| % $Id$ % |
| |
| \warn{These instructions are preliminary and may contain errors! |
| Please check the wiki for up-to-date and improved installation instructions! |
| If you find errors you're of course welcomed to report them so we can fix it |
| for the next daily builds.} |
| |
| Installing the bootloader is the trickiest part of the installation. |
| \opt{ipodnano}{First, you need to find out which version of the Apple |
| firmware you're running. To do this, start the Apple firmware and go to |
| Settings screen. In the ``About'' screen you'll find the version number |
| of the Apple firmware. Depending on the version number the installation |
| is slightly different.}% |
| |
| The process is different depending on your operating system, but before |
| starting, connect the \dap{} to the computer using either an USB |
| %\fixme{or Firewire?} % Firewire is currently not supported. |
| cable. Next, create a folder on the computer's hard drive and |
| download the following file to that folder: |
| \opt{ipodvideo}{\url{http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/ipod/bootloader-video.bin}} |
| \opt{ipodnano}{\url{http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/ipod/bootloader-nano.bin}} |
| \opt{ipodmini}{\url{http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/ipod/bootloader-mini1g.bin} or |
| \url{http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/ipod/bootloader-mini2g.bin} depending on which |
| generation your \dap{} is.\fixme{Describe how to identify 1/2G}} |
| \opt{ipodcolor}{\url{http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/ipod/bootloader-color.bin}} |
| \opt{ipod4g}{\url{http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/ipod/bootloader-4g.bin}} |
| \opt{ipod3g}{\url{http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/ipod/bootloader-3g.bin}} |
| |
| When that is done, proceed to the section below that matches the operating |
| system on the computer. |
| \note{These instructions all require you to have administrator rights |
| on your computer, regardless of the operating system.} |
| \note{Rockbox only works on FAT32 partitions (called ``Windows formatted'' by |
| Apple). So if your \dap{} is Mac formatted (HFS+), you should first convert |
| it to FAT32. Information on how to do this can be found on the Rockbox |
| website. \fixme{Include these instructions?}} |
| |
| \subsubsection{Windows users} |
| \begin{enumerate} |
| \item Download the following two programs and save them in the folder just |
| created. These programs will be used in the next steps: |
| \begin{itemize} |
| \item \url{http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/ipod/ipodpatcher.exe} |
| \item \url{http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/ipod/ipod_fw.exe} |
| \end{itemize} |
| \item Locate the \dap{} by opening a command window. You can do this by |
| clicking ``Start'', ``Execute'' and typing \fname{cmd}. Press Enter to |
| execute that command. Now change directory to the |
| folder you created and run the following commands: |
| \begin{code} |
| ipodpatcher 0 |
| ipodpatcher 1 |
| ipodpatcher 2 |
| ipodpatcher 3 |
| \end{code} |
| Keep increasing the number until the \dap{} is located. |
| |
| The output for an unsuccessful attempt to contact the \dap{} looks like |
| this: |
| \begin{code} |
| C:\textbackslash{}rockbox>ipodpatcher 0 |
| ipodpatcher v0.3 - (C) Dave Chapman 2006 |
| This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO |
| |
| [INFO] Reading partition table from \textbackslash\textbackslash{}.\textbackslash{}PhysicalDrive0 |
| Drive is not an iPod, aborting |
| \end{code} |
| |
| A successful connection to the \dap{} will look similar to this... |
| \begin{code} |
| C:\textbackslash{}rockbox>ipodpatcher 6 |
| ipodpatcher v0.3 - (C) Dave Chapman 2006 |
| This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO |
| |
| [INFO] Reading partition table from \textbackslash\textbackslash{}.\textbackslash{}PhysicalDrive6 |
| Part Start Sector End Sector Size (MB) Type |
| 0 63 160649 78.4 Empty (0x00) |
| 1 160650 7984304 3820.1 W95 FAT32 (0x0b) |
| \end{code} |
| Remember the number that corresponds to your \dap{} -- in the |
| following steps, \emph{N} should be replaced with the number just found. |
| \item Now, extract the firmware partition currently on the \dap{} with the |
| following command: |
| \begin{code} |
| ipodpatcher -r \emph{N} bootpartition.bin |
| \end{code} |
| \note{You should keep a safe backup of this \fname{bootpartition.bin} file |
| for use if you ever wish to either upgrade the Rockbox bootloader or |
| uninstall Rockbox from your Ipod} |
| \item Extract the Apple firmware from the partition image image just created: |
| \begin{code} |
| ipod_fw -o apple_os.bin -e 0 bootpartition.bin |
| \end{code} |
| \opt{ipodnano}{\note{The following step is only necessary if your Apple |
| firmware has version 1.2. If this doesn't apply to you, simply skip it.}} |
