blob: b931ca2a3bd7c30e8ec18e02b85cb407d91cd84f [file] [log] [blame]
* __________ __ ___.
* Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
* Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
* Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
* Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
* \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Adam Gashlin (hcs)
* Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Shay Green (blargg)
* Copyright (C) 2002 Brad Martin
* All files in this archive are subject to the GNU General Public License.
* See the file COPYING in the source tree root for full license agreement.
* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
* KIND, either express or implied.
/* The CPU portion (shock!) */
#define READ( addr ) (SPC_read( this, addr, spc_time_ ))
#define WRITE( addr, value ) (SPC_write( this, addr, value, spc_time_ ))
#define READ_DP( addr ) READ( (addr) + dp )
#define WRITE_DP( addr, value ) WRITE( (addr) + dp, value )
#define READ_PROG16( addr ) GET_LE16( RAM + (addr) )
#define READ_PC( pc ) (*(pc))
#define READ_PC16( pc ) GET_LE16( pc )
#define SET_PC( n ) (pc = RAM + (n))
#define GET_PC() (pc - RAM)
static unsigned char const cycle_table [0x100] = {
2,8,4,5,3,4,3,6,2,6,5,4,5,4,6,8, /* 0 */
2,8,4,5,4,5,5,6,5,5,6,5,2,2,4,6, /* 1 */
2,8,4,5,3,4,3,6,2,6,5,4,5,4,5,4, /* 2 */
2,8,4,5,4,5,5,6,5,5,6,5,2,2,3,8, /* 3 */
2,8,4,5,3,4,3,6,2,6,4,4,5,4,6,6, /* 4 */
2,8,4,5,4,5,5,6,5,5,4,5,2,2,4,3, /* 5 */
2,8,4,5,3,4,3,6,2,6,4,4,5,4,5,5, /* 6 */
2,8,4,5,4,5,5,6,5,5,5,5,2,2,3,6, /* 7 */
2,8,4,5,3,4,3,6,2,6,5,4,5,2,4,5, /* 8 */
2,8,4,5,4,5,5,6,5,5,5,5,2,2,12,5,/* 9 */
3,8,4,5,3,4,3,6,2,6,4,4,5,2,4,4, /* A */
2,8,4,5,4,5,5,6,5,5,5,5,2,2,3,4, /* B */
3,8,4,5,4,5,4,7,2,5,6,4,5,2,4,9, /* C */
2,8,4,5,5,6,6,7,4,5,4,5,2,2,6,3, /* D */
2,8,4,5,3,4,3,6,2,4,5,3,4,3,4,3, /* E */
2,8,4,5,4,5,5,6,3,4,5,4,2,2,4,3 /* F */
#define MEM_BIT() CPU_mem_bit( this, pc, spc_time_ )
static unsigned CPU_mem_bit( THIS, uint8_t const* pc, long const spc_time_ )
static unsigned CPU_mem_bit( THIS, uint8_t const* pc, long const spc_time_ )
unsigned addr = READ_PC16( pc );
unsigned t = READ( addr & 0x1FFF ) >> (addr >> 13);
return (t << 8) & 0x100;
/* status flags */
enum { st_n = 0x80 };
enum { st_v = 0x40 };
enum { st_p = 0x20 };
enum { st_b = 0x10 };
enum { st_h = 0x08 };
enum { st_i = 0x04 };
enum { st_z = 0x02 };
enum { st_c = 0x01 };
#define IS_NEG (nz & 0x880)
#define CALC_STATUS( out )\
out = status & ~(st_n | st_z | st_c);\
out |= (c >> 8) & st_c;\
out |= (dp >> 3) & st_p;\
