| % $Id$ % |
| \section{\label{ref:PlaybackOptions}Playback} |
| The \setting{Playback} sub menu allows you to configure settings |
| related to audio playback. |
| \begin{description} |
| \item[Shuffle. ]Alters how Rockbox will select which song to play next.\\ |
| Options: \setting{Yes}/\setting{No}. |
| % |
| \item[Repeat. ]Configures settings related to repeating of directories or |
| playlists.\\ |
| Options: \setting{Off} / \setting{All} / \setting{One} / \setting{Shuffle} |
| \nopt{ondiosp,ondiofm}{\setting{/A-B}}: |
| \begin{description} |
| % |
| \item[Off. ]The current directory or playlist will not repeat |
| when it is finished. |
| \note{If you have the \setting{Auto change directory} option set to |
| \setting{Yes}, Rockbox will move on to the next directory on your |
| hard drive. If the \setting{Auto Change Directory} option is set to |
| \setting{No}, playback will stop when the current directory or |
| playlist is finished.} |
| % |
| \item[All. ]The current directory or playlist will repeat when it is |
| finished. |
| \note{This option does \emph{not} shuffle all files on your \dap. |
| Rockbox is playlist oriented. When you play a song, a directory, or |
| an album, Rockbox creates a playlist and plays it. Thus, to shuffle |
| all songs on the \dap, you need to create a playlist of all songs on |
| the player, and play that playlist with shuffle mode set to |
| \setting{All}.} |
| % |
| \item[One. ]Repeat one track over and over. |
| % |
| \item[Shuffle. ]When the current directory or playlist has finished |
| playing, it will be shuffled and then repeated. |
| % |
| \nopt{ondiosp,ondiofm}{ |
| \item[A-B. ]Repeats between two user defined points within a track, |
| typically used by musicians when attempting to learn a piece of music. |
| This option is more complicated to use than the others as the \dap\ |
| must first be placed into A-B repeat mode and then the start and end |
| points defined.\\ |
| \opt{h10,h10_5gb}{ |
| Hold \ButtonPower{} and press \ButtonRew{} to set the Start Point (A). |
| For setting the End Point (B) hold \ButtonPower{} and press \ButtonFF{}. |
| You can reset the markers by pressing \ButtonPower{} and \ButtonPlay{}. |
| } |
| \opt{ipod,x5}{ |
| To set the Start Point (A) press \ButtonSelect{}. The following |
| press of \ButtonSelect{} will set the End Point (B), and a third |
| successive \ButtonSelect{} will reset the markers. |
| } |
| \opt{h1xx,h300}{ |
| To set the Start Point (A) hold \ButtonOn{} and press \ButtonLeft{}. |
| Setting the End Point (B) is done accordingly using |
| \ButtonOn{} and \ButtonRight{}. |
| To reset the markers hold \ButtonOn{} and press \ButtonSelect{}. |
| } |
| \nopt{h1xx,h300,h10,h10_5gb,ipod,x5}{ |
| \fixme{ |
| Hold Play and press Left --- Sets Start Point (A)\\ |
| Hold Play and press Right --- Sets End Point (B)\\ |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| \end{description} |
| |
| \item[Play Selected First. ]This setting controls what happens when you |
| select a file for playback while shuffle mode is on. If the |
| \setting{Play Selected First} setting is \setting{Yes}, the file you |
| selected will be played first. If this setting is \setting{No}, a random |
| file in the directory will be played first. |
| |
| \item[Fast-Forward/Rewind. ]How fast you want search (fast forward or rewind) |
| to accelerate when you hold down the button. \setting{Off} means no |
| acceleration. \setting{2x/1s} means double the search speed once every |
| second the button is held. \setting{2x/5s} means double the search speed |
| once every 5 seconds the button is held. |
| |
| \item[Anti-Skip Buffer. ]This setting allows you to control how much music is |
| stored in the \daps{} memory whilst playing a song, acting as a buffer |
| against shock or playback problems. The \dap{} transfers the selected |
| amount of the forthcoming song into its memory at high speed whilst you are |
| playing the song. It keeps a ``rolling'' buffer, which keeps feeding more |
| of the forthcoming song into memory as it goes along. |
| If the \dap{} is knocked, shaken or jogged heavily while Rockbox is trying |