| \optv{ipodvideo,ipodnano}{ |
| \item |
| Similarly, extract the Broadcom firmware: |
| \begin{code} |
| ipod_fw -o apple_sw_5g_rcsc.bin -e 1 bootpartition.bin |
| \end{code} |
| } |
| \item Merge the Rockbox bootloader you downloaded previously with the Apple |
| firm\-ware.% |
| \optv{ipodnano}{ |
| If your firmware version is lower than 1.2 this works you need |
| this command: |
| \begin{code} |
| ipod_fw -g nano -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-nano.bin |
| \end{code} |
| If your firmware version is 1.2 you need to use the following command |
| instead. Please note that the ``video'' is correct. |
| \begin{code} |
| ipod_fw -g video -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-nano.bin |
| \end{code} |
| } |
| \optv{ipodvideo}{ |
| \begin{code} |
| ipod_fw -g video -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-video.bin |
| \end{code} |
| } |
| \optv{ipodmini}{ |
| \begin{code} |
| ipod_fw -g mini -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-mini1g.bin |
| \end{code} |
| Or, if you have a 2G mini: |
| \begin{code} |
| ipod_fw -g mini -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-mini2g.bin |
| \end{code} |
| } |
| \optv{ipodcolor}{ |
| \begin{code} |
| ipod_fw -g color -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-color.bin |
| \end{code} |
| } |
| \optv{ipod4g}{ |
| \begin{code} |
| ipod_fw -g 4g -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-4g.bin |
| \end{code} |
| } |
| \item |
| Install the Rockbox-enabled firmware: |
| \begin{code} |
| ipodpatcher -w \emph{N} rockboot.bin |
| \end{code} |
| \end{enumerate} |
| |
| Now you can proceed installing the firmware itself. |
| |
| \subsubsection{Mac OS X users} |
| \begin{enumerate} |
| \item Download the following two programs and save them in the folder just |
| created. These programs will be used in the next steps: |
| \begin{itemize} |
| \item \url{http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/ipod/diskdump} |
| \item \url{http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/ipod/ipod_fw} |
| \end{itemize} |
| Start a Terminal and type navigate into the folder you created. Before |
| you can continue, you need to ensure that Mac OS knows that the |
| \fname{ipod\_fw} |
| and diskdump files you downloaded are executable programs. To do this, |
| type the following command: |
| \begin{code} |
| chmod +x ipod_fw diskdump |
| \end{code} |
| \item Locate the \dap{} by running the following command: |
| \begin{code} |
| mount |
| \end{code} |
| The output will look something like this: \fixme{Add full example} |
| \begin{code} |
| /dev/disk1s2 on /Volumes/DAVE_S IPOD 1 (local, nodev, nosuid) |
| \end{code} |
| In this example, the \dap\ is located at /dev/disk1s2 Remember the |
| location of your \dap\ -- in the following steps, /dev/disk1s2 should be |
| replaced with the location just found. |
| \item Before continuing, the \dap\ must be ``unmounted'', which is |
| done with the following command: |
| \begin{code} |
| diskutil unmount /dev/disk1s2 |
| \end{code} |
| \item Now, extract the Apple firmware currently on the \dap{} with the |
| following command: |
| \note{The last part of the location is left out.} |
| \begin{code} |
| ./diskdump -r /dev/disk1 bootpartition.bin |
| \end{code} |
| \note{You should keep a safe backup of this \fname{bootpartition.bin} file |
| for use if you ever wish to either upgrade the Rockbox bootloader or |
| uninstall Rockbox from your iPod |
| } |
| \item Extract the Apple firmware from this partition image: |
| \begin{code} |
| ./ipod_fw -o apple_os.bin -e 0 bootpartition.bin |
| \end{code} |
| \opt{ipodnano}{\note{The following step is only necessary if your Apple |
| firmware has version 1.2. If this doesn't apply to you, simply skip it.}} |
| \optv{ipodvideo,ipodnano}{ |
| \item |
| Similarly, extract the Broadcom firmware: |
| \begin{code} |
| ./ipod_fw -o apple_sw_5g_rcsc.bin -e 1 bootpartition.bin |
| \end{code} |
| } |
| \item Merge the Rockbox bootloader you downloaded previously with the Apple |
| firm\-ware.% |
| \optv{ipodnano}{ |
| If your firmware version is lower than 1.2 this works you need |
| this command: |
| \begin{code} |
| ./ipod_fw -g nano -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-nano.bin |
| \end{code} |
| If your firmware version is 1.2 you need to use the following command |
| instead. Please note that the ``video'' is correct. |
| \begin{code} |
| ./ipod_fw -g video -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-nano.bin |
| \end{code} |
| } |
| \optv{ipodvideo}{ |
| \begin{code} |
| ./ipod_fw -g video -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-video.bin |
| \end{code} |
| } |
| \optv{ipodmini}{ |
| \begin{code} |
| ./ipod_fw -g mini -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-mini1g.bin |
| \end{code} |
| Or, if you have a 2G Mini: |
| \begin{code} |
| ./ipod_fw -g mini -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-mini2g.bin |
| \end{code} |
