCESS; /* never reached, surpress warning */
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua/lua.make b/apps/plugins/lua/lua.make
index 16e25c3..d5fb85a 100644
--- a/apps/plugins/lua/lua.make
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua/lua.make
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 LUA_INCLUDELIST := $(addprefix $(LUA_BUILDDIR)/,audio.lua blit.lua color.lua draw.lua \
 						image.lua lcd.lua math_ex.lua print.lua \
 						timer.lua playlist.lua pcm.lua sound.lua \
-						rbcompat.lua )
+						rbcompat.lua printtable.lua)
 ifndef APP_TYPE
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua/rocklib.c b/apps/plugins/lua/rocklib.c
index 1e3bc20..8c662b7 100644
--- a/apps/plugins/lua/rocklib.c
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua/rocklib.c
@@ -771,6 +771,17 @@
     return mem_read_write(L, address, maxsize);
+    /*close lua state, open a new lua state, load script @ filename */
+    luaL_checktype (L, 1, LUA_TSTRING);
+    lua_settop(L, 1);
+    lua_pushlightuserdata(L, L); /* signal exit handler */
+    exit(1); /* atexit in rocklua.c */
+    return -1;
 #define RB_FUNC(func) {#func, rock_##func}
 #define RB_ALIAS(name, func) {name, rock_##func}
 static const luaL_Reg rocklib[] =
@@ -843,6 +854,8 @@
+    RB_FUNC(restart_lua),
     {NULL, NULL}
 #undef RB_FUNC
@@ -939,4 +952,3 @@
     return 1;
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua/rocklib_events.c b/apps/plugins/lua/rocklib_events.c
index 9e363ed..270c4ab 100644
--- a/apps/plugins/lua/rocklib_events.c
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua/rocklib_events.c
@@ -137,6 +137,7 @@
     int             thread_state;
     long           *event_stack;
     long            timer_ticks;
+    short           freq_input;
     short           next_input;
     short           next_event;
     /* callbacks */
@@ -171,8 +172,9 @@
     ev_data->thread_state = THREAD_YIELD;
     //ev_data->event_stack = NULL;
     //ev_data->timer_ticks = 0;
-    ev_data->next_input  = EV_TICKS;
-    ev_data->next_event  = EV_INPUT;
+    ev_data->freq_input  = EV_INPUT;
+    ev_data->next_input  = EV_INPUT;
+    ev_data->next_event  = EV_TICKS;
     /* callbacks */
     for (int i= 0; i < EVENT_CT; i++)
         ev_data->cb[i] = NULL;
@@ -336,7 +338,7 @@
     if (ev_data.next_input <=0)
         ev_data.thread_state |= ((ev_data.thread_state & THREAD_INPUTMASK) >> 16);
-        ev_data.next_input = EV_INPUT;
+        ev_data.next_input = ev_data.freq_input;
     if (ev_data.cb[TIMEREVENT] != NULL && !is_suspend(TIMEREVENT))
@@ -535,6 +537,8 @@
         case ACTEVENT:
             /* fall through */
         case BUTEVENT:
+            ev_data.freq_input = luaL_optinteger(L, 3, EV_INPUT);
+            if (ev_data.freq_input < HZ / 20) ev_data.freq_input = HZ / 20;
             ev_data.thread_state |= (ev_flag | (ev_flag << 16));
         case CUSTOMEVENT:
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua/rocklib_img.c b/apps/plugins/lua/rocklib_img.c
index aaecc4d..1150b51 100644
--- a/apps/plugins/lua/rocklib_img.c
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua/rocklib_img.c
@@ -1225,6 +1225,8 @@
 #define RB_WRAP(func) static int rock_##func(lua_State UNUSED_ATTR *L)
 #if defined NB_SCREENS && (NB_SCREENS > 1)
+#define RB_SCREEN_STRUCT(luastate, narg) \
+        rb->screens[get_screen(luastate, narg)]
 #define RB_SCREENS(luastate, narg, func, ...) \
         rb->screens[get_screen(luastate, narg)]->func(__VA_ARGS__)
@@ -1240,6 +1242,8 @@
     return screen;
 #else /* only SCREEN_MAIN exists */
+#define RB_SCREEN_STRUCT(luastate, narg) \
+        rb->screens[SCREEN_MAIN]
 #define RB_SCREENS(luastate, narg, func, ...) \
@@ -1376,7 +1380,6 @@
     rli_wrap(L, rb->lcd_framebuffer, LCD_WIDTH, LCD_HEIGHT);
@@ -1399,6 +1402,19 @@
     *h = luaL_checkint(L, narg + 3);
+    int x, y, width, height;
+    get_rect_bounds(L, 1, &x, &y, &width, &height);
+    int items = luaL_checkint(L, 5);
+    int min_shown = luaL_checkint(L, 6);
+    int max_shown = luaL_checkint(L, 7);
+    unsigned flags = (unsigned) luaL_checkint(L, 8);
+    rb->gui_scrollbar_draw(RB_SCREEN_STRUCT(L, 9), x, y, width, height,
+                           items, min_shown, max_shown, flags);
+return 0;
     struct rocklua_image *src = rli_checktype(L, 1);
@@ -1644,6 +1660,7 @@
+    R(gui_scrollbar_draw),
 #if LCD_DEPTH > 1
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua/rocklua.c b/apps/plugins/lua/rocklua.c
index 0d0b1f6..eb48fa2 100644
--- a/apps/plugins/lua/rocklua.c
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua/rocklua.c
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
 #include "luadir.h"
 #include "rocklib_events.h"
+static lua_State *Ls = NULL;
+static int lu_status = 0;
 static const luaL_Reg lualibs[] = {
   {"",              luaopen_base},
@@ -142,41 +144,77 @@
   return status;
+static void lua_atexit(void);
+static int loadfile_newstate(lua_State **L, const char *filename)
+        *L = luaL_newstate();
+        rb_atexit(lua_atexit);
+        rocklua_openlibs(*L);
+        return luaL_loadfile(*L, filename);
+static void lua_atexit(void)
+  char *filename;
+  if(Ls && lua_gettop(Ls) > 1)
+  {
+    if (Ls == lua_touserdata(Ls, -1)) /* signal from restart_lua */
+    {
+      filename = (char *) malloc(MAX_PATH);
+      if (filename) /* out of memory? */
+        rb->strlcpy(filename, lua_tostring(Ls, -2), MAX_PATH);
+      lua_close(Ls); /* close old state */
+      lu_status = loadfile_newstate(&Ls, filename);
+      free(filename);
+      plugin_start(NULL);
+    }
+    else if (lua_tointeger(Ls, -1) != 0) /* os.exit */
+    {
+      lu_status = LUA_ERRRUN;
+      lua_pop(Ls, 1); /* put exit string on top of stack */
+      plugin_start(NULL);
+    }
+  }
+  _exit(0); /* don't call exit handler */
 /***************** Plugin Entry Point *****************/
 enum plugin_status plugin_start(const void* parameter)
     const char* filename;
-    int status;
     if (parameter == NULL)
+      if (!Ls)
         rb->splash(HZ, "Play a .lua file!");
-        return PLUGIN_ERROR;
         filename = (char*) parameter;
+        lu_status = loadfile_newstate(&Ls, filename);
+    }
-        lua_State *L = luaL_newstate();
-        rocklua_openlibs(L);
-        status = luaL_loadfile(L, filename);
-        if (!status) {
+    if (Ls)
+    {
+        if (!lu_status) {
             rb->lcd_scroll_stop(); /* rb doesn't like bg change while scroll */
-            status = docall(L);
+            lu_status= docall(Ls);
-        if (status) {
-            DEBUGF("%s\n", lua_tostring(L, -1));
-            rb->splashf(5 * HZ, "%s", lua_tostring(L, -1));
-            lua_pop(L, 1);
+        if (lu_status) {
+            DEBUGF("%s\n", lua_tostring(Ls, -1));
+            rb->splash(5 * HZ, lua_tostring(Ls, -1));
+            /*lua_pop(Ls, 1);*/
-        lua_close(L);
+        lua_close(Ls);
+    else
+      return PLUGIN_ERROR;
     return PLUGIN_OK;
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua_scripts.lua b/apps/plugins/lua_scripts.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02fe50b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua_scripts.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+ *             __________               __   ___.