if ( IS_NEG ) out |= st_n;\
if ( !(nz & 0xFF) ) out |= st_z;\
#define SET_STATUS( in )\
status = in & ~(st_n | st_z | st_c | st_p);\
c = in << 8;\
nz = ((in << 4) & 0x800) | (~in & st_z);\
dp = (in << 3) & 0x100;\
/* stack */
#define PUSH( v ) (*--sp = (uint8_t) (v))
#define PUSH16( v ) (sp -= 2, SET_LE16( sp, v ))
#define POP() (*sp++)
#define SET_SP( v ) (sp = RAM + 0x101 + (v))
#define GET_SP() (sp - 0x101 - RAM)
static long CPU_run( THIS, long start_time ) ICODE_ATTR;
static long CPU_run( THIS, long start_time )
#if 0
register long spc_time_ = start_time;
#ifdef CPU_ARM
uint8_t* const ram_ = ram.ram;
#undef RAM
#define RAM ram_
int a = this->r.a;
int x = this->r.x;
int y = this->r.y;
uint8_t const* pc;
SET_PC( this->r.pc );
uint8_t* sp;
SET_SP( this->r.sp );
int status;
int c;
int nz;
unsigned dp;
int temp = this->r.status;
SET_STATUS( temp );
goto loop;
/* main loop */
pc += *(int8_t const*) pc;
spc_time_ += 2;
check( (unsigned) GET_PC() < 0x10000 );
check( (unsigned) GET_SP() < 0x100 );
check( (unsigned) a < 0x100 );
check( (unsigned) x < 0x100 );
check( (unsigned) y < 0x100 );
unsigned opcode = *pc;
int cycles = this->cycle_table [opcode];
unsigned data = *++pc;
if ( (spc_time_ += cycles) > 0 )
goto out_of_time;
switch ( opcode )
/* Common instructions */
#define BRANCH( cond )\
int offset = (int8_t) data;\
if ( cond ) {\
pc += offset;\
spc_time_ += 2;\
goto loop;\
case 0xF0: /* BEQ (most common) */
BRANCH( !(uint8_t) nz )
case 0xD0: /* BNE */
BRANCH( (uint8_t) nz )
case 0x3F: /* CALL */
PUSH16( GET_PC() + 2 );
SET_PC( READ_PC16( pc ) );
goto loop;
case 0x6F: /* RET */
SET_PC( POP() );
pc += POP() * 0x100;
goto loop;
#define CASE( n ) case n:
/* Define common address modes based on opcode for immediate mode. Execution
ends with data set to the address of the operand. */
#define ADDR_MODES( op )\
CASE( op - 0x02 ) /* (X) */\
data = x + dp;\
goto end_##op;\
CASE( op + 0x0F ) /* (dp)+Y */\
data = READ_PROG16( data + dp ) + y;\
goto end_##op;\
CASE( op - 0x01 ) /* (dp+X) */\
data = READ_PROG16( ((uint8_t) (data + x)) + dp );\
goto end_##op;\
CASE( op + 0x0E ) /* abs+Y */\
data += y;\
goto abs_##op;\
CASE( op + 0x0D ) /* abs+X */\
data += x;\
CASE( op - 0x03 ) /* abs */\
data += 0x100 * READ_PC( ++pc );\
goto end_##op;\
CASE( op + 0x0C ) /* dp+X */\
data = (uint8_t) (data + x);\
CASE( op - 0x04 ) /* dp */\
data += dp;\
/* 1. 8-bit Data Transmission Commands. Group I */
ADDR_MODES( 0xE8 ) /* MOV A,addr */
/*case 0xE4:*/ /* MOV a,dp (most common) */
a = nz = READ( data );
goto inc_pc_loop;
case 0xBF: /* MOV A,(X)+ */
