blob: ed8c52429c5b829360e25a250bb2f25f0a0d6541 [file] [log] [blame]
\newcommand{\playername}{\playerman\ \playerlongtype}
\hypersetup{% add some values to the pdf properties
colorlinks = true,
pdfstartview = FitV,
linkcolor = blue,
citecolor = blue,
urlcolor = blue,
pdftitle = {Rockbox user manual},
pdfauthor = {The Rockbox Team},
pdfsubject = {Rockbox user manual for \playername}
\newcommand{\tabeltc}[1]{{\centering #1 \par}}
\newcommand{\tabelth}[1]{{\centering \textbf{\textit{#1}} \par}}
% mark this ad draft version (only for pdflatex) -- comment this out at release
\draftstring{DRAFT VERSION}
% \draftangle{45}
% fancy header style adjustments
%\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\ #1}}
\renewcommand{\rightmark}[1]{\thechapter\ }
\fancyfoot[L]{\textsc{The Rockbox manual}}
\fancyfoot[R]{\textsc{\playerman{} \playertype}}
%% \newenvironment{example}
%% {\stepcounter{example}\paragraph{Example \theexample:}}
%% {\hfill$\Box$
%% \bigskip
%% \noindent}
% found on the internet, posting by Donald Arseneau
% I may as well include my robust expandable definions, which can be
% used in \edef or \write where the \def would not be executed:
% \if\blank --- checks if parameter is blank (Spaces count as blank)
% \if\given --- checks if parameter is not blank: like \if\blank{#1}\else
% \if\nil --- checks if parameter is null (spaces are NOT null)
% use \if\given{ } ... \else ... \fi etc.
{\catcode`\!=8 % funny catcode so ! will be a delimiter
\catcode`\Q=3 % funny catcode so Q will be a delimiter
\long\gdef\blank#1{88\fi\Ifbl@nk#1QQ..!}% if null or spaces
\long\gdef\nil#1{\IfN@Ught#1* {#1}!}% if null
\long\gdef\IfN@Ught#1 #2!{\blank{#2}}
\long\gdef\Ifbl@nk#1#2Q#3!{\ifx#3}% same as above
% add screenshot image.
% Usage: \screenshot{filename}{caption}{label}
% By using the 'H' (HERE) placement, the screenshots are placed where
% we want them.
% Note: use this only for screenshots!
% Note: leave caption empty to supress it.
\typeout{Note: device specific image used}}
\typeout{Warning: deprecated plain image name used}}%
{\typeout{Missing image: #1 (\genericimg) (\specimg)}%
\color{red}{\textbf{WARNING!} Image not found}%
% command to display a note.
% Usage: \note{text of your note}
% Note: do NOT use \textbf or similar to emphasize text, use \emph!
\textbf{Note:}\ %
{\newcommand{\note}[1]{\ifinner\else\par\noindent\fi\textbf{Note:{} }#1\par}}
% command to display a warning.
% Usage: \warn{text of your warning}
% Note: do NOT use \textbf or similar to emphasize text!
\textbf{Warning:\ }%
{\newcommand{\warn}[1]{\ifinner\else\par\noindent\fi\textbf{Warning:{} }#1}}
% make table floats use "H" (as for screenshots) as default positioning
% change defaults for floats on a page as we have a lot of small images
\setcounter{topnumber}{3} % default: 2
\setcounter{bottomnumber}{2} % default: 1
\setcounter{totalnumber}{5} % default: 3
% command to set the default table heading for button lists
\newcommand{\btnhead}{\textbf{Key} & \textbf{Action} \\\midrule}
% environment intended to be used with button maps
% usage: \begin{btnmap}{caption}{label} Button & ButtonAction \\ \end{btnmap}
% Note: this automatically sets the table lines.
% Note: you *need* to terminate the last line with a linebreak \\
% Note: you still need to enclose this with \begin{table} / \end{table}
% Cheers for the usenet helping me building this up :)
\expandafter\let\expandafter\SavedEndTab\csname endtabular*\endcsname
\expandafter\renewcommand\expandafter*\csname endtabular*\endcsname{%
\tabularx{.75\textwidth}{lX}\toprule % here is the table width defined
% command to set the default table heading for button lists
\newcommand{\taghead}{\textbf{Tag} & \textbf{Description} \\\midrule}
% environment intended to be used with tag maps (for wps)
% usage: \begin{tagmap}{caption}{label} Tag & Description \\ \end{btnmap}
% Note: this automatically sets the table lines.
% Note: you *need* to terminate the last line with a linebreak \\
% Note: you still need to enclose this with \begin{table} / \end{table}
% Cheers for the usenet helping me building this up :)
\expandafter\let\expandafter\SavedEndTab\csname endtabular*\endcsname
\expandafter\renewcommand\expandafter*\csname endtabular*\endcsname{%
\tabularx{\textwidth}{lX}\toprule % here is the table width defined
% set link to the wiki.
% Usage: \wikilink{WebHome}
% with "WebHome" being the wiki page name
% define environment "code" based on fancyvrb.
% use it to set code the user should type / see on his screen.
% Note: the first 4 characters of each line will be stripped,
% requiring everything to be indendet by exactly _4_ spaces!
% This is intended to make the LaTeX sources more readable.
% Note: when using the code environment you need to use optv instead of opt!
{framerule=0.4pt, framesep=1ex,numbers=left,frame=lines,%stepnumber=5,%
% define environment "example" based on fancyvrb.
% use it to set example code the user should type / see on his screen.
% Note: the first 4 characters of each line will be stripped,
% requiring everything to be indendet by exactly _4_ spaces!
% This is intended to make the LaTeX sources more readable.
% Note: when using the example environment you need to use optv instead of opt!
{commentchar=!,framerule=0.4pt, framesep=1ex,frame=lines,%
% Use the nopt command to exclude a certain defined feature from a sectio
% Example:
% \nopt{ondio}{This text will be excluded for ondios}
\ifthenelse{\optnvalue > 0}{}{#2}