+ *   Open      \______   \ ____   ____ |  | _\_ |__   _______  ___
+ *   Source     |       _//  _ \_/ ___\|  |/ /| __ \ /  _ \  \/  /
+ *   Jukebox    |    |   (  <_> )  \___|    < | \_\ (  <_> > <  <
+ *   Firmware   |____|_  /\____/ \___  >__|_ \|___  /\____/__/\_ \
+ *                     \/            \/     \/    \/            \/
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 William Wilgus
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
+ * KIND, either express or implied.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+local scrpath = rb.current_path() .. "/lua_scripts/"
+package.path = scrpath .. "/?.lua;" .. package.path --add lua_scripts directory to path
+rb.actions = nil
+package.loaded["actions"] = nil
+local excludedsrc = ";filebrowse.lua;fileviewers.lua;printmenu.lua;dbgettags.lua;"
+local function get_files(path, norecurse, finddir, findfile, f_t, d_t)
+    local quit = false
+    local files = f_t or {}
+    local dirs = d_t or {}
+    local function f_filedir(name)
+        --default find function
+        -- example: return name:find(".mp3", 1, true) ~= nil
+        if name:len() <= 2 and (name == "." or name == "..") then
+            return false
+        end
+        if string.find(excludedsrc, ";" .. name .. ";") then
+            return false
+        end
+        if string.sub(name, -4) == ".lua" then
+            return true
+        end
+        return false
+    end
+    local function d_filedir(name)
+        --default discard function
+        return false
+    end
+    if finddir == nil then
+        finddir = f_filedir
+    elseif type(finddir) ~= "function" then
+        finddir = d_filedir
+    end
+    if findfile == nil then
+        findfile = f_filedir
+    elseif type(findfile) ~= "function" then
+        findfile = d_filedir
+    end
+    local function _get_files(path, cancelbtn)
+        local sep = ""
+        if string.sub(path, - 1) ~= "/" then sep = "/" end
+        for fname, isdir in luadir.dir(path) do
+            if isdir and finddir(fname) then
+                table.insert(dirs, path .. sep ..fname)
+            elseif not isdir and findfile(fname) then
+                table.insert(files, path .. sep ..fname)
+            end
+            if  rb.get_plugin_action(0) == cancelbtn then
+                return true
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    local function cmp_alphanum (op1, op2)
+        local type1= type(op1)
+        local type2 = type(op2)
+        if type1 ~= type2 then
+            return type1 < type2
+        else
+            if type1 == "string" then
+                op1 = op1:upper()
+                op2 = op2:upper()
+            end
+            return op1 < op2
+        end
+     end
+    table.insert(dirs, path) -- root
+    for key,value in pairs(dirs) do
+        --luadir.dir may error out so we need to do the call protected
+        _, quit = pcall(_get_files, value, CANCEL_BUTTON)
+        if quit == true or norecurse then
+            break;
+        end
+    end
+    table.sort(files, cmp_alphanum)
+    table.sort(dirs, cmp_alphanum)
+    return dirs, files
+end -- get_files
+-- uses print_table and get_files to display simple file browser
+function script_choose(dir, title)
+    local dstr
+    local hstr = title
+    local norecurse  = true
+    local f_finddir  = false -- function to match directories; nil all, false none
+    local f_findfile = nil -- function to match files; nil all, false none
+    local p_settings = {wrap = true, hasheader = true}
+    local files = {}
+    local dirs = {}
+    local item = 1
+    rb.lcd_clear_display()
+    while item > 0 do
+        dirs, files = get_files(dir, norecurse, f_finddir, f_findfile, dirs, files)
+        for i=1, #dirs do dirs[i] = nil end -- empty table for reuse
+        table.insert(dirs, 1, hstr)
+        for i = 1, #files do
+            table.insert(dirs, "\t" .. string.gsub(files[i], ".*/",""))
+        end
+        item = print_table(dirs, #dirs, p_settings)
+        -- If item was selected follow directory or return filename
+        if item > 0 then
+            dir = files[item - 1]
+            if not rb.dir_exists("/" .. dir) then
+                return dir
+            end
+        end
+    end
+end -- file_choose
+local script_path = script_choose(scrpath, "lua scripts")
+if script_path then rb.restart_lua(script_path) end
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/dbgettags.lua b/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/dbgettags.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06fa6e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/dbgettags.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+--dbgettags.lua Bilgus 2018
+ *             __________               __   ___.
+ *   Open      \______   \ ____   ____ |  | _\_ |__   _______  ___
+ *   Source     |       _//  _ \_/ ___\|  |/ /| __ \ /  _ \  \/  /
+ *   Jukebox    |    |   (  <_> )  \___|    < | \_\ (  <_> > <  <
+ *   Firmware   |____|_  /\____/ \___  >__|_ \|___  /\____/__/\_ \
+ *                     \/            \/     \/    \/            \/
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 William Wilgus
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
+ * KIND, either express or implied.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+local CANCEL_BUTTON = rb.actions.PLA_CANCEL
+local sINVALIDDATABASE = "Invalid Database"
+local sERROROPENING    = "Error opening"
+-- tag cache header 
+local sTCVERSION = string.char(0x0F)
+local sTCHEADER  = string.reverse("TCH" .. sTCVERSION)
+local DATASZ    = 4  -- int32_t
+local TCHSIZE   = 3 * DATASZ -- 3 x int32_t
+local function bytesLE_n(str)
+    str = str or ""
+    local tbyte={str:byte(1, -1)}
+    local bpos = 1
+    local num  = 0
+    for k = 1,#tbyte do -- (k = #t, 1, -1 for BE)
+        num = num + tbyte[k] * bpos
+        bpos = bpos * 256
+    end
+    return num
+-- uses database files to retrieve database tags
+-- adds all unique tags into a lua table
+function get_tags(filename, hstr)
+    if not filename then return end
+    hstr = hstr or filename
+    local file ='/' .. filename or "", "r") --read
+    if not file then rb.splash(100, sERROROPENING .. " " ..  filename) return end
+    local fsz = file:seek("end")
+    local posln = 0
+    local tag_len = TCHSIZE
+    local idx
+    local function readchrs(count)
+        if posln >= fsz then return nil end
+        file:seek("set", posln)
+        posln = posln + count
+        return file:read(count)
+    end
+    local tagcache_header = readchrs(DATASZ) or ""
+    local tagcache_sz = readchrs(DATASZ) or ""
+    local tagcache_entries = readchrs(DATASZ) or ""
+    if tagcache_header ~= sTCHEADER or
+        bytesLE_n(tagcache_sz) ~= (fsz - TCHSIZE) then
+        rb.splash(100, sINVALIDDATABASE .. " " .. filename)
+        return
+    end
+    -- local tag_entries = bytesLE_n(tagcache_entries)
+    local ftable = {}
+    table.insert(ftable, 1, hstr)
+    local tline = #ftable + 1
+    ftable[tline] = ""
+    local str = ""
+    while true do
+        tag_len = bytesLE_n(readchrs(DATASZ))
+        readchrs(DATASZ) -- idx = bytesLE_n(readchrs(DATASZ))
+        str = readchrs(tag_len) or ""
+        str = string.match(str, "(%Z+)%z")
+        if str then
+            if ftable[tline - 1] ~= str then -- Remove dupes
+                ftable[tline] = str
+                tline = tline + 1
+            end
+        elseif posln >= fsz then
+            break
+        end
+        if rb.get_plugin_action(0) == CANCEL_BUTTON then
+            break
+        end
+    end
+    file:close()
+    return ftable 
+end -- get_tags
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/fade2sleep.lua b/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/fade2sleep.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03a4533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/fade2sleep.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+--Bilgus 12-2016
+--revisited 8-2019
+require "actions"
+require "buttons"
+require "sound"
+require "audio"
+local SOUND_VOLUME = rb.sound_settings.SOUND_VOLUME
+rb.sound_settings = nil
+package.loaded["sound_defines"] = nil
+function say_msg(message, timeout)
+    rb.splash(1, message)
+    rb.sleep(timeout * rb.HZ)
+function say_value(value,message,timeout)
+  local message = string.format(message .. "%d", value)
+  say_msg(message, timeout)
+function ShowMainMenu() -- we invoke this function every time we want to display the main menu of the script
+local s = 0
+local mult = 1
+local unit = " Minutes"
+    while s == 0 or s == 5 do -- don't exit of program until user selects Exit
+        if mult < 1 then
+            mult = 1
+            s = 0
+        end
+        mainmenu = {"More", mult * 1 .. unit, mult * 5 .. unit, mult * 10 .. unit, mult * 15 .. unit, "Less", "Exit"} -- define the items of the menu
+        s = rb.do_menu("Reduce volume + sleep over", mainmenu, s, false) -- actually tell Rockbox to draw the menu
+        -- In the line above: "Test" is the title of the menu, mainmenu is an array with the items
+        -- of the menu, nil is a null value that needs to be there, and the last parameter is
+        -- whether the theme should be drawn on the menu or not.
