blob: 5c810eb9b105b152b69e0d89ece94b9628d25b48 [file] [log] [blame]
* __________ __ ___.
* Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
* Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
* Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
* Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
* \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
* $Id$
* Copyright (C) 2002 by Alan Korr
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
* KIND, either express or implied.
#define nop \
asm volatile ("trapf")
#define or_l(mask, address) \
asm \
("or.l %0,(%1)" \
: \
: /* %0 */ "d"(mask), \
/* %1 */ "a"(address))
#define and_l(mask, address) \
asm \
("and.l %0,(%1)" \
: \
: /* %0 */ "d"(mask), \
/* %1 */ "a"(address))
#define eor_l(mask, address) \
asm \
("eor.l %0,(%1)" \
: \
: /* %0 */ "d"(mask), \
/* %1 */ "a"(address))
#define add_l(addend, address) \
asm \
("add.l %0, (%1)" \
: \
: /* %0 */ "r"(addend), \
/* %1 */ "a"(address))
#define EMAC_ROUND 0x10
#define EMAC_FRACTIONAL 0x20
#define EMAC_UNSIGNED 0x40
#define EMAC_SATURATE 0x80
static inline void coldfire_set_macsr(unsigned long flags)
asm volatile ("move.l %0, %%macsr" : : "i,r" (flags));
static inline unsigned long coldfire_get_macsr(void)
unsigned long m;
asm volatile ("move.l %%macsr, %0" : "=r" (m));
return m;
/* ColdFire IRQ Levels/Priorities in Rockbox summary:
* DMA0 - level 6, priority 0 (playback)
* DMA1 - level 6, priority 1 (recording)
* TIMER1 - level 4, priority 0 (timers)
* TIMER0 - level 3, priority 0 (ticks)
* GPI0 - level 3, priority 0 (pcf50606 PMU, secondary controller)
#define HIGHEST_IRQ_LEVEL (5<<8) /* Disable all but DMA and higher */
#define DMA_IRQ_LEVEL (6<<8) /* Disable DMA and lower */
#define DISABLE_INTERRUPTS (7<<8) /* Disable all but NMIs */
static inline int set_irq_level(int level)
int oldlevel;
/* Read the old level and set the new one */
/* Not volatile - can be removed if oldlevel isn't used */
asm ("move.w %%sr, %0" : "=d"(oldlevel));
/* Keep supervisor state set */
asm volatile ("move.w %0, %%sr \n" : : "d"(level | 0x2000));
return oldlevel;
/* Enable all interrupts */
static inline void enable_irq(void)
int tmp;
/* Using move.w over the compiler's move.l saves 2 bytes per instance */
asm volatile ("move.w %1, %0 \n"
"move.w %0, %%sr \n"
: "=&d"(tmp) : "i"(0x2000));
/* Disable interrupts up to HIGHEST_IRQ_LEVEL */
static inline void disable_irq(void)
int tmp;
/* Using move.w over the compiler's move.l saves 2 bytes per instance */
asm volatile ("move.w %1, %0 \n"
"move.w %0, %%sr \n"
: "=&d"(tmp)
: "i"(0x2000 | HIGHEST_IRQ_LEVEL));
static inline int disable_irq_save(void)
int oldlevel, tmp;
/* Using move.w over the compiler's move.l saves 2 bytes per instance */
asm volatile ("move.w %%sr, %1 \n"
"move.w %2, %0 \n"
"move.w %0, %%sr \n"
: "=&d"(tmp), "=d"(oldlevel)
: "i"(0x2000 | HIGHEST_IRQ_LEVEL));
return oldlevel;
static inline void restore_irq(int oldlevel)
/* Restore the sr value returned by disable_irq_save or
* set_irq_level */
asm volatile ("move.w %0, %%sr" : : "d"(oldlevel));
static inline uint16_t swap16_hw(uint16_t value)
result[15..8] = value[ 7..0];
result[ 7..0] = value[15..8];
return (value >> 8) | (value << 8);
static inline uint32_t swaw32_hw(uint32_t value)
result[31..16] = value[15.. 0];
result[15.. 0] = value[31..16];
asm ("swap %%0" : "+r"(value));
return value;
static inline uint32_t swap32_hw(uint32_t value)
result[31..24] = value[ 7.. 0];
result[23..16] = value[15.. 8];
result[15.. 8] = value[23..16];
result[ 7.. 0] = value[31..24];
uint32_t mask = 0x00FF00FF;
asm ( /* val = ABCD */
"and.l %[val],%[mask] \n" /* mask = .B.D */
"eor.l %[mask],%[val] \n" /* val = A.C. */
"lsl.l #8,%[mask] \n" /* mask = B.D. */
"lsr.l #8,%[val] \n" /* val = .A.C */
"or.l %[mask],%[val] \n" /* val = BADC */
"swap %[val] \n" /* val = DCBA */
: /* outputs */
[val] "+d"(value),
return value;
static inline uint32_t swap_odd_even32_hw(uint32_t value)
result[31..24],[15.. 8] = value[23..16],[ 7.. 0]
result[23..16],[ 7.. 0] = value[31..24],[15.. 8]
uint32_t mask = 0x00FF00FF;
asm ( /* val = ABCD */
"and.l %[val],%[mask] \n" /* mask = .B.D */
"eor.l %[mask],%[val] \n" /* val = A.C. */
"lsl.l #8,%[mask] \n" /* mask = B.D. */
"lsr.l #8,%[val] \n" /* val = .A.C */
"or.l %[mask],%[val] \n" /* val = BADC */
: /* outputs */
[val] "+d"(value),
return value;
#define DEFAULT_PLLCR_AUDIO_BITS 0x10400000
void coldfire_set_pllcr_audio_bits(long bits);
/* Safely modify the interrupt mask register as the core interrupt level is
required to be at least as high as the level interrupt being
masked/unmasked */
void coldfire_imr_mod(unsigned long bits, unsigned long mask);
/* Set DATAINCONTROL without disturbing FIFO reset state */
void coldfire_set_dataincontrol(unsigned long value);
extern void cf_set_cpu_frequency(long frequency);
/* 11.2896 MHz */
/* 45.1584 MHz */
/* 124.1856 MHz */
void commit_discard_idcache(void);
static inline void commit_discard_dcache(void) {}
static inline void commit_dcache(void) {}
* Put core in a power-saving state if waking list wasn't repopulated.
static inline void core_sleep(void)
/* Supervisor mode, interrupts enabled upon wakeup */
asm volatile ("stop #0x2000");
#endif /* SYSTEM_TARGET_H */