| % $Id:$ % |
| \section{\label{ref:working_with_playlists}Working with Playlists} |
| \fixme{This section is currently in a half written state, with possible errors |
| and a lot of stuff missing. Please help us fix this chapter by submitting |
| additions/corrections to the tracker} |
| |
| \subsection{Playlist terminology} |
| Some common terms that are used in Rockbox when referring to |
| playlists: |
| |
| \begin{description} |
| \item[Directory.] A playlist! One of the keys to getting the most out of |
| Rockbox is understanding that Rockbox \emph{always} considers the song that |
| it is playing to be part of a playlist, and in some situations, Rockbox will |
| create a playlist automatically. For example, if you are playing the |
| contents of a directory, Rockbox will automatically create a playlist |
| containing the songs in that directory. This means that just about anything |
| that is described in this chapter with respect to playlists also applies to |
| directories. |
| |
| \item[Dynamic playlist.] A dynamic playlist is a playlist that is created |
| ``On the fly.'' Any time you insert or queue tracks using the |
| \setting{Playlist submenu} (see \reference{ref:playlist_submenu}), you are |
| creating (or adding to) a dynamic playlist. |
| |
| \item[Insert.] In Rockbox, to \setting{Insert} an item into a playlist means |
| putting an item into a playlist and leaving it there, even after it is |
| played. As you will see later in this chapter, Rockbox can \setting{Insert} |
| into a playlist in several places. |
| |
| \item[Queue.] In Rockbox, to \setting{Queue} a song means to put the song |
| into a playlist and then to remove the song from the playlist once it has |
| been played. The only difference between \setting{Insert} and |
| \setting{Queue} is that the \setting{Queue} option removes the song from the |
| playlist once it has been played, and the \setting{Insert} option does not. |
| \end{description} |
| |
| \subsection{Creating playlists} |
| |
| Rockbox can create playlists in four different ways. |
| |
| \subsubsection{By selecting (``playing'') a song from the File Browser} |
| Whenever a song is selected from the \setting{File Browser} with |
| \ActionTreeEnter, Rockbox will automatically create a playlist containing |
| all of the songs in that directory and start playback with the selected |
| song. |
| |
| \note{If you already have created a dynamic playlist, playing a new |
| song will \emph{erase} the current dynamic playlist and create a new one. |
| If you want to add a song to the current playlist |
| rather than erasing the current |
| playlist, see the section below on how to add music to a playlist.} |
| |
| \subsubsection{By using Insert and Queue functions} |
| If playback is stopped, the \setting{Insert} and \setting{Queue} functions |
| can be used as described in \ref{ref:playlist_submenu} |
| to create a new playlist instead of adding to an existing one. |
| This will \emph{erase} any dynamic playlist. |
| |
| \subsubsection{By using the Playlist catalog} |
| The \setting{Playlist catalog} makes it possible to modify and create playlists |
| that are not currently playing. To do this select \setting{Playlist catalog} |
| in the \setting{File Menu}. There you will have two choices, |
| \setting{Add to playlist} adds the selected track or directory to an existing |
| playlist and \setting{Add to a new playlist} creates a new playlist containing |
| the selected track or directory. |
| |
| \note{All playlists in the \setting{Playlist catalog} are stored in the |
| \fname{/Playlists} directory in the root of your \daps{} harddisk and |
| playlists stored in other locations are not included in the catalog. It is |
| however possible to move existing playlists there (see |
| \reference{ref:Filemenu}).} |
| |
| \subsubsection{By using the Main Menu} |
| To create a playlist containing all music on your \dap{}, you can use the |
| \setting{Create Playlist} command in the \setting{Playlist Options} menu found |
| in the \setting{Main Menu}. The created playlist will be named |
| \fname{root.m3u} and saved in the root of your \daps{} harddisk. |
| |
| \subsection{Adding music to playlists} |
| |
| \subsubsection{\label{ref:playlist_submenu}Adding music to a dynamic playlist} |
| \screenshot{rockbox_interface/images/ss-playlist-menu}{The Playlist Submenu}{} |
| The \setting{Playlist Submenu} allows you to put tracks into a |
| ``dynamic playlist''. If there is no music currently playing, Rockbox will |
| create a new dynamic playlist and put the selected track(s) into it. |
| If there is music currently playing, Rockbox will put the |
| selected track(s) into the current playlist. The place in which the newly |