+        -- the variable s will hold the index of the selected item on the menu.
+        -- the index is zero based. This means that the first item is 0, the second one is 1, etc.
+        if     s == 0 then mult = mult + 1
+        elseif s == 1 then TIMEOUT = mult
+        elseif s == 2 then TIMEOUT = mult * 5
+        elseif s == 3 then TIMEOUT = mult * 10
+        elseif s == 4 then TIMEOUT = mult * 15
+        elseif s == 5 then mult = mult - 1 -- User selected to exit
+        elseif s == 6 then os.exit() -- User selected to exit
+        elseif s == -2 then os.exit() -- -2 index is returned from do_menu() when user presses the key to exit the menu (on iPods, it's the left key).
+                                      -- In this case, user probably wants to exit (or go back to last menu).
+        else rb.splash(2 * rb.HZ, "Error! Selected index: " .. s) -- something strange happened. The program shows this message when
+                                                                  -- the selected item is not on the index from 0 to 3 (in this case), and displays
+                                                                  -- the selected index. Having this type of error handling is not
+                                                                  -- required, but it might be nice to have Especially while you're still
+                                                                  -- developing the plugin.
+        end
+    end
+local volume = rb.sound_current(SOUND_VOLUME)
+local vol_min = rb.sound_min(SOUND_VOLUME)
+local volsteps = -(vol_min - volume)
+local seconds = (TIMEOUT * 60) / volsteps
+local sec_left = (TIMEOUT * 60)
+local hb = 0
+local action = rb.get_action(rb.contexts.CONTEXT_STD, 0)
+    if rb.audio_status() == 1 then
+        while ((volume > vol_min) and (action ~= rb.actions.ACTION_STD_CANCEL)) do
+            rb.lcd_clear_display()
+            say_value(volume,sec_left .. " Sec, Volume: ", 1)
+            local i = seconds * 2
+            while ((i > 0) and (action ~= rb.actions.ACTION_STD_CANCEL)) do
+                i = i - 1
+                rb.lcd_drawline(hb, 1, hb, 1)
+                rb.lcd_update()
+                if hb >= rb.LCD_WIDTH then
+                    hb = 0
+                    rb.lcd_clear_display()
+                    say_value(volume,sec_left .. " Sec, Volume: ", 1)
+                end
+                hb = hb + 1
+                rb.sleep(rb.HZ / 2)
+                action = rb.get_action(rb.contexts.CONTEXT_STD, 0)
+                rb.yield()
+            end
+            volume = volume - 1
+            rb.sound_set(SOUND_VOLUME, volume);
+            sec_left = sec_left - seconds
+        end
+        rb.audio_stop()
+        rb.lcd_clear_display()
+        rb.lcd_update()
+        os.exit(1, "Playback Stopped")
+    else
+        rb.lcd_clear_display()
+        rb.lcd_update()
+        os.exit(2, "Nothing is playing")
+    end
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/filebrowse.lua b/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/filebrowse.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5e75365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/filebrowse.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+ *             __________               __   ___.
+ *   Open      \______   \ ____   ____ |  | _\_ |__   _______  ___
+ *   Source     |       _//  _ \_/ ___\|  |/ /| __ \ /  _ \  \/  /
+ *   Jukebox    |    |   (  <_> )  \___|    < | \_\ (  <_> > <  <
+ *   Firmware   |____|_  /\____/ \___  >__|_ \|___  /\____/__/\_ \
+ *                     \/            \/     \/    \/            \/
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 William Wilgus
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
+ * KIND, either express or implied.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+if ... == nil then rb.splash(rb.HZ * 3, "use 'require'") end
+local _lcd = require("lcd")
+local _timer = require("timer")
+--[[ returns a sorted tables of directories and (another) of files
+-- path is the starting path; norecurse == true.. only that path will be searched
+--   findfile & finddir are definable search functions
+--  if not defined all files/dirs are returned if false is passed.. none
+-- or you can provide your own function see below..
+-- f_t and d_t allow you to pass your own tables for re-use but isn't necessary
+local function get_files(path, norecurse, finddir, findfile, f_t, d_t)
+    local quit = false
+    local files = f_t or {}
+    local dirs = d_t or {}
+    local function f_filedir(name)
+        --default find function
+        -- example: return name:find(".mp3", 1, true) ~= nil
+        if name:len() <= 2 and (name == "." or name == "..") then
+            return false
+        end
+        return true
+    end
+    local function d_filedir(name)
+        --default discard function
+        return false
+    end
+    if finddir == nil then
+        finddir = f_filedir
+    elseif type(finddir) ~= "function" then
+        finddir = d_filedir
+    end
+    if findfile == nil then
+        findfile = f_filedir
+    elseif type(findfile) ~= "function" then
+        findfile = d_filedir
+    end
+    local function _get_files(path, cancelbtn)
+        local sep = ""
+        if string.sub(path, - 1) ~= "/" then sep = "/" end
+        for fname, isdir in luadir.dir(path) do
+            if isdir and finddir(fname) then
+                table.insert(dirs, path .. sep ..fname)
+            elseif not isdir and findfile(fname) then
+                table.insert(files, path .. sep ..fname)
+            end
+            if  rb.get_plugin_action(0) == cancelbtn then
+                return true
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    local function cmp_alphanum (op1, op2)
+        local type1= type(op1)
+        local type2 = type(op2)
+        if type1 ~= type2 then
+            return type1 < type2
+        else
+            if type1 == "string" then
+                op1 = op1:upper()
+                op2 = op2:upper()
+            end
+            return op1 < op2
+        end
+     end
+    _lcd:splashf(1, "Searching for Files")
+    table.insert(dirs, path) -- root
+    for key,value in pairs(dirs) do
+        --luadir.dir may error out so we need to do the call protected
+        _, quit = pcall(_get_files, value, CANCEL_BUTTON)
+        if quit == true or norecurse then
+            break;
+        end
+    end
+    table.sort(files, cmp_alphanum)
+    table.sort(dirs, cmp_alphanum)
+    return dirs, files
+end -- get_files
+-- uses print_table and get_files to display simple file browser
+function file_choose(dir, title)
+    local dstr, hstr = ""
+    if not title then
+        dstr = "%d items found in %0d.%02d seconds"
+    else
+        hstr = title
+    end
+    -- returns whole seconds and remainder
+    local function tick2seconds(ticks)
+        local secs  = (ticks / rb.HZ)
+        local csecs = (ticks - (secs * rb.HZ))
+        return secs, csecs
+    end
+    local norecurse  = true
+    local f_finddir  = nil -- function to match directories; nil all, false none
+    local f_findfile = nil -- function to match files; nil all, false none
+    local p_settings = {wrap = true, hasheader = true}
+    local timer
+    local files = {}
+    local dirs = {}
+    local item = 1
+    _lcd:clear()
+    while item > 0 do
+        if not title then
+            timer = _timer()
+        end
+        dirs, files = get_files(dir, norecurse, f_finddir, f_findfile, dirs, files)
+        local parentdir = dirs[1]
+        for i = 1, #dirs do
+            dirs[i] = "\t" .. dirs[i]
+        end
+        for i = 1, #files do
+            table.insert(dirs, "\t" .. files[i])
+        end
+        for i=1, #files do files[i] = nil end -- empty table for reuse
+        if not title then
+            hstr = string.format(dstr, #dirs - 1, tick2seconds(timer:stop()))
+        end
+        table.insert(dirs, 1, hstr)
+        item = print_table(dirs, #dirs, p_settings)
+        -- If item was selected follow directory or return filename
+        if item > 0 then
+            dir = string.gsub(dirs[item], "%c+","")
+            if not rb.dir_exists("/" .. dir) then
+                return dir
+            end
+        end
+        if dir == parentdir then
+            dir = dir:sub(1, dir:match(".*()/") - 1)
+            if dir == "" then dir = "/" end
+        end
+        for i=1, #dirs do dirs[i] = nil end -- empty table for reuse
+    end
+end -- file_choose
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/fileview.lua b/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/fileview.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..920281b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/fileview.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+             __________               __   ___.
+   Open      \______   \ ____   ____ |  | _\_ |__   _______  ___
+   Source     |       _//  _ \_/ ___\|  |/ /| __ \ /  _ \  \/  /
+   Jukebox    |    |   (  <_> )  \___|    < | \_\ (  <_> > <  <
+   Firmware   |____|_  /\____/ \___  >__|_ \|___  /\____/__/\_ \
+                     \/            \/     \/    \/            \/
+ $Id$
+ Example Lua File Viewer script
+ Copyright (C) 2017 William Wilgus
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
+ KIND, either express or implied.