data = x + dp;
x = (uint8_t) (x + 1);
goto mov_a_addr;
case 0xE8: /* MOV A,imm */
a = data;
nz = data;
goto inc_pc_loop;
case 0xF9: /* MOV X,dp+Y */
data = (uint8_t) (data + y);
case 0xF8: /* MOV X,dp */
data += dp;
goto mov_x_addr;
case 0xE9: /* MOV X,abs */
data = READ_PC16( pc );
data = READ( data );
case 0xCD: /* MOV X,imm */
x = data;
nz = data;
goto inc_pc_loop;
case 0xFB: /* MOV Y,dp+X */
data = (uint8_t) (data + x);
case 0xEB: /* MOV Y,dp */
data += dp;
goto mov_y_addr;
case 0xEC: /* MOV Y,abs */
data = READ_PC16( pc );
data = READ( data );
case 0x8D: /* MOV Y,imm */
y = data;
nz = data;
goto inc_pc_loop;
ADDR_MODES( 0xC8 ) /* MOV addr,A */
WRITE( data, a );
goto inc_pc_loop;
int temp;
case 0xCC: /* MOV abs,Y */
temp = y;
goto mov_abs_temp;
case 0xC9: /* MOV abs,X */
temp = x;
WRITE( READ_PC16( pc ), temp );
pc += 2;
goto loop;
case 0xD9: /* MOV dp+Y,X */
data = (uint8_t) (data + y);
case 0xD8: /* MOV dp,X */
WRITE( data + dp, x );
goto inc_pc_loop;
case 0xDB: /* MOV dp+X,Y */
data = (uint8_t) (data + x);
case 0xCB: /* MOV dp,Y */
WRITE( data + dp, y );
goto inc_pc_loop;
case 0xFA: /* MOV dp,dp */
data = READ( data + dp );
case 0x8F: /* MOV dp,#imm */
WRITE_DP( READ_PC( ++pc ), data );
goto inc_pc_loop;
case 0x7D: /* MOV A,X */
a = x;
nz = x;
goto loop;
case 0xDD: /* MOV A,Y */
a = y;
nz = y;
goto loop;
case 0x5D: /* MOV X,A */
x = a;
nz = a;
goto loop;
case 0xFD: /* MOV Y,A */
y = a;
nz = a;
goto loop;
case 0x9D: /* MOV X,SP */
x = nz = GET_SP();
goto loop;
case 0xBD: /* MOV SP,X */
SET_SP( x );
goto loop;
/*case 0xC6:*/ /* MOV (X),A (handled by MOV addr,A in group 2) */
case 0xAF: /* MOV (X)+,A */
WRITE_DP( x, a );
goto loop;
#define LOGICAL_OP( op, func )\
ADDR_MODES( op ) /* addr */\
data = READ( data );\
case op: /* imm */\
nz = a func##= data;\
goto inc_pc_loop;\
{ unsigned addr;\
case op + 0x11: /* X,Y */\
data = READ_DP( y );\
addr = x + dp;\
goto addr_##op;\
case op + 0x01: /* dp,dp */\
data = READ_DP( data );\
case op + 0x10: /*dp,imm*/\
addr = READ_PC( ++pc ) + dp;\
nz = data func READ( addr );\
WRITE( addr, nz );\
goto inc_pc_loop;\
LOGICAL_OP( 0x28, & ); /* AND */
LOGICAL_OP( 0x08, | ); /* OR */
LOGICAL_OP( 0x48, ^ ); /* EOR */
ADDR_MODES( 0x68 ) /* CMP addr */
data = READ( data );
case 0x68: /* CMP imm */
nz = a - data;
c = ~nz;
nz &= 0xFF;
goto inc_pc_loop;
case 0x79: /* CMP (X),(Y) */
data = READ_DP( x );
nz = data - READ_DP( y );
c = ~nz;
nz &= 0xFF;
goto loop;
case 0x69: /* CMP (dp),(dp) */
data = READ_DP( data );
case 0x78: /* CMP dp,imm */
nz = READ_DP( READ_PC( ++pc ) ) - data;
c = ~nz;
