| % $Id$ % |
| \chapter{\label{ref:rockbox_interface}Quick Start} |
| \section{Basic overview} |
| \subsection{The \daps{} controls} |
| |
| \begin{center} |
| % include the front image. Using \specimg makes this fairly easy, |
| % but requires to use the exact value of \specimg in the filename! |
| % The extension is selected in the preamble, so no further \ifpdfoutput |
| % is necessary. |
| \includegraphics[height=8cm]{rockbox_interface/images/\specimg-front} |
| |
| \end{center} |
| |
| Throughout this manual, the buttons on the \dap{} are labelled according to the |
| picture above. When a table of button actions says ``Long'' before the button it |
| means that you should make a long press on that button, in other words, press it |
| for approximately 1 second. In detail the buttons are described in the following |
| paragraph. |
| |
| \blind{ |
| Additional information is available for blind users on the Rockbox website at |
| \wikilink{BlindFAQ}. |
| |
| % |
| \opt{h1xx}{ |
| If you lay the \dap{} on the table with the joystick pointing |
| towards you, and the curved sides at the top, you will find the following |
| if you start from the top-right corner and follow the side of the \dap{} in a |
| clockwise direction: |
| On the right side the buttons \ButtonOn{}, \ButtonOff{}, \ButtonMode{} and |
| the \ButtonHold{} switch. Next comes on the bottom the USB port, |
| a small hole for resetting the \dap{}, charger plug. On the left side located |
| is the button \ButtonRec{}. At least the top has headphone mini-jack plug, |
| remote port, optical/line in and optical/line out. |
| The joystick in the middle of the \dap{} is |
| used to navigate menus by pressing it up, down, left and right. Pressing the |
| joystick down is labelled \ButtonSelect{} throughout this manual. Its |
| directions are labelled \ButtonRight{}, \ButtonDown{}, \ButtonLeft{} and |
| \ButtonUp{}. |
| |
| The internal microphone is located on the left hand side of the nit towards the |
| top, and there is a small reset hole on the bottom of the unit between the |
| power and USB sockets. To perform a hard reset, insert a paperclip into this |
| hole.} |
| % |
| \opt{h300}{ |
| Hold or lay the \dap{} so that the side with the button pad and |
| LCD is facing towards you. The buttons on the button pad are as follows: top |
| left corner: \ButtonOn{}, bottom left corner: \ButtonOff{}, top right corner: |
| \ButtonRec, bottom right corner: \ButtonMode{}. In the center of the button pad |
| is a button labelled \ButtonSelect{}. Surrounding the \ButtonSelect{} button are |
| four directional buttons used to navigate up, down, left and right. |
| |
| On the top panel of the \dap{}, from left to right, you can find the |
| following: headphone mini jack plug, remote port, Line-in, Line-out. |
| |
| On the bottom panel of the \dap{}, from left to right, you can find the |
| following: power jack and two USB ports. The USB port on the right is used |
| to connect your \dap{} to your computer. The USB port on the left is not |
| used in Rockbox. |
| } |
| % |
| \opt{ipod4g,ipod3g,ipodcolor,ipodvideo,ipodmini} |
| { |
| The main controls on the \dap{} are a slightly indented scroll wheel |
| with a flat round button in the center. Hold the \dap{} with these controls |
| facing you. |
| |
| The top of the player will have the following, from left to |
| right: |
| \opt{ipod4g, ipod3g ,ipodcolor}{remote connector, headphone jack, \ButtonHold{} |
| switch.} |
| \opt{ipodvideo}{\ButtonHold{} switch, headphone jack.} |
| \opt{ipodmini}{\ButtonHold{} switch, remote connector, headphone jack.} |
| |
| The dock connector that is used to connect your \dap{} to your computer is on |
| the bottom panel of the \dap{}. |
| |
| The button in the middle of the wheel is called \ButtonSelect{}. You can |
| operate the wheel by pressing the top, bottom, left or right sections, |
| or by sliding your finger around it. The top is \ButtonMenu{}, the bottom is |
| \ButtonPlay{}, the left is \ButtonLeft{}, and the right is \ButtonRight{}. |
| When the manual says to \ButtonScrollFwd{}, it means to slide your finger |
| clockwise around the wheel. \ButtonScrollBack{} means to slide your finger |
| counterclockwise. Note that the wheel is sensitive, so you will need to move |
| slowly at first and get a feel for how it works. |
| |