+require("actions")   -- Contains rb.actions & rb.contexts
+-- require("buttons") -- Contains rb.buttons -- not needed for this example
+--local _timer = require("timer")
+--local _clr   = require("color") -- clrset, clrinc provides device independent colors
+local _lcd   = require("lcd")   -- lcd helper functions
+--local _print = require("print") -- advanced text printing
+--local _img   = require("image") -- image manipulation save, rotate, resize, tile, new, load
+--local _blit  = require("blit") -- handy list of blit operations
+--local _draw  = require("draw") -- draw all the things (primitives)
+--local _math  = require("math_ex") -- missing math sine cosine, sqrt, clamp functions
+local scrpath = rb.current_path()--rb.PLUGIN_DIR .. "/demos/lua_scripts/"
+package.path = scrpath .. "/?.lua;" .. package.path --add lua_scripts directory to path
+require("printmenu") --menu
+require("filebrowse") -- file browser
+require("fileviewers") -- fileviewer, hexviewer
+rb.actions = nil
+package.loaded["actions"] = nil
+-- uses print_table to display a menu
+function main_menu()
+    local mt =  {
+                [1] = "Rocklua File View Example",
+                [2] = "File View",
+                [3] = "File Hex View",
+                [4] = "Simple Browser",
+                [5] = "Exit"
+                }
+    local ft =  {
+                [0] = exit_now, --if user cancels do this function
+                [1] = function(TITLE) return true end, -- shouldn't happen title occupies this slot
+                [2]  = function(VIEWF) -- view file
+                            print_file_increment(file_choose("/", "Choose File"))
+                        end,
+                [3]  = function(VHEXF) -- view hex
+                            print_file_hex(file_choose("/", "Choose File"), 8)
+                        end,
+                [4]  = function(BROWS) -- file browser
+                            _lcd:splashf(rb.HZ, "%s", file_choose("/") or "None")
+                        end,
+                [5] = function(EXIT_) return true end
+                }
+    print_menu(mt, ft)
+function exit_now()
+    _lcd:update()
+    os.exit()
+end -- exit_now
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/fileviewers.lua b/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/fileviewers.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5a9c417
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/fileviewers.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+ *             __________               __   ___.
+ *   Open      \______   \ ____   ____ |  | _\_ |__   _______  ___
+ *   Source     |       _//  _ \_/ ___\|  |/ /| __ \ /  _ \  \/  /
+ *   Jukebox    |    |   (  <_> )  \___|    < | \_\ (  <_> > <  <
+ *   Firmware   |____|_  /\____/ \___  >__|_ \|___  /\____/__/\_ \
+ *                     \/            \/     \/    \/            \/
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 William Wilgus
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
+ * KIND, either express or implied.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+if ... == nil then rb.splash(rb.HZ * 3, "use 'require'") end
+local _clr = require("color")
+local _lcd = require("lcd")
+local _print = require("print")
+local _timer = require("timer")
+local CANCEL_BUTTON = rb.actions.PLA_CANCEL
+-- builds an index of byte position of every line at each bufsz increment
+-- in filename; bufsz == 1 would be every line; saves to filename.ext.idx_ext
+-- lnbyte should be nil for text files and number of bytes per line for binary
+local function build_file_index(filename, idx_ext, bufsz, lnbyte)
+    if not filename then return end
+    local file ='/' .. filename, "r") --read
+    if not file then _lcd:splashf(100, "Can't open %s", filename) return end
+    local fsz = file:seek("end")
+    local fsz_kb = fsz / 1024
+    local count
+    local ltable = {0} --first index is the beginning of the file
+    local timer = _timer()
+    local fread
+    _lcd:splashf(100, "Indexing file %d Kb", (fsz / 1024))
+    if lnbyte then
+        fread = function(f) return f:read(lnbyte) end
+    else
+        lnbyte = -1
+        fread = function(f) return f:read("*l") end
+    end
+    file:seek("set", 0)
+    for i = 1, fsz do
+        if i % bufsz == 0 then
+            local loc = file:seek()
+            ltable[#ltable + 1] = loc
+            _lcd:splashf(1, "Parsing %d of %d Kb", loc / 1024, fsz_kb)
+        end
+        if rb.get_plugin_action(0) == CANCEL_BUTTON then
+            return
+        end
+        if not fread(file) then
+            count = i
+            break
+        end
+    end
+    local fileidx ='/' .. filename .. idx_ext, "w+") -- write/erase
+    if fileidx then
+        fileidx:write(fsz .. "\n")
+        fileidx:write(count .. "\n")
+        fileidx:write(bufsz .. "\n")
+        fileidx:write(lnbyte .. "\n")
+        fileidx:write(table.concat(ltable, "\n"))
+        fileidx:close()
+        _lcd:splashf(100, "Finished in %d seconds", timer.stop() / rb.HZ)
+        collectgarbage("collect")
+    else
+        error("unable to save index file")
+    end
+end -- build_file_index
+--- returns size of original file, total lines buffersize, and table filled
+-- with line offsets in index file -> filename
+local function load_index_file(filename)
+    local filesz, count, bufsz, lnbyte
+    local ltable
+    local fileidx ='/' .. filename, "r") --read
+    if fileidx then
+        local idx = -3
+        ltable = {}
+        fileidx:seek("set", 0)
+        for line in fileidx:lines() do
+            if idx == -3 then
+                filesz = tonumber(line)
+            elseif idx == -2 then
+                count = tonumber(line)
+            elseif idx == -1 then
+                bufsz = tonumber(line)
+            elseif idx == 0 then
+                lnbyte = tonumber(line)
+            else
+                ltable[idx] = tonumber(line)
+            end
+            idx = idx + 1
+        end
+        fileidx:close()
+    end
+    return lnbyte, filesz, count, bufsz, ltable
+end -- load_index_file
+-- creates a fixed index with fixed line lengths, perfect for viewing hex files
+-- not so great for reading text files but works as a fallback
+local function load_fixed_index(bytesperline, filesz, bufsz)
+    local lnbyte = bytesperline
+    local count = (filesz + lnbyte - 1) / lnbyte + 1
+    local idx_t = {} -- build index
+    for i = 0, filesz, bufsz do
+        idx_t[#idx_t + 1] = lnbyte * i
+    end
+    return lnbyte, filesz, count, bufsz, idx_t
+end -- load_fixed_index
+-- uses print_table to display a whole file
+function print_file(filename, maxlinelen, settings)
+    if not filename then return end
+    local file ='/' .. filename or "", "r") --read
+    if not file then _lcd:splashf(100, "Can't open %s", filename) return end
+    maxlinelen = 33
+    local hstr = filename
+    local ftable = {}
+    table.insert(ftable, 1, hstr)
+    local tline = #ftable + 1
+    local remln = maxlinelen
+    local posln = 1
+    for line in file:lines() do
+        if line then
+            if maxlinelen then
+                if line == "" then
+                    ftable[tline] = ftable[tline] or ""
+                    tline = tline + 1
+                    remln = maxlinelen
+                else
+                    line = line:match("%w.+") or ""
+                end
+                local linelen = line:len()
+                while linelen > 0 do
+                    local fsp = line:find("%s", posln + remln - 5) or 0x0
+                    fsp = fsp - (posln + remln)
+                    if fsp >= 0 then
+                        local fspr = fsp
+                        fsp = line:find("%s", posln + remln) or linelen
+                        fsp = fsp - (posln + remln)
+                        if math.abs(fspr) < fsp then fsp = fspr end
+                    end
+                    if fsp > 5 or fsp < -5 then fsp = 0 end
+                    local str = line:sub(posln, posln + remln + fsp)
+                    local slen = str:len()
+                    ftable[tline] = ftable[tline] or ""
+                    ftable[tline] = ftable[tline] .. str
+                    linelen = linelen - slen
+                    if linelen > 0 then
+                        tline = tline + 1
+                        posln = posln + slen
+                        remln = maxlinelen
+                        --loop continues
+                    else
+                        ftable[tline] = ftable[tline] .. " "
+                        remln = maxlinelen - slen
+                        posln = 1
+                        --loop ends
+                    end
+                end
+            else
+                ftable[#ftable + 1] = line
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    file:close()
