1. 27b2e75 Unix targets require a second (mode) parameter to wxMkdir. rbutil now compiles cleanly for me on Linux with the just-released wxWidgets 2.8.0 by Dave Chapman · 18 years ago
  2. 972b2db Where did main.cpp disappear to? Plus other fixes. by Dave Chapman · 18 years ago
  3. 018a10d First attempt at a standard Makefile for rbutil. It should be able to build both a native Unix version, or (make WIN=1) cross-compile a Windows version using the Debian mingw cross-compiler. Both builds currently fail, but I think the win32 problem is due to the old (2.5.0) version of wxWidgets I have installed for cross-compiling. by Dave Chapman · 18 years ago
  4. e669709 Right. Fixed line feeds. archos.ico is binary. Added a couple more files rockbox leaves in the root to the list. by Christi Scarborough · 18 years ago
  5. 46eb5c6 main.cpp shouldn't have been here. archos.ico should be binary. by Christi Scarborough · 18 years ago
  6. 0957acd Initial revision by Christi Scarborough · 18 years ago