| Note that when the \ButtonHold{} switch is pushed toward the center of the \dap{}, |
| hold is on, and none of the other controls do anything. Be sure |
| \ButtonHold{} is off before trying to use your player. |
| } |
| % |
| \opt{ipodnano}{ |
| The main controls on the \dap{} are a slightly indented wheel with a |
| flat round button in the center. Hold the \dap{} with these controls on the |
| top surface. There is a \ButtonHold{} switch at one end, and headphone and USB |
| jacks at the other; be sure the end with the switch is facing away from you. |
| |
| The button in the middle of the wheel is called \ButtonSelect{}. You can |
| operate the wheel by pressing the top, bottom, left or right sections, |
| or by sliding your finger around it. The top is \ButtonMenu{}, the bottom is |
| \ButtonPlay, the left is \ButtonLeft, and the right is \ButtonRight{}. |
| When the manual says to \ButtonScrollFwd{}, it means to slide your finger |
| clockwise around the wheel. \ButtonScrollBack{} means to slide your finger |
| counterclockwise. Note that the wheel is sensitive, so you will need to move |
| slowly at first and get a feel for how it works. |
| |
| Note that when the \ButtonHold{} switch is pushed toward the center of the \dap{}, |
| hold is on, and none of the other controls do anything; be sure \ButtonHold{} is |
| off before trying to use your player. |
| } |
| % |
| \opt{ondio}{ |
| The main characteristic of the Ondio case is the dent on its lower right side |
| which is the MMC slot. Holding the \dap{} with this slot in the described position |
| you'll find the following: |
| |
| On the curved top it has the headphone jack to the left, |
| the \ButtonOff{} button is in the middle% |
| \opt{HAVE_RECORDING}{ and the line in jack to the right}. |
| Apart from the already mentioned MMC slot you will find the USB connector on |
| the \daps{} right side. Placed on the upper side of the device right below |
| the flat display there is the main button pad of the \dap{}. A strong deepening |
| marks the center of it and helps to operate the directional keys from there. |
| \ButtonLeft{} and \ButtonRight{} form some sort of a strip and divide \ButtonUp{} |
| and \ButtonDown{}. The raised button positioned in the lower left of this round |
| crosspad is labelled \ButtonMenu{}.} |
| % |
| \opt{h10,h10_5gb}{ |
| Hold or lay the \dap{} so that the side with the scroll pad and |
| LCD is facing towards you. In the centre below the lcd is the scroll pad. It |
| is oriented vertically. Touching the top and bottom half of it acts as the |
| \ButtonScrollUp{} and \ButtonScrollDown{} buttons respectively. On the left |
| of the scroll pad is the \ButtonLeft{} button and on the right is the |
| \ButtonRight{} button. |
| |
| There are three buttons on the right hand side of the \dap{}. From top to |
| bottom, they are: \ButtonRew{}, \ButtonPlay{} and \ButtonFF{}. On the left |
| hand side is the \ButtonPower{} button. |
| |
| On the top panel of the \dap{}, from left to right, you can find the |
| following: \ButtonHold() switch, \opt{h10}{reset pin hole, }remote port and |
| headphone mini jack plug. |
| |
| On the bottom panel of the \dap{}, is the data cable port.} |
| % |
| \opt{gigabeatf}{ |
| Hold the \dap{} with the screen on top and the controls on the right hand side. |
| Below the screen is a cross-shaped touch sensitive pad which contains the |
| \ButtonUp{}, \ButtonDown{}, \ButtonLeft{} and \ButtonRight{} controls. On the |
| top of the unit from left to right are the power socket, the \ButtonHold{} |
| switch, and the headphone socket. The \ButtonHold{} switch puts the \dap{} into |
| hold mode when it is switched to the right |
| of the unit. The buttons will have no effect when this is the case. |
| |
| Starting from the left hand side on the bottom of the unit, nearer to the front |
| than the back, is a recessed switch which |
| controls whether the battery is on or off. When this swtich is to the lwft, |
| the battery is disconnected. This can be used for a hard reset of the unit, |
| or if the \dap{} is being placed in storage. Next to that is a connector for |
| the docking station and finally on the right hand side of the bottom of the |
| unit is a mini USB socket for connecting directly to USB. |
| |
| Finally on the right hand side of the unit are some control buttons. Going from |
| the bottom of the unit to the top there is a small round \ButtonA{} buttton then a |
