lcd_color/cabbiev2: New iconset in multiple sizes
The new iconset features transparency which can be more easier generated
from svgs and looks better. For for bigger displays there are new sizes.
The bmps are the generated from the SVGs added to the tree and is updated to enable easy generation.
rockbox-clef.svg is changed to have a bit more border.
NOTE: Icons for greyscale are unchanged. Someone needs to update them, I don't know how to do it.
git-svn-id: svn:// a1c6a512-1295-4272-9138-f99709370657
diff --git a/icons/ b/icons/
index bfdbe80..8cd0ece 100755
--- a/icons/
+++ b/icons/
@@ -22,51 +22,93 @@
# To be run from the icons/ folder in a Rockbox checkout.
use File::Temp;
+use Getopt::Long;
# list of icons for strip
+# Use relative paths to point to icons in the tree, relative to the icons/ folder
+# (must start with . or ..)
+# Other are treated relatively to the tango sources tree
my @iconlist = (
- "mimetypes/audio-x-generic", # Icon_Audio
- "places/folder", # Icon_Folder
- "actions/format-indent-more", # Icon_Playlist
- "actions/media-playback-start", # Icon_Cursor ###
- "apps/preferences-desktop-wallpaper", # Icon_Wps
- "devices/computer", # Icon_Firmware ###
- "apps/preferences-desktop-font", # Icon_Font
- "apps/preferences-desktop-locale", # Icon_Language
- "categories/preferences-system", # Icon_Config
- "status/software-update-available", # Icon_Plugin
- "actions/bookmark-new", # Icon_Bookmark
- "places/start-here", # Icon_Preset
- "actions/go-jump", # Icon_Queued
- "actions/go-next", # Icon_Moving
- "devices/input-keyboard", # Icon_Keyboard
- "actions/mail-send-receive", # Icon_Reverse_Cursor
- "apps/help-browser", # Icon_Questionmark
- "actions/document-properties", # Icon_Menu_setting
- "categories/applications-other", # Icon_Menu_functioncall
- "actions/list-add", # Icon_Submenu
- "categories/preferences-system", # Icon_Submenu_Entered
- "actions/media-record", # Icon_Recording
- "devices/audio-input-microphone", # Icon_Voice ###
- "categories/preferences-desktop", # Icon_General_settings_menu
- "categories/applications-other", # Icon_System_menu
- "actions/media-playback-start", # Icon_Playback_menu
- "devices/video-display", # Icon_Display_menu
- "devices/video-display", # Icon_Remote_Display_menu
- "devices/network-wireless", # Icon_Radio_screen ###
- "mimetypes/package-x-generic", # Icon_file_view_menu
- "apps/utilities-system-monitor", # Icon_EQ
- "../docs/logo/rockbox-clef.svg" # Icon_Rockbox
+ "./tango-svg/audio-x-generic", # Icon_Audio
+ "./tango-svg/folder", # Icon_Folder
+ "./tango-svg/format-indent-more", # Icon_Playlist
+ "./new_icons-svg/media-playback-start-green", # Icon_Cursor ###
+ "./tango-svg/preferences-desktop-wallpaper", # Icon_Wps
+ "./tango-svg/media-flash", # Icon_Firmware ###
+ "./tango-svg/preferences-desktop-font", # Icon_Font
+ "./tango-svg/preferences-desktop-locale", # Icon_Language
+ "./tango-svg/preferences-system", # Icon_Config
+ "./tango-svg/software-update-available", # Icon_Plugin
+ "./tango-svg/bookmark-new", # Icon_Bookmark
+ "./tango-svg/start-here", # Icon_Preset
+ "./tango-svg/go-jump", # Icon_Queued
+ "./tango-svg/go-next", # Icon_Moving
+ "./tango-svg/input-keyboard", # Icon_Keyboard
+ "./tango-svg/go-previous", # Icon_Reverse_Cursor
+ "./tango-svg/help-browser", # Icon_Questionmark
+ "./tango-svg/document-properties", # Icon_Menu_setting
+ "./tango-svg/applications-other", # Icon_Menu_functioncall
+ "./tango-svg/list-add", # Icon_Submenu
+ "./tango-svg/preferences-system", # Icon_Submenu_Entered
+ "./tango-svg/media-record", # Icon_Recording
+ "./new_icons-svg/face-shout", # Icon_Voice ###
+ "./tango-svg/preferences-desktop", # Icon_General_settings_menu
+ "./tango-svg/emblem-system", # Icon_System_menu
+ "./tango-svg/media-playback-start", # Icon_Playback_menu