| to read the hard drive, Rockbox might not be able to read the drive. |
| Rockbox will retry over and over again until it succeeds, but may |
| eventually reach the end of the memory buffer. When that happens, Rockbox |
| must stop playing and wait for more data from the disk, which causes your |
| music to skip. The anti-skip setting tells Rockbox how much extra buffer |
| memory to spare to handle this situation. This setting therefore allows you |
| to reduce the chances of there being a gap or pause during playback of |
| songs. |
| |
| \nopt{ondio}{ |
| \opt{MASCODEC}{The anti-skip buffer can be set to a value between 0 and 7 |
| seconds.} |
| }% |
| \opt{ondio}{ |
| The anti-skip buffer can safely be kept at zero. It will eventually be |
| eliminated. |
| }% |
| \opt{SWCODEC}{The anti-skip buffer can be set to various values between |
| 5 seconds and 10 minutes.}% |
| |
| \note{Having a large anti-skip buffer tends to use more power, and may |
| reduce your battery life. It is recommended to always use the lowest |
| possible setting that allows correct and continuous playback.} |
| |
| \item[Fade on Stop/Pause. ]Enables and disables a fade effect when you |
| pause or stop playing a song. If the Fade on Stop/Pause option is |
| set to \setting{Yes}, your music will fade out when you stop or pause |
| playback, and fade in when you resume playback. |
| |
| \item[Party Mode. ]Enables unstoppable music playback. When new songs are |
| selected, they are queued at the end of the current dynamic playlist |
| instead of being played immediately. Pausing and stopping playback is |
| disabled as well as skipping songs and launching plugins. |
| |
| \opt{SWCODEC}{ |
| \item[Crossfade. ] |
| This setting enables a cross-fader. At the end of a song, the song will |
| fade out as the next song fades in, creating a smooth transition between |
| songs.\\ |
| Options: |
| \begin{description} |
| \item[Enable Crossfade. ]If set to \setting{Off}, crossfade is disabled. |
| If set to \setting{Always}, songs will always crossfade into one |
| another. If set to \setting{Shuffle}, crossfade is enabled when the |
| shuffle feature is set to \setting{Yes}, but disabled otherwise. If set |
| to track skip only, tracks will only crossfade when you manually change |
| tracks. |
| % |
| \item[Fade In Delay. ]The ``fade in delay'' is the length of time between |
| when the crossfade process begins and when the new track begins to fade |
| in. |
| % |
| \item[Fade In Duration. ]The length of time, in seconds, that it takes |
| your music to fade in. |
| % |
| \item[Fade Out Delay. ]The ``fade out delay'' is the length of time |
| between when the crossfade process begins and when the old track begins |
| to fade out. |
| % |
| \item[Fade Out Duration. ]The length of time, in seconds, that it takes |
| your music to fade out. |
| % |
| \item[Fade Out Mode. ]If set to \setting{Crossfade}, one song will fade |
| out and the next song will simultaneously fade in. If set to |
| \setting{Mix}, the ending song will continue to play as normal until |
| its end, while the starting song will fade in from under it. |
| \setting{Mix} mode is not |
| used for manual track skips, even if it is selected here. |
| \end{description} |
| |
| \note{The crossfade setting is particularly effective when the player is |
| set on shuffle.} |
| }% |
| |
| \opt{SWCODEC}{ |
| \item[Replaygain. ]This allows you to control the replaygain function. |
| The purpose of replaygain is to adjust the volume of the music played |
| so that all songs (or albums, depending on your settings) have the |
| same apparent volume. This prevents sudden changes in volume when |
| changing between songs recorded at different volume levels. |
| For replaygain to work, the songs must have been processed by a program |
| that adds replaygain information to the ID3 tags (or Vorbis tags). |
| \note{APEv2 tags are not currently supported.} |
| |
| Options for replaygain are: |
| \begin{description} |
| \item[Enable Replaygain. ]This turns on/off the replaygain function. |
| % |
| \item[Prevent Clipping. ]Avoid clipping of a song's waveform. |
| If a song would clip during playback, the volume is lowered for |