| rocker volume switch with of the \ButtonVolDown{} button below the \ButtonVolUp{} |
| button. Above that is are two more small round buttons, the \ButtonMenu{} |
| button and nearest to the top of the unit the \ButtonPower{} button, which is held |
| down to turn the \dap{} on or off.} |
| % |
| \opt{x5,m5}{ |
| The \dap{} is curved so that the end with the screen on it is thicker than the |
| other end. Hold the \dap{} wih the thick end towards the top and the screen |
| facing towards you. Half way up the front of the unit on the right hand side |
| is a four way joystick which is the \ButtonUp{}, \ButtonDown{}, |
| \ButtonLeft{}, and \ButtonRight{} buttons. When pressed it serves as \ButtonSelect. |
| |
| On the right hand side of the \dap{} from top to bottom, first there is a two |
| way switch. the \ButtonPower{} button is activated by pushing this switch up, |
| and pushing this switch down until it clicks slightly will activate the |
| \ButtonHold{} button. When the switch is in this position, none of the other |
| keys will have an effect. |
| |
| Below the switch is a lozenge shaped button which is the \ButtonRec{} |
| button, and below that the final button on this side of the unit, the |
| \ButtonPlay{} button. Just below this is a small hole which is difficult to |
| locate by touch which is the internal microphone. At the very bottom of |
| this side of the unit is the reset hole, which can be used to perform a hard |
| reset by inserting a paper clip. |
| |
| On the bottom of the unit is the connector for the |
| \playerman{} subpack or dock. On the top of the unit is a charge |
| indicator light, which may feel a bit like a button, but isn't. |
| |
| From the top of the \dap{} on the left hand side is the headphone socket, then the |
| remote connector. Below this is a cover which protects the \opt{x5}{USB host |
| connector.}\opt{m5}{USB and charging connector}.} |
| % |
| \opt{e200}{ |
| Hold the \dap{} with the turning wheel at the front and bottom. On the bottom left |
| of the front of the \dap{} is a raised round button, the \ButtonPower{} button. |
| Above and to the left of this, on the outside of the turning wheel are four |
| buttons. These are the \ButtonUp{}, \ButtonDown{}, \ButtonLeft{} and |
| \ButtonRight{} buttons. Inside the wheel is thr \ButtonSelect{} button. Turning |
| the wheel to the right activates the \ButtonScrollDown{} function, and to the |
| left, the \ButtonScrollUp{} function. |
| |
| On the right of the unit is a slot for inserting flash cards. On the bottom is |
| the connector for the USB cable. On the left is the \ButtonRec{} button, and |
| on the top, there is the headphone socket to the right, and the \ButtonHold{} |
| switch. Moving this switch to the right activates hold mode in which none of the |
| other buttons have any effect. Just to the left of the \ButtonHold{} switch is a |
| small hole which contains the internal microphone.} |
| % |
| \opt{player}{ |
| Holding the Jukebox in front of you there should be two buttons to |
| the left of the unit and a single multi-way circular button to their right. |
| The buttons are as follows.% |
| On the left hand side, the higher of the two small buttons is the \ButtonOn, |
| the lower of the two buttons is the \ButtonMenu{} button. The large circular |
| button on the right - push towards the top serves as \ButtonPlay, push towards |
| the left is called \ButtonLeft, push towards the right \ButtonRight{} and push |
| towards the bottom is labelled \ButtonStop. |
| } |
| % |
| \opt{recorder}{ |
| Holding the Jukebox in front of you, there should be three rectangular buttons |
| in a horizontal line towards the middle of the unit, and below this to the left |
| there is a circular four button array with the circular \ButtonPlay{} button |
| as a fifth button in the centre. These are the navigation controls. Below the |
| rectangular buttons and to the right of the circular buttons are two small round |
| buttons one above the other. |
| |
| The \ButtonOn{} button is the topmost of the two buttons located below and to the |
| left of the navigation controls whereas the lower of these two is called \ButtonOff. |
| The small round button in the middle of the large circular button array is called |
| \ButtonPlay{} button. To the right of the \ButtonPlay{} button there is the |
