| % $Id$ % |
| \section{\label{ref:Recording}Recording} |
| \subsection{\label{ref:while_recording_screen}While Recording Screen} |
| \screenshot{main_menu/images/ss-while-recording-screen}{The while recording |
| screen}{} |
| |
| Entering the \setting{Recording} option in the \setting{Main Menu} brings up |
| a screen in which you can choose to enter the \setting{Recording Screen} or |
| the \setting{Recording Settings} (see below). The \setting{Recording Screen} |
| shows the time elapsed and the size of the file being recorded. A peak meter |
| is present to allow you set gain correctly. There is also a volume setting, |
| this will only affect the output level of the \dap{} and does \emph{not} |
| affect the recorded sound. |
| \opt{SWCODEC}{ |
| \note{When you start a recording, the hard disk will spin up. This will cause |
| the peak meters to freeze in the process. This is expected behaviour, and |
| nothing to worry about. The recording continues during the spin up.}} |
| \opt{MASCODEC}{The frequency, channels and quality} |
| \opt{SWCODEC}{The frequency and channels} settings are shown on the last line. |
| |
| The controls for this screen are: |
| \begin{table} |
| \begin{btnmap}{}{} |
| |
| \ActionStdPrev{} / \ActionStdNext & Select setting.\\ |
| % |
| \ActionSettingsDec{} / \ActionSettingsInc & Adjust selected setting.\\ |
| % |
| \ActionRecPause & Start recording.\\ |
| & While recording: pause recording (press again to |
| continue).\\ |
| % |
| \ActionRecExit & Exit \setting{Recording Screen}.\\ |
| & While recording: Stop recording.\\ |
| % |
| \ActionRecNewfile & Starts recording.\\ |
| & While recording: close the current file and open |
| a new one.\\ |
| } |
| % |
| \ActionRecMenu & Open \setting{Recording Settings} (see below).\\ |
| % |
| \opt{RECORDER_PAD}{ |
| \ActionRecFTwo & Quick menu for recording settings. A quick press will |
| leave the screen up (press \ActionRecFTwo{} again to exit), while holding |
| it will close the screen when you release it.\\ |
| } |
| % |
| \opt{RECORDER_PAD}{ |
| \ActionRecFThree & Quick menu for source setting.\\ |
| & Quick/hold works as for \ActionRecFTwo.\\ |
| & While recording: Start a new recording file.\\ |
| } |
| \end{btnmap} |
| \end{table} |