blob: f2e48e863277b5ffa510cc51069ebd42320ff282 [file] [log] [blame]
# This is
# written by Andrew Molloy
# $Id$
package vorbiscomm;
use 5.005;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Fcntl qw/SEEK_END/;
our $VERSION = '0.07';
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $file = shift;
return load($class, $file);
sub load
my $class = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $from_new = shift;
my %data;
my $self;
# there must be a better way...
if ($class eq 'vorbiscomm')
$self = bless \%data, $class;
$self = $class;
if ($self->{'FILE_LOADED'})
return $self;
$self->{'FILE_LOADED'} = 1;
# check that the file exists and is readable
unless ( -e $file && -r _ )
warn "File does not exist or cannot be read.";
# file does not exist, can't do anything
return undef;
# open up the file
open FILE, $file;
# make sure dos-type systems can handle it...
binmode FILE;
$data{'filename'} = $file;
$data{'fileHandle'} = \*FILE;
if (_init(\%data)) {
close FILE;
return $self;
sub info
my $self = shift;
my $key = shift;
# if the user did not supply a key, return the entire hash
unless ($key)
return $self->{'INFO'};
# otherwise, return the value for the given key
return $self->{'INFO'}{lc $key};
sub comment_tags
my $self = shift;
if ( $self && $self->{'COMMENT_KEYS'} ) {
return @{$self->{'COMMENT_KEYS'}};
return undef;
sub comment
my $self = shift;
my $key = shift;
# if the user supplied key does not exist, return undef
unless($self->{'COMMENTS'}{lc $key})
return undef;
return @{$self->{'COMMENTS'}{lc $key}};
sub add_comments
warn "Ogg::Vorbis::Header::PurePerl add_comments() unimplemented.";
sub edit_comment
warn "Ogg::Vorbis::Header::PurePerl edit_comment() unimplemented.";
sub delete_comment
warn "Ogg::Vorbis::Header::PurePerl delete_comment() unimplemented.";
sub clear_comments
warn "Ogg::Vorbis::Header::PurePerl clear_comments() unimplemented.";
sub path
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'fileName'};
sub write_vorbis
warn "Ogg::Vorbis::Header::PurePerl write_vorbis unimplemented.";
# "private" methods
sub _init
my $data = shift;
my $fh = $data->{'fileHandle'};
my $byteCount = 0;
# check the header to make sure this is actually an Ogg-Vorbis file
$byteCount = _checkHeader($data);
# if it's not, we can't do anything
return undef;
$data->{'startInfoHeader'} = $byteCount;
return 1; # Success
sub _checkHeader
my $data = shift;
my $fh = $data->{'fileHandle'};
my $buffer;
my $pageSegCount;
my $byteCount = 0; # stores how far into the file we've read,
# so later reads into the file can skip right
# past all of the header stuff
# check that the first four bytes are 'OggS'
read($fh, $buffer, 4);
if ($buffer ne 'OggS')
warn "This is not an Ogg bitstream (no OggS header).";
return undef;
$byteCount += 4;
# check the stream structure version (1 byte, should be 0x00)
read($fh, $buffer, 1);
if (ord($buffer) != 0x00)
warn "This is not an Ogg bitstream (invalid structure version).";
return undef;
$byteCount += 1;
