blob: 881fcf908f3e3851facd64d002a41f6cafe6fe8c [file] [log] [blame]
* __________ __ ___.
* Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
* Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
* Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
* Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
* \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
* $Id$
* Copyright (C) 2002 by Linus Nielsen Feltzing
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
* KIND, either express or implied.
#include "config.h"
#include "cpu.h"
.section .init.text,"ax",@progbits
.global start
#if defined(BOOTLOADER) && defined(HAVE_DUALBOOT) \
&& (defined(IAUDIO_X5) || defined(IAUDIO_M5))
/* 8 byte dualboot signature */
bra.b 1f /* 0x6006 */
.short 0x4442 /* DB */
#if defined(IAUDIO_X5)
.long 0x69617835 /* iax5 */
#elif defined(IAUDIO_M5)
.long 0x69616d35 /* iam5 */
#error Dualboot signature not defined
/* As the control registers are write-only, we're relying on MBAR2 being */
/* set up correctly by the preloader for button check */
/* Only use scratch regs until we're sure that we will boot rockbox */
lea MBAR2, %a1
move.l (%a1), %a0 /* store GPIO_READ result for button check in main() */
/* Wait ~3 seconds for ON-button release. We need roughly 300ns per
iteration, so we check 10000000 times to reach the desired delay */
move.l #10000000, %d0
move.l (%a1), %d1 /* GPIO_READ */
and.l #0x06000000, %d1 /* Check main (bit 25=0) and remote (bit 26=0) */
cmp.l #0x06000000, %d1 /* ON buttons simultaneously */
beq.b .loadrockbox
subq.l #1, %d0
bne.b .on_button_test
jmp 0x10010
move.l %a0, %d7 /* keep initial GPIO_READ value in %d7 for now */
#endif /* defined(BOOTLOADER && defined(HAVE_DUALBOOT)
&& (defined(IAUDIO_X5) || defined(IAUDIO_M5)) */
move.w #0x2700,%sr
move.l #vectors,%d0
movec.l %d0,%vbr
move.l #MBAR+1,%d0
movec.l %d0,%mbar
move.l #MBAR2+1,%d0
movec.l %d0,%mbar2
lea MBAR,%a0
lea MBAR2,%a1
#if defined(BOOTLOADER) && !defined(HAVE_DUALBOOT) \
&& (defined(IAUDIO_X5) || defined(IAUDIO_M5))
move.l (%a1), %d7 /* store GPIO_READ result for button check in main() */
clr.l (0x180,%a1) /* PLLCR = 0 */
/* 64K DMA-capable SRAM at 0x10000000
DMA is enabled and has priority in both banks
All types of accesses are allowed
(We might want to restrict that to save power) */
move.l #0x10000e01,%d0
movec.l %d0,%rambar1
/* 32K Non-DMA SRAM at 0x10010000
All types of accesses are allowed
(We might want to restrict that to save power) */
move.l #0x10010001,%d0
movec.l %d0,%rambar0
/* Chip select 0 - Flash ROM */
moveq.l #0x00,%d0 /* CSAR0 - Base = 0x00000000 */
move.l %d0,(0x080,%a0)
move.l #FLASH_SIZE-0x10000+1,%d0 /* CSMR0 - All access */
move.l %d0,(0x084,%a0)
move.l #0x00000180,%d0 /* CSCR0 - no wait states, 16 bits, no bursts */
move.l %d0,(0x088,%a0)
#if (defined MPIO_HD200) || (defined MPIO_HD300)
/* Chip select 3 - LCD controller */
move.l #0xf0000000,%d0 /* CSAR3 - Base = 0xf0000000 */
move.l %d0,(0x0a4,%a0)
moveq.l #0x1,%d0 /* CSMR3 - 64K */
move.l %d0,(0x0a8,%a0)
move.l #0x00000180,%d0 /* CSCR3 - no wait states, 16 bits no bursts */
move.l %d0,(0x0ac,%a0)
#elif !(defined IAUDIO_M3)
/* Chip select 1 - LCD controller */
move.l #0xf0000000,%d0 /* CSAR1 - Base = 0xf0000000 */
move.l %d0,(0x08c,%a0)
moveq.l #0x1,%d0 /* CSMR1 - 64K */
move.l %d0,(0x090,%a0)
move.l #0x00000180,%d0 /* CSCR1 - no wait states, 16 bits, no bursts */
move.l %d0,(0x094,%a0)