| \ButtonRight{} button, left of it is the \ButtonLeft{}, above it \ButtonUp, and |
| below the \ButtonPlay{} button there is the \ButtonDown{} button placed. In the row |
| of three rectangular buttons the following buttons can be found (from left to right): |
| \ButtonFOne, \ButtonFTwo{} and \ButtonFThree. |
| } |
| \opt{recorderv2fm}{ |
| Holding the Jukebox in front of you, there should be three rectangular buttons |
| in a horizontal line towards the middle of the unit, and below this centred on the |
| middle button there are four radial arc shaped buttons placed in a cross formation |
| with the circular play button as the centre of the cross. These are the navigation |
| controls. Below the cross and to the left are two other buttons. |
| |
| The \ButtonOn{} button is the leftmost of the two buttons located below and to the |
| left of the navigation controls whereas the rightmost and little lower one of |
| these two is called \ButtonOff. The round button raised slightly higher than the |
| others in the centre of the navigation controls is the \ButtonPlay{} button. To |
| the right of the \ButtonPlay{} button there is the \ButtonRight{} button, left of |
| it is the \ButtonLeft{}, above it \ButtonUp, and below the \ButtonPlay{} button |
| there is the \ButtonDown{} button placed. In the row of three rectangular buttons |
| the following buttons can be found (from left to right): \ButtonFOne, \ButtonFTwo{} |
| and \ButtonFThree. |
| } |
| } |
| |
| \subsection{Turning the \dap{} on and off} |
| To turn on and off your Rockbox enabled \dap{} use the following keys: |
| \begin{table} |
| \begin{btnmap}{}{} |
| \opt{IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD}{\ButtonOn}% |
| \opt{IPOD_4G_PAD,IPOD_3G_PAD}{\ButtonMenu{} / \ButtonSelect}% |
| \opt{ONDIO_PAD}{\ButtonOff}\opt{RECORDER_PAD,PLAYER_PAD}% |
| {Hold \ButtonOn\ for 2--3s}% |
| {\ButtonPower}% |
| & Start Rockbox\\ |
| \opt{IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD}{Hold \ButtonOff}% |
| \opt{IPOD_4G_PAD,IPOD_3G_PAD}{Hold \ButtonPlay}% |
| \opt{ONDIO_PAD,recorderv2fm}{Hold \ButtonOff}% |
| \opt{recorder}{Double tap \ButtonOff\ when playback is stopped}% |
| \opt{PLAYER_PAD}{From the Main Menu, select \textbf{Shutdown}}% |
| {Hold \ButtonPower}% |
| & Shutdown Rockbox\\ |
| \end{btnmap} |
| \end{table} |
| |
| \label{ref:Safeshutdown}On shutdown, Rockbox automatically saves its settings. |
| |
| In the unlikely event of a software failure, a hardware power off can be |
| performed by holding down |
| \opt{PLAYER_PAD}{\ButtonStop}% |
| \opt{RECORDER_PAD,ONDIO_PAD}{\ButtonOff} |
| until the \nopt{ondiosp,ondiofm}{\dap{} power light}% |
| \opt{ondiosp,ondiofm}{\daps{} display} goes off.% |
| } |
| |
| \nopt{gigabeat,m5,x5,archos} |
| { |
| \subsection{Starting the original firmware} |
| \label{ref:Dualboot} |
| \opt{ipod} |
| { |
| Rockbox has a dual-boot feature. To boot into the original firmware, shut |
| down the device as described above. Turn on the \ButtonHold{} switch |
| immediately after turning the player on. Once Rockbox displays the |
| message ``Loading original firmware ...'' you may turn the \ButtonHold{} |
| switch off. Rockbox will boot into the original firmware. |
| |
| \note{The described method of dual-booting works with Rockbox bootloader |
| version 2, which was released 16 December 2006. If you have the older |
| bootloader, boot the original firmware by pressing \ButtonMenu{} |
| immediately after turning on your Ipod. Do not release the |
| \ButtonMenu{} button until you see the ``Loading original firmware...'' |
| message on the screen.} |
| |
| Regardless of which method you use to boot to the original firmware, you can |
| return to Rockbox by pressing and holding \ButtonMenu{} and \ButtonSelect{} |
| simultaneously until the player reboots. |
| } |
| |
| \opt{h1xx,h300} |
| { |
| Rockbox has a dual-boot feature. To boot into the original firmware, |
| when the \dap{} is turned off, press and hold the \ButtonRec{} button, |
| and then press the \ButtonOn{} button. |
| } |
| |
| \opt{h10,h10_5gb} |
| { |
| Rockbox has a dual-boot feature. To boot into the original firmware, |
| press and hold the \ButtonRew{} button while turning on the player. |
| \note{The iriver firmware doesn't shut down properly when you turn it off, |
| it only goes to sleep. To get back into Rockbox when exiting from the |