+    _lcd:clear()
+    _print.clear()
+    if not settings then
+        settings = {}
+        settings.justify = "center"
+        settings.wrap = true
+        settings.msel = true
+    end
+    settings.hasheader = true
+    settings.co_routine = nil
+    local sel =
+        print_table(ftable, #ftable, settings)
+    _lcd:splashf(rb.HZ * 2, "%d items {%s}", #sel, table.concat(sel, ", "))
+    ftable = nil
+end -- print_file
+-- uses print_table to display a portion of a file
+function print_file_increment(filename, settings)
+    if not filename then return end
+    local file ='/' .. filename, "r") --read
+    if not file then _lcd:splashf(100, "Can't open %s", filename) return end
+    local fsz = file:seek("end")
+    local bsz = 1023
+    --if small file do it the easier way and load whole file to table
+    if fsz < 60 * 1024 then
+        file:close()
+        print_file(filename, settings)
+        return
+    end
+    local ext = ".idx"
+    local lnbyte, filesz, count, bufsz, idx_t = load_index_file(filename .. ext)
+    if not idx_t or fsz ~= filesz then -- build file index
+        build_file_index(filename, ext, bsz)
+        lnbyte, filesz, count, bufsz, idx_t = load_index_file(filename .. ext)
+    end
+    -- if invalid or user canceled creation fallback to a fixed index
+    if not idx_t or fsz ~= filesz or count <= 0 then
+        _lcd:splashf(rb.HZ * 5, "Unable to read file index %s", filename .. ext)
+        lnbyte, filesz, count, bufsz, idx_t = load_fixed_index(32, fsz, bsz)
+    end
+    if not idx_t or fsz ~= filesz or count <= 0 then
+        _lcd:splashf(rb.HZ * 5, "Unable to load file %s", filename)
+        return
+    end
+    local hstr = filename
+    local file_t = setmetatable({},{__mode = "kv"}) --weak keys and values
+    -- this allows them to be garbage collected as space is needed
+    -- rebuilds when needed
+    local ovf = 0
+    local lpos = 1
+    local timer = _timer()
+    file:seek("set", 0)
+    function print_co()
+        while true do
+            collectgarbage("step")
+            file_t[1] = hstr --position 1 is ALWAYS header/title
+            for i = 1, bufsz + ovf do
+                file_t[lpos + i] = file:read ("*l")
+            end
+                ovf = 0
+                lpos = lpos + bufsz
+                local bpos = coroutine.yield()
+                if bpos <= lpos then -- roll over or scroll up
+                    bpos = (bpos - bufsz) + bpos % bufsz
+                    timer:check(true)
+                end
+                lpos = bpos - bpos % bufsz
+                if lpos < 1 then
+                    lpos = 1
+                elseif lpos > count - bufsz then -- partial fill
+                    ovf = count - bufsz - lpos
+                end
+                --get position in file of the nearest indexed line
+                file:seek("set", idx_t[bpos / bufsz + 1])
+                -- on really large files if it has been more than 10 minutes
+                -- since the user scrolled up the screen wipe out the prior
+                -- items to free memory
+                if lpos % 5000 == 0 and timer:check() > rb.HZ * 600 then
+                    for i = 1, lpos - 100 do
+                        file_t[i] = nil
+                    end
+                end
+        end
+    end
+    co = coroutine.create(print_co)
+    _lcd:clear()
+    _print.clear()
+    if not settings then
+        settings = {}
+        settings.justify = "center"
+        settings.wrap = true
+    end
+    settings.hasheader = true
+    settings.co_routine = co
+    settings.msel = false
+    table.insert(file_t, 1, hstr) --position 1 is header/title
+    local sel =
+    print_table(file_t, count, settings)
+    file:close()
+    idx_t = nil
+    file_t = nil
+    return sel
+end --print_file_increment
+function print_file_hex(filename, bytesperline, settings)
+    if not filename then return end
+    local file ='/' .. filename, "r") --read
+    if not file then _lcd:splashf(100, "Can't open %s", filename) return end
+    local hstr = filename
+    local bpl = bytesperline
+    local fsz = file:seek("end")
+    local filesz = file:seek("end")
+    local bufsz = 1023
+    local lnbyte = bytesperline
+    local count = (filesz + lnbyte - 1) / lnbyte + 1
+    local idx_t = {} -- build index
+    for i = 0, filesz, bufsz do
+        idx_t[#idx_t + 1] = lnbyte * i
+    end]]
+    local lnbyte, filesz, count, bufsz, idx_t = load_fixed_index(bpl, fsz, 1023)
+    local file_t = setmetatable({},{__mode = "kv"}) --weak keys and values
+    -- this allows them to be garbage collected as space is needed
+    -- rebuilds when needed
+    local ovf = 0
+    local lpos = 1
+    local timer = _timer()
+    file:seek("set", 0)
+    function hex_co()
+        while true do
+            collectgarbage("step")
+            file_t[1] = hstr --position 1 is ALWAYS header/title
+            for i = 1, bufsz + ovf do
+                local pos = file:seek()
+                local s = file:read (lnbyte)
+                if not s then -- EOF
+                    file_t[lpos + i] = ""
+                    break;
+                end
+                local s_len = s:len()
+                if s_len > 0 then
+                    local fmt = "0x%04X: " .. string.rep("%02X ", s_len)
+                    local schrs = "     " .. s:gsub("(%c)", " . ")
+                    file_t[lpos + i] = string.format(fmt, pos, s:byte(1, s_len)) ..
+                                       schrs
+                else
+                    file_t[lpos + i] = string.format("0x%04X: ", pos)
+                end
+            end
+                ovf = 0
+                lpos = lpos + bufsz
+                local bpos = coroutine.yield()
+                if bpos < lpos then -- roll over or scroll up
+                    bpos = (bpos - bufsz) + bpos % bufsz
+                    timer:check(true)
+                end
+                lpos = bpos - bpos % bufsz
+                if lpos < 1 then
+                    lpos = 1
+                elseif lpos > count - bufsz then -- partial fill
+                    ovf = count - bufsz - lpos
+                end
+                --get position in file of the nearest indexed line
+                file:seek("set", idx_t[bpos / bufsz + 1])
+                -- on really large files if it has been more than 10 minutes
+                -- since the user scrolled up the screen wipe out the prior
+                -- items to free memory
+                if lpos % 10000 == 0 and timer:check() > rb.HZ * 600 then
+                    for i = 1, lpos - 100 do
+                        file_t[i] = nil
+                    end
+                end
+        end
+    end
+    co = coroutine.create(hex_co)
+    local function repl(char)
+            local ret = ""
+            if char:sub(1,2) == "0x" then
+                return string.format("%dd:", tonumber(char:sub(3, -2), 16))
+            else
+                return string.format("%03d ", tonumber(char, 16))
+            end
+    end
+    _lcd:clear()
+    _print.clear()
+    local sel, start, vcur = 1
+    table.insert(file_t, 1, hstr) --position 1 is header/title
+    if not settings then
+        settings = {}
+        settings.justify = "left"
+        settings.wrap    = true
+        settings.msel    = false
+        settings.hfgc    = _clr.set( 0, 000, 000, 000)
+        settings.hbgc    = _clr.set(-1, 255, 255, 255)
+        settings.ifgc    = _clr.set(-1, 255, 255, 255)
+        settings.ibgc    = _clr.set( 0, 000, 000, 000)
+        settings.iselc   = _clr.set( 1, 000, 200, 100)
+    end
+    settings.hasheader = true
+    settings.co_routine = co
+    settings.start = start
+    settings.curpos = vcur
+    while sel > 0 do
+        settings.start = start
+        settings.curpos = vcur
+        sel, start, vcur = print_table(file_t, count, settings)
+        if sel > 1 and file_t[sel] then -- flips between hex and decimal
+            local s = file_t[sel]
+            if s:sub(-1) == "\b" then
+                file_t[sel] = nil
+                ovf = -(bufsz - 1)
+                coroutine.resume(co, sel) --rebuild this item
+            else
+                s = s:gsub("(0x%x+:)", repl) .. "\b"
+                file_t[sel] = s:gsub("(%x%x%s)", repl) .. "\b"
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    file:close()
+    idx_t = nil
+    file_t = nil
+    return sel
+end -- print_file_hex
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/lua_scripts.make b/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/lua_scripts.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f46f9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/lua_scripts.make
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#             __________               __   ___.