# check the header type flag
# This is a bitfield, so technically we should check all of the bits
# that could potentially be set. However, the only value this should
# possibly have at the beginning of a proper Ogg-Vorbis file is 0x02,
# so we just check for that. If it's not that, we go on anyway, but
# give a warning (this behavior may (should?) be modified in the future.
read($fh, $buffer, 1);
if (ord($buffer) != 0x02)
warn "Invalid header type flag (trying to go ahead anyway).";
$byteCount += 1;
# skip to the page_segments count
read($fh, $buffer, 20);
$byteCount += 20;
# we do nothing with this data
# read the number of page segments
read($fh, $buffer, 1);
$pageSegCount = ord($buffer);
$byteCount += 1;
# read $pageSegCount bytes, then throw 'em out
read($fh, $buffer, $pageSegCount);
$byteCount += $pageSegCount;
# check packet type. Should be 0x01 (for indentification header)
read($fh, $buffer, 1);
if (ord($buffer) != 0x01)
warn "Wrong vorbis header type, giving up.";
return undef;
$byteCount += 1;
# check that the packet identifies itself as 'vorbis'
read($fh, $buffer, 6);
if ($buffer ne 'vorbis')
warn "This does not appear to be a vorbis stream, giving up.";
return undef;
$byteCount += 6;
# at this point, we assume the bitstream is valid
return $byteCount;
sub _loadInfo
my $data = shift;
my $start = $data->{'startInfoHeader'};
my $fh = $data->{'fileHandle'};
my $buffer;
my $byteCount = $start;
my %info;
seek $fh, $start, 0;
# read the vorbis version
read($fh, $buffer, 4);
$info{'version'} = _decodeInt($buffer);
$byteCount += 4;
# read the number of audio channels
read($fh, $buffer, 1);
$info{'channels'} = ord($buffer);
$byteCount += 1;
# read the sample rate
read($fh, $buffer, 4);
$info{'rate'} = _decodeInt($buffer);
$byteCount += 4;
# read the bitrate maximum
read($fh, $buffer, 4);
$info{'bitrate_upper'} = _decodeInt($buffer);
$byteCount += 4;
# read the bitrate nominal
read($fh, $buffer, 4);
$info{'bitrate_nominal'} = _decodeInt($buffer);
$byteCount += 4;
# read the bitrate minimal
read($fh, $buffer, 4);
$info{'bitrate_lower'} = _decodeInt($buffer);
$byteCount += 4;
# read the blocksize_0 and blocksize_1
read($fh, $buffer, 1);
# these are each 4 bit fields, whose actual value is 2 to the power
# of the value of the field
$info{'blocksize_0'} = 2 << ((ord($buffer) & 0xF0) >> 4);
$info{'blocksize_1'} = 2 << (ord($buffer) & 0x0F);
$byteCount += 1;
# read the framing_flag
read($fh, $buffer, 1);
$info{'framing_flag'} = ord($buffer);
$byteCount += 1;
# bitrate_window is -1 in the current version of vorbisfile
$info{'bitrate_window'} = -1;
$data->{'startCommentHeader'} = $byteCount;
$data->{'INFO'} = \%info;
sub _loadComments
my $data = shift;
my $fh = $data->{'fileHandle'};
my $start = $data->{'startCommentHeader'};
my $buffer;
my $page_segments;
my $vendor_length;
my $user_comment_count;
my $byteCount = $start;
my %comments;
seek $fh, $start, 0;
# check that the first four bytes are 'OggS'
read($fh, $buffer, 4);
if ($buffer ne 'OggS')
warn "No comment header?";
return undef;
$byteCount += 4;
# skip over next ten bytes
read($fh, $buffer, 10);
$byteCount += 10;
# read the stream serial number
read($fh, $buffer, 4);
push @{$data->{'commentSerialNumber'}}, _decodeInt($buffer);
$byteCount += 4;
# read the page sequence number (should be 0x01)
read($fh, $buffer, 4);
if (_decodeInt($buffer) != 0x01)
warn "Comment header page sequence number is not 0x01: " +
warn "Going to keep going anyway.";
$byteCount += 4;
# and ignore the page checksum for now
read($fh, $buffer, 4);
$byteCount += 4;
# get the number of entries in the segment_table...
read($fh, $buffer, 1);
$page_segments = _decodeInt($buffer);
$byteCount += 1;
# then skip on past it
read($fh, $buffer, $page_segments);
$byteCount += $page_segments;
# check the header type (should be 0x03)
read($fh, $buffer, 1);
if (ord($buffer) != 0x03)
warn "Wrong header type: " . ord($buffer);
$byteCount += 1;
# now we should see 'vorbis'
read($fh, $buffer, 6);
if ($buffer ne 'vorbis')
warn "Missing comment header. Should have found 'vorbis', found " .
