blob: 7d66947aa2eaa62903aa029742c8dd43ccd66577 [file] [log] [blame]
\fixme{This is merely a copy of the wiki page IaudioBoot, so this section needs
a more natural language and also error checking by Iaudio owners.}
The \playername{} has a built-in bootloader which performs the
firmware update, and can also access the hard drive via USB. Therefore the
Rockbox bootloader can be very minimalistic, without USB mode.
This also makes it less dangerous to install the Rockbox bootloader, as you can
always restore it using the \playerman{} bootloader.
\note{The current bootloader is not prepared to coexist with the original
firmware. It replaces the original firmware.}
\item Download the Rockbox bootloader binary from
\opt{x5}{Use the \fname{x5v\_fw.bin} file if your \dap{} is a X5V. If it is a X5,
use the \fname{x5\_fw.bin} file.}
\opt{m5}{Use the \fname{m5\_fw.bin} file.}
\item Copy it to the \fname{FIRMWARE} directory on your \dap{}.
\item Turn the \dap{} off, remove the USB cable and insert the charger. The
Rockbox bootloader will automatically be flashed.