1. 49e016c Reorganise the ioctl() #ifdefs - this should fix ipodpatcher for BSD by Dave Chapman · 18 years ago
  2. e21e87a Directory delete: 1) show which directory is being removed when going through a tree recursively. 2) allow the user to abort while deleting. by Peter D'Hoye · 18 years ago
  3. e848375 Fix a problem when compiling with Dev-C++ - thanks to Paul Louden by Dave Chapman · 18 years ago
  4. 75a1112 Implement the add/delete bootloader functionality. by Dave Chapman · 18 years ago
  5. da945c0 Fix typo by Dave Chapman · 18 years ago
  6. a24b02c Bugfix - when opening a device as read/write, one should open a device as read/write. by Dave Chapman · 18 years ago
  7. cd06755 Use the correct length when extracting the firmware. Thanks again to Llorean for spotting. by Dave Chapman · 18 years ago
  8. 132b241 Ooops, I should compile things before committing. by Dave Chapman · 18 years ago
  9. 2616505 change the a-b buttons in the wps to work even if play is help down for a while before pressing left/right by Jonathan Gordon · 18 years ago
  10. 177bd8e Of course the moment you release, you spot that one bug. by Christi Scarborough · 18 years ago
  11. f938d8c Minor updates for compilation against 2.8.0. Cosmetic changes. by Christi Scarborough · 18 years ago
  12. 5003669 Newer shinier install log file which is more intelligent and better able to cope with multiple packages being installed. This breaks compatibility with the old uninstall file format. by Christi Scarborough · 18 years ago
  13. 8f08f29 Correct a bug (thanks to Llorean for spotting) in read_partition and use the aligned global sectorbuf for the disk read in read_partinfo instead of a local variable by Dave Chapman · 18 years ago
  14. c5e30e1 Start to implement some functionality. You can now read/write the entire partition (as ipodpatcher used to do), extract the original firmware to an "apple_os.ipod" file, or replace the original firmware with either a Rockbox bootloader or Rockbox itself. Adding/Removing a bootloader isn't yet implemented. by Dave Chapman · 18 years ago
  15. c657504 Change the ipod bootloaders to be created as ".ipod" files - this will be the format required by the new version of ipodpatcher. Also change the bootloader filenames to include the model name. by Dave Chapman · 18 years ago
  16. 3b0b27e Support for running direct from the device itself. If installed on a local drive, rbutil provides a menu option to install itself on the device. by Christi Scarborough · 18 years ago
  17. 8280c8c Sector-size detection on Posix platforms - tested on Linux and Mac OS X. Based on patch #6433 by Bryan Childs. by Dave Chapman · 18 years ago
  18. 1936f7c Bugfix: recursive directory properties could not be aborted by Peter D'Hoye · 18 years ago
  19. 20338ca Removed unused button defines and made private functions static by Nils Wallménius · 18 years ago
  20. 5d9adb1 Should use UNIX line endings by Steve Bavin · 18 years ago
  21. 4b7e1e0 Work-in-progress towards a cross-platform ipodpatcher which will edit the firmware partition directly, incorporating the ipod_fw.c functionality. Tested successfully on win32 and Linux but it only lists the contents of the firmware partition at the moment - no actual reading or writing by Dave Chapman · 18 years ago
  22. 8a55822 Version 0.4b from 11 Dec 2006 - 0.4 broke win2k/winnt support, this patch restores it by Dave Chapman · 18 years ago
  23. 206238d Version 0.4 from 4 Dec 2006 - added sector-size detection and hence support for 5.5G ipods by Dave Chapman · 18 years ago
  24. 2c9c10e Version 0.3 from 30 Jan 2006 by Dave Chapman · 18 years ago
  25. 45895df Initial CVS commit ofipodpatcher - v0.2 release from 16 Jan 2006 by Dave Chapman · 18 years ago
  26. 29a1387 Free more plugin memory by Karl Kurbjun · 18 years ago
  27. 4084b5d Will it fit? by Karl Kurbjun · 18 years ago
  28. 73509fc Another file missed by Karl Kurbjun · 18 years ago
  29. 1e0fb02 Some fixes and additions to sscanf - Still has bugs but it works for doom currently. As a note: this function is only used by doom to my knowledge. by Karl Kurbjun · 18 years ago