+#   Open      \______   \ ____   ____ |  | _\_ |__   _______  ___
+#   Source     |       _//  _ \_/ ___\|  |/ /| __ \ /  _ \  \/  /
+#   Jukebox    |    |   (  <_> )  \___|    < | \_\ (  <_> > <  <
+#   Firmware   |____|_  /\____/ \___  >__|_ \|___  /\____/__/\_ \
+#                     \/            \/     \/    \/            \/
+# $Id$
+LUASCR_SRCDIR := $(APPSDIR)/plugins/lua_scripts
+LUASCR_BUILDDIR := $(BUILDDIR)/apps/plugins/lua_scripts
+LUASCRS := $(wildcard $(LUASCR_SRCDIR)/*.lua)
+#DUMMY := $(info [${LUASCRS}])
+DUMMY : all
+	$(call PRINTS,CP $(subst $(LUASCR_SRCDIR)/,,$<))cp $< $@
+	$(call PRINTS,MKDIR $@)mkdir -p $(LUASCR_BUILDDIR)/
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/print_lua_func.lua b/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/print_lua_func.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2642a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/print_lua_func.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+--RB LUA show all global variables; BILGUS
+require "actions"
+require "audio"
+require "buttons"
+require "color"
+require "draw"
+require "image"
+require "lcd"
+require "math_ex"
+require "pcm"
+require "playlist"
+require "print"
+--require "settings" --uses a lot of memory
+require "sound"
+local sDumpFile = "/rb-lua_functions.txt"
+local filehandle
+local function a2m_m2a(addr_member)
+    --turns members into addresses; addresses back into members
+    return addr_member
+local function dtTag(sType)
+--convert named type; 'number'.. to short type '[n]...'
+--if '?' supplied print out datatype key; number = [n]...
+    local retType = "?"
+    local typ = {
+                ["nil"] = "nil",
+                ["boolean"]  = "b",
+                ["number"] = "n",
+                ["string"] = "s",
+                ["userdata"] = "u",
+                ["function"] = "f",
+                ["thread"] = "thr",
+                ["table"] = "t"
+                }
+    if sType == "?" then retType = "Datatypes: " end
+    for k,v in pairs(typ) do
+        if sType == k then
+            retType = v break
+        elseif (sType == "?") then
+            retType = retType .. "  [" ..v.. "] = " .. k
+        end
+    end
+    return " [" ..retType.. "] "
+local function tableByName(tName)
+    --find the longest match possible to an actual table
+    --Name comes in as (table) tName.var so we can pass back out the name found PITA
+    --returns the table found (key and value)
+    local ld = {}
+    local sMatch = ""
+    local kMatch = nil
+    local vMatch = nil
+----FUNCTIONS for tableByName -----------------------------------------------------
+    local function search4Str(n, k, v)
+        local sKey = tostring(k)
+        if string.find (n, sKey,1,true) then
+            if sKey:len() > sMatch:len() then sMatch = sKey kMatch = k  vMatch = v end
+            --find the longest match we can
+        end
+    end
+----END FUNCTIONS for tableByName -------------------------------------------------
+    if tName.val ~= nil and tName.val ~= "" then
+        for k, v in pairs(_G) do
+        --_G check both since some tables are only in _G or package.loaded
+            search4Str(tName.val, k, v)
+        end
+        for k, v in pairs(package.loaded) do --package.loaded
+            search4Str(tName.val, k, v)
+        end
+        if not string.find (sMatch, "_G",1,true) then sMatch = "_G." .. sMatch end
+        -- put the root _G in if not exist
+        if kMatch and vMatch then ld[kMatch] = vMatch tName.val = sMatch return ld end
+    end
+    tName.val = "_G"
+    return package.loaded --Not Found return default
+local function dump_Tables(tBase, sFunc, tSeen, tRet)
+    --Based on:
+    --Recurse through tBase tables copying all found Tables
+    local sSep=""
+    local ld={}
+    local tNameBuf = {}
+    local sName
+    if sFunc ~= "" then sSep = "." end
+    for k, v in pairs(tBase) do
+        k = tostring(k)
+        tNameBuf[1] = sFunc
+        tNameBuf[2] = sSep
+        tNameBuf[3] = k
+        if k ~= "loaded" and type(v) == "table" and not tSeen[v] then
+            tSeen[v]=sFunc
+            sName = table.concat(tNameBuf)
+            tRet[sName] = a2m_m2a(v) --place all keys into ld[i]=value
+            dump_Tables(v, sName, tSeen, tRet)
+        elseif type(v) == "table" and not tSeen[v] then
+            tSeen[v]=sFunc
+            tRet[table.concat(tNameBuf)] = a2m_m2a(v) -- dump 'loaded' table
+            for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do
+                if not _G[k1] and type(v1) == "table" and not tSeen[v1] then
+                    -- dump tables that are loaded but not global
+                    tSeen[v1]=sFunc
+                    tNameBuf[3] = k1
+                    sName = table.concat(tNameBuf)
+                    tRet[sName] = a2m_m2a(v1) --place all keys into ld[i]=value
+                    dump_Tables(v1, sName, tSeen, tRet)
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+local function dump_Functions(tBase)
+    --Based on:
+    --We already recursed through tBase copying all found tables
+    --we look up the table by name and then (ab)use a2m_m2a() to load the address
+    --after finding the table by address in tBase we will
+        --put the table address of tFuncs in its place
+    local tFuncBuf = {}
+    for k,v in pairs(tBase) do
+        local tTable = a2m_m2a(v)
+        local tFuncs = {}
+        for key, val in pairs(tTable) do
+            if key ~= "loaded" then
+                tFuncBuf[1] = dtTag(type(val))
+                tFuncBuf[2] = tostring(key)
+                tFuncs[table.concat(tFuncBuf)]= val
+                --put the name and value in our tFuncs table
+            end
+        end
+        tBase[k] = a2m_m2a(tFuncs) -- copy the address back to tBase
+    end
+local function get_common_branches(t, tRet)
+    --load t 'names(values)' into keys
+    --strip off long paths then iterate value if it exists
+    --local tRet={}
+    local sBranch = ""
+    local tName = {}
+    for k in pairs(t) do
+            tName["val"]=k
+            tableByName(tName)
+            sBranch = tName.val
+            if tRet[sBranch] == nil then
+                tRet[sBranch] = 1 --first instance of this branch
+            else
+                tRet[sBranch] = tRet[sBranch] + 1
+            end
+    end
+local function pairsByPairs (t, tkSorted)
+    --tkSorted should be an already sorted (i)table with t[keys] in the values
+    --
+    --!!Note: table sort default function does not like numbers as [KEY]!!
+    --see *sortbyKeys*cmp_alphanum*
+    local i = 0      -- iterator variable
+    local iter = function ()   -- iterator function
+        i = i + 1
+        if tkSorted[i] == nil then return nil
+            else return tkSorted[i], t[tkSorted[i]]
+        end
+    end
+    return iter
+local function sortbyKeys(t, tkSorted)
+    --loads keys of (t) into values of tkSorted
+    --and then sorts them
+    --tkSorted has integer keys (see ipairs)
+----FUNCTIONS for sortByKeys -------------
+    local cmp_alphanum = function (op1, op2)
+                            local type1= type(op1)
+                            local type2 = type(op2)
+                            if type1 ~= type2 then
+                                return type1 < type2
+                            else
+                                return op1 < op2
+                            end
+                        end
+----END FUNCTIONS for sortByKeys ---------
+    for n in pairs(t) do table.insert(tkSorted, n) end
+    table.sort(tkSorted, cmp_alphanum)--table.sort(tkSorted)
+local function funcprint(tBuf, strName, value)
+        local sType = type(value)
+        local sVal = ""
+        local sHex = ""
+    tBuf[#tBuf + 1] = "\t"
+    tBuf[#tBuf + 1] = strName
+    if nil ~= string.find (";string;number;userdata;boolean;", sType, 1, true) then
+        --If any of the above types print the contents of variable
+        sVal = tostring(value)
+        if type(value) == "number" then
+            sHex = " = 0x" .. string.format("%x", value)
+        else
+            sHex = ""
+            sVal = string.gsub(sVal, "\n", "\\n") --replace newline with \n
+        end
+        tBuf[#tBuf + 1] = " : "
+        tBuf[#tBuf + 1] = sVal
+        tBuf[#tBuf + 1] = sHex
+    end
+    tBuf[#tBuf + 1] = "\r\n"
+local function errorHandler( err )
+    filehandle:write(" ERROR:" .. err .. "\n")
+    local _NIL = nil
+    local tSeen= {}
+    local tcBase = {}
+    local tkSortCbase = {}
+    local tMods= {}
+    local tkSortMods = {}
+    local tWriteBuf = {}
+    local n = 0 -- count of how many items were found
+    filehandle =, "w+") --overwrite
+    tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = "*Loaded Modules* \n"
+    xpcall( function()
+                dump_Tables(tableByName({["val"] = "_G"}),"", tSeen, tMods)
+                --you can put a table name here if you just wanted to display
+                --only its items, ex. "os" or "rb" or "io"
+                --However, it has to be accessible directly from _G
+                --so "rb.actions" wouldn't return anything since its technically
+                --enumerated through _G.rb
+            end , errorHandler )
+    tSeen = nil
+    xpcall( function()dump_Functions(tMods)end , errorHandler )
+    get_common_branches(tMods, tcBase)
+    sortbyKeys(tcBase, tkSortCbase)
+    sortbyKeys(tMods, tkSortMods)
+    for k, v in pairsByPairs(tcBase, tkSortCbase ) do
+        n = n + 1
+        if n ~= 1 then
+            tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = ", "
+        end
+        tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = tostring(k)
+        if n >= 3 then -- split loaded modules to multiple lines
+            n = 0
+            tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = "\r\n"
+        end
+        if #tWriteBuf > 25 then
+            filehandle:write(table.concat(tWriteBuf))
+            for i=1, #tWriteBuf do tWriteBuf[i] = _NIL end -- reuse table
+        end
+    end
+    tcBase= nil tkSortCbase= nil
+    tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = "\r\n"
+    tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = dtTag("?")
