1. f31e7a1 Revert "Fix FS#12606 - next track can cause the screen to be cleared" by Jonathan Gordon · 13 years ago
  2. cb9bc3b Fix FS#12606 - next track can cause the screen to be cleared by Jonathan Gordon · 13 years ago
  3. caf907e Workaround an occasional problem where album art or cuesheets might not be ready by the time the track change event is send which can result in the WPS not immediately being aware that the handles are ready. A better solution will be sought that hopefully doesn't require the additional event. by Michael Sevakis · 14 years ago
  4. c537d59 Commit FS#12069 - Playback rework - first stages. Gives as thorough as possible a treatment of codec management, track change and metadata logic as possible while maintaining fairly narrow focus and not rewriting everything all at once. Please see the rockbox-dev mail archive on 2011-04-25 (Playback engine rework) for a more thorough manifest of what was addressed. Plugins and codecs become incompatible. by Michael Sevakis · 14 years ago
  5. 7d5e0d7 FS#11263 - Radio Art support! %C and %Cl tags work in the radio screen and Base Skin when the radio is running. by Jonathan Gordon · 15 years ago
  6. 6fef14b Set svn:keywords property on .c and .h files that didn't already have it. Correct svn:executable property on some files. by Bertrik Sikken · 15 years ago
  7. b2eb44c FS#10824 - viewport/statusbar API rework. by Jonathan Gordon · 15 years ago
  8. 2eb1cb6 Fix buttonbar handling/theme changed handling in lists. by Thomas Martitz · 15 years ago
  9. 4c48b59 User definable UI viewport, to be able to restrict the UI into a viewport for all bitmap displays. by Thomas Martitz · 16 years ago
  10. 843c7ef FS9795 - some playback cleanup. by Jonathan Gordon · 16 years ago
  11. 8b9fdb5 redo how the statusbar updates are done. send the EVENT_GUI_ACTIONUPDATE event every time get_action() is called. The event wont be as realiable (timewise) as before, but seems to work better by Jonathan Gordon · 16 years ago
  12. e385ee1 Decouple the statusbar drawing from the rest of the screen drawing. it is not drawn roughly 4x per second automatically. by Jonathan Gordon · 16 years ago
  13. 71898e5 Accept FS#9480 - centralise and organise the events in the apps/ layer. by Jonathan Gordon · 16 years ago