  30. 9516afc Helps to add in the header by Karl Kurbjun · 18 years ago
  31. 7e6f74e Dehacked and BEX support for Doom - currently only supports a DEHACKED file in a WAD (not as a standalone file yet). by Karl Kurbjun · 18 years ago
  32. 314f3b5 More static'ing, and a few fixes resulting from that. by Jens Arnold · 18 years ago
  33. 819712f Remove unused files from the old database. by Jens Arnold · 18 years ago
  34. 27b2e75 Unix targets require a second (mode) parameter to wxMkdir. rbutil now compiles cleanly for me on Linux with the just-released wxWidgets 2.8.0 by Dave Chapman · 18 years ago
  35. 6581146 Fix dircache not saving the last size (Caused the Scanning disk splash by Jonathan Gordon · 18 years ago
  36. 972b2db Where did main.cpp disappear to? Plus other fixes. by Dave Chapman · 18 years ago
  37. 018a10d First attempt at a standard Makefile for rbutil. It should be able to build both a native Unix version, or (make WIN=1) cross-compile a Windows version using the Debian mingw cross-compiler. Both builds currently fail, but I think the win32 problem is due to the old (2.5.0) version of wxWidgets I have installed for cross-compiling. by Dave Chapman · 18 years ago
  38. 2546906 DOS->UNIX line endings by Linus Nielsen Feltzing · 18 years ago
  39. a0f3113 Action code: Made all private functions & variables static. Better module separation, and it saves a bit of binary size. * Added a few missing 'const's. by Jens Arnold · 18 years ago
  40. f51df0d Coldfire: Put DMA1 priority back at level 7 as that seems to be the cause of the stopping during record. Make DMA1 start as it did previously. by Michael Sevakis · 18 years ago
  41. b464e7d rbutil by Björn Stenberg · 18 years ago
  42. e669709 Right. Fixed line feeds. archos.ico is binary. Added a couple more files rockbox leaves in the root to the list. by Christi Scarborough · 18 years ago
  43. 46eb5c6 main.cpp shouldn't have been here. archos.ico should be binary. by Christi Scarborough · 18 years ago
  44. 303d1e0 Oops. Forgot FILES. by Martin Arver · 18 years ago
  45. 0957acd Initial revision by Christi Scarborough · 18 years ago
  46. b9258cf Prevent recursion of the main menu, fixes FS#6010 by Peter D'Hoye · 18 years ago
  47. 7d82055 Remove the files by Martin Arver · 18 years ago
  48. 440513a Stop building, and remove dumb as it has not changed state since its initial committed state by Martin Arver · 18 years ago
  49. fbb7cea oops, forgot FILES by Nils Wallménius · 18 years ago
  50. 8db36dc Delete libFLAC - it has't been used since October 2005 by Dave Chapman · 18 years ago
  51. ed15e29 1) Delete unused files from old database and old gui files 2) Remove unneccesary includes of the old database header 3) Delete the deprecated databox plugin by Nils Wallménius · 18 years ago
  52. e226499 Add Chinese Simplified Language by Ye Wei by Jonathan Gordon · 18 years ago
  53. ca10d89 Improved charger detection for Sansa by Daniel Ankers · 18 years ago
  54. fcc0045 Beginnings of a fixed point math library for use in plugins. fsincos() only for now, mostly copied from eq.c by Jens Arnold · 18 years ago
  55. a4e06d3 Bounce demo: * Fixed title splash, this was broken for ages. * Fixed both boucing/ scrolling text and background clock (RTC targets only) to properly work for all resolutions, using the new fixedpoint math library. * Coloured scrolltext no longer changes the colour of the background clock. * Some more slight fixes, and preparations for resolution dependent font bitmap. by Jens Arnold · 18 years ago
  56. a5852f6 Charger detection for Sansa by Daniel Ankers · 18 years ago
  57. f98fd72 Beginnings of a fixed point math library for use in plugins. fsincos() only for now, mostly copied from eq.c by Jens Arnold · 18 years ago
  58. f28a15f Remove useless code from rolo.c by Daniel Ankers · 18 years ago
  59. cb51abb Slightly improved RoLo for PortalPlayer targets by Daniel Ankers · 18 years ago
  60. 9910993 The sims hate me again. by Michael Sevakis · 18 years ago