nz &= 0xFF;
goto inc_pc_loop;
case 0x3E: /* CMP X,dp */
data += dp;
goto cmp_x_addr;
case 0x1E: /* CMP X,abs */
data = READ_PC16( pc );
data = READ( data );
case 0xC8: /* CMP X,imm */
nz = x - data;
c = ~nz;
nz &= 0xFF;
goto inc_pc_loop;
case 0x7E: /* CMP Y,dp */
data += dp;
goto cmp_y_addr;
case 0x5E: /* CMP Y,abs */
data = READ_PC16( pc );
data = READ( data );
case 0xAD: /* CMP Y,imm */
nz = y - data;
c = ~nz;
nz &= 0xFF;
goto inc_pc_loop;
int addr;
case 0xB9: /* SBC (x),(y) */
case 0x99: /* ADC (x),(y) */
pc--; /* compensate for inc later */
data = READ_DP( x );
addr = y + dp;
goto adc_addr;
case 0xA9: /* SBC dp,dp */
case 0x89: /* ADC dp,dp */
data = READ_DP( data );
case 0xB8: /* SBC dp,imm */
case 0x98: /* ADC dp,imm */
addr = READ_PC( ++pc ) + dp;
nz = READ( addr );
goto adc_data;
/* catch ADC and SBC together, then decode later based on operand */
#undef CASE
#define CASE( n ) case n: case (n) + 0x20:
ADDR_MODES( 0x88 ) /* ADC/SBC addr */
data = READ( data );
case 0xA8: /* SBC imm */
case 0x88: /* ADC imm */
addr = -1; /* A */
nz = a;
adc_data: {
if ( opcode & 0x20 )
data ^= 0xFF; /* SBC */
int carry = (c >> 8) & 1;
int ov = (nz ^ 0x80) + carry + (int8_t) data; /* sign-extend */
int hc = (nz & 15) + carry;
c = nz += data + carry;
hc = (nz & 15) - hc;
status = (status & ~(st_v | st_h)) | ((ov >> 2) & st_v) |
((hc >> 1) & st_h);
if ( addr < 0 ) {
a = (uint8_t) nz;
goto inc_pc_loop;
WRITE( addr, (uint8_t) nz );
goto inc_pc_loop;
#define INC_DEC_REG( reg, n )\
nz = reg + n;\
reg = (uint8_t) nz;\
goto loop;
case 0xBC: INC_DEC_REG( a, 1 ) /* INC A */
case 0x3D: INC_DEC_REG( x, 1 ) /* INC X */
case 0xFC: INC_DEC_REG( y, 1 ) /* INC Y */
case 0x9C: INC_DEC_REG( a, -1 ) /* DEC A */
case 0x1D: INC_DEC_REG( x, -1 ) /* DEC X */
case 0xDC: INC_DEC_REG( y, -1 ) /* DEC Y */
case 0x9B: /* DEC dp+X */
case 0xBB: /* INC dp+X */
data = (uint8_t) (data + x);
case 0x8B: /* DEC dp */
case 0xAB: /* INC dp */
data += dp;
goto inc_abs;
case 0x8C: /* DEC abs */
case 0xAC: /* INC abs */
data = READ_PC16( pc );
nz = ((opcode >> 4) & 2) - 1;
nz += READ( data );
WRITE( data, (uint8_t) nz );
goto inc_pc_loop;
case 0x5C: /* LSR A */
c = 0;
case 0x7C:{/* ROR A */
nz = ((c >> 1) & 0x80) | (a >> 1);
c = a << 8;
a = nz;
goto loop;
case 0x1C: /* ASL A */
c = 0;
case 0x3C:{/* ROL A */
int temp = (c >> 8) & 1;
c = a << 1;
nz = c | temp;
a = (uint8_t) nz;
goto loop;
case 0x0B: /* ASL dp */
c = 0;
data += dp;
goto rol_mem;
case 0x1B: /* ASL dp+X */
c = 0;
case 0x3B: /* ROL dp+X */
data = (uint8_t) (data + x);
case 0x2B: /* ROL dp */
data += dp;