| that song. Replaygain information is needed for this to work. |
| % |
| \item[Replaygain type. ]Choose the type of replaygain to apply: |
| \begin{description} |
| \item[Album Gain. ]Maintain a constant volume level between |
| albums, but keep any intentional volume variations between |
| songs in an album. (If album gain value is not available, |
| uses track gain information). |
| % |
| \item[Track Gain. ]Maintain a constant volume level between |
| tracks. If track gain value is not available, no replaygain |
| is applied. |
| % |
| \item[Track Gain if Shuffling. ]Maintains a constant volume |
| between tracks if \setting{Shuffle} is set to \setting{Yes}. |
| Reverts to album mode if \setting{Shuffle} is set to \setting{No}. |
| \end{description} |
| % |
| \item[Pre-amp. ]This allows you to adjust the volume when replaygain |
| is applied. Replaygain often lowers the volume, sometimes quite |
| much, so here you can compensate for that. Please note that a |
| (large) positive pre-amp setting can cause clipping, unless |
| prevent clipping is enabled. The pre-amp can be set to any |
| decibel (dB) value between -12dB and +12dB, in increments of 0.1{}dB. |
| \end{description} |
| } |
| \opt{SWCODEC}{ |
| \item[Beep Volume. ]Controls the volume of the beep that is heard when |
| skipping forward or backward between tracks. The beep is disabled when |
| set to \setting{Off}. |
| } |
| |
| \item[ID3 Tag Priority.] Select which version of ID3 tag to use if both are |
| present. |
| |
| \item[Auto-Change Directory. ]Control what Rockbox does when it reaches the end |
| of a directory. If \setting{Auto-Change Directory} is set to \setting{Yes}, |
| Rockbox will continue to the next directory. If |
| \setting{Auto-Change Directory} is set to \setting{No}, playback will stop at |
| the end of the current directory. |
| \note{You must have the \setting{Repeat} option set to \setting{No} for |
| \setting{Auto-Change Directory} to function properly.} |
| |
| % |
| \opt{ipodnano,ipodvideo,ipodmini,ipod4g,ipod3g,ipodcolor,gigabeatf}{ |
| \item[Pause on headphone unplug.] Enables and disables automatic pausing of |
| playback when the headphones are disconnected from the \daps{} headphone |
| socket. |
| % |
| \begin{description} |
| \item[Pause on headphone unplug. ]Options for automatic pause: |
| \begin{description} |
| \item[Off.] Disables automatic pause. |
| % |
| \item[Pause.] Pauses the \dap{} when the headphones are removed. |
| % |
| \item[Pause and Resume.] Pauses when the headphones are removed, and |
| resumes playback when they are reconnected. |
| \end{description} |
| \item[Duration to rewind.] Number of seconds (between 0 and 15) to rewind |
| playback when the headphones are removed. |
| % |
| \item[Disable auto-resume if phones not present.] This option will disable |
| the automatic resumption of playback at startup if the headphones are not |
| connected to the \dap{}. |
| \note{This requires \setting{Resume on Startup} to be enabled.} |
| \end{description} |
| |
| |
| }% |
| |
| \item[Last.fm Log.]\index{Last.fm Log}\index{Audioscrobbler|see{Last.fm Log}} |
| Enables logging of your played tracks for submittal to |
| \url{http://www.last.fm}. This service was formely known as |
| \emph{Audioscrobbler}. When you enable this option, you'll have to reboot to |
| start the logging. The log-file is called |
| \opt{CONFIG_RTC}{\fname{.scrobbler.log},}% |
| \nopt{CONFIG_RTC}{\fname{.scrobbler-timeless.log},}% |
| and is to be found in the root directory of your \dap{}. |
| \note{See \wikilink{LastFMLog} for a further description, and for tools you |
| can use to submit your Last.fm log.} |
| |
| \item[Cuesheet Support.]\index{Cuesheet Support} |
| Enables reading of cuesheet files for played tracks. If a cuesheet is found |
| for a track, track markers are displayed on the progressbar and it is |
| possible to skip between the tracks within the cuesheet. Also the information |
| found in the cuesheet file will replace the information from the ID3 tags. |
| When you enable this option, you'll have to reboot for it to come into |
| effect. |
| |
| \end{description} |