| selected tracks are added to the playlist is determined by the following |
| options: |
| |
| \begin{description} |
| \item [Insert.] Add track(s) immediately after any tracks added via the most |
| recent \setting{Insert} operation. If no tracks have yet been added via an |
| \setting{Insert}, new tracks will be added immediately after the current |
| playing track. If playback is stopped a new dynamic playlist will get |
| created with the selected tracks. |
| |
| \item [Insert next.] Add track(s) immediately after current playing |
| track, no matter what else has been inserted. |
| |
| \item [Insert last.] Add track(s) to end of playlist. |
| |
| \item [Queue.] Queue is the same as Insert except queued tracks are |
| deleted immediately from the playlist after they've been played. Also, |
| queued tracks are not saved to the playlist file (see |
| \reference{ref:playlistoptions}). |
| |
| \item [Queue next.] Queue track(s) immediately after current playing track. |
| |
| \item [Queue last.] Queue track(s) at end of playlist. |
| |
| \item [Play next.] Replaces all but the current playing track with track(s). |
| Current playing track is queued. |
| \end{description} |
| |
| The \setting{Playlist Submenu} can be used to add either single tracks or |
| entire directories to a playlist. If the \setting{Playlist Submenu} is |
| invoked on a single track, it will put only that track into the playlist. |
| On the other hand, if the \setting{Playlist Submenu} is invoked on a |
| directory, Rockbox adds all of the tracks in that directory to the |
| playlist. |
| |
| \note{You can control whether or not Rockbox includes the contents of |
| sub-directories when adding an entire directory to a playlists. Set the |
| \setting{Settings $\rightarrow$ General Settings $\rightarrow$ Playlist |
| $\rightarrow$ Recursively Insert Directories} setting to \setting{Yes} if |
| you would like Rockbox to include tracks in sub-directories as well as tracks |
| in the currently-selected directory.} |
| |
| Dynamic playlists are saved so resume will restore them exactly as they |
| were before shutdown. |
| |
| \note{To view, save or reshuffle the current dynamic playlist use the |
| \setting{Playlist} sub menu in the WPS context menu or in the |
| \setting{Main Menu}.} |
| |
| \subsection{Modifying playlists} |
| \subsubsection{Reshuffeling} |
| Reshuffeling the current playlist is easily done from the \setting{Playlist} |
| sub menu in the WPS, just select \setting{Reshuffle}. |
| |
| \subsubsection{Moving and removing tracks} |
| To move or remove a track from the current playlist enter the |
| \setting{Playlist Viewer} by selecting \setting{View Current Playlist} in the |
| \setting{Playlist} submenu in the WPS context menu or the \setting{Main Menu}. |
| Once in the \setting{Playlist Viewer} open the context menu on the track you |
| want to move or remove. If you want to move the track, select \setting{Move} in |
| the context menu and then move the blinking cursor to the place where you want |
| the track to be moved and confirm with \ActionStdOk. To remove a track, simply |
| select \setting{Remove} in the context menu. |
| |
| \subsection{Saving playlists} |
| To save the current playlist either enter the \setting{Playlist} submenu |
| in the \setting{WPS Context Menu} (see \reference{sec:contextmenu}) and |
| select \setting{Save Current Playlist} or enter the |
| \setting{Playlist Options} menu in the \setting{Main Menu} and select |
| \setting{Save Current Playlist}. |
| Either method will bring you to the \setting{Virtual Keyboard} (see |
| \reference{sec:virtual_keyboard}), enter a filename for your playlist and |
| accept it and you're done. |
| |
| \subsection{Loading saved playlists} |
| \subsubsection{Through the \setting{File Browser}} |
| Playlist files, like regular music tracks, can be selected through the |
| \setting{File Browser}. When loading a playlist from disk it will replace |
| the current dynamic playlist. |
| |
| \subsubsection{Through the \setting{Playlist catalog}} |
| The \setting{Playlist catalog} offers a shortcut to all playlists in your |
| \daps{} harddisk root folder called \fname{/Playlists}. |
| It can be used like the \setting{File Browser}. |
| |
| \subsection{Helpful Hints} |
| |
| \subsubsection{Including sub-directories in playlists} |
| You can control whether or not Rockbox includes the contents of |
| sub-directories when adding an entire directory to a playlists. |
| Set the \setting{Main Menu $\rightarrow$ Settings $\rightarrow$ Playlist |
| $\rightarrow$ Recursively Insert Directories} setting to \setting{Yes} if you |
| would like to include tracks in sub-directories as well as tracks in the |
| currently selected directory. |