goto rol_mem;
case 0x0C: /* ASL abs */
c = 0;
case 0x2C: /* ROL abs */
data = READ_PC16( pc );
nz = (c >> 8) & 1;
nz |= (c = READ( data ) << 1);
WRITE( data, (uint8_t) nz );
goto inc_pc_loop;
case 0x4B: /* LSR dp */
c = 0;
data += dp;
goto ror_mem;
case 0x5B: /* LSR dp+X */
c = 0;
case 0x7B: /* ROR dp+X */
data = (uint8_t) (data + x);
case 0x6B: /* ROR dp */
data += dp;
goto ror_mem;
case 0x4C: /* LSR abs */
c = 0;
case 0x6C: /* ROR abs */
data = READ_PC16( pc );
ror_mem: {
int temp = READ( data );
nz = ((c >> 1) & 0x80) | (temp >> 1);
c = temp << 8;
WRITE( data, nz );
goto inc_pc_loop;
case 0x9F: /* XCN */
nz = a = (a >> 4) | (uint8_t) (a << 4);
goto loop;
case 0xBA: /* MOVW YA,dp */
a = READ_DP( data );
nz = (a & 0x7F) | (a >> 1);
y = READ_DP( (uint8_t) (data + 1) );
nz |= y;
goto inc_pc_loop;
case 0xDA: /* MOVW dp,YA */
WRITE_DP( data, a );
WRITE_DP( (uint8_t) (data + 1), y );
goto inc_pc_loop;
case 0x3A: /* INCW dp */
case 0x1A:{/* DECW dp */
data += dp;
/* low byte */
int temp = READ( data );
temp += ((opcode >> 4) & 2) - 1; /* +1 for INCW, -1 for DECW */
nz = ((temp >> 1) | temp) & 0x7F;
WRITE( data, (uint8_t) temp );
/* high byte */
data = ((uint8_t) (data + 1)) + dp;
temp >>= 8;
temp = (uint8_t) (temp + READ( data ));
nz |= temp;
WRITE( data, temp );
goto inc_pc_loop;
case 0x9A: /* SUBW YA,dp */
case 0x7A: /* ADDW YA,dp */
/* read 16-bit addend */
int temp = READ_DP( data );
int sign = READ_DP( (uint8_t) (data + 1) );
temp += 0x100 * sign;
status &= ~(st_v | st_h);
/* to do: fix half-carry for SUBW (it's probably wrong) */
/* for SUBW, negate and truncate to 16 bits */
if ( opcode & 0x80 ) {
temp = (temp ^ 0xFFFF) + 1;
sign = temp >> 8;
/* add low byte (A) */
temp += a;
a = (uint8_t) temp;
nz = (temp | (temp >> 1)) & 0x7F;
/* add high byte (Y) */
temp >>= 8;
c = y + temp;
nz = (nz | c) & 0xFF;
/* half-carry (temporary avoids CodeWarrior optimizer bug) */
unsigned hc = (c & 15) - (y & 15);
status |= (hc >> 4) & st_h;
/* overflow if sign of YA changed when previous sign
and addend sign were same */
status |= (((c ^ y) & ~(y ^ sign)) >> 1) & st_v;
y = (uint8_t) c;
goto inc_pc_loop;
case 0x5A: { /* CMPW YA,dp */
int temp = a - READ_DP( data );
nz = ((temp >> 1) | temp) & 0x7F;
temp = y + (temp >> 8);
temp -= READ_DP( (uint8_t) (data + 1) );
nz |= temp;
c = ~temp;
nz &= 0xFF;
goto inc_pc_loop;
case 0xCF: { /* MUL YA */
unsigned temp = y * a;
a = (uint8_t) temp;
nz = ((temp >> 1) | temp) & 0x7F;
y = temp >> 8;
nz |= y;
goto loop;
case 0x9E: /* DIV YA,X */
/* behavior based on SPC CPU tests */
status &= ~(st_h | st_v);
