blob: c31b54ebd06ba19d87187bce344866fd43011c51 [file] [log] [blame]
#parse test codec output files and give wiki formatted results.
if(scalar(@ARGV) != 2 && scalar(@ARGV) != 1){
print "Usage: new_results old_results (compares two results)\n".
" new_results (formats just one result)\n";
my %newfile;
#open new benchmark file
open FILE, $ARGV[0];
while ($line = <FILE>){
chomp $line;
#print $filename."\n";
$line = <FILE>;
$line = <FILE>;
$line =~ m/-\s([0-9\.]*)s/;
$decodetime = $1;
$line = <FILE>;
$line = <FILE>;
$line =~ m/([0-9\.]*)\%/;
$realtime = $1;
$line = <FILE>;
$line =~ m/([0-9\.]*)MHz/;
#consume blank line
$line = <FILE>;
#store in hash
$newfile{$filename} = [$realtime, $mhz, $decodetime];
#| flac_5.flac | 175906 of 175906 | Decode time - 27.74s | File duration - 175.90s | 634.10% realtime | 12.61MHz |
#print "| $filename | Decode time - $decodetime"."s | $realtime"."% realtime | $mhz"."MHz |\n";
#print "$filename\t$realtime\t$mhz\n";
#open old benchmark file
my %oldfile;
open FILE, $ARGV[1];
while ($line = <FILE>){
chomp $line;
#print $filename."\n";
$line = <FILE>;
$line = <FILE>;
$line =~ m/-\s([0-9\.]*)s/;
$decodetime = $1;
$line = <FILE>;
$line = <FILE>;
$line =~ m/([0-9\.]*)\%/;
$realtime = $1;
$line = <FILE>;
$line =~ m/([0-9\.]*)MHz/;
#consume blank line
$line = <FILE>;
#store in hash
$oldfile{$filename} = [$realtime, $mhz, $decodetime];
my @keylist;
@keylist = sort {$a cmp $b} keys(%newfile);
#print for wiki
my $oldkey = "nothing_";
foreach $key (@keylist){
#check if this is a new format and add the table heading
$oldkey =~ m/([a-z1-9]*)/;
if(!($key =~ m/$1_/i)){
print "| *MP3* |||||\n" if($key =~ m/lame/);
print "| *AAC-LC* |||||\n" if($key =~ m/nero/);
print "| *Vorbis* |||||\n" if($key =~ m/vorbis/);
print "| *WMA Standard* |||||\n" if($key =~ m/wma_/);
print "| *WAVPACK* |||||\n" if($key =~ m/wv/);
print "| *Nero AAC-HE* |||||\n" if($key =~ m/aache/);
print "| *Apple Lossless* |||||\n" if($key =~ m/applelossless/);
print "| *Monkeys Audio* |||||\n" if($key =~ m/ape/);
print "| *Musepack* |||||\n" if($key =~ m/mpc/);
print "| *FLAC* |||||\n" if($key =~ m/flac/);
print "| *Cook (RA)* |||||\n" if($key =~ m/cook/);
print "| *AC3 (A52)* |||||\n" if($key =~ m/a52/);
print "| *atrac3* |||||\n" if($key =~ m/atrac3/);
print "| *True Audio* |||||\n" if($key =~ m/true/);
print "| *MP2* |||||\n" if($key =~ m/toolame/);
#potiential future rockbox codecs
print "| *atrac* |||||\n" if($key =~ m/atrac1/);
print "| *WMA Professional* |||||\n" if($key =~ m/wmapro/);
print "| *WMA Lossless* |||||\n" if($key =~ m/wmal/);
$str=sprintf("%1.2f",($oldfile{$key}->[1]-$newfile{$key}->[1])/$oldfile{$key}->[1]*100+100 );
print "| $key | $newfile{$key}->[0]"."% realtime | Decode time - $newfile{$key}->[2]s | ".sprintf("%2.2f",$newfile{$key}->[1])."MHz | ".$str."%|\n";
}elsif(scalar(@ARGV) ==2){
print "| $key | $newfile{$key}->[0]"."% realtime | Decode time - $newfile{$key}->[2]s | $newfile{$key}->[1]"."MHz | - |\n";
} else{
print "| $key | ". $newfile{$key}->[0]."% realtime | Decode time - $newfile{$key}->[2]s | ".sprintf("%2.2f",$newfile{$key}->[1])."MHz |\n";