/* Chip select 2 - ATA controller */
move.l #0x20000000,%d0 /* CSAR2 - Base = 0x20000000 */
move.l %d0,(0x098,%a0)
moveq.l #0x1,%d0 /* CSMR2 - 64K */
move.l %d0,(0x09c,%a0)
move.l #0x00000080,%d0 /* CSCR2 - no wait states, 16 bits, no bursts */
move.l %d0,(0x0a0,%a0) /* wait states are handled by the coldfire
* IDE interface logic. */
/* Chip select 3 - USBOTG controller */
move.l #0xc0000000,%d0 /* CSAR3 - Base = 0xc0000000 */
move.l %d0,(0x0a4,%a0)
moveq.l #0x1,%d0 /* CSMR3 - 64K */
move.l %d0,(0x0a8,%a0)
move.l #0x00000180,%d0 /* CSCR3 - no wait states, 16 bits, no bursts */
move.l %d0,(0x0ac,%a0)
/* Check if we have a Rockbox ROM image */
lea 0x00100000,%a2
move.l (%a2),%d0
move.l #FLASH_MAGIC,%d1
cmp.l %d0,%d1
beq.b .imagefound
/* Check for RAM image */
lea 0x00001000,%a2
move.l (%a2),%d0
move.l #FLASH_MAGIC,%d1
cmp.l %d0,%d1
beq.b .imagefound
/* Not either ROM or RAM image was found, so original firmware
should be still present. */
/* Check if the cookie is present. */
lea 0x10017ffc,%a2
move.l (%a2),%d0
move.l #0xc0015a17,%d1
cmp.l %d0,%d1
bne.b .nocookie
/* The cookie is not reset. This must mean that the boot loader
has crashed. Let's start the original firmware immediately. */
lea 0x10017ffc,%a2
clr.l (%a2)
jmp 8
/* Set the cookie */
move.l %d1,(%a2)
/* Set up the DRAM controller. The refresh is based on the 11.2896MHz
clock (5.6448MHz bus frequency). We haven't yet started the PLL */
move.w #0x8004,%d0 /* DCR - Synchronous, 80 cycle refresh */
move.w #0x8001,%d0 /* DCR - Synchronous, 32 cycle refresh */
move.w %d0,(0x100,%a0)
/* Note on 32Mbyte models:
We place the SDRAM on an 0x1000000 (16M) offset because
the 5249 BGA chip has a fault which disables the use of A24. The
suggested workaround by FreeScale is to offset the base address by
half the DRAM size and increase the mask to the double.
In our case this means that we set the base address 16M ahead and
use a 64M mask.
move.l #0x31002324,%d0 /* DACR0 - Base 0x31000000, Banks on 21 and up,
CAS latency 2, Page mode, No refresh yet */
move.l %d0,(0x108,%a0)
move.l #0x00fc0001,%d0 /* Size: 16M */
move.l %d0,(0x10c,%a0) /* DMR0 - 32Mb */
move.l #0x31002524,%d0 /* DACR0 - Base 0x31000000, Banks on 23 and up,
CAS latency 2, Page mode, No refresh yet */
move.l %d0,(0x108,%a0)
move.l #0x03fc0001,%d0 /* Size: 64M because of workaround above */
move.l %d0,(0x10c,%a0) /* DMR0 - 32Mb */
/* Precharge */
moveq.l #8,%d0
or.l %d0,(0x108,%a0) /* DACR0[IP] = 1, next access will issue a
Precharge command */
move.l #0xabcd1234,%d0
move.l %d0,0x31000000 /* Issue precharge command */
move.l #0x8000,%d0
or.l %d0,(0x108,%a0) /* Enable refresh */
/* Let it refresh */
move.l #500,%d0
subq.l #1,%d0
bne.b .delayloop
/* Mode Register init */
moveq.l #0x40,%d0 /* DACR0[IMRS] = 1, next access will set the
Mode Register */
or.l %d0,(0x108,%a0)
move.l #0xabcd1234,%d0
move.l %d0,0x31000800 /* A11=1 means CASL=2 (connected to SDRAM A5). */
/* DACR0[IMRS] gets deactivated by the SDRAM controller */
/* Check if we have a Rockbox ROM image. For RAM image only cookie is
not set at all. But we could support also RAM images loading. */
lea 0x00100000,%a2
move.l (%a2),%d0
move.l #FLASH_MAGIC,%d1
cmp.l %d0,%d1
bne.b .noromimage
/* Check again if the cookie is present. */
lea 0x10017ffc,%a2
move.l (%a2),%d0
move.l #0xc0015a17,%d1
cmp.l %d0,%d1
bne.b .nocookie2
/* We have found Rockbox in ROM!