$byteCount += 6;
# get the vendor length
read($fh, $buffer, 4);
$vendor_length = _decodeInt($buffer);
$byteCount += 4;
# read in the vendor
read($fh, $buffer, $vendor_length);
$comments{'vendor'} = $buffer;
$byteCount += $vendor_length;
# read in the number of user comments
read($fh, $buffer, 4);
$user_comment_count = _decodeInt($buffer);
$byteCount += 4;
$data->{'COMMENT_KEYS'} = [];
# finally, read the comments
for (my $i = 0; $i < $user_comment_count; $i++)
# first read the length
read($fh, $buffer, 4);
my $comment_length = _decodeInt($buffer);
$byteCount += 4;
# then the comment itself
read($fh, $buffer, $comment_length);
$byteCount += $comment_length;
my ($key) = $buffer =~ /^([^=]+)/;
my ($value) = $buffer =~ /=(.*)$/;
push @{$comments{lc $key}}, $value;
push @{$data->{'COMMENT_KEYS'}}, lc $key;
# read past the framing_bit
read($fh, $buffer, 1);
$byteCount += 1;
$data->{'INFO'}{'offset'} = $byteCount;
$data->{'COMMENTS'} = \%comments;
# Now find the offset of the first page
# with audio data.
$byteCount = tell($fh) - 4;
# version flag
read($fh, $buffer, 1);
if (ord($buffer) != 0x00)
warn "Invalid stream structure version: " .
sprintf("%x", ord($buffer));
# header type flag
read($fh, $buffer, 1);
# Audio data starts as a fresh packet on a new page, so
# if header_type is odd it's not a fresh packet
next if ( ord($buffer) % 2 );
# skip past granule position, stream_serial_number,
# page_sequence_number, and crc
read($fh, $buffer, 20);
# page_segments
read($fh, $buffer, 1);
my $page_segments = ord($buffer);
# skip past the segment table
read($fh, $buffer, $page_segments);
# read packet_type byte
read($fh, $buffer, 1);
# Not an audio packet. All audio packet numbers are even
next if ( ord($buffer) % 2 );
# Found the first audio packet
$data->{'INFO'}{'audio_offset'} = $byteCount;
sub _calculateTrackLength
my $data = shift;
my $fh = $data->{'fileHandle'};
my $buffer;
my $pageSize;
my $granule_position;
seek($fh,-8500,SEEK_END); # that magic number is from vorbisfile.c
# in the constant CHUNKSIZE, which comes
# with the comment /* a shade over 8k;
# anyone using pages well over 8k gets
# what they deserve */
# we just keep looking through the headers until we get to the last one
# (there might be a couple of blocks here)
# stream structure version - must be 0x00
read($fh, $buffer, 1);
if (ord($buffer) != 0x00)
warn "Invalid stream structure version: " .
sprintf("%x", ord($buffer));
# header type flag
read($fh, $buffer, 1);
# we should check this, but for now we'll just ignore it
# absolute granule position - this is what we need!
read($fh, $buffer, 8);
$granule_position = _decodeInt($buffer);
# skip past stream_serial_number, page_sequence_number, and crc
read($fh, $buffer, 12);
# page_segments
read($fh, $buffer, 1);
my $page_segments = ord($buffer);
# reset pageSize
$pageSize = 0;
# calculate approx. page size
for (my $i = 0; $i < $page_segments; $i++)
read($fh, $buffer, 1);
$pageSize += ord($buffer);
seek $fh, $pageSize, 1;
$data->{'INFO'}{'length'} =
int($granule_position / $data->{'INFO'}{'rate'});
sub _findPage
# search forward in the file for the 'OggS' page header
my $fh = shift;
my $char;
my $curStr = '';
while (read($fh, $char, 1))
$curStr = $char . $curStr;
$curStr = substr($curStr, 0, 4);
