| % $Id:$ % |
| \screenshot{main_menu/images/ss-recording-settings}{The recording settings screen}{} |
| |
| \opt{MASCODEC}{ |
| \section{Quality} |
| Choose the quality here (0 to 7). Default is 5, best quality is 7, |
| smallest file size is 0. This setting effects how much your sound |
| sample will be compressed. Higher quality settings result in larger |
| MP3 files. |
| |
| The quality setting is just a way of selecting an average bit rate, |
| or number of bits per second, for a recording. When this setting |
| is lowered, recordings are compressed more (meaning worse sound quality), |
| and the average bitrate changes as follows. |
| |
| \begin{table}[h!] |
| \begin{center} |
| \begin{tabularx}{0.75\textwidth}{lX}\toprule |
| \emph{Frequency} & \emph{Bitrate} (Kbit/s) -- quality 0$\rightarrow$7 \\\midrule |
| 44100Hz stereo & 75, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140, 160, 170 \\ |
| 22050Hz stereo & 39, 41, 45, 50, 60, 80, 110, 130 \\ |
| 44100Hz mono & 65, 68, 73, 80, 90, 105, 125, 140 \\ |
| 22050Hz mono & 35, 38, 40, 45, 50, 60, 75, 90 \\\bottomrule |
| \end{tabularx} |
| \end{center} |
| \end{table} |
| } |
| |
| \opt{SWCODEC}{ |
| \section{Format} |
| Choose which format to save your recording in. The available choices are |
| the two uncompressed formats \setting{PCM Wave} and \setting{AIFF}, the |
| losslessly compressed \setting{WavPack} and the lossy |
| \setting{MPEG Layer 3}. |
| |
| \section{Encoder Settings} |
| This sets the bitrate when using the \setting{MPEG Layer 3} format. And has |
| no settings for the other formats. |
| } |
| |
| \section{Frequency} |
| Choose the recording frequency (sample rate). |
| \opt{MASCODEC}{48kHz, 44.1kHz, 32kHz, 24kHz, 22.05kHz, 16kHz} |
| \opt{h1xx,h300}{44.1kHz, 22.05kHz and 11.025kHz} |
| \opt{x5}{88.2kHz, 44.1kHz, 22.05kHz and 11.025kHz} |
| are available. Higher sample rates use up more disk space, but give better |
| sound quality. |
| \opt{SWCODEC}{\note{The 11.025kHz setting is not available when using% |
| \setting{MPEG Layer 3} format.} |
| }% |
| \opt{MASCODEC}{ |
| The frequency setting also determines which version of the MPEG standard |
| the sound is recorded using:\\ |
| MPEG v1 for 48, 44.1 and 32\\ |
| MPEG v2 for 24, 22.05 and 16\\ |
| } |
| \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,h1xx} |
| {\note{You cannot change the sample rate for digital recordings.} |
| } |
| |
| \section{Source} |
| Choose the source of the recording. This can be |
| \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,h1xx}{\setting{SPDIF (digital)},}% |
| \setting{Mic} or \setting{Line In}. |
| \opt{CONFIG_TUNER}{For recording from the radio see \reference{ref:FMradio}.} |
| |
| \section{Channels} |
| This allows you to select mono or stereo recording. Please note that |
| for mono recording, only the left channel is recorded. Mono recordings |
| are usually somewhat smaller than stereo. |
| |
| \opt{MASCODEC}{ |
| \section{Independent Frames} |
| The independent frames option tells the \dap{} to encode with the bit |
| reservoir disabled, so the frames are independent of each other. This |
| makes a file easier to edit. |
| } |
| |
| \section{File Split Options} |
| This sub menu contains options for file splitting, which can be used to split |
| up long recordings into manageable pieces. The splits are seamless (frame |
| accurate), no audio is lost at the split point. The break between recordings |
| is only the time required to stop and restart the recording, on the order of |
| 2 -- 4 seconds. |
| \begin{description} |
| \item[Split Measure:] |
| This option controls wether to split the recording when the |
| \setting{Split Filesize} is reached or when the |
| \setting{Split Time} has elapsed. |
| |
| \item[What to do when Splitting:] |
| This controls what will happend when the splitting condition is |
| fullfilled the two available options here are |
| \setting{Start a new file} or \setting{Stop recording}. |
| |
| \item[Split Time:] |
| Set the time to record between each split, if time is used as |
| \setting{Split Measure}.\\ |
| Options (hours:minutes between splits): Off, 00:05, 00:10, 00:15, 00:30, |
| 1:00, 1:14 (74 minute CD), 1:20 (80 minute CD), 2:00, 4:00, 8:00, 10:00, |
| 12:00, 18:00, 24:00. |
| |
| \item[Split Filesize:] |
| Set the filesize to record between each split, if filesize is used as |
| \setting{Split Measure}. |
| |
| \end{description} |
| |
| \section{Prerecord Time} |
| This setting buffers a small amount of audio so that when the record button |
| is pressed, the recording will begin from that number of seconds earlier. |
| This is useful for ensuring that a recording begins before a cue that is |
| being waited for. |
| |
| \section{Directory} |
| Allows changing the location where the recorded files are saved. The |
| default location is \fname{/recordings}. If set to |
| \setting{Current Directory} the recorded files will be saved in the |
| directory where the \setting{File Browser} was left. |
| |
| \nopt{ondio}{ |
| \section{Clipping Light} |
| Causes the backlight to flash on when clipping has been detected.\\ |
| Options: \setting{Off}, \setting{Main unit only}, |
| \setting{Main and remote unit}, \setting{Remote unit only}. |
| } |
| \section{Trigger} |
| \fixme{Add description of triggered recording.} |
| |
| \opt{h1xx,h300}{% |
| \section{Automatic Gain Control} |
| The \setting{Automatic Gain Control} has five different presets for |
| automatically controlling the gain while recording. |
| \begin{description} |
| \item[Safety (clip):] |
| This preset will lower the gain when the levels get too high (-1dB) |
| and will never increase gain. |
| |
| \item[Live (slow):] |
| This preset is designed to be used for recording of live shows and has |
| quite large headroom for loud parts. It heads for a nominal target peak |
| level of -9dB and will slowly increase or decrease gain to reach it. |
| |
| \item[DJ-Set (slow):] |
| This preset heads for a nominal target peak level of -5dB and will |
| slowly increase or decrease gain to reach it. |
| |
| \item[Medium:] |
| This preset heads for a nominal target peak level of -6dB and will |
| increase or decrease gain to reach it. |
| |
| \item[Voice (fast):] |
| This preset is designed to be used for voice recording and heads for a |
| nominal target peak level of -7dB and will quickly increase or |
| decrease gain to reach it. |
| \end{description} |
| |
| \section{AGC clip time} |
| This setting controls how long the level is too loud or soft before the |
| \setting{Automatic Gain Control} kicks in. |
| }% |