blob: f1ee1b69e2ad87428feff9304877c97974da2eba [file] [log] [blame]
% $Id$ %
Installing the bootloader is the trickiest part of the installation.
The Rockbox bootloader allows users to boot into either the Rockbox
firmware or the \playerman{} firmware. For legal reasons, we cannot distribute
the bootloader. Instead, we have developed a program that will patch the
Iriver firmware with the Rockbox bootloader. These instructions will explain
how to download and patch the Iriver firmware with the Rockbox bootloader
and install it on your jukebox.
\item Download a supported version of the Iriver firmware for your
\playername{} from the Iriver website or from
Supported Iriver firmware versions currently include
\opt{IRIVER_H100_PAD}{1.63US, 1.63EU, 1.63K, 1.65US, 1.65EU, 1.65K, 1.66US,
1.66EU and 1.66K. Note that the H140 uses the same firmware as the H120;
H120 and H140 owners should use the firmware called \fname{ihp\_120.hex}.
Likewise, the iHP110 and iHP115 use the same firmware, called
\fname{ihp\_100.hex}. Be sure to use the correct firmware file for
your player.}
\opt{IRIVER_H300_PAD}{1.28K, 1.28EU, 1.28J, 1.29K, 1.29J and 1.30EU.
\note{The US \playername{} firmware is not supported and cannot be
patched to be used with the bootloader. If you wish to install Rockbox
on a US \playername, you must first install a non-US version of the
original firmware and then install one of the supported versions patched
with the Rockbox bootloader.
\warn{Installing non-US firmware on a US \playername{} will
permanently remove DRM support from the player.}}
If the file that you downloaded is a \fname{.zip} file, use an unzip
utility like mentioned in the prerequisites section to extract
the \fname{.hex} from the \fname{.zip} file
to your desktop. Likewise, if the file that you downloaded is an
\fname{.exe} file, double-click on the \fname{.exe} file to extract
the \fname{.hex} file to your desktop.
When running Linux you should be able extracting \fname{.exe}
files using \fname{unzip}.
\item Download the firmware patcher \fname{fwpatcher.exe} from
\url{} and save it to your desktop.
\warn{The firmware patcher contains Unicode support, which is not supported by
all versions of Windows. If you have difficulty with the firmware patcher, try
downloading the alternate firmware patcher \fname{fwpatchernu.exe}, which is
built without Unicode support.}
\item Go to your desktop and double-click on whichever version of the firmware
patcher you downloaded in the prior step.
\item In the firmware patcher dialog box, click on the \setting{Browse}
button and navigate
to the \fname{.hex} file that you previously downloaded to your desktop.
\item Click \setting{Patch}. The firmware patcher will patch the
original firmware to include the Rockbox bootloader. The \fname{.hex}
file on your desktop is now a modified version of the original
\fname{.hex} file.
\item Turn on your \playerman{} and connect it to your computer via USB.
\item Copy or move the modified \fname{.hex} file directly to the root of
your \daps{} drive. Do not put it inside a directory on your \dap.
\item Disconnect the jukebox from USB. (Be sure to use Windows' ``safely remove
hardware'' option.)
\warn{Before proceeding further, make sure that your player has a full charge
or that it is connected to the power adaptor. Interrupting the next step
due to a power failure most likely will brick your \dap{}.}
\item Update your \daps{} firmware with the patched bootloader. To do this, turn
the jukebox on. Press and hold the
\opt{IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD}{\ButtonSelect{} button }%
to enter the main menu, and navigate to \setting{General $\rightarrow$ Firmware
Upgrade}. Select \setting{Yes} when asked to confirm if you want to upgrade the
firmware. The \playerman{} will display a message indicating that the
firmware update
is in progress. Do \emph{not} interrupt this process. When the
firmware update is complete the player will turn itself off. (The update
firmware process usually takes a minute or so.)
You have now installed the Rockbox bootloader.
\note{If you install the Rockbox bootloader but do not install the
Rockbox firmware the Rockbox bootloader will load the Iriver firmware when the
jukebox is turned on.
To load the \playerman{} firmware press and hold \ButtonRec{} before
powering up the \dap{} until the \playerman{} logo appears.
\note{The bootloader has a built-in ``bootloader USB mode''. This function
switches to USB mode when the \dap{} is connected to a computer upon
power-up. This way you can access the \daps{} hard disk without the need
to boot any firmware (which is also useful when your hard disk is
damaged). The screen will simply display the text ``bootloader USB mode''.
After you disconnect the \dap{} from USB the bootloader will
continue booting Rockbox. As in bootloader USB mode the firmware
itself has not been loaded this is also a simple way of updating Rockbox.
After the disconnect the bootloader will load the updated version of