blob: 4073e069af244966e301af596e8cbcab8cdb626e [file] [log] [blame]
Docker build client
This directory builds a Docker container image for a Rockbox build
client with all toolchains except android.
There is a pre-built client available as built1n/rbclient on Docker
Hub if you would like to avoid having to build all the toolchains. See
below for how to pull and run it.
Building from scratch
1. Make sure you have Docker installed and running (i.e. `systemctl
start docker').
2. Build the image:
docker build . -t myclient
This will build the image and tag it as `myclient.' The build process
can take several hours, as it downloads and compiles every Rockbox
toolchain. Fortunately, Docker will cache intermediate images, saving
you work if you must rebuild.
3. Run your image:
docker run -e USER=your username -e PASS=anything -e NAME=clientname \
This will spin up a build image container in the background.
You can also run a bash shell interactively by issuing:
docker run -it myclient bash
This will drop you into a fully-equipped Rockbox development
Prebuilt image
docker pull built1n/rbclient
This will download a pre-built image from Docker Hub (fairly large,
will take some time). You can then use all the commands above, with
`myclient' replaced with `built1n/rbclient'.