Fixes sundry problems with the WPS bundling script. For best results, delete your .rocbox/wps and ./rockbox/themes dirs before upgrading. Note that within CVS, no distinction is made any more between a .wps and .rwps, that's all fixed up at make zip stage. wpses are now all named with a .<width>x<height>x<depth> suffix and the appropriate ones for the platform are installed. Text wpses have a .txt suffix.
git-svn-id: svn:// a1c6a512-1295-4272-9138-f99709370657
diff --git a/wps/marquee.160x128x1.wps b/wps/marquee.160x128x1.wps
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3bd0e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wps/marquee.160x128x1.wps
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Marquee full information WPS, with Rockbox status bar
+# for use with Chicago12 font
+%ac %?pn<%t10%s%pn|%?ia<%s%ia|%s%d2>> ;%ac %?pn<%?ia<%t10%s%ia|%t10%s%d2>|%t0>
+%ac %s%?id<%id|%d1>%?iy< (%iy)|>
+%ac %s%?it<%it|%fn>
+%al %pc%ac%pp/%pe%ar%pt
+%t5%ac%fb %fc %?fv<vbr|>;%t5%ac%s genre: %?ig<%ig|unknown> ;%t10%ac%s %?It<up: %It/|%?Fn<up: %Fn/|%fb%fc%?fv<vbr|>>>%?Id<%Id|%D1>