blob: b9686119c07f6cf8f55a643bd6974714715944e5 [file] [log] [blame]
* __________ __ ___.
* Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
* Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
* Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
* Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
* \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
* $Id$
* Copyright (C) 2002 by Heikki Hannikainen, Uwe Freese
* All files in this archive are subject to the GNU General Public License.
* See the file COPYING in the source tree root for full license agreement.
* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
* KIND, either express or implied.
#ifndef _POWERMGMT_H_
#define _POWERMGMT_H_
#define BATTERY_LEVEL_SHUTDOWN 450 /* 4.5V */
#define BATTERY_LEVEL_EMPTY 465 /* 4.65V */
#define BATTERY_LEVEL_DANGEROUS 475 /* 4.75V */
#define BATTERY_LEVEL_FULL 585 /* 5.85V */
#define BATTERY_CAPACITY_MAX 2400 /* max. capacity that can be selected in settings menu, min. is always 1500 */
#define POWER_HISTORY_LEN 2*60 /* 2 hours of samples, one per minute */
#define POWER_AVG_N 4 /* how many samples to take for each measurement */
#define POWER_AVG_SLEEP 9 /* how long do we sleep between each measurement */
#define CHARGE_END_NEGD 6 /* stop when N minutes have passed with
* avg delta being < -0.05 V */
#define CHARGE_END_ZEROD 50 /* stop when N minutes have passed with
* avg delta being < 0.005 V */
#define POWER_MESSAGE_LEN 32 /* power thread status message */
#define CHARGE_MAX_TIME_1500 450 /* minutes: maximum charging time for 1500 mAh batteries */
/* actual max time depends also on BATTERY_CAPACITY! */
#define CHARGE_MIN_TIME 10 /* minutes: minimum charging time */
#define CHARGE_RESTART_HI 85 /* %: when to restart charging in 'charge' mode */
/* attention: if set too high, normal charging is started in trickle mode */
#define CHARGE_RESTART_LO 10 /* %: when to restart charging in 'discharge' mode */
#define CHARGE_PAUSE_LEN 60 /* how many minutes to pause between charging cycles */
#define TOPOFF_MAX_TIME 90 /* After charging, go to top off charge. How long should top off charge be? */
#define TOPOFF_VOLTAGE 565 /* which voltage is best? (centivolts) */
#define TRICKLE_MAX_TIME 12*60 /* After top off charge, go to trickle charge. How long should trickle charge be? */
#define TRICKLE_VOLTAGE 545 /* which voltage is best? (centivolts) */
extern char power_message[POWER_MESSAGE_LEN];
extern char charge_restart_level;
extern int powermgmt_last_cycle_startstop_min; /* how many minutes ago was the charging started or stopped? */
extern int powermgmt_last_cycle_level; /* which level had the batteries at this time? */
extern int battery_lazyness[20]; /* how does the battery react when plugging in/out the charger */
void enable_trickle_charge(bool on);
extern int trickle_sec; /* trickle charge: How many seconds per minute are we charging actually? */
extern int charge_state; /* tells what the charger is doing (for info display): 0: decharging/charger off, 1: charge, 2: top-off, 3: trickle */
#endif /* HAVE_CHARGE_CTRL */
#define CURRENT_NORMAL 145 /* usual current in mA when using the AJB including some disk/backlight/... activity */
#define CURRENT_BACKLIGHT 30 /* additional current when backlight is always on */
#define CURRENT_CHARGING 300 /* charging current */
extern unsigned short power_history[POWER_HISTORY_LEN];
/* Start up power management thread */
void power_init(void);
#endif /* SIMULATOR */
/* Returns battery level in percent */
int battery_level(void);
int battery_time(void); /* minutes */
/* Tells if the battery level is safe for disk writes */
bool battery_level_safe(void);
void set_poweroff_timeout(int timeout);
void set_battery_capacity(int capacity); /* set local battery capacity value */
void set_sleep_timer(int seconds);
int get_sleep_timer(void);