blob: 00328d7c7ba51465557259ecc25a299f609e257f [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# __________ __ ___.
# Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
# Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
# Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
# Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
# \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
# $Id$
# Copyright (C) 2011 Dominik Riebeling
# All files in this archive are subject to the GNU General Public License.
# See the file COPYING in the source tree root for full license agreement.
# This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
# KIND, either express or implied.
# This script is to generate an iconset (iconstrip bmp file) from Tango icons.
# It should be usable for other iconsets that are provided as svg images. For
# those adjusting the paths to the icons might need adjustment.
# To be run from the icons/ folder in a Rockbox checkout.
use File::Temp;
# list of icons for strip
my @iconlist = (
"mimetypes/audio-x-generic", # Icon_Audio
"places/folder", # Icon_Folder
"actions/format-indent-more", # Icon_Playlist
"actions/media-playback-start", # Icon_Cursor ###
"apps/preferences-desktop-wallpaper", # Icon_Wps
"devices/computer", # Icon_Firmware ###
"apps/preferences-desktop-font", # Icon_Font
"apps/preferences-desktop-locale", # Icon_Language
"categories/preferences-system", # Icon_Config
"status/software-update-available", # Icon_Plugin
"actions/bookmark-new", # Icon_Bookmark
"places/start-here", # Icon_Preset
"actions/go-jump", # Icon_Queued
"actions/go-next", # Icon_Moving
"devices/input-keyboard", # Icon_Keyboard
"actions/mail-send-receive", # Icon_Reverse_Cursor
"apps/help-browser", # Icon_Questionmark
"actions/document-properties", # Icon_Menu_setting
"categories/applications-other", # Icon_Menu_functioncall
"actions/list-add", # Icon_Submenu
"categories/preferences-system", # Icon_Submenu_Entered
"actions/media-record", # Icon_Recording
"devices/audio-input-microphone", # Icon_Voice ###
"categories/preferences-desktop", # Icon_General_settings_menu
"categories/applications-other", # Icon_System_menu
"actions/media-playback-start", # Icon_Playback_menu
"devices/video-display", # Icon_Display_menu
"devices/video-display", # Icon_Remote_Display_menu
"devices/network-wireless", # Icon_Radio_screen ###
"mimetypes/package-x-generic", # Icon_file_view_menu
"apps/utilities-system-monitor", # Icon_EQ
"../rbutil/rbutilqt/icons/rockbox-clef.svg" # Icon_Rockbox
if($#ARGV < 1) {
print "Usage: $0 <path to iconset> <size>\n";
my $tangopath = $ARGV[0];
my $size = $ARGV[1];
# temporary files
my $alphatemp = File::Temp->new(SUFFIX => ".png");
my $alphatempfname = $alphatemp->filename();
my $exporttemp = File::Temp->new(SUFFIX => ".png");
my $exporttempfname = $exporttemp->filename();
my $tempstrip = File::Temp->new(SUFFIX => ".png");
my $tempstripfname = $tempstrip->filename();
my $newoutput = "tango_icons.$size.bmp";
if(-e $newoutput) {
die("output file $newoutput does already exist!");
print "Creating icon strip as $newoutput\n\n";
my $count;
$count = 0;
foreach(@iconlist) {
print "processing $_ ...\n";
my $file;
if(m/^$/) {
# if nothing is defined make it empty / transparent
my $s = $size . "x" . $size;
`convert -size $s xc:"#f0f" $exporttempfname`
elsif(m/\.\./) {
# icon is inside the Rockbox tree
$file = $_;
`inkscape --export-png=$exporttempfname --export-width=$size --export-height=$size $file`
else {
# icon is inside the tango tree
$file = "$tangopath/scalable/" . $_ . ".svg";
`inkscape --export-png=$exporttempfname --export-width=$size --export-height=$size $file`
if($count != 0) {
`convert -append $tempstripfname $exporttempfname $tempstripfname`;
else {
`convert $exporttempfname $tempstripfname`;
print "masking and converting result ...\n";
# create mask
`convert $tempstripfname -alpha extract -monochrome -negate -alpha copy -colorize 0,100,0 $alphatempfname`;
# combine mask with image and drop transparency and scale down
`convert -composite $tempstripfname $alphatempfname -flatten -background '#f0f' -alpha off $newoutput`;
print "done!\n";