Clear the cookie and load the ROM image */
lea 0x10017ffc,%a2
clr.l (%a2)
lea 0x00100028+4,%a2
move.l (%a2),%sp
lea 0x00100028+8,%a2
move.l (%a2),%d0
move.l %d0,%a2
jmp (%a2)
/* Set the cookie */
move.l %d1,(%a2)
#endif /* BOOTLOADER */
/* Invalicate cache */
move.l #0x01000000,%d0
movec.l %d0,%cacr
/* Enable cache, default=non-cacheable, no buffered writes */
move.l #0x80000000,%d0
movec.l %d0,%cacr
/* Cache enabled in SDRAM only, buffered writes enabled */
move.l #0x3103c020,%d0
movec.l %d0,%acr0
/* Buffered writes enabled for the LCD */
move.l #0xf000c060,%d0
movec.l %d0,%acr1
/* .iram copy is done first since it is reclaimed for other
* uninitialized sections */
/* copy the .iram section */
lea _iramcopy,%a2
lea _iramstart,%a3
lea _iramend,%a4
bra.b .iramstart
move.l (%a2)+,(%a3)+
cmp.l %a3,%a4
bhi.b .iramloop
/* zero out .ibss */
lea _iedata,%a2
lea _iend,%a4
bra.b .iedatastart
clr.l (%a2)+
cmp.l %a2,%a4
bhi.b .iedataloop
#endif /* !BOOTLOADER */
/* Set KEEP_ACT before doing the lengthy copy and zero-fill operations */
move.l #0x00080000,%d0
or.l %d0,(0xb4,%a1)
or.l %d0,(0xb8,%a1)
or.l %d0,(0xbc,%a1)
#if (defined MPIO_HD200) || (defined MPIO_HD300)
* Set GPIO57 high to remove hissing nois on startup
move.l #0x02200000,%d0
or.l %d0,(0xb4,%a1)
or.l %d0,(0xb8,%a1)
or.l %d0,(0xbc,%a1)
/* zero out bss */
lea _edata,%a2
lea _end,%a4
bra.b .edatastart
clr.l (%a2)+
cmp.l %a2,%a4
bhi.b .edataloop
/* copy the .data section */
lea _datacopy,%a2
lea _datastart,%a3
cmp.l %a2,%a3
beq.b .nodatacopy /* Don't copy if src and dest are equal */
lea _dataend,%a4
bra.b .datastart
move.l (%a2)+,(%a3)+
cmp.l %a3,%a4
bhi.b .dataloop
/* Munge the main stack */
lea stackbegin,%a2
lea stackend,%a4
move.l %a4,%sp
move.l #0xdeadbeef,%d0
move.l %d0,(%a2)+
cmp.l %a2,%a4
bhi.b .mungeloop
#if defined(BOOTLOADER) && (defined(IAUDIO_X5) || defined(IAUDIO_M5))
move.l %d7, initial_gpio_read
jsr main
bra.b .hoo
.section .resetvectors
.long stackend
.long start