| # This file defines the options for the device configuration panel |
| # Declare a section with a line containing a string inside brackets, i.e. |
| # [Some Section] |
| # Declare options within the section in the following format, one per line |
| # tag;Tag Label;[input];default |
| # tag is the skin tag represented by that option |
| # |
| # Tag Label is a human-readable label to attach to the input |
| # |
| # [input] is the type of widget that should be used for the tag, and its range |
| # if applicable. The valid forms are: |
| # check - Inserts a true/false checkbox |
| # text - Inserts a line edit box |
| # slider(min, max) - Inserts a horizontal slider with range specified |
| # spin(min, max) - Inserts a spin box with range specified |
| # fspin(min, max) - Inserts a floating point spin box with range specified |
| # combo(option1, option2...) - Inserts a combo box with the options specified |
| # |
| # default is the default value for the input |
| # |
| # Note that there aren't any provisions for escaping characters at the moment, |
| # so don't include [, ], or ; in your text, or (, ) in combo box choices |
| # |
| # Blank lines are ignored |
| # |
| # A ? at the beginning of a field indicates that it's a special value for |
| # conditionals |
| # |
| # Be warned: because this file is compiled into the application, I'm not |
| # performing much of any error checking on it: screwing up the syntax may very |
| # well segfault the application on startup |
| |
| [Rendering Info] |
| screenwidth ; Screen Width ; spin(0,800) ; 300 |
| screenheight ; Screen Height ; spin(0,800) ; 200 |
| remotewidth ; Remote Width ; spin(0,800) ; 100 |
| remoteheight ; Remote Height ; spin(0,800); 50 |
| simtime ; Simulation Time ; fspin(0, 100000) ; 60.0 |
| showviewports ; Show Viewports ; check ; false |
| rendersbs ; Render SBS If Available ; check ; true |
| rtl ; Right-To-Left Language ; check ; false |
| |
| [ID3 Info] |
| id3available ; ID3 Info Available ; check ; true |
| ia ; Artist ; text ; Current Artist |
| ic ; Composer ; text ; Current Composer |
| iA ; Album Artist ; text ; Current Album Artist |
| id ; Album Name ; text ; Current Album Name |
| iG ; Grouping ; text ; Current Grouping |
| ig ; Genre Name ; text ; Current Genre |
| in ; Track number ; spin(1,100) ; 3 |
| it ; Track Title ; text ; Current Title |
| iC ; Comment ; text ; Current Comment |
| iv ; ID3 Version ; fspin(1,2.4); 2.0 |
| iy ; Year ; spin(1000,2020) ; 2008 |
| ik ; Disk Number ; spin(1,100) ; 1 |
| |
| [Next Track ID3 Info] |
| Ia ; Next Track Artist ; text ; Next Artist |
| Ic ; Next Track Composer ; text ; Next Composer |
| IA ; Next Track Album Artist ; text ; Next Album Artist |
| Id ; Next Track Album Name ; text ; Next Album Name |
| IG ; Next Track Grouping ; text ; Next Grouping |
| Ig ; Next Track Genre Name ; text ; Next Genre |
| In ; Next Track Track number ; spin(1,100) ; 3 |
| It ; Next Track Track Title ; text ; Next Title |
| IC ; Next Track Comment ; text ; Next Comment |
| Iv ; Next Track ID3 Version ; fspin(1,2.4); 2.0 |
| Iy ; Next Track Year ; spin(1000,2020) ; 2008 |
| Ik ; Next Track Disk Number ; spin(1,100) ; 1 |
| |
| [File Info] |
| fb ; Bitrate (kbps) ; spin(1,2048) ; 256 |
| fc ; Codec ; combo(MP1, MP2, MP3, AIFF, WAV, OGG, FLAC, MPC, AC3, WV, ALAC, AAC, SHN, SID, ADX, NSF, Speex, SPC, APE, WMA) ; OGG |
| ff ; Frequency (Hz) ; spin(1,100000) ; 42000 |
| fk ; Frequency (KHz) ; fspin(1, 100) ; 42 |
| file ; File Path ; text ; /.rockbox/music/artist/album/01 - file.ogg |
| fs ; Size (KB) ; spin(1,100000) ; 3000 |
| fv ; Variable Bit Rate ; check ; true |
| |
| [Next File Info] |
| Fb ; Next File Bitrate (kbps) ; spin(1,2048) ; 256 |
| Fc ; Next File Codec ; combo(MP1, MP2, MP3, AIFF, WAV, OGG, FLAC, MPC, AC3, WV, ALAC, AAC, SHN, SID, ADX, NSF, Speex, SPC, APE, WMA) ; OGG |