  61. eca9f7f Place all recording functionality on pcmrec thread to serialize all recording operations. Button mash problems should be ruled out of pcm_record.c. Add additional lightweight checks by default and display any warnings that occurred during recording in first line of recording screen when they occur by blinking back and forth from warning display to normal line (Warning: <hex bitmask>). Warnings are cleared when beginning a new recording so write the number down if you see it and file a report. Add heavier checks when PCMREC_PARANOID is defined in the player config header (encoders and pcm_record must be aware of the define since it changes the chunk header format). These checks are mainly concerned with things that may cause skipping but also add unwanted overhead for normal operation. Best used with logf enabled. by Michael Sevakis · 18 years ago
  62. 0a8d882 Remove unused code in (and hence simplify) the ipod bootloader - the image header parsing and memmove isn't used in Rockbox, it was just leftover from the original ipodlinux loader. Note that we still need the empty space in the bootloader (400 bytes starting at 0x100 - the 'boot_table' definition in firmware/target/arm/crt0-pp.S) to maintain compatibility with ipod_fw/make_fw (which will write information there that we have always ignored). by Dave Chapman · 18 years ago
  63. 3f85262 Initial attempt at adding support for firmware images with 2048-byte sectors. Sector size is auto-detected, so both 5g and "5.5g" users can use the "-g video" (or its alias, "-g 5g") option to manipulate the firmware. I have tested this patch with 3G, 4G and 5G (512-byte sectors) and 5G (2048-byte sectors) images and it generates a "rockboot.bin" file with a matching MD5 checksum to either the previous version of ipod_fw.c, or the patched "ipod_fw_5.5g.c", as appropriate. by Dave Chapman · 18 years ago
  64. 7d0f005 To reduce confusion, renamed 'Mic' to 'Internal Mic'. Maybe Line In should also be renamed to Line In / External Mic by Peter D'Hoye · 18 years ago
  65. 65d6ab1 Move I2S initialisation out of the Wolfson codec driver by Daniel Ankers · 18 years ago
  66. acbbe82 Move I2S initialisation out of the Wolfson codec driver by Daniel Ankers · 18 years ago
  67. 3e1f837 Turned function back into define as that uses less bytes because gcc inlined the function. by Peter D'Hoye · 18 years ago
  68. 81f76f2 Fix some comments, and make code consistent with comments (CSMR2 was set to 1M instead of 64K). by Jens Arnold · 18 years ago
  69. 7ccb505 Sync with ipodlinux CVS by Dave Chapman · 18 years ago
  70. 552ac5a Fix crash in browser when using very big fonts and show path option together. Solves FS#6397. Patch created by Mark Arigo and modified by me. Minor code ploicing while in there. by Peter D'Hoye · 18 years ago
  71. 9b72023 iRiver: Clearing CRSEL bit when using default CPU frequency caused audio chip to run at half frequency when radio screen called cpu_idle_mode(true) and corresponding high end loss after kepress timeout. CRSEL was originally preserved when bypassing PLL. CRSEL shouldn't have any bearing on PSTCLK or SCLK when PLL is bypassed since the dividers are bypassed as well (except for the divX2 for SCLK). by Michael Sevakis · 18 years ago
  72. 4ccbcc8 Last part of iCatcher and UniCatcher updates... add Sansa versions by Marianne Arnold · 18 years ago
  73. ed7cebd iCatcher/UniCatcher: fix small glitches in the wps's that had playlist position and total number of playlist entries at the right side by Marianne Arnold · 18 years ago
  74. e52674d UniCatcher: (1) add dedicated greyscale bitmaps(2) 'rename' the respective wps file as it didn't follow the convention ('...x1.wps' instead of '...x2.wps') (3) remove the formerly used animation and volume bitmaps that were real greyscale because they are now superceeded by the new ones which only contain the four greys and are named consistently - should be safe now if one decides to tweak greyscale some more - by Ioannis Koutoulakis by Marianne Arnold · 18 years ago
  75. 5842731 forgot to commit those removed bmps, too by Marianne Arnold · 18 years ago
