| % $Id$ % |
| |
| \opt{ipodvideo}{\newcommand{\bootloaderfile}{bootloader-ipodvideo.ipod}}% |
| \opt{ipodmini}{\newcommand{\bootloaderfile}{bootloader-ipodmini.ipod}}% |
| \opt{ipodnano}{\newcommand{\bootloaderfile}{bootloader-ipodnano.ipod}}% |
| \opt{ipodcolor}{\newcommand{\bootloaderfile}{bootloader-ipodcolor.ipod}}% |
| \opt{ipod4g}{\newcommand{\bootloaderfile}{bootloader-ipod4g.ipod}}% |
| \opt{ipod3g}{\newcommand{\bootloaderfile}{bootloader-ipod3g.ipod}}% |
| % |
| \opt{ipodnano}{\warn{If your Nano has a stainless steel back and plastic front |
| it is a 1st generation and is compatible with Rockbox. If, on the other hand, |
| your Nano has a one-piece aluminum body it is a 2nd generation Nano and there |
| is currently no Rockbox port available. Do not attempt to install the |
| bootloader on a 2nd generation Nano}} |
| |
| In order to make your Ipod load and execute the Rockbox firmware you have just |
| installed, you will need to install the Rockbox bootloader. Unless bugs are |
| found in the bootloader code, or significant new feature are added, you will |
| only have to perform this step once. |
| |
| The following instructions refer to the ``installation folder.'' For Windows |
| users, the ``installation folder'' is a folder in the root (top-level) of the C: |
| drive called \fname{\textbackslash{}rockbox} (you will obviously need to create |
| this folder yourself). For Mac OS X and Linux users, the ``installation |
| folder'' is assumed to be the Desktop folder. Note that the bootloader |
| installation files should be saved onto your computer's hard disk, \emph{not} on |
| your Ipod. |
| |
| \begin{enumerate} |
| |
| \item First, download the \fname{ipodpatcher} tool to your installation |
| folder. You can download the \fname{ipodpatcher} tool for your operating |
| system at \download{bootloader/ipod/ipodpatcher/}. |
| |
| \item Next, download the following file to the installation folder: |
| |
| \download{bootloader/ipod/\bootloaderfile} |
| \opt{ipodmini}{% |
| or \download{bootloader/ipod/bootloader-ipodmini2g.ipod} |
| depending on which generation your \dap{} is. |
| The following page describes the differences between the two |
| generations of the \dap{}: |
| \url{http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=300850}. |
| } |
| |
| \item Next, open a command prompt (Windows) or terminal window (Mac OSX and Linux). |
| |
| Windows users will perform this and the following steps from the Windows |
| command prompt. To start a command prompt, click \fname{start}, and then |
| click \fname{Run...}. Type ``cmd'' and press \fname{Enter}. Navigate |
| to the installation directory by typing the following command: |
| |
| \begin{code} |
| cd \textbackslash{}rockbox |
| \end{code} |
| |
| Mac OS X and Linux/Unix users will perform these steps from the Terminal. |
| Start a new terminal window and navigate to the Desktop folder (type cd |
| Desktop into the terminal and press enter). You then need to ensure that the |
| ipodpatcher program is ``executable'' by typing the command chmod +x |
| ipodpatcher and then pressing \fname{Enter}. |
| |
| \item Connect your Ipod to your computer. |
| |
| If you haven't already done so, you should now plug your Ipod into your |
| computer (via either the USB or Firewire cable). |
| |
| \fixme{Notes about closing itunes, enabling the ``show ipod as disk'' option |
| in ipod, anything else?} |
| |
| \item Find your Ipod with ipodpatcher (Windows and Linux users only) |
| |
| Type the following command to search for Ipods attached to |
| your computer: |
| \begin{code} |
| ipodpatcher --scan |
| \end{code} |
| |
| Windows users: when ipodpatcher finds your Ipod, remember the number it displays after the |
| words ``disk device''- this will be the number you use to access your Ipod |