+    tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = "\r\n\r\n"
+    tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = "Functions: \r\n"
+    n = 0
+    for key, val in pairsByPairs(tMods, tkSortMods) do
+        local tkSorted = {}
+        local tFuncs = a2m_m2a(val)
+        sortbyKeys(tFuncs, tkSorted)
+        tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = "\r\n"
+        tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = tostring(key)
+        tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = "\r\n"
+        for k, v in pairsByPairs(tFuncs, tkSorted) do
+            n = n + 1
+            funcprint(tWriteBuf, k,v)
+            if #tWriteBuf > 25 then
+                filehandle:write(table.concat(tWriteBuf))
+                for i=1, #tWriteBuf do tWriteBuf[i] = _NIL end -- reuse table
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = "\r\n\r\n"
+    tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = n
+    tWriteBuf[#tWriteBuf + 1] = " Items Found \r\n"
+    filehandle:write(table.concat(tWriteBuf))
+    for i=1, #tWriteBuf do tWriteBuf[i] = _NIL end -- empty table
+    filehandle:close()
+    rb.splash(rb.HZ * 5, n .. " Items dumped to : " .. sDumpFile)
+    --rb.splash(500, collectgarbage("count"))
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/printmenu.lua b/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/printmenu.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3cb17d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/printmenu.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ *             __________               __   ___.
+ *   Open      \______   \ ____   ____ |  | _\_ |__   _______  ___
+ *   Source     |       _//  _ \_/ ___\|  |/ /| __ \ /  _ \  \/  /
+ *   Jukebox    |    |   (  <_> )  \___|    < | \_\ (  <_> > <  <
+ *   Firmware   |____|_  /\____/ \___  >__|_ \|___  /\____/__/\_ \
+ *                     \/            \/     \/    \/            \/
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 William Wilgus
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
+ * KIND, either express or implied.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+if not rb.lcd_framebuffer then rb.splash(rb.HZ, "No Support!") return nil end
+local _clr = require("color")
+local _LCD = rb.lcd_framebuffer()
+-- displays text in menu_t calls function in same indice of func_t when selected
+function print_menu(menu_t, func_t, selected, settings, copy_screen)
+    local i, start, vcur, screen_img   
+    if selected then vcur = selected + 1 end
+    if vcur and vcur <= 1 then vcur = 2 end
+    if not settings then
+        settings = {}
+        settings.justify = "center"
+        settings.wrap    = true
+        settings.hfgc    = _clr.set( 0, 000, 000, 000)
+        settings.hbgc    = _clr.set(-1, 255, 255, 255)
+        settings.ifgc    = _clr.set(-1, 000, 255, 060)
+        settings.ibgc    = _clr.set( 0, 000, 000, 000)
+        settings.iselc   = _clr.set( 1, 000, 200, 100)
+	settings.default = true
+    end
+    settings.hasheader = true
+    settings.co_routine = nil
+    settings.msel = false
+    settings.start = start
+    settings.curpos = vcur
+    while not i or i > 0 do
+        if copy_screen == true then
+		--make a copy of screen for restoration
+		screen_img = screen_img or rb.new_image()
+		screen_img:copy(_LCD)
+	else
+		screen_img = nil
+	end
+        _LCD:clear(settings.ibgc)
+        settings.start = start
+        settings.curpos = vcur
+        i, start, vcur = print_table(menu_t, #menu_t, settings)
+        --vcur = vcur + 1
+	collectgarbage("collect")
+        if copy_screen == true then _LCD:copy(screen_img) end
+        if func_t and func_t[i] then 
+            if func_t[i](i, menu_t) == true then break end
+        else
+            break
+        end
+    end
+    if settings.default == true then settings = nil end
+    return screen_img
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/tagnav.lua b/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/tagnav.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35e6910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/tagnav.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+-- BILGUS 2018
+--local scrpath = rb.current_path()"
+--package.path = scrpath .. "/?.lua;" .. package.path --add lua_scripts directory to path
+local _print = require("print")
+rb.actions = nil
+package.loaded["actions"] = nil
+local sERROROPENING   = "Error opening"
+local sERRORMENUENTRY = "Error finding menu entry"
+local sBLANKLINE = "##sBLANKLINE##"
+local sDEFAULTMENU = "customfilter"
+local sFILEOUT    = "/.rockbox/tagnavi_custom.config"
+local sFILEHEADER = "#! rockbox/tagbrowser/2.0"
+local sMENUSTART  = "%menu_start \"custom\" \"Database\""
+local sMENUTITLE  = "title = \"fmt_title\""
+local ts_TAGTYPE = {"Artist", "AlbumArtist", "Album", "Genre", "Composer"}
+local ts_DBPATH  = {"database_0.tcd", "database_7.tcd", "database_1.tcd", "database_2.tcd", "database_5.tcd"}
+local COND_OR, COND_AND, COND_NOR, COND_NAND = 1, 2, 3, 4
+local ts_CONDITIONALS = {"OR", "AND", "!, OR", "!, AND"}
+local ts_CONDSYMBOLS    = {"|", "&", "|", "&"}
+local ts_YESNO        = {"", "Yes", "No"}
+local s_OVERWRITE     = "Overwrite"
+local s_EXISTS        = "Exists"
+local function question(tInquiry, start)
+    settings = {}
+    settings.justify = "center"
+    settings.wrap = true
+    settings.msel = false
+    settings.hasheader = true
+    settings.co_routine = nil
+    settings.curpos = start or 1
+    local sel = print_table(tInquiry, #tInquiry, settings)
+    return sel
+local function find_linepos(t_lines, search, startline)
+    startline = startline or 1
+    for i = startline, #t_lines do
+        if string.match (t_lines[i], search) then 
+            return i
+        end
+    end
+    return -1
+local function replacelines(t_lines, search, replace, startline)
+    startline = startline or 1
+    repcount = 0
+    for i = startline, #t_lines do
+        if string.match (t_lines[i], search) then
+            t_lines[i] = replace
+            repcount = repcount + 1
+        end
+    end
+    return repcount
+local function replaceemptylines(t_lines, replace, startline)
+    startline = startline or 1
+    replace = replace or nil
+    repcount = 0
+    for i = startline, #t_lines do
+        if t_lines[i] == "" then
+            t_lines[i] = replace
+            repcount = repcount + 1
+        end
+    end
+    return repcount
+local function checkexistingmenu(t_lines, menuname)
+    local pos = find_linepos(t_lines, "^\"" .. menuname .. "\"%s*%->.+")
+    local sel = 0
+    if pos > 0 then
+        ts_YESNO[1] = menuname .. " " .. s_EXISTS .. ", " ..  s_OVERWRITE .. "?"
