FS#10824 - viewport/statusbar API rework.
Hopefully the only user visible changes are:
- fm and recording screens go by the statusbar setting (sbs or inbuilt)
- plugins go back to using the theme as they should for menus and lists
- splash screens might get cut a bit... entirely theme and splash dependant.. if there is a problematic one we can look at it later.
- hopefully nothing more than very minor screen flickerings... let me know exactly where they are so they can be fixed
New GUI screen rules:
* Screens assume that the theme (sbs+ui viewport+ maybe background image) are always enabled. They may be disabled on a per display basis, but MUST be re-enabled on exit
* Screens must not be coded in a way that requires a statusbar of any type.. the inbuilt bar will be removed shortly.
ALWAYS RESPECT THE USERS SETTINGS unless the screen requires the full display to fit.
git-svn-id: svn://svn.rockbox.org/rockbox/trunk@23904 a1c6a512-1295-4272-9138-f99709370657
24 files changed