| in the following steps. So, for example, if ipodpatcher displays ``disk |
| device 1'' you will use the number 1 in the commands described below. |
| |
| Linux users: you will receive something similar to /dev/sda, and will use that |
| in the commands described below. |
| |
| \note{Windows users require administrator rights for running ipodpatcher. |
| Either re-login as administrator, or open a command prompt running under an |
| administrator account by using one of the "Run as" features of Windows XP.} |
| |
| \item Find your Ipod (Mac OS X users only) |
| |
| Attach your Ipod to your Mac (using either USB or Firewire) and wait for |
| iTunes to open. When iTunes opens, close it down. In your Terminal window, |
| type the command mount and press enter. This will list all the disks (and |
| other devices) that are "mounted" on your computer. The last drive in the |
| list should be your Ipod. For example: |
| \begin{code} |
| /dev/disk1s2 on /Volumes/DAVE_S IPOD 1 (local, nodev, nosuid) |
| \end{code} |
| |
| In order to install the ipod bootloader, you need to ``unmount'' this disk |
| using the following command: |
| \begin{code} |
| diskutil unmount /dev/disk1s2 |
| \end{code} |
| |
| replacing ``/dev/disk1s2'' with the device name Mac OS has assigned to your |
| Ipod. This may take a few seconds, after which Mac OS will say ``Volume |
| /dev/disk1s2 unmounted.'' ``/dev/disk1s2'' refers to the second partition on |
| /dev/disk1 - remember ``/dev/disk1'' for the next step. |
| |
| It's possible that itunes will try to be ``helpful'' and remount your Ipod |
| after you modify it with ipodpatcher. If this happens, you need to unmount |
| it again using the above command. |
| |
| \item Create a backup of your Ipod's firmware partition |
| |
| Type the following command, replacing ``N'' with the number (for |
| Windows users) or the device name (Mac OS X and Unix users) assigned to |
| your Ipod that you identified in the previous step: |
| \begin{code} |
| ipodpatcher N -r bootpartition.bin (Windows) |
| \end{code} |
| or |
| \begin{code} |
| ./ipodpatcher N -r bootpartition.bin (Mac OS X/Unix) |
| \end{code} |
| |
| This should create a file in the current folder called |
| \fname{bootpartition.bin} (approximately 40MB for the iPod 3G, 4G and |
| Color/Photo, 80MB for the Nano 1st gen and 30GB Video, and 112MB for the |
| 60GB Video) containing a copy of the ``firmware partition'' from your Ipod. |
| |
| If it ever becomes necessary (for example, if your Ipod refuses to start), |
| you can restore this backup to your Ipod using the command ipodpatcher N -w |
| bootpartition.bin (Windows) or ./ipodpatcher N -w bootpartition.bin (Mac OS |
| X/Unix). |
| |
| \opt{ipodmini}{ |
| \note{Ipod Mini 2g users need to replace ``1g'' with ``2g'' in the |
| following commands.} |
| } |
| |
| \item Install the bootloader. |
| Windows users should now type: |
| \begin{code} |
| ipodpatcher N -a \bootloaderfile |
| \end{code} |
| % |
| |
| and Mac OS X/Unix users should type: |
| |
| \begin{code} |
| ./ipodpatcher N -a \bootloaderfile |
| \end{code} |
| |
| Replace N with the number (Windows users) or device name (Mac OS X/Unix |
| users) you've been using to access your Ipod. |
| |
| You can now disconnect your Ipod from your computer in the normal way. This |
| should cause your Ipod to reboot and start Rockbox. |
| |
| \note{If your Ipod displays the message ``Error: -1,'' you have either |
| neglected to install a Rockbox build as described in the preceding section, |
| or you have extracted the contents of the \fname{.zip} file to some |
| directory other than the the root directory of your Ipod. To fix this |
| error, following the directions in the preceding section for downloading and |
| installing a Daily Build.} |
| |
| \end{enumerate} |