+        sel = question(ts_YESNO, 3)
+        if sel == 3 then
+            pos = nil
+        elseif sel < 2 then
+            pos = 0
+        end
+    else
+        pos = nil
+    end
+    return pos
+local function savedata(filename, ts_tags, cond, menuname)
+        menuname = menuname or sDEFAULTMENU
+        local lines = {}
+        local curline = 0
+        local function lines_next(str, pos)
+            pos = pos or #lines + 1
+            lines[pos] = str or ""
+            curline = pos
+        end
+        local function lines_append(str, pos)
+            pos = pos or curline or #lines
+            lines[pos] = lines[pos] .. str or ""
+        end
+        if rb.file_exists(filename) ~= true then
+            lines_next(sFILEHEADER)
+            lines_next("#")
+            lines_next("# MAIN MENU")
+            lines_next(sMENUSTART)
+        else
+            local file =, "r") -- read
+            if not file then
+                rb.splash(rb.HZ, "Error opening" .. " " .. filename)
+                return
+            end
+            for line in file:lines() do
+                lines_next(line)
+            end
+            file:close()
+        end
+        local menupos = find_linepos(lines, sMENUSTART)
+        if menupos < 1 then
+            rb.splash(rb.HZ, sERRORMENUENTRY)
+            return
+        end
+        replaceemptylines(lines, sBLANKLINE, menupos)
+        local existmenupos = checkexistingmenu(lines, menuname)
+        if existmenupos and existmenupos < 1 then return end -- user canceled
+        local lastcond = ""
+        local n_cond = COND_OR
+        local tags, tagtype
+        local function buildtag(e_tagtype)
+            if ts_tags[e_tagtype] then
+                n_cond = (cond[e_tagtype] or COND_OR)
+                if e_tagtype > 1 then
+                    lines_append(" " .. ts_CONDSYMBOLS[n_cond])
+                end
+                tags = ts_tags[e_tagtype]
+                tagtype = string.lower(ts_TAGTYPE[e_tagtype])
+                if n_cond <= COND_AND then
+                    lines_append(" " .. tagtype)
+                    lines_append(" @ \"".. table.concat(tags, "|")  .. "\"")
+                else
+                    for k = 1, #tags do
+                        lines_append(" " .. tagtype)
+                        lines_append(" !~ \"".. tags[k] .. "\"")
+                        if k < #tags then lines_append(" &") end
+                    end
+                end
+            end        
+        end
+        if ts_tags[TAG_ARTIST] or ts_tags[TAG_ALBARTIST] or ts_tags[TAG_ALBUM] or
+           ts_tags[TAG_GENRE] or ts_tags[TAG_COMPOSER] then
+            lines_next("\"" .. menuname .. "\" -> " .. sMENUTITLE .. " ?", existmenupos)
+            buildtag(TAG_ARTIST)
+            buildtag(TAG_ALBARTIST)
+            buildtag(TAG_ALBUM)
+            buildtag(TAG_GENRE)
+            buildtag(TAG_COMPOSER)
+            lines_next("\n")
+        else
+            rb.splash(rb.HZ, "Nothing to save")
+        end
+        local file =, "w+") -- overwrite
+        if not file then
+            rb.splash(rb.HZ, "Error writing " .. filename)
+            return
+        end
+        for i = 1, #lines do 
+            if lines[i] and lines[i] ~= sBLANKLINE then
+                file:write(lines[i], "\n")
+            end
+        end
+        file:close()
+-- uses print_table to display database tags
+local function print_tags(ftable, settings, t_selected)
+    if not s_cond then s_sep = "|" end
+    ftable = ftable or {}
+    if t_selected then
+        for k = 1, #t_selected do
+            ftable[t_selected[k]] = ftable[t_selected[k]] .. "\0"
+        end
+    end
+    rb.lcd_clear_display()
+    _print.clear()
+    if not settings then
+        settings = {}
+        settings.justify = "center"
+        settings.wrap = true
+        settings.msel = true
+    end
+    settings.hasheader = true
+    settings.co_routine = nil
+    local sel = print_table(ftable, #ftable, settings)
+    --_lcd:splashf(rb.HZ * 2, "%d items {%s}", #sel, table.concat(sel, ", "))
+    local selected = {}
+    local str = ""
+    for k = 1,#sel do
+        str = ftable[sel[k]] or ""
+        selected[#selected + 1] = string.sub(str, 1, -2) -- REMOVE \0
+    end
+    ftable = nil
+    if #sel == 0 then
+        return nil, nil
+    end
+    return sel, selected
+end -- print_tags
+-- uses print_table to display a menu
+function main_menu()
+    local menuname = sDEFAULTMENU
+    local t_tags
+    local ts_tags = {}
+    local cond = {}
+    local sel = {}
+    local mt =  {
+                [1] = "TagNav Customizer",
+                [2] = "", --ts_CONDITIONALS[cond[TAG_ARTIST] or COND_OR],
+                [3] = ts_TAGTYPE[TAG_ARTIST],
+                [4] = ts_CONDITIONALS[cond[TAG_ALBARTIST] or COND_OR],
+                [5] = ts_TAGTYPE[TAG_ALBARTIST],
+                [6] = ts_CONDITIONALS[cond[TAG_ALBUM] or COND_OR],
+                [7] = ts_TAGTYPE[TAG_ALBUM],
+                [8] = ts_CONDITIONALS[cond[TAG_GENRE] or COND_OR],
+                [9] = ts_TAGTYPE[TAG_GENRE],
+                [10] = ts_CONDITIONALS[cond[TAG_COMPOSER] or COND_OR],
+                [11] = ts_TAGTYPE[TAG_COMPOSER],
+                [12] = "Save to Tagnav",
+                [13] = "Exit"
+                }
+    local function sel_cond(item, item_mt)
+        cond[item] = cond[item] or 1
+        cond[item] = cond[item] + 1
+        if cond[item] > #ts_CONDITIONALS then cond[item] = 1 end
+        mt[item_mt] = ts_CONDITIONALS[cond[item]]
+    end
+    local function sel_tag(item, item_mt, t_tags)
+        t_tags = get_tags(rb.ROCKBOX_DIR .. "/" .. ts_DBPATH[item], ts_TAGTYPE[item])
+        sel[item], ts_tags[item] = print_tags(t_tags, nil, sel[item])
+        if ts_tags[item] then
+            mt[item_mt] = ts_TAGTYPE[item] .. " [" .. #sel[item] .. "]"
+        else
+            mt[item_mt] = ts_TAGTYPE[item]
+        end
+    end
+    local ft =  {
+                [0] = exit_now, --if user cancels do this function
+                [1] = function(TITLE) return true end, -- shouldn't happen title occupies this slot
+                [2]  = function(ARTCOND)
+                            sel_cond(TAG_ARTIST, ARTCOND)
+                        end,
+                [3]  = function(ART)
+                            sel_tag(TAG_ARTIST, ART, t_tags)
+                        end,
+                [4]  = function(ALBARTCOND)
+                            sel_cond(TAG_ALBARTIST, ALBARTCOND)
+                        end,
+                [5]  = function(ALBART)
+                            sel_tag(TAG_ALBARTIST, ALBART, t_tags)                           
+                        end,
+                [6]  = function(ALBCOND)
+                            sel_cond(TAG_ALBUM, ALBCOND)
+                        end,
+                [7]  = function(ALB)
+                            sel_tag(TAG_ALBUM, ALB, t_tags)
+                        end,
+                [8]  = function(GENRECOND)
+                            sel_cond(TAG_GENRE, GENRECOND)
+                        end,
+                [9]  = function(GENRE)
+                            sel_tag(TAG_GENRE, GENRE, t_tags)                           
+                        end,
+                [10]  = function(COMPCOND)
+                            sel_cond(TAG_COMPOSER, COMPCOND)
+                        end,
+                [11]  = function(COMP)
+                            sel_tag(TAG_COMPOSER, COMP, t_tags)
+                        end,
+                [12]  = function(SAVET)
+                            menuname = menuname or sDEFAULTMENU
+                            menuname = rb.kbd_input(menuname)
+                            menuname = string.match(menuname, "%w+")
+                            if menuname == "" then menuname = nil end
+                            menuname = menuname or sDEFAULTMENU
+                            savedata(sFILEOUT, ts_tags, cond, menuname)
+                        end,
+                [13] = function(EXIT_) return true end
+                }
+    print_menu(mt, ft, 2) --start at item 2
+function exit_now()
+    rb.lcd_update()
+    os.exit()
+end -- exit_now
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 1fd242e..6a67f7b 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -173,6 +173,16 @@
     glob_install("$src/rocks/viewers/lua/*", "$libdir/rocks/viewers/lua");
+    #lua example scripts
+    if(-e "$ROOT/apps/plugins/lua_scripts") {
+        unless (glob_mkdir("$libdir/rocks/demos/lua_scripts")) {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        glob_install("$ROOT/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/*.lua", "$libdir/rocks/demos/lua_scripts");
+        #glob_mkdir("$temp_dir/rocks/demos/lua_scripts");
+        #glob_copy("$ROOT/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/*.lua", "$temp_dir/rocks/demos/lua_scripts/");
+    }
     # all the rest directories
     foreach my $t (@userstuff) {
         unless (glob_mkdir("$userdir/$t")) {
@@ -433,6 +443,12 @@
     find(find_copyfile(qr/\.(rock|ovl|lua)/, abs_path("$temp_dir/rocks/")), 'apps/plugins');
+    #lua example scripts
+    if(-e "$ROOT/apps/plugins/lua_scripts") {
+        glob_mkdir("$temp_dir/rocks/demos/lua_scripts");
+        glob_copy("$ROOT/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/*.lua", "$temp_dir/rocks/demos/lua_scripts/");
+    }
     # exclude entries for the image file types not supported by the imageviewer for the target.
     my $viewers = "$ROOT/apps/plugins/viewers.config";
     my $c="cat $viewers | gcc $cppdef -I. -I$firmdir/export -E -P -include config.h -";