blob: c7c1289183d3274406ec2108f1e979b9c002db74 [file] [log] [blame]
* __________ __ ___.
* Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
* Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
* Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
* Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
* \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
* $Id: tag_table.c 26346 2010-05-28 02:30:27Z jdgordon $
* Copyright (C) 2010 Jonathan Gordon
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
* KIND, either express or implied.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "symbols.h"
#include "skin_parser.h"
#include "tag_table.h"
#include "skin_structs.h"
typedef int (tag_handler)(struct skin *skin, struct skin_element* element, bool size_only);
int handle_translate_string(struct skin *skin, struct skin_element* element, bool size_only)
return 0;
int handle_this_or_next_track(struct skin *skin, struct skin_element* element, bool size_only)
if (element->tag->type == SKIN_TOKEN_FILE_DIRECTORY)
if (element->params_count != 1 || element->params[0].type_code != NUMERIC)
return -1;
//token->value.i = element->params[0].data.numeric;
return 0;
int handle_bar(struct skin *skin, struct skin_element* element, bool size_only)
struct progressbar bar;
/* %bar with no params is different for each one so handle that! */
if (element->params_count == 0)
if (size_only)
if (element->tag->type == SKIN_TOKEN_PROGRESSBAR)
return sizeof(struct progressbar);
return 0;
if (size_only)
return sizeof(struct progressbar);
return 0;
struct tag_handler_table {
enum skin_token_type type;
int flags;
tag_handler *func;
#define EAT_LINE_ENDING 0x01
struct tag_handler_table table[] = {
/* file tags */
{ SKIN_TOKEN_FILE_BITRATE , 0, handle_this_or_next_track },
{ SKIN_TOKEN_FILE_CODEC , 0, handle_this_or_next_track },
{ SKIN_TOKEN_FILE_FREQUENCY , 0, handle_this_or_next_track },
{ SKIN_TOKEN_FILE_FREQUENCY_KHZ , 0, handle_this_or_next_track },
{ SKIN_TOKEN_FILE_NAME_WITH_EXTENSION , 0, handle_this_or_next_track },
{ SKIN_TOKEN_FILE_NAME , 0, handle_this_or_next_track },
{ SKIN_TOKEN_FILE_PATH , 0, handle_this_or_next_track },
{ SKIN_TOKEN_FILE_SIZE , 0, handle_this_or_next_track },
{ SKIN_TOKEN_FILE_VBR , 0, handle_this_or_next_track },
{ SKIN_TOKEN_FILE_DIRECTORY , 0, handle_this_or_next_track },
/* track metadata */
{ SKIN_TOKEN_METADATA_ARTIST , 0, handle_this_or_next_track },
{ SKIN_TOKEN_METADATA_COMPOSER , 0, handle_this_or_next_track },
{ SKIN_TOKEN_METADATA_ALBUM , 0, handle_this_or_next_track },
{ SKIN_TOKEN_METADATA_ALBUM_ARTIST , 0, handle_this_or_next_track },
{ SKIN_TOKEN_METADATA_GROUPING , 0, handle_this_or_next_track },
{ SKIN_TOKEN_METADATA_GENRE , 0, handle_this_or_next_track },
{ SKIN_TOKEN_METADATA_DISC_NUMBER , 0, handle_this_or_next_track },
{ SKIN_TOKEN_METADATA_TRACK_NUMBER , 0, handle_this_or_next_track },
{ SKIN_TOKEN_METADATA_TRACK_TITLE , 0, handle_this_or_next_track },
{ SKIN_TOKEN_METADATA_VERSION , 0, handle_this_or_next_track },
{ SKIN_TOKEN_METADATA_YEAR , 0, handle_this_or_next_track },
{ SKIN_TOKEN_METADATA_COMMENT , 0, handle_this_or_next_track },
/* misc */
{ SKIN_TOKEN_TRANSLATEDSTRING, 0, handle_translate_string},
int handle_tree(struct skin *skin, struct skin_element* tree, struct line *line)
/* for later.. do this in two steps
* 1) count how much skin buffer is needed
* 2) do the actual tree->skin conversion
struct skin_element* element = tree;
struct line *current_line = line;
int counter;
while (element)
if (element->type == VIEWPORT)
struct skin_element *next;
/* parse the viewport */
/* if the next element is a LINE we need to set it to eat the line ending */
next = element->children[0];
if (element->tag && next->type == LINE &&
element->line == next->line)
struct line *newline = (struct line*)skin_alloc(sizeof(struct line));
newline->update_mode = 0;
newline->eat_line_ending = true;
next->data = newline;
else if (element->type == LINE && !element->data)
struct line *line = (struct line*)skin_alloc(sizeof(struct line));
line->update_mode = 0;
line->eat_line_ending = false;
element->data = line;
current_line = line;
else if (element->type == SUBLINES)
struct subline *subline = skin_alloc(sizeof(struct subline));
subline->current_line = -1;
subline->last_change_tick = 0;
element->data = subline;
else if (element->type == CONDITIONAL)
struct conditional *cond = skin_alloc(sizeof(struct conditional));
cond->last_value = element->children_count;
element->data = cond;
else if (element->type == TAG)
int i;
if (table[i].type == element->tag->type)
if (table[i].func)
table[i].func(skin, element, false);
if (table[i].flags&EAT_LINE_ENDING)
line->eat_line_ending = true;
else if (element->type == TEXT)
/* handle */
counter = 0;
while (counter < element->children_count)
int ret = handle_tree(skin, element->children[counter], current_line);
/* *probably* set current_line to NULL here */
element = element->next;
return 0;