blob: 6c41831e0cac0cf757dc234e2c21ff739d82fb34 [file] [log] [blame]
# __________ __ ___.
# Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
# Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
# Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
# Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
# \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
# $Id$
# This should list all WPS and RWPS files we have and what their requirements
# and preferences are.
# Each <wps> section will also cause a "theme" .cfg to be made, which the
# <rwps> sections will not cause.
# A <wps> section can thus mention a "preferred" rwps file to load when that
# theme is loaded.
# All sections should list what their smallest LCD size requirements are and
# what font and status bar setting they "like".
# Name of the WPS _including_ extension
Name: ipodVOL.wps
# default RWPS for the theme (to be loaded with the same theme file)
RWPS: rockbox_default.rwps
# Name of the creator of the WPS
Author: xameius
# prefered font:
Font: chicago12.fnt
# Weather the WPS is designed to have the statusbar present or not
Statusbar: off
# The minimum required pixel height for the WPS
Height: 128
# The minimum required pixel width for the WPS
Width: 160
Name: rockbox_default.wps
RWPS: rockbox_default.rwps
Author: Rockbox team
Font: rockbox_default.fnt
Statusbar: on
Height: 14
Width: 55
Name: boxes.wps
rwps: boxes.rwps
Author: Christi Scarborough (after Magnus Westerlund)
Font: rockbox_default.fnt
Statusbar: on
Height: 128
Width: 160
Name: engineeer2.wps
RWPS: engineeer2.rwps
Author: Magnus Westerlund
Font: nedore-8.fnt
Statusbar: on
Height: 128
Width: 160
Name: iAmp.wps
RWPS: iAmp.rwps
Author: Raymond Hoh
Font: nimbus-12.fnt
Statusbar: on
Height: 128
Width: 160
Name: zezayer.wps
RWPS: rockbox_default.rwps
Author: Jake Owen
Font: nedore-8.fnt
Statusbar: on
Height: 128
Width: 160
Name: rockbox_default.rwps
Author: Rockbox team
Font: rockbox_default.fnt
Statusbar: on
Height: 64
Width: 128
Name: iAmp.rwps
Author: Raymond Hoh
Font: nimbus-12.fnt
Statusbar: on
Height: 64
Width: 128
Name: boxes.rwps
Author: Christi Scarborough
Font: rockbox_default.fnt
Statusbar: on
Height: 64
Width: 128
Name: engineeer2.rwps
Author: Magnus Westerlund
Font: nedore-8.fnt
Statusbar: on
Height: 64
Width: 128
Name: marquee.wps
RWPS: marquee.rwps
Author: Mike Sobel
Font: chicago12.fnt
Statusbar: on
Height: 128
Width: 160
Name: marquee.rwps
Author: Mike Sobel
Font: chicago12.fnt
Statusbar: on
Height: 64
Width: 128
Name: DancePuffDuo.wps
RWPS: DancePuffDuo.rwps
Author: Chris Oxtoby
Font: chicago12.fnt
Statusbar: on
Height: 128
Width: 160
Name: DancePuffDuo.rwps
Author: Chris Oxtoby
Font: chicago12.fnt
Statusbar: on
Height: 64
Width: 128