| Ff ; Next File Frequency (Hz) ; spin(1,100000) ; 42000 |
| Fk ; Next File Frequency (KHz) ; fspin(1, 100) ; 42 |
| nextfile ; Next File Path ; text ; /.rockbox/music/artist/album/02 - nextfile.ogg |
| Fs ; Next File Size (KB) ; spin(1,100000) ; 3000 |
| Fv ; Next File Variable Bit Rate ; check ; true |
| |
| [Playlist/Song Info] |
| ?pc ; Time In Song (Seconds) ; fspin(0,5000) ; 60 |
| pe ; Playlist Entries ; spin(0,1000) ; 20 |
| pn ; Playlist Name ; text ; Current Playlist |
| pp ; Playlist Position ; spin(0,1000) ; 10 |
| ps ; Shuffle ; check ; true |
| ?pt ; Total Track Time ; spin(0,1000) ; 180 |
| Sp ; Playback Pitch ; fspin(50,200) ; 100 |
| rp ; Song Playcount ; spin(0,10000) ; 20 |
| rr ; Song Rating ; spin(0,10) ; 5 |
| ra ; Autoscore ; spin(0,10) ; 7 |
| ?C ; Album Art Available ; check ; true |
| artwidth ; Album Art Width ; spin(0,500) ; 100 |
| artheight; Album Art Height ; spin(0,500) ; 100 |
| |
| [Hardware Status] |
| pv ; Current Volume (dB) ; spin(-100,100) ; 0 |
| ?pv ; Current Volume (Conditional) ; combo(Mute, Below 0 dB, 0 dB, Above 0 dB) ; 0 dB |
| bl ; Battery Level (-1 for unknown) ; spin(-1,100) ; 50 |
| bv ; Battery Volts ; spin(0,20) ; 5 |
| bt ; Time Left (-1 for unknown) ; spin(-1,500); 100 |
| bp ; Charger Connected ; check ; true |
| bc ; Charging ; check ; false |
| bs ; Sleep Time Left ; spin(0,500) ; 100 |
| mh ; Hold Switch ; check ; true |
| mr ; Remote Hold Switch ; check ; false |
| lh ; Hard Disk Activity ; check ; true |
| |
| [Playback Status] |
| rg ; Replaygain Value (dB) ; fspin(-100,20) ; 0 |
| ?rg ; Replaygain Status (Conditional) ; combo(Off, Track, Album, TrackShuffle, AlbumShuffle, No Tag) ; Off |
| mm ; Repeat Mode ; combo(Off, All, One, Shuffle, A-B) ; All |
| mp ; Playback Mode ; combo(Stop, Play, Pause, Fast Forward, Rewind, Recording, Recording Paused, FM Radio Playing, FM Radio Muted) ; Play |
| xf ; Crossfade Type ; combo(Off, Automatic Track Skip Only, Shuffle, Shuffle or Manual Track Skip, Always) ; Always |
| |
| [Clock] |
| cc ; Has Realtime Clock ; check ; true |
| cf ; 24 Hour Format ; check ; true |
| cY ; Year ; spin(1500,2100) ; 2010 |
| cm ; Month ; combo(January, February, March, April, May, Jun, July, August, September, October, November, December) ; January |
| day ; Day of Month ; spin(1,31) ; 20 |
| ?cw ; Day of Week ; combo(Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday) ; Tuesday |
| hour ; Hour (24h) ; spin(0, 23) ; 12 |
| minute ; Minute ; spin(0, 59) ; 25 |
| second ; Second ; spin(0, 59) ; 20 |
| |
| [Recording Status] |
| Rp ; Target Has Recorder ; check ; false |
| Rm ; Recording in Mono ; check ; true |
| Rf ; Recording frequency ; combo(8,11,12,16,22,24,32,44,48,85,88,96) ; 44 |
| Re ; Encoder Being Used ; combo(WAV, AIFF, WV, MP3) ; WAV |
| Rb ; Bitrate ; combo(8,16,24,32,40,48,56,64,80,96,112,128,144,160,192) ; 160 |
| |
| [FM Radio] |
| tp ; Target Has Radio ; check ; false |
| tt ; Tuner Tuned ; check ; true |
| tm ; Scan Mode ; check ; true |
| ts ; Stereo ; check ; true |
| ta ; Minimum Frequency (Two Decimal Digits) ; text ; 9.3 |
| tb ; Maximum Frequency (Two Decimal Digits) ; text ; 9.4 |
| tf ; Current Frequency (Two Decimal Digits) ; text ; 9.3 |
| Ti ; Current Preset ; spin(1,100) ; 4 |
| Tn ; Current Preset Name ; text ; Current Preset |
| Tf ; Current Preset Frequency ; text ; 9.3 |
| Tc ; Preset Count ; spin(0,100) ; 10 |
| tx ; Has RDS ; check ; true |
| ty ; RDS Name ; text ; Current RDS Name |
| tz ; RDS Text ; text ; Current RDS Text |
| |
| [Misc.] |
| mv ; Volume Changing ; check ; false |
| cs ; Current Screen ; combo(Menus, WPS, Recording Screen, FM Radio Screen, Current Playlist Screen) ; WPS |
| Lt ; List Title ; text ; Current List Title |
| Li ; Title Icon ; spin(0,200) ; 2 |