speech: additional correction rules for acronyms etc.
Taken from Igor Poretsky's tree.
Change-Id: I339c3524916aebb71b6f81727c60ea1c7324e5eb
diff --git a/tools/voice-corrections.txt b/tools/voice-corrections.txt
index a2a5f55..cc8aa30 100644
--- a/tools/voice-corrections.txt
+++ b/tools/voice-corrections.txt
@@ -19,10 +19,26 @@
Empty lines and lines starting with a whitespace are ignored, for all other
lines the first character will become the separator.
+ Russian
+/russian/.*/.*/USB/Ю Эс Би/g
+/russian/.*/.*/VBR/Ви Би Ар/g
+/russian/.*/.*/ПДУ/П Д У/g
+/russian/.*/.*/ЖКД/Ж Ка Д/g
General for all engines and languages
/.*/.*/.*/USB/U S B/g
+/.*/.*/.*/LCD/L C D/g
+/.*/.*/.*/VBR/V B R/g
+/.*/.*/.*/FPS/F P S/g
+/.*/.*/.*/RWPS/R W P S/g
+/.*/.*/.*/WPS/W P S/g
/.*/.*/.*/ID3/I D 3/g
+/.*/.*/.*/last\.fm/Last F M/ig