Use typographic quotation marks -- correct more places
git-svn-id: svn:// a1c6a512-1295-4272-9138-f99709370657
diff --git a/manual/advanced_topics/archos-flashing.tex b/manual/advanced_topics/archos-flashing.tex
index 4f6c622..c6209be 100644
--- a/manual/advanced_topics/archos-flashing.tex
+++ b/manual/advanced_topics/archos-flashing.tex
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
garbled flash content: the \emph{UART} boot mod, which in turn requires the
\emph{serial} mod. With that it's possible to reflash independently from the
outside, even if the flash ROM is completely erased.
-\nopt{ondio}{This won't work if you have one of the rare "ROMless" boxes. These
+\nopt{ondio}{This won't work if you have one of the rare ``ROMless'' boxes. These
have no boot ROM and boot directly from flash.
If the first $\approx$2KB of the flash ROM are flashed ok, \emph{Minimon} can
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
You only need to perform this procedure the first time you flash your
\playertype. You may also want to perform it in case the update procedure for
the second image recommends it. In the latter case do not perform the steps
-listed under "Preparation".
+listed under ``Preparation''.
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@
\setting{System $\rightarrow$ Debug (Keep Out!) $\rightarrow$ View HW
\opt{lcd_charcell}{Cycle through the displayed values with \ButtonRight /
- \ButtonLeft\ until "Flash:" is displayed. If it shows question marks,
+ \ButtonLeft\ until ``Flash:'' is displayed. If it shows question marks,
- \opt{lcd_bitmap}{Check the values in the line starting with "Flash:". If it
- shows question marks after "M=" and "D=",
+ \opt{lcd_bitmap}{Check the values in the line starting with ``Flash:''. If it
+ shows question marks after ``M='' and ``D='',
you're out of luck, your \dap\ is not flashable without modifying the
hardware. You can stop here. Sorry.
diff --git a/manual/configure_rockbox/recording_settings.tex b/manual/configure_rockbox/recording_settings.tex
index 78befa6..3ab3966 100644
--- a/manual/configure_rockbox/recording_settings.tex
+++ b/manual/configure_rockbox/recording_settings.tex
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
\item[Start Above.]
The start threshold defines the minimal volume a sound must have to start the
- recording. It is displayed numerically in the line "Start Above". Note that
+ recording. It is displayed numerically in the line ``Start Above''. Note that
the unit of the threshold depends on the settings of the peak meter. (i.e.
When the peak meter displays dB you can adjust the level in dB and when the
peak meter is set to linear the threshold is displayed as percentage.) In the
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
\item[Stop Below.]
When the sound level drops below the stop threshold the recording is stopped.
- It is displayed numerically in the line "Stop Below". Just like the start
+ It is displayed numerically in the line ``Stop Below''. Just like the start
threshold the unit of the stop threshold depends on the settings of the peak
meter. There's also a small triangular marker in the peak meter at the bottom
of the screen. In contrast to the start threshold marker it points to the
diff --git a/manual/configure_rockbox/sound_settings.tex b/manual/configure_rockbox/sound_settings.tex
index 61b450e..4828826 100644
--- a/manual/configure_rockbox/sound_settings.tex
+++ b/manual/configure_rockbox/sound_settings.tex
@@ -497,6 +497,6 @@
compressed. Once the compressor determines that compression is necessary,
the input signal is reduced appropriately, but the gain isn't allowed to
immediately return to normal levels. This is necessary to reduce artifacts
-such as "pumping." Instead, the gain is allowed to return to normal at the
+such as ``pumping.'' Instead, the gain is allowed to return to normal at the
chosen rate. Release Time is the time for the gain to recover by 10~dB.
diff --git a/manual/getting_started/installation.tex b/manual/getting_started/installation.tex
index b15b63d..bc444b3 100644
--- a/manual/getting_started/installation.tex
+++ b/manual/getting_started/installation.tex
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
\item Turn off the \dap{} (Original Firmware).