# we are actually looking for the string 'SggO' because we
# tack character on to our test string backwards, to make
# trimming it to 4 characters easier.
if ($curStr eq 'SggO')
return 1;
return undef;
sub _decodeInt
my $bytes = shift;
my $num = 0;
my @byteList = split //, $bytes;
my $numBytes = @byteList;
my $mult = 1;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $numBytes; $i ++)
$num += ord($byteList[$i]) * $mult;
$mult *= 256;
return $num;
sub _decodeInt5Bit
my $byte = ord(shift);
$byte = $byte & 0xF8; # clear out the bottm 3 bits
$byte = $byte >> 3; # and shifted down to where it belongs
return $byte;
sub _decodeInt4Bit
my $byte = ord(shift);
$byte = $byte & 0xFC; # clear out the bottm 4 bits
$byte = $byte >> 4; # and shifted down to where it belongs
return $byte;
sub _ilog
my $x = shift;
my $ret = 0;
unless ($x > 0)
return 0;
while ($x > 0)
$x = $x >> 1;
return $ret;
=head1 NAME
Ogg::Vorbis::Header::PurePerl - An object-oriented interface to Ogg Vorbis
information and comment fields, implemented entirely in Perl. Intended to be
a drop in replacement for Ogg::Vobis::Header.
Unlike Ogg::Vorbis::Header, this module will go ahead and fill in all of the
information fields as soon as you construct the object. In other words,
the C<new> and C<load> constructors have identical behavior.
use Ogg::Vorbis::Header::PurePerl;
my $ogg = Ogg::Vorbis::Header::PurePerl->new("song.ogg");
while (my ($k, $v) = each %{$ogg->info}) {
print "$k: $v\n";
foreach my $com ($ogg->comment_tags) {
print "$com: $_\n" foreach $ogg->comment($com);
This module is intended to be a drop in replacement for Ogg::Vorbis::Header,
implemented entirely in Perl. It provides an object-oriented interface to
Ogg Vorbis information and comment fields. (NOTE: This module currently
supports only read operations).
=head2 C<new ($filename)>
Opens an Ogg Vorbis file, ensuring that it exists and is actually an
Ogg Vorbis stream. This method does not actually read any of the
information or comment fields, and closes the file immediately.
=head2 C<load ([$filename])>
Opens an Ogg Vorbis file, ensuring that it exists and is actually an
Ogg Vorbis stream, then loads the information and comment fields. This
method can also be used without a filename to load the information
and fields of an already constructed instance.
=head2 C<info ([$key])>
Returns a hashref containing information about the Ogg Vorbis file from
the file's information header. Hash fields are: version, channels, rate,
bitrate_upper, bitrate_nominal, bitrate_lower, bitrate_window, and length.
The bitrate_window value is not currently used by the vorbis codec, and
will always be -1.
The optional parameter, key, allows you to retrieve a single value from
the object's hash. Returns C<undef> if the key is not found.
=head2 C<comment_tags ()>
Returns an array containing the key values for the comment fields.
These values can then be passed to C<comment> to retrieve their values.
=head2 C<comment ($key)>
Returns an array of comment values associated with the given key.
=head2 C<add_comments ($key, $value, [$key, $value, ...])>
=head2 C<edit_comment ($key, $value, [$num])>
=head2 C<delete_comment ($key, [$num])>
=head2 C<clear_comments ([@keys])>
=head2 C<write_vorbis ()>
=head2 C<path ()>
Returns the path/filename of the file the object represents.
=head1 NOTE
This is ALPHA SOFTWARE. It may very well be very broken. Do not use it in
a production environment. You have been warned.
Dave Brown <> made this module significantly faster
at calculating the length of ogg files.
Robert Moser II <> fixed a problem with files that
have no comments.
=head1 AUTHOR
Andrew Molloy E<lt>amolloy@kaizolabs.comE<gt>
Copyright (c) 2003, Andrew Molloy. All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version. A copy of this license is included
with this module (LICENSE.GPL).
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Ogg::Vorbis::Header>, L<Ogg::Vorbis::Decoder>