if ( (y & 15) >= (x & 15) )
status |= st_h;
if ( y >= x )
status |= st_v;
unsigned ya = y * 0x100 + a;
if ( y < x * 2 )
a = ya / x;
y = ya - a * x;
a = 255 - (ya - x * 0x200) / (256 - x);
y = x + (ya - x * 0x200) % (256 - x);
nz = (uint8_t) a;
a = (uint8_t) a;
goto loop;
/* seem unused */
/* case 0xDF: */ /* DAA */
/* case 0xBE: */ /* DAS */
case 0x2F: /* BRA rel */
pc += (int8_t) data;
goto inc_pc_loop;
case 0x30: /* BMI */
case 0x10: /* BPL */
case 0xB0: /* BCS */
BRANCH( c & 0x100 )
case 0x90: /* BCC */
BRANCH( !(c & 0x100) )
case 0x70: /* BVS */
BRANCH( status & st_v )
case 0x50: /* BVC */
BRANCH( !(status & st_v) )
case 0x03: /* BBS dp.bit,rel */
case 0x23:
case 0x43:
case 0x63:
case 0x83:
case 0xA3:
case 0xC3:
case 0xE3:
if ( (READ_DP( data ) >> (opcode >> 5)) & 1 )
goto cbranch_taken_loop;
goto inc_pc_loop;
case 0x13: /* BBC dp.bit,rel */
case 0x33:
case 0x53:
case 0x73:
case 0x93:
case 0xB3:
case 0xD3:
case 0xF3:
if ( !((READ_DP( data ) >> (opcode >> 5)) & 1) )
goto cbranch_taken_loop;
goto inc_pc_loop;
case 0xDE: /* CBNE dp+X,rel */
data = (uint8_t) (data + x);
/* fall through */
case 0x2E: /* CBNE dp,rel */
if ( READ_DP( data ) != a )
goto cbranch_taken_loop;
goto inc_pc_loop;
case 0xFE: /* DBNZ Y,rel */
y = (uint8_t) (y - 1);
case 0x6E: { /* DBNZ dp,rel */
unsigned temp = READ_DP( data ) - 1;
WRITE_DP( (uint8_t) data, (uint8_t) temp );
if ( temp )
goto cbranch_taken_loop;
goto inc_pc_loop;
case 0x1F: /* JMP (abs+X) */
SET_PC( READ_PC16( pc ) + x );
/* fall through */
case 0x5F: /* JMP abs */
SET_PC( READ_PC16( pc ) );
goto loop;
case 0x0F:{/* BRK */
check( 0 ); /* untested */
PUSH16( GET_PC() + 1 );
SET_PC( READ_PROG16( 0xFFDE ) ); /* vector address verified */
int temp;
CALC_STATUS( temp );
PUSH( temp );
status = (status | st_b) & ~st_i;
goto loop;
case 0x4F: /* PCALL offset */
PUSH16( GET_PC() + 1 );
SET_PC( 0xFF00 + data );
goto loop;
case 0x01: /* TCALL n */
case 0x11:
case 0x21:
case 0x31:
case 0x41:
case 0x51:
case 0x61:
case 0x71:
case 0x81:
case 0x91:
case 0xA1:
case 0xB1:
case 0xC1:
case 0xD1:
case 0xE1:
case 0xF1:
PUSH16( GET_PC() );
SET_PC( READ_PROG16( 0xFFDE - (opcode >> 3) ) );
goto loop;
int temp;
case 0x7F: /* RET1 */
temp = POP();
SET_PC( POP() );
pc += POP() << 8;
goto set_status;
case 0x8E: /* POP PSW */
temp = POP();
SET_STATUS( temp );
goto loop;
case 0x0D: { /* PUSH PSW */
int temp;
CALC_STATUS( temp );
PUSH( temp );
goto loop;
case 0x2D: /* PUSH A */
PUSH( a );
goto loop;
case 0x4D: /* PUSH X */
PUSH( x );
goto loop;
case 0x6D: /* PUSH Y */
PUSH( y );
goto loop;
case 0xAE: /* POP A */