  76. da67b90 iCatcher: (1) add dedicated greyscale bitmaps for H1x0 and Mini (2) 'rename' the respective wps files as they didn't follow the convention ('...x1.wps' instead of '...x2.wps') and adapt this in WPSLIST (3) remove the formerly used animation and volume bitmaps that were real greyscale because they are now superceeded by the new ones which only contain the four greys and are named consistently - should be safe now if one decides to tweak greyscale some more - by Ioannis Koutoulakis by Marianne Arnold · 18 years ago
  77. d00f1d5 Add "m4b" to the list of supported filename extensions. by Magnus Holmgren · 18 years ago
  78. e9163b4 Add the GPL to the manual. Some changes to the license section and also to the GFDL to better fit in our manual (in style, not content) by Martin Arver · 18 years ago
  79. 5931ab2 Minor corrections to FLAC seeking calculations by Adam Boot · 18 years ago
  80. a5ececc Oops, that'll just keep resetting the timeout to 20s every time sys_poweroff is called and won't add the 8s recording margin. by Michael Sevakis · 18 years ago
  81. 0d768a3 SWCODEC Recording: 1) Fix minor bug of not subtracting line aligment adjustment from buffer size. 2) Handle stop and pause better and let pcmrec thread lock the DMA as that could cause prerecording to get disabled internally 3) Make sure to snapshot DMA write index to ensure compiler doesn't perform multiple access when calculating available data (probably just paranoia on my part) 4) Handle USB connect in recording thread a little better by resetting hardware to defaults after closing 5) Make power managment stop recording properly when powering off (ie. no yield() from interrupt handler! :) by Michael Sevakis · 18 years ago
  82. 5652b25 Always use a black backgound while displaying images in jpegviewer, and use the usual foreground/background colors and backdrop in the jpegviewer menu by Nils Wallménius · 18 years ago
  83. 3183aea AAC/ALAC: Fix display of ReplayGain values (e.g., in the ID3 Info screen). by Magnus Holmgren · 18 years ago
  84. aec4bab Small delay before cutting off power to allow all hardware (especially by Miika Pekkarinen · 18 years ago
  85. de100c3 AAC codec: accept M4B files. by Magnus Holmgren · 18 years ago
  86. 7aab530 Make the AAC (and ALAC) codec more flexible when dealing with the MP4 file structure. Should fix some podcasts that don't play. by Magnus Holmgren · 18 years ago
  87. b774bae Coldfire targets: Fixed performance-hitting bug for unaligned transfers. Now unaligned transfers are less than 10% slower than aligned transfers. by Jens Arnold · 18 years ago
  88. 4c43d94 Removed extraneous #ifdef. by Jens Arnold · 18 years ago
  89. 8eaa685 Fix an errant #if effecting targets with MEM <= 8 by Mark Arigo · 18 years ago
  90. 998f1c5 put back the return types which got lost in the previous commit by Marcoen Hirschberg · 18 years ago
  91. 1b967f4 move some audio driver specific code to the correspoding files by Marcoen Hirschberg · 18 years ago
  92. 3e24665 Fix settings not saving to disk correctly, (fixes FS#6408) by Jonathan Gordon · 18 years ago
  93. 761122d Fix for FS#6328. Simulator battery level now goes down in roughly 1% increments roughly every second. by Dan Everton · 18 years ago
  94. edbd1cd first step in audio driver unification: renaming the functions to audio_* (missed this one) by Marcoen Hirschberg · 18 years ago
  95. 6c2e1b8 first step in audio driver unification: renaming the functions to audio_* by Marcoen Hirschberg · 18 years ago
  96. 77d039b first step in audio driver unification: renaming the functions to audio_* by Marcoen Hirschberg · 18 years ago
  97. 46a608b PLL was incorrectly initialized causing system to crash when ran from ROM. by Miika Pekkarinen · 18 years ago
  98. 51189b4 Small change to PCM recording API for low latency effects. Latency can be as low as 14 samples from input to output including the FIFOs (ColdFire) but 16 is more reasonable an expectation if only tranferring one sample per interrupt (\!). May convert PCM playback to use the same method as it can still be used in the old manner with some slight mods but has the potential to enable new features since it is more flexible. by Michael Sevakis · 18 years ago
  99. 1ff7652 And this too. by Miika Pekkarinen · 18 years ago
  100. 86d0d91 Forgot to commit this. by Miika Pekkarinen · 18 years ago