+ "./tango-svg/video-display", # Icon_Display_menu
+ "./tango-svg/network-receive", # Icon_Remote_Display_menu
+ "./tango-svg/network-wireless", # Icon_Radio_screen ###
+ "./tango-svg/system-file-manager", # Icon_file_view_menu
+ "./tango-svg/utilities-system-monitor", # Icon_EQ
+ "../docs/logo/rockbox-clef" # Icon_Rockbox
+my @iconlist_viewers = (
+ "./tango-svg/applications-graphics", # bmp
+ "./tango-svg/applications-multimedia", # mpeg
+ "./tango-svg/applications-other", # ch8, tap, sna, tzx, z80
+ "./tango-svg/audio-x-generic", # mp3, mid, rmi, wav
+ "./tango-svg/format-justify-left", # txt, nfo
+ "./tango-svg/text-x-generic-template", # ss
+ "./mint-x-svg/applications-games", # gb, gbc
+ "./tango-svg/image-x-generic", # jpg, jpe, jpeg
+ "./tango-svg/format-indent-more", # m3u
+ "./mint-x-svg/gnome-glchess", # pgn
+ "./tango-svg/dialog-information", # zzz
-if($#ARGV < 1) {
- print "Usage: $0 <path to iconset> <size>\n";
+my $help;
+my $do_viewers;
+my $tangopath="";
+my $size;
+my @list = @iconlist;
+my $output = "tango_icons";
+GetOptions ( 'v' => \$do_viewers,
+ 't|tango-path=s' => \$tangopath,
+ 'o|output=s' => \$output,
+ 'h|help' => \$help,
+ );
+if($#ARGV != 0 or $help) {
+ print "Usage: $0 [-v] [-t <path to iconset>] [-o <output prefix>] SIZE\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print "\t-v\tGenerate viewer icons\n";
+ print "\t-t\tPath to source of tango iconset if required\n";
+ print "\t-t\tPath to source of tango iconset if required\n";
+ print "\t-o\tUse <output prefix> instead of \"tango_icons\" for the output filename\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print "\tSIZE can be in the form of NN or NNxNN and will be used for the output filename\n";
-my $tangopath = $ARGV[0];
-my $size = $ARGV[1];
+$size = $ARGV[0];
+if ($do_viewers) {
+ $output .= "_viewers";
+ @list = @iconlist_viewers;
# temporary files
my $alphatemp = File::Temp->new(SUFFIX => ".png");
my $alphatempfname = $alphatemp->filename();
@@ -75,7 +117,7 @@
my $tempstrip = File::Temp->new(SUFFIX => ".png");
my $tempstripfname = $tempstrip->filename();
-my $newoutput = "tango_icons.$size.bmp";
+my $newoutput = "$output.$size.bmp";
if(-e $newoutput) {
die("output file $newoutput does already exist!");
@@ -85,23 +127,29 @@
my $count;
$count = 0;
-foreach(@iconlist) {
+foreach(@list) {
print "processing $_ ...\n";
my $file;
if(m/^$/) {
# if nothing is defined make it empty / transparent
my $s = $size . "x" . $size;
- `convert -size $s xc:"#f0f" $exporttempfname`
+ `convert -size $s xc:"#ff00ff" -alpha transparent $exporttempfname`
- elsif(m/\.\./) {
+ elsif(m/\./) {
# icon is inside the Rockbox tree
- $file = $_;
+ $file = $_ . ".svg";
`inkscape --export-png=$exporttempfname --export-width=$size --export-height=$size $file`
else {
# icon is inside the tango tree
+ if ($tangopath eq "") {
+ print "Path to tango sources needed but not given!\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
$file = "$tangopath/scalable/" . $_ . ".svg";
- `inkscape --export-png=$exporttempfname --export-width=$size --export-height=$size $file`
+ #~ `inkscape --export-png=$exporttempfname --export-width=$size --export-height=$size $file`
+ `cp $file tango-svg/`;
if($count != 0) {
`convert -append $tempstripfname $exporttempfname $tempstripfname`;
@@ -111,10 +159,7 @@
-print "masking and converting result ...\n";
-# create mask
-`convert $tempstripfname -alpha extract -monochrome -negate -alpha copy -colorize 0,100,0 $alphatempfname`;
-# combine mask with image and drop transparency and scale down
-`convert -composite $tempstripfname $alphatempfname -flatten -background '#f0f' -alpha off $newoutput`;
-print "done!\n";
+print "Converting result ...\n";
+`convert $tempstripfname $newoutput`;
+print "Done!\n";