\item Connect your \playertype{} to the computer using the data cable.
- \item Push and hold \ButtonPower{} (for about 2 seconds) until the "USB" screen appears.
+ \item Push and hold \ButtonPower{} (for about 2 seconds) until the ``USB'' screen appears.
The \dap{} will now appear as a regular disk on your computer.
diff --git a/manual/plugins/batterybenchmark.tex b/manual/plugins/batterybenchmark.tex
index fb7c64d..98578f7 100644
--- a/manual/plugins/batterybenchmark.tex
+++ b/manual/plugins/batterybenchmark.tex
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
again as estimated by Rockbox.
\item[Voltage] The battery voltage in mV at the moment the measurement
was taken.
-\item[C] This stands for Charger. An "A" in that column shows if the power
+\item[C] This stands for Charger. An ``A'' in that column shows if the power
adapter was attached to the unit at the time of the measurement.
-\item[U] USB powered. Only for targets that support this. A "U" will indicate
+\item[U] USB powered. Only for targets that support this. A ``U'' will indicate
if the unit was using the USB port for power at the time of the measurement.
diff --git a/manual/plugins/goban.tex b/manual/plugins/goban.tex
index f0951f3..0799906 100644
--- a/manual/plugins/goban.tex
+++ b/manual/plugins/goban.tex
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
one file. These are rare, but if you have one don't even try it (the file will most
likely be corrupted if you save over it). You have been warned.\\}
-The file \fname {"/sgf/gbn\_def.sgf"} is used by the plugin to store any unsaved
+The file \fname {/sgf/gbn\_def.sgf} is used by the plugin to store any unsaved
changes in the most recently loaded game. This means that if you forget to save your
-changes, you should load \fname {"/sgf/gbn\_def.sgf"} immediately to offload the changes
+changes, you should load \fname {/sgf/gbn\_def.sgf} immediately to offload the changes
to another file. If you load another file first then your changes will be lost
-permanently. The \fname {"/sgf/gbn\_def.sgf"} file is also the file loaded if another
+permanently. The \fname {/sgf/gbn\_def.sgf} file is also the file loaded if another
is not selected.\\
The information panel which displays the current move number may also contain
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
\item[New.] Create a new game with your choice of board size and handicaps.
\item[Save.] Save the current state of the game. It will be saved to
- \fname {"/sgf/gbn\_def.sgf"} unless otherwise set.
+ \fname {/sgf/gbn\_def.sgf} unless otherwise set.
\item[Save As.] Save to a specified file.
\item[Game Info.] View and modify the metadata of the current game.
\item[Playback Control.] Control the playback of the current playlist
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@
\item[Context Menu.] Open the Context Menu which allows you to set play
modes and other tools.
\item[Quit.] Leave the plugin. Any unsaved changes are saved to
- \fname {"/sgf/gbn\_def.sgf"}.
+ \fname {/sgf/gbn\_def.sgf}.
\item [Game Info. ]
The menu for modifying game info (metadata) of the current game. This
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@
global Rockbox settings).
\item[Idle Autosave Time.] Set the amount of idle time to wait before
automatically saving any unsaved changes. These autosaves go to
- the file \fname {"/sgf/gbn\_def.sgf"} regardless of if you have
+ the file \fname {/sgf/gbn\_def.sgf} regardless of if you have
loaded a game or used \setting{Save As} to save the game before or
not. Set to \setting{Off} to disable this functionality completely.
\item[Automatically Show Comments?] If this is enabled and you navigate
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@
\item[Next Variation.] If the game is at the first move in a variation,
this will navigate to the next variation after the current one. This
is the only way to reach variations which start with adding or
- removing stones, as you cannot follow them by "playing" the same move.
+ removing stones, as you cannot follow them by ``playing'' the same move.
