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\section{\label{ref:tagcache}Tag Cache}
Tag Cache is the Rockbox music database system. Using the information
contained in the tags (ID3v1, ID3v2, Vorbis Comments, Apev2, etc.) in your
audio files, Rockbox builds and maintains a database of the music files on
your player and allows you to browse them by Artist, Album and Genre.
\subsection{Initializing the Tag Cache}
Before you use the Tag Cache for the first time, you must initialize it by using
the \setting{Initialize Now} function in the \setting{Tag Cache Menu}, which is
described in the following section.
\subsection{\label{ref:tagcachemenu}The Tag Cache Menu}
\item[Load To Ram: ]
The Tag Cache database can either be kept on disk (to save memory), or
loaded into RAM (for fast browsing). Setting this to \setting{Yes} loads
the tagcache to RAM, allowing faster browsing and searching. Setting this
option to \setting{No} keeps the tagcache on the disk, meaning slower
browsing but it does not use extra RAM and saves some battery on boot up.
\note{If you use TagCache frequently, you should load to RAM, as this
will reduce the overall battery consumption because the disk will not
need to spin on each search.}
\item[Auto Update: ]
If \setting{Auto update} is set to \setting{on}, each time the play
boots, Tag Cache will automatically do everything that the
\setting{Update now} setting does. Note that the \setting{Auto
Update} will only check for deleted files if the Directory Cache
(\setting{General Settings $\rightarrow$ System $\rightarrow$
Disk $\rightarrow$ Directory Cache}) is enabled.
"Update now" includes that check whether dircache has been enabled or not.
\item[Initialize Now: ]
Before you use the Tag Cache for the first time, you must initialize it by
using the \setting{Initialize Now} function in the \setting{Tag Cache
Menu}. \setting{Initialize Now} removes all database files (removing
runtimedb data also) and rebuilds the database from scratch. This takes
approximately 5 to 10 minutes, and may require a restart to allow the
files to be committed to the cache.
The Tag Cache initialization happens in the background, so you can continue
to listen to music while the Tag Cache is being initialized. If you shut
down your player during initialization, the database building process will
continue next time you turn it on.
\item[Update Now: ]
\setting{Update now} causes Tag Cache to detect new and deleted files
Note that unlike the \setting{Auto Update} function, \setting{Update Now}
will update the database regardless of whether the \setting{Directory Cache}
is enabled. Thus, an update using \setting{Update now} may take a long
time. Unlike \setting{Initialize Now}, the \setting{Update Now} function
does not remove runtime database information.
\item[Gather Runtime Data (Experimental): ]
When enabled, this option allows the most played, unplayed and most recently
played tracks to be logged and scored.
\item[Export modifications: ]
This allows for the runtime data to be exported into
\fname{/.rockbox/tagcache\_changelog.txt}, which backs up the runtime data in
ASCII format. This is needed when Tag Cache structures change, because new
code cannot read old Tag Cache database code. But, all modifications
exported to ASCII format should be readable by all Tag Cache versions.
\item[Import modifications: ]
Allows the \fname{/.rockbox/tagcache\_changelog.txt} backup to be
conveniently loaded into the Tag Cache. This is performed automatically when
the Tag Cache is initialized.
\subsection{Using the Tag Cache}
Once the Tag Cache has been initialized, you can browse your music by Artist,
Album, Genre and Song Name. To use the Tag Cache, change the
\setting{Show Files} show mode by changing the \setting{General Settings
$\rightarrow$ File View $\rightarrow$ Show files} option to
\setting{ID3 database}. This disables the \setting{File Browser} and instead
allows you to view files using the information in the Tag Cache database.\\
\note{You may need to increase the value of the \setting{Max files in dir
browser} setting (\setting{General Settings $\rightarrow$ System $\rightarrow$
Limits}) in order to view long lists of tracks in the ID3 database browser.\\
There is no option to turn off Tag Cache completely. If you do not want
to use it just don't do the initial build of the database and do not load it
to RAM.}
Supported Tags & Unsupported Tags \\
Artist & Comment \\
Album & Performer\\
Bitrate & \\
Composer & \\
Genre & \\
Length & \\
Title & \\
Track Number & \\