| } |
| \optv{ipodcolor}{ |
| \begin{code} |
| ./ipod_fw -g color -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-color.bin |
| \end{code} |
| } |
| \optv{ipod4g}{ |
| \begin{code} |
| ./ipod_fw -g 4g -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-4g.bin |
| \end{code} |
| } |
| \optv{ipod3g}{ |
| \begin{code} |
| ./ipod_fw -g 3g -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-3g.bin |
| \end{code} |
| } |
| \item |
| Install the Rockbox-enabled firmware: |
| \note{The last part of the location is left out.} |
| \begin{code} |
| ./diskdump -w /dev/disk1 rockboot.bin |
| \end{code} |
| \end{enumerate} |
| |
| Now, proceed with installing the firmware itself. |
| |
| \subsubsection{Linux users} |
| \begin{enumerate} |
| \item Download the following and save it in the folder just |
| created: |
| \begin{itemize} |
| \item \url{http://www.rockbox.org/viewcvs.cgi/*checkout*/tools/ipod_fw.c} |
| \end{itemize} |
| Now compile it to an executable by opening a command prompt and changing |
| to the folder created previously. Thn run the following command: |
| \begin{code} |
| gcc -o ipod_fw ipod_fw.c |
| \end{code} |
| If you get the message that the command gcc is not found, you need to |
| install gcc. How to do this depends on your Linux distribution, and |
| you should consult its documentation for help on this. |
| \item Locate your Ipod by running the command \verb|dmesg|. In the output |
| something like the following should be seen: |
| \begin{code} |
| usb 4-1: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 7 |
| scsi4 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices |
| usb-storage: device found at 7 |
| usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning |
| Vendor: Apple Model: iPod Rev: 1.62 |
| Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 00 |
| SCSI device sdb: 58605120 512-byte hdwr sectors (30006 MB) |
| \end{code} |
| You need the device name of your \dap, which you can find in the last line. |
| In this example, the \dap\ is located on \fname{/dev/sdb}. In the following, |
| \fname{/dev/sdb} should be replaced with the location just found. |
| \item Run \verb|fdisk -l /dev/sdb|. Verify that the |
| output is similar to the one below: |
| \begin{code} |
| Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System |
| /dev/sdb1 1 10 80293+ 0 Empty |
| /dev/sdb2 11 3648 29222235 b W95 FAT32 |
| \end{code} |
| \item Back up the partition table using the following command: |
| \note{The last part of the location is left out.} |
| \begin{code} |
| dd if=/dev/\emph{sdb} of=mbr.bin count=1 |
| \end{code} |
| |
| \item Now, extract the firmware partition currently on the \dap{} with the |
| following command: |
| \begin{code} |
| dd if=/dev/\emph{sdb1} of=bootpartition.bin |
| \end{code} |
| \note{You should keep a safe backup of this \fname{bootpartition.bin} file |
| for use if you ever wish to either upgrade the Rockbox bootloader or |
| uninstall Rockbox from your Ipod |
| } |
| \item Extract the Apple firmware from this partition image: |
| \begin{code} |
| ./ipod_fw -o apple_os.bin -e 0 bootpartition.bin |
| \end{code} |
| \opt{ipodnano}{\note{The following step is only necessary if your Apple |
| firmware has version 1.2. If this doesn't apply to you, simply skip it.}} |
| \optv{ipodvideo,ipodnano}{ |
| \item |
| Similarly, extract the Broadcom firmware: |
| \begin{code} |
| ./ipod_fw -o apple_sw_5g_rcsc.bin -e 1 bootpartition.bin |
| \end{code} |
| } |
| |
| \item Merge the Rockbox bootloader you downloaded previously with the Apple |
| firm\-ware.% |
| \optv{ipodnano}{ |
| If your firmware version is lower than 1.2 this works you need |
| this command: |
| \begin{code} |
| ./ipod_fw -g nano -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-nano.bin |
| \end{code} |
| If your firmware version is 1.2 you need to use the following command |
| instead. Please note that the ``video'' is correct. |
| \begin{code} |
| ./ipod_fw -g video -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-nano.bin |
| \end{code} |
| |
| } |
| \optv{ipodvideo}{ |
| \begin{code} |
| ./ipod_fw -g video -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-video.bin |
| \end{code} |
| } |
| \optv{ipodmini}{ |
| \begin{code} |
| ./ipod_fw -g mini -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-mini1g.bin |
| \end{code} |
| Or, if you have a 2G Mini: |
| \begin{code} |
| ./ipod_fw -g mini -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-mini2g.bin |
| \end{code} |
| } |
| \optv{ipodcolor}{ |
| \begin{code} |
| ./ipod_fw -g color -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-color.bin |
| \end{code} |
| } |
| \optv{ipod4g}{ |
| \begin{code} |
| ./ipod_fw -g 4g -o rockboot.bin -i apple_os.bin bootloader-4g.bin |
| \end{code} |
| } |
| \item |
| Install the Rockbox-enabled firmware: |
| \begin{code} |
| dd if=rockboot.bin of=/dev/\emph{sdb1} |
| \end{code} |
| \end{enumerate} |
| Now you can install the firmware itself. |
| |