a = POP();
goto loop;
case 0xCE: /* POP X */
x = POP();
goto loop;
case 0xEE: /* POP Y */
y = POP();
goto loop;
case 0x02: /* SET1 */
case 0x22:
case 0x42:
case 0x62:
case 0x82:
case 0xA2:
case 0xC2:
case 0xE2:
case 0x12: /* CLR1 */
case 0x32:
case 0x52:
case 0x72:
case 0x92:
case 0xB2:
case 0xD2:
case 0xF2: {
data += dp;
int bit = 1 << (opcode >> 5);
int mask = ~bit;
if ( opcode & 0x10 )
bit = 0;
WRITE( data, (READ( data ) & mask) | bit );
goto inc_pc_loop;
case 0x0E: /* TSET1 abs */
case 0x4E:{/* TCLR1 abs */
data = READ_PC16( pc );
pc += 2;
unsigned temp = READ( data );
nz = temp & a;
temp &= ~a;
if ( !(opcode & 0x40) )
temp |= a;
WRITE( data, temp );
goto loop;
case 0x4A: /* AND1 C,mem.bit */
c &= MEM_BIT();
pc += 2;
goto loop;
case 0x6A: /* AND1 C,/mem.bit */
check( 0 ); /* untested */
c &= ~MEM_BIT();
pc += 2;
goto loop;
case 0x0A: /* OR1 C,mem.bit */
check( 0 ); /* untested */
c |= MEM_BIT();
pc += 2;
goto loop;
case 0x2A: /* OR1 C,/mem.bit */
check( 0 ); /* untested */
c |= ~MEM_BIT();
pc += 2;
goto loop;
case 0x8A: /* EOR1 C,mem.bit */
c ^= MEM_BIT();
pc += 2;
goto loop;
case 0xEA: { /* NOT1 mem.bit */
data = READ_PC16( pc );
pc += 2;
unsigned temp = READ( data & 0x1FFF );
temp ^= 1 << (data >> 13);
WRITE( data & 0x1FFF, temp );
goto loop;
case 0xCA: { /* MOV1 mem.bit,C */
data = READ_PC16( pc );
pc += 2;
unsigned temp = READ( data & 0x1FFF );
unsigned bit = data >> 13;
temp = (temp & ~(1 << bit)) | (((c >> 8) & 1) << bit);
WRITE( data & 0x1FFF, temp );
goto loop;
case 0xAA: /* MOV1 C,mem.bit */
c = MEM_BIT();
pc += 2;
goto loop;
case 0x60: /* CLRC */
c = 0;
goto loop;
case 0x80: /* SETC */
c = ~0;
goto loop;
case 0xED: /* NOTC */
c ^= 0x100;
goto loop;
case 0xE0: /* CLRV */
status &= ~(st_v | st_h);
goto loop;
case 0x20: /* CLRP */
dp = 0;
goto loop;
case 0x40: /* SETP */
dp = 0x100;
goto loop;
case 0xA0: /* EI */
check( 0 ); /* untested */
status |= st_i;
goto loop;
case 0xC0: /* DI */
check( 0 ); /* untested */
status &= ~st_i;
goto loop;
case 0x00: /* NOP */
goto loop;
/*case 0xEF:*/ /* SLEEP */
/*case 0xFF:*/ /* STOP */
case 0xFF:
c |= 1; /* force switch table to have 256 entries,
hopefully helping optimizer */
} /* switch */
/* unhandled instructions fall out of switch so emulator can catch them */
/* undo partial execution of opcode */
spc_time_ -= this->cycle_table [*--pc];
int temp;
CALC_STATUS( temp );
this->r.status = (uint8_t) temp;
this->r.pc = GET_PC();
this->r.sp = (uint8_t) GET_SP();
this->r.a = (uint8_t) a;
this->r.x = (uint8_t) x;
this->r.y = (uint8_t) y;
#if 0
return spc_time_;