\item[Force Play Mode.] The same as Play Mode except that this mode will
allow you to play illegal moves such as retaking a ko immediately
without a ko threat, suicide on rulesets which don't allow it
diff --git a/manual/plugins/mpegplayer.tex b/manual/plugins/mpegplayer.tex
index 1ee07b3..73734a4 100644
--- a/manual/plugins/mpegplayer.tex
+++ b/manual/plugins/mpegplayer.tex
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
When a video file is selected, the start Menu will be displayed, unless it is
-disabled via the option "start menu" (see below). In the latter case the video
+disabled via the option ``start menu'' (see below). In the latter case the video
will start playing immediately - unless a resume point is found, in which case
the resume menu is presented.
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
Main Menu
-\item[Display Options] Opens "Display Options" submenu - see below.
+\item[Display Options] Opens ``Display Options'' submenu -- see below.
\item[Start Menu] (default: on) Enable/disable the start menu.
\item[Clear all resumes: x] Discard all x resume points.
\item[Quit mpegplayer] Exit the plugin.
diff --git a/manual/plugins/pictureflow.tex b/manual/plugins/pictureflow.tex
index 6355080..79c3054 100644
--- a/manual/plugins/pictureflow.tex
+++ b/manual/plugins/pictureflow.tex
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
\item[Number of slides.] Sets the number of slides at each side, including the
centre slide. Therefore if set to 4, there will be 3 slides on the left,
the centre slide, and then 3 slides on the right.
- \item[Zoom.] Changes the distance at which slides are rendered from the "camera".
+ \item[Zoom.] Changes the distance at which slides are rendered from the ``camera''.
\item[Show album title.] Allows setting the album title to be shown above or
below the cover art, or not at all.
\item[Resize Covers.] Set whether to automatically resize the covers or to leave
diff --git a/manual/plugins/rockpaint.tex b/manual/plugins/rockpaint.tex
index 2b3d187..dd23161 100644
--- a/manual/plugins/rockpaint.tex
+++ b/manual/plugins/rockpaint.tex
@@ -7,33 +7,33 @@
also create empty bitmaps for you to work with.\\
\subsubsection{Opening A File}
-To open a file, you may use either the context menu option "Open With" in the
+To open a file, you may use either the context menu option ``Open With'' in the
File Browser, or you may enter Rockpaint first using the Plugins menu and open
a file from there. To perform the latter, simply press Rockpaint's Menu button
or move the cursor beyond the bottom of the screen; then move the cursor onto
-"Menu" and select it. Finally, select "Load" and navigate to the image you
+``Menu'' and select it. Finally, select ``Load'' and navigate to the image you
wish to open.\\
Rockpaint offers several tools to aid you in editing; you can view them by
-either pressing Rockpaint's "Menu" key or by attempting to move the cursor
+either pressing Rockpaint's ``Menu'' key or by attempting to move the cursor
beyond the bottom of the screen. From top to bottom and left to right, and
by section, they are as follows:
\item[Colour Picker]
The top left tool shows your colours that are at the ready. To
- swap them, "click" on the background colour. To edit the foreground colour,
+ swap them, ``click'' on the background colour. To edit the foreground colour,
click on it.
\item[Preset Pallete]
Several preset colours are availible. Clicking on one changes
the foreground of the Colour Picker to the selected colour.
Draws as you move the cursor. You can change the brush size with the
- Menu option "Brush Size". Use the Select key to toggle the tool while editing
+ Menu option ``Brush Size''. Use the Select key to toggle the tool while editing
the image.
\item[Selection tool]
Allows you to select a rectangular region; once you do, you
- will be shown a menu of options (including "cancel" if you make a mistake).
+ will be shown a menu of options (including ``cancel'' if you make a mistake).
\item[Line tool]
Draws a straight line.
\item[Curve tool]
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
The opposite of the pencil; it changes painted pixels to white.
\item[Text tool]
- "Draws" text on the image.
+ ``Draws'' text on the image.
\item[Filled rectangle]
Same as the Rectangle tool, but fills it with colour.
\item[Filled circle]