| iriver firmware, you will need to reset the player by \opt{h10}{inserting a |
| pin in the reset hole}\opt{h10_5gb}{taking out battery}.} |
| } |
| |
| \opt{e200} |
| { |
| Rockbox has a dual-boot feature. To boot into the original firmware, |
| press and hold the \ButtonLeft{} button while turning on the player. |
| } |
| } |
| |
| \subsection{The first contact} |
| |
| After you have first started the \dap{} you'll be presented by the |
| \setting{Main Menu}. From this menu you can reach every function of Rockbox, |
| for more information (see \reference{ref:main_menu}). To browse the files |
| on you \dap{} select \setting{Files} (see \reference{ref:file_browser}), and to |
| browse in a view that is based on the meta-data\footnote{ID3 Tags, Vorbis |
| comments, etc.} of your audio files, select \setting{Database} (see |
| \reference{ref:database}). |
| |
| \subsection{Basic controls} |
| When browsing files and moving through menus you usually get a list view |
| presented. The navigation in these lists are usually the same and should be |
| pretty intuitive. |
| In the tree view use \ActionStdNext{} and \ActionStdPrev{} to move around |
| the selection. Use \ActionStdOk{} to select an item. When browsing the file |
| system selecting an audio file plays it. The view switches to the ``While |
| playing screen'', usually abbreviated as ``WPS'' (see \reference{ref:WPS}. The |
| dynamic playlist gets replaced with the contents of the current folder. This |
| way you can easily treat folders as playlists. The created dynamic playlist can |
| be extended or modified while playing. This is also known as |
| ``on-the-fly playlist''. |
| To go back to the \setting{File Browser} stop the playback with the |
| \ActionWpsStop{} button or return to the file browser while keeping playback |
| running using \ActionWpsBrowse{}. |
| In list views you can go back one step with \ActionTreeParentDirectory. |
| |
| \subsection{Basic concepts} |
| \subsubsection{Playlists} |
| Rockbox is playlist oriented. This means that every time you play an audio file, |
| a so-called ``dynamic playlist'' is generated, unless you play a saved |
| playlist. You can modify the dynamic playlist while playing and also save |
| it to a file. If you don't want to use playlists you can simply play your |
| files folder based. |
| Playlists are covered in detail in \reference{ref:working_with_playlists}. |
| |
| \subsubsection{Menu} |
| From the menu you can customise Rockbox. Rockbox itself is very customisable. |
| Also there are some special menus for quick access to frequently used |
| functions. |
| |
| \subsubsection{Context Menu} |
| Some views, especially the file browser and the WPS have a context menu. |
| From the file browser this can be accessed with \ActionStdContext{}. |
| The contents of the context menu vary, depending on the situation it gets |
| called. The context menu itself presents you with some operations you can |
| perform with the currently highlighted file. In the file browser this is |
| the file (or folder) that is highlighted by the cursor. From the WPS this is |
| the currently playing file. Also there are some actions that don't apply |
| to the current file but refer to the screen from which the context menu |
| gets called. One example is the playback menu, which can be called using |
| the context menu from within the WPS. |
| |
| \section{Customising Rockbox} |
| Rockbox' User Interface can be customised using ``Themes''. Themes usually |
| only affect the visual appearance, but an advanced user can create a theme |
| that also changes various other settings like file view, LCD settings and |
| all other settings that can be modified using \fname{.cfg} files. This topic |
| is discussed in more detail in \reference{ref:manage_settings}. |
| The Rockbox distribution comes with some themes that should look nice on |
| your \dap{}. \note{Some of the themes shipped with Rockbox need additional |
| fonts from the fonts package, so make sure you installed them. |
| Also, if you downloaded additional themes from the Internet make sure you |
| have the needed fonts installed as otherwise the theme may get displayed |
| garbled.} |
| |
| \section{Menu overview} |
| \fixme{include an overview of the menu structure here} |
| %\input{rockbox_interface/menu_structure.tex} |
| |
| \input{rockbox_interface/browsing_and_playing.tex} |